Mr. Speaker in the Chair.)
Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 1697 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA Title: Friday, April 14, 1972 2:30 p.m. (The House met at 2:30 pm.) PRAYERS (Mr. Speaker in the Chair.) head: POINT OF PRIVILEGE MR. STROM: Mr. Speaker, I rise today on a point of privilege. Before stating my point of privilege, Mr. Speaker, I would like to read section 1081 of Beauchesne. It reads as follows: "Anything which may be considered a contempt of court by a tribunal is a breach of privilege if perpetrated against parliament such as wilful disobedience to or open disrespect of the valid rules, orders, or process or the dignity and authority of the House, whether by disorderly, contemptuous or insolent language or behaviour or any other disturbing conduct or by a mere failure to obey its orders." On February 16, 1972, an Order in Council 220/72 was passed and signed by the hon. the Premier as Chairman of the Executive Council. It reads as follows: Approved and Ordered, O.C. 220/72 (Signed) Edmonton, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR February 16, 1972. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the President of the Executive Council, dated February 2, 1972, the Executive Council advises that the Lieutenant Governor in Council, pursuant to section 14 of The Legislative Assembly Act, do order as follows: 1. The following Members of the Legislative Assembly are hereby appointed to serve on the MLA TASK FORCE ON AGRICULTURE: Marvin Moore - Co-Chairman James Miller - Co-Chairman Gordon Stromberg Rudolph Zander John Batiuk Allison Fluker Frank Appleby Donald Hansen William Purdy Leslie Young Julian Koziak Ronald Ghitter Catherine Chichak Jack Cookson Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 1698 29-2 ALBERTA HANSARD April 14th 1972 2.
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