(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP24,626 P3 Khemakongkanond (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 8, 2014

(54) AGLAONEMA PLANT NAMED ‘KKAG1201’ (51) Int. Cl. A01H 5/00 (2006.01) (50) Latin Name: Aglaonema hybrid (52) US. Cl. Varietal Denomination: KKAG1201 USPC ...... Plt./376 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search (76) Inventor? Kanehana Khemakongkanond: USPC ...... Plt./376 BangkOk (TH) See application ?le for complete search history.

( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner i Annette Para Pawnt is eXtended 0r adjuswd under 35 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Cassandra Bright U.S.C. 154(b) by 78 days. (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl' NO': 13/573’426 A new and distinct Aglaonema named ‘KKAG1201 ’ . _ is disclosed, characterized by strong growth, cream and pink (22) Flled' sep' 14’ 2012 colored foliage with green dots. The new variety is a Agla (65) Prior Publication D at a onema, typically produced as an indoor . US 2014/0082799 P1 Mar. 20, 2014 1 Drawing Sheet

1 2 Latin name of the and species: Aglaonema hybrid. 1. Strong growth habit. Variety denomination: ‘KKAG1201’. 2. Unique cream, green and pink foliage.


This application relates to a new cultivar of Aglaonema Parent varieties are unknown, as seed was bulk collected. hybrid. The new variety is the product of a planned breeding program. The new variety originated as a seedling from the COMMERCIAL COMPARISON open pollination of unnamed, unpatented, Aglaonema hybrids, bulk collecting seed and planting the results. The 10 ‘KKAG1201’ is similar in most horticultural characteris open pollination resulting in the bulk collected seed was organized by the inventor in a research greenhouse in tics to the unpatented commercial variety Aglaonema Bangkok, Thailand in 2003. ‘KK9004’ in most horticultural characteristics. The new vari The new variety was ?rst selected by the inventor, Kan ety, however, produces foliage that is pink and cream with chana Khemakongkanond, a citizen of Thailand, in 2004, in a green dots, whereas ‘KK9004’ produces foliage that is white research greenhouse in Bangkok, Thailand. After identifying with green dots. Additionally, the new variety produces wider the new variety as a potentially interesting selection, the leaves than ‘KK9004’. inventor continued con?dential testing and propagation of ‘KKAG1201’, assessing stability of the unique characteris BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPH tics of this variety. 20 Asexual reproduction of the new cultivar ‘KKAG1201’ The accompanying photograph in FIG. 1 illustrates in full was ?rst performed at a commercial laboratory in Chonburi, color a typical plant of ‘KKAG1201 ’ grown in a commercial Thailand by tissue culture in January of 2009. Access to all greenhouse in Honslersijk, the Netherlands. This plant is was restricted, as plants were kept in a greenhouse not open to the public, and tissue culture plantlets were in a approximately 8 months old, shown planted in an 12 cm laboratory not accessible to the public. Through subsequent container. The photograph was taken using conventional propagation by vegetative cuttings, multiple generations have techniques and although colors may appear different from been reproduced, which have shown that the unique features actual colors due to light re?ectance it is as accurate as pos of this cultivar are stable and reproduced true to type. sible by conventional photographic techniques. 30 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION

The cultivar ‘KKAG1201 ’ has not been observed under all In the following description, color references are made to possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart 2001, except somewhat with variations in environment such as tempera ture, day length, and light intensity, without, however, any where general terms of ordinary dictionary signi?cance are variance in genotype. used. The following observations and measurements describe The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are ‘KKAG1201 ’ plants grown in a greenhouse in Honslerdijk, determined to be the unique characteristics of ‘KKAG1201.’ the Netherlands. Temperatures ranged between 18° C. to 20° These characteristics in combination distinguish 4; o C. at night and 20° C. to 22° C. during the day. No photope ‘KKAG1201 ’ as a new and distinct A glaonema cultivar: riodic or chemical treatments were given to the plants Mea US PP24,626 P3 3 4 surements and numerical values represent averages of typical Texture of bottom surfaceiSmooth, slightly glossy. plant types. ColoniYoung foliage upper side: Near RHS 51B, Botanical classi?cation: A glaonema hybrid ‘KKAG1201’. tinged near RHS 150D towards the base, dotted throughout near RHS 144B, 144C and 139A. Margin PROPAGATION also colored near 144B, 144C and 139A. Young foli age under side: Near RHS Red 49A, Base near 49D Type of propagation typically used: Side shoot cuttings. dotted and margin colored near RHS N137A. Mature Time to initiate roots: About 14 days at approximately 21 ° C. foliage upper side: Near RHS 161B, tinged near RHS Root description: Moderately dense, moderately thick, non 49C towards the tip, moderately dotted and margin ?brous, ?eshy, not free-branched, color near RHS Greyed coloration near RHS N137A, 139A and 143A. Mature Orange 164C. foliage under side: Near RHS Greyed-Yellow 160C Time to produce rooted plantlet: Approximately 10 weeks at and 161C, moderately dotted and margin coloration approximately 19° to 230 C. near RHS 137A and N137A. Venation: PLANT TypeiPinnate. Venation coloration upper sideiNear RHS Yellow Growth habit: Broad upright. Green 145B. Plant shape: Ovate. Venation coloration under sideiNear RHS Yellow Height: Approximately 29.5 cm to top of highest leaf. Green 146B. Plant spread: Approximately 28.3 cm in a 12 cm circular pot. 20 Sheath: Normal pot size: 12 cm pot. Average length .iApproximately 5.9 cm. Growth rate: Moderate. Average widthiApproximately 0.3 cm. Stem: ColoniNear RHS Green 143C. Diameter.*7 mm. TextureiSmooth, moderately glossy. Length.i5.0 cm. 25 Petiole: ColoniNear RHS 146A. Length .iApproximately 9.7 cm. TextureiSmooth, moderately glossy. WidthiAt distal end: Approximately 0.3 cm. Above Branching characteristics: Basal clumping (branching), no clump: Approximately 0.5 cm. lateral branches. ColoniNear RHS Yellow-Green 146A. Number of clumps of leaves: 2. 30 Strength.iStrong. Number of leaves per clump: Average 10. Geniculum: No geniculum visible. Number of leaves per plant: Approximately 20. Age of plant described: Approximately 8 months. FLOWERING CHARACTERISTICS

FOLIAGE 35 Flowers not observed to date.

Leaf: OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Arrangementilrregular spiral. Average length (excluding petiole).iApproximately Disease resistance: Neither resistance nor susceptibility to the normal diseases found in Aglaonema has been observed. 14.2 cm. 40 Average widthiApproximately 8.5 cm. Drought tolerance and cold tolerance: Tender, indoor plant Shape of blade.4Ovate. susceptible to cold and drought. AspectiLeaves upright to slightly outward. Fruit/seed production: No fruits/seeds detected to date. ApexiApiculate. What is claimed is: 1. A new and distinct cultivar of A glaonema plant named BaseiRounded to short attenuate. 45 Margin .iEntire, undulate. ‘KKAG1201 ’ as herein illustrated and described. Texture of top surfaceiSmooth, moderately glossy. * * * * * U S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 US PP24,626 P3