Volume 66 48 Number 2, 2018



Martina Čampulová¹

¹Department of and Operation Analysis, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00, Brno, Czech Republic


ČAMPULOVÁ MARTINA. 2018. Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data with

an Application to Particulate Matter PM10. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 66(2): 453 – 463.

Data smoothing is often required within the environmental data analysis. A number of methods and algorithms that can be applied for data smoothing have been proposed. This paper gives an overview and compares the performance of different smoothing procedures that estimate the trend in the data, based on the surrounding noisy observations that can be applied on environmental data. The considered methods include kernel regression with both global and local bandwidth, , exponential smoothing, robust repeated regression, trend filtering and approach based on discrete Fourier and discrete transform. The methods are applied to real data

obtained by measurement of PM10 concentrations and compared in a simulation study.

Keywords: data smoothing, trend filtering, environmental data, particulate matter PM10

INTRODUCTION between residual error and local variation. The choice Univariate data smoothing techniques, which of the smoothing parameter, which influences permit the trend in the data to be estimated from the final estimate of the smoothing line, is a crucial noisy observations, are frequently applied in many part of the analysis. Depending on the value of environmental applications (Holešovský et al., the parameter the smoothing line can vary from noisy 2017; Čampulová et al., 2017; Lee and Kang, 2015; function exactly explaining all data points to smooth Hutchinson, 1995; Cook and Peters, 1981). function. If the value of the smoothing parameter Smoothing methods commonly applied for is overestimated the data is over-smoothed and environmental data include moving average (Kaneko the detailed local information is lossed. On the other and Funatsu, 2015), Savitzky-Golay smoothing hand, underestimating the smoothing parameter (Sankaran et al. 2010; Kaneko and Funatsu, 2015), results in disturbation of the general trend contained smoothing splines (He et al., 2016), kernel regression in the data by local features of noise. techniques with global bandwidth (Henry et al., 2009) The selection of optimal bandwidth is even more or nonlinear smoothers (Kafadar and Morris, 2002). complicated in a case where the data contains data is often smoothed using intervals with both relatively low and relatively high exponential smoothing based algorithms (Holt, variability. In such a case using a greater value of 1957), regression-based approaches (Bowerman et al. the smoothing parameter results in a better fit of flat 2005), Kalman Filters (Tsay, 2005) or decomposition parts and under-fitting of segments with increased methods (Hyndman and Koehler, 2008; Tsay, 2005), variability of the data, while smoothing line based on which are useful also for the prediction. a smaller value of the smoothing parameter over-fits A number of methods are parametrised by the flat parts and fits well the intervals with relatively a smoothing parameter which gives a rate of exchange high variability of the data. This is a general problem

