On THE MOON nASA And dESign SquAd TEAM up TO inSpirE A nEw gEnErATiOn Of EnginEErS

ENGINEERING in collaboration with the CHALLENGES FOR SCHOOL AND National Aeronautics and AFTERSCHOOL Space Administration PROGRAMS GRADES 3–12 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation NASA is with proud to partner to develop these skills as they investigate and solve challenging problems. continually direct to our create educational experiences efforts that allow young people and analytical thinking are the tools trusted of NASA’s engineering arsenal, and we today are the engineers, scientists, and astronauts of tomorrow. Creativity, curiosity, As NASA prepares for the future of exploration, we recognize that the young people of embarked.” President Kennedy called the “greatest adventure on which humankind has ever generation of students and across around the the country will world be inspired by what next generation of spacecraft that will return Americans to the moon by 2020. A new Today, that vision is becoming reality. The men and women of NASA are on working the In 2004, President Bush announced a new vision for the United States’ space program. Dear Educators, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Assistant Administrator for Education Joyce Winterton Sincerely, creativity, foster their curiosity, and teach them to autograph their with work excellence. to life for young people and to inspire them to solve challenging problems. Engage their strengthen the Nation’s future. Use this guide to bring the possibilities of engineering people likeNASA supports you who play a key role in preparing the minds that will them to pursue a career in engineering. engineering design process, encourage their interest in space exploration, and inspire On the Moon activities around engineering real-world applications, it is our hope that you will find the tradition of showcasing how engineering fuels space exploration. By the structuring solving the problems of the 21st century. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education will play a vital role in on the fun and excitement of is engineering. Central our to belief this that partnership activities to be effective, innovative ways to engage your students in the Design Squad On the Moon ® , PBS’s reality competition series focused is part of our is long,part proud Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation What’s In thIs GuIde Credits Education Standards Talking with Kids about Engineering Going to the Moon with NASA How to Use this Guide Introducing the Design Process NASA and Challenges: Online Resources from NASA and Why Have NASA and thinking like engineers and excited about NASA’s missions to the moon. program six hands-on challenges. These fun challenges will get your kids

Feel the Heat On Target Heavy Lifting Roving on the Moon Touchdown Launch It a distant target. Design an air-powered rocket that can hit Heat things up by building a solar hot water heater. and drop a marble onto a target. Modify a paper cup so it can zip down a line a load it can lift. Build a cardboard crane and see how heavy scramble across the room. Build a band rubber powered rover that can “astronauts” when they land on a table near you. Create a platform that can safely cushion Design Squad Design

Design SquadDesign

® team up to bring kids in your school or afterschool

Design Squad Design Teamed Up?

44 37 32 27 22 17 13 9 8 7 5 3 2 1 .or games, and much more at challenges, activity guides, Get Like Challenges Want More Design Squad Design These? g / d esignsquad.

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation DeSigN SquAD TeAmeD up? Why hAve NASA AND interesting projects. by having them use their ingenuity to solve problems and design and build hands of educators, parents, and kids. These materials engage and empower kids Squad that engineers tackle as they to work improve people’s lives and our society. action and fun-filled challenges demonstrate for viewers the rich variety of problems teenagers take on a wide array of imaginative engineering challenges. The lively open kids’ eyes to the exciting of world engineering. On the show, two teams of Squad Design iN eNgiNeeriNg DeSigN SquAD eNgAgeS kiDS in work are: from laboratories to airfields to wind tunnels to control rooms. The main areas they NASA scientists and in engineers work a wide range of settings around the country, space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research. NASA has been Earth? on working these questions for over 50 years, pioneering discover there, or learn just byto get there,trying that will make life better here on What’s out there in space? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we NASA explore s bring hands-on engineering and the adventure of space exploration to life for kids. By teaming up to develop the On the Moon make difference in an the important world. experience the fun and excitement of engineering, and see that engineers Squad and hands-on challenges, Design to give it opportunities a try. Through its award-winning TV program, Web site, SquadDesign things engineers do, and experience the of world engineering firsthand. NASA wants kids to learn more about engineering, become interested in the among its own employeesSo it’sand its corporate partners. not surprising that NASA is one of the biggest employers of engineers in the 90,000 world—about • • • •

Space Station and provide flight support. Space Operations: and space exploration. ways to learn about the universe; and help society reap the benefits of Earth Science: where they explore Earth, the moon, Mars, and beyond;the best chart Exploration Systems: and applications improveon Earth our ability to explore space. Aeronautics: where they pioneer new flight technologies that have practical make human and robotic exploration more affordable and sustainable. ’s Web site and activity guides put a range of valuable resources into the is an award-winning TV show that airs on PBS. It’s a powerful way to is all about engaging kids in engineering by offering them where they manage the space shuttle and International where they space create new technologies and spacecraft that helps kids unleash their creativity, guide, NASA and Design Squad Design help you

Design Design

of engineering. fun and excitement kids experience the Squad Design about engineering. to learn more NASA wants kids helps 1 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation DESIGN PROCESS INTRODUCING THE Sharing EvalUaTING, aND REDESIGNING BUIlDING, TESTING, Designing Brainstorming steps of the design process. below to talk about their and work tie what they’re doing to specific As kids through work a challenge, use questions such as the ones arrive at a solution is called the design . process from mistakes, again. The and series try of steps engineers use to out work perfectly. Like all engineers, theydifferent ideas, try learn When NASA engineers try to When solve NASA a engineers try problem, their • • • • • • • • • • • •

work the work way you wanted? discussing them? the work way you want? project? if you’ve been successful? your time, tools, and materials? If you had more time, how could you improve your design? What are some things everyone’s designs have in common? What do you think is the best feature of your design? Why? What were the different steps you had to do to get your project to What can you learn from looking at other kids’ projects and Why do you have to test something a few times before getting it to Does your design meet the goal set out in the challenge? What are some problems you’ll need to solve as you build your What specific goal to are achieve, you trying and how will you know Talk through the brainstormed ideas. What’s really possible given What are some different ways tackling today’sto start challenge? At this stage, all ideas are welcome, and criticism is not allowed. solutions initial ideas rarely REDESIGN successful result. about a problem and produce a process let them think creatively that the steps of the design of doing a challenge, kids see each challenge. Over the course The design process is built into Photo: Lauren Feinberg IDENTIFY PROBLEM SHARE SOLUTION BRAINSTORM DESIGN BUILD

EVALUATE TEST & 2 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation How to use this Guide and mathematics standards. can be done with large groups. The activities also meet many of the national science, technology, which takes 1½ to 2 hours), use readily available materials, give kids many ways to succeed, and found below each image. can print out. (Visit and NASA’s moon missions by displaying space-related images. NASA has many excellent ones you Decorate the room with space images. its moon missions. Share this information with your kids. living and on working the moon. On pages 5 and 6, you’ll find a brief description of NASA and two of on the moon and have teams of astronauts live there. Get your kids excited about what’s involved in Get kids excited about NASA’s moon missions. materials list, questions to brainstorm, building tips, and interesting stories related to the challenge. Print the challenge sheet. This handout walks kids through a challenge, providing them with a and anticipate potential problems your kids may into. run Try the activity yourself. to help kids explore the activity’s science, engineering, and space-related themes. suggestions to help you prepare for, introduce, and the run activity as well as discussion questions Read the leader notes. challenges that are a good match for your curriculum. Also check the related Science, Math, and Technology on page Standards 37 starting to find and ability levels.below will The help chart you find the right activities for your program’s age group. Choose a challenge. How to for kids in schools and afterschool programs. The challenges take an hour (except This guide offers six hands-on challenges that bring engineering and NASA’s moon missions to life Feel the Heat On Target Heavy Lifting Roving on the Moon Touchdown Launch It Challenge get started moon.msfc.nasa.go You’ll want to consider the number of the kids in your group and their ages These notes will assist you in facilitating the challenges. They include A practice will run help you figure out the best way to introduce the activity vnsGae – rds68Grades 9–12 Grades 6–8 Grades 3–5 Events       v.) To get the NASA images used in this guide, use the URL You can motivate kids and help them visualize the moon By the year 2020, NASA plans to build an outpost       Feel the Heat the Feel , 3 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Tips for facilitating open-ended commonly covered in science, math, and curricula. technology Curriculum Connections: expand the experiences they have had in a challenge. Extend the challenge: relates to NASA’s moon-exploration efforts. (see page 2 for an of overview this process), and highlighting how the challenge activity’s key concepts, helping kids reflect on how they used the design process Discuss what happened: challenge and suggests strategies to use with kids who face these issues. Build, test, evaluate, and redesign: their thinking about various approaches and possibilities. Since challenges offer kids many ways of succeeding, this section jump starts Brainstorm and design: on the moon. key ideas and show how the challenge relates to NASA’s goal of having people live Introduce the challenge: Prepare ahead of time: following sections: need to facilitate a challenge with kids. The leader notes are divided into the helping kids succeed, to wrapping up the activity, the leader notes give you all you Never led an engineering challenge before? FromDon’t getting worry! started, to Leading a Challenge • • •

opportunities for learning and creative opportunities thinking. encourage again. kids Problems to are try if…?” or “What is another thing you could try?” this is happening?” or “What would happen what to do. For example, ask: “Why do you think get kids back on track rather than telling them got the results they did. Then ask questions to they’re doing by explaining why they think they and creativity. to unleash an opportunities individual’s ingenuity are not competitions. Instead, they’re as another. Help kids see that the challenges challenge, so one successful solution is as good When kids feel stuck, have them describe what When something’s not going as desired, There are multiple ways to successfully tackle a Presents short activities that Presents kids short can do to reinforce and Lists things to do to get ready for the activity. Helps kids think about different ways to meet a challenge. Provides questions (and answers) for reviewing the Provides a script you can use to introduce the activity’s Lists the topics in a challenge that relate to concepts Lists issues that might surface during a challenges •

and success. again. Setbacks often try lead to design improvements If a design doesn’t as work planned, encourage kids to problem before they move ahead with an idea. Have kids come up with several ways to solve a Photo: Renée Mattier Kids’ challenge sheet Leader notes page


TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation LaunCH it LaunCH it a nasa/desiGn sQuad CHaLLenGe sticks to the launch straw—Make • won’t fl y if straight—See fi• ns make a misses the target—Launch it at different • falls quickly to the ground—Reduce the • time? target Tryevery these things if your rocket: it with your rocket. Can you make your rocket hit the Set up a target. Stand 5 feet (1.5 m) away to hit and try test, eVaLuate, and redesiGn Now launch your rocket. 3. Next, build a straw rocket. 2. First, build a balloon-powered launcher. 1. BuiLd • • • • Think about things that might affect how your air-powered rocket fl ies. BrainstorM and desiGn …design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target. we CHaLLenGe You to… get there. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the view. miles (29,000 km) per hour. But it still takes about three days to keep busy. The rockets NASA sends to the moon go up to 18,000 Going to the moon? You’ll need a rocket. Plus some things to 4 3 2 1 Introduce the challenge Prepare ahead of time on testing results; to and consistently (4) hit try a target with their rockets. rocket from a straw; (2) launch their rocket using a balloon; (3) improve their rocket based In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) design and build a Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target. The Challenge Brainstorm Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the questions in the Brainstorm and Design section. Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if the straw rocket: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign (30 minutes) balloon up more. wipe it dry. Also, blowingtry the sure the launch straw is dry. If it isn’t, rocket’s nose. difference. Also, addingtry weight to the angles. weight. from the balloon out rush and launch your straw rocket. balloon. Slide the wide straw onto the thin straw. Aim. Let air end. Either plug it with clay or fold the tip over and tape it down. the straw. the thin straw into a balloon. Make a tight seal by taping the balloon to where it lands? When you launch your straw rocket, how does the launch angle affect fl ies? How will adding weight to the straw’s nose or having fi ns affect how it How many paper fi ns will your straw rocket have—0, 2, or more? How long will your rocket be? • • Build a sample rocket and launcher. • Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. • • • How will adding weight to the straw’s nose • or having fi ns affect how it fl ies? What are some ways you can change a rocket? • lands on its side instead of nose fi• —Add rst a weightlittle to the nose. veers off—Add course fi• ns, either at the rear or middle of the rocket. sticks to the launch straw—The straw might have wetbecome as kids • blew through it. If so, have The large column that makes up most of the rocket is called the Show kids your sample rocket and launcher. See if they can name the main parts. make it work better. Improving a design based on testing is called the engineering design process. a rocket out of straw that airuses power to hit a target. By testing your rocket, you’ll fi nd ways to theyNASA’s carry space shuttle, a satellite, or other piece of space equipment. Today you’ll make things into people space. Sometimes (called astronauts)rockets carry into space. Sometimes, To get to the moon, NASA a uses rocket. A rocket is basically a huge engine that lifts Tell kids about the role rockets play in getting people and equipment to the moon: to become familiar with the activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes out from the lower end of the arebody called equipment it sends into space. nosecone This could be a togreat opportunity explore angles with kids.) (Launching a rocket straight up sends it high but not far; straight out makes it fall quickly to the fl oor. When you launch your straw rocket, how does the launch angle affect where it lands? the straw’s nose or placing fi ns near the back can help it fl y straighter.) of air in the andballoon; how they release the air.) straw’s weight; the weight and shape ofthe thenumber nosecone; and position of fi the amountns; them wipe it. Also, check that the balloon is infl ated enough. . The nosecone is where the astronauts sit or where NASA stows the satellites or (10 minutes) Blow into the thin straw to blow up the Use the wide straw for the rocket. Seal one Slide 1–2 inches (3–5 cm) of s n fi . The small capsule that sits atop the is body the (Kids can (Kids change: the length of the the straw; balloon body (thin straw) launcher . The wing-like sheets sticking for eVents and Grades 3–8 (wide straw) rocket (Adding weight to scissors • target (box lid or paper • tape • 1 thin straw that fi• ts inside 1 wide straw • paper • small lump of clay • balloon • MateriaLs with a bull’s-eye drawn on) the wide straw connection straw and straw balloon connection, rocket, straw and Basic air-powered (per rocket) 9 4 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Going to the moon Get this image at: www.nasa.gov/images/content/148658main_jfa18833.jpg NASA plans to build a lunar outpost to house astronauts for six months or more. and then, NASA will prepare by sending several robotic missions to: months or more. But there’s a lot to learn before this can happen. Between now plans to build a lunar outpost capable of housing teams of astronauts for six Could people live on the moon for months at a time? Yes! By the year 2020, NASA is sending and are the first step in NASA’s to returnto the effort moon. and Lunar Sensing Crater Satellite—are Observation the first two missions NASA The two missions featured in this guide—the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and • • • crops. like calcium compounds to make cement and nitrogen compounds to fertilize possible of what they need on site, using raw materials found on the moon, is costly—over $25,000 a pound! NASA needs astronauts to make as much as look for useful resources, such as minerals and ice. Shipping things from Earth assure astronaut safety. this to design materials and equipment that will reliably work on the moon and measure temperature, lighting, dust, and radiation levels. NASA needs to know and identify hazards, such as steep slopes, rough terrain, and other obstacles. identify good landing sites. Orbiting spacecraft will image and map the surface with nasa

dreams into reality. challenges, and turn to extraordinary engineers find solutions and the universe, NASA of Earth, the solar system, To explore the frontiers innovation Imagination fuels

5 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation carbon compounds, and minerals that contain water. the Hubble Space Telescope, will analyze and the Earth plume for the presence of water (ice and vapor), up a plume of dust and gas 6 miles (10 km) high. on Instruments the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, moon’s South Pole. Their impacts will make two deep pits in the crater floor, sending ice deposits. NASA is sending LCROSS’s into two a sections crater hurtling near the craters, the dark, frigid conditions there are possible perfect ancient for preserving craters near the moon’s poles. Since no sunlight reaches the bottom of these deep LCROSS will that test ancient the ice theory exists in the permanently shadowed LCROSS to the rescue! It’s helping NASA look for a source of water on the moon. expense to the moon exploration budget. long-term mission needs would from add Earth considerable Watertrip to Earth. is heavy, so sending all the water that a and into hydrogen, which can be used for fuel for the return broken down into oxygen, which can be used for breathing, water to drink, and plants need it to grow. Water also can be periods of time, finding water is essential. Astronauts need astronauts are going to live on the moon for extended LCROSS has a specific mission: search for ice. If and The features and resources: put together a comprehensive understanding of the moon’s resources. LRO will use the following sensors to help NASA study radiation levels on the moon, and identify lunar at least a year. It will help NASA select safe landing sites, LRO is an unmanned spacecraft that will orbit the moon for Orbiter (LRO) The • • • • • • •

Radio Frequency Demonstration: Searches for ice deposits beneath the surface of the moon. Camera: Takes detailed pictures of the moon, capturing images of objects as small as one meter. resolution, 3D map of the moon. Measures Laser the Altimeter: steepness of slopes and surface roughness and generates a high- indicator of possible water and ice. It also provides information about radiation on the moon. Maps Neutron the Detector: distribution of the element hydrogen, which is an at the bottom of deep craters. at the surface, and images the moon’s permanently shadowed regions, such as Lyman Alpha Mapper: terrain. subsurface temperatures as well as landing hazards, such as rocks and rough Diviner Gives Lunar detailed Radiometer: information about surface and and its potential impact on living things. Cosmic-ray Telescope: Studies the effects of radiation Lunar Lunar Sensing Crater Reconnaissance Satellite ( LCROSS) Maps the surface of the moon, searches for ice and frost Observation

html. multimedia/index. mission_pages/LRO/ www.nasa.gov/ images at: moon. Get LRO LRO orbiting the index.html. LCROSS/multimedia/ gov/mission_pages/ images at: www.nasa. the moon. Get LCROSS LCROSS approaches

6 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Talking with kids of engineers doing innovative work, and videos of STEM real-world connections: Explore more about engineering. The following Web sites offer fun projects, videos Find Here are some things engineers do to help improve people’s lives. a How What the all world the time. inspiring people to invent, design, and build things that matter. They are changing Engineers dream up creative, practical solutions and with work other smart, What’s to talk with them about engineering. just how cool engineering can be. As you with work kids, use the information below find out, many are hooked. You can be the one to help a young persondiscover Few kids • • • • • • • • • • • • • Change • Solve • Work • Think • •

and protect our planet. engineers develop systems that save lives, prevent disease, reduce poverty, surrounded surrounded by smart, creative people. solutions no one else has thought of. lives by tackling problems, improving current designs, and coming up with problem solving—the perfect field for innovative thinkers. Design Squad Design Discover Engineering at Engineer Your Life at NASA eClips at Develop feather-light laptops Create satellites that detect drought around the world Design clothing that repels mosquitoes Build systems to purify water and process waste tall Construct skyscrapers and high bridges Design lighter bike frames Invent retinas to helpartificial restore vision Create more fuel-efficient cars cell Developphones state-of-the-art Build spacecraft that travel to the moon Better Place? can describe what engineering is or what an engineer does. Yet once they with problems creatively. Do Out More about engineering Do the great An world Engineers Make The at Engineers nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/nasaeclips and pbs.org/designsquad people. Engineering is an ideal outlet for imagination and creative Engineer? and design engineeryourlife.or make discoverengineering.org Engineering takes As teamwork. an engineer, you’ll be things a difference. that Do? matter. g Among many other pursuits, Engineers Engineers improve people’s World

people.” and solutions, helping finding through problems, is “Engineering about thinking solving solving hard problems.” from that comes satisfaction that’s involved and the is engineer the creativity of being an part best “The environmental Daniele Executive Marisa future and for design it.” get to “Engineers imagine the What’s how cool engineering is. a young person discover just You can be the one to help Photo: Lauren Feinberg biomedical Jessica know-how.”engineering applying some good by could be made just better day“Every I thingssee that computer-science Jananda Wolsky, Miller, Lantagne, Hill, Producer Engineering? engineer


Design Squad


7 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Online ended, with multiple solutions that engage a wide variety of ages and ability levels. events like science and engineering days—they use simple, readily available materials, and are open confidence in engineering with a lively, fun-filled event. Thefirst two challenges are especially good for Take Events and other one-time occasions helping skills,them practice important such as problem solving, teamwork, and critical thinking. concepts. Each activity is distinct, offering kids variety, letting them unleash their creativity, and On the Moon Classrooms, afterschools, clubs, and other ongoing programs Fit the guide’s videos, interactives, and educator guides at Tap NASA’s vast collection of moon-related animations, Web site at Teacher’s Guide from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Also, get games, activities, and the • • • • • • • • • Packing Up for the Moon (Grades 5–8) (Grades K–4) Moon Munchies Educator Guide (Grades 9–12) Lunar Plant Growth Chamber Educator Guide on the Moon Educator Guide (Grades 5–8) Lunar Nautics: Designing a Mission to Live and Work (informal settings) TripField to the Moon Informal Educator Guide (Grades 5–8) TripField to the Moon Companion Guide TripField to the Moon Educator Guide (Grades 5–8) (Grades 4–12) Exploring the Moon Teacher’s Guide Engineering Design Challenges (Grades 5–12) NASA And On the Moon lro.gsfc.nasa.gov/education.html. challenges provide fun ways for kids to apply the design process and core science exploration and living on the moon? your kids’ experiences of space Want more ways to extend and enrich From NASA activities to a museum, library, mall, or university and kids’ spark interest and Resource From Challenges Exploring the Moon

Design Squad


v .

