HigH scHooL BaseBaLL Lakeside takes weekend win over Evangel PAGE 6 MINDEN RESS ERALD P -H www.press-herald.com April 27, 2015 | 50 Cents MONDAY INSIDE today arts in MinDen Louisiana LegisLature Lake Bistineau bill goes to Artist finds meaning after filming documentary House floor NEWS PG.2 Monday MICHELLE BATES
[email protected] A House bill to create revenue for Lake Bistineau that will help in the fight against giant salvinia is expected to go to the floor Monday. Kennedy Dent paints Olivia Velarice’s face Saturday during the 21st annual Spring Arts Festival known House Bill 228, authored by state as ChickenStock. Bruce Franklin/Press-Herald Rep. Gene Reynolds, if passed would dedicate $300,000 of the state’s mineral income from activities on certain water Best Kare bottoms of Lake Journey Bistineau to weevil pro- duction for control of Style Show giant salvinia on t he lake. In years past, Reynolds REYNOLDS LIFE PG.5 ChickenStock says, the bill did not make it. This year is a little different in that some things were amended that he feels will help it move forward. “We amended it a little bit, and I draws hundreds think it will pass this time,” he said. The proposed law would dedicate the funds from of the state leases, royal- MICHELLE BATES ties, bonuses and rights-of-way from
[email protected] activity on Lake Bistineau for weevil production. It w ould create the Lake Chickenstock was a success Bistineau Management Account in the despite strong storms that blew conservation fund.