, .

',. \ .aEGD.:G()A.~J Panaji,l st June, 1989 Uyaistha 11,191 n ' SERIES III No.9 . , OF ICIAL GAZ.ETTE '·GOV--ERN'MENT OF GO'A

GOVERNMENT OF .. . Public Works Department,

Works Diviiion I (Bliildin9s) Panaji-Goa

Tender Notice No.PWD/WDI/ASW-1717/89-90 .. ',' The Executive Engineer, Works Divis.ion I (Bldgs.), Panaji, invites on' belUtlf,of the Governor, Government of Goa. seal~ item rate tend~rs from approved and eligible contraetors of GOa PWD and those of appropriate class. ofCPWD. state' P.W.D~, Railways upto' 3;00 p. In. on 22nd June, 1989. ' .' ,

Estimated Earnest, Time limit .. Costot Name of, work and place cost money including . Class of. .tender Sr'. No. .Ra. Rs. monsoon contractor forin ·n •.

1. Construction of Primary School Building atF,ontai- 6,97,110.00 13,950.00 .' 450 days CUI.SS IT 100.00/- r 'nhas-Mala, PanajL (With Zamba WoOd Pile. Founda- and above. i tion). '

. Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p; m. on the' same day. T,he'tendersof the contractors who do 'not deposit earnest Earnest Money should be" dep.osited in the form of Deposit . moneY in the prescribed manner viiII be summarily rejected, a~ Call'Receipt of Scheduled Bank payable at Panaji. The. Income-tax Clearance .Certificate Shall be furnished by Condition and tender form can be had from . al:!ove office the tenderer in the' prescribed form. . . Upto 3.oop. m. on 19th June, 1989 at the rate mentioned al:!oye (non-r~dable). Pana~i, 21st April,. 1989. - The Executlve Engineer,. Sd/-.

~orks Division XVlluildin~sPond •• Goa

, . Tender Notice . No~ PwDIBDXvIITS/2/89-90 The Executive, Engine~, 'Buildings DivisiO~ XVI, Public Works Departinent, ponda-GOO, invites on behalf of the Governor of Goa, se3.led item Rate Tenders from approved and eligible buildings contractors of Goa PVVD/CPWD/ /MES/Railways/p. &T;, etc. upto 3.00 p.rn. on 15-6-1989 for the follOwing work:..,.--

Estimated Cost of {"'11a...,,-~ of E. M; ,D. ,Sr. No. Name· of 'work C()~t Tim~ liiriit ' tender, eligiblUty Bal. ' Rs. fts,' r-' .i Const. of Gram .Panchayat building at Honda, Sa~i. 16,~Q,152/- 2o,OOO!~ 450 days: 150/- CI8.ss I-A (Bldgs.).

Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. in. in the Office Of the received upto12-6-1989. Applicatio):l received for issue of S:uperintendingEngineer, Circle Office I, P.W.D., Altinho, blank, tender forms after l2.-6-1989 will not. be accepted. 'Panaji~Goa, ,on the . same day. Conditions and tender formS can be had from this >office on any wQrl!;ing day . uptQ The EarnesfMoneyshould .be deposited in the State Bank 13-6;'1989 dUring" working hours,against· payment in cash of or' any Scheduled BanI{ in the form of Deposit' at Call Receipt and. th~ rec;!eipt of this amount inust accompany ':shownabOvef6r tllecost'of the .tender form (non:.refunda­ the tender without which the tender .will not be considered. ,ble):If'required by post an amount of Rs. 15/- will be' The EarnllstMoney D~osit other than mthe form of D.C.R. chargeli extra;" , , shall not be acceptable...... Tender fonnsw1iIbe. iS~!Ued to contractors only oil: produc;' , Right to reject any tender without assigning any reason .' tion of' valid Income~taX·· Clearance Certificate.,. Application thereof is reserveli with the Department, for blank tender forms .' with . required documents· will: be POl,lda; ,. 2ist April", 1989. - The Executive' Engineer, Sd/",

.... 96.--' Tender NO'tice No. PWD/Bj)XVI/TS/1/89-90:: J" >,The ExeC~tiveEngineer,BuildingsDiVisi(m XVI, PUl:>lic Works DePaz:tment,ponda~Goa, inVites on ~half of the Goveljl0J; elf.' GOO; se8.led Iteni. Rate Tenders from ,approved . and,. ·elig1blebilildirigs dontractors Of (loa: PWDiCP'W'Dl lMES/Railways/P. & T., etc. uptQ9-6-1989 for .the fQllO'wing WO'rk: -...,... .

