doom heretic cheats ZDoom. Forum rules The Projects forums are ONLY for YOUR PROJECTS! If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead. Got a cool project idea but nothing else ? Put it in the project ideas thread instead! Projects for any -based engine (especially 3DGE) are perfectly acceptable here too. Please read the full rules for more details. Brightmaps Plus v1.8. by NightFright » Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:54 am. It was suggested that I create a separate thread for this, so here it is. Since GZDoom's brightmaps.pk3 is not fully compatible with Revenant100's Sprite Fixing Project, new brightmaps were needed. This package does not only provide that but also adds many more brightmaps than the original file delivers, e.g. glowing eyes for Doom monsters, weapon pickups or (optional) texture brightmaps. This package builds upon the work of previous brightmaps releases, but many entries have been edited, changed or added for more subtle effects which do not interfere too much with actual gameplay (e.g. monster eyes usually don't glow THAT brightly in the dark any more to avoid revealing monster presence too early). Glowing eyes effect for Soulsphere/Megasphere and slightly sparkling health bonus are all new-additions created by myself. Last update: Version 1.8 (May 25, 2021) Example screenshots (MAP30): Info: - Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife supported - Spritefixes supported (depending on which mod file you use) - More (and better) brightmaps than default brightmaps.pk3 with additional features (e.g. monster eyes glow in the dark, texture brightmaps) - Completely replaces brightmaps.pk3 that comes with GZDoom. You don't need to load both files at the same time - It is assumed you use the spritefixes for Doom and Heretic made by Revenant100 (d1spfx19.wad, d2spfx19.wad, hrspfx10.wad) - As long as you use the spritefix version, avoid loading these brightmaps with Doom/Heretic addons that come with customized sprites. Credits: Based on original graphics by - (Doom/Doom II) - Raven Software (Heretic/Hexen) - Rogue Entertainment (Strife) - TeamTNT () Brightmaps provided by - Acidhoes (Hexen sprites) - DrVenom8 (Doom/Heretic sprites and Heretic/Hexen textures) - NightFright (Doom spritefix sprites & various edits) - TheUnbeholden (Doom/Final Doom textures) - Virtue (Doom/Hexen/Strife sprites) Version 1.61 released. by NightFright » Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:06 am. A bit of love for Heretic. Iron Lich was at least partially improperly defined (brightmaps are called LICH in GZDoom instead of HEAD, probably to avoid conflicts with Doom's Cacodemon) - it should work as intended now. A few pickups were tweaked as well. CHANGELOG v1.61 [HERETIC] Improved: Quiver of Ethereal Arrows (AMC2 B/C), Crystal Vial (PTN1), Quartz Flask (PTN2) [HERETIC] Fixed: Iron Lich (HEAD/LICH) Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Caligari87 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:54 am. Just curious, how does this compare and contrast with sbrightmaps.pk3? That's what I've been using for a while and I really like it, but I'm not sure if this builds on it or not. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by NightFright » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:00 pm. Among other sources, this project is based on sbrightmaps - sort of, since Z86 most likely got his brightmaps basically from the same sources I did (not sure how much he made by himself). I have applied a lot of changes and adjustments, but you shouldn't lose any significant functionality/effects when using this instead. After I converted all brightmaps to greyscale, some brightmaps have their brightnesses reduced, but that's also due to feedback from people who complained that gameplay changes too much if you see glowing monster eyes in the dark. It's still like that, but in some cases (zombie, sergeant, imp) you may need to pay a bit more attention to spot them. Main advantage is that it unites all brightmaps, for Doom 1+2, TNT, Plutonia, Heretic, Hexen and Strife in one single file. And it works with spritefixes, but also without if needed. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Caligari87 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:57 pm. Alright, awesome! Looks like I'll probably be adding this to my autoload then. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Nash » Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:46 pm. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by NightFright » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:05 pm. I would also like to have that option. And while we are at it, make texture brightmaps switchable, too. Hell, I could even make glowing monster eyes optional. I haven't seen this anywhere so far though, therefore I am sceptical. Coding team input may be needed for this one. If GLDEFS is only loaded on startup and cannot be updated dynamically ingame, I guess we are out of luck, though. In the worst case you may need to create a seperate zipfile without spritefixes enabled, but I'd also prefer a single-file solution. Version 1.62 released. by NightFright » Wed May 01, 2019 2:58 am. Maintenance release in order to adapt to lump filtering changes with GZDoom 4.1.0. Please do NOT use this version with GZDoom 4.0.0 or earlier. For convenience, I will keep a link to v1.61 in the OP for the time being, but I assume that eventually everybody will update to latest GZDoom version. CHANGELOG v1.62 [DOOM] Adjusted lump filtering for DOOM 1+2 according to latest GZDoom 4.1.0 syntax. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Hipnotic Rogue » Wed May 01, 2019 5:01 am. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by mgtroyas » Mon May 06, 2019 6:10 am. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Grizzly » Fri May 24, 2019 4:48 pm. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by Grizzly » Fri May 31, 2019 2:23 pm. Re: Brightmaps Plus (spritefix compatible) by NightFright » Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:50 am. That's the catch. It was actually a lot worse before my edits since all brightmaps were pretty much fullbright. I'd like to add ingame switches for textures and glowing eyes, but I think GZDoom isn't capable of dynamically switching brightmap definitions. Maybe one day. Hexen cheat codes. To use a cheat code in most versions of Hexen, one simply types the code while playing (this also applies while in automap mode). After the last letter has been entered, a message of acknowledgement will appear at the top of the screen. The status bar and ingame view may also change, depending on the effects of the code. All of the codes for the original game work in all source ports, unless otherwise noted. All cheat codes are disabled in multiplayer games and in the Titan/Pope/Archimage (level 5) skill level; however, some cheats (such as mapsco) are not disabled when entering this difficulty level. Full version. Second time: full automap with items and enemies. Third time: back to normal. Shareware version. bgokey Makes the player immune to all damage excluding teleport frags, spikes, and fall damage from extreme heights ("God mode"). sgurno Sets health to 100%. rjohnson No clipping (the player can walk through walls, characters, and obstacles, climb high ledges instantly, and pass through items and across all tagged linedefs with no effect). cstika Carnage; Kills all monsters on the current level. crhinehart Gives all weapons, full mana and full armor. braffel Full Inventory; Gives the maximum amount of each artifact. mraymondjudy Gives all keys. tmoore Gives all puzzle items. plipo# Change player class to #: 0 = Fighter, 1 = Cleric, 2 = Mage. bpelletier## Warps to level ## [01-04] (does not deactivate '-nomonsters' command line option). init Restarts level, removes everything the player is carrying and disables cheats. mwagabaza## Run script ## [01-99]. reveal First time: full automap (reveals unexplored areas). Second time: full automap with items and enemies. Third time: back to normal. Note: Almost all of the cheat codes for the shareware version of the game are taken from the first initial and full last name of the game designers from Raven Software. For example: kschilder comes from Kevin Schilder, bgokey is Ben Gokey, and mraymondjudy is Michael Raymond-Judy. Two (or more) cheat codes with overlapping letters can be activated without typing the overlapping part(s) twice. A useful example is "satan" and "nra" which can both be activated by typing "satanra" for both "god mode" and full weapons/ammo in the full version. Another example is "sherlocksmith" to activate both "sherlock" and "locksmith" (all puzzle items and all keys). ZDoom. Walpurgis 0.93 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [HOTFIX/New Trailer] Forum rules The Projects forums are ONLY for YOUR PROJECTS! If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead. Got a cool project idea but nothing else ? Put it in the project ideas thread instead! Projects for any Doom-based engine (especially 3DGE) are perfectly acceptable here too. Please read the full rules for more details. Walpurgis 0.93 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [HOTFIX/New Trailer] by eharper256 » Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:17 pm. A gameplay mod that works with Doom and Heretic, straight out of the Box! Focused on giving everything three fire-modes without needing any extra resources, just balancing them around standard blue and green mana/ammo consumption. Will have upgrades for each of those afformentioned fire-modes (think Trailblazer) ------Don't forget to bind yourself a 'Reload' key. In Walpurgis, this key is your third fire mode. Various inventory items can also be assigned hotkeys. Comes with its own version of Widescreen Status Bar, you will not need your own. Please turn off Alternate HUD in GZDoom to get get the best experience with the UI. ------Other optional (but recommended) mods to run in your GZDoom.ini: Nashgore Vengeance OR