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lN Big Spring 3Daifo) HeraM

va ea otfit mat J? ' VOL. 0 NO. 113 EIGHT PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAS THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1933 MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRBSf ; (feorge And Kathryn Kelly Get Life Sentencf FILM FOLK IN 'GAY NINETIES' GARB 'Khaki Shirts9 Dives Defendants - iiribvernment Raids CaLnly Hear? t In The Role Of Jesus Christ 'chUpon Assaults Upon Their Citizens In Must 4 Their Fate Of hBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsPVMMailBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH Germany Cease, Of Nations

To'-A- i mington :ilissssssssssssssssssl Inform Government Of Adolf Hitler Kelly To Be Flown l IBilMs siiHVsJssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVVwHMVj lantn, Kathryn Going Te ras West Virginia Planned United States, France, hssssssssK sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssKI&sssH Louisiana England Join To En. OKLAHOMA iTlTY (AV Gtiiu ' George Taken; Organization lasaaaaaaaaaP' aaaaaaaaawYJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB v$ u Vassal force Versailles Pact and KatarjH Kgfy -- - . Payors Making Pre9i-f- t were sentenced to life ImMrla h. ,T?EnBatatatatatatatatatatatataTtV' - 'Satatfl Negro Hanged (AP) onment Thursday few dent Dictator PaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK- tHu BERLIN The Unt a niti IHihKkKfcwHw', Spain IS 'BBBBBBsi utes con- ied States. England, jWHHBBBBBBBBBBBBslBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTrct. ' BBBBBsH after a federal jary nimiimimii. n and Holland served notice on P MWMBl victed them under the "Lind- .RaIdHg three headquarters For Slaying the German government that aW'sLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVl i: issssssfl bergh" law' for kMMBiftjr Shirts," police assaults upon their citizens Charles Urschcl of Oklahoma tl "Khaki .J- men sssssssssssLsW- - gTftlVJAssssssssssssssssssm y S jH must cease or serious conse- City. xunraiay arreted 27 -- Victim Accused Of Killing and ' awaited a scheduled sV' f Tass$aEalPl. casaaaaaaasBssaaaaaam - taaaaaai quences for their relations l asssssi Judge Edgar Vaseht wo-- ld White WSsBsssssssssssssVS march to Washington. with the Belch may result. nounced tho maximum seW They seized loaded pistols aaaBaBiBVSIaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBn Maiden SBBBBBBsflLBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHi JBBBBBBsfl tences 16 days after ttie HHkt " 4 weapons. GENEVA (AP) Amonc issssssssssssl Kellys were trapped- - ia Mem- and other L.ABADIEVTLLE, La. UP)-- Un- sssssssskSHBIssssssssssssssssssssssssB" - Police said they received "defln Identlfied men took negro, ar- delegates to the disarmament phis, Tenn., after a hazartlousv LsHlBBBBBBBBHHnBBBBBBBBBwlBBBBBBBBBBBBPSBBBBBBF' a lte Information" ''that the Khaki lBBBBBBBSBBWjBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBlsBBBPni?lsBBBPi''HBHflKnflilsHBV" rested Wednesday for questioning conference there appeared BBllBBBBlSiBBBBBBlaBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBaBlBBBKSJSBBBBBBBBBBBBBl flight over tho middle west Shirts" planned to storm a Na- in connection with slaying of Loui Quard armory get am established Thursday that the ssssssssssssssTLlssssssOlsssB sssssssssH and south. tional and siana Larose, 15, a white girl, whose SLHK&J f agents munition. body was found In a field, from the United States, Franco and Federal planned to Polled were scekine the self Labadleville jail Thursday and England had formed a tri take Kellv bv airnfane to At styletMcommander In chief Arthur hanged him to a bridge glider. partite firmly convinced lanta federal penitentiary. J. Smlln. front Smith, In announcing plans for a (iermany should have no itatnryn win serve her sea-- ; : march'to Washington, said Installa- Sino-Russi- armament of the type forbid fence in thn woman's foilnml tion of the President as dictator an den by the treaty of Ver prison in West Virginia. The, would be In accordance with the. or sallies for its enlarged con Kellys received the sentence ganization's Fascist policies. script army. without changing expression.

Atmosphere styU-tetter- What a shock the a of the "(jay nlnstlst" would hiva re- J ceived to see this Hollywood In Imitative NHWS BEHIND THE NEWS I trio this costumes. Jean The National Rose Festival Harlow la dressed a the bathing girl of year ago, Qeorgt Raft por. Progress Made. Disturbing trays an 1890 "aangstsr." and Arllne Judge stems ts be wearing tha h step-ins- . HEINIIICII OITOIANN, abote. Is shown in the role of The Chris-tu- equivalent of a modern pair of The occasion was a Hollywood which he lias In The Passion Play, to be presented here Friday af- costume oartv. Associated Press Photo) Whirligig ternoon nml ernlng at the Municipal Auditorium by the original League Opens In Tyler InPresidenf s Kuropean cast from Freiburg. Council Fears Case Written by a group of the beat May Disrupt Disarma- Informed newspapermen of Two Large Washington anil New York. ment Meet Celebration Is Tribute To Audience Expected To of Latest Of Highway Banking Plan Opinions expressed are those Edict State East Texas Least Public-ize- d the nrltrrs and should not be reflecting GENEVA (UP) League of Na- Witness The Passion Plav Fridav: Interpreted as the Russian-Japane- Industry .editorial policy of tills newspa tlons members feared that se Lays - Department Disappoints County might Emphasis Oh ImiuedU per." tension wreck the T sf"V m - world disarmament conference and TYLER (UP). Thousands paid Advance Ticket Sales Encouraging aie ux ifcpositorg lead to early war. tribute to beauty here at the open Officials SeekingjQui.ck Action ing of the first annual East Texas Of Closed Banks - WASHINGTON IRois -- Festival. The Great Europoan'Playersrwlll Uy TOKIO (UP) RuetiajoJapaiSeSe. y event opened George Durno highway department many with present the worlddmiUS-BTft- q rttesmkoiixff&hiitMs. The slato relations, embittered fof approximately 15.000 persons In at ' Farmers has informed the Howard County months, approached an open break DauepraEh the Passion Plav. In Ifnilfsli. AFL icnaance ana with roses every Munlclal Auditorium. Friday, Oc fe99'on.hlscompreteiisvei bAI Ever slnco Farm Credit Admin Supports Commissioners Court that It will over charges that Japanese offi where twined about lamposts, program with emphasis on tPW- - " right-of-wa- y tober 13th. Matinee and even In c trator Henry Morgenthau, turn- be expected to obtain cials conspired to seize the Chinese objectives de- Jr wreathing store fronts, smothering performances will be given. mediate of paying off ed the heat on his hired men things for Highway No. 1 from the east Eastern Railway. Officer Bribe positors in pro- lutomobiles with their fragrance Ini-- closed banks, aad hate been humming in the field of ern city limits to the southeastern The Passion Plav tell (h. viding NRA But Asks Thoroughly angered by Russian and their color. of the Seven sufficient canltal tnr bualUu. agricultural credit relief corner of the Cosden refinery prop- charges, public The Last Days of Christ's lions made Sunday, the festival was East Texas' tri me, wun sucn reverence sym- forced to shut in the rseeat It's virtually getting to a point erty before the state will start government ordered a complete re bute to Its least publicized Industry, and financial crisis. work on Highway No. 1 west of Not Promised pathy, that to any mind It will where a farmer who needs mort- 30-Ho- ur port from Ambassador Tamekichl one which serves to mitigate the Actual decision on details of a Week th.3 city Dll-ll.- gage money get It ugliness of region's .t 11 comnrehenslvA nlan fm. can abend of the Ota and summoned the correspond- the great oil uiumtu pmuuGuona ever .. mImuII.. sheriff's pounce. The information came as a dis ent of the official Russian News fields and one which in practical onerea further aid to the nation's Imnklog tinct disappointment to the local U. S. Marshal R. Wrieht '." sPrln"- - So simply, so ten The Home Owners' Loan Cor- agency, Tass, to demand an ex terms of hard cash deserves Its J. derly,?'.is this siruciure wui not come, K was officials, who considered the edict planation tribute. " sacred drama unfold made poration, devised to extend similar Religion Of Codes Ncces- - why he gave copies of Quotes Convicted Kid ed, that no sect or.creed can possl- - for several Tax to another handicap In their effort to the charges to Tokio newspapers. The feature of Wednesday's pro Zl.i,i? t i P'n-e- aid city dwellers, also shows ca- get highway construction started bly find in it cause for offense. ,'n LT3 "r of hut so ar, Declare Com On the government a view of Am gram was a mammoth floral pa naping Leader him ?".'. V as flickers life far Chairman In the county to relieve unemploy. who attend, thn rn Possibl'e "Seaboard Bill" Stevenson in tion bassador Ota's report, it was said rade to which visiting princesses "! ?" isn't Resolutions ment. DALLAS, UP1--J. Wright, Unl-- helned'C? step with Morgenthau. officially, depends whother a full of "The Rose Kingdoms" of East It. lHtal iJSh.Vi M that quaUfy Jk The county has obtained about ted States marshal, said to plans is shown,' nor pr0vU,l0M " " cabinet meeting will be summoned Texas lent vivacity and beauty of can insurancadiio--td. H. The Farm Credit Administration WASHINGTON, .T Arnerlcan four-flflh- s right-of-wa- y told he e.cneS theY the tense feeling Lz. of the for to consider Japan's position. another sort. More than 25 prin Harvev Ballev him "PP law which beepmes effective Jau- - sow is passing money out at the Federation of Labor convention No 1 the western city limits from the Dallas county jail umi srips ine auaience aunng the from cesses from as many communities Labor am Hm tA.4 arv i rate of a million dollars a day Thursday heard criticism of NRA, w On the Tass agency representa Day rrilrlflvlnn ..Ana f and toUhe Martin county line and In rose-decor- without payment of bribe or ' Roose- tive's statement to foreign of- rode the parade on ts removed, Increasing the output weekly but otcd that President planning to begin acquiring right-- the ed floats. promise of a bribe. unrut from the .rni In velt could be sure of Its support y fice information bureau chief, de- and carried away to the tomb. The Girl Still UncongcioHs Whereaa the month of August for Highway No 9 north Overhead airplanes circled, show FCA was able to pass on onlv foi the lecoveiy poigiam once, tailed to question him, depends the text usea. was taken from Uie Bi- from the city at as field ering the course of mile-lon- g applications (iuestion whether he will be ex- the ble, by the monks of BVeihurcr But Doctors ptiTfTiimgcd for a total of It lesoht'd that If the purpose notes were duo to be finished this oarade with rosebuds for the visit in the period fiom Sept 13 the be ach- to pelled from Japan Germany; and the first recorded of iecoer act was to week, according information to ors Slaton Next Maedell Johnson. In wlin i to Sept. 30 $12,000-00- 0. Though performance was clven thera In .iffi... It handed out ieved mist codes "must be reopen- Judge H R Debcnport discussions naturally During the day visitors were brain On Sept. 27 alone 339 appli- were on tak 1Z04, m Latin. The English trans- concussion In a fall from a ed for constructive revision' to The commissioners said that If a diplomatic basis, they en on motor tours of the rose nur- aorse luesaay cations were approved and slightly proMde 30 hour week, and higher they were required to forced attention to the imminent lation ia bv Dr. Alfred Wolff, for. afternoon, was still obtain the series In the vicinity of Tyler, of Foe merly of Freiburg; unconscious Thursday at 3 p. m. . y On In excess mlllon rlght-of-wn- Grid The play was of a dollais turned wages Immediately east of possibility of a war in the Far East which there are more than 123. While I iirsi ceuntry her condition was deecr-'- 1 over the city before any consturction Is between Japan and Soviet Russia. They saw acre after acre preiemea in this In td critical, What's more, although about a brilliant 1928, and has been given before as the attaniiuia. started practically all available Ever since Japan, with military with the color of growing roses. eian felt encouraged Thursday.d.i. . billion dollars in applications are county men directing the governments Strong Class B Outift To more than ten million nenniA rtn funds will likely be exhaust They learned that last year Smith this tour, m only cms) pending from the time when red 9 - if- - policies, seized Manchuria their final In America. """""' " of Mr, Teachers Of ed before any of the No right- from county shipped out more than Here Friday Afternoon me and Mrs. Jack Johnson. tape bogged down the works new way town China and made It into the new 000 Kurocan Players are reaching . noith of has been obtain rose plants, and that East cities thin - applications received and appraisals ed. state of Manchoukuo, relations Of Next Week of aim., ...... and hnu.. .., re- Texas annually supplies one-thir- d duced nrlpa made are now running neck and have been strained to a point where of the the admlsatnn n thaf AW MetaBHrgttts nation's supply of roses. everyone may avail of HOUGHTON. . neck County Start any serious Incident might lead to rose tough themselves Mlrh nisi . County Compliments Wednesday the queen was to Slaton hieh school's Ohm this final opportunity to witness camera developed a complete break be selected by a secret B eleven will furnish competition at the Michigan Back In May when FCA was committee this alendld religious drama. The College of Mining and Technology Senator For Effort! at a reception and crand ball for for the Blcr Snrlncr RIai-- h.i-- TTwl. students' Is expected foimed there were only 212 ap- the East matinee will start at 2:30. to M tha .t.i v.r. Own Library With Bolhcorm Bill Texas princesses Her day afternoon of next week on the All students presenUna- - tickets to process praisers to cover the whole counry. Identity will be kept treating by recording tk They went out like secret until leer omuium xieiu, Deginmng at the play will be excused without critical temperature" clicuit riders Barbers Must Thursday when she will 3 pm. at which a. to be- Senator A P Duggan of this dis be honored penalty. The evening performance metal changes wSTta it was likely be months in a coronation ceremony. a. trict has been given "In George Gentry, high school nrln- - Starts at 8. all aeata ara Tmi-v- to i fore they got around to your Public Invited To Join In an expression search rose heat. of the appieclatlon the of a queen," In a rose clpal received final conflrmatirm Tickets are now on sale farm of Howard garden setting at Bergfleld at Cun Today Morgenthau 2 800 func- Uormatioii Of Profes- County Commissioners Court for Park. of the match Thursday afternoon ningham & Philips No. 1 the has Get Licenses ur J Horace McFarland, presi- for tioning and 2,300 more in training Collection his success In getting the pink boll- - from Slaton. evening performance. A large at- sional dent emeritus of the American The soon cheik-.A.li- C worm bill through Steers this week are profit tendance is Indicated by ad- - As as the training and remuneration Rose Society, and the is - the house Senator Tom ing by a rest from public labors. Vinpa aal nf a a.. a1.- - . The Weather tne latter group com- county uppei without fatal First Renewal Under State Connally be ba. 'Henry Tfichcis of Howard have amendments being to It. will honor guests at Injuries of the Pampa game and lectlon of seats is requested ""plete, promises to luvo dol stalled a piofessional libraiy added an club by the lar bills literally raining on Senator Regan of the district west Law Required For 1934, luncheon tomor necessity of more tlmb In which ticket committee. the At a row at which they SDi-In- r rural districts lecent conference each of heie Senator Duggan In will speak. to attempt to get the Una out ot The traveling enmnnnv win Blr and Ltn.f v..aju cacher agreed to donate one Joined Union Informed ine will be cloudy or sponsoring the measure festival concluded to its comparatively mild attack of the assistance of 125 local neonle!, and colder tonight. Fair to morrow night with a hon- mole volumes such a library, to The court also wired Pentose B banquet sleeping sickness, make the rest for the extras and In tha rhnni. Friday. Coming-T- o lie kept office of county For the first time since barbers oring Dr. McFarland. West TeruH m at the the Metcalfe, representative low hlehiv desirable. The chorus will be direc- l'arllv ..i...i- - The jupcilntemlent in the wcro required to take out licenses Music during tho two davs under the colder urbanltes aren't faring so er house, his In was But. Coaches Brlatnw snil Brnwn tion of Mrs. C. C. Usserv. In tonlrht. Vnl. V.U.. a well country that constituents four years ago, they must renew to be supplied by the Tyler In as their brothers hut Piof and Mrs Leland L Martin this county not only ale depending Munici- were anxious to try their boys once 'ringing the Passion Piay to tht colder the southeast porWon. II at least from a complete blank the! -- to those, licenses for 1934. pal and high school bands and by Mty. a l Foissn weie the fiist present upon him for relief through pusd-ag- e Deiore sending them against the the local anonanra hallata that irina cloudy la Home Owners Loan Corporation 1b their part They placed nine vol- This announcement was received bands from Peacock Military acad strong San Aneelo Bobcats they cloudy tonlrht and Hrlda.- - of the bill In the house, btu also Thursday b'y Bdr-- emy, here have secured one of the out- ejj.. now able to report a little action. umes at the disposal of the teach-ci- s here the local Dallas, and Centenary College, Octoger 28. standing Iln the north portion are teady to lend him any assist bers" Union from Herbert Hughes, ux. civic events of the season, tnlM wtd From Its blrthdate up to Sept 23 of the county. ance needed. anrevepori, The San Angelo came will be the and that the people of Big Spring comer except on the west want the Corporation was able to repoit secretary of the state board of bar- first of four will Friday, Mrs. Biigham, the county super- i bers' examiners. consecutive contests welcome the opportunity of a total of 637 loans with dollar vol intendent, said that books of with the other terms of this dis jeelng a production that has played New Mexico Generallir al to ume of out value Renewal fee has been set at $2.50 Senate Votes For fl,S15,592 paid Most to professionally would Brother Of Local trict. In Chicago and New York. night and Friday. Colder la these probably were made teacheta be and all barbers must be licensed. la. of aft appreciated from any one, whether Centennial Funds Slaton has for some time been portion tonight. n - er because shortly Dentist Remembers one of strongest out- J V be or not- - the Class B TEMPERATURES , .?. oejore date, could they teachers Live Stock Commission mat jou have AUSTIN UPl-- The senate Thurs- fits -in ths state.... Tjiitf- vinr- - tlia- Wed. .V counted loans on your fingers Uniting The Kellys Glen Petefish Home ,HtM. day passed a bill appropriating Steers soundly licked the team but Members Testify They 3?Jt AM. lV The Corporation further claims 1200,000 OES To Hold Sale Tiie slzo of hia fee and "'he big From Naval Duty for preliminary arrange ins game was pernaps me oest ot Knew No Sales I '" B8 H that as a result ot its acthltles ments and expenditures for the the season from the spectator's Of Job S ,. M nearly 13,000 foreclosures have handsome man and beautiful wom .r... tn" been Of Coffee Two Days an who up Qlen Petefish of U S Mary- - Texas Centennial In 1936. It ap standpoint. S . aa as (tailed off pending action on loan drove in a large car the pears AUSTIN UnW ir m...... I...... I and i inu, nan there is not time for the applications. would seemed to have plenty of mon- California, Is visit L.uutin ana Mo Callan of An- ...... M ft These renre ot the Order of Eastern ey" ing house to pass San w ...... m sent $36,000,000. Members caused Rev J J Ellington of here with his parents, Mr and It Austrian Chancellor tonio, membera nf tha TJif..in.L ...... m u about will conduct a Bale here Fri- Mrs o m Star Minneapolis, Minnesota, to remem II. J. Petefish. He will be Sanitary. Commlaainn , t..nn..,...... rr..f....'. day and Saturday of Folger Cof- here about two He And PrO'Fasciit - ac...... ,..., ber the wedding of "Machine Oun' weeks. has More .. Chief uuruy oeiore ins nous ap-- ' t Crape fee and will receive a commission George been In navy Guardsmen Go it ...... Kelly the about a year. sigrveiiieiii prupnauons committee they had I j Timet certainly have changed for upon sales for benefit of the or Following the ceremony Sentem Into Mine District ciiter in .....nnt lrnnum ..m.. .ma... i,..t., ; Hvn wuv ivjjuiigu aciivtiies the prohibitionists. almost seems (Sanitation 'g activities ucr - 10 It it, jiev umngton was LKAPKD THROUGH WINDOW SULLIVAN, Ind. UP) An addi- VIENNA UP) Kneel- - of some Dartles In aalllns- inha Uo them the ground to selling coffee jj, Chancellor h. t..B...... T. ai if suddenly In addition at given a 20 fee, he recalled. SEATTLE, Wash. (UP). Pat tional company ot Indiana national bert Dollfuss commission had to l k.HIMMItMMliMI so openca up ana mem. local stores Friday and Price Starhem offer. swaiiowea groceiy and He U the brother of Dr. E. O Washburn, was teaching his dog to guardsmen was brought Into the oerg reached an agreement Thurs Glenn testified a farmer In his M hVt Take the Anti-Saloo- n League. Saturday the organization Is col Ellington Maximum 88, mtnuwiw M. ) of this city and a school do tricks. He looped his arms, or- troubled Sullivan county mining day amalgamating tha st county offered S2S Only a year or so ago League off Folger him of tha first Sua ! taaUv SltB m. ft the lecting bauds coffee and mate of dr. J. Richard Spann, pas dered it to leap. The animal Jump district Thursday after three mys- home guard with a patrlollo front, month's salary for employment. t. T will receive additional cash benefit lie Sua rises ; . (Continued On Page Seven) tor of (he First Methodist church. edwent through a nearby win' terious exloslons rocked the city making Price officially DoIlfUis1 sua the man never was employed. Friday) m, r based on the number of bands col- S i. ... Rev. Ellington filled the pulpit dow, disappeared. early In the day. No damages rlghhand man. The action, in of-- FIllUUP - - -'' MAM lected, of tmtmmi Aa.1 aa a4al aaa A aaaa a A V CLA ama Aa ta. A - .fl I waigreen Ice cream the Presbyterian and Methodls were reported. Two other compan- .aal - .- - . .1.. aa chocolate b tuitiia iiiujuviraie- 4. ATfcmiuysr uaa rMuriiea our esissswt; ad w1m oda with Alta vista Ice cream The collection of these bands will churches while heie July a year Close In ies have been on duty since M6n-- now faa La ben out school supplies. Cun Dollfuss.viu Price and Vies Chancellor from Dallas aud Is at. CHalsaMl hs iaa Kaa al Umnlnstiam & PolllDV adv. continue to December 1. , nlnsham. & Phlli" ''ji. du- - lEmll Fey flee U Prs. XsM aU. IP

