University of Hawai‘i at Hilo · Hawai‘i Community College HOHONU 2013 Vol. 11 frack. Fox explains: “the 2005 energy bill pushed The Discourse of Keeping through Congress by Dick Cheney exempts the oil and Hydraulic Fracturing out of natural gas industries from Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Superfund law, Legislation and about a dozen other environmental and Democratic Evelyn Moos,
[email protected] regulations.” Cheney, who was once the head of LING 412 Gas Land Analysis, UH Hilo Halliburton, and other politicians, such as Dan Boren (former Senator (R)) from Oklahoma, are unapologetic Abstract. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is a process regarding their confict-of-interest. Boren says in the that is potentially detrimental to the environment and documentary, “I am proud that I am supported by the oil hazardous to humans’ health. Companies that engage and gas industry.” John Hanger of the Pennsylvania EPA, in this process and politicians who stand to beneft when interviewed by Fox, justifes the EPA’s policy not from these companies’ success keep themselves free of to investigate fracking as a business decision. “I have to legal scrutiny through a number of tactics. This paper make trade-offs,” he explains when asked about fracking will explore and discuss mainly the tactics employed in affecting the health of Pennsylvania’s residents, and discourse that dismiss claims and defect responsibility endangering the public water supply. When a resident regarding the negative effects of fracking, especially those who leased her land to a natural gas company asked the presented in Josh Fox’s documentary, Gas Land, and its EPA for help, she was told there is no government agency response from the natural gas industry on EnergyInDepth.