2006 – 2009

Alan Housing Market Renewal Director April 2006 ITEM NO. 9A


During 2003, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) established nine ‘low demand pathfinders’ across the northern and midlands regions of . The aim of the pathfinders was to tackle problems associated with ‘housing market failure’. Briefly, housing market failure occurs where local housing markets do not operate as effectively as those in nearby neighbourhoods. Typical symptoms of housing market failure include;

• Rented housing which is in low demand • House prices which fall behind prices for similar properties in adjoining neighbourhoods • High turnover of households (IE households that do not stay in the areas affected long-term ) • High numbers of empty properties • High levels of property abandonment • Concentrations of ‘obsolete’ housing which do not meet the requirements of modern households • High level of criminal activity • Anti-social behaviour • Poor quality environments and fly-tipping

The pathfinder – named ‘Newheartlands’ comprises the eastern side of the Wirral Peninsula, parts of central and northern and south Sefton. Each of the three affected Local Authorities are funded from a cocktail of sources and have established their own delivery teams in order to tackle the problems of housing market failure.

In Sefton’s case, the response has been to establish a separate department – the smallest in the Council with just 14 full time staff – reflecting the importance placed by Sefton Council on tackling the problem within the south of the Borough. Funded directly from ODPM as well as Corporate Capital allocations (plus many other public and private sector funding streams, the HMR Department has established five neighbourhoods within south Sefton in need of investment;

• Bedford Road / Queens Road / Worcester Road • Klondyke • • Knowsley /Peel • Seaforth / Waterloo

With a life span of approximately 15 years, the housing market renewal initiative in Sefton will see the demolition of about 1200 low demand and obsolete houses and the development of 1400 new houses for rent, shared ownership or outright sale. Additionally, a range of measures aimed at improving the quality of local neighbourhoods will be implemented, including a team of neighbourhood caretakers, together with other measures aimed at tackling crime, anti social behaviour, poor quality environments and other problems related to housing market failure. Whilst the majority of the physical re-development will take place in the Bedford / Queens and Klondyke neighbourhoods, all of south Sefton will see activity aimed at re-structuring local housing markets.


In order to achieve this objective, HMRI will link with mainstream Council Departments and attract funding from a cocktail of public and private sector sources to improve the quality of local services, as well as facilitating the co- ordination of transport, health, education and economic development policies in the south of the borough. This will ensure the delivery of sustainable, high quality regeneration with housing markets that are competitive, popular and attractive to current and future residents.

The Department is located in satellite offices at 72-74 Stanley Road, , in the heart of the Bedford / Queens priority intervention area. During 2007, the Department will relocate to Sefton Council’s new offices at Magdalene House, Trinity Road, Bootle, in the heart of Bootle’s office quarter.

In order to effectively deliver it’s regeneration activity and to ensure excellent co-ordination with other related services, Housing Market Renewal is positioned within the Council’s Regeneration and Environmental Services Directorate along with Planning, Economic Development, Leisure and Environmental Protection functions as well as other sections delivering regeneration activity.

Within the Council’s structure, the Department reports to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


The key objectives of the HMR Department, based on the vision for both Sefton Council’s and the Newheartlands pathfinder are;

• To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton

• To improve the health and competitiveness of south Sefton’s housing markets

• To contribute towards the delivery of high quality local services within south Sefton

• To ensure effective scrutiny of HMRI proposals and that the communities of south Sefton are effectively involved and consulted on proposed HMRI activity

• To ensure equality of opportunity in respect of all aspects of the Departments activities


The Housing Market Renewal Department assists in the delivery of the following strategic aims of the Council


• Health and Wellbeing – By improving the quality of south Sefton’s environment and ensuring housing standards are significantly improved

• Creating Inclusive Communities – By assisting to reduce social exclusion and by ensuring effective consultation and communication processes are in place to inform the Departments activities

• Creating Safe Communities – By ensuring that HMRI activity delivers safer neighbourhoods and reduces the fear of crime

• Jobs and Prosperity – By ensuring that training and employment opportunities are created through the house-building and refurbishment programmes put in place as a result of the Departments activity

• Environmental Sustainability – By tackling contaminated sites and reducing the potential negative health effects on the communities of south Sefton