ff II yHUltSDAY JVBNIMO. A lsswM Mt JsErl 'qJU PAGRTWO TUB BKrgPHWa.' TUXA. DMLt WBRALD. U aaMaait 4Va, faaaiataaa tiM k)rwrd now h "every MM ImK 1M. on rteepUra lap of Uncle Mtr Jptf MtM. Mumble is taMftff Rlaaalai ma uesj nwam toned the Sweetwater Only Saturday, Sam, 74 per cent of tha production et Sandstorm at AaarlHo for himself." KtMK L C situation, lOwvvflf VrfS lePtWC WVK Re J Harrison the Ector wells. Winner Past Week Beth Barnttt and Woehl Mother As a result of the tense Officials tk state cemeKfeB, - 1 officials charged with the an annua w- Superintendent Charles A. of cleaning; out shot, state er's department, wliuiu duty K Is twin Missouri, of of While from a Pony back, were Injured tn the collection of taxes have expressed JSTTF oei.raih Smeiaeee U"nf head a committee Oaa 1 SAN ANQELO Only - to collect beer Use, aer education official! appointed to pre Stanollnd Oil A Co.'a No. E. Lubbock affair, but Woehl return- fear ot a new species ot bootlegger r.njfll twdlehek. utnutnt ditot ToDrillNew P. Oowden. north offset to Harri- won In three football gamea d In the second hair with one be the situation with interest. """"" itnnaanimrjlfl sent the schools' caee to congress. vi hose object will to cheat the I MfYttr m son No. 1 Addis, awabbed and played last week by District Three. arm useless. Interception ot a pass due. &1 Uieii address lists a few of the ways In which state out of Its Busserlkere Seeinns eomraunleetioi" flowed 362 barrels of oil during 2t Billings', University of Montreal Hard Fa in nieaaa ium In Unit the depression hai crippled tho teams against Class A opponent! of by Sweetwater substi First skirmishes In the dlstribu QUI end new sanreeaee. hours ending Bunday morning. Af- BO txlh the schools Test In Ector neighboring districts. The Mus tute back, who raced yard! to tors' battle have already been MONTTtEAL (UP) Unless, th Office. 210 East Third St. ter deepening 20 feet to 4 062 with Lubbock's line, line thrusta week the University Montreal 729 This year will see 80,000 fewer tangs, District Three champions tha fought. In less than a of receives a Telephone!. 728 and out increase, it was shut late Wed d Whlt- - on the Job In America two years, LubbocK ni a left end run by prices of various brands of Deer grant of $200,000 from the Quebec teachers 80 quarts 4,040-5- 0 last nosed out gskeerleil.a "ale. al- - nesday, with from ten produced the Mustang's touch government were employed last year Com- 0 In own corral Friday, here have been hammered down the Institution will be Dall, than West Offset To Skelly feet and with 800 quarts from their a down. 12 "u,n Oerrler released at follow-u- p Hennlg- - Sweetwater registered from an average of $265 to as little farced to close Its doors on Dec. J. though the NIIA has 3,900 to 4,01!J ratifying to Oris Test J'00, few No. One Addis feet Before shootln 19-- first downs, Lubbock 0 $1 announce. 111 100,000 boys anil filrls of school jinny's men's 0 triumph over Abilena as 40 a case, and fiom $1073 tountverslty officials ftlc UnnthJ least the well flowed only St e , Montha so ii 71 siuciy around Three ii so i ei ace for further leacnerii To Be Striked barrels clnlly through tubing. the week before. ont aionm reduced on the aver R.n Angelo, to Distributor Boor In Natl.aal pay has been able beat Abilene Of aaaraUatle 20 per cent In some ro nnlv In 16 years, Dili? Prtii Uimi mreermi. age, bv Location of n west offset to Skel twice succumbed Cut ; Coca-Col- a lloinlnn Indulge hi Aid in nenktiiBids. Dellaa mei. Bldf ntons the cuts are ns high as 60 ly Oil Company's No 1 AddH in Ec- Passion Play Chorus to the Engle Jinx again here Satur . .The New MO I 180 n Micmcen Kaniai Clt, day, 20-1- Big in ChlMIOl 170 Ixlniton A.e New tors per cent. tor county will be staked at once wh'lc Spring Ita Rate Price Practice will Ret Ix-- To Rehearse Tonight fhu iipiri rim dutt is to print au Half of all the teachers by C Hnrrlon, local operator, "rat contest at home lost to thn PREVENTING the ntm that a m io print noneim less than $400 for their jenrs work he hns announced Skdly No. 1 "ampa Harvesters. 20-- Colorado HOUSTON (UP) Under the Colds t an? coni dera 13-1- fault te all. anblaiea Rettlnp lesi thnn Members of the Passion Plav bnttlert to 3 Colo- calm of legalized In tlon. e Including ita own dltorla' Some are actually A lilts in l'90 fee' frcm the noith vni a tie at surface beer wapc chorus Bllr.--irrl- s, nasal irritation opinion. $33 a month the day Inbor lino and 2 200 feet from the cast will rehearse at the Munici rado Friday bv the Winters Houston a bitter battle Is being At that first iit first Ant erroneoue iclltctlon upon tha In NRA codes, in many locauti" of Bcrtlon 3.1 block 43, town- pal Auditorium beginning at 7 30 nn outstanding Class B fought by distributors. sniffle apply Vicka Ntoso & character, ot rtputation oi am only 'lrr o'clock this evening. or sneeze ... nandinim schools will be In session for A Co survey. The members team, and McCamey was held by The spirit of cooperation that fin. hien in.! ship 2 with, T P Ily time, ijiey Iielp ?..... tn an. lama fit thla nBOtf Will t three or four months Many high On 19. year, Harrison of the European cast of the pla "ecos, a Clap" B club, to a score- ruled over the trade for a short Throat Drops. Used in opon betas brouibi to Nov. last cheerrullt corrected to co on a tuition arrived Wednesday evonlncr and less draw given gate In sm. r altntrMhatr,... - achools have hd and associates drilled In the discov at Pecoi time has been the a ti.n imii mmM mnnv wtt-w.- tho eiienuon oi iua miiM""'- will ,; j" jw- - '" ""- - not reepontlDle tor basis, which means that thousnmls ery pioduccr In southeastern Ector, rehearse with the chorus Sweclwntcr will bo without the large way, eay those who know .. 4a rat pn&llibtre an 9 cop? oralMlona liDotrepnieal errore iftal of youngsters won't get the educa No 1 F V Addl estate. In section services of Bnrnett hnckfield man. A code of fair practices entered occur turtber thin to correct It tha GOLD 15 mi to their at- tion they are entitled to. ,"i, block 43, township 2 outh. TAP FISH YEAI18 OLD into by 27 leading distributors next laroe alter II u orounnl BROCKTON, tention and In oo caa do tha puDIUher. Ily Co suivey The well begar Mass. (UP). Jumbo, are 14 an IS years old, re shortly after beer was legalised Ms; .mii4 ihmuiiu llanl. rot daraiaei lur L. N os E D Rt hand, there Is not a White's goldfish. Tiny nnd spectlvely. Sept. IS gone Views tner lean Ilia amount receieed bj them On the other cleaning out last week, sanding up has Into the discard "ir tor actual apace eoTtrlna Ue error Ttia cltv nor a county In America that of the pay and clogging of the lht la rtaarved lo rilect Or edit all ad money Tax rev- TtrtUlnl cop All advertlllni ordari ara Is not pressed for tubing with paiaffln having reduc' accepted on tni oaiii rai enues have fallen off, both because d Its flow to 175 barrels a day MIMBEa or THE aisociatkd of the depression and because of cleaning out Sunday abov- - Preia cnlitlearusi Whlls TOe Ataoclatad it ticlumeu systems. 3,903-3- 3 to the da for repubUcaUon ot au oawa antiquated tax the pay. from feet, No. 1 cuipateMa cradiud to 'I or not ouerwlu Furthermore, we are beglnnlnc Addis flowed at the rate of 2in crtdicad In thla paper and alto tha loea of propaganda In brwi published herein AU rlihta for to hear a wave barrels o day. It has produced et special dUpatcbee ara alao favor of atlll further economy In iround 83 000 barrels of oil. Harri- L. . & reaarted . tie schools propaganda backed for son hsd no outlet when the well CO. most part by wealthy Individ In to TAP 115-11- C.BURR the rnme nnd laid a lino tha 7 E. Second Big Spring, Texas i uals who have far less reason ror railroad, but running oil through ?. ODB SCTIOOL ST8TEM IACE8 complaining about school expendi It was discontinued when a con- COLLAPSE. tures than the ordinary miaaiecm-r- nection was made with Humblo's Wully-Tweed- citizen who ays his taxes with You Need Look No s a-- ' The next session of congress will out a whimper. been suggested, you find that they The Than Burr's Here's cotton tirobablv be asked to vate some It Is a critical situation. nil shire one factor; each en" d Further ft material that Save at 4 looks Burr's process of much higher priced thing like $60,000,000 for the relief school system is In the pends for Its success on an honest, for Your when public schools; ami rnllarjsintr. and It Is supremely Im efficient, alert and Intelligent set made In dresses and suits. of the nations avert- - "when the auestlon comes up foi portant that the collapse be of officials to enforce. Ladies' Newest Lounging Pajamas Attttim w.. ara UIaIu tn n lnnlc d. If no one but uncie ra enn Here's a sample' irt Unusually at ono of the most critical phases do it. It looks very much as if he The liquor control law of one yd. le of rnjnn pique. smart ot the entire depression, would have to dig down in ma of the Canadian provinces, which 194 olorB of pink, orchid pencil and JK"H SjJRBpP In a way, the whole business Is a pocket for whatever funds may be nro ideq for retail stores where ' " COAT sample of what happens when an needed. uor Is sold In packages, has one Cordo-Shee- n Irresistible force meets an immov- xtremely sensible provision No Buy These Ladies' Crepe Slips Now able object A MODEL FOM HEAL LIQUOIl storekeeper is supposed to sell Smartly A smart cotton suiting that The Irresistible force Is the CONTROL liquor to confirmed drunkards, to Tailored makes expensive looking suits California t)le with adjustable shoul- schools' need for money a need men who are prone to spend e $14.90 and frocks. der atrnpu. Unest crcrx-- In white, that simply must be met. The im Bepeal of the 18th amendment Is undue propoition of their earnings Styles peach and pink. movable object is the fact that likely to give our capacity for pro- in bon7 or to characters who a e viding ourselves with decent gov- apt to make public nuisances of Finest thousandsof cities and counties revealing yd. Children's Reinforced Underwear Blmlpy haven't got the money and ernment one ot the most hem lvea when In their cups Fur 354 can't possibly get It In conic lests It has ever had. "lisssS'i $16.90 Bloomers and panties In the f&moiii quence, the problem becomes one of When you look over the various The liquor control commission Trimming Printed Crepe "Klckawnj" style. Ilelnforced ae.it. the great number that Is being liquor control schemes that ha hecks up on iti storekeepers very Color fiiNt. police There is a question rais- easily It simply scans the Iwsssp'SK' neer New fall patterns and colors In records for their districts If any ed about the workmanship of fine quality crepe. Duy it to- New Shipment Ladies' Wash Frocks district nhnws a rise in drunken jour coat if it comes from morrow. ness, a spread of poverty, an in- lie quallt) prints with delightful X. may as- s aJ&fSI crease in crimes or any similar Burr's! You rest ma nnd Mjlr fenturea All slir-- now smptom indicating that too much sured that it K tho best. The 11 yd. UJ quor i being sold there, the lXTsH&U i quality of fabrics used in 98$ enso of the storekeeper in that dis these coats is unusually hij;h Wash Dresses of Highest Quality l$EBi5SE&& tr,ct is revoked foithwlth for the price. Luxuriously New Crepes Eeij Btoiekeepcr knows that he Made of Rood, honw iti-- d cottons will be out of a job If he falls to furred or polo style. Failles and other flno crepes In Dainty t)le In new color,. AU good judgment In making his solid colors and colorful sizes. ie - $149 sales Every storekeeper, conse- ientl Ins the best of Incentives Let Us Show You A Children's New Printed Dresses I it running his lace as It ought to i Fridayand Saturday Specials be run For fcchool or lioniei ou an't lieat these Now U almost a fool proof yd. this asm , i , $1.29 values. Ileal y printed nmtrrlals. dri- icheme, cjl worth copying In the I New Hat er triniH. tse United States As much as any ueh plan can It makes social con-u- li - Burr's Famous Silk Hosiery Pond's rations paramount In Its hand- - fi Creams nrt of the liquor traffic. $1.29 Hosiery Is rolnc to raise in price , olid The Jaunty styling of these hat Ivelter buy thet full fnsloned, llk But no one needs to think about ia a senauon: aii nrw u"""" nMs now. - 9J7 5c Em t very long to realize that it would In finest quality felts. 7f shades i 43- be no good whatever if its provi- - rJbattEAJU w lon and enfoicement wore in the 199 H Tooth Paste lUf) hands of oulltlcal hacks whose first loialtv was to the machine which You'll Look Your Best Aspirin gave them their Jobs Let a Vnre machine MOW Shoes Tablets a Ttmmanv, Ladies' 36o Jml your com In These New or any similar outfit pick mission, and jour fool proof plin 2. is as of holes as a screen door W Before It Gets Cold Buy Your full 49. And tho same thing Is true of any liquor control scheme that can $2.98 $3.69 w possibly be devised All of them will re3t, ultimately, on the local Frocks Niiielly aljIeH In kid, sued'fc. Palmolive will give Soap Right to Limit Quantities q;oernmental unit They tun tnne' 11'r.ti nnd Oibau ii our nhillty to govern ourselves an heelv Oxfmdh nnd pumps. Fl 85c Jad Salts 57c acid test. I Double Cotton Blanket Part Wool Blanket 1 New fall rolurs. , H 70x80 Inches In alze. A wide selec-- Size 641x76. In Illue, grei-li- tan, pink Lux NEAllEK T1IK LIGHT. . 10c Soap . . . 3 for 22c H tlon of pastel plaids. Buy them and other pastel lolond MrlH-s- H $4.95 now! Before you need them! Now only 50c Autostrop Blades . , . 39c That there is in America a cer 50c tain umount of disillusionment. L. B. Q. ltiout the NRA program cannot be Men's Shoes Irnled The scheme hasn't brourM I $1.49 98c I Brome Qalalael Kotex 2 for 25c the mlllenlum overnight. It hasn't toicd pioipenty ns fast as some $7.90 Modess 2 for 25c of us dared hope It hasn t return Single Cotton Blanket Part Wool Blanket ed men to work at tho rate we g $3.49 $3.98 41 tn see returning. you are looking for woolen 72x84 single In Big 66x80 part wool Campana . 31c wniilit like them If k blankets merslble blanket In M 35c .tafias Bala, It Is worth remem come to Uurr's! k pastel shades. Pink, blue, orchid, colorful plaids U'lirm In the 5 Nevertheless or silk frocks een B . accomplishments k l'"ach and green. coldest n rather. JK Hue all leather drras vhix.-- Velva 39c bering that its Our selection has never been Ill if toe Pllillip'S 50c Aqsa verv and very much styles a lllllely cenuine more complete. The - in st.iles Home hne rrdi sili- Milk MagacsIaJI worth while President Oren of are glamorous . . the ports. Hid and ralf In Mack Finest Imparted the A F of L. points out, for ex colors authenUc for fall . . . 69c only 20 $1.98 ample, that there has been a the trimmlnj; exquisite. Psyllium Seed per cent reduction In unemploy Payiuun ment slncH March In August fully SSBBBBBSBISBSj1Sbbi j MK SsBlsSjBSBJjBj 36 BIXP Dark-Poun- d 815 000 wnce earners returned to 60C Tb. finest quality imported work, the Indications are that the dark PijlUum Seed. Triple first part of September will show Wildroot cleaned. Safenon-- ssyf an even better percentage of mr Cold Needs Hair Tonic habit forming, C nrovemenl Weather Men's Suits Full pound JJ " In other words. If we aren't out of the woods yet we are a whole lot Men's Suede Cloth Jackets -- A New Shipment nearer the edge than we were be SlSJBBJiXSB-- Russiaa Mineral 03, pL 01 e 113 loo uau inai unemploy wear 5011 Has ment hasr t been reduced by more For work, sports or - That Arrived Quinine can't beat this quality suede cloth. All jjt. Men's Neckwear too 30c Cascara iban one fifth on the other hand, SI1Q0 Gives You An Even it is exceedingly fine that even Lotion A new shipmentgiies you the Rem 50c Jergens Mnt much of a icduction has been widest selection of 49c values In Larger Selection made Suede Cloth Jackets for the Boy town. Coughs Mar-o-o- For 1.00 ll Shampoo A Jacket Just like big; brothers for the e 1 1.50 Haltiae Preparations . 1.19 smaller boj. Stands extra hard wear. j 1 D Woodward Very warm. tkl 494 25c Squibbs Dental Cream . 21c $15.95 nnd Genuine Chamois Leather Jackets . Turpo 65c Barbasol Shaving Cream . 49c Men's Shirts - Vaporiser Set Coffee In natural color. Knitted bottom, nut- . sesf Oriis Tooth Paste 2 for 25c ton btjle, full cut and room). Buy now aeaaS Solid colors, stripes and fancy Complete with fettwVtH patterns. Hniurt collars. AU with at only " i Turpo QinL AstringosQ. 4 ox. six. 59c Attorney sizes $22.50 Zjrmole Trok.ye nerul Practice In All Heavy Sheep-line- d Coats for Men Courts EVEHY SLIT HAS THO I'AJKS Plain or OF Deep, warm shawl collar. Fully lined m aeSS.Cs TUOUbKUS 984 1 WmWamY Fourth Floor coldest Of heavy m I Chocolate Flavored Petroleum for wear In weather. fe.AttvCa' What a laiue! Choose Illdf. W from either 1 Lu9mWn Gillette Phone 501 leatherette. prlco runga ami you get the utmost KB Malted Milk Boys Shirts for your money. Sinurtest new Blades A delicious, wholesome, Men's Medium Weight Winter Unions style. In grejs, blues, browns and produ- - Made Juit like dad's In fancy mixtures. All Kinds I nourisbinc, energy patterns and soUd colors, AU I ring fooJ, eaay to Long; sleeaes and lone legs. Illb knit, s ..asa. 25c dlg.it mjbm white. sixes J I andblgt icoro-- M WE DEUVEB fleece lined, bleached In all WC I mende a, ruiiui.'ji, TO I Pound IB YOUR HOME Boys' Medium Weight Winter Unions 694 New Fall Hats I Phone E In ecru color only. Lonr eleees and mm --t lets. Fleece lined In all boys' Uxes. KDP Men's Silk Sox - 42 Solid colors or fancy patterns $2.50 'All-Leath- you desire. Duy supply now, 3.50 CUHJggfflpS. IE For A Case Men's Fine Quality, er Boots as 3.2 Snap brim styles hold the spot, of Full rain eppers with composition soles light for fall! , . . and we liaio m All Brands and leather heels, ia imck oniy. AU 254 them In Just the shade for your new h J sUts $4.29 suit. I o mm m jvrwy vmmtf ihjc biq sntma, texjls, daily herald. Thursday evining, 'octobwi 11, iws rACWTttBH . j - i WrtsX (wk (WWfBBWfi By CSv WwMftwm "We pay Ml a week rent my hmeeend could do nothing I amounts several Replace! MQ she nvven to MA 'BffSd aad The nore to Inches. Ex Busees Street Cars' . BH4S T4VTAY6MI 9J n4 si. po- ftfes husband wnue planatlon Is In (UP)-An- Pecora Oh her tray home, Mt mm and nfce KM tMMMM to the makes tie, so how could man pound nis rorenead Bis found the proxim- OL1MPIA, WaeH. oth- ORLEANS, Mass. (UFflto Delves in a subway nation ana ins tntr lice elation at large that he wm a we keep two babies T I wrote him wife wept on his shoulder. ity of the Balcones Fault, a geo er Washington city abandoned Its NehemUh 8. Hardin. tM virgin' altar In a Cathc-ll- o father himself, and proud ot from the hospital that they died." logical condition. The1 passes street car system In Cod t4 ntar the It fault favor of buss town's oldest rafMefct," til , church. "We were poor," eald Mn. Dei Police found it difficult to decide Texas ilomes Shift tnrougn Georgetown on Its way es. This city authorised franchises served his 81st birthday sfMfcrt; v In Security Del Rosso makes $10 a week. Rosso. At first that seemed en what to do with Mrs. Del Rosso BAN MARCOS, Texas (UP) southwestward Into Mexico. for a bus system when the power sary by chopping wood and !"--' "Now. why did you do It?" de ough explanation, but presently she and she was held on a charge of Residences here shift frequently t company zound It no longer could the potato crop he planted If manded an Indignant Irish cop who looked up from her tears, adding: abandonment pending1 a decision, without an earthquake. Movement Herald Classified Ads for Beoulta' operate cars at a profit. spring, ts Investments V A- Finds Eleven Millions Put Final Day Saturday Many Money-Savin- g In Stocks Only Worth Values "TliJ Thousands WA31HNOTON (UP) Hrnstn iNcw Prints Burner Set 4-Se- wed Breea. stock market Investigators were to MWWMHral wwwMtfvimf press JJtlton, Read & Co. for an explanation of the manner In which yd. $3.45 19c mllllons.of dollars entrusted by the lie Investing public- were poured into New n d e r Pliable, wesrreslst. railroad securities now valued at Ward's famous "SilvaaiaV shape. Serves it Ing com makes this only 32 a few thousand. fB patterns and colors, all piece. Semi, broom efficient Ferdinand Pecora, committee porcelain. O I d sturdy. And tub-fas- t! 36 see counsel, has shown that the largest Inches. Day now ivory vellum (late. whst yon save I Investments of the two Investment for jrour wssn frocks! trusts organized and controlled by Dillon, Read & Co, were In two railroad stocks. The United States and Interna- stsvisBSBaSV tional Securities Corporation, one 'k of the investment trusts, bought rs $11,386,000 ot Roclc Island and Fris- "4: co securities. The stock now is worth approximately $191,000 at current market quotations. Wmrd Week . Pecora has shown that Dillon, Smvlnmat Mmj Read & Co, placed on the director- ates ot their two Investment trusts Golden Crest9 men largely Interested In other en- i terprises and In various securities. Matthew C Brush, an Investment tru'st director, was one of half a Silk Hose Ward Week Omigt doieri persons summoned by the committee more than a year ago 5 tmd Cetten Wart Week j when it sought to question some 55c Wi A92.9BVmlncmt really large market operators. Chambrag Work1 m Mjou) Charles Hayden, senior pnrtner New for olHayden, Stone & Co, bankers ot Tbe same smart colors Bail BLANKETS Wmrd W WcW Yorlt, was a director of DIN sheer, even weave! But a turn Week! U Ion, Reau Investment Trust when fete price or Wart Wttkl Full, SHIRTS large purchases of Rock Island fethioned, picot tops, doable stock were made. He also was bed and toes. Boy now to save. Work Shoes chairman of the board ot the Rock pair .Island road. $269 SOI pair Frederick Ecker, resident tho $1.98 of A half million yards of cham-bra- All Metropolitan Co., A blanket price yon may never men who So outdoor work Life Insurance bought last February need shoes waa an Investment trust director SavVs Ward Week see again! Large sis 72x84, like these! Leather went into making; this low storm welt, black and likewise a director of the Fris- S wool and China cotton price! All seams triple elk, pUm Solid oe. Full double oak leather co railroad when Us securities were Walnut blankets, sateen bound, stitched, double shoulder Coodyear yokes, non-ri- p welt, rob. Saturday Is Your Last Opportunity To Buy At Low Ward Week being purchased. block plaid pastel design. sleeve facings. oJoU. Pecora is seeking to determlno Buy now! whether the huge blocks of rati TABLES Securities were bought at a time Prices! when interested or Influential Indi Oofce $3.96 viduals were unloading. It Individual holdings of railroad I securities were unloaded on the Wmrd Week Smmer Vmlmel public through the medium of the Coffee Table WtmmmX Stmle mmd OwsmlUg Investment trusts, Pecora hopes to WWtfc Seamless (establish the circumstances of the Bent Wait a Minute t Axminster transaction. So far there lias been $3.96 Save Baring Wmrd Weekt proof was no that such the case. Solid walnut la Duncan PhysTe do. DRESSES Another Special this Ward W.,k price. SHOES RUGS Session Likely Ward Week 0x12 $21.95 Butterfly Table Price Feet AUSTIN (UP). Talk of another MWWMiJwdbtf sjpectal session of the legislature T-- Price roes UP after Ward Week! Save yos common here as the present $3.96 now.. Each rag is a copy of a genaiae . $1.69 sesalort begos work with only four Solid walnut ia Oriental design, woven on huge Ax SjfJjJays to go minster looms. Even is' i Dr. Albert Walker, Vernon, said pepnlar butterfly the sheen woven-in- . Perfect quality. No seconds Inanother session ns early as Decern-- J design. Save X " 59c would be preferable to Issuing Ward Veefc Sale. Pair at present more relief bonds than are required for Immediate needs. Wise women will Twin-Rang- A session to balance tho state bud-Se- t, . hurry in for these Ward s Riverside e was also discussed as a possi- fall Color bility. Flaaael smart fall shoes. 100 Pure Pennsylvania house Wednesday morn- Every good The met Buy those smart style ing at 9:30 to resume action on is here at this Its own J5,000,0OO relief bond bill 9c yd. house frocks you MOTOR OIL Which It roposes to substitute for rock-botto- m lor Fancy striped cot need NOW! Re. Winterized I Best the $6,000,000 senate bill. I price for Ward Quality! recessed at 10 ton flannel. 36 member this low iL fsV J0tmS9BmummM When the house Week d. o'clock Monday night 18 amend- inches wide. For price holds for Ward ONLY! mTJL ments already proposed to the Week only! kid VU. Ward Week only! Short Black or black house committee bill had not been calf ties, pumps, acted upon. The principal one ac- sleeved .becomingly GALLON Ilamdff! Comtortnmlel cepted provides that at least 25 per styled. New fall some with arch Save! Get your cent of bond funds must be spent DrcHNcs support. Cuban. winter supply and on lateral roads and that a quarter prints .. . rich Studio Coueh MWWm VWmT Louis or Boulevard start using it now. Of such expenditure may be for autumn colors . . . materials. heels. All sizes and Positive lubrica- Opens to doable or 2 $29.88 A provision was also Inserted 49c charming little tion at highest mo- twin beds. Plsld cov- wanted widths. Get mnaWsly, that nothing In the bill shall pre- touches about the tor heat and in se- ered. With Innenprinj $3 down, K vent appointment on the new state "Indian Head your fall shoes at . plus small csu Tubfatt dresses, neck and shoulders. vere winter cold. Hn Buttress and pillow. ' cbarfe relief commission of any of the Ward Week prices. cttM present commission members. with or without Sixes 14 to 52. The house joined In the senate bloomers. 3 to 6. Don't delay a provision that those employed by minute! Hurry! county must welfare boards have All Mekalr! Priest 39 . resided in the county six months less tkag todmyn market t and In Texas a year. The propos- Work Sroc. to Riverside Commander ed reduction of the bond Issue WW V.M Specfaf VVW Price 13-Pla- Wk $5,000,000 was voted at the house te afternoon session Wednesday. 12c pr. JscsJsBaiSS Combed Range Twins Deserted fly Woman cotton BATTERY Gas 2 Pieces Only with reinforced Table-To- p Because Family Had heels and toes. 6 Months Guarantee! $1 Per Week For Food Dsrk colon only. ' $78.88 NEW YORK (UP).-C-arl Del $3.45 tfnr $54.95 Rosso, a hotel bellhop, confronted $S down, $6JS0 With mohair prices as high as they II his wife, Marie, In a police station, UnloHHHltH monthly. Smnll shelling: Guaranteed Hrrylns; clmige are, we cannot repeat this Ward Week if mmwBmmmummwBaW (1 l 7 wny am you ten me our uauii-- G months because Fall porcelsin en- value. Both pieces have comfortable m T had died?" ooc ca. basically ameled inside end 11 Mrs. Del Rosso sobbed: "I it's out, in green end high backs and roll arms. And the " built to Riverside I II know. . .1 don't know mP n ivory. Pull oat cushions, backs, and seats arc spring IT down, SIM monthly, don't Men's medium Every sssH plus g Mrs. Del Rosso w dismissed cotton, rib standards. broiler end big carrying; charge weight, plate is standard utility drawer. U filled. Carved feet. (jwymi city nospitai, weiiare isianu knit, ankle length. t. 'jjdneaday where 10 days before size and thick- is fully insalsted. Full cut. 36 to 46. Oven-bes- t control. ness for full While end black

