Recti What is a Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti (DR) is a split or separation of the connective tissue (or six pack line) called the which connects both sides of your rectus abdominus.

w w w . k b e d o n i p t . c o m K B e d o n i P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y , L L C Diastasis Recti What is a Diastasis Recti?

This gap is NORMAL in and all women have this to make room for the baby. However, if you see any “coning” or “tenting” at your belly, avoid that particular exercise to avoid worsening the split.

w w w . k b e d o n i p t . c o m K B e d o n i P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y , L L C These abdominal muscles support your back and internal organs; if they are separated, they can’t contract optimally which can cause symptoms like :

Pain and pressure Leaking Constipation during picking up your baby

Signs of a Diastasis Recti:

Pain in front of your stomach during sit ups, curl ups or lower abs Feeling of “coming out” in front Coning or tenting during exercises

w w w . k b e d o n i p t . c o m K B e d o n i P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y , L L C Diastasis Recti

How can I tell if I have a DR? Here’s a simple self assessment

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the ground. Place your finger just above the belly button and push down slightly Breathe out and lift your head and top of shoulders off the floor like a small sit up. This will contract your abdominals ---you will feel for a separation or “gulley” between the two muscles.

w w w . k b e d o n i p t . c o m K B e d o n i P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y , L L C Diastasis Recti What should I avoid if I have an abnormal diastasis recti?

Initially, I suggest avoiding the below exercises but it's best to be evaluated by a PT: Sit ups and planks Push-ups Burpees and any motions requiring impact. Running Heavy lifting or pull-ups

It is important to have this evaluated before you begin a program. If you begin a program that is too intense before your body is ready, it can lead to complications later.

w w w . k b e d o n i p t . c o m K B e d o n i P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y , L L C