GRACE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY for excellence in sport developing people academically, personally and professionally Grace International Academy is a talent development programme for A-Level students across diverse careers in sport

“sport is our vehicle for developing people” It’s elite mentoring, for people who want to be high-achievers

“sport is our vehicle for developing people” Career and Sport-specific Coaching Academies

Each Academy is led by an experienced professional and supported by outstanding coaches to ensure every individual feels inspired to become a high-achiever in their chosen field. Grace Media Academy

Grace Media Academy is led by Gavin Scovell, leading international TV Director and respected mentor to international TV Presenters. Career Development Workshops

Elite Coaching with former England Assistant Manager, John Gorman and International Performance Scientist, Dr Ken West. Career Development Workshops

1. Outside Broadcast visit to World Snooker Tournament with Gavin Scovell, international TV Director. 2. Psychology & ‘The Business of Football’ Workshop with chartered Psychologist Michael Brooke and international Business Consultant Alex Fynn. 3. Music, Performing Arts and Creativity Workshop with John Altman, Award-winning international musician, composer, conductor and arranger. 4. Interview training with TV Presenter Mark Pougatch.


2. 3.

4. The All-Rounder Leadership Programme

The All-Rounder Leadership Programme is the premium offer from the Grace International Academy’s diverse range of programmes.

It provides the complete package of future career coaching/mentoring interventions and the well-being programme called ‘Inner Fitness Plus’.

The opportunity is coupled with study for A-Levels/BTEC in full-time education (initially at Charters School) and offers access to employers across diverse careers associated with sport.

Journeys Through Sport Ltd has agreed to sponsor up to six fully-funded Grace Scholars to receive the bespoke mentoring programme offer in the academic year September 2018 – July 2019.

The aim is to create powerful advocacy and inspire future Ambassadors for both the All-Rounder Leadership Programme and the Grace International Academy. About Us

At Journeys Through Sport, we use sport as a vehicle for learning.

Why Grace?

Towards grace as a way of being: Being graceful on the field, being graceful off the field.

Grace through sport:

• Graceful performance - grace in motion • Graceful behaviour - gracious in defeat, humble in success

What’s the difference that will make the difference?

The All-Rounder Leadership Programme will be led by richly-experienced mentors, with a major focus on ‘Inner Fitness’ to build resilience and enhance the well-being of our students.

Each participant will be nurtured as a unique individual.

Individuals will also work within a group context, led by Learning Mentors, to enable all-round development in each person. We focus on developing ‘the whole person’, not just ‘the work person’. Insight from a Sporting Legend

Sachin Tendulkar

“My father taught me it was good to want to be a top performer. But, he told me there was a lot of life to be lived after cricket. He said it was more important to be a good human being because it is you, the person, you carry forward in life. I learned to ask myself, this question: can I make myself a better person for tomorrow?”

Sky Sports Cricket, July 2018 Insights from Brilliant Sporting All-Rounders

Claire Taylor MBE

“The importance of balance in a person’s life is something that I learnt through challenging personal experiences, as an international cricketer. I aim to inspire people to develop all parts of self, so they can enjoy greater ‘all-round’ success.”

Gary Lineker OBE

“I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to have good mentors in your life - people who really know top sport, and have your best interests at heart.”

“I think the All-Rounder Leadership Programme will prove invaluable for young people. I think this programme will give people a great deal and help people through the voices, the experience, the quality of those who are involved as Mentors on the programme – people who have been there themselves, seen it, done it and gone right to the top.

I wish I had this opportunity when I was 18, 19, 20 years old to get the information from people I would certainly respect.” Mission

We will inspire young people, through sport, to become successful ‘leaders in life’.

At Journeys Through Sport, we are passionate about education, leadership, sport, good coaching and all-round good health.

Journeys Through Sport adds value by developing leaders through sport. In the process, we aim to make a meaningful contribution towards building a better future society.

Neil Burns and his trusted network of Professional Mentors and Professional Associates believe in the notion that “better people play better sport”.

We think the best leaders offer a quality personal example. They focus their attention on being more than just a good individual – they also serve others wisely. Thus, our focus is on developing both the inner leadership and the outer leadership capability in people.