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associated with smoothing environmental data that alternative with better local adaptivity, so called is influenced by many different factors. locally adaptive regression splines (Mammen and To overcome the problem of unsatisfactory local Geer, 1997). It was shown that trend filtering estimates predictive accuracy of the smoothing line, the various significantly outperform smoothing splines in local methods based on variable smoothing parameter adaptivity. Considering locally adaptive regression approach have been proposed. Methods derived splines the adaptivity properties were shown to be from the classical smoothing methods and improved comparable. However, using trend filtering a lower by substituting global smoothing parameter by local computational complexity is achieved. smoothing parameter include e.g. kernel regression The aim of this paper is to present and give based on local bandwith (Herrmann, 1997; Fann et al., overview and comparison of the performance of 2011) or adaptive spline smoothing (Wang et al., 2013; different approaches for smoothing environmental Storlie et al., 2010). A different approach adopted by data and to provide some insight to specialised wavelet methods (Alsberg et al., 1997; Walczak and operators. The considered methods include moving Massart, 1997) is based on the idea that a function average, simple exponential smoothing (Holt, 1957), representing the trend in the data in a given time kernel regression with local (Herrmann, 1997) instant can be expressed as a sum of basis functions and global (Gasser et al., 1991) bandwidth, robust of different scale. repeated median regression (Fried, 2004), l1 trend Considering the problem of smoothing filtering (Kim et al., 2009) and smoothing based on environmental data relatively little attention has discrete Fourier (Proakis, 1995) and discrete wavelet been paid to the application of signal filtering transform (Donoho and Johnston, 1995). methods which are often referred to as „data The present paper deals with comparison of filtering“ or „noise denoising“ procedures. kernel regression because it was implemented as Data filtering based on splines can be found a data smoothing method within outlier detection in (Unser, 1999). Another method suggested algorithms described in (Holešovský et al., 2017; for signal data filtering and often used for time Čampulová et al., 2017). Robust repeated median series smoothing is median filtering (Tukey, regression was selected because it represents signal 1977). In (Davies et al. 2004) robust repeated filtering method which permits (analogous to kernel median regression, which estimates the unknown regression with local bandwidth) the smoothing regression function using repeated parameter to be estimated locally. DWT was (Siegel, 1982), is suggested. Such estimate improves chosen because its principle is different from kernel median filtering by approximating underlaying data regression approach and because the coefficients trend in a moving time window by a linear trend. from DWT are estimated locally. Moving average In (Fried, 2004) suggested in method and exponential smoothing represent (Davies et al., 2004) is further modified by including classical methods used for smoothing time series rules for outlier detection and treatment to increase and l1 trend filtering is frequently used for signal data the robustness of the method. Another procedure, l1 processing. Fast Fourier transform is a commonly trend filtering that is commonly used in signal data used tool for filtering. processing, has been proposed in (Kim et al., 2009). The methods are applied to smooth hourly Specific class of methods for signal data processing measurements of mass concentration of particulate are change-point detection algorithms (Chen and matter PM10. Note that the methods are based on Gupta 2012; Bleakley and Vert, 2011; Neubauer different models, which they are hardly and Vesely 2011; Zhang et al., 2015) that are used to comparable. For this reason their performance is detect abrupt shifts and sharp changes in the compared using simulated data. values of the analysed data. However, considering environmental data, jump changes are not very common and ususally correspond to manipulation MATERIALS AND METHODS with the measuring instrument which means that In this section the selected methods for smoothing the time of this change is known. measumenents of variable Y observed at n discrete Of course, advanced methods for processing time instants t are shortly described. signal data that can be used for data smoothing are still being proposed. In (Ridel et al., 2015) a fast Moving average method least-square fitting method of parabolic cylinders Moving average method estimates the data trend for smoothing noisy data has been introduced. An in a given time instant as the average of the noisy effective iterative method for approximation of observations on a local segment. Supposing underlying data trend based on error measure has the measurements Y(1), ..., Y(n) and a parameter h been presented in (Levin, 2015). A method that is called window size, the smoothed data m(t) in time based on convex optimization and that partitions t are given by the data into segments where the polynomail structure of the data is assumed was introduced jh= 1 recently in (Rajmic et al., 2017). mt( ) = Yt( + j). 21h + ∑ In (Tibshirani, 2014) the trend filtering estimates jh=− were compared with smoothing splines and their Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data With an Application to Particulate... 455

It is obvious that the amount of observations Gasser-Muller convolution estimator (Gasser and for local averaging is determined by the choice Müller, 1984) is preferred. This estimator is given by of smoothing parameter h. Here the parameter is