Estimated' Cost of E.M.D; J~Ia:$sQf. ' Sr. No: Nam~ O'fw()rk. . CQst Time limit tend~r eligibility . Rs. Rs. Rs.

1. Const. of Tourist Rest House at .' SalaUlim in Sangilem 8j 75,758/- 20,000/- ,360 day's. 100/- Class. II& taluka. . .. . above (Bldgs.).

Tenders. will be opened at 3.30 p. m. 'O'n the same da,Y. , The. ,Earnest. MoneyshO'uldbe, depQsi~ed in' the State. Bank' COnditiQns and tender fortns. cahbe had· from' this office" on . 'of India O'r liriy S~hedtiIed B8:nk liit!:ie fO'rm: ofDepo.sit iit any. wQrking day upto·· 7-6-89 during wO'rking hours, against Call Receipt and the receipt of this amO'unt must .accO'mpany payment· in cash shown abO've for the cost O'f the tender, form (non~refundable). If required by postah amount of the tender WithO'ut which the. tender. will nQtbe considered. Rs. 15/- will' be .charged extra. . The Earnest MO'neyDeposit O'ther than in the f-orm Of D.C.R. shall nO't be' acceptable. Tender forms will be, issued t6. cO'ntractors O'nly OIi pJ..Oduc':' tion 'of valid IncQme-tax Clearance Certifcate, Application Right to reject any tender without aSsigning any reason for blank tender fQrmswith required docllIIJ-ellts. will .be· .~herElOf is,re~erved with the Department. received upto 5-6:'89. AppltCatiO'n received for 'issue' 'of' bUJ,iik' tender forms atter 5-6-1,989 ,will nO't be,' accepted; Ponda, 21st April, 1989. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-;

Works. Divisi~n' XIX; Pilnaji - GOll .

, ' , ,., ~. Tender NQtice NO'. PWo!WDx:i:x/Accts~i9/8~90/5 , TJ:i~ Exe()Utive,Enginee~, WQrks DivisiQn XIX,P.W.D., Panaji inVites Qn behalf QfGovernor Of Goa,sealed Item Rate1Percentage Rate tenders frQm aPP!Qved and eligible class I~B & abqve ContractO'rs .QfGo~,P.W.D./C.P:W:;I>.!. M.E.~:.1P & T/etc, for the fQllO'wing wQrkS· upto 3.. 00 p. m. Qn 9-6~1989.

,', ;. Sr. NO': :.,c Nal:ne O'f work

1 Land reclamat~Qn' ariq. develQpment to' prO'vide approach 11,89;801-35 20,000-00 '180,dayi ,I,-:~ lHy- J:5,:.O/,.. ~, '.,'- -,' ,",' . ,<'to tlie:'proPO'sed Jetty:'at Malk: '(Part Ij .. ' ", ,.' , ~c1.·· .'..