We empower people to develop themselves from ‘the inside out’. We believe that by nurturing individuals to be more effective (both as individuals and as members of groups), it will enable healthier teams and stronger communities to be forged.

We want participants on our programmes to develop as “humble learners, in service of others”. Value Proposition

We offer a rare opportunity for A-Level students to explore future careers.

Students can build a stronger foundation for future job placement/university entry, through receiving professional mentoring from people who have “been there and done it” - either as high-acheiving performers or coaches.

The Grace International Academy also offers professional mentoring from high-achievers in a range of diverse careers associated with sport.

Fundamentally, we will help young people learn more about developing the mindset which will help each person become a more effective learner, and ultimately become a high-achiever.

We want young people to develop more grit. We want them to develop as ‘whole people’, and be able to develop (and look after) their resilience, so they can excel in their desired future career.

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We will help participants increase their prospects of securing either employment, or the University option(s) relevant to their desired career.

16-19 year-olds can benefit from regular coaching and mentoring sessions from highly-respected professionals and leading psychologists, thus helping them to understand more about their capability and how best to develop their potential. We want to help our learners become even smarter learners. We want them to learn how to use their time and energy more wisely, and be able to perform with increasing effectiveness over time.

The challenge is for participants to: • Inspire themselves to become more self-aware • Become more comfortable expressing their emotions • Learn how to respond wisely in a variety of different contexts • Develop an understanding of how best to adapt to a variety of conditions Our Message to Students

“Build strong foundations - both as a person, and for your future career.”

Our message to ambitious young people; who want to develop their understanding and capability in one of the many diverse careers offered by the Grace International Academy programme, is to sign up (for Application Form please click here) and get closer to accessing deeper learning about your ‘dream job’.

We want to offer young people a rare chance to gain a deeper understanding of their capability to possibly excel in one of these many, diverse careers associated with sport.

A selection of careers associated with sport

• Auctioneering (IPL); • Sports Editor; • Bespoke Tailoring for Celebrities; • Sporting Hospitality; • Brand Creation, Development and Management; • Sports Law; • Camerawork; • Sports Leadership/Corporate Governance; • Coaching Sport; • Sports Management; • Documentary/Film-making; • Sports Marketing; • Event Management; • Sports Media; • Film-Researcher; • Social Media Sports Professional; • Graphic Design; • Sports Medicine; • Investment & Wealth Management; • Sports Nutrition; • Leading A Sport (Being a CEO); • Sports Personality PR; • Lecturing/Researcher on the History of Sport; • Sporting Portrait Photography; • Legacy Project Director; • Sports Promotion; • Museum Curator; • Sports Psychology; • Playing Sport; • Sports Writing; • Refereeing/Umpiring Sport; • Strength & Conditioning Coaching; • Social Media Sports Professional; • Sub-Editor; • Sports Action Photography; • Talent Management; • Sports Administration; • Teaching Sport; • Sports Agent; • TV Presenting; • Sports Commentating; • TV Production; • Sporting Directorship/Team Management; Key Questions Answered

1. Why Sport?

Sport is our vehicle for developing people.

At Journeys Through Sport, we feel passionately about giving young people the opportunity to develop their ‘all-round’ potential. By focusing attention on both education and sport, we think greater possibilities could emerge in a person’s life.

“You don’t just need a good education as a back-up if you don’t make the grade in top sport. You need a good education to succeed, if you do make the grade in top sport.”

John Inverarity (Retired Headmaster, former Australian Test Cricketer, retired National Selector for Cricket Australia)

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Everyone connected with Journeys Through Sport wants to contribute towards developing a better future society. We use sport as a vehicle for co-creating learning contexts that can inspire deeper wisdom.

The inter-personal relationship skills developed through sport can offer people an excellent foundation for being a better team player in future life. We aim to enhance people’s ability to engage successfully with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.

Our Advisory Board at Journeys Through Sport comprises richly-experienced leaders from the diverse world of business, education and sport. We think the key to developing human potential is to focus on the person’s ‘all-round’ development. This means the focus is on a commitment to achieving in both academic life and in sporting/career life, through becoming a smarter learner.

