TUG Steering Commitfee
TUG Steering Commitfee Donald Knuth, Grand Wizard of 'LE)C-arcane Richard Palais, Chairman of the Steering Committee Robert Morris, Secretary and Wisard of Macros Samuel Whidden, Treasurer Robert Welland, TUGboat Editor Luis Trabb-Pardo, Vice Grand Wisard Ignacio Zabala, Wizard of TjijX-in-Pascal David F'uchs, Wizard of 1/0 and SAIL Barbara Beeton, Wizard of Format Modules Nicholas Allen, Wizard of TOPS-10 Arnold Pizer, Wizard of TOPS-10 Phil Sherrod, Wizard of TOPS-10, Coordinator for DEClO Patrick Milligan, Wizard of TOPS-20, Coordiaator for DECSO Michael Spivak, Wizard of AH-= Richard Zippel, Wiaard of ITS Hermann Zapf, Wizard of Fonts Charles Howerton, Liaison with the National Bureau of Standards Richard Friday, Liaison with Digital Equipment Corporation Michael Bennett, Foreign Distribution of QJC Site Coordinators Eagle Berns, Coordinator for IBM 370 Thea Hodge, Coordinator for CDC Cyber Scott McCourt, Coordinator for Burroughs Monte Nichols, Coordinator for VAX Ralph Stromquist, Coordinator for Unim 1100 Very few compositors are fond of algebra. Thomas MacKellar The American Printer: A Manual of ~ography, Philadelphi$ MachIlar, Smiths & Jordan, 1871. THE 'QjX USERS GROUP NEWSLETTER EDITORROBERT WELLAND VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 ' PROVIDENCE TUGboat, Vdume 2, No. 1 ADDRESSES OF TUG boat AUTHORS 6 February 1981 BEETON, Bdua INCmPI, Janet mcr, L~OA. American Mathematical Society Department of Compukr &boa Bell Northern Inc. P.O. Box 6248 Brown Unirerrif 685A MiddMeld Road Providence., RI 02040 Box 1910 Mountaii View, CA 040424 401-272-0500 Providence, IU OaOla 415-960-9170 401-86S3342 BE6LN8, Em SIIEILBOD, PM Po@ 2iM KELLER, Arthur M. Box 15W, Station B Stanford Center for Infolp~tion Department of Computer Science Vmderbilt UniversitJ Pro- Stanford Unh* Nauhvflle, TN 37B5 Stanford Unirenity Stanford, CA 0405 615-32%7?311, ext.
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