
on Fire

a touch from god overview

Tongues on Fire is a must-read for those who want to experience the baptism of the with the gift of . Authored by Pastor Leslie Barnett who writes from experience having been involved in the 1970s “New Movement.” Pastor Barnett’s story begins with 18th century evangelist John Wesley, who paid heed to visions and encounters that occurred in the lives of Methodists of his day. Throughout his life he gathered stories of how God was revealing Himself in the lives of His people, and gave much thought to their meaning. The author explains; that in the 1970's when the Holy Spirit was being poured out with the speaking of tongues families were reunited, long-severed friendships reconciled and hearts flowed together in true fellowship in . However in spite of overwhelming evidence of the resurgence of the new prophecy movement, Cessationists believe that in comparison to the apostolic age, today's tongues is just devilish mumbo jumbo. A claim they say is backed up by the exclusion of the long conclusion of Mark chapter sixteen in the Codex Sinaiticus. The author explains; that Christian churches (ACC) when merging (AoG) with the New Apostolic Reform movement brought with them who prophecy without need for tongues interpretation. Worse, the "speaking in tongues" is no longer exercised in main worship services but relegated to the back room ~leaving many classical Pentecostals to question: "where has the public acknowledgment of Mark 16:17 gone?" To sum it up the problem Leslie had this to say:

• " The very of Christ's , embodied in prophetic utterances, , worship, healing, deliverance and hospitality has slowly diminished leaving a lifeless institutionalised religion with highly paid men. ( 2 Timothy 3:1-3)

among Pentecostal and charismatic worship services”— says Pastor Barnett.

Leslie explains how the New Apostolic Reform movement is causing a schism within the Assemblies of God churches prompting concern

that this may emulate the second century Montanist movement when

prophecy became presumptuous by self appointed apostles, prophets, and


Pastor Barnett exposes many who claim to be God’s anointed and dismisses the notion that a third wave outpouring of the Holy Spirit is very much alive due to the many ethical problems facing the Pentecostal church

in our day.

To sum up the problem Leslie had this to say:

“The very soul of Christ’s church, embodied in prophetic

utterances, discernment, worship, healing, deliverance,

and hospitality has slowly diminished leaving a lifeless

institutionalised religion with highly paid works of men.”

(2 Timothy 3: 1-3).

Of special interest is chapter seventeen were Pastor Barnett provides a

spiritual explanation as to why Brett Peter Cowen was involved in one of

Australia’s most horrendous crimes against Daniel Morcombe and how it

may have been avoided. And in chapter twenty five how a couple survived

9/11 by obeying God rather than man.

Last but not least is chapter thirty three which is dedicated to “the

Mysterious Messengers”-the angels of God, who have played a vital role in

producing this work.INTRODUCTION

With politics aside, Pastor Leslie's book focuses on his experience having been involved in the 1970s with the AoG Assembles of God and in the 1990s with the Australian Christian Churches. Of special interest is Chapter fourteen which explains why "Home Church" is becoming popular. And Chapter seventeen speaks about the importance of tongues discernment when addressing the "Demonic Realm" ~as exampled by Brett Peter Cowen and Frank Houston. Last but not leased is chapter thirty three which is dedicated to “the Mysterious Messengers”- the angels of God, who have played a vital role producing this work.


Dear reader, Welcome to the world of apologetics. By choosing this publication you must be a person who is searching for answers . I commend you for your curiosity and openness in desiring to learn more about the one true God whom you serve. I pray that that in reading this book your eyes will be open and your ears attuned in unveiling of the mysteries of the Godhead bodily. The King James Version of Matthew 13:16 puts it nicely;

o “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.”

disclaimer Regardless of whether you are an advocate or a critic of my intention in writing this book isn’t to judge or condemn any religion by exposing what I believe to be theological errors. On the contrary, I have no animosity toward my fellow Christians, only gratitude for the opportunity to learn from their many diverse tenets. reviews

• “Thank you, Pastor Leslie, for the encouragement and teaching on true . Praying without ceasing --some days I seem to be doing that, as you describe.”—Christina, of Adelaide SA. • “The church is a training ground? -It sure is!” Pastor Barnett I am going to read your book a second time. I personally am being led deeper into the Spirit of . I can’t explain this to family and friends. Your book has given me much to think over. I attend an AOG megachurch. But where has their public acknowledgment of the ministry of the Spirit gone?” —Pastor Dan, of Minnesota USA. • “I love the prayer lines—it is wonderful to pray, occasionally in tongues, with anonymous brothers and sisters in Christ.”—Peter, of . Contents

Chapter 1 Technology the Age of Knowledge ...... 1 Chapter 2 Can the Church Ever Unite? ...... 4 Chapter 3 Tongues – The Sign of a Believer ...... 6 Chapter 4 What Cessationists Say About Tongues ...... 9 Chapter 5 Are Apostles / Prophets Relevant to the Church? ...... 16 Chapter 6 Seven Facts about the New Prophecy Experience ...... 36 Chapter 7 Codex Sinaiticus Denies Tongues ...... 39 Chapter 8 Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic? ...... 44 Chapter 9 The Spiritual Awakening ...... 48 Chapter 10 God’s Full Measure Flourished ...... 53 Chapter 11 Are Anointed Gifts Irrevocable? ...... 58 Chapter 12 Who are Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing ...... 62 Chapter 13 Where is the Perfect Church? ...... 66 Chapter 14 Institutionalised Church Vs. Home Church ...... 70 Chapter 15 Testing the Spirits ...... 81 Chapter 16 Can a Church Become Contaminated? ...... 85 Chapter 17 Using the Gift of Discernment ...... 89 Chapter 18 Where is the Third Wave Outpouring? ...... 97 Chapter 19 The Counterfeit ...... 105

© Pastor Leslie Barnett 2020.

No part of this book is to be copied without prior consent of the publisher except for brief quotations with acknowledgment of source . https://newprophecymovement.com.au Chapter 20 Touch Me Not! ...... 109 Chapter 21 Healing and Deliverance ...... 112 Chapter 22 My Encounter with an Angel ...... 123 Chapter 23 Conclusion...... 130 Chapter 35 MyTestimony...... 135 CHAPTER 1

Technology the Age of Knowledge

Dear reader, would you not agree that in this technological age of knowledge and enlightenment, ignorance can be no excuse for anyone who is literate? (Ephesians 5:7) As in keeping with the prophecy in Daniel 12:4, starting at Pentecost 33 CE man’s understanding of scripture began to increase. Church historians tell us that early church fathers such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius, Chrysostom of Constantinople and Augustine of Hippo were among many who experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues in accordance with . But by the end of the fifth century due to schism within the church these gifts waned. It was during this period of time that due to the lack of scholarship, textual flaws in the reproductive process of the original text lead to erroneous interpretations which continued on into the medieval period. Many of these errors became dogmas rendered from the apocrypha and the infamous Alexandrian text which, according to church law, were only available to authorized persons.

1 Pastor Leslie Barnett

John Wycliffe defied Catholic law.

But in the thirteenth century John Wycliffe defied Catholic law by mak- ing copies of church documents. With the help of his followers, called the Lollards, his assistant, Purvey and many other faithful scribes, Wycliffe pro-duced dozens of English manuscript copies of the scriptures. They were translated from the Latin Vulgate, which was the only source text available to Wycliffe at the time. The Pope was so infuriated by his translation of the Bible into English, that he ordered his bones to be dug-up, crushed, and scattered in the river forty-four years after Wycliffe’s death! Not long after Wycliffe came John Hus who actively preached that peo-ple should be permitted to read the Bible in their own language in opposition to the edict of the Roman that threatened anyone who possessed a non-Latin Bible with execution. Not surprisingly Hus was burned at the stake in 1415, with Wycliffe’s manuscript Bibles used as kindling. The last words of John Hus were: “In 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed.” Uncannily just over a century later, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses of Contention (a list of 95 issues of heretical theology and crimes of the Roman Catholic Church) into the church door at Wattenberg. Martin Luther went on to be the first person to translate and publish the Bible in the commonly spoken language of the German people. Freedom to study, evaluate and compare faiths. Today more than any other time in the history of the church you can study, evaluate and compare your traditional faith to that of patristic documents and unadulterated Bible text, which have been for decades preserved in God’s time capsule and now revealed in these our last days.


It simply amazes me to think that just by a few clicks of a mouse original complementaries from early church fathers can be seen and read free from persecution from priestly nobles who for so long zealously guarded it under their own law. But the Word of God needs in understanding which can only come through a “New Prophecy” experience, which is why the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is so vital to today’s modern church.


Can the Church Ever Unite?

The we can no longer ignore is that there is disunity among God’s people, who radically defend their denominational traditions, without discerning the political agenda that has been behind the issue for generations. In fact, forgery of early Christian documents has a long and distinguished history; even within orthodox circles there was great debate regarding which manuscripts to include or exclude in scripture. And to add further confusion, certain word meanings were lost in translation from Hebrew to Arabic and Latin to Greek Koine. Even the Vulgate written by Jerome contained errors that were brought to the attention of Alcuin who under direction of the emperor Charlemagne A.D. 799 was to secure a more pure version in the Latin tongue. Nevertheless, despite all obstacles, during the period from 1604 -1611 fifty of the most notable scholars were able to agree on one authorized standard Bible-the King James Version rendered from the “Textus Receptus” (Latin for “Received Text”). This received text is basically a Greek that provided the textual base for the vernacular translations of the Period and was translated into the languages of the people to whom the message was given. It was a printed text created in the 15th century to fill the need for a textually accurate Greek New Testament.


Both Luther and Tyndale translated the Scriptures into their vernacular languages using the same basic Greek text. Luther used the second edition of the Erasmus New Testament, and Tyndale utilized the third edition. The King James Version was read by most Bible believing Christians down through the centuries where hidden truths lay waiting for the most discerning Christian. One such truth is the gift of tongues, which, according to Mark 16:17 is the sign of a true believer.

o “And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues" (NRSV).


Tongues – The Sign of a Believer

Those who have an eye and ear for discernment regard this heavenly language as a call to the church to “arise and receive the Pentecostal clothing of the Spirit”— which is her birthright and necessary for unity in the body of Christ. But , who is fully aware of this, has desperately tried to quench the Spirit by excluding Mark 16:9-20 from God’s inspired Word. But before I explain why, let us review the subject at hand by first reading :10 which says:

o “To another the working of ; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues” (KJV).

Dear reader, rather than say two different “types” of tongues — it would be better understood as two distinct “operations” of tongues.


Now let us examine how these two operations of tongues differ.

The first initial tongue is usually after baptism and is coined “the prayer tongue.” Paul tells us that this tongue is not a message to the church, but between himself and his heavenly Father. o 1 Corinthians 14:2 says this: “For those who speak in a tongue do not speak to other people but to God; for nobody understands them, since they are speaking mysteries in the Spirit.” o And in verse 4: “If I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful” (NRSV). The other tongue that Paul speaks of is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 14:27 which says this:

o “if anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at the most three should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret” (NIV).

This tongue has been coined “the administrative tongue” which gives licence for one to interpret and discern. Read 1 Corinthians 14:11, 12:31. How does one know they have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Everyone experiences the manifestation of the Holy Spirit differently. For me it is likened to vibrations from top to toe followed by a feeling of weightlessness and an uncontrollable sound coming from my lips. Some experience a feeling of butterflies rising up from within the stomach followed by a weakness in the knees and a lump in the throat. I recall an incident in the 1970’s when my pastor’s twelve-year-old son was awakened from sleep with an uttered tongue that continued for hours. So this definitely rules out any subliminal influence as many skeptics claim. Besides, can millions of tongue-speaking Christians be delusional.

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Unlike the prayer tongue, the ‘administrative’ tongue’ relies on a good understanding of God’s Word when interpreted and is used for the edification of the body of Christ. This gift according to 2:28, is initiated by an imaginary process such as a dream or even a creative thought. For instance: I recall one time being given an image of a bull being sacrificed on an altar by a priest who was cutting out the best pieces (fatty portions) to devotees who were totally disengaged. Within only a few seconds the Holy Spirit brought to mind the appropriate scriptures needed to discern the image hence, the result was as follows; o “To my people - Have I not said that I have chosen you among the many to be priests to present yourselves as living sacrifices without spot or blemish? Your sacrifice is not you’re very best. I don’t want a portion, a half or even a quarter but 100 percent otherwise none at all!”

Apparently God’s message to His congregation—was the lack of whole-heartedness in their praise and worship. (1Coritheans 14:13 / Leviticus 3:3-5/Genesis 4:4/Romans 12:1). God has commissioned His pastors and the body of believers for the in order to receive all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This methodology first requires a confession of faith, and has tremendous power when used in one accord with like-minded believers in one place. (Acts 2:1) I recall in the seventies when the entire congregation joined hands in front of the altar praying together for a Christian brother to receive the gift of tongues. Acts 8:17 says: “Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost” (KJV). But unfortunately today’s Pentecostalism finds the laying on of hands a bit disconcerting, even suggesting that tongues is not all that necessary in worship—no doubt an attitude that only grieves the Spirit, making His work less effective.


What Cessationists Say About Tongues

Cessation ism is the teaching that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing ceased with the apostolic age.

Cessationists teach that tongues were an intelligible foreign language spoken at Pentecost. But in today’s Pentecostalism it’s considered to be nothing but gibberish or mumbo jumbo. In fact Cessationists say that the only reason for tongues was because the early church included many foreigners who wouldn’t have understood without tongues spoken in their languages. Is this true? I will endeavor to prove that the tongue spoken at Pentecost and the early church was unintelligible just as it is today. Also I will endeavor to dispel the myth that Paul spoke all foreign languages, especially Greek. More importantly, I will endeavor to prove that the only intelligible language used in the early church was Aramaic via the prophetic tongues of interpretation and discernment. How so? Bible historians have noted that Paul spoke Aramaic, Hebrew and Latin but there is no evidence that he spoke fluent Greek. How so? We know that Paul was once a pious Pharisee, and like all religious Jews, had no need to learn Greek. In fact, according to the historian Josephus, Paul’s dialect when preaching at Athens was not Greek but Aramaic to the Jews and Arameans who lived side by side.

9 tongues on fire

Mark 7:26 attests to this: “The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged to drive the demon out of her daughter” (NIV). Dead Sea Scrolls Archaeologist Yigael Yadin also agrees with Josephus’ testimony, pointing out that Aramaic was the spoken language of the common man at the time. Granted, Acts 21:37 does say that Paul said to the tribunal, “May I say something to you?” And he said, “Do you know Greek?” (Acts 21:37, ESV). Though Paul was familiar with Greek, he was not fluent in it. For instance, when someone says to you: “Do you speak English?” you might answer: “Yes, just a little!” The notion that Paul could speak all foreign languages including Greek stems from a very poor rendering of the Bible, International Standard Version of 1 Corinthians 14:18, which Say: “what Paul speaks of is a “foreign language.” But Cessationists fail to realise that the foreign language in this scripture is a heavenly one. (Prayer tongue) The apostle Paul affirms this in 1 Corinthians 14:2 saying:

o “For those who speak in a tongue do not speak to other people but to God; for nobody understands them, since they are speaking mysteries in the Spirit (NIV).

10 Pastor Leslie Barnett

Granted, at Pentecost there was neither a prayer tongue nor an administrative tongue. That was to be implemented via dreams and visions in the New Testament church following Pentecost. Nonetheless, according to Joel’s prophecy the 120 participants did prophesy with many foreign languages. Why? To establish a new religious system for which a universal language was to be the first fruits of unification and equality. Galatians 3:28 tells us that these “first fruits” consisted of Jews, Gentiles, slaves and noblemen ~even women were considered equals when baptized into the one body and made to drink of the one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13) This begs the question: if the universal language is the joining together the first fruits of God by the one spirit, why then foreign dialects? Answer! To break down any prejudice that would hinder unity.

Consider this: Greeks, and Jude-ans, saw Galileans as uneducated and provincial. Since Jesus was from Galilee as were many of His disciples, one way to insult the group would have been to dismissively lump them together as “Galileans.” This was a way of implying that they were a group of yokels. Because of the anti-Galilean prejudice among the religious fraternity, pious Jews would have been surprised to hear Jesus’ disciples speaking, not as a Galileans, but in the highly esteemed (holy) language of Hebrew with such gusto and authority. Some Pharisees who adamantly disagreed with one of their contemporaries Philo Judaeus that Moses revelation derived from Greek philosophy would have been dumbfounded to hear themselves uttering Greek!


The Bible tells us that in that instant many Jews were convicted of their prejudices. Acts 2:37 makes it clear:

o “Now when they heard this, [the Jews] were cut to the heart and said to Peter and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” (NRSV).

Were the many diverse languages at Pentecost understandable? As previously mentioned the language used at Pentecost was to signify a universal brotherhood and as such never intended to be intelligible. But that doesn’t mean to say that the many foreign dialects were not recognisable. In fact token languages were commonly used in that time period. For example: Nazareth was a city in the region of Galilee, a popular trade route where people passed through from all other nations. This meant that Galilean tradespersons, namely fishermen, carpenters, wheel-wrights and tent makers, needed to understand the basics of a wide variety of foreign languages in order to negotiate their services. Likewise, those of the 120 guests would also have been familiar with foreign dialects when trading their wares and purchasing food. Consider this: As a musician I can best compare a “token language” to that of a musical arranger who writes the Greek bouzouki and the Indian Sitar into a single score knowing that these instruments would be recognisable by their distinctive melodic tones over and above the noise of cymbals clashing and drums pounding. In the same way, in the early hours at Pentecost when all 120 were in one accord, unique individual dialects could still be recognisable even amid the noise of what was described by onlookers as ‘drunken behavior!’ Let’s be reasonable here; do you really think that such a large crowd could have an intelligible conversation amid so much noise and confusion? “I think not!”

12 Pastor Leslie Barnett

A foreign language of revelation.

Peter stood up on the day of Pentecost and announced the fulfilment of a very important prophetic scripture quote: “This is what was spoken by the Joel!” (Acts 2:16) What was this prophecy? Joel 2:28 says:

o “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions” (NIV).

Interestingly enough, the prophet Joel mentioned four separate gifts; namely tongues prophecy, dreams and visions. Yet only tongues and proph- ecy had been manifested. As previously mentioned, the remaining gifts byway of interpretation and discernment through dreams and visions were forthcoming in the New Testament church beginning at Corinthians.

My church showed all the hallmarks of Pentecost.

Jesus is the same today as He was yesterday, which means that the spirit of Pentecost is still alive in today’s church. How so? The church where I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, had, on more than one occasion, displayed all the hallmarks of Pentecost. During that remarkable time, not once did I hear any intelligible language other than through interpretation of tongues. There was one exception; a Chinese sister recognised her for- eign dialect but could not make head or tail of what was said. And why is that? As we learned earlier,

o “The tongues uttered are not of man but of the mysteries in the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 14:2)


Therefore based on sound reasoning, the teaching that speaking in tongues should be fully comprehensible as it was at Pentecost 33 CE is nonsensical. In fact many skeptics say that tongues were only a sign for the unbeliever yet Mark 16:18-20 says otherwise. Besides, could it be said that all 120 in the upper room were unbelievers? “I think not!” The only unbelievers were those onlookers who with disbelief were astounded by the fervency and display of signs and wonders which they could only describe as drunken behavior. But my point being ; is that the reason for Pentecost was to usher in a new Church having its very own unique language that would communicate God’s message to His church byway of apostles, prophets, evangelists,pastors and teachers”— Ephesians4:11-13.

Did tongues cease when the Bible was complete?

Ponder this scripture: o “Charity never faileth: but whether there be , they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away” (1 Corinthians 13:8-10 KJV).

Dear brethren, the above scripture is a proof text used by Cessationists to establish a tenet which teachers that tongues ceased when the Bible — “that being perfect had come!” Let’s be reasonable here; how can God’s Word be perfect when mans interpretation is not!