Into Any Program resources at SquadDesign

• • • • and trainings. about the show, Web site, resources, events, Stay —Sign informed up for an E-newsletter and volunteer certificates. downloadable signs, iron-on T-shirt transfers, an evaluation form. The Web site also has sources for materials, a planning checklist, and activity sheets in English and Spanish, a list of contains five challenges with reproducible engineering events for kids and families. It Event Guide to help you host fun-filled Host and Spanish. and reproducible challenge sheets in English challenges—Each comes with leader notes Get more hands-on, open-ended engineering engineering. showcase diverse, creative career paths in online and view video clips of engineers who Watch Design Squad clubs and events—Get the Design Squad—Get all the episodes pbs.org/designsquad. experiences. Find experiences. the Find following Extend and enrich your kids’ Squad From


8 Leader Leader Notes Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation launch it 4 3 2 1 Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if the straw rocket: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign (30 minutes) Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the questions in the Brainstorm and Design section. Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) Introduce the challenge Prepare ahead of time on testing results; to and consistently (4) hit try a target with their rockets. rocket from a straw; (2) launch their rocket using a balloon; (3) improve their rocket based In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) design and build a Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target. The Challenge • • lands • veers • sticks • How • What • • • • •

equipment it sends into space. nosecone them wipe it. Also, check that the balloon is inflated enough. the straw’s nose or placing fins nearthe backcan helpit fly straighter.) This could be a togreat opportunity explore angles with kids.) (Launching a rocket straight up sends it high but not far; straight out makes it fall quickly to the floor. When the lower end of the body, they are called The large column that makes up most of the rocket is called the Show kids your sample rocket and launcher. See if they can name the main parts. make it work better. Improving a design based on testing is called the engineering design process. a rocket out of straw that airuses power to hit a target. By testing your rocket, you’ll find ways to theyNASA’s carry space shuttle, a satellite, or other piece of space equipment. Today you’ll make things into people space. Sometimes (called astronauts) rockets carry into space. Sometimes, To get to the moon, NASA a uses rocket. A rocket is basically a huge engine that lifts Build a sample rocket and launcher. Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. Tell kids about the role rockets play in getting people and equipment to the moon. to become familiar with the activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes of air in the andballoon; how they release the air.) straw’s weight; the weight and shape ofthe thenumber nosecone; and position ofthe fins; amount will are on off you to its adding course . The nosecone is where the astronauts sit or where NASA stows the satellites or the some launch side launch ways —Add fins, either atthe rear or middle ofthe rocket. weight instead your straw you straw to of can (10 minutes) —The straw might have wetbecome as kids blew through it. If so, have the nose rocket, change straw’s first

how —Add a weightlittle to the nose. a nose rocket? fins does

or . The small capsule that sits atop the is body the having the (Kids can (Kids change: the length of the thestraw; launch fins affect angle body affect how . If you add wing-like sheets to it where flies? For Events and Grades 3–8

(Adding weight to it lands? launcher rocket and balloon Basic air-powered

9 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 5 curricula. curricula. For a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, see pages 37 and 38. It Launch Curriculum See how far kids’ rockets can go. Extend the Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: Have the kids show each other their rockets and talk about how they solved any problems that came up. Discuss what happened • • • • • • • After • doesn’t • • • •

kids will see that the travel distance and shape of the flight path changes. weight, launch angle, ability to fly straight, andthe balloon’s pressure.) not high.) rocket high into the air but not far horizontally. Shallow launch angles send a rocket far horizontally but Measurement—Kids measure launch angles and the distance traveled by the rocket. Path Distance-angle changes to motion (kinetic energy energy), making the rocket move. as potential energy. When the pressurized air inside the balloon out,rushes the potential energy Potential and —Blowing kinetic up energy a balloon stretches the rubber, which stores energy them launch their rockets and compare how far they go. or sheet of cardboard at a series of various angles, such as 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees. Have traveled against number of breaths. (Note: In each round, keep the launch angle constant.) travels from its launch point. Repeat with five, seven, and nine breaths. Have kids plot distance have them fill the balloon with three breaths of air, launch the rocket, and measure how far it What’s How After What straw for a longer time, speeding it up and sending it farther. change the length of the straw rocket—a longer straw gets a blast bigger of air, which pushes on the Have kids experiment with different launch angles by using a protractor to position a book cover Have kids test how far their rocket goes per breath of air used to fill the balloon. For example, (Kids see (Kids that rockets can travel huge traveldistances, fast, and need a lot of force to get going.) balloon rushes out and when the rocket moves.) air. Stored Kineticis changed energy energy: into motion when energy the pressurized air inside the stored when the balloon is inflated andthe materialis stretched, and whenthe rocketis higher inthe ties to the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, and technology did of reading testing, features an a go changing Challenge moving example Connections far

the —Blow up the balloonreduce the more; straw’s weight; change the tilt of the launch; what of relationships your object stories the changes of potential design launch —During flight, the rocket follows a trajectory, which path. is a curved on (10 minutes) the did of helped angle an (stored) back you object affect make your of the and in rocket how to flight handout, kinetic your your hit —By launching rockets at different angles, rocket rocket the (motion)

what target? and do flew? launcher? energy? you

(Key includefactors the rocket’s

(Steep launch(Steep angles send a think

(Potential energy: Energy is Energy (Potential energy:

about (Answers will vary.) will (Answers traveling by rocket?

10 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation LAUNCH A NASA/Design sticks • won’t • misses • falls • time? target Tryevery these things if your rocket: it with your rocket. Can you make your rocket hit the Set up a target. Stand 5 feet (1.5 m) away to hit and try Test, Evaluate, and Now 3. Next, 2. First, 1. Build • • • • Think about things that might affect how your air-powered rocket flies. Brainstorm and …design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target. We relax, But sends Going launch straw is dry. If it isn’t, wipe it dry. balloon. Slide the wide straw onto the thin straw. Aim. Launch! Also, addingtry weight to the rocket’s nose. to the straw. of the thin straw into a balloon. Make a tight seal by taping the balloon one end. Either plug it with clay or fold the tip over and tape it down. Also, blowingtry up the balloon more. affect where it lands? When you launch your straw rocket, how does the launch angle it flies? How will adding weight to the straw’s nose or having fins affect how How many paper fins will your straw rocket have—0, 2, or more? How long will your rocket be? it Challenge You

and still to to quickly launch

build build fly the to the the enjoy takes straight the moon? moon a a target your to Squad balloon-powered straw launch the about the —See if —See fins make a difference. rocket. go —Launch it at a different angle. view. You’ll ground rocket. Design straw up Challenge three To… Redesign to Blow into the thin straw to blow up the need IT —Reduce the weight. —Make sure the Use the wide straw for the rocket. Seal 18,000 days launcher. a rocket. to miles get Slide 1–2 inches (3–5 cm) there. The (29,000

rockets So,

km) sit NASA back, per (thin straw) launcher hour.

(wide straw) rocket and balloon launcher Basic air-powered rocket • • • • • • Materials • •

with a bull’s-eye drawn on) the wide straw 1 wide straw paper small lump of clay balloon scissors target (box lid or paper tape 1 thin straw that fits inside (per rocket) Take Me to the Moon It’s been over 25 years since NASA’s been to the moon. But that’s about to change. Soon, two spacecraft—the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite—will be on their way. Compared to a rocket, these spacecraft are tiny—together they’re Check out NASA’s the size of a school bus and only about as heavy moon missions at as a medium-sized elephant. Still, it’s not easy to moon.msfc.nasa.gov. get them into space. The rocket carrying them will burn about 90,000 gallons (341,000 liters) of An Atlas-5 rocket high-tech fuel in the first few seconds of the trip. is as tall as a When they say, “Blast off,” they really mean it. 20-story building.

The nosecone is where the astronauts sit or My, How Things Have Changed! where NASA stows Today’s rockets travel fast, far, and for a long the satellites or time. One rocket, called Voyager 1, has been equipment it sends traveling for more than 30 years and is now into space. about 10 billion miles (16 billion km) from Earth! Quite a change from the early days. In 1926, Robert Goddard designed and built the first liquid- fuel rocket. It flew for only 2½ The rocket body is seconds and went just 41 feet mostly a huge fuel (12.5 m). Talk about improving tank on top of a design! rocket engines.

Robert Goddard and the first liquid-fuel rocket

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Leader Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Touchdown 4 3 2 1 Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the questions in the Brainstorm and Design section. Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) Introduce the challenge (5 minutes) Prepare ahead of time to a cardboard platform; and (3) improve their design based on testing results. system out of paper, straws, and mini-marshmallows; (2) attach their shock absorber In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) design and build a shock-absorbing Design and build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” when they land. The Challenge Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if the lander: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign • • • • • • tips • •

NASA NASA is looking for safe landing sites on the moon. Once parts of the shock-absorbing parts system to better balance the weight. helps to evenly distribute the weight on top of the platform.) below the platform weigh more than on the the parts top helps the lander fall straight down. Also, it How will you make sure the lander doesn’t tip over as it falls through the air? a flexible structure. Rubberbands can flex and hold things together.) Cards (Mini-marshmallows can can as footpads. be serve soft folded into springs. Straws can provide What kind of shock absorber can you make from these materials to help soften a landing? like this index card made into a spring by folding it like an accordion. like marshmallows, cotton balls, foam, and bubble wrap absorb shock well. You can also use paper, break your fall. That’s what a shock the absorber of does—absorbs energy an things,impact. Soft Show kids the spring made out of an index card. design based on testing is called the engineering design process. test, you’ll find ways to makeit workbetter. Improving a that can land safely when you drop it on the floor.As you Todaythe spacecraft. you’ll make a lander—a spacecraft that can land there without injuring astronauts or damaging they find one,they need to design and build a spacecraft Fold an index card into a spring (see illustration). Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. When you jump a highoff step, you bend your back and toknees absorb some of the andenergy the moon safely. for getting is astronauts important to and from Tell kids why a spacecraft that can land gently familiar with the activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes to become over when it drops —Move the cup slightly away from the side that’s tipping. Or, reposition the (35 minutes)

(cardboard) platform (marshmallows) astronauts For Events and Grades 3–8 Sample lander (Making the parts (Making the parts

(paper cup) cabin index card) spring (folded 13 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 5 curricula. curricula. For a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, see pages 38 and 39. Touchdown Curriculum connections Extend up. Have the kids show each other their landers and talk about how they solved any problems that came Discuss what happened • • • • Test • Hold • bounces • •

Air • Acceleration • • Measurement—Kids measure the various heights from which they drop the lander. • Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: marshmallow marshmallow “astronaut” to their cups. fashion until a winner emerges. You can also increase the challenge by having kids add a third landers that bounce out their “astronauts.” Next, raise the height to three feet. Continue in this at key junctions in the lander’s frame to help absorb energy. Kids can also parts. add mini-marshmallows for landing-pad feet. Or, they can use marshmallows softly a lander touches down. and six folds. Have them test to see how much of a difference these different springs make in how difference in the amount of force the spring can absorb. Have them fold index cards with two, four, which could get into the machinery and cause it to jam or malfunction.) lander could sink into it and get stuck. Also, the lander’s rocket engine could send up clouds of dust, A disadvantage? The moon is covered in a thick layer of fine dust. How might this be an advantage? kids will see that there are many ways to tackle a successfully challenge.) What did you learn from watching others test their landers? the things that aren’t working well or could work even better.) (Testing helps you see what works and what doesn’t. Knowing this lets you improve a design by fixing ideas Engineers’ early rarely out work perfectly. How does testing help them improve a design? After testing, what changes did you make to your lander? gravity. Air also pushed on it, and this air slowedresistance it down.) What forces affected your lander as it fell?

