[email protected] - vol 2 #27 (#77) Fri, 13 Dec 2013 news Orford daily This paper is dedicated to protecting our Republic, The U.S. Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the TRUTH as can best be ascertained. We are also a Voice of the People who believe that Patriots are Heroes, and that the present ENEMIES of our Republic are Big Government Progressives, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, JIHADISTS, ANARCHISTS and our own elected officials who are members or believers in any of those groups or philosophies; better known as TRAITORS, attempting to destroy our Republic from within. Republican & Democratic parties are now being mostly controlled by members of those groups listed as enemies mentioned above ! weekly Published Port (Thwill Probably be Published on an Irregular Basis At Least 2-4 Times a Month, depending on the Health, Time & Whims of the Editor, and other Projects) The Printed Copies, #1-69 were available in Port Orford, Langlois, Bandon and a limited basis by eSubscription - Ended 4 Sep 2013. The totally digital version starts with #70, and is available by eMail, and all recent issues are now available online (and past ones soon). The Port Orford daily news is now officially online and we will be constantly making changes based on readers suggestions and my whims - past issues - historical docs - etc. [we also more than doubled our paper distributions] http://portorforddailynews.com
[email protected] - vol 2 #27 (#77) Fri, 13 Dec 2013 We are happy to report Now for a few notes about what has that things are going pretty happened over the last couple of weeks - well since we changed to Our paper has more than doubled in the all digital and stopped the distribution we had with our printed one.