14 Pastor Leslie Barnett

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible isn’t just a book full of wise instructions but an encrypted array of codes that relies on revelation to unravel its many mysteries. In fact, the word “revelation” comes from the word “reveal”— which means the unfolding of God’s sacred secrets. The apostle Paul said:

o “I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by from Jesus Christ” (Galatians 1:12: NLT).

To Simon Peter- Jesus said:

o “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven” (Mathew 16:17 NIV).

My point is this: for a Christian to understand the process of revelation, they have to be confident that the Bible is perfect. But don’t hold your breath, because this will only happen when Jesus returns to earth in his glorified form as one who is perfect! (Matthew 24:27) Please take note: Christendom teaches that prophecy is synonymous with a prophet and no longer applicable for today. But in this next chapter I will explain that a “prophet” as described by the largest Pentecostal organization in the world, is a manifold group of believer’s who testify Gods prophetic Word with many gifts including tongues. (Ephesians 4:11-13 & 9:10)


Are Apostles / Prophets Relevant to the Church?

This chapter is for those who have the gift of speaking in tongues but have since laid it to rest due to it being discouraged —leaving them to question; “where has the public acknowledgment of the Spirit gone?” Dear brethren, based on forty six years as a Pentecostal, I believe the reason for the decline of spiritual gifts in worship services is due in part to the influence of the “New Apostolic Reform movement” (NAR). This revised form of Pentecostalism is causing a schism within the Assemblies of God churches prompting concern that it may emulate the second century Montanist movement when prophecy became presumptuous by self appointed apostles, prophets, and prophetesses. But before continuing, it should be understood that the indifference between apostolic and non apostolic faiths is centered on Ephesians 4:11-12:

o "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (NKJV).

16 Pastor Leslie Barnett


Pentecostals and charismatic’s agree in principal to the fivefold gifts of service as outlined by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:11-12. Some have coined these gifts - “the ascension gifts” others refer to it as the “equipping ministries.” Although that term is not mentioned in the Bible, according to the Word of God, that is the purpose for these five ministries. They are “for the equipping” of the believers (Ephesians 4:12; NASB), and many other versions recognize that “equip” or “equipping” is an excellent trans- lation in this verse. The Greek word the NASB translates as “equipping” is katartismos (#2677), and it means “a process of adjustment that results in a complete preparedness” (Friberg Lexicon). Various Greek lexicons define it as “equipping, preparing, training, and perfecting.”

Now here lies the problem!

Likened to the Latter Day Saints, some Pentecostals such as the New Apostolic Reform movement teaches that apostles and prophets hold office that exceeds the authority of senior pastors. Not so according to the teach- ings of the Assemblies of God. How so? A manifesto regarding the position of apostles and prophets in today’s Pentecostalism was read out to the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God (International) August 6, 2001. In brief, the AoG say that Ephesians 4:12 is more a manifold ministry than a fivefold one. That is to say, Ephesians 4:12 gives to all saints the work of ministry: while 1 Corinthian 12:28-30 and Romans 12:6-8 provide aspects of ministry beyond the designations in Ephesians 4:11-12.


Therefore according to the AoG manifesto, the ministry of a “prophet” doesn’t equate to a single person (as is the case with the NAR) but a prof-it-hood of believers who convey God’s prophetic Word in speech, music or in deed hence, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelations 9:10). And the ministry of apostleship is one of wisdom initiated by the gift of knowledge — and like that of a prophet, holds no official office. (1Corinthians12:8). NAR vs. AoG Church governance.

The New Apostolic Reform movement has no formal structure but rather is by relational and voluntary alignment to apostles. In stark contrast, the Assemblies of God (AoG) recognizes ministers as certified, licensed or ordained. The work of district councils and the General Council is overseen by presbyters and superintendents and local churches appoint deacons from which the ministry of apostleship can be initiated. The AoG believes this practice is consistent with apostolic practice provided in the pastoral letters of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. “The pastoral letters do not make provision for the appointment of apostles or prophets, nor does the Book of Acts indicate that provision, for such was given in the churches established on the missionary journeys”—says the manifesto. The Assemblies of God believes that the apostles appointed were elders (Acts 14:23). They say: “At the conclusion of the missionary journeys, Paul met with the elders of the Ephesian church (Acts 20:17-38). Clearly, elders are also given the functions of bishop (overseer) and shepherd (pastor) (Acts 20:28: 1 Peter 5:2)

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Titles are not as important as ministry itself.

“Too often a title is worn in an attitude of carnal pride. The title does not make the person of the ministry rather; the person with ministry makes the title meaningful. Jesus explicitly warned His disciples against engaging in the quest for titles.” This sentiment is conveyed in Matthew 23:8-12 which says: o “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. And whoever wants to be first must be your slave —just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a random for many”(NIV).

Australian Christian Churches merge with apostolism.

The Australian Christian churches of eleven hundred affiliated members have disregarded the AoG manifesto of August 6, 2001 preferring to embrace apostolic views by inviting prophets to preach, or should I say prophesy via a “Certificate of fellowship.” It may well be that the Australian Christian Churches intentions are honorable but the question is, can this UNITY of fellowship be advantages? In answering this , let us first compare tenets.

19 Tongues on Fire

What the ‘New Apostolic Reform’ movement teaches.

1. The Church is built on today’s apostles and prophets whose titles and authority exceeds that of teacher evangelist and senior pastor. 2. Relational structures as in church governance have no formal structure but rather are by relational and voluntary alignment to apostles. 3. Every church is led by an prophet, or prophetess who spiritually guides senior pastors. 4. Only prophets, and occasionally apostles, can obtain new revela- tions. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers cannot. 5. Apostles only can administer the laying-on of hands for the pur- pose of ordination of all fivefold ministries such as imparting, identifying, bestowing or even confirming spiritual gifts including prophecy. 6. Corporate and individual ‘prophecy’ makes the gifts of tongues and interpretation redundant. 7. The doctrine of “Deliverance” teaches that all habits such as drug dependency and sexual depravity are directly the work of evil spirits giving Satan much credit. 8. Manifestations of God’s Spirit include: drunk in the spirit, bark- ing like a dog, child birth pains, legs growing and the dead being raised. 9. Healings are only effective according to ones faith—eliminating any doubt as to the prophet’s authenticity.

More worrisome is the claim by the ‘New Apostolic Reform’ movement that prophets with prophetic powers of new revelations are crucial in overcoming the world.

20 Pastor Leslie Barnett

They teach that the success of the church depends on the apostles following through on the information prophets provide. Furthermore the NAR are willing to modify prophecies since they set no standard of infallibility for themselves. This was the case when chief apostle Peter Wagner prophesied the ending of the “Mad Cows” disease —yet it still lingers on on!

This then begs the question: should prophecy be infallible?

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:29 that we are to discern for ourselves all prophetic utterances as to their authenticity. This shows us that prophecy can be questioned. But if prophesy is to be applied via “a single prophet”as is the case with the NAR, then it is unquestionable! The problem with apostolic-ism is that they confuse prophecy with prophesying. What’s the difference? Prophecy is via tongues-interpretation and prophesying is confirming God’s prophetic Word; as was the case at Pentecost 33 CE when Paul said on behalf of the 120 present : “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel” (Acts 2:16. KJV).

What the ‘Assemblies of god’ (inter- national) teaches.

1. The AoG teaches that the ministry of a prophet is important in the functioning of the church. Not with office, but as a body of believers coined - “prophet- hood” endowed with one or more spiritual gifts, such as wise, instructive, and edifying utterances. This can also include the gift of apostleship. (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; Ephesians 4:7-13; 1 Peter 4:10).

21 Tongues on Fire

2. Physical and spiritual healing with or without the laying on of hands can be administered via the gift of knowledge or by personal counseling with wise instruction. (1Corintheans 12:8) 3. Church structure is made-up of certified licensed / ordained ministers. District councils and the General Council are overseen by presbyters, superintendents, and local church appointed deacons. 4. Prophesying - is conveying God’s word in speech, music or in deed. Revelations 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 5. Prophecy is applied via the spiritual realm of tongues interpreta- tion. (1Corintheans14:27) 6. Deliverance from ones ungodly habits is addressed by wise instruc- tion from which faith is strengthened. OR in extreme cases via the gift of tongues discernment.(1Corintheans12:9-10).

As previously mentioned, the Australian Christian Churches are com- pletely autonomous to the Assemblies of God international preferring to implement their own policies. This then gives rise to the question as whether the Australian Christian Churches are Assemblies of God or an offshoot of the New Apostolic Reform movement. (NAR) Well, finally after years of denial the question has been answered when Brain Houston’s wife Bobbie announced on her twitter account February 2018 that her husband is an Apostle. Let us review the beginnings of the ACC.

Senior pastor William Francis Houston was active prior to being dismissed from Hills Christian Life Centre by his father Brain Houston in 1999. Brain Houston took over as president (1997-2009) and David Cartledge was national executive of Assemblies of God Australia (AGA). Together these three apostles incognito formulated the Australian Christian Churches.

22 Pastor Leslie Barnett

The late Frank Houston was a New Zealand Army Captain, who was associated with a Canadian cult named the ‘New Order of the Latter Rain’, which was founded by an apostolic, apostle Charles Greenwood. Today, the remnant of the NOLR movement is now called the ‘New Apostolic Reform movement’ (NAR who are aligned with chief apostle Peter Wagner of the Global Harvest ministry. Please keep in mind Peter’s prophecy regarding the restoration of the new apostolic age beginning 2001. Pentecostals and alike need to be aware that the NAR specifically targets and converts churches into its movement. This I know because I was once associated with the ‘Richmond Temple’ in Melbourne during the early 1970’s. But unbeknown to me at that time, the ‘New Order of the Latter Rain’ had skeletons lurking in the closet. How so? During the early 1950’s they promoted aggressive “divide and conquer” tactics in local churches while pushing the idea of ‘unity in the Spirit’. But to their detriment, NOLR were denounced by the Canadian and American AoG churches 3rd of September 1949. Dear reader, without sounding to judgmental, could it be said that a similar tactic used by the NAR to recruit AoG churches is now being deployed by the Australian Christian Churches? I have witnessed in an ACC church a prophecy spoken out loud by a prophetess without tongues interpretation, and when I queried the pastor regarding this strange anomaly he said: “AoG had a policy change!” Correction: "the ACC had a policy change!! " Please don't get me wrong, I have no problems with worshiping alongside apostolic congregants providing they don’t take over authority of the senior pastor or prophecy without need for tongues interpretation. But more importantly they don’t practice the ministry of deliverance.


Let’s be reasonable here; would you not agree that the ministry of deliverance places Satan centre stage with much credit going his way? Besides, have we not already been delivered when dying to Christ through baptism-a new born creature in Christ? (Romans 6:3-4 & 6:23) The Bible tells us that ungodly habits can be overcome, not always by a measure of faith as is the custom, but by a process of knowledge. 36:12 says: “But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword and die without knowledge” (NIV). My point here is that ‘God’s Living Word is what releases us from ALL bondages! This means that the ministry of deliverance can only be one of Satan’s snares that chains believers to a spirit of fear and confusion? 2 Timothy 1:7 says:

o “God has not given us (me) a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”(NKJV). Read also 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 & 1 Corinthians 12:9 & 4:11.

More pitfalls associated with apostolism. The position of AoG regarding apostles, prophets and prophetesses as a manifold group of believers and not a hierarchy makes good sense because it eliminates over lording which I experienced not only in the 1970’s but recently while attending the Christian Family Fellowship in Queensland. How so? To the uninitiated, the Christian family fellowship is aligned with the NAR and Peter Wagner’s Global Apostolic Network, (GAN) and the‘Restoration Fellowship International.’ (RFI) Its Australian roots began in the 70’s with Jay Jackson’s Emanuel church Melbourne Australia and like Frank Houston; Ray Jackson senior lost his position due to allegations of sexual misconduct.

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Today, BCFF is lorded over by a chief apostle named Vic Hall who claims to be visited by Jesus Christ. It’s no secret among Pastor Hall’s devotees that one of his prophets embezzled $850 thousand dollars due to a failed property investment and that apostle Hall refused to take him to court leaving the congregation to repay the debt. Not surprisingly the unorthodox practices of the Christian Family Church were brought to the attention of the ABC Four Corners programme Australia 23 June, 2008. ACC invite prophets to teach. Classical AoG parishioners need to be concerned regarding the Australian Christian churches inviting apostolic prophets to teach. Why? Because a directive from the General Council of AoG August 6th 2001 Page 12v3 says this:

• “Since the use of non-Assemblies of God ministers may bring confusion and problems detrimental to the Fellowship, it is recommended that Assemblies of God churches use Assembles of God ministers” (Article V1 Section 3).

Why Assembles of God ordained ministers? Having only AoG ministers is one way of discouraging visiting apostolic prophets or prophetesses who much like psychics of theatrical notoriety fish their audience. How so? Fishing is when a prophet will ask the congregation whether there is someone wearing a particular type of fashion jewellery, distinctive clothing or even a date of significance. For example, while in attendance at one of ACC affiliated churches in Queensland, I witnessed a visiting prophet pull from his fishing line the 11th of November. Well, lucky for him it was the residing pastor’s conversion date!! You should have seen the delight on the pastor’s face when it was prophesied that God was going to bless him and his congregation with great signs and wonders.


But the pastor has since resigned and the church has been dismembered. " False prophecy!" More worrisome, this prophet of God convinced some of the more desperate congregationalist in believing they were instantly healed — prompting words of suggestion. He even had the audacity to advertise his book You Can Prophesy which could be purchased on the spot via a credit card. “Am I against the miraculous ?” No! But what I am against is interfering with one’s faith believing they are out of favor with God should their newly acquired faith wear thin. Faith healers have a habit of saying,“God has healed you, but it’s up to you to confirm it through your faith!” This of course eliminates any judgment as to the prophet’s authenticity if it turns out that your healing was just one of those fleeting moments of joy. (No disrespect to God intended) Can the dead really be raised?

Typical of apostolic faith healers is that it always seems to be the psychosomatic illnesses that are cured, but never the real serious infirmities. In point of fact, during the 1970’s there were countless rumours involving dead people being raised and cripples walking- and one wouldn’t be a good Christian if they showed any doubt. But sooner or later a Christian needs to step down from the clouds and place their feet back on earth to the realisation that not all miracles are true blue. Let me ask you this question; “have you seen anyone being raised from the dead lately?” Please understand that I’m not underestimating God’s ability to do anything, but even if you did see with your own eyes a person being raised, can you be certain that person really did die? You may be surprised to now that there have been many cases of people who were pronounced dead, yet were very much alive. One case study of interest is addressed in chapter thirty two under healing and deliverance.

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My point is this: as followers of Christ we need to be careful that our pathway to salvation is not cluttered by hearsay. What we see, touch and discern in the Spirit is what God has placed before our feet. Simply put, we have to make the TRUTH our own by striving for the best and kicking aside the rest. “Do I believe in miracles?” Yes most definitely—as long as it comes under the umbrella of ‘divine intervention’ having many connotations including answers to prayer. Dear reader, when it comes to dead being raised the apostolic move- ment are at the forefront adding to their list legs been grown and teeth being filled with gold. Some apostolic churches such as the ‘ Christian Family Fellowship’ of which I’ve mentioned, practice ‘spiritual birthing’ whereby women, and at times even men, claim to be having actual contractions of the womb brought on by the anointing of the holy spirit, while they retch and moan as though experiencing childbirth. In fact, while I was attending the Gympie Christian Family Fellowship I was told by the senior pastor not to speak in tongues when prophesying. But to be fair to Brain Houston (Hillsong) and the Australian Christian Churches they do vet the obscurities of apostolic-ism as those I’ve just mentioned. But unfortunately some weirdo prophets and prophetesses do creep under the radar due to the lack of discernment by local pastors. But who can blame pastors when ACC have set in place a “Certificate of fellowship!” There is no doubt in my mind that the New Apostolic Reform movement and associates are infiltrating among the AoG congregations—not just here in Australia but all over the world! “Have you had a visit from one lately?”


David Cartledge former national executive of Australian AoG writes a book.

A book entitled “The Apostolic Revolution” was written by the late (apostle) David Cartledge who writes from 30 years’ experience as national executive of the Assemblies of God Australia (AGA). You may recall me mentioning him as one of the co-founders of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC). In his book David speaks harshly of AoG USA ultra conservatism and how it robbed power from apostles and why it’s now being restored. In discussing the purpose of the fivefold or “ascension gift” ministries, Cartledge believes it’s the office of apostle that allows the freedom to dis- cern divine direction. David writes that every significant church should be governed by an apostle, or at the very least a prophet or prophetess to spiritually advise senior pastors. Cartledge sums up the history of Pentecostalism in Australia in terms of an original revival (1900 to 1930’s) a decline brought about by institutionalization (1930’s to 1970’s) and the second revival driven by the apostolic revolution (1970 to present). David suggests that this later revival resulted from the appointment of an apostolic leadership in 1977, which dispensed with the tradition Pentecostal bureaucratic church structures. With all due respect to the late David Cartledge, I don’t recall Charles Fox Parham of the first original (1901) “Azusa Street Revival” being addressed as an apostle or profit—did you? However, David was right to say that the church structure did shift back from apostle to senior pastor, but for good reason. I was there and I should know! In fact, many of my brethren from the 1970’s agree that the Holy Spirit was being grieved while prophets and prophetesses were performing their theatrical antics. Honestly, things got so out of hand that everybody was going around giving people hands-on prophecies. I recall one time a prophetess telling me that God had a message for me. I remember saying; “that’s strange that you should say that because the Lord said nothing to me this morning while in prayer!” 28 Pastor Leslie Barnett

Unfortunately having a grandiose title of prophet does tend to produce false prophesies which gives rise to the question whether Peter Wagner’s prophecy of an apostle driven third wave outpouring of the Holy Spirit really does exist? Not if the pastoral letters of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus makes no provision for apostles! In fact during the 1970’s when the Holy Spirit was being poured out, there were no Anglican, Baptist and Catholic apostles. Yes, God is impartial with His workers everywhere including non-apostolic movements. Dear reader, having taken into account all that I have said, can you be assured that when a self styled apostle, prophet or prophetess conveys a prophetic message to you with the laying- on of hands that it will be authentic? I firmly believe that a profit who predicts without ‘tongues’ is no different than a psychic who reads tarot cards. A sobering thought indeed! (Leviticus 19:31). It hurts me to say, that the Australian Christian churches despite all good intentions will not convince me or my contemporaries that a minority of apostolic prophets and prophetesses can be beneficial amongst an over-whelming majority of worldwide AoG churches. Could it be said that the old Australian slang: “She’ll be alright mate” has left the eleven hundred Australian Christian Churches up the creek without a paddle?


Tongues interpretation is a priority.

As previously mentioned according to apostolic theology, a prophet is a single person who is able to prophecy with the laying on of hands. But according to AoG doctrine, a prophet is a manifold of believers from which prophecy is granted via a tongues interpretation. You may well ask; “what difference does it make whether God’s message to His church is via a prophet or a tongues interpretation?”

The answer: Confirmation! 1. Paul speaks of confirmation by more than one person. “If any man speaks in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret” (1 Corinthians 14:27 KJB). 2. Matthew 18:16 speaks of confirmation as witnesses. “But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses” (NIV). As clearly explained, the apostle Paul uses witnesses as confirmation to what the Spirit says, and Matthew emphasizes the importance of having a witness to all matters pertaining to the body of Christ. Yet despite this clarification, apostolic theology teach that a prophet or prophetess when predicting outcomes (revelations) do not require a tongue as a witness to interpret. When I asked a prophet as to the purpose of ‘tongues interpretation’ in the church he said:

• "The gift of tongues interpretation is only for the edification of the (corporate) church and not the individual.” Can this statement be true?