Potential and —When kinetic the energy lander hits the surface, its motion (kinetic) is energy gravitational pull. changed into stored (potential) energy, which gets stored in the shock absorbers. the springs a ties to the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, and technology resistance “How instead Challenge of High different due of —Air exerts a force —Air on exerts the lander as it falls, slowing it down. (If the (If dust layer it is wouldsoft, help cushion a landing. However, if it is tooa soft, Can landing to You gravity sizes. (10 minutes) Go?” softly Have kids see if the number of folds in an index card makes a —The lander accelerates (speeds up) as it falls due to Earth’s contest. —Change the size, position, or the number of shock-absorbing Have kids drop their landers from two feet. Eliminate all (It accelerated [sped up] as accelerated [sped (It it fell due to the pull of (Answers will vary.) will (Answers

(Answers (Answers will vary. But in general,

14 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation touchdown A NASA/Design “astronauts” when they land. …design and build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two We • 3. 2. 1. Build • landing. Think about how to build a spacecraft that can absorb the shock of a Brainstorm and lander has astronauts inside, not crash-test dummies. Easy does it! moon, it needs to slow way down. Then it needs to land gently. That fast as 18,000 miles per hour (29,000 km/hour) on its way to the Landing on the moon is tricky. First, since a spacecraft can go as

Think springs and cushions. (NOTE: The cup has to stay open—no lids!) astronauts (the large marshmallows) in it. Tape the cup to the platform. Put two over as it falls through the air? these materials that can help soften a landing? cardboard platform. Attach the shock absorbers to the How will you make sure the lander doesn’t tip What kind of shock absorber can you make from Finally, add a cabin for the astronauts. Then, put your spacecraft together. First, design a shock-absorbing system. Challenge You Squad Design Challenge To…

hillor ,crater ,bouldera hitting : erAnsw : hitting ,bouldera ,crater hillor they landed here? astronauts face if What dangers would construction A lander under • • • • • • • • Materials •

8 plastic straws 3 bands rubber marshmallows 10 miniature 2 regular marshmallows (3 x 5 in/8 x 13 cm) 3 index cards or plastic cup 1 small paper 4 x 5 in/10 x 13 cm) cardboard (approximately 1 piece of stiff paper or scissors tape (per lander)

Test, Evaluate, and Redesign Ready to test? Drop your lander from a height of one foot (30 cm). If the “astronauts” bounce out, figure out ways to improve your design. Study any problems and redesign. For example, if your spacecraft: • tips over as it falls through the air—Make sure it’s level when you release it. Also check that the cup is centered on the cardboard. Finally, Check out NASA’s check that the weight is evenly distributed. moon missions at • bounces the astronauts out of the cup—Add soft pads or change the moon.msfc.nasa.gov. number or position of the shock absorbers. Also, make the springs less springy so they don’t bounce the astronauts out.

The Coolest Job at NASA When people asked Cathy Peddie what she wanted to do when she grew up, she would point at the sky and say, “I want to work up there!” Now an engineer at NASA, she manages the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) project. She calls it “the coolest job at NASA.” LRO will orbit the moon for at least Buried Alive? a year and collect information to help NASA The first people who landed on prepare for having people live and work the moon took a big risk. That’s there. Hear her describe the mission at: because the moon is covered learners.gsfc.nasa.gov/mediaviewer/LRO. with a thick layer of fine dust. No one knew how deep or soft this layer was. Would a spacecraft visited the moon. But sink out of sight when it landed? Now we know— Only 12 people have ever to have teams of someday soon NASA plans the layer is firm. In the picture, you can see that six months at a time. astronauts living there for Apollo 11’s lander pads sank only about 2 inches (5 cm) into the dust. What a relief! This helped NASA figure out the kinds of shock absorbers and landing systems its spacecraft need.

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Leader Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation roving on the moon 3 2 1 Get kids thinking about the rover prototype. Ask: Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) Introduce the challenge (5 minutes) Prepare ahead of time improve their design based on testing results. rover out of cardboard; (2) figure out how torubber use bands to spin the wheels; and (3) In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) design and build a Build a band-poweredrubber rover that can scramble across the room. The Challenge • • • • • • • •

This is a ofprototype a rover, just like the one you are going to build. are Prototypes used NASA plans to land astronauts on the moon by the year 2020. essential, essential, especially going up and down hills.) spinning out. Since the moon is covered in a thick layer of fine dust, goodtraction is improves traction—the ability to helps grip preventa surface—and the wheels from points (The of the squares digsuch intoas rugs, sand, surfaces, This soft or grass. How do you think square wheels affect how the rover moves across the floor? to findthe exactcenter by drawing diagonal The lines. center is wherethe linescross.) squares. NOTE: Square they’rewheelstwo advantages: offer quick to make, and it’s easy by cutting larger or smaller squares or makewheels by different-shaped trimming the How can you make different kinds of wheels? can (Kids make wheels different-sized process. it work better. Improving a design based on testing is called the engineering design improve it. Today, for example, as you test your rover you’llprototype, find ways to make Once you understand a design’s strengths andyou can weaknesses, then find ways to all the time in engineering. They give you a basic design to build, test, and evaluate. Show kids your sample rover. Tell them: rover. rubber band-powered andoutpost, explore the area. Today you’ll build and test a the across moon’ssupplies, helpcarry buildsurface, their The astronauts will rovers—toneed moon cars—called drive Build a sample rover. Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. on the moon. Tell kids some of the ways rovers will be used with the activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes to become familiar you wind the wheels, the rover can move either forward or backward.) rubber band. Place the rover on the floor.Then let go. NOTE:Depending onthe direction What do we have to do to make the rover move?

(Turn the wheels to wind up the rubber band rubber slits body axle

axle Sample rover for Grades 6–12 wheels square 17 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 5 4 that came up. Have the kids show each other their rovers and talk about how they solved any problems Discuss what happened (10 minutes) following issues. For example, if the rover: Distribute the challenge sheet and have Help kids them get with started. any of the Build, test, evaluate, and redesign • • • wheels • doesn’t • won’t • wheels • • • •

a single strand of elastic. tension by using a rubber-band chain or by cutting open a rubber band and using only each axle. To reduce how quickly a rubber band its power,releases kids can reduce increase friction, have kids add weight over the drive wheels or add more wheels to at once or when there’s not enough friction the between wheels and ground. To easily. fromdirectly across one another and are large enough to allow the pencil to turn parallel to the Alsosides. make sure the holes punched in the cardboard arebody about How about does roverthe story wheels on the back of the handout make you think How of friction the between wheels and the ground.) the between axle and the axle hole in the cardboard. To move, there needs to be lots How did friction affect your rover? where to make improvements.) a kids (With prototype, can quickly see what’s working and what isn’t. They then know starting The stable, have engines, powerful and don’t require a roadway.) and all-terrain vehiclesbuggies, are similar. They all have good traction, are very What vehicles kinds are of similar Earth to rovers? strand of elastic.) than just one rubber band. Also, kids can cut open a rubber band and use the single change the number of rubber bands. Sometimes, a rubber-band chain works better What are different ways you can use bands rubber to power a rover? are the same size. If one wheel is smaller, the rover will turn in that direction. a large wheel will move the rover than farther one rotation of a small wheel. wheels wheels. Bigger have a larger perimeter As a (outer result, one edge). rotation of space.) engineers special face design challenges when developing equipment to be used in potential is turnedenergy into kinetic energy, and the axle and wheels turn.) the amount of potential storedenergy by the rubber band. When the wheels spin, this is stored. Kinetic is theenergy of energy motion. Winding the front wheels increased challenge did travel what spin don’t go with the Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: far it out in rover turn a —Have kids wind up the wheels more. Also have usingthem try larger takes sheet a prototype Wheels —Wheels spin in place when a rubber band delivers too much power straight freely use to gave potential design —Make sure they are firmly attached tothe axles and are line help you —Make sure the areaxles straight and the front wheels a a you and wheel rover (To there be efficient, needs tobe minimal friction end kinetic prototype (35 minutes) that up with can energy? a work to rover get (Snowmobiles, tanks,(Snowmobiles, dune

(Potential energy is energy (Potential that is energy energy on that started the worked moon? with.

really (Kids see (Kids that How (Kids can (Kids

well? did 18 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation see pages 39 and 40. and curricula. Fortechnology a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, Roving on the Moon Curriculum Connections Extend the Chall eng Distance basic rover traveled Percent Measurement—Kids measure how far their rovers traveled. • Friction—To• move, rovers need friction between the wheels and ground. To be Potential • Newton’s • Test • Determine • Graph • Increase in distance traveled. and retest their rovers. Use the following formula to calculate the percent increase material such as aluminum foil, then wind up the wheels the same number of times friction in the wheel-axle system. For example, they can line the axle holes with a times and measure the distance their rover travels. Then have them minimize changed to motion (kinetic) energy. band stores as energy potential energy. As the wheels spin, the potential is energy wheels. the distance change? Did the wheels spin out? Test square, octagonal, and round test again. Make sure they wind up the wheels the same number of turns. How did how far their rovers travel. Then have them snip off the of corners their wheels and efficient, rovers need minimal friction between the axle and rover body. will accelerate. band applies to the wheels and the less mass there is to move, the faster the rover which should increase the distance.) vs. the distance traveled. (Winding the wheels more increases the potential energy, rover travels each time. On a graph, have them plot the number of wheel rotations them turn the wheels 3, 6, 9, and 12 times and then measure the distance the measure how far a rover travels as its band rubber is increasingly tightened. Have the how