chosen using the approach described in (Barsanti n xl 1 tu− and Gilmore, 2011). m( t, h) = Y( t) K du ti∑ ∫ hh l=1 tt Exponential smoothing xl−1 Whereas moving average method smooths the data in a given time instant using a fixed where ht is smoothing parameter called bandwidth number of the most recent and equally weighted in point t and limits of integration are given by x0 = a, observations, using exponential smoothing all past xl = 0.5(tl + 1 + tl) for l = 1, ..., n – 1, xn = b. K denotes observations are considered and exponentially kernel function of order k, k ≥ 2 (Gasser et al., 1985). weighted. The exponential weights to individual For regression function estimation the Epanechnikov observations are assigned in a decreasing order kernel (Gasser et al., 1985) which has the property such that the influence of the distant observations of optimal kernels and which is commonly used in to the estimate in a given time instant diminishs practise is preferred. exponentially over time. The smoothing parameter can be estimated Given the measurements Y(t) in time t, where both locally and globally. Considering global t = 2, ..., n, the smoothed data m(t) in time t are given bandwidth the plug-in estimate (Gasser et al., 1991) by (Paul, 2011) of the parameter is preferred. Such an estimate has lower variability than cross-validation estimators mt( ) =α Yt( −+−1) ( 1 αα) mtˆ ( − 1) , ∈( 0,1 and is constructed such that Mean Integral Squared Error (MISE) is minimised. Note that since MISE is defined as the integral over non-negative function where is a smoothing parameter determining〉 (Herrmann, 1997), the order of integration and the weight assigned to the most recent measurement mean can be reversed and denoted as Integral Mean and mtˆ ( −α1) is the estimate of smoothed data in time Squared Error (IMSE). t – 1. As can be seen, the estimate of a smoothed The optimal local bandwidth, which is defined data in a given time t is based on the observation as the minimizer of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) corresponding to time where the estimate is (Herrmann, 1997) of the estimate of the regression computed and all past observations whose weights function is estimated using local plug-in algorithm decrease exponentially over time. As for every (Herrmann, 1997). The algorithm is iterative. During smoothing parameter the choice of determines the first (k + 1)(2k + 1) iterations a sequence of global the quality of the estimate. Here the parameter is bandwidths minimizing the Integral Mean Squared chosen using a trial and error approachα (Paul, 2011) Error (MISE) (Herrmann, 1997) is generated and such that mean squared error (MSE) is minimised. local bandwidth minimizing MSE is estimated in the last iteration. Kernel regression Kernel regression is a nonparametric smoothing Robust repeated median regression technique which estimates the trend in the data Robust repeated median regression estimates (regression function) at a given time instant the smoothed data in a given time instant by a linear as a weighted mean of the surrounding noisy trend which is estimated using repeated medians observations. The weights are determined by based on the surrounding noisy observations. the choice of kernel function and the amount of Given the measurements Y(1), ..., Y(n), robust noisy observations used for averaging is defined by repeated median regression is based on model a parameter called bandwidth. (Gather, Fried, 2004) Given the measurements Y(t ) observed at n discrete time instants t , i = =++1, ..., n, lyingσε in the η interval =… Yt( ) mt( ) 푖 ( t) ( t) ( t), Yt( ) =++ mt( ) σε ( t) ( t ) η ( t) , i 1, , n i=… 1, , n

[a, b] , the heteroscedastic푖 regression model can be written in the form (Herrmann, 1997) where (t) denotes expressing the of Y(t) and (t) are random errors with Yt( ) = mt( ) +=σε( t) ( t), Yt ( i ) = mt ( i) += σε ( t ii) (t ) , i 1, … , n , i 1,… , n , i i ii zero meanσ and unit variance. Although that and have the same interpretationε as and for kernel where (t ) are independent and identically regression, the algorithm for their estimationσ ε σ ε distributed (i.i.d.)푖 random errors with zero mean and is different from the algorithm used in kernel unit varianceε and (t ) is standard deviation function regression estimation. Function η (t) represents

expressing the variance푖 of Y(t ). The functions m(t ) the outlier process which is responsible for sudden σ and (t ) are supposed to meet푖 standard regularity푖 changes in mean and variability of the analysed assumptions푖 which are given e.g. in (Herrmann, 1997). variable Y. Note that the outlier process is zero most Amongσ various available estimators of of the time and occasionaly exhibits large absolute the regression function m(t ) (Wand and Jones, 1995)

푖 456 Martina Čampulová

values. To estimate the smoothed data, (t) and η (t) which are formed by sine and cosine functions of are supposed to vary smoothly in time (Fried, 2004). different frequencies, are given by Supposing a parameter ht > 0 the robustσ repeated median regression estimate of the smoothed data ckk( i) = cos2/,( ππ ki n) s( i) = sin2/( ki n) within a smoothing window {t – ht, ..., t + ht}, 0 < ht ≤ t is given by (Fried, 2004) where i = 1, ..., n – 1 and parameter k = 0, ..., n / 2 tt determines the frequency. Using the Euler’s formula mt( += i) ββ12 +mt i( +=, i) ββtt +i , i=−… htt , h i=−… h , h 12 tt the discrete Fourier transform of the observations y(t), t = 0, ..., n – 1, is given by (Proakis, 1995) t t where β1 and β2 is intercept and slope of the regression line within a smoothing window n−1 Xk= yie−j2/π ki n {t – ht, ..., t + ht}. Given a set of observation ( ) ∑ ( ) Y(t – ht), ..., Y(t + ht) corresponding to window i=0 t {t – ht, ..., t + ht}, the estimate of parameters β1 and t β2 is defined by (Siegel, 1982) and the conversion back to is performed using the relation ββˆˆtt=med Yt( +− i) i ), 12ihh∈−{ tt, … } { } n−1 1 π Yt( +− i) Yt( + j) yi( ) = Xke( ) j2/ ki n βˆt = ∑ 2 medihh∈−{ , … }  medij≠ n ttij− k=0