• Improving the Quality of Council Services – By working with other Departments to improve the governance structures and community involvement in the decision making process

• Creating a Learning Community – By providing opportunities for training for local people leading to employment in the Construction industry


The role of the HMRI Department is the delivery of housing market re- structuring in south Sefton. However, there is a need for a wider role than this in order to ensure the delivery of co-ordinated regeneration activity. Therefore, the HMRI Department also carries out additional key roles as well as ensuring that the most effective use is made of resources available for HMRI activity in the Borough;

• Co-ordinating the activities of HMRI with other key services and regeneration streams in order to ensure that resources are maximised and synergy created as a result of the cocktail of funding available within the south of the Borough

• Working in partnership with the Newheartlands Market Renewal Pathfinder Board, , Wirral Council and private sector / public sector partners, to deliver a strategic and co-ordinated programme of market re-structuring across inner Merseyside.

• Enabling / facilitating role – providing the processes and basis by which partner organisations can deliver market re-structuring ‘on the ground’. For instance, ensuring that processes are in place to allow for Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) or lead private sector developers to be provided delegated authority to commit HMRI resources ITEM NO. 9A


As part of the Merseyside ‘Newheartlands’ Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder, Sefton’s HMRI Department assists with the delivery of the Pathfinders strategic aims, which are;

• To create the conditions got private sector investment and effectively manage and change the Newheartlands housing market

• To support the competitiveness and prosperity of the wider Merseyside conurbation and the North West region through the transformation of the loca housing market

• To develop a community based approach to achieve sustainable neighbourhoods and supporting people living through change.

Further information is available from Newheartlands, 2nd Floor, North House, North John Street, Liverpool L2 (


In order to effectively deliver the Departments activities, a number of partnerships have been entered into with public and private sector organisations.

In the two priority intervention neighbourhoods of Klondyke and Bedford / Queens, private developer partners have been engaged to deliver a range of regeneration related activity which will include site acquisition and clearance, housebuilding and refurbishment of existing housing stock.

In the five neighbourhoods within the south Sefton HMRI area, lead partners have been appointed in order to deliver new and refurbished social housing and deliver a range of housing and neighbourhood management interventions aimed at improving the quality of the Council’s services across south Sefton. The partners in question are as follows;

• The ‘Evolve’ consortia in Bedford / Queens / Worcester • The ‘Breathe+’ consortia in Klondyke • Riverside housing Association in Knowsley / Peel • The ‘LinacreOne’ consortia in Linacre • Maritime and Crosby Housing Associations in Seaforth / Waterloo



The HMRI Department utilises a range of resources from a number of different sources. Additionally, in it’s enabling role, the Department facilitates access to additional public sector resources from the Housing Corporation for the provision of new-build and / or refurbished housing for social rent or affordable home ownership.

Because of the range of sources of funding, a number of different public and private sector agencies / organisations have to confirm the funding available to the Department. However, based on preliminary proposals for the period 2006-2008 and BIDS for resources, the POTENTIAL resources available to the Department are as follows;

Sefton Council resources - circa £10 million Housing Market Renewal Grant - circa £20 million Housing Corporation - circa £ 5 million Private Sector - circa £50 million Estimated total 2006-2008 - circa £85 million


In April 2004, Sefton’s HMRI Department received it’s first allocation of Housing Market Renewal grant from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. £16.4 million was allocated to Sefton for the period April 2004 to March 2006. In return, Sefton was required to establish some key outputs and outcomes in furtherance of it’s HMRI activity, as well as committing to contributing financially to the initiative. The key achievements of the HMRI department during this period are outlined below;

• Entered into long-term agreements with Bellway PLC and Keepmoat PLC that will see the development of about 1600 new homes in our priority housing market renewal neighbourhoods over the next 15 years

• Entered into agreements with Registered Social Landlord partners – Evolve and Breathe+ - which will ensure that sufficient social rented housing is provided within these neighbourhoods over the life of the project

• Entered into agreements with RSL partners in all five HMRI neighbourhoods in south Sefton which will ensure the delivery of a range of activity aimed at improving local neighbourhood management

• Assembled 13.3 hectares of land for housing / mixed development (enough for around 600 new dwellings)

