Stall Surtax Extension
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Browning Named Principal at Red Bank High SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Foggy TMDMLY Cloudy, patchy fog, chance FINAL of few brief showers, cloudy Red Bank, Freehold again. Long Branch EDITION • (get Detain, Pus n 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 9 Years VOL. $1, NO. 255 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1969 32 PAGES 10 CENTS ••••••mi McKnight Says Police Not Racist By DORIS KULMAN ' throwing vandalism by black A group of 15 black parents he denied that it has been at ty, and need to be given some The mayor said the pro- BED BANK-Police Chief youths which gripped the pre- and youths met with Mayor gunpoint, and he said police understanding of the black gram was being planned be- Leroy McKnight in an Inter- dominantly Negro Westside Daniel J. O'Hern and the Bor- also stpp white youths for ID community's problems. They fore the outbreak of van- view yesterday firmly denied for three days last weekend, ough Council privately Mon- checks. will have to treat black youths dalism last Friday. He said that Red Bank police are ra- inflicting thousands of dollars day night. They had one com- The curfew, which requires as human beings. I don't it's part of modern police cist. worth' of property damage plaint, Mayor O'Hern re- those under 18 to be off the think they've" been ' doing training, and doesn't imply The chief branded "untrue and prompting the continuing ported later: "Uneven en- streets by 9 p.m., "is for the that, and to that extent criticism of the police. and unwarranted" the allega- 9 p.m-6 a.m. curfew for mi- forcement of the liw ... They whole town, the Eastside as they're responsible for what's Chief McKnight under- tions of police racism which nors. feel black people aren't being well as the Westside," the going on." scored that yesterday. have been made by young During those disturbances treated with the respect and chief noted. Mr. Thompson, said that In implementing the pro- people and adult leaders of a five-hour blaze termed "def- courtesy they should be." Several leaders of the black "there are decent policemen gram, "We're not saying all the black community. initely suspicious" gutted the One of the parents at that community have urged that on the force" but that "pn the the men in the department And he disclosed that the freight station of the New meeting alleged that police police be given .training in whole, in the eyes of the Wack need a course in human rela- day before eruption of last York and Long Branch Rail- have been stopping black community relations. community it's a racis?,\big- tions," the chief said, "but a road and several small fires youths "and taking them out oted force." \^_ little more school doesn't hurt weekend's disorders he met One of the department's ^anyone." with a black community lead- were set. of their cars at gunpoint." most severe critics, Stafford Mayor O'Hern announced Says They're Stopped A major complaint of black er to discuss ways of improv- Emphasizing that police- W. Thompson, president of Monday night that the state youths is harassment by po- . ing relationships between men weren't hand-picked for . Chief McKnight acknowl- the Ked Bank Area Branch Division of Civil Rights will lice. The young people say black youngsters and police. Westside patrols, the' chief edged that in enforcing the of the National Association for be asked to conduct a police that whenever a group of In denial of the racism said, "Through it all, no one curfew the police have been the Advancement of Colored community relations training them gathers in the Shrews- charges; Chief McKnight was abused, no head was . stopping black youths driv- People, has said that police program here as soon as pos- • bury Ave. area, police order pointed to police conduct dur- bashed. Wouldn't'that prove ing through the Eastside to here "need to learn how to sible after the current crisis is them to move on. Poliea Chief Leroy McKnight ing the three days of rock- we're not racist?" check their identification. But deal with tbe black communi- over. (See CHIEF, Pg. 2, Col. 5); . Stall Surtax Extension WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cormack told newsmen the To get the measure passed, bill — or the extension were/ and*M|ans Committee, told decision against a House vote postponement was decided on 80 to 00 Democratic votes limited to a few weeks — the the Rules Committee, which today on President Nixon's at the request of Ways and are needed to go with 120 to chance for what they call reports the bill to the floor, surtax