And, we think that a good ‘all-round’ education is fundamental to building a strong foundation for progress in order to enjoy meaningful success in life. Why the Grace International Academy?

We believe the integration of both education and sport can help people transform their lives for the better.

We want to apply (on a practical basis) our shared philosophy, our learning and our experience of the many diverse careers associated with sport, for the benefit of others. We want to offer young people a future with greater possibilities. We want to make it happen.

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We believe that each person who commits fully to the programme, will be more able to make a highly-effective contribution towards life. Because we think learning groups are communities in which young people can really thrive, our Learning Mentors will to do all they can to build trust-based relationships with young people, so that we can serve their best interests over the course of the programme.

We will be inviting mature adults (with a background of professional and personal success) to share their experience and co-create learning with a future generation of high-achievers. We know how important it is to see each person as a unique individual, and to co-create learning contexts which are relevant to each human being. This is reflected by our desire to help others experience ‘the magic of learning’ and meaningful connection. This means creating relevance in each session - when education is linked to career development and improving future prospects.

We are passionate advocates for people being nurtured as unique individuals – this means offering 1-to-1 coaching, and providing learning contexts that prioritise individual time for both professional observation, feedback and a quality of professional facilitation that is adapted to the learning style of the individual being mentored.

Our humanistic approach to developing people will enable the student to better understand the power of reflective conversation with ‘a significant other’. We will schedule time for further quality self-reflection with students, so they can consider how best to adapt their nature and use themselves more wisely. We want our students to be able to relate brilliantly with a variety of other people.

By creating a Project that offers high-level professional support across a broad range of careers in sport and within a respected educational establishment for state-school pupils, we believe we have created a unique offering. It serves our purpose of wanting to contribute towards building a better future society.

Through nurturing emerging talent, offering wise coaching (plus other interventions where and when appropriate) the Grace International Academy will inspire people to establish healthy values, refine their thinking and develop helpful attitudes that will help them achieve desired outcomes over time. We want to create greater opportunity, through sport, for people to understand how to interact more respectfully with others. Irrespective of a person’s family background, their individual past (some talented people can be labelled as “difficult” by others), the colour of their skin, or their religion, we want to identify and develop talent based on the following three factors:

• Ability - the human potential to excel • Desire - the hunger to become a smart learner, and help form an alumni network • Ambition - to do good in the world, and be in service of others 2. Who benefits?

Our wish is for everyone both male and female, to experience greater all-round opportunity to excel in life.

By exploring education more broadly, and experiencing sport on a deeper level, we think our approach to nurturing people will help them become ‘more alive to opportunity’, As a charity, we want to inspire young people, especially those from less-advantaged communities.

Who is the Grace International Academy for?

The ‘all-round’ opportunity, via the Grace International Academy, is for 16-19 year-old students who aspire to be successful.

We enable students in full-time education* to benefit from professional mentoring to deepen their learning. The Grace International Academy will help young people become better at what they do (Outer Leadership) and also in how they are (Inner Leadership) so they can step up with more courage and curiosity, and make an even more powerful impact on the world.

*(N.B. Initially at Charters School, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, UK.)

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Fundamentally, we aim to help young people learn more about how to become a smarter learner, develop more grit, look after their resilience, and learn how nurture their well-being, as well as helping them develop their career poten- tial.

Whether a young person’s desire is to be a player of the future, a coach of the future, or become a future professional in the media (behind or in front of the camera), or to establish the foundation for a future career in sports medicine, in sports law, or on the business administration of top sport, our bespoke offer is tailored to match their ambition. London County Consulting

London County Consulting Ltd ( is an Official Partner of the Grace International Academy.

London County Consulting will provide coaching and professional mentoring services to support the development of people on the project.

London County Mentoring offers a team of richly-experienced Professional Coaches, Professional Mentors, and Leadership Development Consultants, who will be working with the Grace International Academy, to help students on the programme understand and realise their human potential.

Their role,will be to help to re-build the confidence of those who may have experienced rejection previously from other sporting systems. Such examples would be ‘discarded players’ from professional football/cricket/rugby club academy programmes. We also want to inspire ‘late-starters’ and ‘late-developers’ to believe it is never too late to become a high-achiever provided the individual commits to the process of developing excellence.