To improve the robustness of the method the fit in where j is complex unit. The principle of data the current time window is extrapolated to the next smoothing is based on the assumption that high values time and used for the evaluation of the outlyiness of of transform coefficients correspond to important the next measurement. The outlyiness of the next changes in the sequence of the observations while measurement is evaluated by comparing the size low values of wavelet coefficients correspond to of exrapolating residual with the appropriately random errors. To suppress the random errors chosen multiple of the estimate of standard deviation the transform coefficients are thresholded. corresponding to observations in the current window The idea of thresholding is to remove transform (Fried, 2004). In case that the next observation is coefficients that are smaller than appropriately evaluated as outlier it is trimmed or shrinked to chosen threshold . In practise the thresholding prevail its impact on the local fit. This way the outliers is performed using soft thresholding function or are detected and treated prior to moving smoothing hard thresholdingδ function. Hard thresholding window. function sets all coefficients smaller than threshold The residuals are also used for the detection of value to zero and the remaining coefficients are level shifts. As described in (Fried, 2004), in case left unchanged. Using soft thresholding function that level shift occurs in the smoothing window, the coefficients below the threshold value are set the algorithm for computing the fit is restarted. to zero and the values of remaining coefficients are The procedure for robust repeated regression reduced. together with the rules for outlier and shift detection Of course, the choice of the threshold value is is described in detail in (Fried, 2004). important. Here the universal threshold, which The window width ht can be chosen globally or belongs to widely used ones and which is easy to locally based on the adaptation described in (Gather implement, is preferred. The universal threshold is and Fried, 2004). Here the recommendations given defined as (Donoho, Johnstone 1995) in (Gather and Fried, 2004) and adaptation algorithm (Borowski and Fried, 2011) are preferred. Tn=σ 2log( ) Data smoothing using discrete Fourier transform where represents the noise standard deviation The principle of data smoothing using discrete which can be estimated as the absolute median Fourier transform (DFT) is the conversion of deviationσ of the transform coefficients. observed values from its original (usually time) domain to a representation in the frequency Data smoothing using discrete wavelet domain, where significant frequencies occuring in transform the observations are filtered. Subsequently the data The principle of data smoothing using discrete is transferred back to time domain. wavelet transform (DWT) is analogous to data The transform is based on expressing smoothing using DFT. It means that the observed the observations y(0), ..., y(n – 1), where n is values are converted from its original domain to supposed to be a power of two, as a weighted sum of a time-, subsequently significant orthonormal basis functions. These basis functions, frequencies are thresholded and finally the data is Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data With an Application to Particulate... 457

transferred using inverse transform back to time based on penalised criterion, where domain. the penalty term penalizes the changes in the discrete Similarly to DFT the DWT is based on expressing derivative of the estimate. The penalty term is based the observations y(t), i = 1, ..., n, as a weighted on l1 norm, which encourages sparsity of the discrete sum of orthonormal basis functions of different derivatives. frequencies. A contrary to DFT, where the base of Given the measurements Y(1), ...,Y(n) observed at n functions is formed by sine and cosine functions, discrete equally spaced time instants (the extension several wavelet families, forming the base of for arbitrarily spaced time instants is described in functions exist. These wavelet families – basis (Tibshirani, 2014), the regression model can be functions of the space L2( ) (the space of all written as (Kim et al., 2009) 2 ∞ f( t) dt <∞ measurable functions f(t) satisfying ∫−∞ , where denotes theYt set( ) =of mt ℝreal( ) += εnumbers),( t), which Yt ( ) = mt ( ) += ε ( t) , i 1, … , n i 1,… , n are concentrated in time, are derived from parental ℝ 2 , namely from mother wavelet ψ (tL)∈ () 2 and father wavelet φ (tL)∈ () (Meyer, 1992). where (t) are independent errors. Denoting The relations, based on which the child wavelets Y = (Y(1), ..., Y)(n)) and supposing an integer (forming the orthonormal basis of space L2( )) are k ≥ 0, the ε k th order trend filtering estimate of T derived from parent wavelets, can be written as m = (m(1), ..., m)(n)) can be written in the form ℝ (Kim et al., 2009)