= effect and 2nd (Distance modified rover traveled) – (Distance basic rover traveled) the increased kinetic Law effect of ties to the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, wheel (Force of energy potential friction. shape. = Mass —When kids wind up a rover’s wheels, the rubber energy Starting with square wheels,Starting have kids measure Have kids wind up the wheels a set number of x Acceleration) affects distance —The more force the rubber traveled. Kids can

X 100 19 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation roving on A NASA/Design the • band system. For example, if: Try redesigning the wheel setup or rubber them. This is called the design process. Engineers improve their designs by testing Can you make your rover go farther? rover down, and let it go. work? Did everything Test your rover. Wind up the wheels, set the Test, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Build …design and build a band-poweredrubber rover that can scramble across the floor. We Challenge You To… moon’s dusty, terrain. Talkrugged about off-road adventure! astronauts. Others are remote-controlled. All of them can handle the can. It’s building a fleet of ATVs (called rovers). Some can be driven by Can you imagine driving an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) on the moon? NASA the slits. slits into the back end of the body. Slide the free end of the bands rubber into Push a wheel onto each end. Secure with tape. parallel to the sides. wheels are firmly andattached are in the Also,holes. make sure the Check that the pencil turns freely Finally, attach the band. rubber Next, make the rear wheels. Now attach the front wheels. Then, make the front wheels. First, you have to make the body. tubes inside a piece of cardboard). be about 2 inches (5 cm) across. Fold along (not across) (the the corrugation coming off. Slip a candy onto each end. Bend and tape the axle to stop the candies from and are big enough for the pencil to spin freely. each side for the axle. Make sure the holes are directly across from each other (that’s where the lines cross). On the body, poke one hole close to the end of draw diagonal lines from corner to corner. Poke a small hole in the center wheels Evaluate, and don’t Squad Challenge turn freely Redesign — Tape the straw under the back end of the rover. On the two 5-inch (13-cm) cardboard squares, Slide the pencil through the body’s axle holes.

Loop one end around the pencil. Cut small

Fold the cardboard into will thirds. Each part

the moon slits band rubber body axle axle wheel square • • • • Materials • • • • •

square) body (6-inch/15-cm with a hole in the middle) hard, white, mint ones square) wheels (5-inch/13-cm 2 corrugated cardboard 2 corrugated cardboard corrugated scissors 1 plastic drinking straw 2 round candies (the tape ruler 2 bands rubber 1 sharpened round pencil bands together linking rubber Chain made by pencil looped around Rubber band (per rover) • the rover doesn’t go far—Wind up the wheels more. Try wheels of different sizes or shapes. Or, add another rubber band or use a rubber-band chain. • the wheels spin out—Add weight above the square wheels; put more wheels on the pencil; use bigger wheels; or cut open a rubber band and use only a single strand of elastic. • the rover won’t travel in a straight line—Check that the pencil is straight and the front wheels are the same size. Check out NASA’s moon missions at Custom Wheels moon.msfc.nasa.gov. The moon doesn’t have an atmosphere—there’s no air there! So air-filled tires like the ones on a bike or car would explode—the air inside would push through the tire to escape into outer space (where there’s no air to push back against the walls of the tire). Imagine you’re a NASA engineer who has to design a tire that: • works in space, where there’s no atmosphere • withstands extreme hot and cold temperatures— on the moon, they range from roughly 250o to –250o Fahrenheit (121o to –157o Celsius) • weighs 12 pounds (5.5 kg), which is half the weight of an average car tire • won’t get clogged with the fine dust that covers the moon Despite these challenges, engineers designed a tire that worked perfectly when it was used on the moon. Ride in “Style”? It’s made of thin bands of springy metal. That helps it A rover may not be the hottest-looking vehicle around, be lightweight, have good traction, and work at any but with a price tag of over ten million dollars, it’s one of temperature the moon can throw the most expensive. And it sure is convenient to bring at it. Plus, it flexes when it along. Rovers can be folded and stored in a landing hits a rock, and it doesn’t module the size of a small room. Look at the picture of need to be pumped up. the rover. Which features are also found on cars Dependability is designed for use on Earth?

important. There’s antenna, battery, camera (some cars), and steering controls. steering and cars), (some camera battery, antenna, no roadside service belts, seat seats, motor, fenders, wheels, Chassis, Answers: when you’re on the moon, 250,000 miles (400,000 km) from home. The farthest trip anyone has ever taken on the moon with a rover is 2.8 miles (4.5 km).

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Leader Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Heavy lifting 3 2 1 results of their testing. (3) build a crank handle; and (4) improve their cranes based on the to reinforce the arms so they don’t collapse under a heavy load; (1) design and build a crane out of cardboard; (2) figure out ways In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: Design and build a crane and see how heavy a load it can lift. The Challenge Brainstorm Brainstorm and Design section. Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the questions in the Brainstorm and design Introduce the challenge (5 minutes) Prepare ahead of time • • • • • •

also tape the end of the arm firmly tothe box.) cut slits in the They box can top and the insert cardboard strip[s]. it lifts a heavy load? How will you keep the crane’s arm from breaking off the box as of is part the engineering design process. ways to make it work better. Improving a design based on testing you could also use two or even three As strips. you test, you’ll find your crane, you might use one cardboard strip for the arm. But simple model showing howwork the parts together.different In beam, a cable, and something to wind up the cable. Here’s a a heavy load it The can armlift. of your crane will need a stiff Show kids the simple crane arm you built. Then say: breaking. the moon, havecranes to be strong to loads heavy withoutlift holds a cable with a hook on the end. Whether they’re on or Earth them around a construction site. haveCranes a long arm, which crane. You’ve probably seen materialslifting cranes and moving structures and move materials. One of those machines will be a Build a simple crane arm out of a ruler, pencil, and string. Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. Today you’ll design and build a crane and test it by seeing how At a lunar astronautsoutpost, will need machines to build Tell kids some of the ways cranes will be used on the moon. familiar with the activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes to become (Attach the (Attach arm firmly tothe box. Kidscan (10 minutes)

handle reel with take-up take-up reel Simple crane arm One crane design kids could build arm For body arm Grades 6–12 hook cable hook 22 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 5 4 up. Have the kids present their cranes and talk about how they solved any problems that came Discuss what happened (10 minutes) Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign they do it as an extension. load. Depending on your group, ask kids to add a crank of handle the as basic part design or suggest because it makes it easier to turn the pencil. It provides leverage, letting kids use less force to lift the focus of the activity is on getting the arm to hold a heavy load. But having a crank handle is useful On the handout, adding a crank handle is listed as optional. A crane can without work one, and the Extension • • • it’s • the • the • the • • •

Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: the box by taping from both above and below. have kids consider cutting slits in the box and sliding the arm into them. Secure the arm to consider using multiple of pieces cardboard for an arm, either all together or apart. spaced equally. If all are forces equal and balance one another, the arm won’t move.) such as supports, stringextra or additional of pieces cardboard, help spread the forces (A crane has to overcome gravity, which pulls down on the cable and arm. The arm and any What force was affecting your crane, and how did the design of your crane deal with it? a design by fixingthe things that aren’t working well orcould workbetter.) design? ideas Engineers’ early rarely out work perfectly. How does testing help them improve a as buildings, satellite dishes, or solar panels.) minerals or ice into vehicles. could Cranes also be useful for assembling structures, such What kinds of tasks might astronauts use a crane for? of pieces cardboard, which kids toattach the top of the box.) the box, bend them up, and poke the pencil through. Another way is to build a holder out of build something to hold the pencil. One way is to make them flaps—cut out ofthe top of that a pencil is the itembest to use as a spool for the string. It’s challenging, however, to How will you wind and unwind the cable so the hook can go up and down? also run string from the top of the arm to the back and sides of the box.) of pieces cardboard extra above, below, and next to the arm They support. as can extra How will you stop a heavy load from pulling the arm to the left or right? the shorter arm. cardboard strips to make an arm, check that both are equal length—a crane will tilt toward the support arm using string or strips of cardboard. Finally, if kids have used multiple the box, or cut flaps out ofthe top ofthe box andpoke apencil through the flaps. hard arm arm load Idea—Add a sways fails (Testing helps you see what works and what doesn’t. Knowing this lets you improve to rips secure the when under arm the lifting a off handle take-up heavy the a heavy box load reel —Attach the —Attach base of the arm securely to the box. Also weight —Make sure the cable is in the center of the arm. Also, —Build something that holds the pencil, poke holes in (35 minutes) —Start over —Start with new cardboard. Also, have kids (In mining,(In couldcranes lift (Kids can (Kids add (Kids will(Kids see 23 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation pages 40 and 41. curricula. Fortechnology a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, see ties Lifting to Heavy the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, and Curriculum Connections Extend the C hallenge Measurement —Kids measure the size of of the the crane parts and the distances • • • Simple • Lifting • Have • Have • •

Force between parts. spread equally. If all forces on the arm are equal and opposite weight, its arm has many supports, guy wires, and to struts ensure that forces are are not balanced can cause movement (or even collapse). When a crane lifts a all the forces—the pushes and pulls—acting on it must be balanced. Forces that winner will be the crane with the highest number. get three. This means that the crane lifted three times its own weight. The contest crane lifted a load of six pounds and it weighs two pounds, you’d divide six by two to weight of the heaviest load the crane lifted by the crane’s weight. For example, if a design. To determine this, put each crane on a scale and weigh it. Then, divide the moon.) moon.) a girderlift weighing one ton on then Earth, it can a easily six-ton lift girder on the the force of thatongravity theof moon Earth’s. is So one-sixth if a crane can easily as compared to lifting it on Earth. crane is a combination of simple machines, it is called a complex machine. pulley (the arm’s crosspieces), and a wheel and axle (the take-up reel). Because the require cranes cranes on the moon? How do the stories on the back of the handout help explain how NASA might use weakest orientation of the strip.) like a ceiling, only a cardboard little the resists load’s downward pull. This is the the strongest orientation of the strip. In contrast, when a strip is oriented horizontally, vertically, like a wall, most of the cardboard the resists load’s downward pull. This is (A cardboard strip’s strength depends on how it is oriented. When the strip is oriented How does the way you orient a cardboard strip affect how much it can hold? winner. How many this round? cranes Keepsurvived going in this manner until you have a Eliminate all cranes that fail to lift the load. Add more weight and another run trial. take a basket or small bucket and add some weight. Have kids test their cranes. a a and on machines “Most “Heavyweight the Newton’s .) moon. Efficient —A crane uses three simple machines—a lever (the crank arm), a Third Ask students if it would be easier to lift an object on the moon, (Building an outpost and mining ice are both thatactivities Champion” Design” Law —For a crane (or any type of to structure) be stable, contest. (It would(It be easier on the moon. This is because contest. Identify the crane with the most efficient After kids finish building their cranes, , the arm won’t move.