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 Not so! according to the apostle Paul who likened the church to physical limbs joined together as one entity hence, if a limb is edified then so too is the whole body. (1Corintheans12:21)

For example: During the 1970’s I would make my petition known to God and then wait in expectation for His answer at church via a tongues interpretation. It wasn’t unusual to have many answered by the one interpretation. And, on those occasions when comparing one another’s petitions, many were of similar nature. It’s when the body is in one accord that spirits are lifted knowing that God is listening. (Acts 2:1) As it stands today, Pentecostalism has been starved of its spiritual identity by teaching that profits can prophecy without need for tongues. The proof text for this reasoning is contained in 1 Corinthians chapter 14:6 which says: o “Now brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how will I benefit you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching?”(NIV)

But apostolism should take note that Paul is not saying that tongues are of no importance compared to revelation knowledge or even prophecy. No! But rather a tongue without interpretation has no benefit. Therefore with this principle in mind, 1 Corinthians 14:6 should be understood to mean that interpretation comes from the teaching of God’s knowledge (prophesying) from which revelations are revealed for the edification of the church. Want proof?


o “I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speakeasy with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying” (1 Corinthians 14:5 KJV). o “If anyone speaks in a tongue, two or at the most three should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret” (1 Corinthians 14:27 NIV).

Ponder this scripture.

o “But if no one is present who can interpret, they must be silent in your church meeting and speak in tongues to God privately.” (1Corintheans 14:28 NIV )

Sadly many Pentecostals and Charismatic’s in their ignorance use the above scripture to have tongues emitted from their main worship service due to an interpreter not being present. But God would expect those having the gift of tongues to advance to the next stage of interpretation so that His church will always be edified. 1Corinthians 14:13 says:

o “Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret” (ESV).

Contrary to popular belief, the gift of interpretation as a complement to a prayer tongue is not that hard to obtain. All that is required is sincerity, obedience, boldness, confidence and the ability to recall scripture verses. But one has to be patient because interpretation is a skill that overtime will develop from a simple scripture message to a prophetic revelation of discernment.

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You may ask; “How do I know when my ‘prayer tongue’ has progressed to becoming an administrative tongue?” If when praying in tongues you start to feel a weakness in your legs, a dwelling up from your stomach, a lump in your throat, and a scripture in mind —then very likely you have the administrative tongue. But don’t lose heart if your newly acquired gift is not encouraged by your local church pastor. Why? Because the plain truth is that the praying in tongues is only acceptable in a main worship service providing it’s exercised at a whispered level and never out a loud for the purposes of interpretation. This quenching of Gods Holy Spirit does demonstrate to me that the speaking in tongues have become an embarrassment in today’s institutionalized religion. In point of fact, when Scott Morrison was asked : "do you speak in tongues" he replied NO! Today many of the old school AoG Pentecostal pastors say: “even if we were to reinstate the manifestations of the Spirit, how will it be integrated into today’s Hillsong style worship services?”

Perhaps a glimpse into the past may give us the answer? In the 1970’s we were taught that when one is moved by the Spirit to speak out loud in a tongue, it should be contained until a lull becomes available in worship service so that an interpretation can come forth. This pause makes available for prayer request to be addressed by the Holy Spirit. But unfortunately today’s new generation of pastors has underestimated the importance of appointing specially-anointed song leaders gifted in knowing when the Holy Spirit moves—as was the case when Joshua was chosen to lead his musicians around the strongholds of Jericho! Simply put, the trend in Pentecostalism is to emulate ‘Hillsong’ or ‘Planet ’ with musicians and singers taking the lead without pause for the gifts of the Spirit to operate.


Prophets were once nonexistent in AoG churches. When attending AoG church’s during the 1970’s -90’s the very notion of an apostolic prophet or prophetess prophesying without tongues was not acceptable. Let’s be reasonable here; why would the church need tongues- interpretation when a prophet or prophetess is readily available? Or for that matter, why would a church need tongues when a “” is readily available? Christians need be aware of a trend now circulating among most Pentecostal churches whereby at alter calls one is given “a word of knowledge” with the laying on of hands. But as far as I’m concerned, this trend is no different to an apostolic prophet who prophesies without a witness to (tongues) interpret. I believe the correct protocol for alter calls should be administered by at least two persons. That is to say, one with a tongue and the other an interpretation —so that the church may guard themselves from familiar spirits? I have addressed this issue in chapter 17 were it talks about the devilish acts by Brett Peter Cowan and Frank Houston going undetected. In this chapter you will read how Brett Cowen's evil spirit went undetected for years while regularly attending church and how Brett’s uncle (court guardian) Mr. Philbrook and senior pastor Chas Gullo were completely oblivious to the spiritual warfare before them. And likewise when at the Maitland ACC congregation Frank Houston's last discord was centered on a pretty blond curly headed boy.

In summery: The decline of spiritual gifts in the ACC churches is due to the New Apostolic Reform movement and a general lack of interest in the Gifts of the Spirit, as in tongues interpretation. This grieving of God's Holy Spirit makes Christ Church a lifeless institutionalised form of Godly devotion. 34 Pastor Leslie Barnett

The trend that is now being exercised in Pentecostal churches as in a “Word of knowledge” is but a substitute for a tongue discernment and should only apply for teaching, counseling and administration duties. The issues raised hear will no doubt leave potential tongues candidates doubting whether this heavenly language is still necessary in today’s modern church. But if you are a candidate searching for a meaningful experience with God then I suggest you read carefully this next chapter.


Seven Facts about the New Prophecy Experience

1. Do all Christians have to speak in tongues to be saved? No! But though it may not be a requirement for salvation, it certainly can help remove Satan’s obstacles placed in ones pathway to salvation! 2. Should we desire to speak with tongues? Yes! (I Corinthians 14:1) 3. Does the Bible make a distinction between baptism in water and ‘the baptism of the Holy Spirit’? Yes! (Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16 & John 1:26) John the Baptist said, “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.” 4. Is the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues for everyone? Yes! If they desire it (Acts 2:33-39, Joel 2:28 & Luke 24:49). 5. Is the baptism of the Holy Ghost accompanied by power for living and witnessing? Yes! (Acts 1:4-14) 6. Does speaking in tongues in church require wisdom for proper use, and was it misused in Paul’s day? Yes! (See the entire fourteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians.) 7. Should we throw the baby out with the bath water if it’s not per- fect? No! (1 Corinthians 14:39 says: “Forbid not to speak with tongues.”)

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Some say that Jesus spoke with tongues? John 11:33 says that Jesus “groaned in the spirit”, which was an unintelligible utterance. In Mark 15:34 Jesus spoke to God in a language unknown to those who heard Him say: “EIoi, EIoi, lama sabachthani.” They thought he was calling for Elias (Elijah) but the gospel writer Mark interpreted it for us as: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Did Jesus really speak in tongues? I would like to think so! But John 14:16 says that in Jesus contains the fullness of the godhead bodily. Which means Christ had at His disposal a continuous stream of His father’s Holy Spirit? However in saying that, one cannot rule out the possibility that Jesus did speak in tongues: not out of necessity, but as an example like that of His baptism. In any event, the important thing to note about tongues is that for it to have any real effect requires a fresh anointing daily as exemplified in Exodus 16 where God‘s Holy Spirit symbolised manna to the Israelites in the wilderness and in Matthew 25:1-13 where God’s anointed oil was depicted in the parable of the ten virgins. Why speak in tongues? Pastor Harris, who began preaching when he was 12, is a fourth gen- eration member of AoG. His great-grandfather was a church pioneer who founded a Pentecostal camp meeting in Southern Illinois. Harris has pastured First Assembly for two years, and he said that the speaking in tongues was heard just once every two or three months at church. Harris said: • “We do stress that the initial physical evidence of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. But we do not encourage people to seek tongues but to seek God and to seek the power of the Holy Spirit for wit- nessing—tongues are just a byproduct of that.”


Pastor Harris sentiment is common among Pentecostals incuding Hillsong. Perhaps theses ministers need to read the story of how Peter when receiving tongues on the day of Pentecost, was transformed from a betrayer to a very powerful witness. o Acts 1:8 says: “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in , in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (GNT). Read also Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4.

Why tongues? John Wesley said that when the Holy Spirit outpouring began, families were reunited, long-severed friendships reconciled and hearts flowed together in true fellowship in the Lord. And even more than that, along with the spirit of unity and love came the spirit of sacrifice and the wondrous spirit of liberty. This was no by-product of Christian servitude as Harris says but a very effective weapon for destroying Satan’s strongholds? (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Are speaking in tongues for everyone?

One of the most frequently asked questions in Christendom today is this: If the baptism of the Holy Spirit is so beneficial to all those who follow Christ, why is it not encouraged by all Christian denominations? The simple answer to this question is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was encouraged by most protestant and catholic faiths during the 1901-1977 But according to non-tongue speaking religions, that spiritual awakening never really happened. In fact, today there is a campaign to eliminate any suggestion that tongues is an authentic Holy Spirit-inspired utterance applicable to today’s believers. Satan’s deception began when Westcott and Hort omitted Mark 16:17-18 from most modern Bibles. How? The answer lies in this next chapter.


Codex Sinaiticus Denies Tongues

Codex Sinaiticus coined the “Sinai Bible” was discovered at Mt. Sinai in 1844 in Saint Catherine’s Monastery by renowned Bible scholar Constantine Tischendorf. The Sinaiticus was to complement the ‘Vaticanus’ which lay dormant in the Vatican Library in 1481 AD. In spite of being in excellent condition, it omits: Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 46:28, Psalms 106-138, Matthew 16:2-3, The Pauline Pastoral Epistles, Hebrews 9:14-13:25 and the Book of Revelation. Westcott and Hort believed that the Alexandrian manuscripts that include the codices Sinaiticus, Vaticanus and Alexandrinus take precedence over the “Textus Receptus” on the premise that they were written in the fourth century, one hundred years earlier than the ‘Received Text.’ Nonetheless, as a compromise in a bid to preserve Christian unity, it was agreed by the majority of protestants (with exception to ‘King James Only’ loyalists) that all 5,309 surviving Greek manuscripts adhere to the King James Bible with only a 5 percent variance from today’s modern Bible versions. Even so, Christians should be asking: “What does this slight variation in the rendering of most Bibles have to say about my salvation?”

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The answer! Unlike the received text, the Alexandrian type leaves out the resurrection narrative at the end of Mark 16:9-20 (known as the long conclusion) the Lord’s Prayer, and the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8. Granted, some Christians could live with that, but not so Pentecostals and alike who regard verses 17&18 of Mark 16 as the hallmark of their faith.

How was Mark 16:9 -20 excluded from modern Bibles?

In 1853 Westcott and Hort from Collage Cambridge began ren- dering the codex Sinaiticus to form the Greek interlinear which influenced Bibles such as the NIV and also the Jehovah Witnesses New World Translation. Interestingly enough, the JW’s had the long conclusion in their New World Translation with cross references containing authentic manuscripts. But in 2013 a revised version of the NWT was produced without the slightest hint of Mark 16:9-20. Mark 3:28-30 says:

o “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”

Although there are hundreds of ancient manuscripts that include Mark’s long conclusion, Westcott and Hort based their authenticity on the codex Sinaiticus, which omits verses 9-20. The point that must be realized is that from the estimated 2.2 billion Christians worldwide, Pentecostalism makes up 279 million people whose main hallmarks are contained in the long conclusion of Mark 16. More to the point, Pentecostals and alike believe that it’s an affront to deem these verses spurious, denigrated to no more than brackets or footnotes.


Dear reader, would you not agree that it’s never a good idea to add or subtract from what God has said in His Word? Matthew 5:18 tell us: o “For verily I say unto you, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled” (KJV).

Deuteronomy 12:32 goes on to say this:

o “What thing so ever I com-mand you, observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, not diminish from it.” (KJV) o Deuteronomy 4:2 says this: “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you” (KJV) .

How many ways can He say that we are not to change asingle word, either adding or taking away from it? The text of the Bible is what the translators want you to think is the Word of God. But putting words into footnotes or in italics makes the reader think they don’t really belong in the Bible and are therefore not really important. To babes in Christ, that would mean a footnote stating that the long conclusion of Mark 16 is “spurious” is as good as saying it’s been corrupted. But if new converts take the “obligatory” time to research, they will be surprised to discover, that when typing in Mark 16 on the search engine, no reputable apologist has dared to deem spurious the long conclusion of Mark. This only goes to prove that God still guards His truths for those who are willing to think things through. The evidence is indisputable that the exclusion of the long conclusion of Mark from God’s inspired Word the Bible is a good example of how human error plays a role in the selection process when rendering modern Bibles. (Philippians 2:12, Mark 7:8).

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However in saying that, it doesn’t mean that God’s Word is lost. o Jesus said that “heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.” It simply means that error and alteration did occur and that caution and comparison need to be exercised in the understanding of ancient texts (Matthew 24:35 NIV) Am I suggesting that the King James Bible is free from errors?” No! Any good scholar should know that the 1611 edition of the King James Bible contains not only the book of Enoch, but also the Apocrypha. Nevertheless, one must consider that the books of the Apocrypha were never accepted as God’s inspired Word, which is why they were never integrated into the Old Testament text as the Alexandrian text were. However, these books are still revered for their historical value. The history of the King James Bible is just one of many fine examples why it is essential for students of God’s Word to compare and research all Bibles, particularly those that have been rendered from the Sinaiticus by Westcott and Hort. Why? Because how could any apologist say without conviction that the codex Sinaiticus is the most important text in existence when Tischendorf admitted that he counted 14,800 alterations and corrections the majority made in the 6th and 7th centuries. In point of fact, apologists have noted that on nearly every page of the manuscript there are corrections and revisions, done by ten different people. Phillip Mauro was a brilliant lawyer who was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in April 1892. In the early 1900s he wrote a book called Which Version. He writes concerning the Sinaiticus: “From these facts, therefore, we deduce: first that the impurity of the Codex Sinaiticus, in every part of it, was fully recognized by those who were best acquainted with it and that from the very beginning until the time when it was finally cast aside as worthless for any practical purpose.”


Yet, despite criticisms by notable scholars, the Codex Sinaiticus has been glorified as the “World’s Oldest Bible.” But the truth is that the oldest are not necessarily the best! Not if the document makes Mark Chapter 16 end abruptly by omitting twelve verses and unusual blank spaces where verses 9-20 would fit as they do with hundreds of other ancient texts. Juan Garces, the curator of the Codex Sinaiticus project says that it’s a “very odd way of ending a Gospel.” And I couldn’t agree more!


Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic?

Perhaps you have heard this said; “The is of the Devil. They are easily identified by three distinct heresies: 1. The speaking in tongues (mumbo-jumbo). 2. The teaching that salvation can be lost through sin. 3. Fake healing meetings and crusades.

Obviously the person who wrote the above isn’t Catholic otherwise he or she would have recalled in 2010 Pope Frances meeting with 50,000 Catholic charismatic’s in Rome’s Olympic Stadium where he willingly knelt onstage as those present prayed for him with singing and speaking in tongues. Neither can this critic be Baptist otherwise he or she would have recalled Billy Graham’s ‘Decision Magazine’ in the late 1960’s of which highlighted the Pentecostal Welsh outpouring in 1904 led by Evan Roberts who brought the whole country to its knees. And in the fall of 1973 the Liberty University and Thomas Road Baptist Church were among the first group of Christians to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. Speaking of the Baptist, when I was involved with Billy Graham’s Youth for Christ in the 1970s most denominations welcomed me into their brotherhood with the exception of one religion who taught that speaking in tongues, was demonic. Their proof text was Matthew 7:22-23 which says:

44 Tongues on Fire

o “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers’ (NRSV).

Perhaps now as the light has got brighter this religion has realised that Matthew’s words were a wake-up call to all Christians from all denominations (tongues or not) who disobey the will of the Father regardless of fine works about which they boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) The apostle Paul agrees in 1 Corinthians 13:2: o “And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing” (NRSV).

Tongues- devilish or divine?

Another myth circulated around Christendom is that tongues sounds very devilish, when it mentions drinking any deadly poison or picking up serpents, because these things are the custom of many pagan religions. And, because God is not to be tempted this scripture can only be erroneous. (Luke 4:12) Once again let us read Mark 16:17-18:

o “And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (NRSV).

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Now let’s analyse these scripture verses. ‘’The picking up of serpents” symbolised faith exemplified in the setting of the apostle Paul at Melita where he was bitten by a viper. (Acts 28:3-5) This setting is backed up in Luke 10:19, where Jesus told His disci- ples that they would tread on serpents and scorpions and nothing would harm them. Moreover, we see the phrase in Mark 16:18: “If they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them” referred to Justus Barabbas whom Paul mentioned in Acts 1:21-2. He was one of two candidates qualified to replace Judas Iscariot. Church historians claim that Justus became Bishop of Eleutheropolis and later died a martyr. It may be of interest to know that Justus drank a poison-laced drink, as seen by the daughters of the apostle Philip who told the story to Polycarp’s companion Papias Bishop of Hierapolis, who then conveyed the story to Eusebius bishop of Caesarea. Hierapolis was Bishop of Hierapolis (modern Pamukkale, Turkey), and author who lived circa 70–163 AD. (‘H.E.,’ 3, 19-39) The story comes from excerpts of Irenaeus of Lyons (ca. 180 AD) and Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 320 AD) Eusebius account of Justus Barsabas does highlight how early apologists can assist our understanding of scripture and therefore bring to our attention the importance of patristic evi- dence as a compliment to Bible truths. If this explanation had been brought to my attention by my tutor I would have used it as my defense against those who accused me of being demonic. But today with the aid of the Internet much more can be understood as why Bible stories are written.


Only apostles can lay hands?

Perhaps you’ve heard Cessationist say that only apostles can lay hands on those who want to receive tongues, and because the last apostle, John, died at the end of the first century tongues must have ceased? Patristic evidence outweighs this theory. Why? Because if Polycarp was an apprentice to John he would have had hands laid on him- who in turn would have laid hands on his apprentice Irenaeus. Want proof? In Irenaeus Book V, vi.: Against Heresies (c180) it states: • “In like manner do we also hear many brethren in the church who possess prophetic gifts, and who through the Spirit speak all kinds of languages, and bring to light, for the general benefit, the hidden things of men and declare the mysteries of God, who also the apostles term spiritual.”

But the biggest surprise of all is that tongues continued well into the fourth century due to the existence of the Montanist remnants— a fact brought about by a document written by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo who stated: • “We still do what the apostles did when they laid hands on the Samaritans and called down the Holy Spirit on them in the laying-on of hands. It is expected that converts should speak with new tongues.”


The Spiritual Awakening

In 1650 this awakening began to rain down on Christ’s Church - “likened to fire,” said , founder of the ! Ironically the Quakers’ fire was not of tongues, but a type of shaking hence, the word quake. Other denominations experienced the raining down of fire with speaking in tongues. These included Edmund Irving, the Huguenots, Peter McKenzie, Dwight L. Moody and Charles G. Finney. As previously mentioned John Wesley believed in the spiritual gifts of miraculous healing as likened to the “Montanist” movement of the second century. (Ephesians 4:11) In Wesley’s Journal entry for August 15, 1750, he wrote, “I was fully convinced of what I had long suspected that the Montanist, in the second and third centuries, were real, scriptural Christians.” Some argue that at times Wesley sounded somewhat ambivalent regarding some of the more “extraordinary” gifts as they surfaced within the 18th century evangelical revival (no doubt concerned about the charges of “enthusiasm” against the people called Methodist). John Wesley defined, described, and defended a whole host of spiritual gifts, including: (1) Casting out devils. (2) Speaking with new tongues. (3) Escaping dangers, in which otherwise they must have perished. (4) Healing the sick. (5) Prophecy, foretelling things to come. (6) Visions. (7) Divine dreams. (8) Discerning of spirits. (Works10:16)

48 While the order and even the mention of some “gifts” not normally associated with the biblical accounts (such as visions and dreams) may seem a bit strange, the fact remains that Wesley believed that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were not only important for Christ’s church but also very much alive during the 18th century ‘Evangelical Revival.’ When John Wesley’s opponent Middleton charged “that the silence of all the apostolic writers on the subject of the gifts, must dispose us to conclude they were then withdrawn,” Wesley immediately responded: “O Sir, mention this no more. I entreat you, never name their silence again. They speak loud enough to shame you as long as you live” (Works 10:23). Apparently from Wesley’s perspective, the Montanist movement in which Tertullian’s Trinity hypotheses had derived (190 CE) was not in its beginnings a heretical sect as is generally accepted by today’s ecclesiastical theologians. In point of fact, the Montanist so-called “New Prophecy” is what ignited the 18th century ‘Evangelical Revival’ which was to be the forerunner to the biggest awakening of all, marking the beginning of the 20th century .

