Kdr Quill Scroll Vol 67 No 2 M
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l•llliU r------------.,1 lANDI of kappa delta ALTERNATE DIRECTORS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS EXPANSION COMMITTEE Hugh S . Penman CHAIRMEN Pres. Floyd R . B aughman (1962) 18660 Almond Road Hugh S . Penman-Western 1836 Longview Court Castro Valley, Call!. West Englewood, N. J . James Hertl1ng-Midwest Wllllam J. Laraia Robert J . Fox-Eastern Vice Pres. James Hertl1ng (1966) 94 Floral Parkway John Padget--New England R. R . 2 Floral Park, N. Y. Monticello, Indiana Treas. Robert D . Corrie (1966 ) Robert J. Fox R. D . No. 4, Box 285 SCHOLARSHIP ADVISER -o.\~--... P . 0 . Box 157 Jericho, N. Y. Reading, P a. John Hoben Curtis Pfati 214 University Ave. Ithaca, N. Y. DIRECTORS EDITOR QUILL AND SCROLL 0 . D . Roberts (1962) Anthony Mainero Charles F . Beck, Dean of Men 4 Hunting Lane R. D . No. 1, Box 529 Purdue University Lynnfield, Mas·s. Macungie, Penna. West Lafayette, Indiana Kenneth C. Kramer ( 1964) George E . Shaw LEGAL ADVISERS Box 851 Scarswold Apts., 3D Orrin G . Judd, State College, P a. Garth Road 655 Madison Avenue, Scarsdale, N . Y. New York 21, New York Frederic T. Closs (1962) 4Q2 Mansfield Street Leo T . Wolford, Belvidere, N. J. 501 So. Second Street, EXECUTIVE OFFICE Louisville 2, Kentucky 0 . L . Doud (1964) Robert Fox, Mgr. 150 Hardwick Road Oprandy Building NATIONAL HISTORIAN Woodside, Call!. 481 North Dean St. George E . Shaw John Hoben (1964) Englewood, N. J . 1810 Eucl1d Ave., Apt. 21 NATIONAL CHAPLAIN Berkeley, Calif. RITUAL COMMITTEE The Very Reverend Harold F. Lemoine, John Padget (1966 ) John Padget 87 Fifth Avenue, R. D . No. 2 James Hertllng Garden City, New York Tully, N. Y . Richard Nolan Official Publication of Kappa Delta Rho KAPPA DELTA RHO FRATERNITY F ounded at Middlebury in the spring of 1905 by •George E . Kimball, Gino A. Ratti, Chester M. Walch, 0 lrving T . Coat es, •John Beecher, Thomas H . Bartley, •Benjamin E . F arr, •Pierce W. Darrow, Gideon R. Norton and Roy D . W ood. •Deceased THE QUILL & SCROLL Business offi ce, Oprandy Building, 481 North D ean St., Englewood, N.J. Ed itori al offi ce, Box 5 29, R. D . 1, VOL. LXVll NO. 2 MAY 1961 Macungie, Pa. Publication Office-The Telegraph Press, Cameron & Kelker Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. The Quill and Scroll is published four times a year, in F ebruary, May, Sep tember and November. Second class postage paid at Englewood, N.J., and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are available only to life of Kappa Delta Rho members of the fraternity at $10.00 each. Notice of change of address, giving both old and new address should be for warded at least forty days b efore date of issue. All manuscripts and correspondence submitted for publication should be The Editor's Forum ... ... .. SPECIAL CHAPTER REPORT addressed to the Editor, Charles F . Beck, R. D . No. 1, Macungie, Penna. Pennsylvania Conclave .... .. .. Pennsylvania . 7 Photographs should be sharp, glossy prints. The Meaning of Fraternity . .. Halftone cuts: 120 line screen . Closing date for editorial copy: the first of the month preceding date of publica A Word from the National tion. Alumni Across the Nation ........ 39 Circulation this issue: 7700 Why Not . ? ? .... .. .40 Member of the National Interfraternity Conference • the many uses to which this special their son is considering. It will show volume may be placed. It will give to the world beyond campuses what a the editor's forum every alumnus a view of the present small group has been able to do, given Every now and then it is imperative day organization . its ideals, its a minimum budget but a common for an organization to take stock of status in the collegiate and inter spirit and unity of purpose. itself. A long look; a broad compre fraternal world, its hopes for the fu The May 1961 issue was announced hensive survey is of inestimable value ture and its progress through the as a rushing issue . but we hope to all concerned. In as widely spaced a years. It will give the undergraduate we have been able to make more of group as Kappa Delta Rho, we can chapter a sense of K.D.R. cohesion, its it by expanding it to include the not afford to let an over-all delinea representation on the varying cam ideas above. We hope that it will last tion of our outline wait longer. As a puses, its sameness and its diversity. as a record of accomplishment and as growing, revitalized fraternity, this It will give the pledge a keener insight a goad to greater accomplishment. need is even more evident. It is the into the organization of which he is For this issue only, most of our reg primary purpose of this issue to intending to become a part. It will ular columns will be eliminated or assuage this need. present to the prospective pledge a curtailed to