Boy' Skirt Save $5.00 During WARD WEEK! Wmt4Wk V.Uml 49c INlVERSPltllVG Weefc Onfy A Booms irlth lUrJ-Hovr- Word Electric Washer MJHI 04 hard, wearing bruaddotb. IrSfi Famous Washboard Action Plain aad fancies. With 6 to 12, and ISU SHOTGUN Mattiess to MJ 30 Lu Than Last Yootl $14.88 " 1 Ml95 M a Month 1 182 deep Premier wire JL JL Plus Siusll Carrying eg Charge Cray sl7d coils upholstered in felted Plsf 80 A Full Line! M Down, iS Minthly cotton. S s t e e n ticking I'taink of it Ward Week price saves you $5.00. And Enanelware lowered already low cover. Foil slxe. week's wash for 29c We've our minutes after you start this washer a wholo Dennison's price. Here ii your ebsnee U Cell Spring a family of 4 is done! Wards genUe washboard action gets Values Irom S9t to own the gun 150,000 banters bsve clothes far whiter. makes clothes last longer, too. Buy String Tags-P- in Tickets Double. It 69c! Teakettle, (ond ssiesl, Isttett, imootbeU. deck. Full now and save. Labels Gum Double Bo Met Y 7R8; Gummed A? vsnsdiam steel ptru, sUe. Orchid a- - DUIipan, Covered Cbroms Also with famous. Drlggs & Stratton 4 Cycle med Tapes Shipping Tags SbooU 6 ibou fin Mi. Kcllle. Sauce Pans. Msck walnut stock. Gas Engine for homes without electricity $71.05 --Mr it Illmmed Tacs In five secondtl Easy ukedowa, (I s Tapes! ti Ir. Merchant: We can tumlth pu the above In any quantity, the regular wholesaler and bbers list price. Uuy at home! h Phone Ml GIBSON 221 West Third i j riM at.m a n n Office Supply Co. J n 1 'A U E. Third Ltill iiv.i"H V FAOB FOUR THE BIO IPRING. TEXAS. DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, INS - Sf jft f i rt

. .jBi fan

The Freiburg Players ' SJ wSR'

-- . Present The Great European , i;

i' I:


PAS SION PLAY - c. Municipal Auditorium Big Spring, Texas Friday, October 13

Matinee 2:30 p. m. Evening 7:30 p. m. (No Seatg Reserved For Matinee,) (All Seats Reserved For Night Performance)

Matinee, Children 25c Adults $1.00 PRICES Evening.... $1.00 and $1.50

Tickets Now On Sale At Cunningham & Philips No. 1--- - 317 Main

ii This page paid for by the following Big Spring business firms for the promotion, of the Pas.8Jo,n Play.