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In preparation of the New Prophecy-1901.

In the 1880s the Pope in Rome sent out a paper to the bishops insisting they pray for a “renewed Pentecost.” Also during that same time period, Rabbis Isaac Lichtenstein from Romania and Rabbi Joseph from Rabinowitz in Moscow started the modern Messianic movement. These were but a por- tion of God’s Holy Spirit - likened to when Jesus breathed upon His disci- ples prior to Pentecost 33CE. (John 20-22) Meanwhile across the globe, the foundations of God’s new proph- ecy movement were being laid in the USA by a very godly man named Charles Fox Parham. In 1898 Rev. Parham opened his divine healing home in Topeka, , which he named “Bethel.” It was from these humble beginnings that it quickly developed into a Bible school that was housed in an old English-style castle situated west of Washburn College, close to Charles’ home. In this rented mansion, Rev. Parham began recruiting Christians from all denominations that were willing to forsake all material comforts for study and prayer. Things such as food, fuel and rent were entrusted to God alone. Rev. Parham’s school was elegant, boasting hand-carved wooden panels, polished brass door knobs and marble floors. But the castle had unfinished rooms because its owner lacked the funds to complete it. One of these rooms was the upper third floor dormitory which unbeknown to Parham was soon to be the setting chosen by God to mark the beginning of a new dispensation following that of Pentecost 33 CE. It was there in the tattered surroundings of a mansion that students knelt at wooden plank seats praying for the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.


second (wave) Pentecost 1901.

Seeds from the second century Montanist movement began to sprout in expectation of the great harvest of for Christ!

On the stroke of the midnight hour 1 January 1901 the Holy Spirit filled the whole upper floor with a dazzling, bright white light. Twelve ministers, who were in the school from different denominations were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. Then not long after that Rev. Parham received God’s heavenly gift of tongues. For the next three years God’s empowerment slowly gained momentum in the form of tongues, healing and deliverance. Of course Satan was to take full credit via the media referring to Rev. Parham as a divine healer who transferred his magnetic powers by the laying on of hands. Nonetheless, according to the Bible students of Topeka, any news was good news regarding those that threw away their crutches and gave their lives to Christ. Many believed that God’s Holy Spirit empowerment was timed to coincide with the 1906 California earthquake and the sinking of the Titanic as a lesson to all who would dare put their trust in man rather than in God. Others said that God timed His outpouring of Holy Spirit in preparation for the beginning of WW1. It is believed that many people gave their lives to Christ prior to this shocking slaughter of twelve million souls. I’m not suggesting that God deliberately planned these events. But rather, knowing beforehand He prepared the ground, as was the case with Joseph and the seven year drought mentioned in scripture.

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God in His foreknowledge prepares a way for those who are predestined to proclaim His glory always amazes me. And, likened to a moth that is irresistibly drawn to a light, God’s chosen ones are irresistibly drawn to His purpose. And so it was that two African American Bible students from Topeka Kansas were chosen to share their upper room experience in a little cottage on Bonnie Brae Street in California, which would marlk the beginning of the “Azusa Street Revival.


God’s Full Measure Flourished

Godly men including Raymond T Richey, Evan Roberts from the Welsh revival (1904-1905 and Dr. Charles Price, writer, lecturer and evangelist (1922-1947 were called to join in sharing Rev. Parham’s message of deliverance. This movement was later to be coined “The ” which the Assemblies of God Churches adopted as their own. Just as it was in the days of Christ, miracles were God’s pathway to salvation. Raymond T. Richey was reported as saying, “Divine healing is the dinner bell. Keep ringing that bell and people will come.”

Holy Spirit comes in waves.

During my research into God’s spiritual awakenings, I discovered a divine pattern whereby God prepares a window of opportunity followed by a rest period. You may recall the mention of the Montanist first wave movement, which Wesley addressed in his journal. However Cessationists claim that the Montanist movement of the second century was heretical and that the speaking in tongues was no more than an “enthusiastic strain to utter extraordinary expressions.” Let's test out this accusation.

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Montanus accused of being a heretic.

In the earliest beginnings of the new prophecy movement Montanus (its founder) was sanctioned by Pope Victor 1, before he had a change of heart due to political pressure, and deemed him a heretic. But the truth is that Pope Victor was not condemning tongues per se but Montanus. How so? Pope Victor’s condemnation of the prophet Montanus was based on an anonymous letter, which ended up in the hands of Abercius Marcellus, Bishop of Hierapolis. Although it’s not clear what was contained in the letter, I do suspect it was regarding apostles, prophets, and particularly prophetesses who were prophesying presumptuously. Nonetheless, it may have been easy to condemn Montanus as a heretic but not Tertullian who became his most loyal devotee. Why Montanus’ demise?

I suspect that the letter given to Abercius Marcellus, Bishop of Hierapolis was from Praxaes: that under the pretense of Montanus false prophecies, Praxaes hoped to connect Tertullian’s Montanist association in order to taint his work on the Trinity against modalism which teachers that Christ is one of three modes of God’s expression and that Jesus is actually the eternal father. (Ref: Adversus Praxean) How do I come to this conclusion? Patristic documents reveal that Praxaes was aware that Pope Victor 1st conducted a vendetta against Tertullian for apostatising from his (western) church to join forces with Montanus. But Tertullian having discerned Praxaes conspiracy defused the plot by disassociating himself from Montanus to form his own group under the auspices of the eastern Catholic Church.


Interestingly as it stands today, Tertullian has not been canonised due to his so named “Arian subordinationism”— despite the fact that Arius wasn’t even born in the second century. If the truth be told, subordinationism was Nicene approved yet considered heretical (‘Decretum Gelasianum’) in the 6th Century. But before I explain why I should remind my readers that Tertullian’s most important works are the Apologeticum, in defense of the Christians and Adversus Praxean, in which the doctrine of the Trinity comes into clear focus due to Tertullian’s gifts of knowledge, tongues prophecy and interpretation.

What is subordination?

Late second century Tertullian, the father of TRINITY taught that Christ was formed (not created) with one nature infused with divine and human attributes nestled within His father’s bosom. o John affirms this in 1:18 stating that the begotten Son is in the bosom of the father, who has already been declared! o Also King David when speaking prophetically about his messianic linage said : “Your eyes saw even the embryo of me and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed” (Psalms 139:15 KJV). Tertullian taught that although retaining full divinity Christ was second to His Father in deity kingship. But in 431 AD Tertullian’s subordinationism was replaced by a dogma named “” which gave Christ two natures, God ( divine) and human- the latter being attributed to Mary’s biological traits.

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Subordination to the Catholics was a hindrance to the dogma. Why? Because Christ subordination was taught to mean inferiority thence, "more than a man and less than God" This articulation of Christ would inevitably effect Mary's title "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven."

• Second century apologist Tertullian, the father of the Trinity said; “Father is not the same as the Son, since they differ one f rom the other in the mode of their being….Thus the Father is distinct from the Son, being greater than the Son, inasmuch as He who begets is one, and He who is begotten is another; He, too, who sends is one, and He who is sent is another; and He, again, who makes is one, and He through whom the thing is made is another” (Against Praxeas).

Apparently the Mariology dogma was not one of the 95 heretical theologies that Martin Luther in 1517 nailed into the church door. Today many Protestants have adopted Catholicism’s Mariology remodeling it as “Marian theology.” Interestingly enough, Justin Martyr, Origen and Clement of Alexandria were not canonised for the same reason as Tertullian. I will be discussing this in my next book: Secrets of the “Lost Trinity” - a complement to this publication. From my own perspective, regardless of how one views the activities of Montanus and his prophetesses, they do not speak on behalf of the ‘New Prophecy’ movement per se. The main point that must be realised is that Tertullian’s Montanist beliefs led him to the unpalatable truth, that the church was not a conclave of bishops, but the people of the Holy Spirit.


Granted, God did put His ‘New Prophecy’ at rest, but we must not forget that the first wave manifestation of God’s Holy Spirit (Montanist) were just the seeds in readiness to sprout and yield a harvest of God fearing men such as 13th century Vincent Ferrier and 14th century Francis Xavier- and of course Martin Luther just to name a few. Dear reader, during the following chapters I will be addressing many of the ethical problems facing the Pentecostal and charismatic churches today due to its neglect of spiritual gifts. I have also included simple guidelines to help you become more discerning with brethren that would impede your growth in servitude to the Lord. But first let us begin with this next chapter which gives us an example of what can happen to those who abuse their calling.


Are Anointed Gifts Irrevocable?

There exists within Pentecostalism and alike a perception that gifts of tongues, prophecy, discernment, healing and deliverance are all irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)

Kenneth E. Hagin known as the Big Daddy of the “Word of Faith” movements made the following statement: • “If God has called you, that calling is still there, whether or not you have obeyed. And if God gave you a gift along a certain line-that gift is still there!” The late Kenneth Hagin Sr. was a very godly man who in 1974 started the Rhema Bible School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Many of his students, including Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar, embraced this irrevocable tenet, which later proved to be a thorn in Hagin’s side. To the uninitiated, this tenet sets a very powerful precedent which holds that God’s anointing can be channeled through church leaders regardless of their spiritual condition.


To elaborate further on this topic let us review a case study.

A.A. Allen was an anointed prophet who in 1955 purchased a large tent for $8,500 making him one of the major healing evangelists on the revival circuit alongside fellow prophets Jack Coe, , and William Branham. Allen became one of the first to develop a national television ministry and the founder of the "Prosperity Gospel" teaching that poverty was a ‘bad spirit’. He was the first evangelist to employ professional musicians to create just the right angelic atmosphere. One of Pastor Allen’s ploys was to fake healings by placing those with bad backs in wheelchairs. By doing so, Allen knew that with the power of positive thinking they would most likely leap out of their chairs-if not for a flinting moment. These theatrics would no doubt lead the audience to believe it was a cripple learning once more to walk. It’s known among evangelist that faith healers would often justify their antics claiming they were building up faith so that audiences could experience miracles without having hands laid on them. The Rev Jim Jones from the notorious Peoples Temple Movement of the 1970’s used this methodology.

Allen died an alcoholic.

It seemed that pastor Allen could deliver others from their demons but not himself. How so? Allen died at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco, California, on June 11, 1970, at the age of fifty-nine after a heavy drinking binge. Following a twelve day investigation and an autopsy, the coroner’s report concluded that Allen died from liver failure brought on by acute alcoholism. The coroner reported that his blood alcohol content of .36 was “enough to ensure a deep coma.” Allen was buried at Miracle Valley, Arizona, on June 15, 1970.

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Sadly Pastor Allen had abused his calling. But according to Hagin’s irrevocable dogma, Pastor Allen was used by God to heal the lame and deliver the oppressed, regardless of whether or not he was controlled by alcohol and motivated by greed. Dear brethren, it can’t be denied that God gave us certain abilities when He made us and called us into the ministry. So in that sense God’s calling is irrevocable regardless of our personal weaknesses. But if a minister of God sets his heart on “self” then that’s the foundation upon which he builds his ministry, as opposed to caring more for others than he does for himself, just as a shepherd who truly loves his sheep. God’s true anointed ones are entrusted to protect and nurture His flock. Hebrews 13:17 tells us that these fine shepherds are accountable for our souls, which requires them to be caring and compassionate. So the question is not who has the anointing but whether or not it has been regularly validated. This is God’s way of applying a fresh touch. One just cannot depend on the old anointing as was the case in Matthew 7:23 where it says this: “Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers” (NRSV. It seems apparent that Pastor Allen’s old anointing had not been replenished with fresh oil daily, while the irrevocable tenet gave him a false sense of security. Perhaps if Allen had believed that his anointing was conditional upon keeping his temple holy he would have dealt more seriously with his addiction. The damage was psychological warfare?

This is not my judgment but God’s. (Ephesians 5:18-20 -1 Corinthians 6:10-5: 9-11 Not only did evangelist Allen lose his salvation due to his drunkenness, but countless numbers of others lost the opportunity to be saved. How so?


Satan had a contract with Hollywood to psychologically prepare minds to reject the soon-coming baptism of the Holy Spirit as just another religious scam to take their hard-earned dollars. The movie in question was “Elmer Gantry”- a 1960 drama about a con man and a female evangelist selling religion to small town America. This picture was nominated for five Academy Awards in 1961, including Best Picture and Best Score, winning the other three; Best Actor for Burt Lancaster, Best Supporting Actress for Shirley Jones, and Best Adapted Screenplay. In Lindsay’s book “They Saw it Happen” he wrote;

“Every movement of the Spirit of God must run the gauntlet of the devil’s forces. The Dragon stands before the bearing mother ready to swallow up her child. (Revelations 12:7) The enemy does much counterfeiting. But God kept the child well hidden from the Herod's until He could gain strength and discernment to resist him. The flame was guarded jealously by the hand of the Lord from the winds of envy, criticism, and unbelief. It went through the same experiences that all revivals have. Its foes were both inside and out, but God’s work is wrought in human imperfection”.


Who are Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15 ESV).

Counterfeits are usually self-proclaimed apostles or prophets who come into the pulpit with guns blazing and Armour glimmering, accompanied by a brass band and flashing a cheesy, well-rehearsed grin. Well, that seems to be the perception! But wolves come in other forms as well. In fact, they can simply be goat-like Christians who unwittingly open themselves to be used by Satan to teach the art of discouragement. Am I saying that discouragement is false religion? Yes most definitely. In fact the Bible tells us that the tongue is treacherous, and like a viper it can inject very hurtful venom thus poisoning someone’s faith. David says in Psalms 52:2 says:

o “You are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor” (NRSV).


The mention of the tongue reminds me of a WW2 slogan that said, “Loose lips sink ships.” This slogan demonstrates the immense power that our tongue can have and how we as believers need to tame it into submission. The apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:29 have this to say about the tongue:

o “You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear” (NET).

What Christians fail to realise is that the hardest people to reach are those who have been in church but have left the church, because they’re wounded. I can attest to this because it was the reason I left the church determined never to return. Let’s be honest with one another. All Christians, including myself can be guilty of falling into discouragement. Titus 1:16 says:

o “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their actions. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work” (NRSV).

We who are in the body of Christ should focus on addressing our own shortcomings rather than criticising our brothers and sisters in Christ, praying for those among us who are weak and weary. But beware because some ravenous wolves who have sold themselves out to Satan, with no desire for redemption. This means that no matter how much you encourage and pray for them, their hearts are set on destroying that which is good; refusing your overtures on their behalf. Jesus described them this way:

o “You belong to your father the Devil!” (John 8:44 NIV)

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This then begs the question: how does a loving forgiving Christian discern between weaker brethren and those of Satan’s influences? We find the answer in 1 John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (NIV).This passage leads us to another question: how does one try the spirits of our brethren without criticising? The answer is in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13: “And we beseech you, brethren, to -know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you” (KJV). Do not be deceived!

The word “Know” in many Bibles is rendered respect, honour or even appreciates which already qualifies leaders as being righteous when it could be quite the opposite. o Jeremiah 23:1says this: “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!’ declares the LORD” (NIV). At this point you may ask: “how does one know when a shepherd’s guidance is honorable?” o 2 Timothy 2:15 has the answer: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (NIV). Approval has to be earned! To know your brethren including those who take the lead begins with familiarity, from which derives respect, honor and trust? It is from these three principles that one can feel comfortable enough to speak the truth in love, gently pointing out errors that will bring about growth in the knowledge of God.

64 TONgUEs ON FIRE o 1 Peter 4:9-10 says: “Be hospitable (familiar) to one another without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (NKJV). o James 5:16: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (ESV). o Colossians 3:13: “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others” (NLT). Who can one trust?

When in my youth attending Richmond Temple in Melbourne, I was taught to respect honour and trust apostles and prophets who claimed to be God’s channel of communication. The same rhetoric was taught to me by the Jehovah’s Witnesses anointed governing body. I question, should I put my trust in ministers that are preoccupied with financial security power and greed? This is not judgment but a means of qualifying ones true intentions.

o John 7:24 says: “Do not judge superficially, but be just in your judgments.”

Dear reader, there is a fine line drawn between judgment and discernment which can be stumbled across many times. But that is the nature of wisdom and knowledge which is not to be discouraged. In the next 5 chapters I will be highlighting the importance of trusting brethren —and how we Christians need to discern the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness. But first let us review today’s church in this next chapter.


Where is the Perfect Church?

o The apostle Paul says this in 2 Corinthians 11:26: “I have travelled on many long journeys. I have faced danger from rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but are not” (NLT).

The sad truth is that if you are looking for the perfect church, then your search is in vain. The reality which Christians find hard to grasp is that God’s place of worship is not always a sanctuary but a battleground where false brethren lurk. I have learned through experience that any religion that claims to be ‘true blue’ should at least admit there are wolves in sheep’s clothing lurking among their very own flock. Not so according to some religions where it is taught that for a religion to be true blue there should be evidence of fine fruits.

o Matthew 7:16 says: “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (KJV)


Obviously the fruit in which Matthew speaks of is one’s personal attitude in LOVE — exemplified in the previous chapter as respect honour and trust. But to some religions, these fine fruits are religious ordinances such as, no blood transfusions, no voting, no beards, no contraceptives and defiantly no pagan celebrations. There seems to be the perception that religions who set high standards are the ones more likely to be ‘holier than thou?’ Granted, rules and regulations will make one more religious, but not necessarily more Christian. Question is, who really are the fruitful ones amongst Christ church? Is it Pope Francis and his entourage of spiritual advisers? After all the word Catholic does mean universal. Perhaps a look into the first century Christian church may give us some answers.

"So what was the first Church"? Historical records show that the first church was actually called a gathering, and was held not in synagogues or buildings but in communal dwellings. These early followers of Christ were called “the way” before the term Christian was adopted in 40 AD. It is interesting to note that church buildings were non-existent until 303 AD when the emperor Diocletian and then later Constantine decreed it should be so. Church historians tell us that during the first century, Christians were spread throughout the Roman provinces which meant that many were unable to meet Jesus and their fellow disciples face to face. This fact is made apparent in Luke 9:49-50 where it says that Christ’s inner circle had come across those of the outer circle who were also performing many miracles in Jesus’ name.

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The apostle John approached Jesus on this question. “Master,” said John, “We saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you” (NIV. But in today’s Christendom, many inner circle followers of Christ cannot agree with outside followers of the same faith. Some as I’ve mentioned even accuse others of teaching a false gospel through deceitfulness, trickery and craftiness. (Ephesians 4: 14. No doubt a mindset similar to Islam were Shiites and Sunnis believe in the same Allah, read the same Quran, believe in the prophet Mohammed, yet both sides war over who has the true teaching of Islam! Many Christians would agree that a wise and mature Christian should be free from prejudices in order to discern the difference between what is good and what is bad. But the question begs: who of the 1300 Christian denominations are preaching good and not bad Bible truths? (Hebrews 5:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 & Proverbs 18:15. With regard to deceitfulness, trickery and craftiness, I firmly believe Paul was referring to Judaism, Gnosticism, Mithra-ism and the like that all denied Christ’s resurrection. But today’s Christian denominations base their doctrine on Romans 10:9 that says:

o “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (NIV).

Please understand that I’m not saying that salvation comes by just believing. No! There is a much more that is required for true ongoing commitment. But what I will say— is that the greatest of all hallmarks which separates believers from unbelievers is ones heartfelt confession of faith.