By offering an alternative sporting option for those who are gifted and talented in sport (many of who cannot commit to balancing education and training with National Governing Body programmes) we think we can provide the perfect solution to the dilemma often faced by parents of gifted and talented students. Sport and education, not sport instead of education.

By studying for appropriate qualifications alongside the opportunity to be mentored, participants can further their career ambitions and get closer, over time, to landing their ‘dream job’.

The Grace International Academy wants to ensure that individuals with high academic potential do not miss out from the best of opportunities to excel in sport.

In our experience, students are (too often) required to specialise in one sport. Such influence may come from either a Professional Sporting Club Academy and/or a National Governing Body. Such decisions can compromise a young person’s performance in education, and also impact negatively upon their all-round development as a human being.

However, we do accept that this approach has worked well for some people in the past. But, for those individuals, we tend to raise the question – “how much better might they have become with a different approach?”

We believe in the notion of all-round development. We want to develop ‘whole people’. ‘The All-Round Person’

Thinking Self Learning Self

Emotional Self Skilful Self

Social Self Physical Self

Family Self Ambitious Self

Fundamental Self

“The quality of the learning space that London County Mentoring creates is special. The intimacy, the honesty, and the trust they create with their clients enables participants at their learning events really to explore what is most important to them as an individual. They offer an outstanding opportunity.”

Andy Flower OBE (Former ICC international Cricketer of the Year, 3-times Ashes-winning England Cricket Coach) 3. What is it?

The Grace International Academy is a talent development programme, for A-Level students, across diverse careers in sport.

Our approach focuses on creating an integrative process, with meaningful contributions from experts in many diverse careers..

We facilitate the involvement of top people who have the expertise to integrate learning from different worlds, so that young people can understand ‘the bigger picture’ and develop more fully.

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The Grace International Academy is a talent development programme for aspiring professionals who want to explore their potential across diverse careers associated with sport. It will develop the participants’ commitment to the philosophy of respectfulness. It focuses on developing:

• leadership capability • inner fitness & outer fitness • initiative • resourcefulness

The programme will also highlight the need for career professionals to develop a ‘healthy hinterland’, so they can have hobbies, interests, and trust-based social networks to help them understand how best to refresh and re-energise themselves for top creative performance. The programme will also broaden their professional network of people, across a wide variety of careers in top sport.

Our programmes offer stretching encounters with ‘leaders in life’. We want young people to become better all-rounders and for them to enjoy the experience of exploring all parts of self. What will the Grace International Academy do?

The Grace International Academy will empower its’ participants to develop confidence, and calm.

We aim to deepen the inner confidence of participants to enable their future success. Through the well-being programme called ‘Inner Fitness Plus’, we will help people transform their thinking, their behaviour, and ultimately, their performance.

Because we believe confidence is built on competence, we focus our work on nurturing people on both the inner, and the outer.

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We will integrate learning from different worlds – academia, health, leadership development, top sport, and well-be- ing so we can contribute towards people becoming ‘more whole’, be more rounded, and succeed across life. We focus on who you are, what you stand for, and developing your ‘all-round’ potential. We do this by helping you to teach yourself about yourself by working with a range of professional mentors.

Our humanistic approach empowers people to find their own answers, and become better balanced, before taking their next step(s) in life. We will inspire people to benefit from the ‘all-round’ approach to personal development, so they can succeed across life. By empowering people to understand more about the ‘Respectfulness’ philosophy, we believe that it can help others transform their thinking, their words, and ultimately their deeds. It becomes a healthy feedback loop over time.

By co-creating learning contexts so that people become inspired to develop their respect for self, and their respect for others, we think we can enhance the world by creating projects and leading programmes that specialise in nurturing the uniqueness of each individual. Through focusing on the development of one person (at a time) and with an “each one, teach one” philosophy, we make good use of sport as our vehicle for learning.

We want to help others become ‘leaders in life’ so that as humble learners - in service of others - they can influence many other people’s lives in the process too. People

We Integrate contributions from high-acheivers.