24 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Heavy lifting A NASA/Design improved version. If: follow are called the design process. Try some ideas and build an point? Engineers improve their designs by testing them. The steps they Ready to test? Add weight to the cup. What’s your crane’s breaking Test, 3. 2. 1. Build • • • Think about things that might affect how heavy a load your crane can lift. Brainstorm and … design and build a crane and see how heavy a load it can lift. We Challenge You To… astronauts use cranes for digging and moving heavy or bulky loads. nitrogen crops. compounds Toto fertilize mine materials like these, found on the moon, such as calcium compounds to make cement and costs about $25,000 a pound! No wonder NASA plans to use materials Living on the moon gets expensive fast. Shipping things from Earth the • the • the • the •

pieces of pieces cardboard for an arm, either all together or apart. spaced add add support. tape tape to the top and underside of the box. Or cut cardboard slits supports. in the box to hold the arm. Also, add it it more firmly.If it bends,reinforce it. it to the box. body. Use one, two, or all three cardboard strips to design your arm. Then attach How will you keep the crane’s arm from breaking off the box as it lifts a load? Finally, add the string, hook, and cup. Next, make a take-up reel. First, make the arm. How will you wind and unwind the cable so the hook can go up and down? How will you stop a heavy load from pulling the arm to the left or right? Make a handle for the cup and slip it onto the hook. to the take-up reel and hook. Poke holes in each side of the cup near the rim. shorten and lengthen the shorten cable. (Optional: add a crank to turn the take-up reel.) load crank arm load Evaluate, and crumples pulls rips handle the the Squad Challenge arm bends Start over—Start with new cardboard. Also, use several arm The arm holds the string up and away from the crane’s off to Design or the the slips Figure out Figure how to make a take-up reel that lets you Redesign box side —If —If it slips, tape it or attach —Reinforce how Add it attaches. —Use extra cardboard extra or —Use string to Run the string through the arm. Attach it

hook to include on your crane. shows you’llyou the parts need This hand-operated crane arm Materials • weights (e.g., batteries, • tape • smooth string (e.g., • scissors • 3 sharpened pencils • large paper cup • paper clip • 3 strips of corrugated • cardboard box (shoebox gravel) pennies, marbles, or fishing line or kite string) inches/5 x 28 cm) cardboard (2 x 11 size or bigger) take-up reel (per crane) More Precious Than Gold? The surface of the moon is drier than the driest desert on Earth. But under the surface, it might be a different story. NASA is sending several spacecraft to look for ice on the moon. Ice can be made into water, and water can be made into oxygen for breathing Check out NASA’s and fuel for the return home to moon missions at Earth. If the spacecrafts find ice, one way to extract it moon.msfc.nasa.gov. is to use cranes.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (right) will study the moon’s surface to find ice. If there’s ice, cranes will help astronauts mine it.

Home Sweet Home? NASA plans to send explorers to the moon for six-month-long stays. A lunar outpost will need to supply them with all they need to survive. Check out the drawing of what an outpost might look like. If you were going to spend six months on the moon, what would you take with you to make sure you’d be safe and comfortable? How many of the following items can you recognize?

• Landing pad • Tools • Storage tanks • Solar panels • Crane (for oxygen, water, and fuel) • Satellite dish • Drill rig • Greenhouses • Loading dock • Living quarters (for growing plants)

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Leader Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation on target 2 1 Introduce the challenge (5 minutes) Prepare ahead of time testing results. releasing the marble, to hit and a trying target on andthe (4)floor; improve their system based on down a zip line; (2) attach a string to tip the cup; (3) test their cup by sliding it down the zip line, In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) modify a a marble cup to carry Modify a paper cup so it can zip down a line and drop a marble onto a target. The Challenge • • • • • • •

from the LCROSS Web site (lcross.arc.nasa.go and Sensing Satellite Observation (LCROSS) challenge sheet. for the marble.) (In other words, don’t make a door or platform notes to become familiar with the activity. Improving a design based on testing is called the engineering design process. accurately and consistently. As you test your design, you’ll find ways to makeit workbetter. hitting the crater exactly, in today’ssuccess depends onactivity being able to hit the target target. Just as of the LCROSS success depends on can zip down a line and drop a marble onto a Tell them: kids how the cup travels down the zip line. line, using a hook made of a paper clip. Show Show kids your zip line. Hang the cup on the zip any signs of water in it. Scientists will study this plume to see if there are plume of dust and gas over 6 miles (10 km) high. moon’s South Pole. The collision will send up a Satellitehurtling into(LCROSS) a crater near the sending the Lunar and Crater Observation Sensing Optional: print a picture of the Lunar Crater Put a handle and paper clip on a cup Set up a sample zip line. Gather the materials listed on the Read the challenge sheet and leader Today you’ll turn a paper cup into something that To see if there’s water on the moon, NASA is spacecraft to search for water on the moon. Tell kids how NASA will use the LCROSS

v). guides tape platform index card marble 1) 1) an opening; 2) a platform and two possible parts solutions: Sample marble showing carriers 2) handle tip cup string to For Grades 6–12 27 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 4 3 5 came up. Have kids show each other their modified cups and talk about how they solved any problems that Discuss what happened (10 minutes) Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the questions in the Brainstorm and Design section. Brainstorm Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) • • • • • • • • • • • • •

line is and make the remote release line at least that long. steepness of steepness the zip line. marble. Also, make sure kids are releasing the marble before the cup is above the target. small rolls of tape in the bottom of the cup to guide the marble toward the opening. spacecraft have a spacecraft forward and downward component to their motion.) remote triggering device, although LCROSS’s is radio controlled. Finally, both the marble and the devised a system that caused something to crash into Also, a both setupssurface. have a How is your challenge similar to NASA’s NASA and you LCROSS mission to the moon? (Both force, such as pullinggravity it down or the floor stoppingit, acted onthe marble.) down the zip line, the marble built up speed. Once launched, it kept going at that untilspeed a acted on by a force. How did today’s activity demonstrate Newton’s Law? First Newton’s Law First states that an object in motion continues in straight-line motion until forward. This combination produced a path curved called a trajectory.) Describe the way your marble moved after you ejected it. After testing, what changes did you make to your cup? the marble(Getting to eject cleanly from the cup and the timing of release are important.) of your What design parts were in getting most the important marble to hit the target? motion as they decide when to release the marble.) dropped, the marble keeps moving forward as it falls. Kids will need to factor in this forward should jerk the string. The marble will be ejected and fall toward the target. NOTE: When the top of the zip line, holding one end of the string. When the cup thereaches “drop zone,” kids When do you need to launch the marble so that it will hit the target? of the cup, opposite the door or platform, will enable kids to tip the cup effectively.) How will you remotely release the marble from the cup? instant.) kids need to make a platform, shelf, or holder. All systems need a way to tip the cup at the right target? How will you modify the cup a so marble it down can a carry zip line and also drop it onto a the marble misses the target the marble accidentally falls out of the cup or off the platform the marble doesn’t eject cleanly the remote release line is too short the cup goes slowly down the zip line necessary. Also, kids necessary. can roll small tubes of tape to hold back the marble. Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: (If the (If marble rides inside the cup, kids need to cut a door. If it rides outside the cup, Check —Check that the door or platform doesn’t interfere with the —Enlarge the opening or unblock the platform. Also place —Kids should estimate where the “drop zone” on the zip —Make sure the cup slides freely. Also, check the (35 minutes)

(Answers will vary.) (Answers (Attaching (Attaching a string on the uphill side (It moved both downward and and downward both moved (It —Adjust the tilt of the cup, if (Kids should(Kids stand near (As (As it traveled 28 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation curricula. curricula. For a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, see pages 41 and 42. On Target Curriculum Connections Extend the Challenge • • • • • • • • Domain ‘search’ box. interactive at traveled in each frame is constant. Alternatively, have the your Projectile kids Motion try horizontal distance traveled by the marble each time. Kids will see that the distance the TV or computer screen, and make from marks frame to frame, measuring the the cup. Play it back on a TV or computer one frame at a time. Tape a transparency to constant as path), it (a follows curved a trajectory take a video of the marble falling from trajectory. dropped from a cup moving down a zip line), it travels path,in a curved called a which their marble is dropped and how far it lands from the target. these motions can be represented in a vector diagram. the moon’s surface. Watch it online at: describes the mission and uses animation to show what happens when LCROSS strikes Measurement Potential and kinetic energy Trajectory Vectors Acceleration Newton’s Law First Analyze an object’s motion as it follows a trajectory. Watch a video about LCROSS. hitting the ground. speed. Once launched, it will keep going at that speed until a force acts on it, such as (kinetic) energy (kinetic) as energy it falls. ties to the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, and technology —The marble’s motion has both a horizontal component,and a vertical and —When an object that’s already moving horizontally is dropped (like a marble —Due to Earth’s gravitational pull, the marble’s speed increases as it falls. www.teachersdomain.org. Type “projectile motion” into the Teachers’ —Kids measure to make the zip line. They also measure the height from —As it travels down the zip line, the marble builds up a forward —The marble’s stored (potential) changes energy to motion The LCROSS Web site has a four minute-long video that lcross.arc.nasa.go To show that an object’s speed is v . 29 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation On Target A NASA/Design goes • improved version. For example, if your cup: design process. Try your idea and build an them. The steps they follow are called the Engineers improve their designs by testing get? See a way to improve your design? using the remote release. How close did you to hit and the try target with the marble, the end of the zip line. Send down the cup Ready for a test Place run? the target near Test, 2. 1. Build • • Think about how you might design a way and launch a to marble: carry Brainstorm and …modify a paper cup so it can zip down a line and drop a marble onto a target. We Challenge You o… T and watercrystals vapor in this plume. 6 miles (10 km) high. To tell if there’s any water, scientists will look for ice below the surface. This collision will send up a plume of dust and gas over into the spacecraft moon’shurtling surface. Why? To see if there’s water Thanks to NASA, the moon is getting a new crater! NASA is sending a 4. • 3.

slides freely. steep enough. Also, make sure the cup When do you need to launch the marble so that it will hit the target? How will you remotely release the marble from the cup? How will you modify the cup a so marble it down can a carry zip line and also Next, figure out how to modify the the marble cup down to the carry zip line. zip line so it slides easily. Finally, clip the cup to the zip line. out Figure how to hook the cup onto the instant to launch the marble toward the target. Then, add a remote release. Decide how you will tip the cup at just the right one end is about 20 inches (50 cm) below the other. (e.g., two chairs or a table and chair). Make sure it’s stretched tight and that First, set up a zip line. Tie 6 feet (1.8 m) of the smooth line to two objects drop it onto a target? Will it travel inside the cup? Outside the cup on a platform? Underneath? Evaluate, and slowly Check —Check that the zip line is Squad Challenge Design Redesign

carrier, and target Materials to make a zip line, Materials • target drawn on a piece of • scissors • 1 medium-sized paper cup • paper clip • masking tape • marble • index card • 9 feet (3m) of smooth line paper string) (e.g., fishing line or kite of a zip line An example (per zip line) • can’t keep the marble in—Roll a small tube of tape to keep the marble from falling out accidentally. Also, adjust the tilt of the cup so it doesn’t tip the marble out. • doesn’t let the marble out—Roll small tubes of tape and build a chute to funnel the marble toward the opening. If necessary, adjust the tilt of the cup so the marble can roll out more easily. • misses the target—Since the marble is already moving forward along the zip Check out NASA’s line, it keeps moving forward as it falls. Make sure to take this forward motion moon missions at into account as you choose a release point. moon.msfc.nasa.gov.