It is from this virtue that revelations are revealed to those who search them out with fear and with trembling. (Romans 10:9. Hebrews 11:6 & Philippians 2:12-13)

How hard does one need to search?

Even though most believers are faith-oriented, that in itself doesn’t mean they are growing in the knowledge of God. Why? Because many of today’s institutionalised churches neglect to offer proper and timely food that will help a babe move from milk to meat. This means that if the diet goes without wise supervision, it could result in emaciation to the point of starvation and premature (spiritual) death. A sobering thought indeed. (Matthew 24:45, 1 Corinthians 3:2 &21, Revelations 3:1-6) Allow me to ask you a hypothetical question; if you were unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with a terminal illness would you seek out a sec- ond opinion? Of course you would! So why not do the same regarding religion?” Let’s face it, today we shop around for jobs, cars, houses and even schools, but when it comes to a spiritual home, we just accept what is conveniently handed down. In all honesty, don’t you think your spiritual health and physical wellbeing are worth a little more effort? Your church may argue that it isn’t what you are getting fed on Sundays that is the problem, but what we feed ourselves during the week. Point taken, however it’s vital that a one-on-one follow-up study needs the support of church elders who have neither the time nor the commitment. Some churches will use fear and intimidation tactics to prevent you from leaving their church, by citing 1Timothy 4:1 which says: o “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times some will desert the faith and occupy themselves with deceiving spirits and demonic teachings” (NET).

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Institutionalised Church Vs. Home Church

“Religious institutions governed by committee overlords segregate the body of Christ, not to mention placing a financial burden on those Christians who can least afford it”— Rev. William Barmen.

During 1970’s Pentecostal awakening, families were reunited, long- severed friendships reconciled and hearts flowed together in true fellowship in the Lord. And even more than that, along with the spirit of unity and love came the spirit of sacrifice and the wondrous spirit of liberty. During those glorious days, I was one of 3,000 congregants attend- ing Pastor Klimionok’s Garden City Church in Mt. Gravatt in Brisbane Australia. Today it’s one of Hillsong’s international worship centres. I often ask myself, “What is it about mega churches that attract Christians?” To be perfectly honest with you, I attended Klimionok’s church because of the music, dynamic speakers and the lively atmosphere, which to me was very appealing. And that was when there was no cafe latte machines, stage lighting, smoke machines and Justin Bieber lookalikes. Although still remaining trendy, I was very respectful to God's house in my attire as if I were attending a wedding and not a festival club or beach as is the custom of todays' Christian youth.

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And like Hillsong the focus of the Garden City church was glitz and glamour with very little follow-up for midweek prayer and bible studies. Even so, theses midweek prayer meetings seemed foreign to me. Why? Because unlike my previous church, there was no laying- on of hands, no prophecy and no tongues interpretation. To be blunt, the Garden City home fellowships were more like the Baptist services I attended when I was with Youth for Christ. I don’t mean to be judgmental or to put down the Baptist faith, but having been anointed with the gift of tongues, I felt that although all appeared godly, many worshipers had not been released from their earthly graves to enjoy the heavenly gifts that God intended for them in the here and now. (Ezekiel 37:12) Anointed men of God fell victim to sexual misconduct. Dear reader , if theirs one thing that can be learned from Samson and Delila its mans sexual ego. How so? During the 1970's Pastors that fell victim to sexual misconduct were: Ray Jackson Sr. from the Emmanuel church in Melbourne, Clark Taylor, Australia’s first televangelist of Christian Outreach Centre in Brisbane, and Frank Houston pastor of Sydney Christian Life Centre in Darlinghurst, Sydney just to name a few. Even though all these men have sort forgiveness their ungodly acts did at that time stifle my . This explains why that every time I tried to settle under those ministers mentioned I would feel uneasy without really knowing why. In fact my spirituality was so bad that after a while I started to lose confidence in Pentecostalism, convinced that it was nothing more than a money making racket. But turning your back on God isn’t that easy as His irresistible Spirit will always woo you until you eventually yield to His will.


God will never let you go!

Dear reader isn’t it nice to know that by hook or by crook our heavenly Father will not let us go? And so it was that after fifteen years of never setting foot in a church, the Lord sent along a very loving Christian lady (my wife who being a Jehovah’s Witness convinced me that the main principles to is not about making money, but about making disciples. And with this in mind I made a fresh start in serving God. But know ooking back at my eight years with the JW’s I realise that it wasn’t about doctrine but attitude. I can honestly say that I have been cured of being a self-righteous over-the-top, hallelujah-praise-the-Lord loud mouth!! Not surprisingly, many of my Pentecostal brethren were livered as to my change of religion— implying that it wasn’t the hand of God that lured me but Satan. But know I realise that my tenure with the JW's was to write my book "Laodicean heretic"when exposing their heresy. Ironically having left the JW's I've gained back my old Pentecostal friends but at a cost of making enemies with JW's family and friends. In other words I've been disfellowshiped of being an apostate. But in avoiding the dreaded curse of Bigotry I tell myself to love the believer when hating the religion.

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Unfortunately in today's modern Church bigotry has become a scourge in Christian forums. In combating this, forums have excluded the word ‘bigot’ as a reminder to members that debate needs to be conducted in a spirit of Christian LOVE and not as a whipping post to demonise other religions. Perhaps forum members need to memorise Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13:2 which says:

o “If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing” (NLT).

Let us see how the above scripture relates to us; Matthew 7:23 tells of a story about Christ most loyal devotees who worked tirelessly preaching and performing miracles. But instead of Christ commending them He said:

o “And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (ESV).

I ask you; “what do you think it was that displeased Christ?” Certainly not doctrine as there was only one Christian religion back then. It could not have been sorcery because we learn that Simon the ex- sorcerer was initially denied the miraculous gifts. So what was it? The answer lies in Simon’s overall attitude expressed in Acts 8:21 where Jesus says: “You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.”Yes this is attitude! Upon examination of scripture one can conclude that the disciples in Matthews setting were wrong to think that their miraculous works in Jesus name would be sufficient in pleasing the Lord.


o Ephesians 2:9 says: “Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” (NIV).

Dear brethren, would it be fair to say that those who brag in forums when referring to their fine works are likened to Simon and fellow brethren as having a form of godly devotion void of the fruits of the Spirit such as Love, Joy, and Kindness? (Galatians 5:22-23) Christians of all religious persuasions must not forget that growing in the knowledge of God is not just about obeying religious ordinances or dogmas, but about obedience to the second commandment —which is to LOVE one another without condemnation. John 8:32 says: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”Read also Proverbs 4:18 & 1 Corinthians 8:1. Love covers a multitude of sin — 1 Peter 4:8; My JW wife and I often agree to disagree, yet despite our religious indifferences, we find common ground in serving our heavenly father and His beloved son Christ Jesus. As I have said, my only regret in leaving the JW’s is that some of my family members are reluctant to associate with me —which makes me even more thankful to God for releasing me from the dreaded scourge of bigotry. My steps have now regained their foothold in readiness for my next assignment which was a small Charismatic home gathering specializing in praise and worship in the Spirit. WHY HOME CHURCH? After spending some considerable quality time with home church brethren, I am now convinced that although doctrine plays an important part in our quest for truths, an attitude of LOVE must first be laid. That’s why a home church experience is so beneficial in its nurturing; it’s as close as to the communal living experience of first century Christians as today’s practising Christian will ever get.

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Interestingly enough, early fourth century church father John Chrysostom metaphorically described Christ’s church this way:

• “Accordingly all…suffer with it - “When a thorn enters the heel, the whole body feels it, and is concerned: the back bends, the belly and thighs contract themselves, the hands come forward and draw out the thorn, the head stoops, and the eyes regard the affected member with intense gaze” rejoice with it -“ When the head is crowned, the whole man feels honoured, the mouth expresses, and the eyes look, gladness.”

Dear reader, when reading John Chrysostom’s metaphor of the early church, can you honestly say that it describes your spiritual home? Let’s be honest here; if someone in your church was pricked in the heel would you feel it? No, of course not! So then what good are Mega -churches if not for the entertainment and atmosphere? But some worshipers may argue that the greater the number the greater the praise which inevitably brings down the fire. I respectfully disagree. Why? Because looking at it from my own perspective, Mega churches try too hard to conjure up God’s Holy Spirit during song and praise. They unwittingly make the mistake by planning their worship music in order to try and control the Spirit. But according to Ephesians 4:30, God’s Holy Spirit is spontaneous, untamed and therefore will not be choreographed. To me, the Holy Spirit is likened to the wings of a dove caressing me in peaceful serenity at a time of His choosing and not mine. What worshipers need to understand is that the playing of percussion, stringed or even wind musical instruments is in effect prophesying and therefore should be more valued as a hands-on ministry.


For example, in 2 Kings 3:15 when Elisha wanted to seek the mind of God so that he could prophesy, he asked for someone to play a harp. As the musician began to play, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha and he prophesied powerfully. But Mega churches in keeping their congregation entertained need to outsource their worship music to Christian marketing companies who copyright professional written songs many of which aren’t even scripture orientated. These songs are often accompanied by professional singers who with the aid of a HD digitised gigantic screen, coerce congregationalist into praise and worship. I might be old fashioned, but I prefer a song sung in the Spirit by familiar brethren with few lyrics so my eyes can be closed and my spirit rose. Whatever happened to that song – “Be still and know that I am God?” (Psalm 46:10)

Home church vs. mega church.

• “If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern which shines only in the waves behind.” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Dear reader, do you honestly believe that Mega churches of bricks and mortar will be standing in the end times? It maybe that history will repeat itself when in the 20th century during the Russian Communist purge 20,000 religious buildings were destroyed, not to mention the million or more Christians who were either martyred or put into concentration camps.

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Do you think this won’t happen again now that Russia has removed the Berlin Wall—marking the end to the Cold War? Well think again, because I read on the news that Russia has banned the JW's and China has outlawed religious icons and interned 1million Muslims. According to the ‘Open Doors’ watch list, 51 million Christians from 50 countries around the globe face religious persecution daily. Matthew 10:22 says this: o “And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved” (NIV). Ministers of God need to be cautious when placing a heavy debt on parishioners for the purpose of building their own Church. The best option is to rent halls, or better still set up a cluster of small home cell groups to enable Christians to adjust to a less formal style of fellowship. If anything, the Coronavirus epidemic has shown us that social distancing laws can only be applied in small groups which rules out traditional Church settings. But unlike traditional Church, Home gatherings have the freedom to put self-interest aside for the betterment of Christian unity. But expression of religious opinion can only work if all body members are willing to compromise. The apostle Paul may have asked himself this same question when purchasing food sacrificed to idols and the acceptance of Christian Jews in keeping with Judaism’s religious observances. Paul’s compromises could have been regarded by some as hypocritical when allowing Timothy to be circumcised while at the same time forbidding the practice to the children of Christian Jews.


Why so much compromise?” Well, the answer to this question lies in 1 Corinthians 9:11: o “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (NIV). Read also Corinthians 8. However despite Paul’s many compromises, some religions continue using scriptures such as Ephesians 5:11 which says:

o “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them” (NIV) .

For example, deeds of darkness to the Jehovah’s Witnesses are blood transfusions and the exclusion of God’s name Jehovah—and to the Seventh day Adventist it’s worshiping God on a day other than Saturday. Furthermore, deeds of darkness to the Pentecostals are the denial of tongues and to the catholic’s the denial of the Pope. Well, if you think that’s a narrow minded mindset then ponder this next scripture:

o “Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.” (2 John 1:9-11 NIV) To the narrow minded, the above scripture is interpreted to mean that religions, who do not teach the true gospel in accordance with theirs, are considered to be false teachers of darkness.

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In point of fact, when in my youth as a “Jesus Only” I would often observe my pastor greeting visitors at the church door. Unfamiliar Christians got a “hello and welcome” while familiar Christians got a handshake, hug, or even a holly kiss!! If that wasn’t bad enough, trinitarians were never given hospitality by our church in fear of fraternising in there so named “wicked works." But what’s ridiculous about all this judgment and condemnation is that the Ephesians 5:11 and 2 John 1:9-11 when in context to 1 Corinthians 5:9 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 are referring to the sexual immorality of the world from which Christianity is unyoked and the denial of Christ sacrifice to His father’s will.

A parable of compromise.  In the very last days of religious persecution, four people gathered together. A Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal and a Catholic. To each God gave a piece of dry kindling (Word) as a sign of His love. Then when persecution came suddenly, all four fled to the mountains and found refuge in a cave. But when winter arrived, each was asked to contribute their kindling. But because some were unwilling to cooperate, there wasn’t enough dry wood to ignite the fire. Hence, all froze to death. So what is the moral of the story? Do you really think God wants you to die for a principle? Colossians 2:8 says: o “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.”


Dear brethren, know is the time to start looking for a place where you can grow in the love and knowledge of fellow brothers and sisters? Look around have you not noticed your Church becoming a social club of entertainment glitz and glamour. The devil has made it so that due to Coronavirus large Church gatherings cannot function within the law and social media can't provide hands-on applications such as Baptism and the celebration of the Eucharist~ all of which are the essentials to Christian living.

So what can a Home Church offer?

1. No oversight committee to pay wages and the upkeep of buildings and no diplomas of theology Rather, ordination is earned out of respect from God’s Holy Spirit and fellow brethren. Our motto is: " leaders are born not made." 2. A non gender oversee roster system offering congregants an opportunity to select Bible topics for open discussion. The laying on of hands for healing and receiving the gift of tongues is practiced and prophecy is administered via an interpreter following tongues. 3. A platform to encourage and develop talent for those who show a potential in singing and teaching the Word. There are no ‘church pew potatoes’ as all family members are taught to walk the talk according to their God given talents. 4. Open expression on religious views is paramount. Home Church ethos is not about interpreting the Bible the same way —but living and walking as ONE in the Spirit. Hence, another motto: "a questioning mind makes for a solid foundation of tolerance and compromise." 5. Home Church should above all we recognise that God's LOVE covers a multitude of SIN of which we all have to overcome with help from one another as ONE body united. 6. Come join us. https://newprophecymovement.com.au


Testing the Spirits

I have touched on this subject in chapter 12 and would like to elaborate further.

When reading this book you may have noticed a lot of criticism about today’s institutionalised church. “Am I judging?” Well, Satan would like you to think so! Truth be told, Judgment seen in its correct context is simply exercising a proper discrimination. NIV Study Notes say: “The Christian is not to judge hypocritically or self-righteously, as can be seen from the context. [But] Scripture repeatedly exhorts believers to evaluate carefully and choose between good and bad people and things. “A Christian is to test everything!” Ponder this scripture;

o “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1 NRSV).

The above scripture brings to mind an incident in the 1970s where during a church gathering, a very desperate man seeking to be healed was coerced by a heavy hand Not surprisingly, this incident gave way to seeds of doubt to the point where I sought God’s guidance on the matter. That night the Holy Spirit gave to me a revelation via a dream which I would like to share with you.


In my dream I saw three trees being swayed by a powerful wind, like human hands casting shadows over each other. Then as if the wind was speaking, I heard these words: “Although both are my branches, one tree is of the anointing, the other is not.” Then after what seemed like a very long pause I remember asking: “But what of the third tree?” In reply I heard these words: “It is the counterfeit of my authority.” Then I asked, “But Lord, which of the three is genuine that I should believe in it?” The voice replied: “Those who have faith need not inquire as to the tree. Rather, examine the fruit that it bears.”

So what lessons did I learn from this dream?

God’s revelation taught me that Christians can in good faith; act out roles (pushing) without proper ordination thus, diverting attention away from those who are ordained. Hence, “one tree is of the anointing, the other is not.” (1Timothy 5:22) God’s revelation also taught me that the devils service is not of his own choosing but of God’s appointed time so that we Christians can learn to discern the devils hand. Hence, “It is the counterfeit on my authority.” But more importantly was the lesson that we should know God’s hand by its fine fruit. Matthew 7:16: “You will know them by their fruits.”

Perhaps it could be better explained in a metaphor; Just imagine yourself at the local supermarket sampling an apple of which you were about to purchase. Then when arriving home discovered that the apples purchased were not as tasty as the one sampled when looking rosy and waxed up under the spot lights.

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Simile, brethren who appear doing God’s work under the spot lights of a church platform may indeed be quite the opposite when you really get to know them. It was from this revelation that gave me the idea of implementing a three principle “Taste Test” formula: 1. Inquiry - Questioning. (Matthew 7:7, Philippians 2:12 & Acts 17:11) 2. Doubt - Critical thinking. (1 John 4:1) 3. Evaluation - Gathering evidence. (Matthew 7:16 & James 1:22) Allow me to back these three principles with Scripture. The disciple Thomas after questioning his fellow believers used critical thinking in discerning a ghost like figure emerging through a door. These inquiries lead to evidence made apparent by Jesus markings which were visible for identification purposes. Ponder this: Thomas was the only disciple who used discernment when testing a spirit that claimed to be Jesus? Yet ironically the lesson we are taught is to ‘never be a doubting Thomas’. (John 20:27 & Mark 16:14)

How do the lessons of Thomas apply to our places of worship?

If the fruitages of your minister claims healing either spiritual or physical, evidence of this will show in your overall health and enthusiasm. If the fruit of your pastor claims title or ministry of an apostle, prophet or prophetess, then evidence will show in good sound leadership and decision making. But if the fruit tastes sour when being solicited for money, coerced into submission, and expected to overlook error, then it’s time to change your diet. As simple as that may sound, many Christians, either from habit, tradition, peer pressure, loyalty or fear, will forever put up with having a bitter taste.


For example, one Church in which I visited taught that physical and mental suffering with Christ daily is a necessity for spiritual wellbeing. So that would mean despite what congregationalist see and hear from the pulpit, their duty is to forgive and to suffer in silence. But my perception of being partakers of Christ’s suffering is that we enter into the victory Jesus bore for us on the cross. The only suffering we encounter in sharing His victory is spiritual discomfort brought by resisting the pressures of the flesh and not a physical or mental suffering. Ponder this scripture;

o “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul” (3 John 1:2 NRSV).

The above scripture brings to mind an old saying: “what you are is what you eat!” These wise words say to me that wise instruction brings about good health which in turn brings Joy when serving the LORD in a labor of LOVE. (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 119) In summary: I talked about how Christians should without judgment or condemnation; test all spirits by their fruitages including those who take the lead by implementing the taste test formula. But more importantly was my advice to all Christians that they should be on guard from ministers who lord over them with mind control techniques —and to flee from such heresies. Please take note that the subject of church leadership needs to be open for further discussion as one’s very salvation may depend on it. Therefore in this next chapter I will be discussing how easily fruit can become tasteless to the point of being contaminated when being dispensed by God’s faithful stewards.

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Can a Church Become Contaminated?

“Who then is the faithful and wise slave, whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give the other slaves their allowance of food at the proper time?” (Matthew 24:45 NRSV)

The servants depicted in Matthew’s setting are likened to pastors and teachers in today’s church who feed us our daily bread. You may recall my mentioning this food as likened to manna fed the children of Israel on their way to the Promised Land in Exodus 16:4-adding that virgin olive oil is also symbolic of spiritual food, depicted in the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew chapter twenty five. I often wonder how the parable of the ten virgins would have turned out if they had received rancid oil, due to mishandling.

How can a church become contaminated? During an investigation held by the Australian Royal Commission into sexual abuse in religious institutions (2013-14) Frank Houston of the Christian Life Centre was exposed as having a homosexual relationship with his youth leader as well as participating in pedophilia activities. You may recall my mentioning his name as one of three co-founders of the Australian Christian Churches. Also mentioned was Ray Jackson Sr. from the Emmanuel church in Melbourne and Clark Taylor from the Christian Outreach Centre Queensland who both fled to the USA after being accused of sexual impropriety.