Universal Gibs for your bloody splatter needs. Tekish's HUD addons for general helpful convienience. Walp is compatible with Pistol Starter if you like starting levels afresh, and this optionally allows you to keep inventory items (and upgrades) between levels. ------+Fixed: Fixes an issue with some monster spawners not inheriting the flags and TID a map may have given them. Thanks to UnknDoomer for reporting it. [0.93] 'Suited and Fruited' ------30/04/2021 +New!: The Azurinthine Fruit drops for the Druid, allowing her to upgrade: >> Wolf- Mode Upgrades added. + Primary Swipes and punches have a third super punch added after two regular hits. This has huge knockback and good damage. The regular hits also do somewhat more damage. + Secondary Ice Ball erupts in cold novas it as it flies, and additional ice shards fly from it upon eruption (based on its charge level). + Tertiary Slam gains a wider AOE, more knockback, and causes an eruption of small boulders on impact, dealing additional damage all around you. >> Hebiko Sceptre Upgrades added. + Primary Shots become Caduceus twin snake shots for more damage. + Secondary Hypnosis now lasts longer and can affect higher HP enemies, and it steals somewhat more HP from the target, which is now standard behaviour (see Tweak below). + Tertiary Gas Grenade gains hypervelocity, turning into a fast Rocket that deploys its gas cloud, allowing you to cause havoc at a distance! >> Right now, the Baselard is not upgrade-ready and will waste your Azurinthines so keep that in mind. +New!: Brightmaps for everything unique to Walpurgis added. This does not cover base iWAD content. If you want to cover base content, I would recommend "Brightmaps Plus" by Nightfright (loading it before Walp). +New!: The Steel Golem joins the cast of new monsters. He can sometimes spawn in the place of Nitrogolems in Heretic. He's much tougher and slower, and has a jump attack and bouncing spike bombs to throw at the player, making him an expert at harrying you whilst you deal with more dangerous targets. +New!: The Vrock also joins, a vulture headed elite imp variant that will show up occasionally in Doom. He fires off a scary triple spread shot of wind-blades, making him a priority target if he shows up leading a group of regular imps. +New!: New CVAR allows you to toggle whether you want to enable Walpurgis Monster Tweaks and whether you want Elite Monster Variants to spawn. Read the Walpurgis Options Menu (New Bestiary Section) for info. +New!: New Item: Philters of Vitality. This scarlet liquid works like a Build game's portable-medikit, giving you HP that you can use to top off your HP to your usual class maximum. You can carry up to 200 HP's worth, and find it in various sizes. Once you've picked up a least a small vial of it, you'll gain a bottle in inventory forever. +New!: Fulgur Tertiary Storm Fire gets new firing sprites to replace the generic ones from before, and also now has a much better on-impact effect when a bolt strikes its target. Deals somewhat more damage than before (about 15% more) but also has its cost increased to 12. Glitches where it would sometimes do the incorrect impact damage and acquire targets wrongly were also fixed, making the damage more reliable. +New!: A few extra tweaks to melee sound effects (Baselards make correct wall impact noises based on whether stabbing or slashing, new Axe Impact sounds to add variety). Also new sound for Vis Force Blasts. +New!: DoomEd ID numbers added. Hence, you can now specifically make levels for Walpurgis, should you have a fit of madness (lol). This can be achieved by loading the Walpurgis pk3 as a resource in Ultimate Doom Builder. Should also work with other editors, but this is not tested. +Tweak: Druid Hebiko Sceptre Hypnosis now also steals a small amount of HP from the foe you are hypnotising. It also has a much better 'swirly' visual effect to make it more clear when a monster is fighting for you. +Tweak: Druid Wolfmode ground-slam now always knocks foes back and away from you when you land, making it less silly to kill yourself by leaping into a dangerous pack which then tears you up. Caution should still be exercised around heavier monsters like Barons and Mancubi. +Tweak: Doom Pinkies/Spectres now have a chance to leap at you, and they also attack in melee somewhat faster than before. +Tweak: Doom Barons now occasionally fire a more dangerous meteor attack. +Tweak: Heretic Nitrogolems flaming skull attack changed to a homing ghost. Acts same as before, but now with the same tweaks as the Revenant Missile (ceases homing after a few seconds) and with a less annoying noise and a white palette. The golems themselves also got a much better palette that makes them look metallic rather than blue (lol). +Tweak: Doom Lost Souls now explode into skull pieces on death. +Tweak: Tradactus given more HP and given an additional attack: double homing ghosts (as now used by the Heretic Nitrogolems). His teleportation routine was also vastly improved, making him harder to take down quickly (which in turn makes him way more dangerous, and he turns the fight into a clusterfuck over time with his summons in the narrow spaces!). +Tweak: Aestus Primary made slightly tighter (aim-wise) and made to cost just 1 mana per shot, but in exchange it does about 30% less damage per shot to justify its half-price. Before it was a serious mana-hog compared to the efficient killing power of Algor. +Tweak: Aestus Secondary no longer damages you if it detonates point-blank. +Tweak: Aestus Whip deals about 15% more damage to justify its slow wind up. +Tweak: Various visual tidying up for a few weapon effects (sparklies and embers given better Z tracking, Quietus no longer snaps back into place after the primary fire, Algor icy clouds made to behave, Wand of Hitscans actually uses a proper effect, pitch tracking on charge-ables, etc.) +Tweak: Revised Smoke and Steam effects most notable on fire based attacks. +Tweak: The Krater of Might gets a new sprite that actually makes it into a Krater (a type of fat greek urn) rather than it being a Chalice. +Tweak: Adjustments to spawners and drop chances for Doom and Heretic so that less crazy amounts of Kraters of Might appear (but a little more normal mana will drop on occasion instead). +Fixed: In Hexen Maps, the Druid wasn't correctly recognised, so weapons and weapon pieces for all three classes were dropped (and then replaced!) allowing them to collect excess drops and assemble the Ichival far, far earlier than they should have been able to normally. Fixed. +Fixed: Lightbringers overlay wasn't considered fullbright. Fixed. +Fixed: Wings of Wrath were being carried between hubs in Hexen. Fixed. +Fixed: Testmap in Hexen was ignoring the Skybox prompt. Fixed. +Fixed: Barons and Hellknights in Doom would infight due to a weird leftover flag inherited in their fireball's decorative flames code. Fixed. +Fixed: Doom Sergeant Zombies now have a special drop routine that allows them to drop you a slot (2) weapon if you don't have one already. Some Doom maps never put a standard weapon drop down assuming you're going to get your shotgun off him, so this is for those. +Fixed: There is now some limited multiplayer compatibility framework now in place in Walpurgis; so that weapons should function fine regardless of which player is using them. Spawners are not yet 100% fixed, but some may may function to a degree (i.e. you can try it, but I probably need to recode all of them in ZScript). ------CREDITS: ------>> Several Code snippets (mostly heavily modified) and some sprites are by 4Page. >> Titlemap music is a cropped and edited version of 'The Cadaver's Waltz', jointly made by mrgrimsdale & Jimmy. >> Footsteps ZScript by DenisBelmondo, edited by myself. >> FireHammer sprites are by DEAD_FiSH. >> Widescreen HUD sprites on Mace, Fists, Axe, Hammer, and Quietus taken from Cronos Unleashed by Rip and Tear, with edits by myself. >> Smooth BloodScourge by DavidG (Itsnaturetodie). >> AxeThrow Sprites, as well as base mage hands, cleric scalemail, and numerous others by Neoworm; edited by myself. >> Edits to my Kick Sprite by SallazarSpellcaster. >> Crux Calicus Vortex Sprites are modified explosions (!) from Russian Overkill. >> Some Firestorm & Quietus projectile sprites from Rise of the Triad. >> Quietus alternate swing/stab sprites by Lord Lothar. >> Quietus Torpedo sprite originally from BulletEye, edited by myself. >> Quietus Tertiary swing sprite idea from QCDE, remade by myself. >> Boots sprite, and Ice Spear sprite from Wrath of Chronos. >> Whip Sprite changed into Grapple Chain for Myrmidon originally from High Noon Drifter, edited by myself. >> Glacial Spike from Hisoutensouken, ripped by Random Talking Bush, edited by me. >> Frozen Doom Monsters by myself, Frozen Heretic Monsters by Neoworm. >> Initial code idea for hotkeys by Lagi. >> Basic sprite for Axe/Sword Decal taken from Trailblazer and edited by me. >> Widescreen Split Statusbar (ZScript) by 3saster and Nightfright, edited by me. >> Font [GargoyleWing] by Jimmy. Font [Midway] by Kinsie. >> The Testmap and TitleMap use OTEX by Ukiro. >> Music Credits: Bosa, Everattic, and Matthias Verbinnen (All from Newgrounds). >> Sounds by Kevin Schilder, Chia Chin Lee, Drew Markham, Tommccann, Robinhood76, Humanoide9000, Grant_Evans, Partners In Rhyme, and 4Page. >> Some Sounds obtained from,, and a couple were taken from Wrath of Chronos and Russian Overkill. >> Druid Voice Samples remixed from Turok II and Fire Emblem Fates Voices. >> A handful of sounds were remixed from Nox, and Turok II, though edited. If you are missing from the Credits and your stuff was used, vast apologies, please contact me either at the GZDoom forums, or at DoomWorld (I am eharper256 in both places). ------. ------When I was a kid, and still now, I've always been a fantasy nerd, so Hexen was always one of my favourite Doom spinoffs: I've long wanted to create something for it, something similar to what Heretical did for Heretic, but the initial step forwards was always something I was lethargic