: Z

MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. CUNNINGHAM & PHILIPS, Three Storet UNITED DRY GOODS m 0 LA MODE MELLINGER'S ALBERT M. FISHER CO W"Jli I.-- i . n THE FASHION BIG SPRING HERALD, Inc J. C. PENNEY CO. -- n- & W. iar.ji J. FISHER, be. , '! w 4 I Ci I II u "A abb in arama wocu, daily old. TiroiwDAYirywiwQ,ocroMDitn,itw PAOUVTVEX ilfettiage Of Popular Couple Is Performed Thursdky . - --v &ATirt Three-Fo-ur Bridge Members And Guests Judge Issues Warrant Mrs. Bertha McAdams, who has! Mrs. Mitchell Groves 'is vUtMu Sanders Gets niade her home hers with her I Mrs. ft. L. Carpenter!' ' rJMiss Winifred Pittman And Treated To Pretty Party At Mrs. Carter's When 3 Drunk Does brother, Dr. Amos ft. Wood, for the I Not Appear Trial past six months, left today for her I Carl Barker Is In tow) vlsitlnf. For home In Long Beach, Ifrlends. Mrs. C. C. Carter was hostess to The club members voted In Mrs. Calif. ,.,, Dr.AmosR.WoodAreWed IB guests In addition to the mem- M. Tatum as a new member. Trial Delay FORT WORTH (UP). Corner. rV bers of the Three-Fo- Bridge a atloh Judge M. Boynton issued Guests of It t Club Wednesday the afternoon were: warrant C. Copies afternoon when Mmes. F. V. Gates, Tom Blaughter, a for the arrest of D. Faithful, Authentic of she entertained the regular Cunningham, 38, Ty- club in W. K. Edwards, O. Talley, C. Continuance Granted In farmer near Ceremony Occurrs Thursday Morning At Homo session. I E. ler, due to his failure appear In Of Shlve, B. Hodges, D. McDon Robbery Fire- to Hallowe'en colors were effectively J. W. With court to stand trial on charge Undo With Episcopal Vicar Officiating; Couple ald, W. B. Wi'son, L. M. a used In the accessories. Yellow cos- Gus Pickle. arms Case of drunkenness. Now Pyeatt, J. L, Rush, H. O. Keaton. Paris On Short Bridal Trip mos and roses provided the floral At the time of his arrest, a few Frocfo decorations, and pumpkin pie Sam Baker, Bill HIttson and M. E. On motion by minutes beer became legal and Tatum. the defense the after on Dr. Amos Rodgers Wood and Miss Winifred Inez coffee were served at the close of trial of Herman Sanders, charged September 15, Cunningham conten Pitt the games. Members present were: Mmes. witn roDDcry wltn firearms, was ded be was not drunk as he had man were married Thursday morning at 10 o'clock Bishop, V. W. Latson, v at the Two lovely prizes were awarded. Jake Harry conUnued when called In 70th dis been drinking &2 beer and that con Each of these ununtal nome 01 tne Driae by the Rev. W. H. Martin. Mrs. McDonald recelvefa set of Lester, C. S. Diltz, Adams Talley, J trict court here Wednesday. gress had ruled &2 beverages non ine Deauuiui ana impressive episcopalian nns cere silhouette picture of flowers for H. KIrkpatrick. J. S. Robblns, Clyde Absence of witnesses was the Intoxicating. He demanded a Jury style bear tho label giving' mony was performed before the fireplace which was making guest high and Mrs. Lester Waits, Jr., and P. W. Malone. basis of tho plea for continuance. trial and the case was set for Wed tho name the designer. banked an over glass pie plate for making Mrs. DI1U will be the next host-- Sanders was Indicted with Oliver nesday. of wim a profusion or dahlias club high. Bruce but won a severance. Bruce The warrant was issued at the Each style is individual! u and other garden flowers in was foun 1 guilty and given a peni- request of Attorney Bill McLean pastel shades. Tall cathedral Woman's Choral tentiary term of five years earlier Jr, who put up $10 cash bond for October Books Received By Library; In In- candles burned on the mantel the week. The men were Cunningham at the time of his wfeKm Action Requested On Overdue Books dicted In connection with robbery client's arrest The bride was modlshly Coa-de- attired in Club Organized or J II. Lloyd, employe at the n 95 u& a costume of peacock blue with ac- So many patrons of the Big who have dues and fines outstand Oil Corporation's bulk station. Spring Public Library are delin ing. Mrs. CardweU wants to call t v& cessories to match. She wore n A Approximately $300 was reported as Lad Saves Brother lovely diamond pendant, woman's Choral Club has been quent in fines or slow in returning attention agan to those who keep the sift of organize- - by Mrs. Lula Mae Carl- me loss. 19 the groom. books that Mrs. B. T. CardweU, a book out unUl a fine is due on it In Runaway Auto ton of Colorado who teaches voice librarian, has found It necessary to and then send It back by another Mrs. Wood Is a native of Dublin, In Big Spring every Thursday. Tho Texas, and obtained her college Issue a warning to them, she re- person without the amount of the Ely See Club Plays DALLAS (UP). Weldon Smith. club has been named the Fhllhar-monl- o education at John Tarleton College. ports. If the books have not been fine. She reminds the publlo that little son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron The flattering Maes et these Choral Club. All women by Monday, practice does With Mrs. Young Pmlth, Waco, was family She has made her home In this city joining returned or seen about this not relieve the a hero. exact copies of Parte styles many years, manager who are Interested In are the names of tho delinquents will person of his Just debt to the Tne parents, here for the State for o of the asked - get In touch with Mrs. will give you the dtettaeiloa Elliott and Waldon Abstract Com-,E.an- be posted In the library. library. People who do this will Mrs. J. B. Young entertained the Fair of Texas, wero visiting In the -. Carlton next Thursday at the First fat If this brings no action these peo also be placed on the black list. members of the Ely See Bridcre heme of relatives hero yesterday of being the "best dressed" Methodist Church. Many new September books Club Wednesday afternoon when Weldon's little brother, Don of Dr. Wood was bom In Mlddleton, The club holds Its meeting In ple will be placed on tho library's are at her any gathering. Materials N. T. He la a graduato of the Los black list, which means that they now on the pay shelves and new home with a pleasant session of tM Bmun, 4, clambored into the crepe, satin, bengaliae, faflfe, Room No. 1 In the basement, which every contract. family automobile and somehow Angeles Medical school of Opthal- - Is by will forfeit the use of the library. October books are coming trims- entered the last door of the week. new ones already in Mrs. Martin made high score and started It When the family rush- some with exotic velvet - mology and Optometry and has basement on the north side of the Some of these overdue books are Four been practicing here for many are: "Proselyte'' by Susan Ertz; Mrs. Rogers second high. Only ed out tho car was rolling toward church. children's books, which have been by Dorothy Canfleld; rremoers wero present. a deep ditch. While his eld years. Mrs. Carlton is a graduate and overdue since the of Septem- "The Bonfire" first Gals-wort- A plate ers stood as though Wel- - Only relatives and Intimate degree "One More River" by John pretiy luncheon was paralyzed, student of the American ber. Many are adult books. and "Jonathan's Daugh passed to: Mmes. O. L. Thomas. aon aasned to the car, 200 fe friends were present at the cere Conservatory of Music In Chicago, I mony. They were: Mrs. Denver There Is another list, of patrons ter by Llda Larrlmore. Tom Ashley, H. C. Timmons, Victor away, ana stopped it within six where she completed her voice In- Martin, W. B. Clare, V. Van Gieson inches of the ditch. Dunn, sister of the bride; Mrs. Ber struction under Karlcton Hackett. MELLINGER'S E. J. Mary, Vivian Nichols, Sim tha McAdarr of Long Beach, She Is also a former student of Her Calif., sister of the groom; and Mr. Of Mr. Mrs. G. O'Neal, H. B. Bliss. Lee Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Denver Dunn are bert Wltherspoon of the Chicago Family And J. Clay At Ashley Williams moving to the home of Mrs. Dunn's Slain at Third and Mrs. Wayne Martin. Musical College, and she has work- Immediately after the ceremony Mrs. Ashley will be the next host' sister in Washington Place. ed with Oscar Sanger In New York ess. Dr. and Mrs. Wood left for a short City. She gave voice lessons In Golden Wedding trip to nolnts west. They will be at Chicago during her student days Anniversary home about October 20th at 1101 there. She taught in Albuquerlcue, East 12th street. N. M. before going to Colorado to Among family reunions of tho worked, silk quilt made by the Mrs. Omar Pitman The bride and groom were honor make her home wtlh a sister there. year held In Howard county was grand daughters. Is Hostess To Come To Big Spring's Largest guests at i small dinner party giv where she is teaching at present. the Golden Anniversary observance The names and the date of the Club en Dy Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martin Miss Elsie Willis will act as ac- and reunion of Mr. and Mrs. James wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Clay were Wednesday evening. companist Gilbert Clay and their children hld embroidered on an inner circle of Mrs. Omar Pitman was hostess mo inDie was spread with a at their home near here July 23. quilt in were to the Triangle Bridge Club Wed- the and another circle nesday handsome Madeiia cloth and set Mr and Mrs Clay were marri.--d In embroidered the names of the chil- afternoon for an Informal Children's Wear Department! with a dinner set for six In sterling Indian Life Theme Cherokee county, near Troup July dren and a third circle bore the session of bridge. stiver ana iiavuand china. The B. S. Study Club 25, 1883. Mrs Clay was Miss Mary names of the grand children. Mrs. Johnson made high for club centerpiece was an angelfood cake Of Ann Shuptrtne. members and was presented with a Style The members the Big Spring The dining room and tables were A and Kind for J Peter Pan Prints topped wtih a miniature bride and of All of the five sons and two beautifully decoiated for the din cake plate. Mrs. Ebb Hatch made Oay new patterns tor inak groom. Study Club met Wednesday after- except son, E. high for vistlors and received a Ing frocks (or aad noon at the Settles Hotel for an daughters, one R ner served promptly at noon. The tekeol Plates were laid for the host and Clay of Amarillo, were present for wedding In vanity. drew wear. Indian program. They answered cake was three tiers of The present the anniversary reunion. Their graduated sizes. The upper tier visitors were: Mmes. to roll call with the names of J. E. Foit, Larson Lloyd and Ebb noted Indian warriors. four grandsons and seven grand contained the hidden wedding mys 25c daughters also were present. teries and it was cut by the grand Hatch. Members present were COATS Miss Rowena Gibson, accom- Mmes. Monroe Johnson, Hllo panied by Mrs. W. K. The bride of 50 years ago met the children. Edwards at Hatch, James Little, E. E Fahr-enkam- p Sizes 0 to 16 In a wide choice of the piano, gave several Indian read- children and grand children in the The ring went to Bill James Cox, living room of her home. She wore pin to Cox, and E W. Lomax. strictly tailored styles or smartly Cotton Suiting ings and songs. Mrs Smith talk the hair Catherine the Miss trimmed with fine furs. New fall " a gown of lavender and the groom to Herschel Clay Jena Jordan will entertain A several ed on "The Cliff Dwellers Mrs J bachelor button . ' s and fabrics. wtda selection of was attired in gray. and the penny to Sallle Jane Clay. the club next Wednesday with an types of fairies. SA1LT C. Lane read a paper on "The In evening party at her home. url dian Bureau; When Established A unique present was a hand I. 8. Clay of Sweetwater collected r,. and How It Functions" all the place cards to have them 19c up Present were Mmes J P. Dodge, Lane, Roy Pearce, Felton Smith, L. framed and kept In memory of the Another Bridge Club up Ed- pic- $2.98 Bob Eubank, J. W Felton, J. C E. Eddy, F. V Gates, W. K. day. Immediately after dinner gflTTiM&mtraraYiig& wards and Miss Gibson. tures of the group were made. Meets At Mrs. King's 3 to Shirtings hostess. Rev. Mr. Martin, Dr. and The next meeting's study will be From 3 to 5 p. m. Mr. and Mrs Sizes 6 In cleer little t)lea Madraa Three Stores McAdams, a continuation of Indian life and Clay held open house to their Mrs. Ranee King was hostess to for every wear. Some aro trimmed Make school and sMHe Mrs. Wood, and Mrs Bridge Wednesday with furs, otliers smartly tailored. drew who left today for her home In will be held at the Settles Hotel friends Part of the wedding cake Another Club v - IN for boys and save the dtf-- L 'on October 25 at 2 30 o'clock. was served with punch afternoon at her home with four rerenwi. VsssvnrsMrMril California members and four guests playing. Mis Lewis made high score and 21c received a pair of chiffon hose. Delicious refteshments were serv ed to- - Mmes Raymond Masters, D. M McKInney, Geno Searcy. N H Dresses For All Ages! Stroud, T H Lewis, J D. Ham- mond, D W Webber and Percy Sheep-line- d i 3 6. Denton Boys' Kate Greenway Frocks in sixes to Municipal Clever new styles, from Up Mrs McKInney will be the next QO, 'Js aHssssst hostess COATS fine fabrics OC Here's a fine value that Is Kate Greenway Frocks in sizes 6 to sure to please any body. FRIDAY! Hundreds Of Texas 14. Smart styles for school QO- Up Warm sheep Unrnr; with deep - Auditorium Horses Dying From collar. and dress wear Sleeping Sickness $3.45 Long sleeve frocks in half sizes from 7 to 16 1-- 2. Smart pat-- QOn Up XssWdsHv FORT WORTH (UP). Moro terns. New styles 70C tfc- - JWaswSsssssssft ONE DAY ONLY than 500 horses have died since Knitted Dresses in sizes 8 to 14. Long 1 September 1 in the Texas Panhan 7:30 P. M. dle of a strange 'sleeping sick' sleeves, new patterns, QQ p MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. EVENING ness," Dr. J. J. Reid, laboratory liltvirV smart styles 1OC director of the State Livestock Sanitary Commission, said. Many others, he said, have died on the SHOES! SHOES! gulf coast Every kind and type of shoes for .ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssT ! The malady has baffled vetert Clrls and boys. Sturdily built of RssssssssssP'l's.'isssssssVW LssM nanans 101 tne past years, genuine leathers. All sizes and all five new Reid said It does not kill the colors. animals until late In the summer and tho s'sssssssssEsssssssrssi' fades at approach of cool II weather, he explained. One cause Boys' Suits Girl's Vstl of the disease he said, in the bite HOSE 4Vs& of a mosquito, known as aebes Duy these woolen I aeg pi ults for boys be- lisle, ribbed beee iri fore the price go for aebeel anJ The disease first appearer In Cal- SWEATERS up. All colors. dress. llnt Z2fjBBSBBV H msswn ifornia, Dr Reid conUnued five All hinds and sizes for your ffffir WPaMI eais ugo and two years ago bioke selection. Solid colors and 98c up 25eup fancy patterns. Contrasting out In Kansas, killing many hors Wstsmmmmmmmummsm es It appeared last year In New trims. K Boys' win 3--4 "iryV Mexico and EI Paso county, Texas, 49c Length he &aid CAPS HOSE Assorted pattern nil Doivin CXUU POSTPONED To Golf Tiw tpr ttw and colors. All UtHo ma. AH The Pioneer Club did not meet sizes. sizes. this week Mrs Huny Huit will $3.50 "S-Ui- V rbonen 49c l tlffl E enteitain the members at the next 25c Drama regular Bess'on School & Dress For Sturdy BATTERY AND CODY REPAIRING Wear J. L. SUITS NOJn Motion Mttur Webb Motor Co. Here's suits for student 0'COATS ttli A Kunnels Phone 818 that are tailored exactly like grown-ups- ! line fa- Fine fabrics tailored la brics give long wear. All the latest manner. Browns, M'tb 2 naJrs oj grey, blue, mlxturra. All CLEANING AND trn"'rs. sizes. 1Ummi foj fir. Mfttb WMt PRESSING FORMERLY Prompt and Courteous OF FREIBURG. GERMANY Service HARRY LEES $10.95 Master l)er and Cleaner and Up $3.95 I'hnn Uo and Up Dress Pants Your Fatorlte Itrand &2 Little Boys' O'Coats Dancing A big selection of every kind and type. All sizes Sandwiches Mexican with cap and pants to Get Your Ticket At Dishes JsUftiUH and lengths. All colors and match. Warm and com. PRICES MONTEREY CAFE fabrics. fortalde for winter wear. Evening $1 $1.50 Formerly Gomel Cafe -- No. 1 $1.29 up $4.49 Matinee Children 25c Adults $1 Cunningham and Philips h All Seats Reserved For Night Performance Virginia Peden Deter ' No Reserved Seats For Matinee Make Checks Payable to Passion Players TEACHER OF VIOLIN Private Lessons, EmsemUe Work itad KecttoU ZOO PEOPLE-CAST-CHORUS-ENSEMB-LE Studio SW Kutaela aCt-- J MELLINGER'S Teleakesm Mala ftt Third ClsUSsM OtUUl B"l fill