• Remediated 0.9 hectares of land to facilitate re-development

• Started work on remediation of a further 3.6 hectares of land to facilitate re-development


• Purchased 448 properties as part of Sefton’s land assembly programme

• Improved a further 330 dwellings in south Sefton

• Carried out improvements to parks, streets and management arrangements benefitting 3981 households in south Sefton

• Made two Compulsory Purchase orders in order to assemble land for re-development

• Started work on the construction of 110 new homes as part of HMRI masterplans

• Refurbished 18 properties as part of HMRI masterplans

• Achieved all spend and output targets established by the Department by Sefton Council, Newheartlands Pathfinder and the office of the Deputy Prime Minister



The structure below allows for delivery of HMRI related activity in south Sefton;






Vacant Dave Campbell Gerry Rice Monitoring Officer Environme ntal Health Technician Support Officer

Karen McComish Environmental HIT Squad Support Officer Paul Watts Bob Large Lee Payne Support Officer

Deborah Meadows Matthew McPartlan Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant ITEM NO. 9A


In order to ensure the delivery of key services and achievement of output and outcome targets, the HMRI Department ensures that monitoring and evaluation of activity are at the heart of the work of the Department.

As part of the Newheartlands Pathfinder, quarterly monitoring returns are required to be completed for ODPM. However, these are also used by Sefton Council in order to ensure that service delivery remains effective. Any apparent failure to deliver key outputs or milestones is assessed and, where required, corrective action is taken to ensure that targets can be achieved.

Sefton’s HMRI Department is currently awaiting confirmation of Government funding for the period 2006-2008. Only when this is known will comprehensive and appropriate output / outcome targets be set. However, in furtherance of agreed HMRI masterplans, it is intended that the next two years will see the following core activity take place.


The Audit Commission have recently reviewed the operation of the Newheartlands Pathfinder which includes Sefton’s HMRI team. The report can be access via the following web-site link

In order to ensure a high quality, value for money service is provided, the Pathfinder is addressing all outstanding issues identified within the Audit Commissions report.


There are a number of key issues that the HMRI Department will have to tackle in the period 2006-2009. Notably, continuation of the delivery of HMRI activity in south Sefton, including the following;

Clearance Activity In accordance with Compulsory purchase Orders (CPO’s) made during 2004/05, Sefton will be required to continue to acquire property and land within identified re- development zones. When assembled, structures will need to be demolished and resulting sites appropriately treated in order to prepare sites for re-development

Remediation Because of the industrial past of the south Sefton area, sites acquired for housing development will need to be remediated in order to remove all contaminants and prevent any risk to human health which could potentially be caused by contamination in gardens etc.

Compulsory Purchase A second phase of CPO’s will be required in order to have the power to acquire land and property by compulsion so as to realise the full potential and scale of regeneration proposals for south Sefton.


Guiding Communities Through Change There will be a need to ensure that services are in place to assist communities to get through periods of significant change – for instance, as areas of housing are demolished and cleared to prepare for re-development. There is a need to maintain conditions for those who remain. A range of support services will also be needed to deal with the specific requirements of neighbourhoods undergoing radical physical change

Partnership Development There will be a need for HMRI to cultivate existing partnerships and establish new partnerships with public and private sector organisations / agencies in order to ensure that a co-ordinated and comprehensive programme of regeneration is delivered.

Communication, Consultation and Participation There will be an on-going requirement to ensure that the communities of south Sefton are kept fully informed as to progress and latest developments as part of HMRI activity. There is also a need to ensure that Governance arrangements allow for effective involvement and scrutiny of decisions taken as part of HMRI activity

Resource Procurement In order to secure the proposed regeneration of south Sefton, there will be a requirement for the HMRI Department to maximise the external public and private resources available for the implementation of HMRI related projects

Monitoring and Evaluation Reflecting the Pathfinder status of HMRI, there will be a need for Monitoring and evaluation of projects, not only internally but also externally, notably by the Newheartlands Pathfinder Board and the Audit Commission, in order to ensure that the use of public sector money can be judged to be cost effective



