Euthanasia Public Meeting to Screen Banned ‘Single Shot’ YouTube Video

Physicist and Voluntary Activist, Dr Philip Nitschke PhD, has announced that the Auckland public meeting and workshop will be the first screening of two new YouTube videos ‘The Single Shot’ (concerning the making the Peaceful Pill) and ‘Do It Yourself with Betty’ (making an Exit Bag), despite their recent banning by government.

While the films are available on (after confirmation that the viewer is over 18), one of the last actions of the former Howard government was to restrict their screening at Exit meetings, arguing that the showing of unclassified videos in a public place was against Australian law.

In a letter received in October 2007 then Attorney General warned against the screening of the film ‘Single Shot’ in a public place, reminding Exit that a breach of law would attract a fine of $26,000 and a possible jail term.

Speaking from Sydney prior to his NZ tour this week, Dr Nitschke PhD said:

“Despite the banning of our book The Peaceful Pill Handbook by the NZ Chief Censor last year, I do not imagine the NZ government will be so restrictive when it comes to films. The Single Shot film is the most viewed film on the Internet. Ideally it should be seen in a setting where it can be explained and questions about it answered. I also plan to show some of the equipment used by the group in the video to the meeting.

‘The Single Shot’ shows the activities of a group of elderly Australians as they trial a new method of making a Peaceful (euthanasia) Pill. It can be viewed at:

‘Doing it with Betty’ shows viewers the steps needed to construct the Exit bag. It can be viewed at:

Dr Nitschke PhD said the NZ tour consisting of 4 free public meetings followed by workshops for those who wanted to know more about their specific end of life options would begin in Auckland on Friday.

Dr Nitschke PhD also plans to re-submit a special NZ edited version of his banned Peaceful Pill Handbook to the NZ chief censor Bill Hastings while in NZ.

Exit will hold free Voluntary Euthanasia Public meetings in Auckland (Ferndale House, Mt Albert Friday 1 Feb 10am); Wellington (Monday 4 Feb St Johns in the City 10am); Nelson (Melrose House Wed 6 Feb 10am); and Christchurch (YMCA Hall, Saturday 9 Feb 1pm).

Date: 28 Jan 2008 - Meeting inquiries: Beverley 04 293 6965 - Information: Philip Nitschke +61 407 189 339