j j jj ψψjs,,(t) =−=−2 2 ts , φφjs( t) 22 ts 1 1 1 1 21 2 2 (2k+(21k)+(k1+)(1k)+(k1+)1) ( ) ( ) mˆ m=ˆmargˆ=arg=mˆ minargmˆ= minarg= minarg min Y min −+Y mY −+ m−+Y m Y −+λ m−+Dλ mDλ D λmDλDmm mm n n n n n 2121212121 m∈m∈m2∈m2∈m2∈2 2 ´ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ where s ( denotes the set of integers) is parameter of time shift and j is parameter where ≥ is a tuning parameter and D(k + 1 correspondingϵ ℤ toℤ scale. represents discrete difference operator. As can be) Given the parameter J determining seen, the aimλ 0 is to estimate the parameters such that the maximum resolution, the sequence of the penalised sum of least squares is minimised. ϵ ℤ (11) (n− ) xn measurements y(t) L²( can be expressed as For k = 0, D ∈ is the first-order difference matrix ϵ ℝ) yt( ) = cφψ( t) + d( t), ∑0,s 0, s ∑∑js,, js (1) s∈Z 0,< 0 the operator D(k + 1 is defined recursively by wavelet. Therefore the coefficientsc j,s are called ) (k + 1 (1 (k aproximative while the coefficients are calledd j,s D = D D detailed coefficients. ) ) ) For the analysis presented in this paper Since the penalty term penalizes the discrete orthonormal Daubechies 8 (db8) wavelets (k + 1)st derivative of the vector m, the resulting (Daubechies, 1992) were used. trend filtering estimate mˆ has the structure of The DWT as well as backward reconstruction can a piecewise polynomial of order k with data-based be realized in 0(n) steps using algorithm (Mallat, adaptive choice of knots. 1998), which is based on lowpasss and highpass The trend filtering estimate mˆ can be found using filters. The thresholding of DWT coefficients, a Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method (Kim et al., which is performed analogous to thresholding of 2009) or using a path algorithm (Tibshirani, Taylor, coefficients obtained using DFT, is applied only for 2011) which is preferred here. detailed coefficients. Software Trend filtering The computation was performed in the software Trend filtering estimate belonging toR, v. 3.3.1, using packages „lokern“ (Herrmann, estimates is constructed 2014), „robfilter“ (Fried et al., 2014), „smooth“ 458 Martina Čampulová

(Svetunov, 2017), „genlasso“ (Taylor and Tibshirani, the extensive of the data is needed. For this 2014) and „waveslim“ (Whitcher, 2015). reason in this paper the concentration is paid only on data from Lany station and the period from October Data 9th to October 30th 2016. The corresponding The smoothing methods are applied to hourly sequence of measurements contains evidently mass concentrations of atmospheric aerosol outlying values and can be thus considered as (particulate matter, PM) with aerodynamic diameter a representative segment of the observations. of particles smaller than 10 µm, namely PM10. The analysed concentrations of PM10 aerosols are