Top sport is different from many normal careers, hence our commitment to sharing this perspective, to help young people value their opportunity. The talent development programme offered by the Grace International Academy will provide unique access to some iconic names, and real-world achievers, who have acquired an intimate understanding of the territory.

Knowing how to navigate your way into top sport is helpful. Knowing how to survive it, is vital. Learning how to thrive within it, is invaluable. Our Professional Mentors understand the challenging environment of top sport, and they will offer a rare perspective because they have “been there, and done it” in the heat of elite level performance.

Nurturing a person’s spirit, and developing their ‘all-round’ self, as well as their capability as a future professional performer, is fundamental to our approach towards developing emerging talent. With additional assistance for help with dissolving ‘blocks to learning’ through regular access to Professional Mentoring capability, we aim to inspire transformational performance.

This educational programme is without precedent in sport at this stage of a young person’s educational development. It focuses on both the person, and the performer, as part of the on-going learning process, and not just when they may be ‘in crisis’.

Resilience will be built in the process because we will create challenging encounters in practice within a safe environment so that participants can learn to fail, and also discover how then best to recover effectively from setbacks. Participants will learn how to apply healthier ‘self-talk’ – be more kind towards self, and have the opportunity to learn to recover more effectively from setbacks, by seeing them as a gift to their long-term learning and development.

Our team will help develop emerging talent, and offer professional development across a choice of careers, and in a wide variety of different sports.

Deepening Inner Confidence

We want people to become more robust on ‘the inner’, so that life’s ups and downs will not disrupt their emotional balance.

Learn (and come to know) who you are, and what you stand for; be calm (don’t sink) under pressure; and develop the resilience for a variety of situations, in a variety of contexts.

Our aim is to enhance every individual’s thinking, so that ongoing decision-making becomes aligned to healthy values.

Participants will follow ‘The Inner Fitness Programme’ which is designed to achieve:

• A better understanding of their values • A clarity of purpose • Quality self-reflection • A deep understanding of individual strengths

Gaining these will equip each participant with enhanced thinking, emotional resilience, and better decision-making skills, to help them move forward in life.

What is Inner Fitness? ‘The Integrated Self’

Thinking Self Fundamental Self • Knowing how I think and make sense of the world • Personality and Identity • Recognising and changing learned behaviours • Values and beliefs • Challenging my assumptions • Attitudes • Spirituality • Sense of purpose and direction in life

Emotional Self Social Self • Awareness and control of my emotions and moods • Respect for others • Management of my confidence and self belief • Development of empathy • Adaptability and resilience • Trust based relationships • Development of calm • Curiosity and listening • Nurture significant relationships (family, friends, mentors) Inner & Outer

We focus on the integration of two capabilities – inner and outer.

The quality of the coaching and mentoring, is fundamental to our offer. We offer a rare opportunity to learn from real-world achievers.

“You can’t build confidence on poor competence”

John Inverarity (Retired Headmaster, former Australian Test Cricketer, retired National Selector for Cricket Australia)

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Our Professional Mentors have a shared philosophy. Their work on the programme will be aligned to the working philosophy of empowering participants to “Teach yourself about yourself” Every professional working on the programme will link in with the Programme Director to ensure alignment to the philosophy of ‘Respectfulness’. Working processes will be geared towards helping people learn how to become more resilient, more mature, and more skilful, and everything will be aligned to the notion of helping people to learn how to help themselves more effectively.

Each participant will have the privilege of engaging with two Professional Mentors – one to guide their learning and personal development, and another to guide their career/professional development.

The Mentor(s) Role in Relationship to Student:

• Learning Mentor – dealing with ‘inner blocks’ as they emerge • Career Mentor – providing observation, feedback, and more ‘food for thought’, as guidance re further professional development. The Career Mentor will integrate with the richly-experienced Skill Mentor(s) and Professional Coaches to serve the best interests of the young person’s all-round development.

From time to time, participants will be supported in a learning group (as well as time committed to individual 1-to-1 sessions) by Professional Mentors to enhance learning and development. Continued

An example of this would be the presence of a Professional Mentor to tri-angulate the input of a technical coach (such as a goalkeeping expert working with goal-keepers as part of the Grace Football Academy) to enhance the young person’s professional career development. Why this is important (and how it would work) is because it enables the learning content to be optimised through a professional person capturing it in the moment, and helping to simplify and synthesise it, both at the time with the athlete, and at a later date when a dedicated time for reflection happens.

