Law on Environment, (Official Gazette of Montenegro 48/08),

 Law on Protection adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro on 22 August 2008 (Official Gazette of Montenegro 51/08)

 Law on National Parks (Official Gazette of Montenegro 56/09 of 14 August 2009)

 Law on Spatial Development and Construction of Structures (Official Gazette of Montenegro 51/08 of 22 August 2008)

 National Biodiversity Strategy with the Action Plan REGULATION

 Law on Freshwater Fishery (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro 011/07-9)

 Law on Game and Hunting (Official Gazette of Montenegro 052/08-1)

 Law on (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro 055/00-39)

 Law on Marine Fisheries and Mariculture (Official Gazette of Montenegro 56/09)

 Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment, (Official Gazette of Montenegro 80/05)

 Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (Official Gazette of Montenegro 80/05) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS

No. Name of multilateral agreement status

1. Convention on Biological Diversity ratified 2. Cartagena Protocol on Convention on Biological Diversity ratified

3. Convention on Migratory Species-CMS ratified

4. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and ratified Natural Habitats (Bern convention) 5. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands ratified

6. Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural ratified Heritage 7. European Landscape Convention ratified 8. Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild ratified Fauna and Flora (CITES Convention) 9. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in ratified Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa 10. Convention of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea ratified and contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) CATEGORIZATION OF PROTECTED AREAS

 Strict reserve -IUCN I

 Special reserve - IUCN IV

 National park - IUCN II

 Regional park – IUCN IV

 Natural monument - IUCN III

 Park of nature - IUCN V

 Protected habitat - IUCN V

 Area of exceptional characteristics – IUCN III PROTECTED AREAS

Percentage of Level Protected natural asset Surface representation National level of National parks 101.733ha 7.365% protection 7.741,357 Monuments of nature 0.6 % ha

Areas of exceptional natural characteristics 322.5 ha 0.02 %

Other protected areas – protected by municipal 15.000 ha 1.08% regulations

Strict nature reserves 650 ha 0.03 % The Tara river catchments area, M&B UNESCO Internationally Biosphere Reserve, including the NP 182.889 ha 0.047 % protected areas with the river canyon National park „Skadarsko jezero” - Ramsar area (List of wetland areas of international 40.000 ha importance, especially as a water birds habitat)

The Kotor – , Municipality Kotor 15.000 ha MANAGEMENT OF SPECIALLY PROTECTED AREAS

 Special purpose spatial plans : the bases for planning land use and implemetation of existing measures are regulated by the special purpose spatial plans. A special purpose spatial plan provides guidelines for a special regime of development and use (Law on Spatial Development and Construction of Structures, Article 21);

 Protected areas management plans : are adopted for a period of five years. The management plan provides guidelines based on which the following are adopted:

 Annual management plans, which are harmonized with the Management plans and Special purpose spatial plans (Article 65 of the Law on Nature Protection). MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL PARKS

 The national parks are managed by the Public Enterprise for National Parks Management of Montenegro, founded by the Parliament of Montenegro, with 4 management units managing those area

 Areas with a lower category of protection located at the territory of a local self-government unit are declared by a decision of the local self-government unit assemblies, pursuant to a previously obtained approval of the ministry competent for environment protection and opinion of the ministry competent for agriculture, forestry and water management (Article 55 of the Law on Nature Protection). Previous experience has shown that management of these areas is mainly unsatisfactory, often weak and incomplete NATIONAL PARKS

 NP Durmitor (1952)

 NP (1952)

 NP Lov ćen (1952)

 NP Skadar lake (1983)

 NP Prokletije (2009) NATIONAL PARK „DURMITOR”

 Covers an area of 39,000 hectares

 The river Tara and its canyon (the deepest in Europe and the second deepest in the world) valley were under UNESCO’s ”Man and Biosphere“ programme, in 1977

 The National Park Durmitor was inscribe in the List of the World’s cultural and  The richness of flora and fauna natural heritage in 1980  1,300 species of vascular  Mountain peaks out of which 48 are most of them are endemic and relic above 2,000 m and among them the species highest ”Bobotov kuk“ with 2,525 m  Number of the cultural monuments  18 glacial lakes called ” Mountain eyes“ dating from ancient times up to now NATIONAL PARK „DURMITOR” National park „Biogradska gora”

 Occupies an area of 5,650 hectares

 Included in the World’s natural heritage and international ecological programme called ”Man and Biosphere”

 Primeval Biogradska gora covers 1,600 ha and represents one of the last three primeval forests in Europe  About 2,000 species most known is endemic spices of Balkan  Biogradsko lake is situated in the peninsula heart of the primeval forest, the biggest and the best known in the range of the glacial lakes within the  86 species of dendroflora National Park

 National architecture in the villages  Peaks over 2,000m high with and ”katuns” several glacier lakes National park „Biogradska gora” National park „Lov ćen”

 Covers an area of 6,220 ha

 It is situated among Skadar basen, Bokokotorska Bay and Budva’s riviera

 The cultural-historical heritage  Two highest peaks Stirovnik represents the significant value (1749m) and Jezerski vrh (1657m) Such as The old road toward Kotor winds uphill to Njegusi, a picturesque  Very rich and various floral mountain village, the born house of (about 1.300 species) and Petar II Petrovic Njegos, an important animal world Montenegrin ruler and poet, and the last ruler of Montenegro the King Nikola I Petrovic National park „Lov ćen” National park „Skadarsko jezero”

 Skadar Lake was inscribed in the World’s list of Wetlands of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention in 1996

 Two thirds of the Lake belongs to Montenegro (coastal area of  Richness of ornithofauna and 40,000 ha), whereas one third ichthyofauna and luxuriant swamp type belongs to the Republic of vegetation Albania  ”Birds’ paradise“ for almost 264 bird species, out of which the greatest  linked with the Adriatic Sea number is rare and endangered most through the River Bojana known is Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus  The Lake features a crypto- crispus) depression - some parts of its  48 fish species along with autochthon bottom are lower than the sea species- carp (Cyprinus carpio) and level bleak (Alburnus alburnus alborella) National park „Skadarsko jezero” NATIONAL PARK „PROKLETIJE”

 16.630 ha

 the highest peak in Montenegro, Zla Kolata at 2,534m

 6 small glacial lakes of which especially stand out lakes Hridsko, Plavsko and Visitorsko

 Around 2,000 plant species are found in the range and 225 are flora endemics.

 140 species of butterflies are found which makes Prokletije the richest area in Europe for butterflies NATIONAL PARK „ PROKLETIJE” MAIN CHALLENGES AND PROBLEMS

 Antropopressure-touristic circulation of people(building of capacities)

 Illegal building in protected areas with other kinds of spatial devastation

 Forest fires

 Illegal wood cutting in forests and illegal hunting ONGOING PROJECTS

 Project "Strengthening the sustainability of the Protected Areas System of Montenegro (PAS)“ is under way, whose aim is to ensure higher quality management of protected areas

 This project is aimed at providing support to entities at the national and local level in view of defining an optimal model of management system for the protected areas, starting from the obligations stemming from the transposition of the relevent EU legislation into the national framework and obligations on the grounds of implementation of EU Convention on Biological Diversity

 The results of the project will represent an important element in the reform of the management system of protected areas, pursuant to the newly adopted Law on Nature Protection. THANK YOU!