about. After all, I'm not much of a natural coder; my skills lie in spriting and writing by default. Fortunately for me; 4page in this very forum recently released a mod called HexArcana' in a similar vein, which I enjoyed quite alot. Huge props to them; because apparently this was the kick up the ass I needed to start proper Decorate usage and get cracking. What started as me simply adding the Lightbringer (from Hexen 2) to HexArcana, spiralled massively out of control, and it turned gradually from spinoff into full-fledged mod of its own. It now shares very little with HexArcana as its been gradually shaped by my vision of what I wanted in a Hexen mod. I'm not exactly the best Doom player in the box, so my design philosophy is rule of cool over practicality, and making the mod that I want to play! That really shows in how its developed. The three revised classes are now the Myrmidon (Fighter); the Crusader (Cleric), and the Magister (Mage). It also adds a fourth class, the Druid, with lots of custom-sprite work! ------Streamer Videos: Thanks to MotiTerminus for covering Walpurgis in Playtesting Stream #4. ^ Starts at 01:19:00. The link above this video takes you directly to that timestamp. The forum widget doesn't support specific timestamps sadly. Covers playing Vanguard with the Crusader and the Magister! ------Also Thanks for struukduuker for covering my Walp! Check out his Myrmidon video here: Playing Sucker Punch II by Rook in 0.93! A video of the older 0.9 Druid in Action, playing the first three levels of Doom! ------MAGISTER VIDEOS Playing Lullaby by Danlex. Testing the Magisters new ultimate, the Agnus Abyssus! A revision of an old video showing Doom Compatibility; but with new shoes; from the 0.77 version. Showing off 0.8's New Vorpal Slashes for Quietus! A Crusader rides out to smite a serpent riding Heretic A re-take of an older video, showing off the Crusader in 0.87, and playing Heretic. Playing with Fire(storm) to demonstrate 0.75's fiery enemy deaths. ------GENERAL VIDEOS Showing off New Icons of the Defender for each class! Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [Beta release nearly ready!] by 4page » Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:15 pm. Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [Beta release nearly ready!] by eharper256 » Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:09 pm. Glad to hear you like the look of it. I've managed to get Doom Support in so far as replacing the items correctly and its entirely playable right now, but the lack of a statusbar is vexxing. I especially need to finely tune the balance (especially for the Myrm/Fighter) as, of course, Doom very much expects you to always be toting a gun. Zombies explode from a single punch in the face which is funny, but I expect they may need their health rebalanced for this mod. XD. Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [Beta release nearly ready!] by AvzinElkein » Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:17 pm. eharper256 wrote: Glad to hear you like the look of it. I've managed to get Doom Support in so far as replacing the items correctly and its entirely playable right now, but the lack of a statusbar is vexxing. I especially need to finely tune the balance (especially for the Myrm/Fighter) as, of course, Doom very much expects you to always be toting a gun. Zombies explode from a single punch in the face which is funny, but I expect they may need their health rebalanced for this mod. XD. Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [Beta release nearly ready!] by Whoah » Sun Jan 19, 2020 10:00 pm. Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [Beta release nearly ready!] by eharper256 » Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:01 am. eharper256 wrote: Glad to hear you like the look of it. I've managed to get Doom Support in so far as replacing the items correctly and its entirely playable right now, but the lack of a statusbar is vexxing. I especially need to finely tune the balance (especially for the Myrm/Fighter) as, of course, Doom very much expects you to always be toting a gun. Zombies explode from a single punch in the face which is funny, but I expect they may need their health rebalanced for this mod. XD. Yup, Chaingunners might need a replacement especially; they're annoying for Doomguy, never mind the Myrmidon. It's something I'm going to have to check with a full Scythe or Ancient Aliens playthrough or something. Another fun fact with Doom conversion; lots of the base Doom levels are un-completeable without crouching with the basic Hexen characters; I had to reduce their height: Doomguy is actually quite a shortass (or the Chronos people are all relative giants). XD. ZDoom. I want to do some serious Heretic modding but I come to realize that I haven't really played Heretic as much as Doom, and that I don't really know the game that well. I am looking for high quality map packs (or other kinds of mods) that have been made for Heretic. any recommendations? Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Ceeb » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:12 pm. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by XutaWoo » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:35 pm. The only thing to remember is that all except the Crystal Vials are stored in the inventory; use a script or a bunch of the vials if you want some quick health that the player won't store. Oh and don't count on the enemies dropping ammo. It's random y'know. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by TheDarkArchon » Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:46 pm. Nash wrote: I want to do some serious Heretic modding but I come to realize that I haven't really played Heretic as much as Doom, and that I don't really know the game that well. I am looking for high quality map packs (or other kinds of mods) that have been made for Heretic. any recommendations? Hordes of Chaos. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Graf Zahl » Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 am. In what hole are you living? Apparently you never did any research in that matter? Here's some good examples for Heretic: Admittedly there's a lot less stuff for Heretic than for Doom but the above should be a good start. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Nash » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:05 am. Thanks Graf. I've only started playing Hordes of Chaos X and I must say. this WAD is a KILLER! I've always thought that the stock Heretic maps were nothing but borefests. but HoCX does indeed satisfy my craving for fantasy slaughterfests. I've downloaded the rest of the WADs from your list as well. Can't wait to try these! EDIT: How could I have forgotten about Enjay's Thiefy mod. Played it way back. It was awesome. it really didn't feel like Heretic anymore, though. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Pinky's ass » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:46 am. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Enjay » Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:22 am. For Zdoom you could easily make some health pickups that behave just like the Doom health items, for example. It is true that the fact the player can carry around little packets of 25% health to use when he wants does mean that you need to think about how to budget health in the map a bit more carefully from a mapping perspective. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by neoworm » Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:32 pm. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Enjay » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:10 pm. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Xaser » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:35 pm. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Imp Hunter » Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:49 pm. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Xaser » Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:06 pm. Well, there's FutureTic, but I did it ages ago and it's quite crap. That was before DECORATE though so I did what I could. ;P. Zero Prophet is working on a weapon mod of sorts for Heretic (a superset of Heretic's original arsenal with altfires and such), and it's pretty cool from what I've seen. But I'm not supposed to tell you about it. :o. Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by Nash » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:17 am. I take it there aren't any released and good Heretic weapon mods then? I'm starting to hate the Heretic weapons already. :/ I also hate the game's sound design. Everything is so mushy and lame sounding. Hey, maybe those are the two mods I should start with: a sound mod, and then a weapons mod. :D. EDIT: I've never played vanilla Heretic. I'd like to know about the following. 1) Jumping allowed? 2) Look up/down allowed? 3) Actors infinitely tall or not? Re: High quality Heretic WADs? by CaptainToenail » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:19 am. It should work with ZDoom when it's done, I think, I've playtested it, it's pretty interesting. Heretic Cheats. Code Description quicken The same as God Mode in Doom. It's the path to invinciblity massacre Kills everything on the level skel Get keys rambo Get full health armor, and weapons recharge engage Level warp. Type engage and then the number of the level you wish to warp to kitty This will let you walk through walls just like idclip for Doom II--just be sure to turn it off when yu want to pick up an item or activate a switch. cockadoodledoo We're not going to say what this one does, but you'll certainly get a laugh when you try it out. gimme + #of item you want. A=Ring of Invulnerability B=Shadowsphere C=Quartz Flask D=Mystic Urn E=Tome of Power F=Torch G=Time Bomb H=Morph Ovum I=Wings of Wrath J=Chaos Device. Gaming deals, prizes and latest news. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. You will receive a verification email shortly.