,- " • ~." ...... ·co-.' ~::'''';'-.L:,,' ... :.; ~~,:-(;,i;3· T~nderswIll be opened at 3.30 p.m,. 'Qri the same day. The tenderer iritends to' pay E. M,D. in cash ·the same shQuld ,be Earnest. money maybe depQsited in the fQrm of DepQsit at paid to' the Cashier and enclQse the relevant receipt in the Call.Receipt Qf Scheduled Bank 'payable at Panaji. ConditiQns" tender and nO' cashalQngWith tender will be accepted. and. tender fO'rms can be bad frQm the PiVisiQnal Office uptO' 12.00 nQQn O'n 5-6-89 during wQrking hQurs· on payment ·cif The'valid Income-tax Clearance. --shall be fu):,nished. by the the CQstO'f tender fO'rm (non-refundable). If. req1:lired by P913t . tenderer:ih the' reserve .fQrm. -- an amount Qf Rs. 30/- shall be paid extra. Appliciations/Re­ quests fO'r the issue O'f the tender fQrms shQuld reach the" The right to' reject any tender without assigning any reaSQn Div.isiQnal Office latest by' 11.00 a. 'm. 2-6-89. ApI>UcatiQ~ .. , thereof is, reserved:.. The cQnditiQnal andunbaJanced tender received thereafter will not be entertained. Applications " may be. rejeeted Qutright. " , . ' ShQuld give particulars O'f,:cla!js of registration, categQry ,list of work~ in,' liand, cQmpleted, status position, etc; Iri case Pana)i,. 4th M:a~, i989.::":TheEXe~u~ve Engineer, Sd/-, ••••• Transpor,f Department . NotificcltiOD . . '. No;' 37/2/88-MAG-Rick/4627 Office of the Distdct Magistrc:tte Inexel'(!ise of the powers conferred by Sectio~75 O'f the SouthGocr Distdct. -Goa MQtO'rVehicles ,Ad 1939 (Central Act 4O'f 1939),. read with the GOvernment NotifiCatiO'n No.. HD~25,{)389'/65. dated 5th June, 1965, I; A. Venkataratnam, District Magistrate, SO'uth Notification Goa, MiJ,rgaO'.hereby.ca,use.. Jobe ereGteqthe tr::\.ffi~signs . , specified in .cO'l. 3 of the SchedUle ill the public places speci­ No. 37 /2/88-MAG-6S0/4284 fied in.C91; .,2O'J; ,the, Schedulef()r the llUrpQseof regUlating­ " ". '. MO'tor Vehicles traffic. '...... In exerCise of the pow~rk cQnrerredby sUb-s~6tion (!h SCHEOttLE' o.f" SE;lcti()n '. 71 of Ule,MotQr Vellicles Act, 1939. (Central Act 4 . ,1939) read \viththe GQvernirient NotificatiO'n .. "" of '. :Typeot NQ. . NO' •. HP.-25-5.389/6Q . dated.'i5-6~1995,.I, A.' veiutataratnani /Sr. No • Name ot .pUblic--place ot . "\" . . traffic si@ . traffic ,sip . Di~tri.ct;:Ma~tr;ateof, . SO'litli GO'a; Margao, J)ejngsatisfie,d ~t 1.t ~:s.n~?ess~o/!, in the ,inte~est~f public safety/cO,nve~ t 1I .3 mencetO' dO' SO', hereby order the cQnstructiQn Qf twO' speed breakers, .. opPQ:;ite to' ",St, .JO'seph, Educa.tiQnal Jnstitute, 1. Behind the Hotel Rickshaw 1 O'n Mli.rgao-Sanvoi'-dem rQad,()neQPPQsite to' Agnel Rtlkrish,.in: :Pinga Sta:nd . Store and the other cine. at ,bus stop." '.,. " . ...' , . G~li,.. MargaQ. <' 'M~rga6, J3thA-pti1;:19if~t~TheDi~trict Magistrate, South • Mar-gao, 2lstAprll, i989.~TheDistrict :Mag'1strate, SOuth. Goa,A. Ven7cataratnam. .' ",' Goa, Margao, A .. Ven7cataratmam. .' . . . 1ST JUNE, 1989 (JYAISTHA 11,1911) 97 --~------~------~~------~------~~ Notification 7. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/42 No.. 37/2/88-MAG-RICK/4628 On 2~7-1988, at the Check Post PQIem, in the vehiCle' NQ. CRX9552, four qts. of DQctor Brandy, four qts. of Wine, In exercise of the powers OOnferred on me under rule 7.12 one ,qt. of Haywards Whisky, one Qt. Qf McDowell Whisky, of the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles Rule:;;, 1965, I, A . 'fQur qts. Qf cashew fern and Qne qt. Qf blended palm feni. . Venkataratnam, . District MagiStmte of South Goa, Margao do hereby notify the belOw mentioned pla.ce as Rickshaw 8. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/43 . Stand and parking place for Rickshaws. On 24-7-'1988, at Polein Check' Post, in' tiie vehicle No. GDX .84, 12 bottles of· Beer, 12 Pts.of cashew feni, one Sr. No. Place of Rickshaw Stand No. of Rickshaws allotted qt. and 12 Nips. Qf DoctQr Brandy, 4 pts. of Old Rum and Qne qt. of palm feni. 1 2 3 9. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/44 1. Behind the Hotel Rukrish 15 On 27-7-1988, a"t Polem, near the tea shop of Shri Sucdo (HOUS'e of Pinga Galli), . Gaocar and opposite tQ the National Highway No. 17, two Margao. plastic cans' wrapped with gunny bag,cQntaining each 20 litres of palm urrak. Margao, 2·1st April; 1989. - The District Magistrate; South Goa, Margao, A. Venkataratnam. 10. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/45 ~.',. On 27-7-1988, at the Ch,eck Post Polem, in the vehicle No. GDZ. 263~, two ·qts. of DiplQmat Whisky, Qne qt. of ••• McDQwell Whisky, .one qt. Qf Royal Relax Whisky, one Qt. finance (Revenue and Controll Department of Capitol whisky and eight qts. of cashew feni.