The concentrations of PM10 were recorded with time illustrated in Fig. 1, which shows that several steady resolution 1 hour at 5 monitoring stations situated increases and sharp declines in PM10 concentration in Brno, Czech Republic and operated by Brno City occur over the studied period. As already Municipality (BCM). The analysed datasets were mentioned, a few observations obviously deviated provided by Brno City Municipality. from the other measurements are present in the data Brno is the second largest city of the Czech during the studied measurement period. Republic with population of 430,000 inhabitants, Manual data control performed by specialised and thus represents an area with significant air operators from Council of the City of Brno pollution mostly originating from residential heating, stated that all changes in the variability of PM10 traffic and industrial sources. For the purpose of concentrations are associated with a change in the illustration of the performance of the methods, meteorological conditions. The only exception observations measured at station Lany were are four measurements in the night from the 21st to selected. The monitoring station Lany is located 22nd of October, which were evaluated as invalid, on the southern edge of the Bohunice housing because they show large and during night hours estate. There is a motorway leading 450 m south very unlikely deviations from the rest of the values. from the location point and the surroundings of However, inspection of the station logbook did not the station consists mostly of apartment buildings clarify the reason for the presence of these outliers. and full-grown vegetation. The data presented in Fig. 1 were smoothed As shown in (Hrdlickova et al., 2008; Hübnerová and using the methods presented in section Materials Michálek, 2014), the concentrations of the particulate and methods. As already described, individual matter is influenced by numerous factors including methods are parametrised by a parameter specific specific days of the week, heating season, cloud cover to the corresponding methodology. Remember that and meteorological conditions (temperature, relative the approaches used for the selection of individual humidity). Continuous monitoring of chemical parameters were described in the section Materials composition and concentrations of PM10 is important and methods. For computing moving average for air pollution investigation. estimate several different window sizes were considered. The results presented in Fig. 2 are based on window width h = 25. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The PM10 concentrations together with the smoothing lines obtained using individual Real data methods are visualised in Fig. 2. All data was analysed

As described in section Data, the PM10 together, however, for graphical visualisation of concentrations were recorded at 5 different the results the considered time period was partitioned monitoring locations. For a reasonable graphical into several segments and corresponding estimates visualization of the results the reduction of were visualised in individual graph with different

1: Concentrations of PM10 aerosols Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data With an Application to Particulate... 459

range of y-axis. Since each graph corresponds to median regression does not at all appear to be relatively short time interval the observations are influenced by outliers. plotted against the index of measurements. As the figure shows the results obtained using Simulated data trend filtering and kernel regreression based on both To compare the performance of individual local and global bandwidth are quite comparable. It smoothing methods two simulation studies were can also be seen that the variability of smoothing performed. For both studies the data was simulated lines (considered for each smoothing line based on the function defined on the interval separately) obtained using exponential smoothing, [0 ; 0.85] and visualised in Fig. 3 together with kernel regression, trend filtering and DWT the smoothing residuals generated from normal adapts to the data better than using the remaining distribution with zero mean and standard deviation methods. This phenomenon is obvious especially , where = 0.2, 0,3, ..., 0.8. For each value of 500 in local extremes of PM10 concentrations where replicates was used. the smoothing lines have sharp peaks. σ The firstσ simulation study was performedσ on The figure illustrates that the smoothing lines datasets free of ouliers. However, for the purpose of obtained using trend filtering and kernel regression the second simulation study six intentional outliers vary from noisy curve detaily explaining variability were assigned at random positions in the data set. in the data to smooth curve in time instants where These outliers were generated from the normal the variability of the data is relatively small. While distribution N (ky (xi), ²), where k was generated the estimate of the smoothed data based on DFT is from uniform distribution unif (3,6). quite variable, the smoothing lines obtained using The simulated dataσ was smoothed using moving averages and robust repeated median the methods described in section Materials and regression appear to be realively smooth. methods and the smoothing parameters were It can also be seen that the DWT based estimate is estimated based on approaches introduced in most influenced by outlier observation corresponding the description of individual methods. Besides to index = 308. Inspecting the segment corresponding that different values of the smoothing parameters to index 430 – 470, where several outlying were tested. However, with regards to the amount observations are present, it can be concluded of methods being compared only the results that moving average method and robust repeated based on smoothing parameters chosen using approaches given in section Materials and methods

2: Concentrations of PM10 aerosols together with the smoothing lines obtained using: moving average (ma), exponential smoothing (exp), local kernel regression (l. kernel), global kernel regression (g. kernel), robust repeated median regression (rrmr), trend filtering (trend f.), discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) 460 Martina Čampulová