Hb ;

,. I! (I .'AUK SbC 41 HE BIG BE1UMQ, SifcXAS, DAILY HERALB, THURSDAY EVBJMlttJ, OCTOBER jtf, IMS "' A HraM la Every Hwifj Owwity. Gridiron Fandom (And Nothing Can Be Done About It & To Follow Ganwi T n 1? h In Panhandle Section UffratrJ To TFffff, 6lAOYS-T- fiS YbOAo 0Y6uR MetTKe(Zl" 7re WlFc? Dc7ClMG This Week wipw e The aita JUJVC; Z,wcy Walling oraseTeo her Husband irv?- - amd sobbso Aiovo.-m- HUSBAND WAS i FOf.LV JUVYC LUBBOCK - On conference OH HIS R6T0RH pOM TU6 OAYi1 AGHAST, OUT WCt-IWS- "O 06 SKSPTlOU, gnme, two WORK, m interdlstrot combats "OH.WU.ie.DARLWO 3H " BY MOmcn,eLLA ?.WHY, OGHRGST, and an interstate contest .are Hated Longhorns Prep For Wr gspco, Vvff eecKi so sisvureol THvr-J- Aowsewse, sues on tin District On football menu "fNSULTSo! a huudrcd HELD IN $250,000 MAIL ROBBERY, for this claiming atten- Oklahoma Sooners uffjje exaLsuneo MILctA AWAY." BEGIN MEltn TODAY week, the WRATfiFuU.V, MfWSl)t.TcTD AUSTJU-Wi- th, crushing 26-- 0 BY WHOM?' v EVE DAYX.ESS. pretty assistant1 tion of West Texas and Olahoma a high school gridiron fandom. defeat at the hand of a brilliant r to EAIlfE DAltXES. advertising' Nebraska team -?? " ! manager? of Dliliy' department The Interdlstrlct games promise behind them and strategy, although the conference forgotten, the University of Texas f tore, marrlrs DICK ItADER, n greater Longhorns have gone to work superintendent. Dick thrills and mor football for f- construction game at two their second lntersectlonal olash of went top working, hut he Borger between teams Eva to of Bulldogs Plalnvlew and Borger th year against th University of refutes. will be Oklahoma Sooner in Dallas Satur- Dick, play watched with interest. Unknown io Eve thr Amarlllo's Golden Sandstorms. day, lock market on Imrrowed money. On of the largest crowd of nt which Saturday smothered Lawton, the AKLENK SMITH, stenographer Olka., will be at home this week season I exected at Fair Ground Blibv's, buy tock on Eve' advice to Sweetwater's Mustangs. Coach Stadium for the annual tilt. The but loira all her money. SAM Weldon Chapman's Lubbock West- Longhorns and Sooners have been on, ndtertlfclng man emp- erners, who bowed to Sweetwater at It for four years, during which loyed-liy nnolhrr More, la Infatu- last week, this week meet Abllene's time the Sooners have failed to I ' 1 BBBBB1 ( I ated with Arlene. Eagles of District Two. come through with a victory. '' - BUT She J The MONA ALLEN', copy writer, din- In the Interstate battle, Pampa The Steer chances for victory did wre insisteo. ' awO it was VvfirrrBTM To You . rne "A LeTTfeTR CftMeTToVtouTfriS-AVvSAHAjf-i lines r.ro ana is rrsponunie inr High school's Harvesters entertain will be considerably lessened by WAY7rVOtXH,crvc?R:V WC0 OP T7 several errors nt the offlre for Shawnee, ,pkla. loss of Bohn Milliard, brilliant bro- - wt irwAs fitDOResseo iuS&jr Mcnr excePT- - execrPT i - -- IaHT? Mch Eve li blamed. The dope chart ran fairly true to ken field runner. Hllllard suffered wki wo, so, oi- course i oreweo it. " thct rbSTSCRiPT," rne wiFe Tlin milldlrfg on ulilcli Dick liosj form last week, with the exception a severe ankle Injury In the Ne-th- "oh, Yes, oFcouRse? vJiuue AGReco, - completed I1U1 FLrtReo. "trWr was- rfve imsult been irorlilng.ls and critics were surprised, pleased braska game and Is definitely out WIIHOUT - him WT tWIMUifl5 THAT" WAS- To Me." TH TtARS' employers teH tliey "III have ana disturbed by turn, at the top- - or the Oklahoma tilt .. no more work for Iilm for nt least heavy scores registered by three1 Jlmmte Hadlock, colorful triple J FLOWfO AG'AJ two month. lie trie to make the clubs. threat back from Marshall, will re- best of thl situation lint Eve Is The Sandles of Amarlllo, doped to place Hllllard In the Longhorn line- Irritable nnd- discontented. beat the strong Lawton club by no up. Hadlock Is a fine kicker nnd NOW OO Of WITH TDK STOItY more than n couple of touchdowns, ball carrier, and promises to vie CHAPTER XXII registered a surprising 41 to 7 vic- with Bill Ponsze of Oklahoma for Dick had refused to let Eve pay tory Plalnvlew nnd Borger, counted Individual honors. Pansze was in- the housekeeping bills, even as the weak sisters of the loop, jured early In last year's contest thbugh he was not woiklng. Pri- played Class B opponents and made Fans north of the Red river say vately Bhe was glad of this because Impressive scores. Plalnvlew, who that he can do everything with a she" still owod her mother and sis- lost a district game to Amarlllo football that Hilllurd can ter and her pay envelope never week before last by a score of 60 to The Steer mentors will also de contained, the. full amount of her 0, trounced a tough Floydada Whirl vote a lot of time In perfecting a saldry because of deductions to np wind 40 to 0. Coach Ab Acker's Bor- - defense for Bob Dunlap, the spark- ply on Igcr plug Is her charge account Bulldogs won over Panhandle, of the Oklahomans. Dunlap : IT P. S,. i amy The acaion chanced rapidly! Raymond Holwell (left) and Theodore Norell were jailed In Denver always a Class u title contender, 27 a fast, shifty, triple threat back. saio D5R weec, Be Dumb, and Evo felt It necessary for her, on charges of compHcity In a plot to dispose of loot from a J250.000 to 6. A number of new plays are ex ELLfi, OONT FhlL. To GVA3 But i fail To tee to keep one step ahead of the av- - man robbery of Attorney Borger, cellar champion last year. pected to remedy an ailing Texas THIS" WYThimg r chclK0 last December. Federal District LeTTcrR I PuwmV offense, but the chief worry In to WILLIS. Jrt f)U uruBo womuii m mainour., one win. Morrissey said the pair confessed. (Associated .Press Is a slight favorite over a heavier the V Thomas J. rhoto) I WAWT HfM ,T' im ttmt , whv 6 mould wr ramcr nam on iirr ciumes. vvitn Plalnvlew team In the district bat- Longhorn corral is the inability of To ReO "' 1SW more care they would have lasted the sophomore backs to block. The 1bbbkV- - 'tssm 'i Sne r&mimd neR tle this week, Acker's team having T& tanger but Eve preferred to buy won all three of Its first games Nebraska ends smeared Steer run- PAUOH Ti5 filing M- S.TAJ T new things and she had no for memoranda, or perhaps new merchandise that had Just against Class B opposition. ning plays consistently. If the GvC -R teTTrER felt even In st6ut time to spend mending old wear- the wastebasket. Adver- come to. Dope to score nt least one touch- blockers can perfect timing on ) m' IF SHf J 10 O HM TO J U - ing apparel. tising copy, propeTly addressed and Eve snatched up a writing nod down but to lose by a slight margin, blocking assignments the Steers im RCD IT dropped Still she complained to Dick, In the correct basket, and pencil and hurried to the re- the Lubbock Westerners gave Dis- may stretch their winning streak 'Well never get ahead like this!" would be gone when the messen- ceiving room. She did not think trict Three fans a thrill by playing over the Sooners to five gomes. "Like what!" he demanded. ger boy arrived for It, of the ring again until she was re great defensive ball to hold Sweet- Hllllard Is the only Steer who is "Well, you seem to be content turning to the office 20 minutes water's rampaging Mustangs to a sure to be out of the tilt. Charlie not to he earning anything this later. 6 to 0 count. Sweetwater had Coates, end, Ronald Fagan, quar summer.' Once such a search caused so 'Whatever is the matter?" cried clambered aboard the favorite's terback, and Melvln Prelbisch, full Dick lost his patience then much delay that a small but Im- Arlene when Eve, pale and breath band wagon by trouncing Abilene back, will be In shape and ready though he made an effort to con- portant advertisement missed the less, burst Into the offlc and the previous week, 19 to 0. for the powerful Sooners. trol his temper. "Listen!" he said, home edition of the evening news- dashed to the washtarul. Lubbock at Abilene, Saturday. mi nc l papers. "My ring!" walled Bj 1 ty Eve. game, "1 any "It's Sweetwater at Amarlllo, Satur- ference - don't like this better than -- k jx (v- gone!" Frl-- III you do but there's nothing I can To make matters worse Barnes day. Shawnee, Okla., at Pampa, JB1-LJ- rVOf 7rSl - 1' (TO - P do about There-'jsn'- t any build- appeared while the search was In BE CONTINUED) Plalnvlew at Borger, Friday, con- day. It progress. Mona, pretending a de- ing going, on now. When the SON-IN-LA- firm W U:'-by Wellington has another contract for me to sire to be helpful, appealed to him. PA'S All For Pa's Sake work on I'll be notified!" "Oh, Mr. Barnes, is there some Eve saw that her Insinuations copy on your desk to go to The Times? dinner dress ad, you - I had hurt him and she was penitent. That ROTTED GUI MOU4B AN'l "d ( CLOTHE 5,Pa'. I WftDKY BCCEWT TrtlMS- f THERE .THERE ! I KMOW tou know. We've looked everywhere tt tit - S "v TIOYEAR.ftMDtyOULT-I4tHK.O- P 1 UKE TO WEAR, q" But she told herself It was fortu- MOVED imoTWS APWBTMeWr- WUa lmSC v c POtfT Mt for it and can't find It! The Times A iWJP1 nate, that she was working. As it 1 Just called and said they could only MORE SlCBW,i! TPAMP IW AM ECUJ5lVB APABTHEMT- - X BOUGHT OHUf JUTEMUFF Was, Dick's temporary unemploy- THImt O' WAtSOWIM' I f W7M Kv hold the foims IS minutes longer V ment caused her no privation. She TuAHO! I ' It." MEWHUMBWOKBC6UUtr; f JITCRm' " S?TZJ, I did npt even have to give up the for ( NICE UP! gave TMIMK UPIMA Utre-TlM- BEUM J )) luxuries she had come to take for "That dress copy? Why I Jf WmMmMffl&ttLl J granted frequent visits to the It to you an hour ago," Barnes beauty shop, expensive cosmetics, said, turning to Eve. "There was fragile lingerie, such things no not a thing for you to do but put longer seemed luxuries to Eve but it Into an envelope addressed to The Times and give It to the boy." necessities. "I did put it in envelope, She could never, she felt sure, be an cor rectly It on my content to live as simply and eco- - addressed, and left Hnmlnnllif Xfra Punnaii irat aha desk where I always leave the copy. ,, ...... Some one must have mlblakl It - j . ,- - .. . iwhen I was out of the office au7j uci gcuwo us&iiii-j-.,mUi, tuai tunc su or "How long were you away from perlor to such details as a suit the put ques blouse two years fash- office?" Barnes the behind the tlon crisply. ions roughed by house- and fingers "About half an hour," Eve ans work. wered. "Perhaps a trifle longer.' Eve sometimes wondered what A half an hour!" Barnes storm Dick really thought of her down in ed. . "Anything could happen in t bis heart Of course she knew he half hour. What kept you nway so adored her youth and beauty nnd long?" that her little affectations usu- "I was shopping," Eve said. She ally amused him. But what about h.id been shopping in the morning Trademark Beg. Applied Foi busi- by her Ideals and ambition for a hour fcet apait by Blxby's for em DIANA DANE II. 8 Patent Offico A Helping Hand Don Flowers ness career? Did he merely toler- ployes to do their buying nnd was ate them because her beauty fasci- entlicly tights. She re 1 I within her I S gAv.'g.r ox on "i nated him? If she should lose .' ZnuirW V 'ft '2'3'4 htHsy' X-jOU-yH that sented Barnes question but man X"JffiV comr' 4 - beauty would she lose his love? aged to control her temper. Z iV 5- 6 'ftSLATSUP HIM ANOTHER W RMR THBRBf 1? ' Vt po,c Once she questioned him about We'll find it," put In Mona. v-Aaj,i 1 asKmW""TCTvrtfe Cl TT (wN'nJS-- B this. "Maybe you dropped It somewheir s&f Sr "suppose "Dick," she said, my lap 111 ,13 time, Mrs. Bauer, you face should be marred by an Ill- know. J ve noticed lately how ner ness or, an accident of some kind. vou joi are and how often you Would you still love me?" mlsliy things. You ought to take "Of courie I would," he assured your varation soon. You need her. rist," Under the sweetly solicitous "It's easy to say that. Perhaps tones Ee and Atlene felt the you believe it now but I'm not bo pharp luulice of the tliiunt. sure', If we should become dread- Later the envelope was found un fully poor I don't think I'd be pa-ttt- der Allelic-- ' desk whcie she and and cheerful about It. It Eve wf-i- quite certain Mona had wouldn't make me sweet and (ObSCd l like my mother or Mrs "I rur.'t think she has the nerve Penney.- I don't seem to be like to cumnuei herself in line for them at all. I guess I'm rather Huini-- job. She doesn't like work -. I 1. ., I II w y.o ,,, har.d!" ttt-i- l enough. I woudet uhat her - ri r. 0,3 "Hard as nails, aren't you?" game i '" speculated Ailene. grinned Dick. Say, do you think But Mona kept her own counsel. Trademark Registered But-- all I see in you fa powder and Then Eve began to lulus Biuall SCORCHY SMITH U. S. Patent Office A Wish Comes True, by John C. Terry rouge and mimosa perfume and a anuunls of money fiom her pume. slick marcel? No. Mrs. Under, I 7 The fli'M time she thought tiie Iohs r j n MW psBIII,,ni!,,in see your mother's daughter. I - ( . mu&t be due to carelessness Per- Hill" i.J.I. 'W VucceiKAl 9 t3lf,UT BETTY , COMt TRUE. Xf ...... i 1 guess you had to you'd meet ho ' - MM WOT ... if id liaj k she hud diopped Die $5 bank f ARtVDOREAUV'J- - TelE 1KBIW4 WOMAN Ifflt Ml W IW IVl luck as iwell as your mother or Mis rl. W note when she hud taken out a ll it- SCORCMV A V TOLtl ME T4E TRUTr- i- .GOT TO GET .'OIJ HOrt8 Penney, though it would probably mr f BACK V) AC QUiCWLV AS email roll of hills tn pay her lunch- v-- VI ri t,iI'j s'sZ'S v VOO HAVE. COME. POSilBLt be in B different way." eon check. She telephoned the les- - A ,H Eve was not so certain of this. tuLiant but no one hud lepoited "Any way," she exulted to liciaelf, finding the money "he's still enough In love with me The next loss wus u smaller one to remember the kind of perfume I Kve suspected Munu but liuu no Is, JkM i ,. use and that's a good deul for a pioof of her guilt And of romse ,mi 'f m?) JifK...li man like Dick!" IliL-i- wan the possibility that the Perhaps it was the certainty of money might have been tHken by ..i If her husband's trust In her that any one of a dozen persons who helped Eve through that trying had entered the office thut after- summer, Eager for the promotion noon. Aftei that Eve locked the that now seemed within sight, she diawer of her desk in which she willingly undertook each new task kept her iiuise. (bat Barne gave her, though the A few days later her diamond extra work taxed her strength and ling the ling Dick hud given her the Wftlon of numberless petty at Chi lstmas disappeared. Bhe annoyance .frayed her nerves. had removed It while, she washed Mona Allen was responsible for her hands at the washstand in most of these annoyances, Eve was Trademark Registered corner of the office. Lve waB HOMER HOOPEE U. S. Patent Office He Asked For by Loc'-e- r sure, (hough It wu always Impos- alone In the office at the time. The It Fred sible to ften the responsibility on telephone rang while she was dry the other girl. Impoitant bits of ing her hands and she went to take copy would disappear, only to be the call. It was Eaile Humes, I WHAT vVE NEED .'V 1 GOT n; CHIEF - WOW '. I f7 rJO.THKT WOMT DO -- THE SVMPATMV J OHBoVOHBOY; CAW YOU SE THOSE NO, rJO.MR.S MAPPER '.Y7wCS BlH" THtUrt T " - found after much searching under who asked hei to go to the receiv- FOR fA5SDEVERES WHAT AW IDEKi THE GOVERNOR ANGLE IS WRON6'. 1'vE GOT TiTHE . HEADUKiES "aOWERHOft'3 AUTO rvPM(iLES ) WJE COULPKirDOTHNT- of. o STORY wire) MEW IMTOvgw - a desk basket, on a hook used ing room to take notes on some PUBUCITV IS SEts SATURDAY COVERnOR RUMS OVER HER. SHE SUPS ) SCREEN STAR'." WHAT A PIP U WHY SHE WIGHT BEI 1Tb , S. A J sumcni-- MWt MtR un uvw C A OH 1H& rKUNi - - V '.'. OtP6 f wtu AKin FAtA UMDER HIS AR. SCRtftlA III. HWE H6R ruc ur iNJUKfcD r ,dliu, ---B... T . ' . T il.i. ... urn f,M , 1' J .n..., TOV --- y J w x.-,.- i lirrt.N. i i nKMN ncRrr, THE MPAWS RFBL fLAMEOAS ' WERY UEWSWftK IN....irIHt wuniim II S ) - - -- ; .GET IT?? slCATCH T, AMD - nX -- , ' WE'RE CARRYING 7J J O fife v . eA Ss OUR END orirv m-- -