Office of the Commissioner of Excis~ 11. Excise case N6.Exc/Can/88-89/46 On 27-7-19'88, near the gate Qf Polem Check Post two .Excise Station - Canacona plaStic .~. each containing two litre's of cashew fe~i of 0 14 : one p~aStic can containing ,of cashErw' feni of 180 , Qn~ qt. Notice Anstocrahc WhiSky, one qt. of Diplomat Whisky and one qt. of Port wine. The unknown owners of the following liquor goods found abandoned at the places shown against each consignment 12. Excise case NQ. Exc/Can/88-89/47 on the dates shown below,are hereby intim.lited to appear before the Excise Inspector, Excise Station Cana.cona On 1-8-1988, at the Excise. Check PQst Polem, in the Taluka, Chauri-Goa, within .. 30 days !from the date of vehicle NOI. MEF 9926, 12 bottles of beer, 11qts. of Brandy, publication of this .notice in the Official Gazette to claim 6 Qts. of Rum, 8 qts; of Wine, 2 qts... of cashew feni, orie qt. their rights to the liquor goods. of blended palm feni and qt. of Prya palm feni. 1. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/27 13; Excise case No, Exc/Can/8.&.89/48 On 23rd. June, '1988, at the Check Post Potem, in' the vehicle On 4-8-1988, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle ,No. GDX 94, five Qts. of Diplomat Whisky, . two nips of NQ. MYF 9158, three qts.of McDowell Whisky, two Qts. . ).., Associate Whisky, five Qts. of Port wine, .eleven Qts. of of Golden Eagle Whisky, tWQ qts. of PQrt: Wine, two qts . blended palm feni, three Qts., one pt. of cashew feni, three of Doctor Brandy, two qts. of palm feni, six bottles of Beer, bottles of Beer, two Qts. of paJm feni, five Qts. of palm urrak (loose). 14. Excise cas,e No. Exc/Can/88-89/49 On 6-8-1988,' at CheckNaka Polem, three qts. of Diplomat 2. EXICise case NQ. Exc/Can/88-89/28 Whisky and one qt. of Napolean Brandy. On 28-6-1988, at the Check Post POllem, in the vehicle No. GDX 95, two qts. of McDowell Whisky, five Qts. of palm. 15~ Elxcisecase No; Exc/Can/88-89/50 feni, five Qts. of blended palm feni, two Qts. of cashew feni. On 9-,8-1988, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle and two Qts. of palm urrak. . No. GDX 118, 26 pts~ of blended Palm feni, 5 qts. of Port wine, 4 qts.. blended coconut feni, one qt. Qf cashew feni 3. Excise case No. Exc/Can/&8-89/36 and 2. qts. of Diplomat Delux Whisky. On 2-7"1!)t88, at the Check Post, Polem, in the vehicle ~o.· GDS2338; two Qts. of Golden Eagle Whisky, one Qt. ·16. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/51 of .Solan Whisky, one Qt. of blended palm feni, .one Qt. of , O~l 1~8-1?S8, at Polern,. near the Eugenio Bar and l:lY the cashew' feni, 24 pts. of blended palm feni, one plastic can side of 'National Highway NQ. 17, three qts. of cashew feni, containing about 30 litres of palm urrak. . one qt.. of Rum, two qts. of Super' star Palm fe~ three qts. Qf Old .Barrel blended palm feni, seven qts. of' PQrt wine 4. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/37 and Qne qt; of Double Dog Whisky.