“R unning around in the woods helped me the most.” As a kid, Tony Colaprete loved nature, ecology, and running around in the woods. He liked thinking about how, in one way or another, everything is connected. He brings that kind of thinking to his job as a planetary scientist and as the top scientist for NASA’s LCROSS mission. To learn about how other planets work, he builds computer models and designs instruments. These help him understand the many interesting connections between the different planets in our solar system. And the more Tony discovers, the Look Out Below! more we learn about how our world—Earth—fits NASA wants to make a deep hole on the moon to within our solar system. see if there’s ice in the soil. But instead of beginning to dig at the surface, NASA is getting a head start. It will dig its hole at the bottom of a crater that’s NASA’s Lunar Crater already about one mile (2 km) deep—and it won’t Observation and dig, exactly. Instead, NASA will plunge a spacecraft Sensing Satellite named LCROSS into the crater. Scientists expect the (LCROSS) will hit the moon, raising a tall collision will make a hole that’s 80 ft. (24.4 m) plume of dust and gas across and 15 ft. (4.6 m) deep. The chances of and hopefully revealing finding ice at the bottom of this deep, dark, cold the presence of water. place are much better than finding it at the moon’s surface, where the sun shines brightly on the soil, vaporizing any ice.

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Leader Notes

Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation feel 3 2 1 section. questions in the Brainstorm and Design Distribute the challenge sheet. Discuss the Brainstorm and design (10 minutes) Introduce the challenge (5 minutes) Prepare ahead of time their heater and get as big a temperature change as possible. (2) test to see if it can raise the temperature of and water; (3) use their testing results to improve In this challenge, kids follow the engineering design process to: (1) build a solar hot water heater; Design and build a solar hot water heater and see how big a temperature change you can get. The Challenge • • • • • • •

Decide where to store kids’ hot water heaters, if necessary. is is called the engineering design process. better. Improving a design based on testing changes to this design to make it work a hot water heater. You may want to make collection cup. This is just one way to make then flows outthe end ofthe tube into a gets warmed on gravity), the panel, and cup, flows downthrough the tube(thanks to waterup starts here in the water-supply Show kids your sample hot water heater. hot water, it can be pumped through a building to heat it. This steady supply of sunlight can be used to heat water. Once you have sun. Some nearplaces the moon’s poles get nearly constant sunshine. nearly as twice cold as Antarctica. One way to heat a building is to use the protect them from the moon’s frigid temperatures—temperatures that are Decide whether you will use natural sunlight or a lamp to heat The activity takes from 1 Build a sample hot water heater. Gather the materials listed on the challenge sheet. This is one kind of hot water heater. The To survive long stays on the moon, astronauts will need buildings that can Tell kids how NASA might use solar-powered heating on the moon. activity. Read the challenge sheet and leader notes to become familiar with the the hot water heaters. the heat ½ to 2 hours.

collect water cup to lamp gooseneck

Sample solar hot water heater tube heater. bulb above the hot water for kids to keep the light of lamp also makes it easy gooseneck lamp. This kind water heater, use a base far away from the hot water. To keep the lamp cord and bulb away from the If you use a lamp, keep the SAFETY NOTE above panel bulb 8 inches water supply cup For Grades 9–12 backing cardboard

32 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation 5 4 up. Have the kids show each other their heaters and talk about how they solved any problems that came Discuss what happened (10 minutes) Help kids with any of the following issues. For example, if: Build, test, evaluate, and redesign temperature. By comparing it to the “before” temperature, kids can calculate the increase in water temperature. of water. Tell kids not to touch the tip—heat from their hands will affect the reading. Record this “after” the pitcher. As it trickles out the end of the tube into the collection cup, hold the tip or the wire in the stream Turn on the lamp and position it eight inches above the hot water heater. the Fill supply cup with water from of cold water. Wait one minute or until the “outdoor” display stops changing. Record this “before” temperature. water. The sensor at the end of the long wire is of the the “outdoor” thermometer.part Dip it into the pitcher Review how to use a digital indoor-outdoor thermometer to measure the before and after temperature of the how • • water • there • kids • water • • • • •

Emphasize the key ideas in today’s challenge by asking: the heater and measure the temperature just as it flows out ofthe tube. water in the pitcher. They then should pour water from the pitcher into the supply cup at the top of the same height. the tube, the faster the water will flow. To slowthe flow, move them so the two cupsare nearly at tape or paper clips. Also, check the height of the water supply cup. The higher it is above the end of the tube to absorb more heat energy. the water flow. Also,that suggest they color the black tubes or put a piece ofblack paper behind Have kids put more of the tube where the light is the strongest, make the tube longer, or slow down source source via infrared radiation and light.) dense it less and causing it to rise. Radiation whenoccurred heat was transferred from the heat Convection whenoccurred the warm solar panel [and light, if one was heatedused] the air, making whereoccurred the tube was in direct contact with the warm panel and heated air molecules. Where did conduction, convection, and radiation occur in your water heater? use. The hot water can also be used to heat lunar andgreenhouses, outposts, other structures How might astronauts use a solar water heater? the tube isn’t long enough—Make the tube longer by attaching two or three together. lies where the light is strong, the water will absorb more heat light shines on the water in the tube, the warmer the water will get. If kids run the tube so most of it How can zigzagging the tube help the water absorb heat from the sun or light bulb? time to absorb heat by energy slowing the flow more (The time water has to absorb heat energy, the warmer it will get. Kids can give water more How fast should the water flow through the tube? How might its speed affect its temperature? absorbs heat wellenergy and that white it reflects What color should you make the tube and background? to Measure forget is runs leaks little through how —Add more tape to the junctions or redo them. temperature the Change i n to measure the tube change temperature too quickly Water Temperatur —This means the water needs to spend more time in the light. (60 minutes) —Change how fast the water flows. Pinchthe tube with change .) .) Kids should record the temperature of the temperature —Kids should record (Solar hot (Solar water heaters can heat water for daily

(Remind kids that the color black .) (Conduction (Conduction (The longer(The .)

33 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation • • •

Gravity-fed • Converting • Infrared • Heat • pages 42 and 43. curricula. Fortechnology a list of byeducation standards supported the activity, see Heat the Feel Curriculum Connections Extend Measurement—Kids measure the volume of water, the temperature change, and the rate • electricity. activity? ( How do the stories on the back of the handout about exploring the moon relate to today’s design by fixingthe things that aren’t working well orcould work evenbetter.) design? ideas Engineers’ early rarely out work perfectly. How does testing help them improve a thin tubing for heatefficient absorption,transparent cover to minimize heatand loss, insulation.) to heat water? Which features help a solar hot water heater use solar (light energy and infrared radiation) Watch • Make • Connect • Concentrate • good at absorbing light and energy releasing it as heat energy. the light/sun that changes the water temperature. of water flow. the supply cup is placed higher than the collection cup. (i.e., conduction). (i.e., infrared waves—see below). The tube transfers its heat to the water by direct contact It is streamed online at: outlines innovative ways that solar is energy being used to provide heat and energy power. water heaters heat the water a lot more than when it through runs just one? heaters, connect several together. Does letting the water through run several solar hot water heaters. to their hot water heaters. Calculate the average temperature change of the group’s hot foil to make panels that can reflect and concentrate light. Have kids attach their reflectors pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/activities/3406_solar.html. cooker and astronauts. cook this Find marshmallows for activity hungry at: (Testing helps you see what works and what doesn’t. Knowing this lets you improve a the Challenge transfer ) Kids learn how cold it is on the moon and how NASA sunlightuses to generate a a radiation solar ties to the following concepts commonly covered in science, math, and PBS hot water light (Key features areainclude: large angledsurface to the face light, black color, —Heat is transferred from the sun/lamp to the tube by radiation water the cooker! show to —It is of the the infrared electromagnetic part coming spectrum from light systems heat heaters about Have your kids use the engineering design process to make a solar to pbs.org/wgbh/nova/solar/. energy get —Gravity pulls the water through the solar panel’s tube when solar in the a —Some shapes, colors, and materials are particularly energy. series. water hotter. After kids succeed with their individual hot water View View the PBS NOVA program Have kids use file foldersand aluminum Saved by the Sun

. It 34 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Feel the heat A NASA/Design buildings is to use sunlight to heat water and pump it through the rooms. • • • Test, 2. 1. Build • • To heat water with your heater: Brainstorm and change you can get. …design and build a solar hot water heater and see how big a temperature We Challenge You as low as –250 astronauts will need buildings that can protect them from temperatures Colder than Antarctica? Welcome to the moon! To on the moon,survive • •

end. Test your system with water. Seal any leaks. of a cup. Put the tube into the hole. Set a second cup under the tube’s other Record the temperature of the water as it Pour water from the pitcher into the supply cup. Measure and record the temperature of the water in the pitcher. Put your heater in strong sunlight or 8 inches (20 cm) below the lamp. How can the way you zigzag the tube across the cardboard help the water in Being exposed to light is what heats water. How fast do you want water to What color should you make the tube and background? Temperature change: Ending temperature: temperature: Starting Then, build your hot water heater. First, get water to flow through the tube. comes out of the lower end of the tube. the tube absorb heat from the sun or light bulb? flow through the tube? that can help the water absorb a lot of heat energy. (SAFETY NOTE: Keep water away from the outlet, lamp, and bulb.) Evaluate, and o Fahrenheit (–157 Squad Challenge Design To… Redesign o Celsius). One way to heat these Use the materials to design a system Poke a small hole near the bottom water collect cup to gooseneck lamp tube

above panel bulb 8 inches water supply cup • 3 feet (0.9 m) clear • 2 paper cups • black paper • black marker • gooseneck lamp with an Materials • an indoor-outdoor digital • duct tape • straws • scissors • ruler • pitcher of water • large sheet of cardboard • aluminum foil 28 x 43 cm) (Outside diameter: (Outside diameter: plastic tubing (medium-sized) using sunlight) light bulb (optional if indoor 100-watt floodlight (e.g., 11 x 17 inches ¼ inch read tenths of a degree thermometer that can backing cardboard /6 mm) (per heater)


test, evaluate, and redesign (Continued) Can you get an even bigger change? Engineers test a design and improve it based on what they learn. This is called the design process. See how big a change you get. • Help the water absorb more heat—Add materials above, below, or around the tube to focus more heat energy on the water. Also think how you can use color to help heat the water. Check out NASA’s • Slow the flow—The longer the water stays in the light, the more it will heat up. moon missions at Figure out how to make the water flow slowly through the tube. moon.msfc.nasa.gov. • Make your tube longer—A longer tube can help water stay in the light for a longer time. Tape two tubes together. • Air bubbles clog the tube—Blow into the tube to clear it.

