Review and Herald for 1855
VIEt AD\nr4r1 GI...n[11UL AN]) SABBATH HERALD. ft no e is the Patience of the Sainte; Here arc they that keep the Commandments of God and the Penh of Jesue.' , Vo L . VII. ROCHESTER, N. Y., THIRD-DAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1855. No. 6. to the disciples, says, "Go ye into all the world, natural eyes. There would then be no propriety for THE REVIEW AND HERALD and preach the gospel to every creature, and lo l God to say he would put his hand over Moses' face IS PUBLISHED I am with you alway, even unto the end of the while he passed by, (seemingly to prevent him from At South St. Paul-st., Stone's Block, world. Now, no one would contend that Christ seeing his face,) for he could not see him. Neither NO. 23, Third Floor. had been on the earth personally ever since the dis- do we conceive how an immaterial hand could ob- TERMS.—One Dollar for a Volume of ciples commenced to fulfill this commission. But struct the rays of light from passing to Moses' eyes. Numbers. 916 his Spirit has been on the earth; the Comforter that But if the position be true that God is immaterial, J. N. ANDREWS, }) Publishing lie promised to send. So in the same manner God and cannot be seen by the natural eye, the text R. F. COTTRELL, Committee. URIAH SMITH. manifests himself by his Spirit which is also the above is all superfluous. What sense is there in power through which he works. "But if the Spir- saying God put his hand over Moses' face, to prevent rirtancommunications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to ELD.
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