Performance Measures – Targets compared to outcomes

Progress Against Service Plan 2005

To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration in south Sefton

CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET POSITION AT MARCH 2006 OBJECTIVE METHOD Creating a Provide opportunities In accordance Number of apprenticeships / • 30 training and Achieved on time Learning for training in with HMRI trainees appointed as part of apprenticeship Community construction related prospectus HMRI activity opportunities activities for Sefton established by residents March 2006 Health and Enable the In accordance Completion of a review and • Production of a On Target Wellbeing development of a with HMRI audit of the provision and report by March coherent strategy for prospectus management of Community 2007 the provision of Facilities across south Sefton community facilities across south Sefton Jobs & Ensure that Corporate Agreement of a protocol • Protocol agreed In progress as part of the review of Sefton Prosperity Corporate identifying how Neighbourhood by March 2006 Governance structures which will impact on Regeneration and Regeneration, Economic how services are funded and delivered – Economic Development and Housing revised date for achievement – September Development Market Renewal functions will 2006 strategies are aligned work in partnership to create a and complementary competitive Borough Jobs & Influence Regional Corporate Development of effective, • Submission Achieved on time Prosperity Policy in support of competitive, evidence based agreed by July Sefton’s priorities prospectus for inclusion within 2005 the Newheartlands ‘second submission’ to ODPM Jobs & Reduce Economic In accordance Develop retail strategies in • Retail Strategies Achieved on time Prosperity Exclusion by with HMRI respect of Hawthorne Road adopted by supporting prospectus and Stanley Road Council by March Businesses 2005 Jobs & Reduce Economic In accordance Develop detailed strategy for • Detailed Achieved (a wider study is now taking place in Prosperity Exclusion by with HMRI the regeneration of Stanley intervention conjunction with Liverpool City Council to supporting prospectus Road retail corridor study in place by establish the masterplan for the future for the Businesses March 2006 entire Stanley Road / Scotland Road corridor) ITEM NO. 9A

CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Jobs & Make the borough a Corporate Improve the quality of open • Improvements to Achieved on time Prosperity more attractive and space / public realm within five identified vital place to live, south Sefton sites by March work and visit 2006

Jobs & Make the borough a Corporate Improve the quality of open • Agree joint On target Prosperity more attractive and space / public realm alongside strategy with vital place to live, the Leeds / Liverpool Canal in British work and visit south Sefton Waterways Board by March 2007 Creating Safer Increase the feeling Corporate Tackle effectively, locally • Evaluate the Achieved – as a result of the evaluation, the Communities of safety in identified priorities in relation outcomes of the Gold Zone initiative is being expanded and community areas to crime and anti-social Gold Zone Caretaker service discontinued behaviour Policing initiative by March 2006

• Evaluate the outcomes of the Community Super Caretakers service by March 2006 Improving the Achieve efficiency Corporate Work in partnership to develop • Participate in the Achieved on time Quality of savings through the a detailed corporate statistical Corporate GIS Local deployment of new IT evidence base via GIS group Services systems discussions by April 2005


To improve the health and competitiveness of south Sefton’s housing markets

CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Health and Help to reduce health Corporate Carry out Health Impact • Two Health Achieved on time Wellbeing inequalities Assessments related to HMRI Impact activity in south Sefton Assessments completed by March 2006 Health and Improve the quality of HMRI In conjunction with partners, • Report finalised Draft report prepared. Final report due April Wellbeing life of older people develop an elderly persons by March 2006 2006 housing strategy for Sefton Health and Improve the quality of HMRI Ensure all new HMRI housing • 86 new dwellings On Target Wellbeing life of older people developments achieve design constructed to a standards suitable for an minimum of ageing population wheelchair accessible standard in respect of ground floor accommodation by July 2007

• 6 New dwellings On Target constructed to full wheelchair standard by March 2008 Health and Improve the quality of HMRI Ensure that there is an • Adaptations On Target Wellbeing life of older people effective adaptations service in policy agreed place for disabled / elderly and in place by householders in south Sefton July 2006 Health and Positively respond to HMRI In conjunction with partners, • To have carried Achieved on time Wellbeing public health, food develop a contaminated land out full site safety and pollution strategy investigations on issues 7 sites by March 2006


CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Health and Positively respond to HMRI To have effectively tackled • To have removed Achieved on time Wellbeing public health, food issues relating to fly-tipping in 7 tonnes of fly safety and pollution the Bedford / Queens tipping material issues neighbourhood from within the Bedford / Queens neighbourhood by March 2006 Creating Safe Reduce the potential HMRI To have developed a • First Homezone Achieved on time Communities harm from unsafe Homezone strategy in respect proposals environments of the Bedford / Queens developed by neighbourhood March 2007 Creating Safe Reduce the potential HMRI Ensure that all new housing • First On Target Communities harm from unsafe developments meet ‘Secure by developments environments Design’ standards constructed to Secure by Design standards – March 2008 Creating Safe Reduce youth HMRI To have involved the Anti • Anti-social Achieved on time Communities offending and anti- Social Behaviour Unit into the Behaviour Unit social behaviour process of re-housing engaged in joint arrangements regarding re- housing from re- development areas by July 2005. Environmental Safeguard and HMRI Ensure that all sustainable • First phase Achieved – Start on site delayed until March Sustainability enhance Sefton’s housing is retained and Group Repair 2006 natural heritage and improved where possible refurbishment cultural / historic programme on environment site by September 2005 Health and Improve the quality HMRI Ensure all new HMRI housing • Standard agreed Achieved on time Wellbeing and sustainability of developments achieve in respect of first new development ‘EcoHomes’ Very Good developments – throughout Sefton standard July 2005


To contribute towards the delivery of high-quality local services within south Sefton

CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Health and Help to reduce health Local Development of proposals for • Agree strategy Achieved on time wellbeing inequalities development of Health for provision of facilities across south Sefton health facilities across south Sefton with Primary Care Trust by March 2006. Creating Safe Improve the condition HMRI Develop proposals to carry out • Agree strategy On Target Communities and safety of local improvements to road / rail for improvement roads and rail network with partners to of Hawthorne network compliment HMRI activity Road transport corridor by March 2007 • Agree strategy On Target for improvement of Oriel Road railway station with Merseytravel by March 2007 • Ensure HMRI is Achieved on time reflected in Local Transport Plan 2 by July 2005 Creating Ensure that services Corporate Develop effective links with • Communications Achieved on time inclusive are accessible to all Children Schools and Families protocol Communities in order to ensure that established with proposals for review of schools Children Schools provision in south Sefton and Families reflects HMRI proposals Department by March 2006


To ensure effective scrutiny of HMRI proposals and that the communities of south Sefton are effectively involved and consulted on proposed HMRI activity

CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Creating To ensure that south In accordance To widen the base of • To have in place Achieved on time Inclusive Sefton Communities with the HMRI community involvement / a regular Communities have the opportunity Pathfinder engagement in relation to quarterly rota of to be involved, Prospectus and HMRI activity newsletters by consulted and to Communications summer 2005 scrutinise HMRI strategy To establish a governance • To develop a Achieved on time proposals methodology which allows for consultation / effective and joined up communication decision making across all protocol for regeneration activity HMRI by March 2006 • In conjunction Achieved on time with Neighbourhood Regeneration, review governance structures by March 2006 and produce revised proposals


CORPORATE ACTION STANDARD SUCCESS / MEASUREMENT TARGET OFFICER RESPONSIBLE OBJECTIVE METHOD Creating To ensure that HMRI In accordance Increased accessibility to • Provision of Achieved on time Inclusive services and with Corporate information and services information via Communities information are Equality Policy amongst HMRI communities in web-site by June accessible to the south Sefton 2005 community • Provision of Achieved on time information for the visually / hearing impaired and in other languages as required by March 2006 • Ensure bi- Liaison in place at frequency which reflects monthly liaison Members requirements with Ward Members takes place by March 2006 • Investigate the Achieved – being taken forward by community potential for representatives establishing a Community Radio station by March 2006 • Carry out Achieved on time equality impact assessments in respect of 2 areas of HMRI activity by March 2006 • Facilitate an Audit delayed as part of Corporate re-structure audit of in order to establish Departmental community responsibility for the service. Revised date for facilities within completion – March 2007 the HMRI area by March 2006


Departmental Risk Analysis 2006 The table below identifies all risks to the Department which may prevent it achieving it’s targets and how those risks will be dealt with.