enable us to provide space There are many reasons why this view of the National beyond the chap for the matter at hand. The September issue will accomplish its purpose, but ter. It will expose to the eyes of par issue will be back to our more fa for the present let us concentrate on ents of a pre-pledge the type of group miliar format. • seven chapters meet for pennsylvania conclave by fim strothman (zeta) Every KDR chapter in Pennsyl a state conclave been held-at least The conclave would not have been vania was represented when the first not in Pennsylvania. Every chapter a success were it not for the tireless state-wide conclave met at Zeta had its problems and its ideas about effort of Tom Crusco, Zeta's Consul, in March 25 and 26. It was a rewarding every area of fraternity operations, planning the weekend. weekend as each chapter traded ideas and each shared these problems with The conclave was divided up into about rushing, pledging, finances, so the other chapters. All seven chap six "workshops" of three hours dura cial, scholarship, and inter-chapter re ters left the conclave with fruitful tion each. Individual workshops dis lations. ideas that could be incorporated into cussed one area of fraternity opera The conclave was a "first-of-its their operations and make for a better tions in detail. At least one delegate kind" type of thing. Never before had all around fraternity. from each chapter attended each. 2 the quiU and scroll Three workshops-rushing, pledg pledges, making it compulsory that it stood financially." ing, and finances-met on Saturday they study between the hours of 7 Methods of collecting debts, such as afternoon in diHerent rooms of the and 11 p.m. every night was men establishing an enforced "installment Zeta Chapter House, and the remain tioned as a good way to increase the plan" for the member, were suggested. ing three-social, scholarship, and house average. The member would either pay debts inter-chapter relations-met Saturday A "tutoring" system and an "Old he incurred according to a set plan evening. A chairman was designated Test" fil e were also suggested. established by himself and approved for every workshop. Several of the Posted "grade progress sheets" for by the brotherhood or his dining priv groups had speakers from the faculty pledges and assigning pledges to ileges would be revoked. of Penn State University who had rooms where a brother carrying the Methods of billing, having a sep ideas based on experience in the par pledge's curriculum lived, were two arate social fund, how much to allot ticular field. for food , etc., were discussed to help Below are listed a few examples of Chapters remain solvent. ideas suggested: Pledging: Chairman, James Welch, Social: Chairman, Robert Bosich, Zeta. Methods of pledging, "help newly elected consul, Zeta. Several week," pledge trips, etc., were dis chapters had never heard of "mixers" cussed in detail. One practical sug -that is inviting an entire sorority to gestion was to incorporate party and the house for a mass party. serenade songs into pledge material to A suggestion was made to have a facial study af delegates at workshop. help the pledges become better ad "national" party theme to be held justed to the social aspect of fra annually. Every chapter would hold its further suggestions. ternities. own party, but a common "theme" Finances: Chairman, John Taylor, Inter-Chapter Relations: Chairman, might . help bring all members of Zeta. Speaker: Stanley Campbell, Di Kenneth Lawrence, Zeta. Suggestions Kappa Delta Rho closer together. rector Special Projects, Penn State. such as planning early and planning Jam sessions, costume parties, and Having an "outside accountant" would extensively to make combined meet serenades to pin-mates were also dis eliminate all the time necessary for a ings between chapters worthwhile cussed in detail. house-elected Quaestor to figure out were suggested. Scholarship: Chairman, Michael the books for an entire fraternity. Pay Letting a Chapter know ahead of Rhoads, Zeta. Speaker, Bernard Car ing an expert outside the house was time if several members of another son, Zeta Alumni Board and instruc thought to be worth the effort in that chapter wanted to visit, was also sug tor at Penn State. "Study hours" for "a fraternity would always know where ( continued on page 38) the quill and scroll 3 the number of chapters on a frater were not vague or impersonal. As in nity's roll increased, the "national" or terpreted today, they call upon the the meaning ganization came into being to assist brotherhood to deal honestly, forth successive generations of students in rightly and lovingly with member and of fraternity efficient chapter management and to non-member alike, not because the permit continued, nation-wide alumni other fellow "wears the same pin I and · participation.