MEDIA CONTACT Ashley Collins USANA Director of Marketing, Public Relations & Social Media [email protected]

NEW DETOX & DIGESTION PRODUCTS FROM USANA HEALTH SCIENCES INTRODUCED AT 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION - Two new products offered to promote good digestive health and well being -

SALT LAKE CITY— August 26, 2010 — For nearly two decades, USANA Health Sciences (NSDQ: USNA) has led the nutritional supplement industry and today’s new product announcement is another reason the company continues to lead. This afternoon, the USANA announced two new products that support the body’s digestion and detoxification processes—USANA’s Digestive Enzyme Supplement and Fibergy® Plus. These two products are immediately available in the and , with release in most other USANA markets later this fall.

“We are proud to introduce USANA’s Digestive Enzyme Supplement and Fibergy® Plus to our worldwide Associates and Preferred Customers,” said Dr. Tim Wood, USANA’s Executive Vice President of Research and Development. “These products will help consumers maintain good digestive health and immune function as well support the body in moving wastes and toxins out of the body. These factors are the basis for optimal long-term health and well being.”

The new USANA Digestive Enzyme Supplement supports nutrient absorption from foods while supplying enzymes needed for normal digestion. It also contains Chlorophyll from spirulina, which supports the body’s natural processes for removing toxins. Additionally, this digestive enzyme helps relieve occasional upset stomach, indigestion, gas, bloating, heartburn and feelings of fullness after consuming a large meal.

Sources say that over 90% of Americans don’t get the recommended daily amount of fiber in their diets, so USANA created the new Fibergy® Plus— a convenient, low-calorie, high-fiber blend that not only promotes good digestive health, but also helps maintain a healthy heart. Also, this product aids in bowel regularity by helping move wastes and toxins out of the colon quickly and efficiently. Fibergy® Plus is a sugarless blend that you add to juice or other drink options, and the high fiber content leaves you feeling satisfied, making it easy to skip unhealthy snacks throughout the day.

Learn more about USANA’s products and opportunity by visiting our Web site, reading our blog, becoming a fan on Facebook, or following us on Twitter.

About USANA: USANA Health Sciences develops and manufactures high-quality nutritionals, personal care, energy and weight management products that are sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates throughout the United States, Canada, , , , , , , , , the , , the and the .