Ref Risk Assessment of Risk Risk Control Measures Assessment of Residual Risk No (Assume no controls in place) (Control measures in place) Impact Likelihood Risk Impact Likelihood Residual (Severity) (Probability) Rating (Severity) (Probability) Risk STRATEGIC RISKS Rating 1 Failure to deliver 4 1 4 Develop effective policy / procedure to ensure 4 1 4 Government HMRI (LOW) compliance (LOW) policy

2 Failure to deliver 4 1 4 Develop effective policy / procedure to ensure 4 1 4 Council policy (LOW) compliance Put in place effective Performance Management processes Ensure effective management / supervision in place

3 Failure to comply 4 1 4 Develop effective policy / procedure to ensure 4 1 4 with Council (LOW) compliance policies/procedures Put in place effective Performance Management processes Ensure effective management / supervision in place

4 Failure to comply 4 1 4 Develop effective policy / procedure to ensure 4 1 4 with Pathfinder (LOW) compliance Policies/ Procedures Put in place effective Performance Management processes Ensure effective management / supervision in place

5 Failure to comply 4 1 4 Develop effective policy / procedure to ensure 4 1 4 with statute / (LOW) compliance legislation Put in place effective Performance Management processes Ensure effective management / supervision in place ITEM NO. 9A

Ref Risk Assessment of Risk Risk Control Measures Assessment of Residual Risk No (Assume no controls in place) (Control measures in place) Impact Likelihood Risk Impact Likelihood Residual (Severity) (Probability) Rating (Severity) (Probability) Risk ORGANISATIONAL RISKS

6 Violence to Staff 2 2 4 Ensure robust Health and Safety at work policies 2 1 2 members (LOW) in place (LOW) Ensure safeguards / processes in place to ensure safety of staff

7 Injury to staff 2 2 4 Ensure robust Health and Safety at work policies 2 1 2 members (LOW) in place (LOW)

8 Loss or Damage to 1 2 2 Ensure appropriate training and procedures are in 1 1 1 equipment (LOW) place regarding the use of equipment (LOW)

9 Inadequate training / 4 1 4 Ensure appropriate and robust Performance 4 1 4 development (LOW) Management and (LOW) processes Learning and Development review procedures are in place

10 Inability to recruit / 4 3 12 Ensure effective management of team to maintain 4 2 8 retain staff (HIGH) morale (MED) Utilise appropriate staff motivation methods Offer competitive salary and conditions of service

11 Insufficient / 4 3 12 Regular review of Performance and assessment of 4 2 8 Inappropriate staff (HIGH) staffing requirements (MED) resources


Ref Risk Assessment of Risk Risk Control Measures Assessment of Residual Risk No (Assume no controls in place) (Control measures in place) Impact Likelihood Risk Impact Likelihood Residual (Severity) (Probability) Rating (Severity) (Probability) Risk OPERATIONAL RISKS

12 Failure to deliver 4 4 16 Ensure effective 'best value' processes in place 4 2 8 agreed outputs due (HIGH) (MED) to cost Ensure contingencies in place to cater for changing market conditions Ensure effective financial monitoring in place Ensure proposals in place to deal with slippage / cost over runs

13 Failure of IT systems 3 1 3 Ensure procedures in place to ensure 'back up' 2 1 2 (LOW) files maintained (LOW)

14 Failure to meet the 4 2 8 Ensure full/effective consultation procedures in 3 1 3 needs/ aspirations of (MED) place (LOW) community Effective communication strategy in place

15 Fraud / Corruption of 4 2 8 Ensure robust procedures in place regarding 3 1 3 staff member (MED) financial and procurement issues (LOW) Ensure all appropriate council policies in respect of procurement and hospitality are effectively actioned and monitored


ACTION PLAN FOR 2006-2009 These are the actions that we will take to help achieve our Corporate and Service objectives


Council Strategic Aim Creating a Learning Community Council Strategic Objective Continue to Improve Learning Opportunities for the 14-19 age group Departmental Service Objective N/a Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting The Action relates to Equalities Plan as equal opportunity for all will be central to the selection of initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR apprentices. Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an No Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Agreement to be reached with Keepmoat PLC and Bellway PLC regarding the number of apprenticeships (Please list all the individual activities within this to be established as a result of HMRI activity Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager Other Responsible Officers N/a Resources HMRI and Sefton MBC plus Private Sector Investment Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria 50 apprentices in place with developer partners Standards Training to be provided to the industry standard Monitoring & Evaluation Progress to be monitored on a quarterly basis Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Written commitment to delivery of apprenticeships by Developers Strategy Manager 30th September 2006 On-going quarterly monitoring of progress Strategy Manager Quarterly until March 2008 Out-turn and evaluation Strategy Manager March 2008