1 j - " v c? DJOLT JDBEA. J. THUMD AY EVENlWa .: m a MEkAU). WART-AD- Oqjpknzeti Labor At Test Decbres S M7 SB a CSnreet veVSSsea esT HxHA' CHICAGO BACK Rf SCORING DEWJT eae wfWi Be swswieejceet M sueti x Om kwertion: 8c fyae, B Mm s&bkumm. . WKSmWmWmWmWKSSSSSitmwmr ' General Joknson In A. F. L. Address Linck's Bach suoeoMive iMertktt; 4e Use. Prices jack, up Us) Weekly rate: $1 for 5 Ha minimum; 8c per line per Another .effort to the WASHINGTON Warning that tetue, over 5 price level Is due soon by way ot IsslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslsHHsW VV4StbHIG very organized Edwards Leads line. gold the foundations of St FRIDAY H?': - making more expensive in Monthly rate $1 per line, change In copy allowed week-- terms "New tabor .are at test." Hugh 8. John Texas Conference ot dollars. York hears son, the recovery administrator, .. ly. that the Treasury la considering the TBOTMMTOM told the American Federation of (UP), Into Readers: 10c per line, per Issue. advisability of setting a gold price SsHsiflBntatajMi are unnecessary ABILENE Thrust of Labor that strikes the lead by a sensational victory No.1 Card of Thanks: 5c per line. $38 an ounce. Roosevelt plan.' TJils would be another step to- - "under the over the Simmons University Cow point light faco typo as rate. 'XVsH'nSBBSBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV At the same time, he asserted Ten double 1 wards .Fisher's commodity dollar HHHHjIHV boys last week, St Edwards of In Una that organization of both industry tough opposi- with the recommendations HVMHMMMKjraMHHH success Austin again faces Tomatoes CLOSING HOURS ot Professor Warren (recently men- and workers Is vital to the tion Friday In their chase for the Week days 12 noon In column). of the recovery program. Texas conference crown. They tioned this lBBBBBBBBBBV .L 4.rssssUsssssssssr1C4.. .issssssssssssssssssssssaEHsslsss1 I HBBBBBBBBBBBBBTlBr V KJSW- ' . .H Is Saturdays , . .5:30 p. m. VssBh"V UllW' The plain stark truth tnat play Southwestern University at AT A VSBt LOW rWCE " SBBBBBBBBBBBBSPBBbI you cannot tolerate the strikes,' No advertisement accepted on an "until forbid" order. Poll BSBBaBT? r te. r ,VSSB3SBBSBBSBK25b i?f-- t Georgetown. St Edwards lost I Johnson said In addressing tbe Inst year by 7 to 6 to George specific number must bo given. The U .8. Office Is taking (MssW'VBpBaVRBSBBalLSrSBBBBBBBBBsfl delegates the Fed the A of insertions Post ifl''ll''l hundreds of at town eleven. want-ad- s payable in or insertion. an efficient Interest In the Liter bbbbusbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhB v aWrHllwHBSsnBSLi7,sWssssssssss1 eration's annual convention. "Pub- - All advance after first ary The game is the feature of the Telephone 728 or 720 Dlcrst straw vole oi New llo opinion is the essential power Texas conference race this week. New Order On Total York City's mayoralty election. mmkmmmmmwsi-JsPwmmytiMi- 9S In this country. In the end It will although one other conference The ballots are In ithe form of HMtRLsSMssBBsk break down and destroy every sub Production Issued open post game Is scheduled, Daniel uaxer cards and somedhe at the versive influence, college Sherman, contrary, say. top has Issued to power playing Austin at By R. R. Commission mlses to the they orders a trusted "If now when the whole also on Friday. man to have tho results tabulated Vsssssssss1sssslsssslWiSiri'V&tsB of this government and Its people 4NNOVNCEMENTS The Tigers ran up two counters AUSTIN (UP)-- Bo long as tblalfif before the.votes are delivered to the Is being given to an effort to pro- quarter Sim- Sunrise Digest office. daya In the first against production for a week U kept with--? On the when vide and maintain to the utllmate mons winning 13 to 0. When Walton Moore, venerable returns JssMIsIsHsbbIsUsbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI last week, In the total allowable for ,tbtjpe-- T . Lost and Found the are likely to be heav the rights of every man who works were made with from Virginia, most will Both touchdowns riod, oil operators will not be re-- l. iest and decisive, delivery for pay you permit or countenance delayed pass, a play LOST Ladle.' Warwick Wrlit stepped into Prof. Ray Moley's be held up enough to give Farley an public a screened quired to keep each well within itafi watch; white gold; diamond boots as Assistant Secretary of this economic sabotage, that perfected by the Tlgera' new men Ralphit edge. The Digest people have no confidence and opinion will turn UU117 pruuucuuii, U10 suuo railroad t case; chain band; rtward. State It marked the first of Secre Idea what s going on. tor. Jack Chevigny. commission ordered. i'V Rlx, Phone 260. tary CordeU personal ap- against you." In the other conference game Hulfs It must be fun to be a Postmaster Jay fierwanger, fleet sophomore halfback from Dubuque, la., made by The dally variation. Is limited to !? . pointments to the State Johnson was Introduced Wil of the' week, Abilene Christian and per Personals General when you have a candidate an auspicious debut with the University of Chicago's promising eleven liam Green, president of the Fed nve cent above the allowable, by scoring Daniel Baker played a scoreless tie, Operators bal- -l WANTED Nursing dog to oar running for office. four touchdowns against Cornell college. Here he It shown eration, who pledged the "unfalter- will be permitted to Up to that time the Secretary had e crashing over the goal Una. (Associsted Press Photo) neither aggregation offering much ance the production at 7 a. m. each! for six little bird dog puppies. been, ringed In by aides chosen by ing" support of labor In the recov- In way of offense. Phone 0U or 1283. flash the Sunday. somebody else. Under-secrear- y Wil- Sidelights ery movement Texas conference members play 0 Woman's Column 8 liam Phillips, Assistant Secretary An American Journalist In Ber One Killed Two Using the situation In the bitu ing outside of their own loop were Harry Payer and Jefferson Caffery lin has classified the Nazis . And minous coal fields as an example, defeated. Texas A. & I. at Klngs- - Man Faces Seven Years In SEWING of all kinds. Coats, suits Claws said It represent- Ai and Bpeclal Assistant William Bul There are three sategories: cor Of Blue the administrator vllle handed the McMurry Indians Robbery rellced. Remodellnr dresses. Injured In Crash ed the worst In N. Prison For $7 teratlons wanted. Mrs. Burch, litt all had been recommended to rupt. Incorruptible and fanatics "the best and I. a 10-- drubbing. Austin College corrupt R. A." - Itoora 218, Douglaii HoUl from the President by others. Assistant The ones take ten marks. lost by same score, to the TJF),-Clo- yd ARLINGTON, Texas (UP), W. Is a re- the FORT WORTH 12 to 7 p. m. Secretary Wilbur Carr, a career the Incorruptible a hundred, but) V. "In a word union labor Southwestern Oklahoma Teachers. Eagle Are Put Redmon, 53, Dallas, waa killed sponsible Instrumentality? Make Townsend, 2L faced seven years ot SPECIAL on school supplies: 2 man, was merely a holdover but tht fanatic costs a thousand marks and two other men, injured when a Howard Payne trimmed John servitude In the state penitentiary . .. The no mistake about' it very foun pkgs. note book fillers, ISO pagei, a rood one. New York Post Office truck on which they were the Tarleton, 20 to 0. for a 7 holdup here In July. He on se- riding organized labor are Be; Blue Bird filler, 110 pager, And Prof. MeJey most certainly Is hot the trail of the Nazi struck a telephone post here. dation of at Other than the two conference was sentenced by criminal dis- 280 police operating In coun now," he said. a Be; pages 10c; Masterpiece was not of Hulls choosing. cret this Into Exercise Tate, 20, Arp, was driving test here and games Friday, this week's schedule Jury the holdup of two 200 10c: With each . Julius trict for fillers. Daces. try .. Wall Street says next the He 'But what is happening? What Includes: young men during Co delicious truck. waa accompanied by aa outing party ft pencil, a tablet free; month Roosevelt will recognize are the hazards? A minority on Abilene col double-di-p Empire W. M. Anderson, 64. Arp. Both suf- Friday Christian in a public park. chicken sandwiches 6c; Russia . . . The month after he each side Industry and labor Is com- higher-up- s watch-ins- ; Johnson Starts Rapidly To fered cuts and bruises. lege vs. North Tcxaa at Denton. i Ice cream cones 5c; a Aviation are will recognize Curtis Dsll. threatening whole enterprise. plete line of candles. Cash They were returning to Arp from the McMurry vs. West Texas Teach England. Revoke NRA Code Vio- A minority of miners UBing force Loss Of Bison Hdmd Ami Carry Grocery. 1000 Runnels 8t Experts say that within ten years Fort Worth after delivering a load ers at Canyon. of and violence In defiance of the pub- Saturday vs. T. C. U. Owl she will have a regular transatlan lators' Certificates cattle to Fort Worth. They - Simmons Worries Students picked up Redmon on the outskirts lic peace Is hampering the responsi- at Fort Worth. tic passenger and mall route to Vealmoor bel leadership of united Mine After School Explosion EMPLOYMENT Canada, and lines linking every WASHINGTON (UP). Recov of Fort Worth. He was hitch-hikin- g the Howard Payne vs. College of ery Administrator Hugh Johnson to Dallas. Workers and preventing compli- Mines at El Paso. corner of the Empire. American contracts. A minority DALLAS (UP) Biology students rushing plans Monday Mrs. Mary Zant gave a withdrew NRA blue eagles from Redmon's body Is being held at ance with Its 10 Agents and Salesmen 10 companies are for of operators thus have omitted at Sunset high school here, partial- competition. They re a late. bower, honoring our new bride, two New Rochelle, N. Y., employ a funeral home here pending fun far A ar- bit to accord the rights and privileges With Only Year To Live ly wrecked by an explosion before SALESMAN for fast moving Otis thirty-fiv- e ers. The action followed quickly eral . He is survived Mrs. Peterson. About 90 dawn Wednesday, felt more con ticle. Every car owner a prospect. were an after withdrawal of bluo eaglo from by his wife, two sons, Lowell and to labor which per cent of the in. Woman Wants Husband To to $75 weekly, resent and all report cern over the loss of a pet owl and J10 full or part Note a Gary, Indiana, restaurant. Roy; a daughter, Mrs. Rolena Bar- - dustry have conceded. time. A. A F. Co, Ferndale, enjoyable time. The bride received purpose people Get Marriage Annulled the destruction .of a mounted bison Wines and liqueurs will grace the many beautiful and useful presents. nett, all of Dallas. The of the of Mich. White House table for those who In WASHINGTON (UP). A major the United States as expressed In head than they did of tbe damage PLAINS, (UP) to building. 12 Help Wanted Fomale 12 dulge once It becomes legal . . . offensive against violators of NBA NJ.R.A. the concerted effort of WHITE N. T. the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zant are NRA And employes With only a year to live, Helen May Mrs. Roosevelt a teetotaler herself, the roupd parents of a boy, agreements opened as the recovery Farm Law both employers and the The owl was found dead In its! ONE lady for educational work. U all old brought fine peace great are all Schlckler, 21, PeckskiU, N. Y. girl. cage following salary, having the glosses born October 6. Mother baby administration began to make good of a state thus the explosion. No selling. Guaranteed of polished up and Administration In put In Jeopardy by wilfulness refuses to be sent to a sanitarium The $150 contract period. Also out the cellar and doing nicely. on Its threats to take the mounted bison head Waal for are 10 wants her husband to be grant-c-u lady for tiavellng position; guar- ... When beer came back she blue eagles away from "chtselers." Special Conference of less than per cent on both and found 75 feet from the room.. Its I same course .. . sides." annulment of their marriage, for anteed salary $200 per month and adopted the There Mrs. J. L. Buckalew waa ahop- - Administrator Hugh 8. Johnson hair burned off and the .mounting I Mrs. are indications the White House Ra- - Paying to leaders of both which ho has asked. transportation. Inquire of ping in Big Spring Friday. summarily ordered Theodore G. WASHINGTON. im-- An tribute broken. quartet, by atlemtit operators who Supremo Court Judge William F. Parsons, Settles Hotel, Friday directed that eminent hutls, Gary, Ind restaurant owner to coordinate policies and methods the and shiners are only appointment. e, cooperate, Bleakley heard the girl's story Phone for marltone Secretary Marvin H. Mr. C. B. of to turn In his eagle because of al of administrations trying to Johnson said are deserting old and Mrs. Thompson, of the two ma recov- when he sought In vain to send her U.S. And Britain Agree their Soash community, were guests Sun leged persistent violations of his re- jor recovery agencies was made "nowhere in the presidents song, on The Range" ery Is ex- to a sanitarium for treatment for - theme "Home day of tlio former's parents, Mr. employment agreement. Thursday by Hugh Johnson. program there a clearer Germany Unarmed FOR RENT corners now re- NRA gov- tuberculosis. lletter Mrs. L. Johnson repeatedly has warned administrator, In con- ample of teamwork between to of and J. Buckalew. an extensive She said her husband did not sound the strains "The Last violators, but this was his first di- ference with Secretary Wallace and ernment, industry and labor than GENEVA (UP) The United Round-Up- " . . Resound is used know sho was ill when he married 82 . suf-- rect action Geo. E. Peek, law this balked and frustrated by a States, Great Britain and France 32 Apartments advisedly. Mrs. Porter Hanks has been farm administra her. When he discovered It three 'erlng freni asthma the past He said that "almost at once" tors. Leaving tho conference, John- - recalcitrant few." agreed Germany should not be ALTA VISTA apartment; cool and few people months later he packed up and that days, but we are glad report blue eagles would be taken nwav non newspapermen Asserting that the will permitted to re-ar- the present comfortable; furnished complete; NEW YORK to iniormea 'we pave left. at garage; all mat she Is now convalescing. from violators of agreements In are attempting to get together on stand for breadlines and bare time. electric refrigeration; By Janus McMnllln iti- "He may have a chance to marry bills & Nolan other cities. lunaamental policies." he refused ments only so long, Johnson paid. Corner 8th I do not want to Sts. Labo- H. L. In another move against "chtsel to Bay whether quired "what are we to do about again and I ruin r- Rev. Watkins preached the trio reached a Mrs. said. Strange as It seems, of Sunday morning ers the NRA prepared orders for decisions. it? his life," Schlckler 35 Rooms A Board 85 the heart and evening at She did not want to go to a sani capitalist Wall Street favors al the school house. He also preach- public hearings of complaints that e If a dictator came tomorrow do tarium where she could receive Personally 311 N. Bcurry. Apartments. lowing the American Federation ed evenings In the first part of last some firms operating under the Mother Of B. R. what more could he than has Labor to go right ahead and or textile code, pave boosted prices Carter been done?" the administrator free care. ROOM, board, personal laundryi of week.' am In sympathy with 606 Gregg Ph. 1031 ganize up to the limit without em- Succumbs In DeLeon I not this Hundreds of complaints linvo some ruthless seekers after kind of cose," the Judge said. 87 ployer resistance. Mr. Montgomery, a lay member If marry, Speaking 37 Duplexes been received against blue eagle Mrs. M. S. Carter, DeLeon, power aspired to grasp this sorry When two persons they The people who think that way of the Big Spring Methodist church moth- marry better or for worse." He FOR couple, 2 duplex, neatly merchants, but the NRA said local er of B R. Carter of this city, scheme of things what could he do for are a small minority but others are nreached at the school house Sun- said an Investiga Mrs. W. Bird returned! nice trees and compliance board had found mott 6 45 n. grown he would order C has furnished; lawn, getting converted and may be dis- died at a. m. Thursday In to feed the hungry mouths flowers A real home on East 15th it day afternoon. His subject of of them to be due to misunder tion. from a six weeks' trip spent near! although by no means certain course was the Need of Confer- bitter and resentful after four at. Aleo nice house un- standings. In the Gary case, John- Funeral services will years of patient suffering? Great Falls, Montana, and points lnl furnished, located one block from that a complete change of front to ence Funds. be held Canada. son said every one of tho restau Friday morning 10 o'clock Co- answer Is he could do Way To South school. B. F. Rob-bin- s, ward the unions will develop. They at In The that Debate Gives ward rant's 40 employes had filed com- manche. nothing. We will find our way out Phone 1376 have two arguments they Insist are Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Clay have re Bloio On Floor Of Mrs. Ben Hardy of Anson is vtslt-- l right to the point. plaints, and the compliance boaid Mrs. Carter had been ill for of this mess not by smashing down turned from visiting their children ef- lng her son, Dr. w. B. Hardy and! One is that the bigger and more had made repeated and futile fome time prior to her death. all that has been built up but by Texas Senate at Dunn. forts to adjust the situation. Her son left here applying Intelligence and time and family. Mrs. Buster Eubaaka of AUTOMOTIVE authoritative an organization, the Sunday and Corpus' Christ!, a daughter of Mrs.1 more conservative it Is likely to be. The