On 3-7~1988. at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle . . CAF 8937. two qts. of; Black Night Whisky, one Qt. of 17. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/53 Hayward Whisky, two Qts.of Diplomat Whisky, 3 Qts. arid 2 Nips of Brandy, 4 qts. 'Of pal:n::t feni, two pts. of palm feni . On 28-8-1988; at the Check PostPolem, in the vehicle one qt. of blended palm feni, one pt and one nip of cl:J.shew No. KLS 282,.ten qts. of 'Port wine, f()ur qts. of cashew feni, two nips of Rum, 12 bottles of Beer and one Qt. of Port feni, two qts; of Old Barrel (blended palm feni) and 18 wine. ' bottles of Beer.

l:j. EXICisecase No. Exc/Can/88-89/38 18. Excise case No.. ' Exc/Can/88-89/57 On 7-7-1988, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle . On 4-9-1988, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle . NQ ..CAF 91)91, 14 Qts. ·Qf cashewfeni,. 4 Qts. of Port wine, No. MYF 9237, six pts. of Delite palm feni, two qts. Qf 2 Qts. of Rum., l' Pts. of cashew feni, 5 pts. of palm. feni, ·Seven Star palm feni, two qts. of Black Night Whisky, five one qt. and' one pt. Qf Brandy, 16 Qts.O!f blended palm feni. qts. Qf blended palm feni, one pt. of Doctor Brandy, Qne pt. 6.Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/40 of Papa JQhnpalm feni and twQ ptS. of Diplomat Whisky.

On 1~1-'19~ at the Check Post PQlem,in the vehicle. 19. Excise ~ No. Exc/Can/88-89/58 NQ .. GDX 55,' twQ qts;and twelve nips of Brandy, two Qts. of Old MQnk Rum, one Qt. Qf Black Night Whisky, Qne Qt. On 5-9-1988 at the .Check Post Polem, in the vehicle of Diplomat Whisky; One qt.Qf blendedpaIm feni, fourteen NQ. GDZ 2533,three rubber bladders each containing about qts. of palm urrak; five plastic can.seach coritainiltg about five litres Qf palm urrak and two rub~r bladders each con­ 2 litres ofpa.Imurrakand ;five bottIesof Beer. taining a:bout three li1;res of palm urrak. 98 SERIES III No: 9

20. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/59 Doctor Brandy, four qts. of Port wine; two qts. and eleven On 27-9-1988, at the Check Post Polem,' in the vehicle pts. of blended palm feni· and .three pts. of cashew feni. No. MYF 9158, three qts. of palm feni, thre€ qts.. of Doctor . 33. ExCise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/95 Brandy, three nips of Doctor Brandy, five qts. of cash~w feni, five qts. of Port· wine and one qt. of Associate Fme On 4-3-1989, at tlle. Check Post :polem, in the vehicle Whisky. No. KLS 2952, three qts. of Black Night Whisky, four cits. of Hayw;ai:ds whisky, one qt. of McDowell Premium Delux 21. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/60 Whisky,one qt. of' Mohan. Meakin Whisky, one qt. of On 2-10-1988, ~t the. Check Post Polem, in .the vehicle Diplomat Whisky; one qt. of Doctor Brandy (loose), two qts. No. MEF 84'/'8, two _ qts. of cashew feni, t;wo qts. of palm < of blended palm feni, three qts. (loos:e) and six pts. sealed of feni and two qts. of Port wine. . cashew fern, eight pts. of palm fooi and one qt. of Directors 22. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/61 Special Whisky. . On 6-10-1988, at· tlie Check Post Poiem, in the vehicle 34. Excise case No.. Exc/Can/88-89/96 No. GDZ 2533, two plastic cans ·each containing about two On 8-3-1989, at the Check Post Polem, in the' vehicle and half jars (total five jars) of palfu urrak. No. GDS2023; sixty seven nips of Big Fun Doctor Brandy. 23.. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89!62 35. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/39 . On 18-:LO.,1988, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle On 7-7-1988 at the'Check Post Polem, in the. vehicle No.MEF 8479, two dozen bottles of Beer, twelveqts. of No. GDZ 2638: two qtS. of Black Night Whisky, one qt. of palm fent six qts. o:f Brandy, four .qts. of cashew feni and ,Diplomat Delux Whisky, one qt. of Diplomat Whisky, twelve two qts.of Double Dog Whisky. . pts. of. blended palm feni, three qts.. and two pts. of :[)aIm urrak, one' pt. of cashew feni, two bottles of beer and' one 24. Excise case- No. Exc/Can/88-89/68 qt. of Rum.. ' On 8-11-i98s, at the Check PostPolem, in the vehicle No~ C-i\.F 9890, twenty seven qts. of blended palm feni, five· Excise Station, Oanacona Taluka, Chauri,1Qth· May, 1989. qts., three pts.. and twenty four' nips of Doct(}r Brandy, two - The Excise Inspector, AbeZ. Vieira. qts. and one pt. of cashew feni and two (2) Qts. of Port wine. .