Maximising the input from expert coaches, through video recording and by ensuring additional eyes and ears are present to ensure as near to 100% of the information shared by the coaching expert/elite performer gets processed by the learners accurately, is one of the elements of the programme which we think makes it a different and better offer to other coaching opportunities.

Because we understand that every human being is unique, and that people learn in a variety of different ways, and can really benefit from different approaches to learning, we aim to synthesise coaching information to help simplify it for the benefit of the learner. Fundamentally, it is about taking complex information and making it simpleto understand, so that it can be applied more easily in performance. 4. When will sessions happen?

Coaching, training, and practice sessions will take place both before school hours, and after normal school hours.

‘Down-time’ during school hours can also be used for additional learning and development.

We see this as being vital to participants becoming more independent as learners.

We believe that the process of working alone, and in small groups, is fundamental to develop the craft, the concentration, and the mental resilience to excel in performance.

When will it begin?

September, 2018.

On 6th September 2018, Charters School’s autumn term begins.

In late September 2018, an interview process will determine up to six Charters School students who will begin as Grace Scholars on the All-Rounder Leadership Programme during the academic year 2018/2019.

From September 2019 onwards, more students will join the programme.

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Fully-funded Grace Scholarships will enable the initial students to benefit from the opportunity provided by the Grace International Academy for Excellence in Sport.

Their modelling of ‘all-round development’ through the Grace International Academy for Excellence in Sport will be used to promote the opportunity going forwards.

It is intended that the initial Grace Scholars will become peer-learning mentors for all the participants in the following year’s intake of participants through sharing their knowledge and understanding of how the programme runs; where the key facilities are on the site at the school; and who the coaches and mentors are; as well as being able to offer guidance to newcomers on how best to balance the priorities of academic life and career development opportunities.

From 4th September 2019 onwards, more students will join up too. By joining a learning community with others (who also want to be developed as aspiring professionals), whilst studying for A-Level/B-TEC qualifications, there will be an opportunity for quality peer-learning experiences, and an alumni network to ‘tap’ in future years. 5. Where will sessions happen?

Initially, a pilot programme is being run at Charters School in Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, UK.

Charters is a state-funded school with ‘Academy’ status and has circa 1750 students currently.

Charters School’s excellent and improving sporting facilities. Combined with their stated values of UNITY, RESPECT, and EXCELLENCE, lends itself to being an ideal educational partner for the Grace International Academy.

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The link to Charters School website is here:

Other Locations

As part of the all-round opportunity, international travel will form part of the offer (at additional cost) so that participants can benefit from experiencing different cultural, climatic, and playing conditions at different times of the year.

Additionally, the travel element of the opportunity will help broaden the minds of every participant as a consequence of the programme offering access to richly-experienced Professional Mentors from other parts of the world. 6. How will success be achieved?

Success will come by empowering people to build deeper foundations for their future all-round success.

Becoming more robust on ‘the inner’ is the difference that makes the difference in top sport, and also in other professions that require people to be resilient and calm under pressure.

The Grace International Academy’s offer can underpin each participant’s future success.

We want each individual to understand themselves better, and the foundation skills to their craft, so they can succeed across life.

Intimate and candid conversations with leading figures from sports and business will happen in small groups, and will be a feature of the programme.

Guided reflection into purposeful action will enable the learning from the conversations to feed into themselves over time so that everyone can develop their own understanding of how to perform with calmness under pressure.

It can underpin each participant’s future success, across life too. Thus, building resilience, developing more curiosity about both self and others, developing independence and nurturing individual qualities to be more adaptable to a variety of groups, and a movement towards greater maturity will be key to each human being’s progress.

These characteristics - driven by a commitment towards ‘all-round development’ and a commitment to ‘mastery of the basics’, in terms of the technical fundamentals involved with a specific career, will enable each person to move forward with deeper wisdom.