order withdrawing the blue had been at the bedside since. control to this complex machine of AUSTIN (UP). Debate gave way J. 8 Clay and his father, J. G. eagle was Issued as Johnson ex we all are a part and that is senate floor Ben Hardy, with her two children,! Therefore there would be less Clay, have moved their residence which to blows on the Texas are also visiting in the home of her! G4 Used Cars Wanted 54 chapes to pressed belief that criticism of the exactly what NRA Is intended to as T. J. Holbrook, Galves- for a switch the left from from the Ackcrly-BI- g Spring high- Committee Members Senators brother. Dr. Hardy. within. NRA's slowness In acting against do." ton, Joe Moore, Greenville, SEE Walker Wrecking Co, 2M way to their well In the north field. chlseleri was and good The other is open shops are Justified. Of Passion Play To sought to settle an argument with - Austin street for used car that one Jack Hodges of Big Spring- will! '' - "But the point has never for parts. See us before selling easier marks for communist and Mr. and Mrs. Holbert of Fly Lines Of their fists go to Midland Sunday to conduct! cd or wrecked cars. Want to buy Fuller moment been overlooked," he said, Confer This Evening 14,397 No blows were struck. other radical propagandists than a T.uther were guests of Neither morning Bptsco-- I some used sheet Iron ana dimen- Mrs. Sarah explaining that it had required Airtcays In was services at Trinity shop fully organized under estab- U. Snelgiove last week. All committee American Injured. pal chapel. sion lumber. auspices. some time to perfect an organiza members who have Twice before the altercation ser-- lished any type of assignment In connec- August, Report Shows tion which could act with Justice geants-nt-arm- s edged They claim the coal, steel and Mr. and tion with presentation had between ofi Mrs. Ira Buckalew, end and certainty. of The Pas- two, George Mr. and Mrs. Lametne Smith WHIRLIGIG motor people are pretty near-sig- Boutwell, all of sion Play here Airways carried 14,397 the while Senator Purl, .Richmond, Mrs. F.I Mri. Cuthbert, vis The result will shortly be forth Frldav aftrrnnnn American presiding, blows with his Indiana, aad H. ed If they think they can get the ited Mr and Mrs. J. L. Buckalew a and evening will passengers over nation-wid- e rained Thane of San Angela are visiting! coming. The temporary ndvnntaprp meet at the Mun its gavel in an effort to restore order. (oontwozd rnoM iau l i old days back by bashing the Fed- few days past. that real chiselern may obtain will icipal Auditorium this evenlnz system durln gthe month of Aug- their parentxRev. and Mrs. Woo-- uu rocking high Contributions to eration. They alio Insist that In- prove a costly experiment. The promptly at 7 o'clock. The chair ust, L. D. Seymour, president of die W. Smith. l.i cp up the good work poured lln. dustry is In for much more trou Burt Massengale Is attending power government Is be men are very anxious that all mem the company, announced today. Sooner Officers Look For e-- - whole of . - . --. i Headquarters were established in ble than It realizes If it doesn t play fommissloners- court at Gall this hind the blue eagle. Ders oe present. This figure, Mr. Seymour said. Is Under hill And Pretty Boy Six Suspects i n office building Just across from ball with the Federation. "If we week. "It Is the symbol of the coopera- an Increase of 38.6 per cent over the Robbery Are Die Capitol so the Antl's could keep want to keep the capitalist system 10,537 passengers carried by the tion of a whole people and I can Tamniany Fnces Prospect OKLAHOMA CITY (UP) The Nabbed By Texas i lembers of Congress reminded of we had better stop smacking its Rev Vester Clanton has returned assure all these honest employer system in August last year. shock-absorb- state crime bureau reported that t. n whip. strongtst In the a tour In Of many ex ager from Aikansas, Alabama, who have displayed It that thev Loosing Brooklyn Mr. Seymour said tnat two FORT WORTH (UP)-Ra- Suddenly their headquarters eye." and other points. " men fitting the descriptions ot will be protected to the limit tra sections had been necessitated Wilbur Underhlll and Charles Capt. H. T, Odaeal announced alx building was torn down. was NEW YORK (UP). during by-T- e It Tamm.nv to take care of the traffic Boy) Floyd men had been rounded up i moved almost as fast as the pro- - Miss Camilla Haisager Hall faced the prospect company (Pretty robbed a Tulsa Strikes has taken of losing its tbe month and that the man rangers and charged with three I'.bitlon for which the League bat- up her work as Intermediate tea- SEEK TO INCREASE oiriuiKrBi any ana greatest of his automobile near Insldeis say that the Pennsylvan source planned to add additional schedules Sasakwa shortely noon and postofflce and several other rob tled so many years Is vanishing. Go cher In Boash community. We all GASOLINE PRICES of voting strength in the campaign some or after la coal strikes arc In between tne major ciues bullet-riddle- d berles committed la North and League s hsadquar- - to to Mayor abandoned a ma Iroklng for the to handle because the miners are commend her the South school. John P. O'Brien. In the very near future. West Texas in the test 18 montl Urn nowadays, look hard enough John H. McCoey, chine. clannish as backwoods moun DALLAS (UP). Government In democratic The victim was Wallace, One of the men, Ulleert Jones i.nd you'll find It In a dingy little Rev. J. W. Stallcup has been on spectors oil noss or Brooklyn, acceded to Abe They any- and major companies the We-wo- S3, held in the Plato county office across street taineers. don't trust sick demands of Russian Grand Opera Undersherlff Jack Doyle of Palo the body, not even their own union of the list, being a victim of brought combined pressure on Inde his local leaders and Jail, had been charged with murder the Supreme Court building. rheumatism. promised to notified the crime bureau from ficials. They want no truck wlth- - pendent dealers here to raise th call an executive com- Company Due In Dallas In the death of a nlghtwatchn F. Scott McBrlde still czars It but to mittee meeting next week to con that Wallace's description of one outslders. They are perfectly capa- price of East Texas gasoline a of slugged during tbe postofflce rob - tomehow or other his attitude J. B McWhorter rendered sev- sider throwing the borough organ The the bandits tallied exactly with ,(- ble of paying no attention what minimum. DALLAS (UP) Dallas on file bery at Gordon last July. about as grey as his office. eral selections, vocal and Instru- nidjoi ization's support of Joseph V. Mc- - will pres that for underhlll, who was ever to union orders to go back to While representatives of Grand Opera Committee with Bailey uobbery charges also nave been mental, ut the regular meeting of to is.ee. Loss of Brooklyr be Com- Harvey of the work. companies threatened tl' would ent the Russian Grand Opera Day filed against Hunter Russell, Rosi Leagues' still VeMmoor third-grad- Memorial prison break at Out loud the won't The operators have only themsel the Musical Friday night price of their e motor conquered a death blow to pany In three performances here Dennis, Ed Woods, Beardon cause 1h Most. They Lansing, Kan. Tom i.'lmlt their ves to blame for this condition. which meets at the schoolhouse. fuel to 10 cents, dep.mm.'nt if in OBiiens chances. next month. It will be the first and Red Landrum, all held the I .tow It is but figure there's no in Company shacks and company terioi r.rcnts held the blu stick oi opera sponsored by the committee same jail with Jones, except Den-- nse In thtowlng up sponge right Then- - be a stores were supposed to keep the will musical Wednes- government rosecutlon over the Sixty-Seve- n since 1931. Driver Of Car Which Hit nls oi't in the open, day nlRht at the home Mr. Year who is at Hamilton, Odaeall men under better discipline. In of and heads of violators of the NRA oil The attractions will be Mussorg said. I no mistake they're Mrs. Clioiles - Stribling Arrainged ilut muke stead they have promoted Brummett code. Old Polish Prexy sky's "Boris Godunov," Hlmsky- The charges Included postofflce ii itting tho battle. Lavergne Gulnn, member of the Korsakovs "Le Coq d Or," and Following Another Crash They'ro going on the theory the communities that think and robberies at Gordon, Santos and;! Texai oil marketing code commit Weds Secretary .. ihm Mt,t3 Is - act as a unit and have a morbid PUBLIC RECORDS Mussorgsky's "Khovnntchlna." Pf,tfvftt M.V .nanir.,... .,. Mnl.ln MNW only place a man Is out in base- distaste for their employers and tee and attorney for a gtoup of in- The company will appear In the MACON, Ga. (UP) It. V. John - 4.lM.. li.ilj. Carrie Nation's hatchet fig- - would-b- e Filed In 70th dependent cited the statement of WARSAW, Poland (UP). on as son, whose automobile tbe being their friends. District Court State Fair Auditorium dates struck FORT WORTH INVITES natively Is dusted off and W. S. V. M. Lege Jr., chairman of the yet part motorcycle of W. L. (Young) Stribl- AGCI show. Wilson vs. Dulcle Wilson, President Ignacy unspecified in the latter FORT WORTH (UP), Mayorji those old schoolroom charts ult for divorce. state code committee, that major Mosclckl married his secretary, of November. ing, causing Injuries from which Mediation-sen- ator -- Uryce lug the dire effect of alcohol on ompanli-i would guarantee a 15- - Mme. Maria Zagorny, he died, was on William and the Fort Worth brought Wagner's attempt Marriage IJcenses Issued Just half his later arrested a city council have i.ne's Insldes are being out to Mchln ct-n-t price for tnelr third grade age. charge of violating road regulations invited the entire musty bring all problems of L James and Miss Louise student body & tf closets. mediation in Hensley. product If vendors of East Texas The Cardinal Archbishop of War- Commissioner For Jewish after his car struck and seriously of Texas A. Mr disputes college to Afcgle-T- e, labor under the National Ray Brooks Lillle Bell gasoline would hold their price at saw solemnized the wedding In Named By League injured Mrs. C. S. Sargeant, Macon. attend the Board is the of vigorous com- and Miss the Relief University gaa result Hamrlck. 14 cents. ancient little abbey near presi- It was Johnson's third ac- Christian football Saloons plaints by labor organizations all the similar nere McBrlde his P W. Malone and Miss The ultimate goal of Independ dential palace. GENEVA (UP). Despite Ger- cident within past few weeks. uctooer 21. In fact and cohorts over the country. Top many local Ethel the The event will be Texas Chri getting some solace from the Tlmms, Stanton. ents esjrir to stabilize prices and man protests, the League of Na- He was released under fZSO bond. ire mediation boards were packed to U tlen'a annual 'homecoming oeteb old saw be-fo- io Kimsey Taylor Miller Miss Justify "dollar oil," Gulnn said, technical committee voted that It's darkest Just eyes representatives of and Qunil Season tions Hon. 2,S0Q ex4 the with Opa) Graham Lawley. a price of about 19 cents for East In Gaines the council be authorized to About cadets are dawn. capital. The fact labor has that Southwestern Aviation pected to come gamer During tho long years of their that Lee Kelly and Miss Juanlta Texas gscollne To De Closed Five Years appoint a high commissioner to or- here for the put felt It wasn't getting a fair break A. D. Ryan, department of Inter- ganize for German Jew- To Texas unruuan university atttho Ilfclit to over prohibition laws aggravated local strike situations in relief work Association Meet Anti-Saloo- n R. H. Bridges ior Investigator who tttended a SEMINOLE 1 game itles said. money was plentiful. The many cases. and Mis Morlne The specla ish refugees. League was able to write Martin, Knott. meeting of 105 retailers here last bill making a closed season for tht The United States will be asked FORT WORTH (UP) The U rover Whaien has been sever In- SLiaeat its ticket the way It pleased. The Amos R Woods and Miss Win! night voiced the governments' .hooting, trapping oi In any way to cooperate, and perhaps to name Southwestern Aviation Association tmrta visinm ely criticized In some quarters for of- DETROIT (UPL-- Jack was always handy. fred Ine Plttman. tentions. He said Washington taking of quail In Gaines county a member of the governing board will hold a convention here IT, Jm Oa4 an alleged anti-labo- r bias. But the Oct ed perfect game la hi But with the passing of Herbert t ficials were watching the Dallas for the next five years has passed to which the high commissioner 18, and 19, wtlh an attendance of a ftresri Federation Itself rates him as on situation closely and had Instructed tempt of the sewejssg. hoover and the coming of the New Enrollment For noin nouses of ths Texas Legisla would report. more than SOU anticipated. whht things changed completely the ltvel and admits that he has Tecli him to prosecute for code violation ture, according to Information speakers son. In his Ursi gasae 'ssssse teal for done good of arbitrating from Principal will be State aHsy the noble experiment a Job Course Opened Here if other measures failed. Senator Arthur P. Duggan, receiv Comptroller Sheppard, spring, he chose Me. M Its coffers strikes. Andrews-Semino- le Road Assistant M9, nro so barren that tbe drop of a ed here this week. Attorney Qeneral Waters and Ad scored dime would chime like church bells. All those who wish to enroll in a Pythian Sisters Call This bill was asked for by a 'Way To Be Fenced Soon jutant General Hutching. i) War Texas Technological college exten of Interested citizens of the Airport managers, professional village in xutmtmr Now the League has its fight to There Is one war that the Fed sion cource being organized here Off Week's Meeting county and also recommended by SEMINOLE Bids were received and amateur pilots, reserve corps HOLM 'WHHsTI VAIBT start all over again. Its paid lead- intends to fight to a fin- are urged to confer immediately i me county neigh- In Andrews county this week, It Is Una representative! eration ouiciais, since all officers, air TURNWUDOss, COT) ers are most hopeful that the faith ish. That is Its tight against with Mrs. J, E, Brlgbam, county Pythian Bisters announced they boring oountles have cloaca sec understood, on the fencing of some and licensed mechanics are to be W Thl right-of-way- mm ta mm ssmd mw 'ul once more will shower down who are attempting to for supenntenasnt ox schools. would abandon regular' meeting sons. seventeen miles of the .! among- the attendants. Dedication fair snH thy lea yntm eatery Mg.la - their contributions to the cause. bid any unionization at au. cer Tht course will deal with the scheduled for Friday In favor fit on highway No, 137 in that county, of tbe new American, Airways -- Bucr- i tally kewa as. WWW ' They even envision the same old tain theaters In New York for In- modern short story and classes will the Passion Play, ill, and Mrs. E. E. Brlndley have tvTe portion to be fenced, between southwestern hea4trt,rs MM-tas- T Te fair issue trie corner saloon. stance arc compelling their era- - b held here, with full credit allow-- Notice of a meeting data wfcM he retumea to ron Worth after Anarsws aad Seminole, la largely here is to he esse Use asesa It's coming back, despite all pro-- ipioyees to sign n agreement not Vd In Texas Tech, 'Issued next week,' stay in Big (spring. university lead. tettraetteas. .. Owwty fAGE EIGHT XE BIG SPRING, TEXAS, DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1. llt "A HenM Isi Kwy , -- rr iRcdCrossAVolimtccrAfcncy , England And U.S. H Conquered tha Devastating larrta fiSpncntmnll Says Local Chapter Chairman Parley Leaders WHY PAY of ScUnco... mm jpvr 0mmmw WW "r I lathing "Red Cross Is a volunteer agen GENEVA (UP). America and MilmmmwWffKrtmmmm created land on a rybodymarveli at It r MM mm ave .y" Dome England took the Joint lead In an MORE ? ci con- Under The sea . . . only to be French-Germa- This statement was made today effort to remove a n quered by the simple by Dr. W. B. Hardy, chairman of deadlock that threatened the life HIGH (he adoration of a woman I I the Howard County Chapter of ot the world disarmament confer American Red Cross. '"The Treaty mwzh& Jm ence. Everyday Prices! FOX FILM Present of Geneva under which Red Cross mmc4&4t Norman H. Davis, chief United FIDELITY functions In time of war defines mvg7 , 'm States delegate to the conference. Red Cross servlco as of vol- Captain Anthony that a At and Eden, chief $1:12 coming to the unteer agency supplementing offl--i- KM 1' IM British delegate, decided at a long $1.25 Martha 10 Cleansing Cream HHkv m m British-Americ- II government service. The Con- fas. meeting to coordinate 35c Pond's Cleansing Cream 29c cessional charter of the Ameri- si Austin policy and seek agreement can Red Cross specifically states between France and Germany. 55c Woodbury Cleansing Cream 45c I I ;hat the duties of the organization was understood It Davis under G5c Daggct-Ramsc- y Cleansing Cream 59c are 'to furnish volunteer aid to the took to concentrate his efforts on sick nnd wounded ot armies in !' persuading Germany to abandon C5c Hind's Cleansing Cream 59c ERl time ot war' and act In matters her demand for stronger C. Dob-so- 'to By OORDON K. RIIKARKR arma Cleansing 89c gene Smith, Ned Hale, D. of relief." ments $1.00 Krank's Cream Cole, volunteer and that Fden agreed to Harley Grant, Sonny Paul "Few people realize extent to negotiate with Junls Cleansing Cream 89c Kennedy, Dan Oglesby, Paul Bran- the the French. He will $1.00 Ficfur which volunteers carry the of ask to penalties A son and Elmer Adklns; Story "The load AUSTIN, (UP) Refusal of the France lessen the $1.25 Lady Ester Cleansing Cream . .