Boot Camp is a popular interval class that combines body weight callisthenic with cardio and . Our boot camp classes are designed in a way to be diverse and push our participants harder than they'd push themselves. We want to keep you guessing and challenge you in a different way every class! Our goal is to offer encouragement and camaraderie rather than intimidation. We want you to have tons of fun – but, be prepared to get your fitness on!

Similar to the HIIT format we offer, this one-hour class offers multiple interval-timed formats combined with strength repetition drills. A variety of equipment may be utilized such as dumb bells, resistance bands and tubing, along with other goodies!

Dynamic warm up as well as cool down flexibility exercises are included in the Bootcamp experience. While we accommodate all fitness levels and, strongly encourage you work at your own pace. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have joint or back concerns.

It’s A HIIT!

HIIT (High Intensity ) is a training technique in which you give all-out, 100% effort through quick, intense bursts of followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more body fat in less time.

It also increases the body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery. This process, also known as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), is the reason why HIIT will help burn more calories and body fat than traditional aerobic and steady state workouts.

The American College of Sports Medicine, which recommends 20 minutes of more vigorous activity three days per week, notes that HIIT workouts tend to burn 6 percent to 15 percent more calories compared to other workouts, thanks to the calories you burn after you exercise.

The 30-50 minute session is challenging, yet fun! Participants utilize dumb bells, resistance bands and tubing and, of course, their own bodyweight. Included in the session is the dynamic warm up, as well as the cool down flexibility session. Working at one’s own pace is highly encouraged as everyone is at different fitness levels. Success is guaranteed as participants are offered modifications to progress and regress with each exercise, as needed. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have joint or back concerns.

Total Body Sculpt

Total Body Sculpt’s class format is designed to improve strength and muscle definition, providing a results-oriented whole body workout. We incorporate dumb bells, resistance tubing, bands and, the most important component of all, our own bodyweight!

Although the class is non-aerobic in nature, some elements of the class may briefly raise the heart rate. We also include a series of core exercises designed to improve posture and balance. Additionally, it has the added bonus of resulting in toned, tight abs, which will prove most effective when all the muscle groups are working together. This 45-60 minute session includes a dynamic warm up and beneficial flexibility exercises for the cool down. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have joint or back concerns


POUND® workouts combine cardio interval training with drumming to provide a challenging, heart-pumping workout. Through the use of a series of isometric and plyometric movements, this class offers a total body workout that targets your inner and outer thighs, buttocks, and core. Additionally, the class will help with agility, coordination, and strength.

Through the use of heart-pounding music and weighted drumstick routines, you won’t believe how fast the time flies and, more importantly, you won’t believe what a great workout you’ll receive. These 45-60 minute classes includes a warm up and cool down and is guaranteed to let you POUND® away any frustrations you may have! Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have any joint or back concerns.

Vinyasa Power Yoga

Vinyasa Power Yoga is an active fitness-based form of yoga where students move fluidly from one pose to the next associating their breathing to their movements. This class integrates strength, flexibility, balance, cardio, and physical and mental stamina by incorporating interval and cross-training exercises that challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body.

These 45-60 minute classes will help to support your blood pressure, circulation, cardiovascular endurance, respiratory, and metabolism to name a few benefits stemming from the practice of Vinyasa Power Yoga. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have any joint or back concerns.

Circuit Training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity to target strength building and muscular endurance. Circuit classes utilize several different methods of completing exercise circuits, which is the completion of all prescribed exercises in the training circuit. An all-strength circuit can burn 30 percent more calories than a typical weight workout and offers more cardio benefits. A circuit that combines cardio and strength moves will help blast fat and sculpt muscles as well as burning up to 10 calories a minute.

Circuit Training is an efficient, challenging form of conditioning that will help to develop strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, flexibility, and coordination. These 60 minute classes include a dynamic warm-up as well as a period of for cool down. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have any joint or back concerns.

Tabata HiiT

Tabata gets its name from Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese physician and researcher. Dr. Tabata conducted an interval- based training study to see whether there would be any benefits achieved from doing a 20 second all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest for athletes. During his study, the control group completed 1 hour of moderate-intensity exercise 5 days a week for a total of 6 weeks. The experimental group completed 20 sec/10 sec high-intensity Tabata-style training 5 days a week for the same 6 week period. This totaled 1,800 minutes of total exercise for the control group compared to 120 minutes of training for the Tabata group.

At the end of the experiment, Dr. Tabata found the following:

• The Tabata group improved their aerobic ability, which burns fat, improves your mood, strengthens the heart and lungs, and reduces the risk of . • The Tabata group also increased their anaerobic fitness level by 28%, which helps to build lean muscle mass so that the body can burn calories more efficiently. This means that an increase in your anaerobic fitness level allows your body to burn more calories even when your body is at rest. THIS MEANS THAT YOUR BODY WILL CONTINUE TO BURN FAT FOR 24 HOURS AFTER YOU COMPLETE YOUR TABATA STYLE EXERCISE, which is why many people like this style of workout to help lose weight!

These 45 minute classes include a dynamic warm-up as well as a period of stretching for cool down. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have any joint or back concerns.

Core Fusion

Core Fusion is an abdominal/core workout that enables students to work at their own intensity level by using strictly their own body weight or intensifying the burn by adding additional weight from dumbbells. While there is little actual cardio involved, this class is sure to get your heart pumping and your abdominals burning!

These Core Fusion classes will not only help to strengthen and tighten your core muscles for that bikini body, but also help in preventing injuries, assist with your stability, balance, and posture, and allow for easier breathing. These 45 minute classes include a dynamic warm-up as well as a period of stretching for cool down. Please inform the instructor prior to class if you have any joint or back concerns.