We want people to be able to take their next steps in life with greater balance. Success will come from the sharing of wisdom, smart learning, hard work, and quality peer learning groups. How will it work on a week-to-week basis?

During term-time, participants can access quality facilities, both before and after school.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be offered as ‘full-on’ training days.

The opportunity for these sessions will be approved (and led) by highly-respected coaches under the guidance of the Programme Director. And, each individual can also be invited to optional sessions (mostly evenings) led by additional professional coaches too.

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One of our aims is to encourage participants to become more successful as independent-learners. We believe that people who can determine their own schedule, and decide how best to benefit from the menu of professional services on offer to them, tend to mature into high-achievers. Therefore, the programme will offer the scope for creating time and space within the schedule for individuals to determine their own activity. We empower people to be responsible for their own practice, and thus develop their learning process so they can ‘own it’ and become increasingly accountable for their thoughts, words, and actions.

On a month-to-month basis, there will be a reflection meeting with the team of Professional Mentors to ensure each participant is on track with their desired progress from both an academic perspective, and also a career development perspective. For those participants involved with other clubs and programmes, weekends will be left free for individuals to play/participate in their normal schedule and therefore maintain commitment(s) to others outside of the Grace International Academy.

During breaks from school term, there will be opportunities to experience international travel (at an additional coast) and be part of a learning process abroad. We offer the rare opportunity to make a meaningful connection with other coaches who also have coaching experience with international level performers. By offering these extra learning contexts, we believe it will offer participants on the Grace International Academy the benefits of hearing fresh voices, experiencing alternative styles of coaching, and learning from having to adapt to a different cultural environment too.

Plus, the travel experience will offer the intangible benefit of deepening relationships with those who share the journey and also with those who live on foreign soil. Nurturing such friendships can be life-changing, in terms of developing an international network, over time. How much will it cost per person?

The education part (A-Level/B-TEC) via Charters is free of charge.

Career mentoring, personal development, and professional coaching costs are listed here.

Selected Charters School students will receive fully-funded Grace Scholarships to enable them to benefit from the All-Rounder Leadership Programme, which will cover their academic years 2018 and 2019. Interviews (and selection) will take place in September 2018.

How is the career mentoring project funded?

Participants, other than fully-funded Grace Scholars, pay an annual fee.

Select students are part-funded, or fully-funded, through the Grace Scholarships fund established by Journeys Through Sport.

Fees for professional mentoring, professional coaching and professional support) to join the Bespoke Mentoring Programme that is specific to their sporting discipline/choice. To learn more about how to sign up to Grace International Academy, plus how (and when) to pay the required fees click here to learn more. Thank You

The thinking behind this project is a result of 14 years of applied research by Neil Burns and his Associates into mentoring talent.

The purpose has been to understand how to achieve all-round excellence in top sport.

Many people who have contributed to this learning process and sincere thanks are due to everyone who has participated in the many different ways they have added value to the learning mix.

In particular, the contributions of Chemmy Alcott; John Altman; ; Mike Brearley OBE; Roy Burns; Paul Carter; Jock Clear OBE; Nick Compton; Tony Cottee; Dougie Crawford; Peter Davies; Andy Farrelly OBE; Bernard Gallagher OBE; Tom Gaymor; Billy Godleman; John Gorman; Steve Harvey; Barry Hearn; Richard Hill MBE; ; Jon Holmes; Gary Holt; Professor Robert Iliffe; John Inverarity; Dr Ken Jennings; Gary Kirsten; Anil Kumble; Gary Lineker OBE; Jason Lee MBE; Hugh Leventon; Dr Ian Millward; Martyn Parker; Richard Pilgrim; Julian Powe; Dr David Priestley; Hemal Randerwala; Barry Richards; Sir Vivian Richards; Katy Sexton MBE; Ed Sinclair; Alastair Storie; Iain Sutcliffe; Julia Sutcliffe; Claire Taylor MBE; Paul Taylor; Steve Turner; Roger Uttley OBE; Stephen Waugh AO; Susan Wessels and Dr Ken West, have been both rich (in terms of insight) and most generous in other ways too.


All Enquiries

For any further information please contact Neil Burns, CEO of Journeys Through Sport Ltd

[email protected]