About Broughton & Croxton June to August 2016 The Parish Magazine of Broughton and Croxton Happy birthday Your Majesty1 The Parish Magazine of Broughton and Croxton Editor: Sara Humphries, 12 Martin Dale, Loggerheads, TF9 4DH Tel: 01630 673740
[email protected] Rector: To be appointed Methodist Minister: Rev John Day, The Old Police House, Croxton Tel: 01630 620671
[email protected] Patrons of the Benefice: The Bishop of Lichfield The Vicar of Eccleshall Mr T. A. J. Hall Parish Links for Contributions: Croxton Church – Mrs Beryl Roe (01630 620248) Broughton Church – Mrs Jean Beasley (01785 850306) Croxton Chapel – Mrs Kath Bridgwood (01630 620601) Your Magazine – Your Community A colour issue of the magazine is now available on the Broughton Church website at www.broughtonchurch.com. Dear Readers I often find I am thanking various people in the local community for helping to produce the ABC magazine, which is a real community venture but still centred around the churches and church activities—it is after all only through the grace of God that any of us are here and are so privileged to live in such a beautiful, safe and vital neighbourhood. My thanks in this issue go to Mrs Beryl Roe and the team of people, those unsung heroes, who distribute the magazine. Mrs Roe, through her inestimable powers of persuasion has recruited another four distributors, so the team now numbers 30 people, who give up their own time to ensure you have your copy of ABC on time. On behalf of the ABC Committee, I thank you one and all.