Council Strategic Aim Creating a Learning Community Council Strategic Objective Improve the quality, relevance and coherence of adult learning provided to the community, the employer and the individual Departmental Service Objective N/a Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans only) To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting The Action relates to Equalities Plan as equal opportunity for all will be central to the selection of initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR apprentices. Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans (see Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an No Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Agreement to be reached with Keepmoat PLC and Bellway PLC regarding the number of (Please list all the individual activities within this apprenticeships to be established as a result of HMRI activity Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager Other Responsible Officers N/a Resources HMRI and Sefton MBC plus Private Sector Investment Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria 50 apprentices in place with developer partners Standards Training to be provided to the industry standard Monitoring & Evaluation Progress to be monitored on a quarterly basis Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Written commitment to delivery of apprenticeships by Developers Strategy Manager 30th September 2006 On-going quarterly monitoring of progress Strategy Manager Quarterly until March 2008 Out-turn and evaluation Strategy Manager March 2008


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Improve the quality of life of older people Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Action Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required In conjunction with partners, develop and implement an elderly persons housing strategy for Sefton (Please list all the individual activities within this Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Jim Ohren, Social Services Other Responsible Officers Strategy manager, HMRI Resources Internal Deadline March 2007 Success Criteria Strategy adopted and implementation commenced Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Report completed Jim Ohren (Social Services) April 2006 Policy adopted by Cabinet Jim Ohren March 2007 Implementation commences in south Sefton HMRI Strategy Manager April 2007


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Help to reduce health inequalities Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Action Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Carry out 2 Health Impact Assessments (Please list all the individual activities within this Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Karen McComish, Support officer, HMRI Other Responsible Officers N/a Resources Internal Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria Assessments completed and policy revised as a result of outcomes Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) First HIA completed Karen McComish March 2007 Policy revised and adopted by Council Karen McComish September 2007 Second HIA completed Karen McComish March 2008 Policy revised and adopted by Council Karen McComish September 2008


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Improve the quality of life of older people Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Action Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Ensure new-build and refurbished housing specification achieves design standards suitable for an ageing (Please list all the individual activities within this population Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers Tom Clay, Project Manager, HMRI Resources Internal / private finance / Housing Corporation Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria New-build and refurbishment design and specification ensures accessibility to all, regardless of age Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) 86 new dwellings constructed to wheelchair accessible standards Tom Clay, Project Manager July 2007 All new-build dwellings to provide ‘level access’ Strategy Manager, HMRI April 2008 6 new dwellings developed to full wheelchair standard Tom Clay, Project Manager March 2008


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Improve the quality of life of older people Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Action Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Ensure there is an effective adaptations service in place for elderly and disabled HMRI residents (Please list all the individual activities within this Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers Bob Cannon, Environmental Health Manager, HMRI Resources Internal / private finance / Housing Corporation Deadline July 2006 Success Criteria Adaptations Policy in place Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Adaptations policy adopted by Council Strategy Manager HMRI July 2006


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Positively respond to public health, food safety and pollution issues Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting N/a initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Carry out intrusive site investigations on all sites within the Hawthorne Road corridor potentially subject to (Please list all the individual activities within this re-development Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Tom Clay, Project Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers Gerry Rice, Support officer, HMRI Resources Internal / private finance Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria Site Investigation reports completed Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Site Investigation reports completed for all sites Project Manager HMRI March 2008


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Positively respond to public health, food safety and pollution issues Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of comprehensive, sustainable regeneration within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting N/a initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required To effectively tackle incidents of fly-tipping in south Sefton (Please list all the individual activities within this Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Bob Cannon, Environmental Health Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers Gerry Rice, Support officer, HMRI, Lee Payne, Support officer, HMRI, Karen McComish, Support officer, HMRI, Resources Internal / private finance / RSL Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria Site Investigation reports completed Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Removal of 7 tonnes of waste / fly tipping (commencing April 2006) Bob Cannon, Environmental March 2008 Health Manager HMRI