25. Excise case No. Exc/Can/8&-89/72 Law (Establishment) On 2Ot-11-1988,at the Check Post Polem, in the ·vehicle Department No. CNX 6274, one doe;. bottles of Beer, two qts. and twenty four' pts. of cashew feni, two qts. and two nips of Doctor Order Brandy,. two qts. of palm. fooi ,and one qt.. of Port, wine. No. 7-1~84/LD-Part file 26.. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/74 Whereas Raghoba Raffia Parita, Resident of Chaudi-Gana­ On 1-12-1988, at the Check Post PoIem, in the vehicle cona, had appHedfoii- the change,of names of his four childre:t;l No. MEF 8490, one qt. of BIlliCk Night Whisky, two qts. of from' "Dilkhush Ragoba Parita" to "Dilkhush Ragoba Kan­ Golden Eagle. Whisky, one qt. of Hayward Whisky, one qt: konkar"; "Gita Raghoha Pant" to "Gita Raghoba Kankonkar", of White Scot Whisky, six qts~ and. one pt. of .blended palm "Neeta Ragoba Parit" to "Neeta Ragoba Kankonkar", "Ra­ (eni, one qt.and .six nips; of' Doctor Brandy, five qts. of palm jisha Ragoba Pant" to "Rajesh Ragoba Kankonkar".. utrak, one qt., one pt. and one nip of oashew feni. And whereas. fOrnlalitieSi prescribed, for the purpose in 27. Excise case No. Excr/Can/88-89/75, NoS. 1 to 3 of Art.. 178 of the Codigo. do Registo Civil have been complied with and notice of. change of names. from On 12-12-1988, at the Ch~ck Post Polem, in the vehicle "Dilkhush Ragoba Parita" to "Dilkhush Ragoba Kankonkar, No. GDX 119, forty eight {48) nips of Brandy, two qts. of "GitaRaghoba Pant" to "Git!). Raghoba Kankonkar", "Neeta cashew feni, tWo qts.,of palm feni and five qts. of McDowell whisky. Ragoba Parit"to "Neeta Ragoba Kankonkar", "Rajishil Ra­ gom Parit" to "Riajesha Ragoba Ka:ilkonkar" as per Govern­ 28. Excise case No. Exc/Can/88-89/87 ment's No Objection has. been published. On 2-1~1989, at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle . Now, therefore the Governor ~f Goa is pleased to grant No. CAF 9889, 12 bottles of Beer, six qts. 0If blooded palm the said request made by the said Raghoba Raffia Parita and feni, four qts. of Rlim, '. nine qts. of Doctor Brandy, three to hereby authorise him: to pilblish this order in the Official qts. of cashew feni, thirty nips of Doctor Brandy, two qts. Gazette in respect of the change of name in all the four of Port wine and two qts. of McDoWell whisky. cases and to app,ly for endorsement in the respective regis­ tration as per No.4 of the said Act. 178 of the "Codigo do 29. ExCise case No. Excr/Can/88-89/88 Registo.Civil" in respect of the change of names from "Dilkhush Ragoba Parita"',to"Dilkhush Ragoba Kankonkar", On 6-1-1989, at the Gheck Post Polem, in the vehicle "Gita Raghoba Parit" to "Gita -Raghoba Kankonkar", "Neeta No. MYF 7254, two qts. of Diplomat Whisky, one qt. of Ragbba Parit" to ~'Neeta Ragoba . Kankonkar". Haywards whisky,' one qt. of Men' Club Whisky, o:p.e qt.. of. Highland Ohief Whisky, eight qts. and six nips of palm feni, By order and in the name of the Gove'I'Ilor of Goa. . three qts.' of blended palm feni, six qts. otf Port wine, two B. K Sub.banna., Law Secretary. (2) qts. of Port wine, two qts. of Rum, two qts. and twelve pts. of cashew feni and tv)''O qts., of Doctor Brandy and, Qt. Panaji, 10th March, 1989; of Savoy Club Whisky.' . V. No. 689/1989 30. Excise Case No. Exc/Can/88-89/89 On 12-1-1989, at the Check Post Poiem, . in the vehicle •••• No. GDX ~9, fourteen qts. of blended palm feni, thirteen Advertisements· pts., six nips and one loose qt .. of cashew' feni, twenty two , nips, one, qt. and one pt.·of Doctor Brandy, fiveqts. and four Office of the ClvilRegistrar-cum-Sub-Regislrar, nips of palm feni;. and Notary Ex~Officioin the Judicial· Division· 31; Excise Case No. Exc/Can/88-89/00 of Bardez at Mq:pusa On 16~1-'1989i at the Check Post Polem, in the vehicle Pedro Filipe' das. Merces. Joao, . Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ No. 'MEF 1613, twenty five.qts., six pts.. of blended palm -Registrl).r and Notary Ex-pfficio in. the said Judicial feni, eight qts. and four,pts. of cashew feni. - . Division. .

