ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY Volume 20 Contents for October 1981 Number4 Biosynthesis; Chemistry; Mechanisms of Action and Resistance Mechanism of Action of Cinodine, a Glycocinnamoylspermidine An- tibiotic. MICHAEL GREENSTEIN,* JOHN L. SPETH, AND WIL- LIAM M. MAIESE 425-432 Inhibition of Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase by a Bacteriocin from Bacteroides fragilis. KEVIN G. MOSSIE, FRANK T. ROBB, DAVID T. JONES, AND DAVID R. WOODS* 437-442 Mode of Action of Pamamycin in . WEN- GANG CHOU AND BURTON M. POGELL* 443-454 Mode of Action of the Copper(I) Complex of 2,9-Dimethyl-1,10- Phenanthroline on Mycoplasma gallisepticum. HENDRIK SMIT, HENDERIKUS VAN DER GOOT,* WIJBE T. NAUTA, HENK TIMMERMAN, MARTINUS W. G. DE BOLSTER, AART-GERRIT JO- CHEMSEN, ADRIAN H. STOUTHAMER, AND RONALD D. VIS 455-462 Spread of R-Plasmids Among Causing Urinary Tract Infections. COLIN HUGHES,* EVA BAUER, AND ANTHONY P. ROBERTS 496-502 Arginine Regulation of S Biosynthesis. AGNES POIRIER AND ARNOLD L. DEMAIN* 508-514 Metabolism of Acyclovir in Virus-Infected and Uninfected Cells. PHILLIP A. FURMAN,* PAULO DE MIRANDA, MARTY H. ST. CLAIR, AND GERTRUDE B. ELION 518-524 Bacteriocin and Hemolysin from Streptococcus faecium. SHIZUTOSHI NAKAGAWA AND YOSHIYASU MATSUO* 542-544 Mutants of Escherichia coli That Are Resistant to Certain Beta- Lactam Compounds Lack the ompF Porin. KAREN J. HARDER, HIROSHI NIKAIDO,* AND MICHIO MATSUHASHI 549-552 Mode of Action of 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitrosobenzaldehyde from Streptomyces viridans. CHIEN-CHIN YANG AND JOHN LEONG* 558-562 Physiological Effects and Microbial Susceptibility In Vitro Activity of MK0787 (N-Formimidoyl Thienamycin) and Other Beta-Lactam Compounds Against Bacteroides spp. M. NASU, J. P. MASKELL,* R. J. WILLIAMS, AND J. D. WILLIAMS 433-436 Antibacterial Properties of Alafosfalin Combined with Cephalexin. FRANK R. ATHERTON, MICHAEL J. HALL, CEDRIC H. HASSALL, * SIMON W. HOLMES, ROBERT W. LAMBERT, WILLIAM J. LLOYD, LOUIS J. NISBET, PETER S. RINGROSE, AND DONALD WESTMACOTT 470-476 Bioassay. ROBERT M. BANNATYNE * AND ROSE CHEUNG 493-495 : Antibacterial Activity and Tentative Interpretive Zone Standards for the Disk Susceptibility Test. A. L. BARRY, * R. N. JONES, AND C. THORNSBERRY 525-529 Inhibition of Bluetongue and Colorado Tick Fever Orbiviruses by Selected Antiviral Substances. DONALD F. SMEE, ROBERT W. SIDWELL,* SCOTT M. CLARK, B. B. BARNETT, AND REX S. SPENDLOVE 533-538 Continued on followring page Continued from preceding page Serum Bactericidal Activity of Moxalactam and With and Without Tobramycin Against and Staphylococcus aureus. H. LAGAST, S. H. ZINNER, AND J. KLASTERSKY * ....539-541 Activities of New Beta-Lactam Against Isolates of Pseu- domonas aeruginosa from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. ALICE S. PRINCE AND HAROLD C. NEU* .....545-546 Susceptibility of Gram-Positive Cocci to Various Antibiotics, Includ- ing Cefotaxime, Moxalactam, and N-Formimidoyl Thienamy- cin. CHARLES E. CHERUBIN,* MICHAEL L. CORRADO, MARCE- LINO F. SIERRA, MYLES E. GOMBERT, AND MICHAEL SHULMAN 553-555 Use of Pyrazinamidase Activity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Rapid Method for Determination of Pyrazinamide Susceptibil- ity. J. KENNETH MCCLATCHY,* ANNA Y. TSANG, AND MARK S. CERNICH ... 556-557 Pharmacology and Therapeutics In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of Three Antibiotic Combinations Against Gram-Negative Bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus. S. H. ZINNER, J. KLASTERSKY,* H. GAYA, C. BERNARD, J. C. RYFF, AND THE EORTC ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY PROJECT GROUP... .. 463-469 Lack of Interference of Guanosine with Ribavirin Aerosol Treatment of Influenza A Infection in Mice. VERNON KNIGHT,* SAMUEL Z. WILSON, DAVID W. ALLING, REBECCA V. MOORE, AND ROSE M. LONGORIA ....477-480 Clinical Evaluation of with Observations on Penetrability into Cerebrospinal Fluid. GORDON M. DICKINSON,* DAVID G. DROLLER, RICHARD L. GREENMAN, AND THOMAS A. HOFFMAN 481-486 Clinical Pharmacology of Cefotaxime in Pediatric Patients. DIMI- TRIS A. KAFETZIS, D. CRAIG BRATER,* JOHN KANARIOS, CON- STANTINE A. SINANIOTIS, AND CONSTANTINE J. PAPADATOS .. 487-490 Rifampin, , Streptomycin, and Their Combinations in the Treatment of Enterococcal Pyelonephritis in Rats. PHYLLIS A. OILL,* GEORGE M. KALMANSON, AND LUCIEN B. GUZE .. 491-492 Acyclovir Therapy of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infec- tions in Rabbits. STEVEN E. SICHER AND JANG 0. OH* .503-507 Concentrations of Kanamycin and Amikacin in Human Gallbladder Bile and Wall. JOHN F. HANSBROUGH,* JAMES E. CLARK, AND LARRY G. REIMER...... 515-517 Failure of Probenecid to Alter the Pharmacokinetics of . JOHN F. JOVANOVICH, LOUIS D. SARAVOLATZ, * KEITH BURCH, AND DONALD J. POHLOD .... 530-532 Effects of Adenosine Monophosphate on the Reactivation of Latent Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infections of Mice. WILLIAM T. BLUE,* ROGER D. WINLAND, DARLENE G. STOBBS, DONNY F. KIRKSEY, AND RUSSELL E. SAVAGE 547-548 Asterisk refers to person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed.