arXiv:astro-ph/9604168v1 28 Apr 1996 1 us bevr er oooItrAeia Observatory, Inter-American Foundation. Tololo Cerro observer, Guest lblrCutr nFra:Does : in Clusters Globular eateto hsc,626 ascuet nttt fTe of Institute Massachusetts 6-216, Physics, of Department cl,w hoet eeaieteuieslGL yohss Ba that evidence hypothesis. find we GCLF , universal of the ext clusters the re-examine and determining to groups of choose purpose we the measurement for scale, distance GCLFs high-precision of observations other HST and Cepheid recent of esit aais trcutr lblrcutr:general clusters: globular — clusters galaxies: — headings: Subject dis fo star determining of for halos. theories of useful constraining cause for less possible information be the important will provide on observations speculate We GCLF confirmed, increases. galaxies of density lcsteFra lse 0 cluster Fornax the places fteeglxe r elfitdb asin;tewihe en o means weighted the Gaussians; by are fitted dispersions well and are magnitudes ma cutoff galaxies this than these fainter of clusters brightnes globular surface of number galaxy the the estimate of amplitude the From completeness. h supino nvra au o h bouemgiueo t of magnitude absolute the for value universal a of assumption The lse aaisNC14,NC18,NC19,adNC10.Oro Our 1404. NGC and 1399, NGC 1380, to NGC reach 1344, NGC galaxies Cluster epeetthe present We V 24 = Acpe o ulcto in publication for (Accepted . ,ruhyoemgiuebyn h CFturnover GCLF the beyond magnitude one roughly 8, V aais lses niiul(onx aais itne and distances galaxies: — (Fornax) individual clusters: galaxies: bn lblrcutrlmnst ucin GLs fteFornax the of (GCLFs) functions luminosity cluster globular -band onP Blakeslee P. John . 13 ± h abig,M 02139 MA Cambridge, 0 m . 1mgmr itn hnVro oee,i light in However, Virgo. than distant more mag 11 V 0 ABSTRACT i 23 = h srpyia ora Letters Journal Astrophysical The prtdb UA n.udrcnrc oteNtoa Scienc National the to contract under Inc. AURA, by operated 1 1 . n onL Tonry L. John and 88 ± M 0 . 0 0mgand mag 10 eedo Environment? on Depend M hooy 7MsahstsAve., Massachusetts 77 chnology, V 0 eoe ane stelocal the as fainter becomes h σ mto nprimordial in rmation utain,w also we fluctuations, s ntd.TeGCLFs The gnitude. i ,a ela ongoing as well as s, aglci distance ra-galactic 1 = e ndt from data on sed hsted fi is it if trend; this m acs u may but tances, eturnover he hi turnover their f . ) 35 V 0 with , ± bservations 0 . 7mag. 07 ∼ 90% M V 0 e 1. Introduction present new observations of GCs around four Fornax galaxies. Fornax is an important clus- The luminosity function ter for testing distance determination methods, (GCLF) is often employed as a standard-candle as it is spatially much more concentrated than distance indicator based on the assumption a uni- Virgo while being at nearly the same distance versal value for its mean, or turnover, magni- 0 (e.g. Tonry 1991; Ciardullo, Jacoby, & Tonry tude M (see Jacoby et al. 1992 for a review 1993). We find that the GCLF exhibits remark- of the method). Until recently, it was impossi- ably little variation for these Fornax galaxies. ble to apply the GCLF method to determine the Next, we use independent distance measurements distances of galaxies further away than Virgo. to galaxies and galaxy groups to compare derived Now, with HST and improvements in ground- 0 MV values in different environments. We find based seeing and instrumentation, it becomes po- 0 somewhat startling evidence that MV becomes tentially much more powerful for determining the fainter as the local density of galaxies increases. extra-galactic distance scale. Furthermore, new Further verification is once again needed, but if Cepheid and other high-precision local distance the observed trend proves real, it would have ma- measures would allow for a firm calibration of the jor implications for the GCLF method of distance method. measurement as well as for theories of GC for- Baum et al. (1995a,b) have used HST to ob- mation. We conclude with a discussion of these serve the the globular clusters (GCs) of the implications, in particular how the local galaxy Coma galaxies NGC 4881 and IC 4051 down to environment may govern the properties of GC V = 27.6 and V = 28.4, respectively. They de- populations. rive values of the Hubble constant H0 near 60 km/s/Mpc. Also with HST, Whitmore et al. 2. Observations and Reductions (1995) studied the GCs of the extremely rich M87 0 system to two magnitudes beyond MV (the V - We observed the galaxies NGC band GCLF turnover) and derived H0 = 78 ± 11 1316, NGC 1344, NGC 1380, NGC 1399, and 2 km/s/Mpc. Only a small part of the discrep- NGC 1404 in 1995 August with the Tek 2048 #4 ancy in derived H0 values can be accounted for CCD detector at the Cassegrain focus of the by the different calibrations used by the two 4 m telescope at Cerro Tololo. Four 600 s V - groups. This situation leads one to suspect that band exposures were taken of each galaxy, ex- the GCLFs themselves may be intrinsically dif- cept NGC 1316, for which five 600 s exposures ferent, especially as there remains no firmly es- were taken. We also obtained 2400 s of integra- ◦ tablished physical basis for assuming a univer- tion on a background field 1.5 west of the cD ′′ −1 sal M 0. Previously, there have been suspicions NGC 1399. The image scale was 0. 158 pix ; that M 0 is different for spirals and ellipticals however, the chip was slightly vignetted around ′′ (Secker & Harris 1993), with the root cause of the edges, and we shifted the telescope ∼ 6 this difference being metallicity variations (Ash- between individual exposures, so the final field man, Conti, & Zepf 1995), but M 0 was assumed size which received the full integration time was V ′ ′ not to vary among large ellipticals. As Whitmore about 5.1 × 5.1. We processed the images as de- et al. candidly remark, this “crucial assumption” scribed by Ajhar, Blakeslee, & Tonry (1994) and of a universal GCLF is “a hypothesis that needs Blakeslee & Tonry (1995; hereafter BT95). The ′′ further verification.” seeing in the final NGC 1399 image was 0. 94, In this Letter, we examine the current state while the seeing in the other images ranged from ′′. ′′. of the universal GCLF hypothesis. First, we 1 03 to 1 05. The photometry was calibrated us- ing Landolt (1992) standard ; there is no

2 detectable Galactic extinction in the directions to GC densities is done in the same way here, of these galaxies (Burstein & Heiles 1984). but the GC counts are treated differently in that After subtracting smooth models of the galaxy they are binned for more GCLF shape informa- 0 surface brightness profiles, we used a version tion. In addition, we leave mV as a free param- of the program DoPHOT (Schechter, Mateo, eter, instead of varying it only within some pre- & Saha 1993) for the point source photome- supposed acceptable range, as in BT95. A more try. Completeness corrections were determined detailed account of our point source photome- by scaling and adding grids (so as to avoid ar- try and positions, completeness experiments, and tificial crowding) of 32 × 32 “cloned” PSF stars fluctuation measurements will be provided else- and then finding them again with DoPHOT. The where (Blakeslee et al. 1996). scaling was done at 0.4 mag intervals; we inter- polated to find the completeness corrections at 3. Results intermediate magnitudes. The images were then We defer the analysis of the spatial structure divided up into three radial regions: 20-40′′, 40- and total sizes of the GC populations and concen- 80′′, and 80-160′′. We settled on a cutoff mag- trate on the luminosity functions. We also defer nitude mc of V = 24.4 for the innermost region any further discussion of our observations of GCs in each galaxy; at this magnitude, the complete- in the giant disturbed galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax ness levels for this region ranged from 77% to to A). The GCLF of this galaxy was not well fitted 88%. For the intermediate region, the complete- by a Gaussian model (χ2 > 3 instead of ∼ 1) and ness levels were in the same range at V = 24.8, ∼ would require a more thorough analysis than we so we used this for the cutoff magnitude. For can provide here. simplicity, we also used V = 24.8 for mc in the outermost region, although the completeness lev- 3.1. The GCLF in Fornax els for this region ranged from 90% to 96% at this magnitude. The photometric error is typ- Figure 1 presents the V -band GCLFs of the ically ∼ 0.12 mag at V = 24.8. Any objects four Fornax galaxies. The plotted curves are 0 classified by DoPHOT as extended were excluded Gaussians having σ and mV values which are the from further analysis. Objects brighter than mc weighted means of the values found in our three in each region were then binned in magnitude analysis regions of each galaxy. The values were 2 and our completeness corrections were applied. derived in the separate regions by χ minimiza- We subtracted the completeness-corrected lumi- tions using the counts brighter than the individ- nosity function of the unresolved objects in the ual cutoff magnitudes and our variance measure- background field from the luminosity functions ments. For purposes of displaying the GCLFs, of the objects in the program fields to produce however, we used mc = 24.8 everywhere, applied the final GCLFs presented below. our completeness corrections, then binned the re- After removing all objects brighter than mc gions all together. in each region, we measured the PSF-convolved Table 1 lists our final values for the GCLF variance, or fluctuations, remaining in the image. parameters; they are nearly identical within the Our variance analysis method is described in de- errors. The cD NGC 1399 is the only one with a tail by Tonry et al. (1990). The variance mea- well-studied GCLF. Geisler & Forte (1990) found 0 surement effectively acts as an “extra bin” in fit- mV = 23.45 for this galaxy, but assumed σ = ting the GCLF. BT95 demonstrate how this mea- 1.20 mag (these parameters are correlated when surement can be used for deriving GCLF param- the limiting magnitude is near the turnover). eters. The conversion from measured variances Bridges, Hanes, & Harris (1991) used σ ≈ 1.40,

3 Table 1 Final Fornax Gaussian GCLF parameters.

0 Galaxy Type VT σ ± mV ± N ±

N1344 E5 10.35 1.35 0.18 23.80 0.25 140 20 N1380 S0 9.91 1.30 0.17 24.05 0.25 375 35 N1399 E1/cD 9.57 1.38 0.09 23.83 0.15 1120 45 N1404 E1 9.98 1.32 0.14 23.92 0.20 300 30

Note.—Columns list: galaxy name, Hubble type, total apparent V -band magnitude (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991), Gaussian dispersion of the GCLF, V -band GCLF turnover magnitude, and total number of GCs which went into the Gaussian fits (following corrections for incompleteness and background).

0 and found mV = 23.85±0.30, in close agreement with our value. As weighted means of the Fornax GCLF pa- rameters, we take hσiF or = 1.35 ± 0.07 mag; 0 hmV iF or = 23.88 ± 0.10. Whitmore et al. (1995) 0 found mV = 23.72 ± 0.06 for M87. We aver- age this with the values for NGC 4472 and NGC 4649 (Secker & Harris 1993) using (B − V ) = 0.75 ± 0.05 (Couture et al. 1990, 1991) to find 0 hmV iV ir = 23.75 ± 0.05. Thus, assuming a uni- 0 versal MV yields ∆(m − M) = 0.13 ± 0.11 for the relative Fornax-Virgo distance modulus. If we were to include NGC 4365 (Secker & Harris 1993) and NGC 4636 (Kissler et al. 1994) in the Virgo average, the relative modulus would drop by ∼ 0.1, but both these galaxies are question- able Virgo members (Tully 1987b; Tonry et al. 1990). Fig. 1.— The globular cluster luminosity functions of the four Fornax galaxies. Filled symbols represent 0 the final counts following incompleteness and back- 3.2. Does M Depend on Environment? ground corrections. Open symbols show what the We now forsake the assumption of universal- counts would be with background subtraction, but no incompleteness corrections. Errorbars represent ity and compare the Fornax GCLF with those the uncertainties in our corrections and the Poisson observed elsewhere. To do this, we need a self- errors in the counts. consistent set of independent distance determina- 0 tions to galaxies or groups in which mV has been measured. We start by fixing (m − M) = 31.0 as the Virgo distance modulus; this is both the

4 Jacoby et al. (1992) value and the latest HST The use of the straight Cepheid distance to Leo 0 Cepheid Key Project result (Freedman et al. would move its MV brighter by 0.1 mag, further 1996). For the relative Fornax-Virgo distance away from the other ellipticals; the inclusion of modulus, we take ∆(m − M) = 0.25 ± 0.08 from NGC 4365 and NGC 4636 would move the Virgo 0 an average of the PNLF, SBF, Dn − σ, SN Ia, MV fainter. In addition, the preliminary result 0 0 and Tully-Fisher methods (Ciardullo et al. 1993; mV ≈ 28.0 (MV ≈ −6.7) for IC 4051 (Baum et Faber et al. 1989; Riess 1996; Willick 1996). al. 1995b) indicates that there may be another 0 0 We use measurements of mV for M31 (Secker ∼ 0.5 mag offset in MV for the very rich Coma 1992), M81 (Perelmuter & Racine 1995), the Leo cluster. Thus, we believe we are seeing real evi- 0 group ellipticals (Harris 1990), and the HST limit dence for an environmental dependence of MV . 0 on mV for NGC 4881 in Coma (Baum et al. 1995a). The Cepheid distance moduli to M31 4. Discussion and M81 are 24.43 ± 0.10 and 27.80 ± 0.20, re- We have found that the GCLF is remarkably spectively (Freedman & Madore 1990; Freedman constant within the Fornax cluster, but, as Fig- et al. 1994). This M31 distance modulus is the ure 2 shows, varies with environment. Ashman proper one to use, as it is the one assumed by et al. (1995) suggested that metallicity differ- Jacoby et al. (1992) and is consistent with the ences result in M 0 values which are systemat- more recent HST Cepheid distances. For the V ically brighter by ∼ 0.15 mag for spirals. Large Leo group, we average the HST Cepheid distance ellipticals usually do have higher metallicity GC to the spiral M96 (Tanvir et al. 1995) with the populations; however, NGC 4881 in Coma has a PNLF and SBF distances to the ellipticals (Ciar- GC color/metallicity distribution similar to that dullo et al. 1993) and get (m − M) = 30.2 ± 0.13. 0 of the MW (Baum et al. 1995a), yet its M is The relative Virgo-Coma distance modulus is V very faint. In addition, the Leo elliptical NGC well determined at ∆(m − M) = 3.71 ± 0.10 (e.g. 3379, with its relatively high metallicity GC pop- van den Bergh 1992; Whitmore et al. 1995). Fi- ulation (Ajhar et al. 1994), has an exceedingly nally, in an effort to preserve neutrality in the 0 bright M , though with a large uncertainty (Har- controversy over the RR Lyrae calibration (see V ris 1990). Finally, we note that the magnitude of van den Bergh 1995), we omit the Milky Way the environmental effect we propose is a factor of from our discussion, remarking only that recent 3-6 larger than the Ashman et al. M 0 metallicity MW M 0 values have ranged from −7.29 ± 0.13 V V shift. (Secker 1992) to −7.60 ± 0.11 (Sandage & Tam- mann 1995; see also the discussion by Baum et We suggest that the most straightforward way al. 1995a). to produce the present-day near-Gaussian GCLF is to assume that two simultaneous and compet- Figure 2 shows the resulting M 0 values plot- V ing effects were operating when GCs formed: a ted against the the velocity dispersions of the “creation” process which preferentially created groups and clusters, from Tully (1987a) and low-mass GCs, cutting the mass function off at Zabludoff, Huchra, & Geller (1990). We use ve- the high end, and a “destruction” process which locity dispersion as the most convenient indica- inhibited the formation of, or quickly destroyed, tor of the depth of the local potential well; it low-mass GCs. If each process operated in a closely correlates with Tully’s estimated group manner which was independent of the details of densities and with cluster richness. There is a the environment, then the final mass (luminos- trend of decreasing turnover luminosity with in- ity) function would be universal, but if one de- creasing local density. The offset in M 0 between V pended more sensitively on environment than did the small groups and Fornax/Virgo is 0.4 mag. the other, the final mass function would vary.

5 This situation is schematically illustrated in Fig- ure 3, where we use SN for the GC “specific fre- quency” (number of GCs per unit luminosity of the host galaxy). In Figure 3a, we assume that the creation process is relatively universal, but that the destruction process varies. This leads to M 0 being variable, and predicts an inverse correlation between the number of GCs formed and their mean brightness. On the other hand, if the destruction process is constant and the cre- ation process is more variable we will again get a variable M 0, but with a direct correlation be- tween the number of GCs and their luminosity, as shown in Figure 3b.

0 Empirically, we think we see evidence for the Fig. 2.— The GCLF turnover magnitude MV plot- ted against the velocity dispersion of the host galaxy’s latter sort of behavior among “coeval” galaxies, environment, used as a measure of the local density. i.e., those located within the same physical as- See text for details. sociation. In Virgo, for instance, M87 has a 0 very large SN and a slightly brighter M than logN S Creation N its close neighbors, and similarly in Fornax for

(a) NGC 1399. In this context, the GCLF would depend on the extent to which the host galaxy dominated its local environment. On the other hand, the main point of this paper is that we see log(mass) M0 the former behavior among very “heterogeneous” systems of galaxies. Young groups dominated by logN S Destruction N spirals have fewer GCs than galaxy clusters such

(b) as Virgo, which in turn may have fewer than rich clusters such as Coma, and we find that the cen- tral luminosity of the GCLF is declining along this sequence. 0 log(mass) M As an example of how such an interplay of op- Fig. 3.— The effects of variable GC creation/de- posing processes might work in practice, we con- struction mechanisms. In part (a) the GC creation sider the common picture of structure formation process, shown as a power-law growing to smaller through gravitational instability. Here, the “cre- mass, is universal (dark solid line), and the destruc- ation” process is the primordial spectrum of den- tion process, a power law which wipes out low-mass objects, varies with environment (dashed lines). Since sity fluctuations which favors low-mass clusters, the total number of GCs is the integral under the and the “destruction” process is the inhibition of intersecting creation/destruction lines, this situation the collapse of low-mass objects resulting from results in an anti-correlation between GC specific the Jeans mass. In this picture, the Jeans mass frequency SN and GC mean logarithmic luminosity 0 can be a very rapidly growing function of time −M . In part (b) the creation process (dashed lines) varies with environment, while the destruction pro- (Tegmark et al. 1996), and the densest systems cess (dark solid line) is universal. The result here is of galaxies, forming first, would have experienced 0 a positive correlation between SN and −M . a less restrictive low-mass cutoff and hence have

6 more, and fainter, GCs. This is precisely the case REFERENCES depicted in Figure 3a. Ajhar, E. A., Blakeslee, J. P., & Tonry, J. L. Harris & Pudritz (1994) have proposed a de- 1994, AJ, 108, 2087 tailed astrophysical theory of GC formation which Ashman, K. M., Conti, A., & Zepf, S. E. 1995, is perhaps more illustrative of the “coeval” case AJ, 110, 1164 of Figure 3b. They suggest that the “creation” process is made more efficient by the larger ex- Baum, W. A. et al. 1995a, AJ, 110, 2537 ternal pressures of dense environments. Their Baum, W. A., Hammergren, M., Groth, E. J., “destruction” process is the tidal disruption and Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C. J., & Ajhar, E. evaporation of low-mass GCs, and this might be A., 1995b, BAAS, 27, 1407, poster presented less sensitive to environment (although see Mu- 17 January 1996 at the 187th AAS meeting rali & Weinberg 1996). Of course, if the cutoff Blakeslee, J. P. & Tonry, J. L. 1995, 442, 579 is very abrupt (a steep “destruction” line), then 0 (BT95) M will not correlate very strongly with SN . We do not have better “creation” and “de- Blakeslee, J. P. et al. 1996, in preparation struction” processes to offer than have been ad- Bridges, T. H., Hanes, D. A., & Harris, W. E. vanced elsewhere, but we believe that this de- 1991, AJ, 101, 469 scription is a profitable way to frame the dis- Burstein, D. & Heiles, C. 1984, ApJS, 54, 33 cussion. Until now, the assumed constancy of M 0 has been a serious obstacle to reasonable Ciardullo, R., Jacoby, G. H., & Tonry, J. L. 1993, models for GC formation, so we conclude by re- ApJ, 419, 479 emphasizing our primary point. The GCLF ap- Couture, J., Harris, W. E., & Allwright, J. W. B. 0 parently does depend on environment, with MV 1990, ApJS, 73, 671 being fainter in denser regions, although it may Couture, J., Harris, W. E., & Allwright, J. W. B. be remarkably constant within a single group of 1991, ApJ, 372, 97 galaxies. This dependence will present challenges for the use of the GCLF as a distance indicator. de Vaucouleurs, G., de Vaucouleurs, A., Corwin, On the other hand, it opens the door for correla- H. G., Jr., Buta, R. J., Paturel, G., & Fouqu´e, 0 0 P. 1991, Third Reference Catalog of Bright tions between M and SN , and M and environ- ment, which may yield valuable insights into the Galaxies (New York: Springer) conditions and processes which prevailed at the Faber, S. M., Wegner, G., Burstein, D., Davies, time of GC/galaxy formation. R. L., Dressler, A., Lynden-Bell, D., & Ter- levich, R. J. 1989, ApJS, 69, 763 J.B. thanks Ed Ajhar for invaluable help while Freedman, W. L. et al. 1994, ApJ, 427, 628 observing, as well as profitable and sometimes Freedman, W. L. et al. 1996, ApJ, in press overly animated discussions, and the CTIO support staff for their tireless troubleshooting Freedman, W. L. & Madore, B. F. 1990, ApJ, efforts. We also gratefully acknowledge helpful 365, 186 discussions with Lam Hui and Paul Schechter. Geisler, D. & Forte, J. C. 1990, ApJ, 350, L5 This research was supported by NSF grant AST94- Harris, W. E. 1990, PASP, 102, 966 01519. Harris, W. E. & Pudritz, R. E. 1994, ApJ, 429, 177 Jacoby, G. H. et al. 1992, PASP, 104, 599

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