What Shall I Wear? Ever have trouble deciding what to wear? Try packing for the moon! On the moon, daily temperatures can swing about 500o Fahrenheit (260o Celsius). It can get up to 250o F (121o C) during the day, and at night, it can drop to –250o F (–157o C). Earth’s blanket of air—the atmosphere—keeps us at a comfortable average NASA’s Lunar o o Reconnaissance temperature of 60 F (16 C). Orbiter (LRO) (right) uses But the moon has no a large solar panel to turn atmosphere to hold heat. sunlight into electricity. Better bring a well-insulated space suit when you visit! Run by the Sun Make your own electricity? In space, NASA’s LRO Buzz Aldrin wore a million spacecraft uses large solar panels to turn dollar spacesuit (left) designed to protect him sunlight into electricity. They can produce about from the moon’s extreme 1850 watts—enough to run a large microwave hot and cold temperatures. oven. But on average, LRO only uses 800 watts— enough to run a small toaster. The extra electricity is stored in batteries on board the LRO. When LRO goes into the shadow behind the moon, the darkness there prevents it from using the energy from the solar panels. So it powers itself with the batteries.

Watch DESIGN SQUAD on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad.

Major funding for Design Squad provided by Additional funding for Design Squad provided by Watch the DESIGN SQUAD Super Duck Excursion episode on PBS or online at pbs.org/designsquad

Design Squad is produced by WGBH Boston. Design Squad, AS BUILT ON TV, and associated logos are trademarks of WGBH. All rights reserved. This NASA/Design Squad challenge was produced through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). For more information about NASA missions and educational programs, visit nasa.gov. Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation education standards Technology/Engineering (3–8) Physics (6–8) Physics (3–5) Design Abilities for a Technological World Science and Technology Physical Science National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematicsStandards Massachusetts ScienceandTechnology/Engineering Standards TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards National ScienceEducationStandards Launch Problem Solving • Engineering Design • Materials, Tools, and Machines • Forms of Energy of Energy • Conservation of Energy • Conservation • Forms of Energy • Position and Motion of Objects of Objects Properties • Observable • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 2: Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology. • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. • Understandings About Science and Technology • Abilities of Technological Design • Motion and Forces (5–8) • Position and Motion of Objects (K–4) of Objects • and Properties Materials (K–4) • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. It (3–8) (Grades 3–8)

(3–8) (Grades 3–8) (Grades 3–8) (Grades 3–8) 37 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Technology/Engineering Physics Design The Designed World Abilities for a Technological World Physical Science National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematics Standards Massachusetts ScienceandTechnology/Engineering Standards TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards Science and Technology National ScienceEducationStandards Touchdown Problem Solving Measurement • Engineering Design • Materials and Tools • Forms of Energy of Objects • and Properties Materials • Position and Motion of Objects of Objects Properties • Observable • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 2: Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology. • Standard 16: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use and energy • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. • Motion and Forces (5–8) • Position and Motion of Objects (K–4) of Objects • and Properties Materials (K–4) • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving • Understandings About Science and Technology (3–8) • Abilities of Technological Design (3–8) • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • Understand Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. power technologies. (3–8) (3–8) (Grades 3–8) (Grades 3–8) (Grades 3–8) (Grades 3–8) 38 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Technology/Engineering Physics (9–12) Physics (6–8) Design The Designed World Abilities for a Technological World Physical Science Massachusetts ScienceandTechnology/Engineering Standards TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards Science and Technology National ScienceEducationStandards Roving on the moon Measurement • Steps in the Design Process • Engineering Design • Materials, Tools, and Machines of and Energy • Momentum Conservation • Motion and Forces • Forms of Energy • Position and Motions of Objects • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 16: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use energy and • Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. Conservation of (9–12) Energy • Conservation • Transfer of (5–8) Energy • Motions and Forces (6–12) • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement • Understandings About Science and Technology (6–12) • Abilities of Technological Design (6–12) development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. power technologies. (6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) 39 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Technology/Engineering Physics (9–12) Physics (6–8) Design The Designed World Abilities for a Technological World Science and Technology Physical Science Massachusetts ScienceandTechnology/Engineering Standards TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards National ScienceEducationStandards Heavy Lifting National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematicsStandards Measurement Problem Solving Conservation of and Energy • Momentum Conservation • Motion and Forces • Forms of Energy • Position and Motions of Objects • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 16: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use and energy • Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. • Understandings About Science and Technology • Abilities of Technological Design of (9–12) Energy • Conservation • Transfer of (6–8) Energy • Motions and Forces (6–12) • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. power technologies. (6–12) (6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) 40 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Physics (6–8) Design The Designed World Abilities for a Technological World Physical Science Massachusetts Science andTechnology/Engineering Standards TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards Science and Technology National ScienceEducationStandards On National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematicsStandards Measurement Problem Solving • Forms of Energy • Position and Motions of Objects Conservation of Ener • Conservation • Motions and Forces (6–12) • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 16: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use and energy • Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. • Construction • Steps in the Design Process • Engineering Design • Understandings About Science and Technology • Abilities of Technological Design • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving • Transfer of Energ • Materi Understand Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. power technologies. Target als, Tools, and Machines y (6–8) gy (9 (6–12) – 12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 6–12) 41 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Design The Designed World Abilities for a Technological World Science and Technology Physical Science International TechnologyInternational EducationAssociationContentStandards National ScienceEducationStandards Feel the heat National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematicsStandards Technology/Engineering Physics (9–12) Measurement Algebra Problem Solving • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. • Standard 16: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use and energy • Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. • Standard 12: Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems. • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. • Understandings About Science and Technology • Abilities of Technological Design • Interactions of and Energy Matter of Energy • Conservation • Steps in the Design Process • Engineering Design • Materials, Tools, and Machines of and Energy • Momentum Conservation • Motion and Forces • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • • Represent and analyze mathematical situations and using structures algebraic symbols • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving Understand Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. power technologies. (6–12) (Grades 9–12) (Grades 6–12) (Grades 9–12) 42 Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Technology/Engineering Physics National CouncilofTeachers ofMathematicsStandards Massachusetts ScienceandTechnology/Engineering Standards Measurement Problem Solving • Thermal Systems • Engineering Design • Materials, Tools, and Machines • Forms of Energy • States of Matter • Heat and Heat Transfer • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements • Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems, and processes of measurement • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving (Grades 9–12) (Grades 9–12) 43 On the Moon 5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the product in teaching the intended standards. ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EDUCATOR REPLY CARD Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor 6. How did you use this educator guide? To achieve America’s goals in Educational Excellence, it is NASA’s mission to develop supplementary instructional materials and curricula in science, mathematics, geogra- ❏ Background Information ❏ Critical Thinking Tasks phy, and technology. NASA seeks to involve the educational community in the ❏ Demonstrate NASA Materials ❏ Demonstration development and improvement of these materials. Your evaluation and suggestions are ❏ Group Discussions ❏ Hands-On Activities vital to continually improving NASA educational materials. ❏ Integration Into Existing Curricula ❏ Interdisciplinary Activity ❏ Lecture ❏ Science and Mathematics ❏ Team Activities Standards Integration

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Fold along line and tape closed. Design Squad TM/© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation Credits On the Moon Front cover photos: Anthony Tieuli, Lauren Feinberg, NASA. Girl Scouts ofGirl the Scouts USA Manager, THE ARTS Michelle Hailey Center NASA Ames Research Sensing Satellite andLunar Crater Observation Education and Public Lead Outreach Brian Day & Boys Girls Club of Boston Director,Executive Charlestown Club, Jenny Atkinson, M.Ed. Advisors American Institutes for Research Christine Andrews Paulsen, Ph.D. Evaluator Jeff Lockwood Writer Margot Sigur Outreach Assistant Natalie Hebshie Outreach Coordinator Joan Pedersen Associate Editor Chris Randall Editorial Project Director Sonja Latimore Educational Content Manager Thea Sahr Outreach Associate Director, Educational Julie Benyo Director, Educational Outreach was produced by the WGBH Educational Outreach department, in collaboration with NASA.

NASA Goddard Space FlightNASA Goddard Space Center LunarOrbiter Reconnaissance Education and Public Lead Outreach Stephanie Stockman ofGirl the Scouts USA STEM Program Manager Kate L. Pickle NASA Marshall FlightSpace Center Lunar Robotic Program Precursor Communications Strategist Danielle Moran NASA Marshall FlightSpace Center Lunar Robotic Program Precursor Program Manager Education and Public Outreach Brian Mitchell NASA Marshall FlightSpace Center Technology, Inc. Education Specialist—WILL Dawn Mercer Engineering Chair, TexasCentral Discover Project Manager,Executive IBM Rick McMaster, Ph.D., P. E. Curriculum consultant Hollington Lee NASA Marshall FlightSpace Center Office Academic Affairs Technology, Inc. Education Specialist—WILL Al Krause NASA Headquarters Systems Directorate Mission Education Lead—Exploration G. Hartman Jerry

Lowell, MA Lowell andBoys Girls Club Michelle Hatem Meehan Von Mom, and Watertown, MA Watertown Middle School Matthew Loughran Manalapan, NJ School Manalapan-Englishtown Middle Donna Falk Field TestField Sites Technology Institute of Massachusetts Engineering of Mechanical Professor Associate Dr. David Wallace Series Content Director Marisa Wolsky Series Executive Producer Kate Taylor Senior Executive Producer Hannah Bonner Illustrator Jonathan Rissmeyer Greta Merrick Designers Peter Lyons Senior Designer

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