$1.12, all Red Cross," the chairman con Texas House of Representatives to she seeks to Impose on violators Jth ssBBssaa Stubborn Dolly", Laura Mae Willis; Mello 89c Song tinued. "The fact is that volunteer ask Governor Miriam A. Ferguson during a test period of internation $1.00 Glo Face Powder "Good Night." so al armament LesNe Conrad VEIDT JIH ESMOND program busi workers far outnumber the paid to submit state salary raises as a control. Leo Faco 89c FENTON After the a brief done delegates, whole, em $1.00 Martha Powder ness meeting was held. cafet- personnel the work by the legislative topic of the special ses- The as a The so barking on of private Coty 8jc eria is to be opened this week. Mr. volunteers far overshadows that sion was a clear cut victory for the a series $1.00 Faco Powder rms Lamar encouraged every one pres of the paid worker, a comparison administration strategists. talks, faced the task of changing Lady Faco Powder 89c TODAY Sport Champion In European political sit- $1.00 Ester ent to attend the "Passion Play in is difficult. In the state of Texas It lifted from the governor's the entire "none Crusher" llonc, hundreds off! any vol- uation In the next six days. Pat Faco Powder 89c ONLY "Husband Reunion" Big Spring Friday. of volunteer shoulders blame for not $1.00 Princess Members present were Mesdames ers, directors and committee mem untarily taking such a step In line 75c Edna Wallace Hopper Face Powder C9c RITZ In respective pro- S. Sr., Paul Branson, A. bers are chosen their with the National Recovery moss J. Atkins. JJOc 45c C. Hale, D. A. Gllmore, Glen Smith, communities by popular vote of the gram. She now can say the house Westbrook Luxor Face Powder Bob Odom, D. A. Oglesby, R. P. Red Cross membership to conduct showed such opposition that sub 45c Red Cross programs and actlvl- mission would have been futile. 50c Woodbury Face Towder P-T.- Hargrove, O. N. Green, Stephon Basil Hudson of Lubbock arriv- FRIDAY A. Rep. T. H. McGregor of a Faco Powder .. . .69o Chalk Grant, Ruffin and Willis, Misses tics. During the past year fifty Austin, ed home Thursday for a three 75c Three Flowers Used Car Bargain Donna Carter, Pauline Margrove thousand volunteer officers and Ferguson leader, made an Illumin- weeks' visit with his parents, as 4? ating observation to the house. 50c Rouge and J. S. Lamar, Jr. committee members in the United his school was dlsmsised for cot- 89c 1926, IVModel States directed the destinies of Red "Dlsatlsfled employes," he said, ton picking. $1.00 Rouge "can quit. Their places can be fill Has Meeting Cross locally and nationally. This --. - .45p i'.U - Ford Pickup 48 50c Lipstick l- Boston Braves May docs not take into account the ed In hours. Mrs. M. Berry New tires: ram good In every of Hattle and Mrs. 89c thousands of volunteers In each Most the state employes are C. E. Danner were business visi- $1.00 Lip Stick way; a bargain. Run Ft. Club hold-ove- from Moody Interesting Program Given Worth state who gave their services dur the and tors in Hyman Thursday. 85c Scholl's Preparations 29c $35 ing the Red .Cross distribution of Sterling administrations. The Fer- FORT WORTH (UP). Posslbll-It- y gusons were G9c At First Session Of federal wheat and cotton" greatly irked at the Miss Mary Ruth had minor em $1.00 Mavis Talc of the Boston Braves of the beginning of the administration to Howard County Officers ergency survery Root $1-G- Big Month National League, operating the open at the Hospl 5 Yardley Dusting Powder, Now $1.35 Spring In Howard county the program find few places for the faith Friday, is Fort Worth Texas Leairue Base- ful. present tal her condition satis 49c and service of the Red Cross chap- If employes quit, Fer- factory. $1.00 Golden Peacock Dusting Powder Motor Co. Parent-Teacher- s' as- ball club, was The Chalk revealed here Dr. guson supporters can succeed them. rho. 8H Main & 4th soclatlon met Tuesday for the first ter are under tho direction of thought probably not $1.00 Three Flowers Dusting Powder 89c W. 13. Hardy, E. L. Gib- That had Mrs. C. E. Haller ot Big Spring meeting of the month In the school Dr. Webb Walker, receiver for chairman, occurred to most of the legislators 89c son, vice ; Jordan, visited her parents here over the $1.00 Seventeen Dusting Powder auditorium. The meeting was pre the Fort Worth club properties, nd chairman Jena who enthusiastically voted against week-en- d. S9C X)U WeU May Aid Church sided over by the president, Mrs, mltted having nn appointment with secretary, and Edmund Notestlne, taking up salary adjustments. 50c Ipana Tooth Paste trensurer, and a board of directors They O. N. Green. Judge Emll Fuchs, owner of the remembered the applause they re- 50c Bost Tooth Paste 39c MT. PLEASANT, Mich. (UP) club, will be at composed of leaders of the com- Bert Armstrong left last week for The program for the afternoon Boston who here ceived as economizers when state Lorenzo, where he lias employment. 39" K The end ot financial worries for was presented by pupils from the the opening of the Arlington munity. appropriation bills were reduced at 50c Detoxol Tooth Paste Methodist Church in Downs meet, 19, In all the 3700 Red Cross chap- the Free Por primary room under the direction racing October the regular session. H. H. Stewart of Wink spent the 50c Snuibb Tooth Paste 39c ter township was vitalized today as of Miss Donna Carter. The program The Boston magnate Is said to ters in States, volunteer Salary Increase advocates re busy organizing week-en- d with his family here. 39c attempts were, made to locate oil was as follows: have had an eye on Fort Worth workers are now minded them that national recov- 50o S.T.-3- 7 the Roll Call to be launched on beneath the churchyard, which is Opening song, "Health". Reading, as a minor league farm for several ery plans and prices were not then Mr. Mrs. Phillips S9c reason- Armistice Day. During the two and Van Boston 50c Dental Cream i located In the heart of Michigan's "Milk, the Builder," Martha At years. If he can moke a existent. in Roscoc Sunday. oil field., A well, will bo drilled on kins end Evelyn Adklns; Playet, able deal It was expected he may weeks following November 11, ev- 50c Astrlngosol 39c the lots of less than an acre. "Nine Little School Boys" Glen Eu either buy or lease the club. ery adult citizen in the United One considerable group of em 19c States will be invited to partici The American Legion Auxiliary 25c Colgate Tooth Paste ployes rested more easily when sal met in a business session with Mrs. 10c pate In the local and national work ary adjustment was made a closed 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste , of Red Cross by cbcomlng a Van Boston Tuesday afternoon. Af- ' incident. The University of Texas ter the business meeting refresh- 25c Phillips Tooth Past 19c had taken advantage of an appro- The officers and other volunteers ments of pumpkin pie, with whip- 23c priation bill provision to readjust ped cream nnd coffee was served to S5c Palmollve Shavlnc Cream who have devoted their time to salaries. This was a provision that 23c V The "May Red Cross programs during recent the members. S5c Colgate Shaving Cream schools receiving federal aid might , -- . ask the support of the Er- n- T CI ..I.. S2l. il months make the adjustments. Technically Mr. Mrs. one oiiihihj, vjcoui public In enrolling a membership and Jesse Alexander lucrum the University at Austin and Tex and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harrington, 50c Prep 19c in Howard county adequate to car as A. & M. College at Bryan are ry on. returned Tuesday from a trip to 55)c one Institution. A. 4 M. gets feder the State Fair at Dallas. 65c Barbasol The Roll Call here will be under al funds. The attorney general 79c the direction of Jesse F. Hall, who $1.00 Ovaltuie ruled with the University that the Jlmmle Logan and family of Co- ) has accepted the appointment as appropriation bill provision Dextrolac 89c covers lorado visited in the Ed Jones $1.00 Roll Call chairman. uAl6v both. home over the week-en- d Super D Cod Liver Oil 89c The legislators wrote the appro $1.00 M-- 89c Municipal Garden priation act. They should not feel Russell Bird of Nesa. Ariz., Is $1.00 Haley 0 badly because we utilize Its provi- visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shan 75c Dextra Maltose 09c VV Unintentioal Result sions," said President H. Y. Bene non. V 7 dict of Dryco 89C I smmmZJMH Of Business Depression the University. $1.00 If salary readjustment had been Mrs. A. G Anderson entertain $1.00 Klim 89c .Mmtmmwmmmmytfii , uc-r-i- taken up at the special session, w u FORT WORTH (UP). An unln cd with an old fashioned quilting, 59c sssssssssssssssssknnTI some members of the appropria- a real turkey dinner with all the G5c Pablem to 1930-3- 3 tmmmmmmmKmmmVifim l0usFLiwW tentinnal monument the tions committee were Intent on re- trimmings was served at the noon 09c depression will be dedicat- $1.00 LIsterlne business ducing University salaries. The hour to the following ladies: Mmes. jO.'"! ed here October 15 when bionze 89c sVSSSSSKtvmir.S jmvrnf.mw.miml a cuts might have reached even to C. O. Nix, Foye Caslterman, F. H. $1.00 Fepsodent immmmmmmmwR'mwtdl Is op- COATS slab unveiled at the formal President ( Benedict. JswASSSSSwMsVSBKiwm4sWJsa Shannon Ulalock, Bird, Ruocker $1.00 S.T. 37 .' 89c Wfmmmmmmu'imWinMBvv&m!fk''Umwi ening of the Municipal Rose Gar and Jackson. den and Arboretum. Back of a resolution offered in $1.20 Lavorls 98c rose garden The and arboretum the house to force divorce or resig- A group of Methodist Youn 35c Vick's Antiseptic 29c was constructed by unemployed of any employe y nation house who People attended the two-da- quar- Alcohol 29c men, given work on the project by lobbying 50c Rubbing Are Here WSmWm&&mSmM had a spouse or relative terly the Sweetwat- the city as a means of earning was peeve. conference of Qt. Heavy Mineral Oil 79c an individual Represen- er in livelihood In lean days of the de Will district meeting Sweetwater Phillips Milk of Magnesia 39c tatives Scott of Sweetwater Saturday and Sunday. The main 50c WH$&HH pression. and George Wlnningham Mexia, 98c .4Vr of event Sunday was an by S1.10 Peruna address i Several hundred men at various authors, did know not this. They F. Yeh, $1.39 ill Intervals have engaged in con were used to pull some K. Chinese student of $1.50 Petrolagar chestnuts Southern Methodist University. m structing the artistic stoneworks out of the fire. The house called $1.50 Lydla Plnkham Ve. Comp $1.39 lA;mmmmmW Seventeen here Wm, grounds. return they re- from attended the $1-0- 89c and In for specific instances. They were meeting. Wine Cardul ' ceived their groceries and clothes, not forthcomlgn. The resolution $1.00 Nervine 89c or in some Instances a small am- was not only killed; it was V strclken Ralph Lee of Colorado arrang $1.25 Creomulslon $1.12 ount of cash, enough to supply nec- from the house record. essities. ed program for encouraging bene $1.20 Scott's Emulsion $1.08 volence in the chuich. Mrs. G, stone cutters and masons, State Senator Small Am- - J. 89c Skilled Clint of made on $1.00 Adlerlka men who drew large salaries In arillo Is again in the picture as Merrltt a talk missions. i Several quartittes and duets ar $1.50 Agarol 98r but who were left candidate for governor In next normal times the ranged by Claude Womak were 85c Kruschen Salts i'jc mWm WsBeffsBeffsBem stranded by the depression, worked race. Friends say they have been sung on told he will and the three little Grubb 33c sVsVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK earnestly the stoneworks. enter the race Small boys sang songs 40c Castorla became so in the was on the brink during several that were 25-- Many Interested the last appreciated ery much. '30c Sal Hepatlca BBJL v&rosiJ? enterprise they were willing to state campaign, but kept out when $1.00 Marlin CrystuLs 89r Sfcfflmmm work overtime without extia pay. Governor Ross S Steillnt, announc Citro-Carbona- to ' 89 arboretum, If it hail been ed for Fish In Yard After Storm $1.00 The Mich. (UP) 98i- - Willi Par siun Lamb constructed by ordinary channels, What effect dismissal of the oil BATTLE CREEK, $1.20 Syrup Pepsin A chub, inches long, was lBB would have cost J75.000 As It was, suits will have on the poltllcal for sucker six 59: .t found in a yard here after a heavy 85c Jad Salts $89.50 the cost was less than $10,000. tunes of Attorney General James 15c Rit 2 for 25 Dr. J. Horace McKarland of Har- - W. Atlred puzzles Austin. storm, apparently killed by hall. 2 for 25- - risburg, Pa., president the Am- Some say it lets him out of a Although the yard Is far from any 15c Putman Dye o' body of water, was no evi erican Rose Society, will preside at predicament; others that it is a there 15c Tintex 2 for 25 the unveiling of the bionze slab, blow. dence that the fish was brought Dye 2 for 25 Sliagmooi They're earlier than usual there by a cat or dropped by fish 15c Diamond MmSHBt .... the "cornerstone" of the arbore "It isn't the first time I have had Soap 3 for 20 but they had to be earlier, to be to appeal a case," says Allred. ermen. 10c Palmollve tum. Life Bouy Soap 3 for 20 Coal ffpfpYpYpYpYpYpYfl on time! On time the prices Efforts are being made to bring A lecent visit of Wright Morrow 10c for every kind of rose In the world to of Houston to Austin has revived by pointing out that tho committee 10c Lux Soap 3 for 20 at which you can buy them to- the arboretum. Numerous varie the talk he may be a candidate for drafting the new bond relief bill 10c Sayman Soap 3 for 20 ties have already been planted governor. He was urged to run be had no choice. She had to be in- 19" morrow! Wool, labor, furs .... fore but declined, saying it was too cluded to conform to the federal 25c Woodbury Soap many of them contributed by flow 45- - all are going up. And these Shag-moor- s er societies from all over the late In the campaign to launch a act, he Bald. 50c Penatro world fresli candidacy. 35c Vick's 2!' "caught the lotos" for He is son of Judge Wright C. House Speaker Coke Stevenson . Vick's Nose Drops 89 QUALITY prices. Moriow, presiding judge of tho is like the postman who took a walk 50c Poison Favorite State Court of Criminal Appeals. on his day off Last Saturday when 65c Mlstol 59 . the House adjourned until Mon- 50c Arzon 15 The collection Is complete, ready and Suicide Method In the past It was considered the day, he listened to the senate ses BAYERS ASPIRIN 15c 2 for 25 Fr i sion. waiting for you. The fabrics, as you For Dallas Folk province of courts to decide what 50c Tek Tooth Brush 89 know, are Shagmoor's own ... designed legislators meant by an act. The ' t courts then gave the legislators an 50c Dr. West Tooth Brush 39 loomed DALLAS and for their exclusive use. You (UP) The prospective opening by holding they would con- TRANSFER 50c Prophylactic 39 1033 Dallas, see them . . suicide in If lie would '. won't in any other coats . and sider how the legislature by Its ac STORAGE 50c Picopay Bruhh . .CD be In the mode, will prefer poison tion afterwards construed an act. 1 you will see them in all of Shagmoor's. to Bi Dol 98 I. hanging us a way out. 1'his session, the legislators have TEAM WORK OF AIX KINDS $1.20 So The models are definitely planned to stay .U-2- The slightly less fastidious might boldly Btepped into the opening. Insulin. . . 0 $1.19 smart, season use firearms, and doubtless theie JOE D. NEEL 4, after season... and their Resolutions are being passed de Insulin. . . .U-4- 0 2.19 well-bre- d will be those who will employ gas Phone 79 108 Nolan lines, their classic simplicity are claring just what they meant In . .U-8- 0 or enough water in which to drown Insulin. . 4.50 tailored in, by who of acts passed at the regular session-Thre- craftsmen are proud themselves 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton , .. 39c what they make. such resolutions have been t'llHMIIHHIIHIIIIilllillHIiHIIillill III lllltly IH III IIU1II III III III UIU III! UUtU It But a rope only a person who adopted. $1.25 Pocket Watch 98c simply didn't caie what people T. E. JORDAN & CO. Clock 98c .')' would think could dream of hang- $1.25 Alarm These are coats that smart women all over Retention of the governor on the US W. First St. $5.00 Abdominal Support '. $3.19 ing himself. state rehabilitation and relief com the country know, by name . . . Shagmoor For hanging, accoiding to Miss Elastic Truss $1.49 m mission was hailed by some of her $2.50 is definitely passe. is a label they are proud to wear. Birdie Smith, supporters as a "victory." It re- .if It went ont, approximately, with mained for Rep. II. R. Stovall of Just l'hone 186 the horse and buggy. And Miss Waxahachle to burst the bubble That's why we advise you to consider, se- Birdie should know. She Is keep you'll need coat Wo Save You Money On Filling VI riously, whether a for the er of the Vital Statistics for the next two seasons. If you shall, we don't city ot Dallas, os something like JAMES T. BROOKS Too! believe you can make a better investment Buy that. Prescriptions, 3 than one of these Shagmoors. Her records for the past fiscal Attorney-At-La- FOLGER'S year listed 60 suicides In Dallas for Offices In Lester Fisher period. Poison was popular the the Building u May we show them to you, tomorrow? COFFEE favorite among the 00, twenty-si- x I finding It to their taste. Twenty- three used firearms, probably, It hcflmimoi Friday and Saturda was suggested, because there usual ly Is a gun somewhere about the Order Good, Clean Printing QV1WAL COT-SAT- S y " Sold By Members of MMM Co. house while you have to go to a And Get Itl qihArt ivy Fisher drug store for poison, Six, went out HOOVER'S PRINTING V Eastern Star sniffing sniffing gas, and three ft' Flume 409 We Deliver drowned themselves. BEPVICE 2nd & Runnels Qrocer a"ins At Ail Only two were sufficiently old. Ph. 60 SdS Runnel Big Sprint mjirasbionea to uang themselves,