What does this have to do with me? I believe that in that period of time when I was just a babe in the Lord attending these churches, the food dispensed to me by Pastors Jackson, Houston and Taylor was indeed contaminated. My reasoning is not just based on Matthew 24:45 but also on Joshua 7:22, which depicts the story of Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah who secretly buried Babylonian treasure in their tents in disobedience to God’s commands. The penalty for their disobedience was cast on the whole nation of Israel and cost the lives of thirty-six men. Dear brethren, do you agree that Achan’s story depicts today’s church whereby one minister’s unclean hands can contaminate and thereby under-nourish and cause spiritual illness to his whole congregation, though they might not understand why? The apostle Paul does!

o In fact, Galatians 5:9 says that a little leaven can affect the whole lump. To the uninitiated the leaven is a small portion of fermented dough which is introduced into the fresh lump of dough, and makes the entire thing to rise.

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The Bible tells us that church leaders are accountable to the souls of those who God has entrusted them too. And because of this, pastors have a duty of care to put in place checks and balances. As a guide I have drawn up two levels of principles that I have found to be successful. 1. Plurality of leadership —serves three purposes. It diversifies gifting within leadership, encourages members of the Body to seek opportunities to serve in leadership, and militates against corrup- tion and pride among those who assume authority. 2. Regular communication —allows engaging with other leaders or trusted counsellors. These conversations, conducted in an atmo- sphere of trust and love, give opportunity for a minister of God to address openly the concerns of the congregation. Leadership meet- ings should not be optional or as needed but must be regular with complete transparency in mind.

But sadly, many churches neglect to have a system of accountability from charlatans who would misconstrue God’s Word for personal gain. One such charlatan who comes to mind is the Rev. James Warren Jones from the infamous Peoples’ Temple. You may recall in the 1970’s Jones lead 900 of his devotees to their death by drinking a lethal cocktail of poison. Rev. Jones loved to misconstrue Hebrews 13:17 to remind his devotees that the work of God’s anointed are to watch over their souls whilst they submit to his authority with joy and not sorrow. But unfortunately devotees of Jones were not able to discern Joy and sorrow, from good and evil. For example: If a student is mentored in love, the teacher would have gained respect and the student great joy.


But if a student is mentored in fear, they will become sorrowful. The choice as to whether Jim Jones followers should submit their soul too is written in Hebrews 5:14 which says: “but solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” The bottom line is this:

o Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help” (Psalms 146:3: KJV).

Yes likened to the Jewish Bereans mentioned in the Bible, Paul is telling us to sample the food before digesting it —in order that we maintain a spirit of love and joy and not a spirit of fear and sorrow. (Acts 17:11) In the next chapter I will be discussing how a Church was left vulnerable by its neglect of leadership and spiritual discernment.


Using the Gift of Discernment

“And to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the (1 Corinthians 12:10 NASB).

Aiden Wilson Tozer (April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963) was an American Christian pastor; preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor said this: interpretation of tongues.” • “Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit.” (1Corinthians 12:10)

A familiar spirit that went undetected. Here in Australia there was a very important case, second only to the Azaria Chamberlain debacle of the 1980’s which involved abduction in 2003 of a 13-year old boy named Daniel James Morcombe. In August 2011, Brett Peter Cowan a former Sunshine Coast resident was convicted of Morcombe’s .


What many Australians don’t know is that Brett Cowan was a born- again Christian who attended the (COC) Christian Outreach Church in Woombye Sunshine Coast Queensland. Brett even used the church’s car park to hide his vehicle so he could walk to the bus stop under the Kiel Mountain Road overpass in a ploy to offer Daniel a lift after he had missed his bus.

A convicted pedophile among children! Brett Peter Cowan was a convicted serial pedophile who claimed to have been rehabilitated to Christianity in 1998 with the help of his uncle, associate Pastor Mr. Keith Philbrook of the Woombye church. Brett settled down to church life and even got married in 1999 to one of the church parishioners who gave him two sons. It’s within the period 1998-2003 that I would like to focus on because during that time Brett was regularly attending Church when apparently something evil resurfaced. What was it? Before I continue, I should tell you from past experience that ministers of God who perform say that demon possessed people can never be completely free if they are not fully immersed in the blood of Christ. Granted evil spirits may leave their host for a short time, but under certain circumstances will return ever more aggressive. Please keep this in mind as you read on.

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Brett Cowan placed in custody to the church.

I was surprised to learn that Brett was placed by the court in the care of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Philbrook both senior church elders. Pastor Chas Gullo was aware of Cowan’s conviction and sentencing in Darwin, nevertheless accepted Cowan into the church under Mr. Philbrook’s supervision. Brett was even allowed limited access to church children without a Blue Card (Police check). • "He attended church with us, as this was one of the requirements of his coming to us, and boundaries were placed around him and he was not to be around young children”—says Mr Philbrook . (Source: Sunshine Coast Daily 16/3/2014) Warning signs ignored. Melissa Bridges, then a 15-year-old teenager reported Brett Cowan in 1998 for an alleged rape and said that Pastor Chas Gullo had been advised of the incident but failed to expel or report Cowan despite knowing he had been jailed for child abuse in Darwin. Melisa, now 37 believes that the warning signs did demonstrate that Brett Cowan had not been true to his convictions and that Mr. Philbrook and pastor Gullo just swept this incident under the carpet until Mr Cowan’s highly publicised arrest in August 2011. Mr Gullo has since been removed from his office. • “Maybe we were naive in thinking that Brett was worth giving a second chance. All impressions were that he was clean (from drugs) and willing to respond to support”—says Mr. Philbrook. (Source: Sunshine Coast Daily 16/3/2014)

The Daniel Morcombe debacle demonstrates a neglect of duty, and it may have been the case, that if Pastor Chas Gullo had exercised the gift of discernment, Daniels death may have been avoided.

91 Demons love to intimidate those who let there guard down. In the 2014 royal commission on child sex abuse, testified that his fathers preaching credentials were revoked in 1999 leaving him to never preach again in a ACC Church. Yet despite Brian's reassurance, Frank kept on preaching prior to his death in 2004. How so? The story goes that in 2014 prior to the royal commission, Pastor Bob Cotton of the ACC Maitland Church overlooked Frank's suspension by inviting him to take the pulpit. Pastor Cotton said that Frank had shown his typical showmanship when speaking about his wifes meeting with the LORD ( in death) at the Erina McDonald's restaurant. But Mr Cotton when interviewed by the media said that he had concerns about Frank's comment. The transcript of the recording reads:

• "This curly-headed young man, what a fetching young fellow he is. Curly hair, sort of Good looking. It's not your fault you're good looking. Thank God you are. Who wants to be ugly when you can be good looking?"

Not surprisingly Brian Houston defended his fathers words by saying it was a case of dementia. But to the congregationalist they thought it very witty, until shortly later when the findings of the 2014 royal commission revealed that they had been entertained by a lusting demon. When ask why Pastor Cotton invited Frank to talk he said: "The ACC played down the seriousness of Frank's suspension leaving me to believe that it was just a moral failure related to a sexual relationship by Frank a married man." However when Brian Houston was asked on 2GB radio about Mr Cotton's remark he said: "Pastor Cotton knew that Frank Houston's suspension was about young boys." Dear reader, regardless of who is telling porkies, Pastor Cotton had a duty of care to his congregation in keeping the pulpit holy when dispensing spiritual food at the proper time. Matthew 24:45.

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Frank's last discord has shown us how weak the church has become when neglecting spiritual gifts. Could it be said that the ACC was founded under a demonic realm~ passed down to the 1100 ACC churches including the one in Maitland? After all Brian Houston's Hillsong is a business corporation that earns him $80 million tax free dolors a year when promoting his Prosperity gospel. Jesus often dealt with the demonic realm in the gospels, primarily in the context of casting them out. He trained the disciples to do it also and said that driving out demons was one of the signs that follow believers. Read Mark 16:17. In 1 Corinthians 12:10, Paul explains that there is a of discernment available to believers so that they would know what the demonic realm is. Luke 11:24-26 says:: o When“ an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and dwell there. And the final plight of that man is worse than the first” (LBSB). In simple terms, Luke is saying that when a person who is possessed by an evil spirit, but surrenders it to Christ to be loosed and then bound, that person will be free to receive the spirit of Christ. But if the recipient doesn’t truly repent, or have a fresh anointing of Holy Spirit daily, the unbound demon will come back with even more power and influence than before. Perhaps it is better explained by using a metaphor. Just imagine you are a landlord renting out a house in goodwill only to find that the tenants were so bad that you needed to acquire an eviction notice to kick them out but neglected to change the locks and have a better tenant move in. Your carelessness resulted in the bad tenant returning — not alone as before, but with his teammates making them the “neighbors from hell!” 93 TONgUEs ON FIRE

My point is this: our heavenly Father is our landlord from whom we rent out our dwelling (temple) on the proviso that we regularly maintain it and remove anything that would defile it. Read Matthew 15:11 & 1 Corinthians 3:16.The question remains, did Frank Houston and Brett Cowan thoroughly clean out there dwelling when inviting Christ to enter within? Not according to the evidence I have produced. Dear brethren, these two situations are a wake-up call to the church that they should value the gift of discernment as a regular part of their spiritual disciplines when praying for loved ones, families, businesses, and ministries. When the church engages in this, it is declaring that a Christian’s warfare is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. (Ephesians 6:12)

How many masks does satan have?

The demonic realm is not just designated to possession but also oppression which no doubt affects everyone and therefore needs to be analysed in more detail as such; In today’s modern church the definition of a spiritual home has changed as many of today’s 21st Century Christians have chosen to make the television their church, and the televangelist their pastor. One such Prosperity gospel evangelist is 63-year old Joyce Meyer who lives in a mansion in Fenton, Missouri, near St. Louis. Many ACC pastors, in particularly females support Meyer because of her role as chief apostlic prophet of the world wide "Womans Aglow" pentecostal movement. However like Brian Houston Joyce Meyer fights having her books open by the IRS thus making her a target for much speculation as to her personal wealth and those of her church. It has been said that Mrs. Meyer owns a $3 million home, a $10 million private jet, and houses worth another $3 million for the couple’s children that would be counted, because typically the children also work for the ministry. 94 pastor leslie barnett

But Christians need to discern Brain Houston and Joyce Meyer not from their wealth but from their teachings (Galatians 1:8). For example Brian's book "You Need More Money" exposed Hillsongs Prosperity Gospel as heretical when stating that God wants us rich when in reality the problem may not always lie with finances. Pastor Houston need be reminded that throughout church history we find that most of Christendom has been poor and needy, just as today the majority of believers around the world are far from wealthy. Yet according to the prosperity gospel, God wants us rich, and if we are not, we lack the WORD of FAITH ministry. Does that mean most Christians in the world today and most Christians throughout history have been lacking in faith? If so, then Jesus and the disciples too lacked faith, for they were not wealthy. Jesus had nowhere to lay his head (Matt. 8:20) and Paul said "To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless" (1 Cor. 4:11). Hardly "King's kids" theology there. In fact, even in the Old Testament, we hear complaints about the wicked prospering while the godly go in want. Spirituality, in other words, is not measured by one's material possessions. Often the people richest in the Kingdom of God are the poorest here on earth. As Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor" (Luke 6:20). The biblical teaching on wealth and poverty is pretty straight-forward. God doesn't want His Church to be a bank where deposits are made in expectation of prosperity. He wants us holy. That is His main concern, that we be conformed to the image of his son (Rom. 8:29).

95 Let's analyse Joyce Meyers gospel. Meyer says: " Jesus paid on the cross and went to hell in my place then as God had promised, on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. God rose then the resurrection power of the almighty God went through hell and filled His body." Dear brethren, it sounds Christian but where does Joyce get the entirely fictitious dialog between God and the demon powers? Is Joyce implying that one cannot be saved from their sins unless they believe that Jesus went to hell where we deserve to go.? This is a false modification of the gospel which is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and states that the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Nowhere in scripture are we told to believe that Jesus suffered for us in hell or that he went there. This is not only wrong; it is heretical.” On another note, typical to motivational speakers Joyce Meyer in a bid to seek public sympathy and to promote her godly status made it public that her father sexually molested her and that only through God's grace was she able to forgive him on his deathbed. Like Catholic priest this may seem to be a Christian loving gesture but according to Australian Law"Joyce Meter is guilty of harboring her fathers crime. The very same crime that Brian Houston was accused of at the 2014 royal commission. Simply put, according to most Australians, Joyce Meyers unconditional LOVE is sending a wrong message particularly in light of the Catholic Archbishop George Pell's debacle. Maybe Joyce needs to be reminded that Justice and recompense is another facet of God's forgiveness? In summing up: it’s not enough to just believe what Brain Houston and Joyce Meyer says, no matter how good the words are or how well they present themselves. Let’s not be taken in by public figures that are confident, assertive, and appears to be biblical. Our duties as Christians include spiritual discernment – which can only be done by examining what is laid before our path and comparing it with scripture.


WHere is the Third Wave Outpouring?

In chapter five I mentioned Peter Wagner’s prophesy of a new apostolic age beginning 2001. To jog your memory, chief apostle Wagner is part of New Apostolic Reform Movement which is infiltrating among Pentecostal and charismatic churches heralding a third wave Holy Spirit outpouring. Let us put Peter Wagner’s prophesy to the test by comparing the events of 1960-70’s to that of 2001 onward. The year 1901 ushered in the second wave of the “New Prophecy Movement”, which ultimately led to the 1960s resurgence in an Episcopalian Church in Van Nuys, California, (St. Mark’s with Dennis Bennett as rector). Witnesses to that event testify that there was an outburst of tongues speaking in this church. This event was so significant that both Time and Newsweek covered the story. In October of 1962, the glossolalia phenomenon broke out at Yale University, among members of the Evangelical Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Included in this new Pentecostal revival were Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, and even one Roman Catholic. Five were members of Phi Beta Kappa, and some were religious leaders on campus who were nicknamed the “Glosso Yalies.”


Thereafter, the movement spread to Dartmouth College, Stanford University, and Princeton Theological Seminary. Interestingly enough, 1967 also marked an important event in the Notre Dame area where thirty zealous Catholics began to speak in other tongues. In just a few years this number grew to a staggering 22,000 consisting of ten foreign nationalities. In 1975 Notre Dame was chosen to host a conference attended by 30,000 Catholic Charismatic’s including Pope Paul VI who personally expressed his warm appreciation for the movement. The new prophecy movement was mushrooming not only in the Roman Catholic Church, but in all of the major Protestant denominations. In the summer of 1977 the Kansas City Charismatic Conference was held where all three wings of the Pentecostal movement were present –which is as follows:

1. Old Pentecostals —sometimes called “classical Pentecostals” 2. Protestant Charismatic’s. 3. Catholic Charismatic’s.

This was the biggest and most inclusive gathering of “baptized in the Spirit believers” in modern history. There were nearly 50,000 participants in this five-day conference. One speaker proudly hailed this conference as “the largest and most inclusive ecumenical assembly in the history of American Christianity.” Almost half of the participants were Roman Catholics. A newspaper article published in 1977 (AP), reported that there were 10 million Charismatic’s in America (5 million Classical Pentecostals and 5 Million New Pentecostals). Thus, the new charismatic movement grew to 5 million in only seventeen years. Those were the glory days when simply bowing before the throne in worship would touch hearts, including my own, and lift the spirits of those who sensed the incredible love of God.

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I experienced as did John Wesley, families being reunited, long- severed friendships reconciled and hearts flowing together in true fellowship in the Lord. The Apostle Paul experienced such manifestations in Romans 5:13:

o “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NRSV). But what about today’s prophesized third wave outpouring?

But what about today’s prophesized third wave outpouring?

According to the International Vineyard, the New Apostolic Reform, Signs and Wonders, and the Kansas City Prophets— the third wave Holy Spirit revival is now evident. But I reason; where are the Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians Catholics, Baptist, Anglicans, and Methodist? Besides, I don’t recall in the 1970’s Pentecostal awakening seeing any apostles in the above faiths—did you? . Many apostolic followers have said that has been favoured by God to be part of Peter Wagner’s new apostolic age beginning 2001. But if you think conversing with dead saints is in God’s favour you are mistaken. In fact, apostle Hinn makes no secret of possessing the keys to ’s crypt where he often goes to pray. Benny believes her mantel of power has been predestined to go to him after she laid hands on him in Pittsburgh in 1973. This is clearly necromancy or communication with the dead. But Benny Hinn justified it by using the Mount of Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah talked to the Lord. Let’s be reasonable here; if apostle Hinn has been favoured by God to be the forerunner to a new apostolic age revival then why the threats:

99 tongues on fire

• “Now I’m pointing my finger with the mighty power of God on me. You hear this. There are men and women in Southern California attacking me. I will tell you under the anointing now; you’ll reap it in your children. You’ll never win…And your children will suffer. You’re attacking me on the radio every night; you’ll pay, and your children will. Hear this from the lips of God’s servant. You are in danger. Repent, or God Almighty will move his hand.” (World Charismatic Conference in Anaheim, California August 7, 1992) Ted Haggard of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs is another apostle who convinced himself to be favored of God. Pastor Haggard was a founder of the Association of Life-Giving Churches; and was leader of the National Association of Evangelicals from 2003 until November 2006. Rev Haggard was accused of procuring sex with a male prostitute and taking illicit drugs which lead to his resignation in 2006. Sorry to say that Rev Haggard had not learnt the lessons of Jimmy Swaggart who was also defrocked when caught procuring sex with a (female) prostitute. Dear reader, the above incidences of God’s anointed falling from grace are just the tip of the iceberg —leaving many disgruntled Christians asking: “what does God expect from His Church in preparation to the final third wave outpouring of His Holy Spirit?” Perhaps the answer to this question lies in Revelation 21:2 were the Bride is symbolized as the Church and the Bridegroom Christ. Ephesians 5:27 says that the bride is to be in splendor, holy and blameless without spot or wrinkle in preparation to meet with the bridegroom Christ.

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Ephesians 5:27 says that the bride is to be in splendor, holy and blameless without spot or wrinkle in preparation to meet with the bridegroom. But let’s not kid ourselves; Christ our bridegroom will not come unless we the Church-bride are willing to lift our gain on holiness living as did the early church. Speaking of early Christians and their commitment to holiness living, I have dug up from my mother’s library a book entitled ‘The Power of His Presence.’ The author Graham Truscott writes the following: • “With the power of the Spirit and the manifestations of the Resurrection Life of Christ received at the outpouring of the Early Rain, the early church tuned the world upside down. (Acts 17:6) In the face of terrifying opposition, in which they were stoned, beaten, thrown to the lions, mercilessly tortured and killed without riches, organization, security or recognition, their efforts at preaching the Gospel were accompanied by triumphant success! • The harvest of souls they reaped was nothing short of phenomenal- Three thousand were converted to Christ in one day; five thousand on another; multitudes on another. And yet, in those days it was a crime to be a Christian-a crime for which there was no apology accepted, no trial allowed and no forgiveness granted. • Fifty days after the death of Jesus, He proved both to His few followers and to the world that He was alive, by filling them with the Holy Spirit Jesus filled those who believed in Him with the same Spirit through Whom He had lived a life of power, love and spotless purity. The outpouring of the Spirit made the disciples of Jesus as zealous as He had been. • This despised sect demonstrating breathtaking miracles and reaping such a harvest of souls had to succeed. They could not fail. For they were motivated by the Power of the Spirit”

101 tongues on fire

Dear reader, Brian Truscott’s story of true discipleship does give rise to the question as to whether today’s church will be of similar nature to the early church. Perhaps by reading another topic in Graham’s book (Ark of the Covenant) we may have our answer. Graham writes:

• “In King David’s day, we see the same situation. The Ark of the Covenant was lost to God’s people. Because of this, they had lost also the Presence, Power and Glory of the Living God. The Presence of God - this Ark of the Covenant -had to be restored. David by bringing back the Ark of the Covenant restored the Power of His Presence to Israel. He put the Ark in a Tabernacle, from which the light of God’s glory, power, victory and peace shone out to all who came to Mount Zion. This is the Tabernacle that God had promised to restore”. (Amos 9:11, 12 and Acts 15:16, 17)

As regards to the question posed, during the 1960-70’s the Church did experience the Presence, Power and Glory of the Living God similar in nature to early Christians. But unfortunately in today’s institutionalized religion the Holy Spirits presence has not been welcomed. We can only pray that God’s Holy Tabernacle (church) will be completely restored when God sees once again His people hungering for its Life giving Power. Graham’s book is indeed a timely reminder for all Pentecostal and char-ismatic churches to make the speaking in tongues a priority so that Christ’s church can once again become full of zeal and enthusiasm in preparation for Christ’s return. We Christians should not forget that the clothing of the Spirit is ones veil of purity which the prophet John describes as a head covering over the Church; who will without spot or blemish await her bridegrooms coming. (Revelation 21:2)

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What are the signs that mark the beginning of Christ return?

