13.—Stocks in Canada of Oats, Barley and Flaxseed, March 31,1923 and 1924.

Oats. Barley. Flaxseed.

March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, 1923. 1924. 1923. 1924. 1923. 1924.

bush. bush. bush. bush. bush. bush. 16,899,256 31,312,455 7,269,234 5,260,842 808,150 1,755,026 Flour mills 900,000 1,160,000 70,000 130,000 Transit by rail 2,755,299 2,740,933 254,096 3,235,692 96,829 112,739 171,163,000 248,363,000 17,836,000 21,492,000 837,000 2,397,400 Totals 191,717,555 283,516,388 35,429,330 30,118,534 1,741,979 4,265,165

Distribution of Wheat and Oat Crops.—The distribution of the wheat crop of Canada for each of the two years ended Aug. 31, 1923 and 1924, is calculated in Table 14. 11.—Distribution of the Canadian Wheat Crops of 1922 and 1923.

Crop Crop Crop Crop year ended year ended year ended year ended Items. Aug 31, Aug. 31, Items. Aus- 31, Aug. 31, 1923. 1924. 1923. 1924.

000 bush. 000 bush. 000 bush. 000 bush. Carry over Sept. 1,1922-23 16,013 8,932 Exports as grain. 229,682 289,190 Gross production 399,786 474,199 Exports as flour 49,811 53,959 Loss in cleaning 11,994 11,428 Total exports 279,493 343,149 Grain not merchantable 9,799 14,726 Retained for seed 39,782 40,000 Net production 377,993 448,045 Milled for food 40,865 40,444 Imports 417 423 Carried over, August 31, Available for distribution. 394,423 457,400 1923-24 :.... 8,932 26,267 Unaccounted for +25,351 f7,540

NOTE.—Flour is expressed as wheat on the basis of 1 barrel of flour, weighing 196 lb., being equal to 4J bushels of wheat. For similar calculations extending over a series of years both for wheat and oats, see the Year Book of 1920, pp. 263-266 and the Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Statistics for April, 1920 (Vol. 13, No. 140), p. 75, (Vol. 15, No. 164), p. 127, April, 1923 (Vol. 16, No. 176), p. 134, and April, 1924 (Vol. 17, No. 188), p. 129. Table 15 presents similar data in respect of oats. The bulk of this crop is con­ sumed as food for live stock, and the table shows approximately how the remaining portion of the crop is disposed of, including the quantities exported as grain, oat­ meal and rolled oats, the quantity retained for seed and the quantity milled for home consumption, representing chiefly oatmeal and rolled oats used for human food. The carry-over represents grain in the elevators, in farmers' hands, in transit, etc., and the balance is the quantity consumed in Canada for feeding to live stock, the amount being estimated at 380,017,000 bushels in 1923 and 481,262,000 bushels in 1924. 15.—Distribution of the Canadian Oat Crops of 1922 and 1923.

Crop Crop Crop Crop year ended year ended year ended year ended Items. Aug. 31, Aug. 31, Items. Aug. 31, Aug. 31, 1923. 1924. 1923. 1924.

000 bush. 000 bush. 000 bush. 000 bush. Carry over, Sept. 1,1922-23 15,274 20,979 Exports as grain 23,561 37,625 Gross production 491,239 563,997 Exports as meal, etc 2,344 5,245 Grain not merchantable.... 38,670 28,230 Total exports 25,905 42,870 Net production 452,569 592,227 Retained for seed 34,325 36,201 Imports 414 185 Milled for home consump­ Available for distribution.. 468,257 613,391 tion 7,031 7,463 Carry over, August 31, 1923-24 20,797 45,595 Balance for home con­ sumption as grain 380,017 481,262