FILED 20-0401 5/15/2020 11:06 AM tex-43008000 SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS BLAKE A. HAWTHORNE, CLERK No. ___ In the Supreme Court of Texas In re State of Texas, Relator. On Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the Fourteenth Court of Appeals, Houston PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS Ken Paxton Kyle D. Hawkins Attorney General of Texas Solicitor General State Bar No. 24094710 Jeffrey C. Mateer
[email protected] First Assistant Attorney General Bill Davis Ryan L. Bangert Deputy Solicitor General Deputy First Assistant Attorney General Lanora C. Pettit Natalie D. Thompson Office of the Attorney General Assistant Solicitors General P.O. Box 12548 (MC 059) Austin, Texas 78711-2548 Tel.: (512) 936-1700 Fax: (512) 474-2697 Counsel for Relator Identity of Parties and Counsel Relators: The State of Texas Counsel for Relators: Ken Paxton Jeffrey C. Mateer Ryan L. Bangert Kyle D. Hawkins (lead counsel) Bill Davis Lanora C. Pettit Natalie D. Thompson Office of the Attorney General P.O. Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548
[email protected] Respondent: The Honorable Fourteenth Court of Appeals, Houston Real Parties in Interest: Texas Democratic Party Gilberto Hinojosa, in his capacity as Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party Joseph Daniel Cascino Shanda Marie Sansing Plaintiffs-Appellees in the underlying proceeding Zachary Price League of Women Voters of Texas League of Women Voters of Austin-Area MOVE Texas Action Fund Workers Defense Action Fund Plaintiff-Intervenors-Appellees in the underlying proceeding Dana Debeauvoir Defendant in the underlying proceeding i Appellate and Trial Counsel for Real Parties in Interest: Chad W.