IMC4 Proceedings, Sari 1398

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Page 8 v Èv •wfi© çw… · “fi wè v Èv I"w• #$% &zwfi ( ")(w™ *+, ·w“™v I 1398 È © -4 6 y’w= /•> 1 Phylogeny, Evolution and Biogeography of Powdery Mildew Fungi (Erysiphales) 2 2 w4 AwB "w w fl y w5Èv fl 'È7w 3 3 w4 — fl w4 O' "2'z( ’’ :* dwÉ "vz ’w Iwk l•w’0• ·É "w4 Èv7 *# #gfl R R "v Èw O : fl #3 O : Èfl wz Pyricularia oryzae : ,wÉ n n -vÈv "w4 m' *— * ?v / z w’É -vÈv S S -vÈv ’w3© "w4 -w/•v ™<fl fl *4v -w4w— Yv v (v ·27 • z Colletotrichum gloeosporioides s.s.
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