: (: ) • 100 11 80 068 ( ( arvensis L.) • 160 16 88119 cristata L.) • 464 – 16 –86161 : : : : 1394 :


. ( ) . . . . ( ) ( ) . . . . : (Brassica napus ) . . . 200.000 . ( ) . . .( 1385 ) . (McKay et al., 1996)


. . . (Columba palumbus) (Cygus olor) (McKay et al., 1993)(Branta bernicla) (Inglis et al., 1989) . (Parrot & McKay, 2001) . (Inglis et al., 1992) % 95 .( 1383 ) . . ) .( 1383 46 43/ ± 87/1 129 .( 52 82/ ± 39/2 ) . (P<0.05) . (P<0.05) .( 1390 ) (P>0.05) 30 (Alauda arvensis Linn.) 1387 1386 10 20 (Galerida cristata Linn.) 20 105 (Passer domesticus Linn.) 10 .( 1390 ) % 10 . .( 1383 ) 10 (Lentner, 1998)


. (Gillings, 2001) (Robinson, 2001; . Buckingham, 2001) . (Thomsen et al., 2001) . (1988 ) Green . (Buckingham, 2001) ( calandra) . ( ) . (Halse & Trevenen, 1986) (% 99 )8/ . ( ) . (Cramp & Simmons, 1988) . (Khaleghizadeh et al., 2005) ( 30 ) % 81 . . (Edgar & Isaacson, 1974) • . . 18 Alaudidae • . . • . . (Alauda arvensis ) • . (Galerida cristata ) • .

• .( ) • . . • • . • . • . • . ) • :1 . ( .( ) 2 ( ) . . • . • . . • . ( 100 ) . •

• . . • . (( )) . • . . . 1383 . . . . . .. . . 33 83 16/ . 1385 . . . . Podoces . Galerida cristata Alauda arvensis 8082.. 12 1 (Alauda arvensis . 1390 . . . (Galerida cristata L.) L.) . 41483 . . 1390 . . 84 /463 . . Buckingham D.L. 2001. Within-field selection by wintering skylarks Alauda arvensis in southwest England. In: Donald P.F. & Vickery J.A. (eds.), The ecology and conservation of Skylarks Alauda arvensis, RSPB, Sandy, pp. 149-158. Cramp, S. & K.E.L. Simmons 1988. The of Western Palearctic. Oxford University Press. 1063 pp. Edgar, W.H. & Isaacson, A.J. 1974. Observation on skylark damage to sugar beet and lettuce seedlings in East Anglia. Annals of Applied Biology 76(3): 335-337.

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Abstract Oilseed rape is one of the most important oilseed and strategic crops in Iran. Birds, in particular larks, are damaging to oilseed rape leaves before emerging stems (in autumn and winter seasons). The Alauda arvensis , is the most important damaging to oilseed rape. Because of the weakness of shootings and newly growing plants, it is necessary to avoid gathering flocks of Eurasian Skylark in any point of a farm. One important point in reducing bird damage rate is finding an appropriate sowing date (before November and after January). The higher percentage of crown cover, the less bird damage rate to oilseed rape plants. Therefore, it is recommended that we use higher seed/plant density where there is bird damage, and remove broad-leave weeds after an appropriate growth of oilseed rape plants. Cultivation of oilseed rape and wheat farms very close together could also reduce bird damage rates. Finally, netting is a better method in experimental plots, and scaring by gun is an economic and environmentally safe method in large farms.


The Ministry of Jihad–e-Agriculture Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection Agricultural Zoology Research Department

Instruction Title : Effects of agronomic methods on reducing bird damage to Oilseed rape Project Titles: • Identification of injurious birds on oilseed rape and an investigation of efficacy of sucrose, neem extract and cake and bird glue, Project No. 100-11-80-068 • Habitat survey of Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis and Crested Galerida cristata on Oilseed rape fields in Ardebil, Mazandaran and Golestan provinces, Project No. 0-16-16- 88119 • Identification of injurious birds, determination of major species, percentage and intensity of the bird damage in canola fields of Khuzestan, Project No. 4-46-16-86161 Authors: Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh, Soleyman Khormali, and Masoud Taghizadeh Publisher: Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection Date of Issue : 2015


Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection Executive Instruction Effects of agronomic methods on reducing bird damage to Oilseed rape

Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh Soleyman Khormali and Masoud Taghizadeh


Register No. 47072