extension bill has shat- Means Chairman Wilbur D. 130 GOP votes, two - thirds loophole closing might be lost. the Nixon administration had tered administration hopes for Mills, D-Ark., who has been of the minority's member- Late Effort given a firm commitment to an early, dramatic anti-infla- suffering bouts of intestinal ship. The Ways and Means Committee members dis- support broad tax reforms tion move. illness. Committee is working on closed a last-minute effort later. However, other leadership broader tax reforms with the House leaders called off the was made and defeated to in- But another Ways and crucial vote after head counts • sources said a check of Dem- goal of bringing in a compre- clude a reduction of the 2V/2 showed the measure to con- ocrats showed most uncom- hensive bill early in August. per cent oil depletion allow- Means member, Rep. Martha tinue the surtax past its June mitted — and a 2-1 sentiment The insurgents have con- ance in the surtax extension, Griffiths, D-Mich., said "If 30 expiration date was likely against surtax extension tended, however, unless sub- bill. this bill passes without re- to be defeated. among those who had made stantial reforms were includ- Hep. Hale Boggs, D-La., forms, in my judgment there No new date was set for up their minds. ed In the surtax extension acting chairman of the Ways will be no reform." bringing the bill to the House. Democratic Leader Cal Al- bert of Oklahoma told report- ers it will not be called up until after the July 4 congres- sional recess. Community Center Entry, Meanwhile, emergency leg- islation will be proposed to continue income tax withhold- ing at the present rate—in- FIRE AFTERMATH —• Scene at the Brock way Glass Co. warehouse area after fire cluding the 10 per cent sur- Minor Fires in Red Bank tfiere aarly yesterday. Plant is on Rt. 33 in Freehold Township. (See story, Page 21 charge—until Congress com- (Register Staff Photo) pletes work on the extension RED BANK - The Red swered the 7:55 p.m. alarm border about 12:07 a.m. celed. measure. Bank Community Center, W. and was on the scene about Because of the curfew, Aaron Knight, executive di- The Nixon bill would extend Bergen Place, was broken in- 10 minutes, he said. which bans those under 18 rector of the Community Cen- the surtax at 10 per cent for to last night. A window was discovered from the streets and public ter, which has a,full sched- six months and at 5 per cent Police j Chief Leroy Mc- broken at Monmouth Radio places, an outdoor film pro- ule of evening programs for for a second six-month period, Knight said Patrolman An- Supply Co., on the corner of gram the Monmouth County teenagers and young adults, ending June 30, 1970. Other thony Abbatemarco, on rou- Newman Springs Road and Library had scheduled for the said it will close at 8:30 Contempt Citation Shrewsbury Ave., New provisions repeal the 7 per tine patrol, discovered a win- River Street School play- nightly until the curfew is cent investment tax credit, • dow in the Community Cen- Shrewsbury, on the Red Bank ground last night was can- lifted. provide for a special low in- ter unlocked at 12:10 a.m. come allowance taking two and then discovered a side Sought on Wolf son million poor families off the door had been pried open. It tax rolls, and give some tax hasn't yet been determined if TRENTON ;(AP) — Law- relief to about 13 million tax- anything was taken, the chief payers. Says Nixon Should Get yers for the: State investi- said. Jubilant members of the gation Commission said yes- Last night was the third terday they intend to push for Democratic bloc which has been fighting the bill in its night of a curfew imposed to a contempt citation against keep juveniles off the streets Laurence Wolfson of Deal, present form said the House Ways and Means Committee following a .weekend of "van- Gas Shipment Protest business' partner of reputed dalism on the Westside. Mafia chieftain Simone "Sam now will be under pressure to the Plumber" DeCavalcante. speed up work on elimination The 9 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew MIDDLETOWN - Perhaps between here and Denver," Howard, D-N.J., who has con- of some tax preferences and is continuing until further no- an appeal directly to Presi- he declared. sistently opposed shipment of The contempt charge stems tice. dent Richard M. Nixon is from Wolfson's failure to pro- incorporate them in the sur- Middletown, as "anchor the gas to New Jersey. Mr. tax extension bill. Four Fires Set called for to keep the Depart- Howard, he recalled, cited duce the records of four cor- ment of Defense from send- town" in the disposal plan, Rep.