I recall in the early 1970’s while witnessing on the streets of Melbourne Australia, a city council ordinance which affected our Christian coffee shop ministry. How so? At that time there was a religious group calling themselves ‘ Hare Krishna’s’ — who in large groups strutted their stuff through the main streets of Melbourne distributing religious literature, and chanting songs with very noisy clashing symbols. After many complaints the city council in order to ban them had to include all religions. It was from this predicament that the Lord gave me a prophetic Word taken from Matthew 24:32-33. o “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door” (NLT).

Please note that before continuing with my prophecy I need to say that the majority of Muslims are not extremist or terrorist. But that doesn’t mean to say that Satan won’t capitalise on the negative side of what is considered to be the second largest religion in the world. Please take note that the prophecy you are about to read was given to me in 2016 which has since come to fruition when in 2019 China interned 1 million Muslims, which in turn effected all Christian denominations.


My prophecy as follows:

To those of my people with an eye and ear please take heed:

• The sprouting buds symbolize the influx of millions of refugees who take with them the tree of Islam which will eventually take root and begin seeding the message of the prophet Mohammad. By puritanical means Islam will dominate the political arena which will change the culture of Christian civilization. Islamic fundamentalism will lead to riots to the point where all religions will have to be regulated. Those who are not registered as a legitimate government-run religion (whatever that will be!) will have to go underground where private dwellings will become likened to catacombs of sanctuary. It is then when the church is stripped bare of its pride and prejudice that God’s great Power and Glory will be manifested through great signs and wonders. God’s restoration will begin. Those with plenty will lose much and those with little will learn to share even more. Doctrine will be compromised for the common good of Christ’s church. But the very essential tool for unification and endurance will be the empowerment of my Holy Spirit from this third and final spiritual awakening.

In summary: the first wave of God’s new prophecy movement began with the first century Christians who sowed the seeds for the second wave of the 2nd century Montanist movement. The 20th century marked the time when these seeds were made ready for the 21st century harvest which is God’s third and final wave of sorting the goats from the sheep. (Matthew 25:33-36) Simply put, the former rain yields the seeds and the latter rain brings the harvest to full maturity each accompanied by the gifts of the Spirit confirming the Word with signs following. (Mark 16:20)

104 CHAPTER 19

The Counterfeit Tongue

Normally I wouldn’t recommend Hank Hanegraaff because of his cessa- tionists’ views, however in his 1997 book “Counterfeit Revival” he makes a good argument in regard to today’s charismatic and Pentecostal move- ments, namely the New Apostolic Reform movement (NAR) You may recall me mentioning the NAR and apostle Peter Wagner who prophesied a third wave movement (second apostolic age) beginning 2001. (Ref 5) In brief: Hanegraaff says that the “manifestations of the Spirit” are caused by psychological manipulation of parishioners, and that many of the “signs and wonders” claimed by these churches are fraudulent or result from manipulation, peer pressure, subtle suggestions, altered states of con- sciousness from repetitive chanting or singing, and expectations of super- natural events. Hanegraaff goes on to say that many of the practices within these movements are not biblically sanctioned or appropriate, but are based on scriptures that have been misinterpreted. And to add, Charismatic movements rely too much on subjective experiences or feelings.


Dear reader, it seems apparent to me that Hanegraaff is referring to the New Apostolic Reform movement who are considered extremist compared to the Assemblies of God moderates. Besides, I don’t know what Hanegraaff means by too much “subjective experiences!” But if he’s referring to the speaking in tongues, then he’s wrong providing that the methodology used in acquiring this heavenly language is administered correctly. How so? Some Pentecostal groups teach that the speaking in tongues is mandatory for salvation which does encourage a fast track methodology. This may entail of one or two words off the top of your head before progressing into a fluent flow. But this begs the question: could this ministry be open to subliminal influences or “subjective experiences of emotions” as Hanegraaff puts it? There can be no room for doubt. • If your heavenly tongue is not flowing freely from within your stomach first go then keep on trying. I know from my youth that there was a lot of parental and peer pressure applied to me when seeking out this gift. It may be the case that God has kept this gift in safe keeping (due its neglect) only to be given out sparingly to those who sort His power with heartfelt prayer and fasting. Nonetheless, there is enough in reserve to help you cope until His fullness (third wave) arrives prior to His coming. But you have to be patient and wait on the LORD and not listen to people like Hanegraaff How can I know when I have the gift of speaking in tongues? As mentioned in chapter three and five - the evidence that one should expect when being baptised in the Spirit is a complete change of attitude. If this is not made apparent in your servitude to God then it’s possible that either your experience was subliminal or a stealth spirit is at work.

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Stealth spirits are familiar spirits who go undetected due to the neglect of prophetic utterances of discernment as was the case in chapter 17 with Brett Cowen and Frank Houston. Let us read once more what Aiden Tozer- an American Christian pastor; preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor has to say about discerning stealth spirits:

• “Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit.”

Do you think that Aiden Tozer is right in saying that tongues discernment is not valued in today’s institutionalised church? You may be surprised to know that a survey conducted by the Washington-based Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life in 2006 revealed that speaking in tongues is not practiced by a significant number of Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. But what’s more alarming is that out of six countries at least forty percent of Pentecostals said they never pray or speak in tongues. That would indicate that from the 290 million Charismatic’s and Pentecostals worldwide, 116 million don’t speak in tongues. And that figure does not include those who think they have tongues but have been hoodwinked by a stealth spirit.


Bert Farias from ‘Charisma News’ says this about today’s Pentecostalism.

• “I travel to churches for a living so I see firsthand how much of a diminishing emphasis there is on praying in tongues these days. There is a marked difference between now and just 20-30 years ago. Even in the back-room in pre-service prayer there seems to be less of praying in tongues. And singing in tongues is even rarer and almost unheard of. More and more Christians seem to be uncomfortable and unfamiliar with this realm. This neglect is hurting the church. This deemphasis is diminishing her power and effectiveness. And this is exactly what the devil wants.” I can only hope and pray that after reading Bert Farias description of today’s church many Pentecostals and charismatic’s will find the courage to lobby there local church pastors to use tongues more frequently. Read 2 Timothy 3:5.

108 CHAPTER 20

Touch Me Not!

According to the experts, when we were born, a hormone called oxytocin helped expel us from our mother’s womb and made it possible for her to nurse us. As a small child, we enjoyed our parents loving touch because it released oxytocin into our body. As an adult, we experience the effects of oxytocin when we enjoy good food, or a massage, or an intimate interlude with our romantic partner. (Uvnas Moberg 2003, p. 65)

How does this relate to Christianity?

John 4:23 makes a point that true worship comes from giving God ones emotions which in effect is God’s provision for His worshipers to feel euphoria due to the release of the hormone oxytocin. This is providing Christians don’t ritualise their worship to the point where it’s nothing more than vain repetition or chanting. Remember the power of Gods Holy Spirit resides in the heart —otherwise it’s just a form of godly devotion. (2 Timothy 3:5) Without meaning to be to judgmental, Christians often stifle their emo- tions, trying to avoid becoming vulnerable, embarrassed or hurt. You may be interested to know that a Pentecostal church in which I regularly attended forbid the greeting of handshakes and hugging at the start of the meeting due to a complaint by a senior elder. And this was before the Corona-virus. I suspected that this “no touch” directive came from a “Cold Frog” who finds close contact intimidating to say the least.

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In the 1970's when attending Pentecostal rallies you would often see French, Italian and Russian couples kissing brethren on the cheek—and in doing so set a very loving mode. While many religions make allowances for this custom it can’t be denied that we of the western world are discouraged from showing the same affection. Question is, are we not all foreigners in a strange land? Ephesians 2:19.1 / Peter 2:11-12

Why is touch so important?

Dear reader, the one thing we are missing during this Coronavirus epidemic is touch. You may ask: "why is it so vital for our Christian wellbeing?" “In Matthew 14, just after Jesus had walked on the water, people brought all their sick to Him and begged Him to let the sick just touch the edge of His cloak and all who touched Him were healed. In Luke 6, people all tried to touch Him because power was coming from Him and healing them all. In Luke 18, people were also bringing babies to Jesus to have Him touch them. Oh, what a joy, what a blessing to feel the warmth of Jesus’ touch! It seems that Luke, himself a doctor, knew the special effects of touch and how it enhanced healing for the sick. He mentions Jesus’ touch more often than Matthew and Mark. The power of touch by a doctor or therapist, even today, enhances healing. It’s regrettable that we live in a society where no one dares to touch another person for fear of sexual harassment - a touch that so easily sends out the wrong message. Touch, of course, must always be appropriate. Be it on the arm or shoulder, a gentle embrace or a hug. It’s often done at weddings and funerals and other such occasions of great joy or sadness.


Babies need to be touched, cuddled and held to grow and develop normally. Our children need to be touched and hugged on occasion, including through the teen years. It conveys the message, louder than words could say, “We care for you and about you.” It gives encouragement and hope. Adults also need to be touched. We need to do it more often at the appropriate times and places. In a time of difficulty, times of depression, after a talk, a handshake or better, a hand on arm or shoulder, even a hug with the words, “Hang in there…you can do it, I’m praying for you,” makes hope soar. People in the crowds reached out to touch Jesus and He touched them with power. The power of God went out from Him to heal and restore” When reading the above the question one must ask is this: if Jesus was a touchy person, then why not His most loyal devotees? The apostle Paul answers this question in 2 Corinthians 13:5 when he said; “Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?” Paul wasn’t speaking poetically or metaphorically, but meant that Jesus Christ is literally dwelling within all believers. Like the Corinthians, we need to realize that our Lord is not merely outside of us but rather dwells in us all the time. Therefore according to the Bible, unless one is a touchy person they cannot fully experience the LOVE of Christ. In closing: Christians may adopt a political correctness when protecting there privacy. “BUT at what cost?” Withholding emotions when greeting brothers and sisters in the LORD is unacceptable and against Bible principles. But more importantly it grieves God’s Holy Spirit. I appeal to all churchgoers to get some of that oxytocin when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

111 CH APTER 21

Healing and Deliverance

“Divine healing is the dinner bell. Keep ringing that bell and people will come.” Raymond T. Richey.

If there is anything typical of Pentecostals and charismatic’s, it would be the major emphasis on healing, and we need to understand that. Perspectives on often seem as varied as the number of faith healers around us. Some say God wants to heal all sickness; others come close to conceding that God’s purposes may sometimes be fulfilled in our illness and infirmity. Some equate sickness with sin, others stop short of that, but still find it hard to explain why spiritually strong people get sick. In any event, I will be addressing many of these questions later, but firstly let me deal with the most serious allegation. Which is? That Pentecostal and Charismatic faith healings are the work of Beelzebub. he Bible says in Luke 11:18 that if Satan could heal then he would be divided against himself. But that doesn’t mean to say that Satan doesn’t rob God’s glory by using ‘’ science in confusing the source from which our healing derives from. Simply put, Satan is not in the business of healing but in the business of deceitfulness. Besides, I don’t blame anyone for being sceptical about faith healers in light of Kathryn Kuhlman who died on an operating table at 62 due to a genetic heart defect.

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Many sceptics say, “Why is it that a faith healer can heal others but not herself?”A good question which can be very difficult to answer - but here goes anyway! As I see it, just because a faith healer has a physical disability doesn’t mean that God cannot mediate through them? Take for example the apos-tle Paul— although having the gifts of healing, could not be healed from what he described as a thorn in the flesh. No one would dare say that Paul lacked the faith as he pleaded with God twice to relieve him of his ailment.

What was Paul’s thorn? The Bible doesn’t tell us what Paul’s ailment was, but I suspect it was his eyes due to the fact that he was blinded for three days after being stopped by Christ presents in amidst of a burning white light when traveling on the road to Damascus. I reason, could it be that Paul’s was not 100% restored, but slightly impaired as a scar reminder of that fateful event? I can just imagine Satan saying; “Hey Paul! What you saw and heard was just fatigue due to your very strenuous journey!” Or perhaps his thorn was to teach him humility when writing in dimply candlelit rooms? Whatever it was that agitated Paul he obviously overcame it by relying solely on God. Paul’s predicament reminds me of Frances (Fannie) Jane Crosby (1820-1915) - a blind devout Christian who wrote many hymns one of which is “Blessed assurance” which was sung at my mother’s funeral. I often wonder; did Jane Crosby’s disability bring out the very best in her as it did Paul? The late Karen Carpenter said: “the best love songs are written with a broken heart”.


Do prayer cloths have any power?

Dear reader, I often surf the NET for stories of religious experiences. One interesting story I came across was that of a Baptist minister who received a miracle prayer cloth in the mail with a message that read as follows: “Take this special miracle prayer cloth, put it under your pillow and sleep on it tonight. Or you may want to place it on your body or on that of a loved one. Use it as a point of release wherever you hurt. First thing in the morning send it back to me in the green envelope. Do not keep this prayer cloth, but return it to me. I will take it, pray night. Miracle power will flow like a river. God has something better for you, a special miracle to meet your needs.” The minister was a stanched protestant who was taught that this type of request was nothing more than idolatry. But not so according to Kathleen Evans who was cured of brain cancer when praying over a tiny fragment of Sister Mary Mackillop’s clothing.

Allow me to tell the story;

At age sixty-six, Kathleen Evans was the mother of five, grandmother of 20 and great-grandmother of two when she told how she had smoked since the age of sixteen, but had given up in 1990, three years before she received a terrifying diagnosis of cancer at age forty-nine. The tumor, located in her right lung, was particularly aggressive and quickly spread to her lymph nodes. Within a few months a secondary cancer was found on her brain. She was told it was inoperable and that chemotherapy and X- ray treatment were considered pointless. “Besides,” she said, “the odds were just not worth it.”

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“I was only given a couple of months at the most to live so I said thanks but no thanks. All I had left was prayer.”A friend in the Hunter Valley gave her a picture of Mary Mackillop and a piece of her clothing, so Ms Evans, her family and her parish all began praying. “I’m not one to be on my knees all the time or think I’ll go to hell if I miss mass,” she said. But she is a regular churchgoer. Far from getting worse, her condition improved and after four months her doctor called for more tests, “because, as he said, I just shouldn’t be here.” Ten months after her original diagnosis, she was told there was no sign of any cancer, just some scarring where the tumors had been. In December her recovery was formally recognised as Mackillop’s second miracle- clearing the way for her canonisation at St Peter’s Square in the Vatican 17 October 2010. There were many other healings accredited to Mary Mackillop such as burns victim Sophie Delezio and Irishman David Keohane who woke from an eight-month coma following an assault in Sydney. Remember in the beginning of this paragraph the claim that Pentecostal and charismatic faith healing were of Beelzebub? Well in this case neither Pentecostal or charismatic influences were instrumental in the healing of Kathryn Evans. In fact, unlike many charismatic faith healers, the Catholic Church does not take healing lightly but relies only on hard core medical evidence. But as far as protestant faith healers are concerned, any miracle that would involve a catholic praying over a deceased person’s image or clothing would be regarded as idolatry and therefore would not be blessed from God. But they do believe it’s real when it comes to miracles performed with the laying on of hands amid a stirring worship service.


So the question begs: who will God bless— a Catholic or a Protestant? The truth is that God’s undeserved kindness does not discriminate, but will only respond to one’s soulful prayer regardless of any Christian based religious ritual. As far as Kathleen Evans was concerned, her healing had nothing to do with being a catholic or going to mass.

Why is faith so important?

When it comes to healing a lot of emphasis is focused on faith—and with- out it God cannot be pleased. (Hebrews 11:6 So we must ask: what is faith? Some say it’s like taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Others say that faith is likened to oxygen-just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The following saying says it all: “To those who believe, no explanation is necessary. To those who do not believe no explanation is possible.”Allow me to share a heart- rending story. It begins with a little girl named Tess who always attended Sunday school where she was taught to put money in the offering plate to help the sick and poor. One day Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way six blocks to Rexall’s Drug Store with the big Red Indian Chief sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at that moment. Tess moved her feet to make a scuffling noise, but he still didn’t respond. Finally she cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!

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“And what do you want?” the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. Tess responded in the same annoyed tone. “He’s really, really sick, and I want to buy a miracle.” The pharmacist said, “I beg your pardon?” “His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head. My Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So Mister, how much does a miracle cost? ” “We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry but I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said, softening a little. She was not to be deterred. “Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn’t enough, I will get the rest.” The pharmacist was a well-dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?” “I don’t know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up. “I just know he’s really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.” The pharmacist asked, “How much do you have?” Speaking barely above a whisper she answered, “One dollar and eleven cents. It’s all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.” “Well, what a coinci- dence,” said the man with a wide smile. “A dollar and eleven cents-the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.” He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the miracle you need.” That well- dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neu- rosurgery. The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn’t long until Andrew was home again and doing well. “That surgery,” her Mom whispered, “was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?” Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost…one dollar and eleven cents…plus the faith of a little child.


o In Matthew 18:3-4 Jesus said: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (ESV).

It’s obvious to me that when it comes to faith all rationality goes out the window. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26; “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Ponder this verse 9 in 1 Corinthians 12 which says:

o “To another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit” (NET).

According to the scripture above there are two completely different types of faith. One is blind faith-as in taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. The other type of faith comes from not our- selves but is a gift from God, which simply means that no matter how much one fasts and prays, faith cannot be conjured up. Kathryn Kuhlman often said that many hundreds whom God healed had very little or no faith at all. It must have really upset her to know that the faith needed to heal her from a genetic heart disease would largely depend on God and not that of her own faith. But the question begs: Why did God allow Kathryn to die in July 1975 on an operating table when she was being used to heal and bring people to Christ? Without casting aspersions on Kathryn’s ministry I do have a theory. How so? Remember Moses in Numbers 21:9 who was told by Jehovah to erect a bronze snake around a pole so that the Israelites could be healed from their snake bites? The Bible tells us that after a while instead of worshiping Jehovah through the image, they began to worship “the image.”-which was the reason why it was destroyed. (2 Kings 18:4)

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How does this story relate to Kathryn Kuhlman?

Kathryn’s many devotees were Catholics, which eventually led to her meeting with Pope V1. TIME magazine once called her a “one-woman .” Yes, God made a wonderful provision for healing through Kathryn Kuhlman. But we must not forget that it wasn’t the brazen serpent that cured the Israelites; but in looking up to it, they looked up to God as the Lord that healed them. Hence, God foresaw that sooner or later just as it was with the brazen serpent Kathryn would also be ‘a god’ to be idolised. The KJV of Exodus 34:14 says:

“For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” However nothing was lost, because Kathryn is now resting in the Lord awaiting her heavenly reward. Remember this; Life isn’t about how long one lives— but what one achieves!

Like Kathryn Kuhlman many sick and infirmed are often left wonder- ing, particularly after a faith healing service, why God heals those who seem less deserving than themselves. But consider this; many miracles can be honoured by God through prayers from unknown sources! In Pentecostalism this is known as ‘intercessory prayer-by proxy’. This phenomenon occurs when God places a burden on a Christian to prayer for a complete stranger. Romans 8:26 says this: “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words” (ESV). Just think, your miracle could have been initiated by a complete stranger which tells me that there is goings on in the heavenly realm far beyond our human comprehension.


