History and Directory of Wrentham and Norfolk, Mass. for 1890. Containing
HISTORY AND DIRECTORY -Oi^ ffRENTHAM and NOKFOLK, MASS. FOR- ISQO, Containing a Complete Resident, Street and Business Directory, Town Officers, Schools, Societies Churches, Post Offices, Etc., Etc. HISTORY er The TevNS. FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME, BY SAMUEL. WARNER. Compiled and Published by A. E. FOSS 6- CO., Needham. BOSTON PRESS OF BROWN BROS., 43, LINCOLN STREET. I S90. ADVEKTFSEMENTS. LHKE PEHRIj. One of the most beaiitirul inlaiul summer resorts in New liuglaiidj situated about midway between IJoston and Providence on the new branch of the Old Colony Railroad. Spacious grove, charming lake, exquisite scenery, natural amphitheatre, hall, restaurant, bicycle track, good stable, steam launch, ample accomodations. OPEN DAILY TH€ YGHR ROUND. ^-LIBERAL TERMS MADE TO SOCIETIES. -#- Lake Pearl Bakery, ( Permanently Situated on the Grounds, ) turns out First-Class Goods at the very Lowest Prices. K>0:r)cy ^peecd, fe^ai^e c-sfpj, rakeps c. THE TEAM RUNS TO THE SURROUNDING TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Baked Beans and Brown Bread. W M. L. ENEG REN, JR., - PROPR IETOR. Jja.S. J%.. C3rXJIlL.i>7 -DEALER, IlSr- CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS, COFREES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. BOOTS, SHOES MD RUBBERS. All Goods kept iu a First-Class Country Store. Orders taken and (iootls Promptly Delivered. - E. B. Guild, Salesman. * In AVrentham TImrsday and F'riday of each week. oiT-Y" INFILLS, - - :m:j^ss. ADVERTISEMENTS. ERNEST C. MORSE, periodicals, stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco, TeiLiKin QseDS. sejsits' PURfiigHiNSS. All kiiiicis of Temperance Drinks. Correspondent and Agent for the Wrentham Sentinel. J. G. BARDEN. E. M. BLAKE. J T.
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