su o 518 August 2002 Issue No. 35 functions ofthe offering prayers,glories.Thisisoneofthe realization. lines, fourbutyoushouldwriteyour this BacktoGodhead[magazine]for? You one ofyou,whatisyourrealization.What if youtrytounderstand .We have most intelligent.Thatintelligence willcome have fullKrishnaconsciousness. Itisforthe Without being veryintelligent,nobodycan try tounderstand.Don’t bedull,dull-headed. consciousness. Hear, write,remember, and , Krishna.ThisiscultivationofKrishna just auselesswasteoftime.Write about nonsense thingforanyman.Itis about Vishnu, notforothers. Don’twriteany śravaa kīrtanavio , from yourspiritual master, from thescripture. smaraam you havetowritealso.Writing means Realization meansyoushouldwrite,every A.C. BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada Highlights W His DivineGraceA.C.BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada • W Garga-sahitā • Sri SrimadGourGovindaSwamiMaharaja •D Srila BhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiThakur • T RITE , rememberingwhatyouhaveheard S write yourrealization,whatyou should alwaysbeactive. HE EPENDENT is required. Itisnotpassive. You have realizedaboutKrishna.That should write.Nevermind,two Whenever youfindtime, HANKHACHUDA RITE Śravaa kīrtanam His DivineGrace Y B vaiava LIND OUR Y Fortnightly emailmini-magazinefromGopalJiuPublications OUR M

R ON a QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Tav k a QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Tav k R . You are hearing,but tava kathāmtatapta-jīvanam AN [ EALIZATIONS M EALIZATIONS Bhāg. H ERCY

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THE K C Śrī Pavitrāropiī Ekādaśī OW AMSA ’ in-law’s house,allofthe cowswillrun away. so manycows.IfItake youtoyourfather- my father-in-law’shouse?” you pleasedomeafavor byleadingmeto cowherd boyandasked,“Obrother, would passing throughafieldhecameacross with thehelpofhiswalkingstick.While to hisfather-in-law’shouse,findingway first publishedin1940. Sri SundaranandaVidyavinode Prabhu.Itwas Saraswati Thakurandcompiledbyhisdisciple other teachingsofSrilaBhaktisiddhanta from thespokenlecturesand with explanationsgathered a collectionofshortstories Krishna. Thenyouareliberated. got somanybooks. Always trytounderstand S T Chapter58ofUpākhyāne Lectureon — The cowherdreplied,“I ambusytending Once uponatimeblindpersonwasgoing Upākhyāne Upadeśa andha ogopuccha-nyāya T AIL Srila Bhaktisiddhanta S S S S S HE S S S S S H Saraswati Thakur r r r r r r r r r r L OLDING Upadeśa i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K OGIC B B B B B B B B B B Brahma-sahitā, r r r r r r r r r r is is is is is is is is is is


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