Council Strategic Aim Health and Well-being Council Strategic Objective Help to reduce health inequalities Departmental Service Objective To contribute towards the delivery of high quality local services within south Sefton Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting N/a initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required In conjunction with the south Sefton PCT, develop proposals for new health facilities in the Bedford / (Please list all the individual activities within this Queens / Worcester neighbourhood Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers N/a Resources Internal / private finance / PCT Deadline March 2009 Success Criteria Proposals for Primary Care facility agreed Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Strategy in place for replacement public health facilities Strategy Manager, HMRI March 2009


Council Strategic Aim Creating Inclusive Communities Council Strategic Objective Ensure that all Council services are inclusive and are informed by effective consultation and engagement with users Departmental Service Objective To ensure effective scrutiny of HMRI proposals and that the communities of south Sefton are effectively involved and consulted on proposed HMRI activity Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Evaluate and (if required) adopted HMRI Communications Protocol in light of issues identified via service (Please list all the individual activities within this delivery and community feedback Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Strategy Manager, HMRI Other Responsible Officers Karen McComish, Support Officer, HMRI Resources Internal Deadline March 2008 Success Criteria Evaluation report and revised Protocol in place Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Evaluation Report in place Strategy Manager, HMRI September 2007 Revised Communications Protocol adopted Strategy Manager HMRI March 2008


Council Strategic Aim Creating Inclusive Communities Council Strategic Objective Ensure that all Council policies, plans and procedures take account of equalities issues Departmental Service Objective To ensure equality of opportunity in respect of all aspects of the Departments activities Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required Work Towards the Equality Standard for Local Government (Please list all the individual activities within this Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Karen McComish, Support Officer, HMRI Other Responsible Officers All HMRI Departmental staff Resources Internal Deadline March 2007 Success Criteria Achieve level 3 ESAT Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) ESAT level 3 achieved Karen McComish, Support March 2007 Officer, HMRI


Council Strategic Aim Creating Inclusive Communities Council Strategic Objective Ensure that all Council services are inclusive and are informed by effective consultation and engagement with users Departmental Service Objective To ensure effective scrutiny of HMRI proposals and that the communities of south Sefton are effectively involved and consulted on proposed HMRI activity Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required With colleagues in Neighbourhood Regeneration, implement, review, evaluate and revise Governance (Please list all the individual activities within this structures intended to facilitate inclusive development and delivery of services Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Steph Prewett, NRF Manager Other Responsible Officers Strategy Manager, HMRI Resources Internal Deadline March 2009 Success Criteria Evaluation report completed. Proposals for revised structure (if required) in place Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Evaluation Report completed Strategy Manager, HMRI March 2008 Revised Structure in place Strategy Manager HMRI March 2009


Council Strategic Aim Creating Inclusive Communities Council Strategic Objective Ensure that all Council services are inclusive and are informed by effective consultation and engagement with users Departmental Service Objective To ensure effective scrutiny of HMRI proposals and that the communities of south Sefton are effectively involved and consulted on proposed HMRI activity Annual Service Objective (Annual Service Plans N/a only) Does this Action Plan Link to any crosscutting Equalities Plan initiatives or plans (e.g. LPSA/CPA, Equalities, HR Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan) – please state. Does this Action Plan link to any “external” plans Newheartlands Pathfinder Scheme Update 2005 (see guidance for definition) If this Action Plan been initiated as a result of an N/a Audit/Inspection/Service Improvement Review please state the review title(s) Action Required With colleagues in Neighbourhood Regeneration, implement, review, evaluate and revise Governance (Please list all the individual activities within this structures intended to facilitate inclusive development and delivery of services Action Plan in the table below) Authorising Officer Alan Lunt Lead Officer Steph Prewett, NRF Manager Other Responsible Officers Strategy Manager, HMRI Resources Internal Deadline March 2009 Success Criteria Evaluation report completed. Proposals for revised structure (if required) in place Standards Internal Monitoring & Evaluation N/a Performance Indicators (BVPI/Local/PAF etc) N/a

Activities Lead Officer Deadline (Please list all the activities relating to this Action Plan) Evaluation Report completed Strategy Manager, HMRI March 2008 Revised Structure in place Strategy Manager HMRI March 2009