Richard Seymour | 160 pages | 30 Jan 2013 | Verso Books | 9781844679904 | English | London, United Kingdom Book Discussion with Richard Seymour |

By Elliot Murphy. He was a one-off: unclassifiable. His heroism, Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens, clearly knew no bounds. One thinks of Achilles. But these views, though certainly dominant amongst Anglo-American intellectuals, are not shared by the Marxist writer Richard Seymour. Why, exactly, he had found it necessary to share this with the world will remain a mystery. Kissinger, long out of power; the wounded Clinton; the pathetically, not-so-sainted Mother Teresa. And of course the most pathetic, lumbering bull of all, God. But since the universe is so Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens, why is it that the Horsemen largely failed to attend to the concerns of its most remarkable life form? Get ready for it. But Unhitched does, inevitably, have some down sides. But these, of course, are very minor criticisms. It is never Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens in its scholarship and analysis indeed, his heavy reliance on sources such as Tariq Ali leaves his trial open to the charge of unashamed biasbut it is by no means underwhelming either. It is simply whelming. His trial offers the judge a well-researched and original indictment of one of the most contemptible and dangerously influential intellectuals in recent memory. It is now up to the jury, through the words of eager journalists, willing academics and a concerned public, to ensure the prosecution is heard loud and clear. Elliot Murphy is a writer and activist based in the UK. Anti-Trot Apr 3, Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens Apr 24, Hitchens did god works and bad works, this is true. The missionary position the work about Teresa de Calcuta is a master piece, and not easy to expose to the public. Evan Milner Oct 27, Although Hitchens did indeed raise questions about the rights of the unborn vs. To the contrary, in his Vanity Fair article of Feb. There are plenty of legitimate grounds for criticizing Christopher Hitchens without the need to distort his views. Subscribe to Ceasefire newsletter. All Rights Reserved. Should she have to? Wednesday, November 20, - 1 Comment. MR Online | Untitled

Spread the word about us:. Seymour is way off the Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens with this book. His failure to grasp Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens capability for political modification is symptomatic of the curious and dogmatic political tradition that Seymour belongs to. Moreover, I want to cut through their minor criticisms of the volume. What jumps out at me in this book is that it confirms exactly what I felt about the tradition which Seymour belongs to — and it is not a glorious Trotskyist position by any means; instead it is a putrid tradition where politics is black and whitecapitalist and communist, with us or with our enemies. I will explain why. In short, the Libyans who were bludgeoned to death by a crazed maniac had to wait for the collapse of western capitalism. I take great pleasure in saying thank goodness nobody listens to Alex Callinicos. But for those who do, this kind of politics suggests that everything that benefits the West must be inherently wrong and must therefore be condemned. Seeing the sight of dead women and children in North Africa on our news pages may spark the kind of internationalism that was common among the left years ago, but for those on the far-left today reminds them only of their struggle, not against capitalism, but of keeping their narcissism public the SWP is a protest factory in the narcissistic postmodern protest industry, not a serious home of Marxist critique. Seymour, from this tradition, sees Hitchens as somebody always inclined towards a nationalist, colonialist bent. His support for a British Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens for example, which recently received popular approval by islanders, and was not dissimilar to other leftist critics of Galtieri at the time, means for Seymour that Hitchens hid a secret pro-Thatcherismand a disavowed jingoism. Seymour, not getting thisinstead supposes that this confirms what he suspected from the Falklands, that Hitchens was destined to convert to proto- capitalist, neo-con type. While at his book launch for this volume recently, Seymour told his audience, on the matter of extremist Islamists sharing a platform with socialists such as himself, that the Stop the War Coalition did not wish to pursue a policy of sectarianismdeciding who should and should not be marching against the war, but in Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens case those religious right-wingers might have had their minds changed through a union with the left. Call him idealistic, but I see this as a very paternalistic view of extremist opinion. In understanding them we find their politics are deeply disturbing — and against women, against trade unionism, against gay rights, and many of the things we Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens the left hold dear. What we do here to deliver real news is more important than ever. Together we can find the stories that get lost. Good review. I may be an old conservative well, a relatively young conservative really but I respect honesty from both sides of the spectrum. What a corrupt website this is. Hitchens was a fanboy of the US corporate power structure that is the ruling power even now. Also he was a very angry man who valued dogma over actual human beings. Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Join us and get the real news in your inbox every day. By clicking 'Sign me up' you confirm that you have read and agree to our privacy policy. Carl Packman. Left Foot Forward. In turn, it was no surprise that Hitch supported the . Steve French March 19, Good review. Review | ‘Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens’ by Richard Seymour | Ceasefire Magazine

I do attempt to get a sense of the complexity and gifts of the man, but it is very clearly a prosecution, and you can guess my conclusion. Seymour assesses Hitchens' conversion from an opponent of to an Iraq War hawknoting that he belongs to a "recognizable type: a left- wing defector with a soft spot for empire. However, Seymour also traces the origins of Hitchens' neoconservatism to his earlier support for the US and for empires, including his support for the British government in the Falklands War and his view that the Roman conquest of Britain constituted "a huge advance". Seymour also considers Hitchens' reversal on the Bosnian Warhis call for humanitarian intervention at the end of the Gulf Warhis reverence for Rudyard Kipling and George Orwelland his defence of the Tunisian government. Unhitched received a mixed reception from critics. Gregory Shupak, writing for In These Timesa left-wing magazine, argued that Seymour, with his "gift for reeling off an entire firing squad's worth of bullets in a single sentence" was also "plainly a caliber of intellectual that his subject is not. Unhitched was given a more mixed review in The Daily Telegraph. The review argued that the book's contentions were "all perfectly to the point", and that the book was "well-argued", but due to its orthodox left-wing perspective omitted some potentially interesting lines of inquiry such Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens the possible influence of Hitchens's youthful bisexuality on his depictions of soldiers. Seymour responded by saying that Kirchick's review "was the most deliciously splenetic fanboy tribute to unreasoning hysteria that it has ever been my pleasure to gloat about" in a piece for his Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens that was subsequently reposted by Jacobin and Salon. Reviewing the book for the Irish magazine Red Bannerwriter Kevin Higgins noted Seymour "lands many heavy punches" on Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens reputation, and that " Unhitched is well written, if a little verbose in places". However, Higgins also took issue with Seymour using former members of the Socialist Workers Party UK Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens sources, pointing out that though Seymour had left the SWP since Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens wrote Unhitchedhe had been "happy to quote as reliable witnesses people whose word he clearly From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 20 January The Independent. Retrieved 26 January In These Times. The Guardian. The Washington Post. Retrieved 10 February Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Retrieved 1 February The Daily Telegraph. New Statesman. Retrieved 27 February The Daily Beast. Retrieved 26 February Retrieved 3 March Red BannerJulyIssue 52 pp. Christopher Hitchens. Bibliography Political views. The Portable Atheist. Categories : non-fiction books British non-fiction books Christopher Hitchens. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links.