(which resultedmˆ in the best results) were presented. local and global bandwidth, trend filtering and Specifically, the moving average method was the moving average method. As expected, higher performed using window size of length 25. precision of the smoothing methods (smaller On the base of (Tibshirani, 2014), the performance average mean squarred error) was achieved by of the smoothing procedures was evaluated by applying the procedures on the datasets free average squared error, which is defined as of outliers. It can also be seen that the average squared error increases with increasing variance of n the residuals used for the generation of the datasets 1 2 (mxˆ ( ii) − yx( )) for all presented procedures. n ∑ i=1 While the precision obtained using kernel regression, trend filtering and moving average

where (xi) represent the smoothed data estimate is quite comparable, the results obtained using and y(xi) is the original function. the remaining methods differ. Considering datasets The mean of average squared error obtained using free of outliers and > 0.5, the least accuracy was different smoothing methods is plotted against obtained using exponential smoothing, DWT and the constant in Fig. 4 for the first simulation study DFT based approach.σ As the Fig. 5 shows, the same and in the Fig. 5 for the second simulation study conclusion can be stated for datasets containing including outliers.σ outliers. As the Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show, the best results were The results obtained using DFT was expected, obtained using kernel regression based on both since Fourier transform assumes periodic signals,

3: Function used for the simulation studies

4: The results of the first simulation study: The mean of average squared error obtained using different smoothing methods plotted against the constant . The smoothing methods are: moving average (ma), exponential smoothing (exp), local kernel regression (l. kernel), global kernel regression (g. kernel), robust repeated median regression (rrmr), trend filtering (trend f.), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data With an Application to Particulate... 461

5: The results of the second simulation study: The the mean of average squared error obtained using different smoothing methods plotted against the constant . The smoothing methods are: moving average (ma), exponential smoothing (exp), local kernel regression (l. kernel), global kernel regression (g. kernel), robust repeated median regression (rrmr), trend filtering (trend f.), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) which is not true for the data presented in this paper. better than the smoothing lines estimated using The violation of the periodicity assumption results remaining procedures. Also the average squared in a bad fit of the smoothed curves. errors computed based on the smoothing lines Note that the analysis of a data file containing obtained using kernel regression and trend filtering outliers is quite often problematic. Considering are relatively small. e.g. DWT, the outliers create significant detail Of course the quality of the estimates is coefficients at finest scale, which means that they significantly influenced by the choice of smoothing cannot be simply thresholded. The situation parameters and different selection of the parameter with DFT is similar, since the outliers destroy values may result in more or less smooth estimates of the spectrum. the data trend. As already described, the presented Based on the results obtained by analysing real results are based on smoothing parameters chosen and simulated data it can be concluded that the best using the approaches given in section Materials results were obtained using kernel regression and methods. However, it was verified that by using and trend filtering. The reason of this fact is that smoothing parameters values close to the proposed the corresponding smoothing lines adapt to the data ones the comparable results are obtained.

CONCLUSION This paper presents the overview and comparison of different smoothing methods that can be

used to smooth environmental data. The considered methods, which are applied to smooth PM10 concentrations and compared in a simulation study, include kernel regression with both local and global bandwidth, robust repeated median regression, trend filtering, moving average, discrete Fourier transform approach, discrete wavelet transform approach and exponential smoothing. It was shown that the considered methods differ in their sensitivity to outliers and adaptivity to the data. It is known that outliers, the observations significantly deviated from the other measurements, may have a signifficant effect on data evaluation and modelling. The outliers occur in large environmental datasets quite often and their presence might result from numerous experimental errors, natural variability of the analysed variable, unusual experimental conditions or from abnormal behaviour of the observed variable. For this reason, the choice of the data smoothing technique depends on the application and requirements of the analyst. Considering the adaptivity to the data and precision evaluated based on mean squared error the best results were obtained using kernel regression and trend filtering. Of course the shape of all smoothing lines depends on the choice of parameters determining the amount of observations for local smoothing. As already described the results presented here were obtained using concrete values of smoothing parameters. However, by using smoothing parameter values close to the proposed ones comparable results are obtained.

Acknowledgement The author would like to thank to Geno Reynolds for the proofreading of English. 462 Martina Čampulová


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Contact information Martina Čampulová: [email protected]