. 32. Excise. ~ !:io.ExciCan/88-89/91 In accordance With the relevant provisions of law the follOwing publiootionis being' made for the purpose ·bfpara On 31-1~1989,at 'the Oheck Post Polem, in: the vehicle fimtand second: of· Article. No. 179 Of thei..aw No. ,2049 No. GDZ2533, foUr qts. Of.. Dfrectors . Sp€cial Whisky, thfee dated &-8-1951 : Th

V. 1110. 1014/1989 9urchoretn 5;· Quepe~ 9; Sirvoi 1;3 and Avedem 16, .100 BERIEB ill No.9

July, 1989: Administration Office of Comunidades of Bardez. Cusmane 4; Cotombi7; Ambaulim 18; and Xelvona 25. Mapusa-Goa . August, 1989:

Quitol 7; Chaifi 14; Assolda 18; Chic~Xelvona 23 and Notices Xeldem. 29. 10 .In accordance with the terms and for the purpose September, 1989: established in Article 330 of the CO:de of Comunidades. in Molcornem 1; Odar 8; Cacora .17; and Provincia-de-Bali forc·e, it is. hereby annqunced that the uncultivated and 27. ' unused plot of land, details of which are ·given below, has . October, 1989: beena.pplied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction Pirla 3; Quedem 6, Naqueri 11; Bali 16; Adnem 20; Fatorpa of a residential -house. 25 and Caorem 30. . Sanguem Taluka: 1. Name of the Applicant: - Shri Vithoba Ramchandra Koyande, resident of Panaji, Goa. September,. 1989: Jaqui-Nundem 11; Netodim 13; and Rivona 22. 2. Land named: -'- Lote No. 473, 474 & 529, Survey Oct()ber, 1989: No. 4.07, Plot No. 11, situated at Anjuna village of Curdi4; Astragar 9 and Colomba 23. . Bardez TalUka and· belonging to _the Comunidade of Anjuna admeasuring an area of 400,00 square metres., 3. Boundaries:- August, 1989: East: By· the Plot No. 18 of the same Sub-divi- Gaund'ongrem 2; Cola 9; and Canacona 22. sion, . September, 1989: West: By existing road, Nagorcem-Palolem 8; POinguinim 15 and Loliem-Polem 22. North.: By the Plot No. 12 of the same Sub-di­ vision and The Clerks of the above Comunidades should do the needfut and submit the necessary books and documents as per article South: By the Plot No. 10 of the same Sub-di~ 510 of the said Code of Comunidades; . vision. Margao, 26th April, 1989. - The Admulistrator of Comu­ nidades of Salceteand South Zone, I. F. Fernandes. File No. 1-486-88-ACB/1988. V. No. 480/1989 If any person has any objection agaiitst the proposed lease he/she should SUbmit his/her objection .in writing to the A


OOVT. P~GPRESS,.,...GOA (Imprensa Nac1ODaJ"':' Goa) PRICE - Ba. o:.sti PS.