town Station of Youth Naturalists

InvestigationsInvestigations ofof LugaLuga RiverRiver andand itsits TributariesTributaries byby SchoolchildrenSchoolchildren ofof KingiseppKingisepp DistrictDistrict

Tamara Tchernova, Methodologist Kingisepp Station of Youth Naturalists +7 813 75 24003 LugaLuga riverriver

•• LugaLuga startsstarts fromfrom wetlandswetlands ““NetelskijNetelskij massivmassiv”” inin PskovPskov oblast.oblast. •• LengthLength ofof LugaLuga -- 353353 kmkm.. Kingisepp district of Leningrad oblast

MediumMedium andand lowlow partpart ofof LugaLuga runsruns inin KingiseppKingisepp disctrictdisctrict -- 107107 kmkm.. LugaLuga riverriver catchmentscatchments areaarea

TotalTotal catchmentscatchments areaarea ofof LugaLuga riverriver isis 1320013200,., includingincluding 19341934 inin KingiseppKingisepp districtdistrict..

-catchments area LadgeLadge--scalescale anthropogenicanthropogenic objectsobjects

- Catchments area

- Ust- port complex

- Phosphorit enterprise

- Kingisepp town PortPort ImpactImpact

Open-cast coal loading

Coal terminal

Transport interchange ParticipationParticipation inin CoastwatchCoastwatch andand RiverRiver WatchWatch programsprograms •• 1313 schoolsschools andand KingiseppKingisepp StationStation ofof YouthYouth NaturalistsNaturalists (SYN)(SYN) watchwatch andand investigateinvestigate smallsmall riversrivers andand otherother waterwater objectsobjects ofof KingiseppKingisepp district.district. LugaLuga andand SmallSmall RiversRivers

areasareas underunder thethe schoolschool environmentalenvironmental monitoringmonitoring

Luga river GulfGulf ofof FinlandFinland CoastCoast

areasareas underunder thethe schoolschool andand SYNSYN environmentalenvironmental monitoringmonitoring

Gulf of Finland at the Peipia brook LakesLakes

areasareas underunder thethe schoolschool andand SYNSYN environmentalenvironmental monitoringmonitoring

Lipovskoye lake InvestigationInvestigation AreasAreas inin thethe LugaLuga RiverRiver BasinBasin

•• 55 spotsspots onon thethe LugaLuga riverriver •• 33 spotsspots onon thethe tributariestributaries Kaskolovka,Kaskolovka, Neima,Neima, andand riverriver VybjenkaVybjenka •• 22 spotsspots onon thethe riverriver HrevitsaHrevitsa •• 11 spotspot onon everyevery ofof riverriver:: RossonRosson’’,, SolkaSolka andand KihtolkaKihtolka SchemeScheme ofof riverriver watchwatch spotsspots withinwithin thethe KingiseppKingisepp towntown CollectionCollection andand AnalysisAnalysis ofof BenthosBenthos

Quantitative method with a frame 25 x 25 sm QuantitativeQuantitative AnalysisAnalysis ofof BenthosBenthos

Washing out samples through sieve and classification of species IdentificationIdentification ofof SpeciesSpecies

Species were identified with ranger HydroHydro BiologicalBiological InvestigationsInvestigations SamplesSamples ofof MacroMacro ZooZoo--benthosbenthos SpeciesSpecies CompositionComposition ofof LugaLuga RiverRiver

1 1 2 6 2 3 4 3 5 5 4 6

1.- Hirudenia 2.- Bivalvia 3.- Gastropoda 4.- Crustacea 5.- Hydracarina 6.- Insecta Summary about level of water pollution according various investigation methods Methods Water 2 Spot 2 Spot Keikino Ust-Luga Draw-off Kingisepp Kingisepp spot Class of water quality Adequate Adequate Polluted Reasonable Heavily (в соответствии с clean clean clean polluted ИПК) Methodic of Low Low Low Low polluted Heavily Vudivisson polluted polluted polluted polluted

Methodic of Grehem Adequate adequate Adequate Adequate Heavily clean clean clean clean polluted

Index of Saprobity of Low Low Low Low polluted No Pantle and Bukk polluted polluted polluted benthos (approximate ly clean) Index of Saprobity of Low Low Low Low polluted No Latvian methodics polluted polluted polluted (close to benthos (close to (close to adequate adequate adequate clean) clean) clean) SomeSome organolepticorganoleptic andand chemicalchemical analysisanalysis

Turbidity Colorize Nitrates

1– Kingisepp, 2- Keikino, 3 – Ust-Luga PracticalPractical activityactivity ofof schoolchildrenschoolchildren

- Cleaning up areas of investigation - Questioning parents, people, which rest at the river bank, passers-by) - Publication the Newspaper on the results of river watch - Presentation at the local radio - Presentation at the district environmental conference at the section “Hydrobiology” ParticipationParticipation inin AllAll--RussianRussian CompetitionCompetition ofof YoungYoung EnvironmentalEnvironmental ResearchersResearchers MoscowMoscow

Anastasiya Nikitina –participant, Rita Behtold - winner PresidentPresident AwardAward

RitaRita BehtoldBehtold waswas awardedawarded withwith PresidentPresident PrizePrize withinwithin nationalnational projectproject ““EducationEducation””,, establishedestablished byby PresidentPresident OrderOrder forfor supportingsupporting talenttalent youthyouth What can we do for Luga river: • Investigation and monitoring by organoleptic and hydro biological methodics; • Chemical investigations: nitrates, phosphates ferrum, oxiden (lack of equipment and chemicals); • Informing authorities about pollutions and threats for the river; • Informing and educating local people on the river. Cooperation with: Sanitary & Epidemiological Station (SES), …