Interestingly enough, scientists have become aware of this phenomenon after studying identical twins. It is a documented fact that twins from two different sides of the globe can be joined as one in mind and in spirit. So I figure, “Why not the body of Christ?” Intercessory prayer-by proxy is one of many manifestations of the Spirit which seems extinct in today’s Pentecostalism, and may be why we see fewer miracles. Could it be that these and many other manifestations of the Spirit will once again resurface in the third wave outpouring of the Holy Spirit when access to medical treatment is denied to true worshipers of God? I believe so! Dear reader, I used to think that miracles could only happen to Christians until I meet a young lady named Christine who told me she had cured herself of breast cancer by meditating on a blue light. She explained that this science is called “Chronotherapy” which uses colour that influences the flow and amount of energy in our bodies. “I believe that colours have certain wavelengths of electro-magnetic energy seen through our eyes, and when all colours merge-the result is white light that brings about completeness”— says Christine. Yes I do believe that people like Christine can experience healing from what the medical profession call “the placebo effect.” But this type of healing is not to be confused with Christian healing which is the complete restoration of mind body and soul. Mathew 18:8 says: “If your hand or your foot cause you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. Its better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire.”

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Can a Christian raise the dead?

In chapter five I touched on this subject of healing emphasising that God can do anything! However as Christians we need to face reality as to what is authentic and what is hearsay. But before reading, I want you to imagine yourself in the storyline as one of the paramedics who noted no signs of life to a young lady named Parnia, but in faith prayed that God would raise her. Then after seeing Parnia alive, proclaimed a miraculous miracle. The story as it unfolds: In 2011 a woman in Japan, intent on committing suicide, wandered into a forest and overdosed on pills. The next morning, a passerby found her. When emergency personnel arrived, her body temperature was 20C. She had no pulse and was not breathing. Efforts to shock her heart into action failed, but rather than send her to the morgue, doctors connected her to an extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine – a device that acts as an artificial lung and heart, and is a standard of care in Japan – and left her to circulate. Several hours into the procedure, her heart fluttered back to life. The woods’ cool temperature, it turned out, had prevented the woman’s cells from breaking down as quickly as they would have in a warmer environment, allowing her to lay dead in the forest for around four hours, plus survive an additional six hours between the time the passerby called the ambulance and the time her heart began beating again. Three weeks later, she left the hospital, and today she is happily married and recently delivered a baby. “If one of our [emergency medical service] crews found that young girl, she would have just been declared dead,” - Parnia says.


Dear brethren, in discussing this subject no one would say that the para- medic’s eye witness account was not honourable or that his prayer was not sincere, but the reality is that Parnia’s prognoses was only privy to specialist. Nevertheless, we all know that rumors of such miraculous events do spread like wildfire without much investigation. “Do I believe in miracles?” Well that depends on one’s interpretation of what constitutes a miracle! The way I see it; whether one is physically or spiritually healed, or has many prayers answered, it all falls under the one umbrella of “divine intervention.” Could it be true to say that faith healers are the ones who circulate rumours of the dead being raised in keeping their offices alive? After all they do believe they are a special breed of Holy Rollers who like Benny Hinn can perform great signs and wonders. But as far as I’m concerned, a miracle is when my steps are guided by markers strategically placed along God’s pathway to righteousness— assuring me that in sickness He will be there to heal, deliver or just comfort me. If it’s any consolation my late mother used to say: “the worst thing about death is dying alone.” I would like to finish off this chapter with the words of the late Kathryn Kuhlman:

“If you are ill and have not yet received the gift of faith so that you believe in miracles, then get yourself the best medical assistance possible, and pray that God shall work through the human vessel: pray that your doctor will be given Divine guidance in treating you, and then both of you wait for God to do the actual healing. God’s healing power is an indisputable fact, with or without human assistance.”

122 CHAPTER 22

My Encounter with an Angel

Joan Wester Anderson began her writing career in 1973 and had published over a thousand articles and stories in a wide variety of magazines and newspapers. A lecturer and teacher, Anderson is the best-selling author of several books including: Where Angels Walk, An Angel to Watch Over Me, and Where Miracles Happen. Joan confessed that she never really believed in angels until she had a personal encounter of her own. In her book Mysterious Messengers Joan tells an intriguing story that began when her son was to visit her over the Christmas holiday. During the days leading up to the visit, the Midwest was experiencing a terrible cold snap. Joan wrote, “Christmas was on the weekend that year and I believe it was Wednesday when my husband called the kids and said please don’t drive, because they were warning cars of the dangerous highway conditions.” Of course, the weather warning made no difference to two twenty-one-year-olds. The kids decided to come anyway, and her worse fears soon became a reality. They broke down in the middle of the night, right outside a little town in Indiana. It was thirty-two degrees below zero.


The wind-chill was ninety below, when they sat there realizing that they were probably going to die. It was two in the morning when all of a sudden there was a flare of light directly behind them-the headlights from a tow truck, and as improbable as it sounds the driver got out and asked them if they needed help, and if he could take them and their car back to the town they had passed earlier. So, he did. Once in town they exited the truck and turned to ask how much they owed him, but the truck had disappeared along with the driver. Her son’s car was just sitting there all by itself, as frozen as it had been twenty minutes before. When her son got home he didn’t tell her the story in just that way, and that was her first clue that something special had happened, because people often try to second guess the event to make it fit their paradigm. That’s exactly what was happening to Tim who was mulling it over, contemplating what had occurred. But after four weeks he still couldn’t make it fit into any kind of mold, and that’s when he told her exactly what happened. Now the interesting part was that she said to him, “What time did that man come?” and he answered, “That I know for sure. I’m not sure of much that night but I do know that he came at a quarter to two.” Well, at quarter to one her time (it was at exactly the same moment, because Tim was on Eastern Time and she was on Central) she had been standing at the window waiting for him; by then he was five hours late. And she had felt this lifting of my spirit as she said, “God you’ve got to send someone.” That was not a prayer that she had ever prayed before. So, of course, she was left with the reality that she had asked God to send someone, and God did.

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Whom had God sent? In the following months she tried to trace the tow-truck driver, calling the state police, but they said there had not been any rescue vehicles out at that time. She called a couple of tow-truck com- panies, and nobody knew anything about it. It just didn’t line up with the facts. Why would a tow truck leave the safety of a town on such a dangerously frigid night? In the end she eventually chalked it up to angelic intervention. My encounter with an angel Joan’s story bears an uncanny resemblance to my own experience. How so? I recall in 1969 when my brother, my sister and I decided to spend a day visiting friends in the country. Interestingly enough, as we were travel- ling my brother and sister remarked on hearing singing as if it were com- ing from a choir. I just put it down to some sort of traveling fatigue and thought nothing of it. After spending a lovely day with friends it was time to return home and typical at the age of nineteen, we did not leave enough time to get home before the sunset. Not only was the last hour of our journey in darkness but it was ridden with torrential rain. Honestly, I just could not see two meters in front of my face; in fact, my direction relied entirely on the tail lights from passing cars that left my old VW Beetle in the dust. The weather was so bad that I remember driving with my head out the window just so I could get my bearings. Then from out of nowhere came a truck with a gigantic car trailer lit up like a Christmas tree. And guess what? It was traveling at the exact speed of my VW which was 75 KPH. But we were surprised to see, that as we approached the safety of the outer city lights, the truck’s right turn signal lit up and it turned across a grassy strip and headed back in the direction from which it had come. My brother was on the passenger’s side and turned to catch a glimpse of the driver but couldn’t see anything. Could it be that it was too dark? Or was it just that there was nothing to see?


The Bible claims many encounters with angels: some in dreams as was the case with Joseph and the Magi, and others visually as with Mary mother of Jesus. (Mathew 1:20 - 2:12/Luke 1:26-38)

o Joel 2:28 says this: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions” (NIV).

John Wesley, who was an 18th Century apologist, paid attention to dreams, visions and angelic encounters among the early Methodists. No doubt Wesley knew from hard experience that claims of special visitations and inspirations had to be handled with great care. John Wesley remained eager to hear what God could do among his people, and so he gathered stories and pondered them. Three centuries after John Wesley people are still experiencing angelic visitations- especially very young children. Joan Wester Anderson says; “I think that when children get to Earth they are probably still in connection with heaven for a while. It’s been said that there is a veil that draws over us more and more as we become more involved on Earth.” With that background of Joan’s comments I share with you my childhood angelic encounter. Yes, I was visited by an angelic figure!

It was in the year 1955 when my mother was tarrying earnestly for God’s truths, in particular the baptism in the Holy Spirit. She was a new con- vert to Christianity when she attended a Christian Pentecostal Church in Melbourne for the very first time. We were just a typical Australian family consisting of Mum (Audrey) Dad (Leslie), my brother Laurie and my sister Carol. I guess one could say that we were a poor family always struggling to make ends meet. Nevertheless Mum always made time to attend church.

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My encounter Very early one morning I was awakened from sleep by a high-pitched sound that instantly made me sit straight up in my bed. Then suddenly I saw a dim light creeping onto the wall from the main hallway. It was not uncommon for my mother to check on us with a candle as not to disturb us. So in expectation to her arrival I was ready to ask for a drink of water. Then as the light intensified I realized it wasn’t Mum at all, but a very tall shimmering figure. My description! Usually angels are depicted as having beautiful smiling faces: yet due to the ultra-white light radiating from whatever it held in its right hand, my angel’s appearance was obscured from the waist up. When reflecting back I often wonder whether the light was that of a candelabrum of seven golden candlesticks mentioned in Revelations 1:20. Or Johns description in Revelations 1:16 as holding in His right hand seven stars; and face like the sun shining in all its brilliance” Or as Daniel 10:16 says: a face as the appearance of lightning” My angel appeared in a gleaming white gown with noticeable patterned edging and a rope tied just below its waist and leather lace-up sandals. Interestingly enough, the Talmud records high priests wearing purple pomegranates on the edges of their garments and a golden rope around the waist as they entered the Holy of Holies. (Exodus 28:33) But what I could not help but notice was the very long double edged sword in its left hand pointing directly at me. Honestly I was so terrified that I screamed for my mother who rushed in to console me. Mum said that as she picked me up in her arms I was still crying out: “Look, Mummy look-can’t you see it!”


What constitutes an angel?

Sophie Burnham who is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and non-fiction writer makes the following statement about angels:

• · “ Many people say that humans evolve into angels. Other people say that angels are a separate species, created by God at the beginning of time. We don’t know. What we do know is that there are these beings that we call angels, that they’re on our side, and that they come with warmth and light and a great sense of glory and colours. When you see them, you experience warmth and unfathomable love. They love us beyond our wildest imaginings.” Angel 's identity disclosed . During my research I discovered that I had an encounter with an angel named Uriel. This I know because of its signatory, a flame in its left hand and a double edged sword in its right hand. I was complexed as to why I saw the angel brandishing the sword in its left hand , but I have since learned that humans see angels via a mirror effect. I reason that it can't be coincidental that Uriel is patron of the arts, music, and science all of which have been mapped out in my career as you will read in my Testimony at the closing of this book.

A little abut Uriel the archangel of God. Uriel appears in the Second Book of Esdras found in the Biblical apocrypha (called Esdras IV in the Vulgate) in which the prophet Ezra asks God a series of questions and Uriel is sent by God to instruct him. According to the Revelation of Esdras, the angels that will rule at the end of the world are , Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael.

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In Christian apocryphal gospels Uriel plays a role, differing between the sources, in the rescue of Jesus' cousin John the Baptist from the Massacre of the Innocents ordered by King Herod. He carries John and his mother Saint Elizabeth to join the Holy Family after their Flight into Egypt. Their reunion is depicted in Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks. In the Apocalypse of Peter Uriel appears as the angel of repentance, who is graphically represented as being as pitiless as any demon. In the Life of Adam and Eve, Uriel is regarded as the spirit (i.e., one of the cherubs) of the third chapter of Genesis. He is also identified as one of the angels who helped bury Adam and Abel in Eden. Uriel is also depicted as the destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib. He checked the doors of Egypt for lamb's blood during the plague and holds the key to the Pit during the End Times, and led Abraham to the west. Conclusion It is my firm belief that all Christians have their angels to guide them through there predestined pathway. Which in my case is to write books about them and the one who created them. I recommend that you get in touch with your angel by praying first to the father in making it possible.

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“We are lean, mean kingdom machines, all set for everything that God wants to do in this place. Amen! Amen! ”—says Brian Houston of Hillsong while his young devotees stomp and cheer. But this lean mean Kingdom machine does not preach true Pentecostalism as did his forefathers! Pastor Harris of Southern Illinois is yet another lean mean Kingdom machine who says that tongues are just a byproduct of Christian faith and not all that essential for witnessing. Which is probably why Scott Morrison doesn't feel the need for tongues. Obviously pastor Harris wasn’t there in the 1970’s down pouring when families were reunited, long-severed friendships reconciled and hearts flowed together in true fellowship in the Lord. This was not just a by-product of Christian faith as Harris says, but a very powerful weapon for pulling down strongholds. o Acts 1:8 says: “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (GNT). Dear brethren, sadly Morrison, Houston and Harris depict the majority of today’s Pentecostal and charismatic leaders who don’t appreciate the manifestations of the Spirit as in speaking in tongues. But there is one mean kingdom machine by the name of Paul who was not ashamed to acknowledge the gifts of the Spirit when saying: “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you” (1 Corinthians 14:18 NIV).


You may be interested to know that the turning point as to why I left the Jehovah’s witnesses was partly due to the removal of Mark 16:17 from their new NWT Bible. But when switching back to Pentecostalism I noticed that the speaking in tongues was designated from the main worship service to the backroom leaving congregants to question: “where has the public acknowledgment of the Spirit gone?” Could it be said that Pentecostals and alike who are not exercising tongues are as guilty as the Jehovah’s wittinesses? Dear reader, in chapter 17 I spoke of Wilson Tozer’s commentary on the gift of discernment and how in these critical times it should be valued as a weapon against spiritual forces of evil. I emphasised that Tozer’s commentary is the covering veil that sanctifies the bride in readiness to meet with Christ her bridegroom. But as I have pointed out, a lot more work has to be done in order to establish a bridal- church without spot or blemish. In this book I encouraged true worshipers of God to leave their Mega churches and join a Home church whereby Covid-19 restrictions can be manageable by face to face teaching and the partaking of the Eucharist. You may recall me saying that Home groups teach Christians from all denominations to compromise their indoctrination for the betterment of unity in love, respect and trust for one another. And that Christians in theses last days can least afford to argue and bicker over doctrine.

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To jog your memory, I made a comparison to the Ark of the Covenant being lost to God’s people to today's church whereby the Presence, Power and Glory of the Living God is Null and Void. I said that Christians need to pray that God will restore the Power of His Presence so that God’s people will once more have the zeal and boldness as it was in the 1970's. Ponder this scripture:

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them”. (John 14:23 NIV)

The above scripture places salvation on the condition that we obey His teachings otherwise we may indeed lose our inheritance.

o 2 Peter 2:20-22 “If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit,’ and, ‘A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.’” Revelation 3:5 says that those who won’t have their names blotted out of the book of life are those who overcome. o And in 1 Corinthians 9:27: “No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” Paul says he takes care so that he doesn’t become disqualified for eternal life -and so should we! 132 Tongues on Fire

Below are 9 steps required in holding firm your footing on the pathway to salvation.

1. Learn the art of LOVE by being more hospitable kind and considerate. 2. Be doers and not just hearers of the WORD— Walk the Talk! 3. Get rid of any condemnation that would taint your heart. 4. Never be too proud to admit when you’re wrong, and take good criticism. 5. Have an open mind for change. 6. Always encourage fellow brethren and greet them with LOVE. 7. Never take church leaders at face value — rather get to know them as you would your brothers and sisters so that a relationship of trust can be established. 8. Always have an enquiring mind and question everything that is said on the pulpit. 9. Seek the gifts of the spirit— especially the speaking in tongues. That alone may not get you to heaven, but it will certainly help avoid any obstacles that would hinder your steps.

Ponder this scripture:

o “May you have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:18-19 ESV).

In the above verse, Paul places LOVE above head knowledge knowing that human emotions require a lot of spiritual strength in obtaining unconditional love,breadth, length, height and depth are symbolic to a measure of TIME called a dispensation. (Geneses-Revelations)

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The words: “filled with all the fullness of God” are expressive of God’s immeasurable LOVE which is a learned virtue derived from many dispensations. The Bible tells us that Lucifer was once a beautiful angel who loved God but due his pride and ego was banished from heaven. This tells us that angels aren’t robots but have evolved by a process of free will. (1 Corinthians 6:3, Revelations 3:21 & Daniel 7:22) Dear reader, I often wonder how many billions of years Lucifer enjoyed before he fell out of LOVE with God. That we may never know; but what is known, is that our heavenly father has made provision for us to replenish the angels He lost to Satan’s rebellion. That means that our salvation has more to offer than just a heavenly abode -but the opportunity for us to become angels of immeasurable Love. “Will you join me?” N.B. Their are additional chapters to this book that can be read on my other publication; "The Apostle Scott Morrison." They are as follows: Chapter 20 Who needs God When You Have Money...... 109 Chapter 21 Televangelist are Celebrities...... 114 Chapter 22 Can the Pulpit be Questioned?...... 120 Chapter 23 Paper Not People...... 130 Chapter 24 Is Suffering a Christian Virtue?...... 133 Chapter 25 Teachers Vs Facilitators...... 138 Chapter 26 Can a Christian Suffer from Anxiety?...... 143 Chapter 27 What is Hell?...... 148 Chapter 28 ------Chapter 29 Can the Body of Christ Suffer?...... 158 Chapter 30 Humanity Builds Faith...... 161 Chapter 31 How should a Christian Tithe?...... 163

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my testimony

My story begins in 1955, when at the age of five I was visited by an angel whose visitation inspired me to tell my story. It was during that time my mother taught me the ways of the Lord resulting in my being baptised at the age of twelve. But it wasn't until my late teens when studying at the UPC Bible school that I obtained a position as youth Pastor in an AOG church on the NSW central Coast. My first professional gig was on 3DB radio Melbourne singing gospel alongside Col Joye and Laurie Allan and alike. Just as my radio career was starting to kick off, God called me into Billy Graham’s “Youth for Christ” and the Australasian Christian Broadcasting Association. It was there that I met up with a ventriloquist character named Elfie who became my side kick when performing on TV and in Church rallies. Apart from singing gospel, electronics is my main interest from which I managed to invent a Music Machine for use as an educational tool in schools. This machine later became known as "Marshall's Portable Music Machine" ~named after Brian Cadd's 1972 hit song.


While performing at a Shopping Centre, a talent scout signed me up to be co-host of a children's morning show called the "Super Flying Fun Show." This opened up my career to the NSW club scene and TV engagements such as; A Current Affair with Mike Willesee, The Graham Kennedy Show, and the Mike Walsh Today Show. I even had a gig with singer actress Eartha Kitt with Tommy Tycho's band at the Sydney Opera House and a slot with Rolf Harris at Westfield's Carnival Capers. When the Music Machine had its day I substituted it with an animatronic Robot named Algatron. This real to life cheeky character made from house-hold items, was a hit in schools under the Science and Technology curriculum. Interestingly enough, Algatron came to fame when as a mascot for the 1994 Canberra Science Festival,spilled water over science minister Peter McGauran's shiny new shoes in full view of a nationwide TV audience at Parliaments Grand Hall. Ref video on web-page. But now as I reminisce about those days, I can see God's hand of destiny in the arts of music, theatre, and science ~ all of which necessitates critical thinking in my new love for . Today I no longer perform in schools, but in Christian work-shops singing gospel and promoting my books. I have no particular religion, preferring neutrality when pasturing the New Prophecy Movement and its accompanying home gatherings. In finishing I acknowledge God as the author of my writings and my mother, know resting in the arms of Jesus to be my inspiration.

o Proverbs 22:6 tells us: “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray” (NRSV).

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