4 The Times Sunday, June 10, 2012 第3種郵便物認可 Belgian prince’s visit

Visit brings a new vigor Brief profile of Crown Prince Philippe of Crown Prince Philippe, born in 1960 in as first child of Albert II and Queen Paola, is first in the line of succession to the throne of to Belgium-Japan trade Belgium. A graduate of the Royal Military Academy, Prince Philippe completed his academic training ties between Belgium and Japan. nies, such as the ones active in at Trinity College, , and took Minister of Foreign Trade of Despite recent natural disas- the life sciences sector, are at- a Master of Arts in political science at Stanford Belgium ters, financial crisis and bud- tracted by the economic climate University. getary issues, our two countries in Belgium. Life sciences is one Prince Philippe is honorary chairman of the In 2012, on the occasion of the continue to enjoy excellent trade of the key sectors identified for Board of the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency. In commemoration of the Great relations. Japan is No. 10 in the this economic mission to Japan, this capacity, Prince Philippe has headed more East Japan list of countries from which Bel- as pharmaceutical products have than 40 important economic missions, of which Earthquake, our gium imports the most. about been the main Belgian export to the most recent are the United States (2011), country wants 270 Japanese companies are es- Japan for more than a decade. China (2011) and Vietnam (2012). In addition to to stress once tablished in Belgium. Strategically situated at the his various official duties, Prince Philippe more its deep H.R.H. Prince Philippe, my re- center of europe, Belgium suc- concentrates on gaining more in-depth feeling of soli- gional minister colleagues and I ceeded in developing a com- knowledge of his country, its role and its image darity with the are accompanied by more than petitive transport and logistics in the world and in international relations. people of Japan. 200 Belgian businessmen and sector. Furthermore, with the Among his many honorary titles, Prince H.R.H. Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium The commemo- academics that want to explore new government in power since Philippe is honorary chairman of the Belgian rative celebrations of March 2012 new partnerships, export their 2011, we have shown our strong Federal Council for Sustainable Development, Chamber of Commerce in Japan, have reminded us of the courage knowhow and invest in Japan. political commitment to a more created after the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio which enables young Belgian executives to be of the Japanese people, the re- Belgium, a small country by sustainable and stable financial Friendly exchanges: Their Royal Highnesses Prince Philippe and de Janeiro, and honorary chairman of the trained in Japanese companies. silience of its economy and the its physical size but one of the 25 and economic climate at home, Princess Mathilde of Belgium are visiting as part of the Belgian International Polar Foundation. He also Prince Philippe married Mathilde d’Udekem determination of Japan in the largest economies in the world in solidarity with our european Economic Mission to Japan. fps, chancellery of the prime patronizes the YES Program of the Belgian- d’Acoz in 1999. They have four children. reconstruction process. by its gross domestic product partners. minister, directorate-general external communication My participation in the eco- (GDP), retains strong economic My hope is that this economic nomic mission presided by assets. Labor productivity of Bel- delegation led by H.R.H. Prince H.R.H. Prince Philippe offers op- gian workers is one of the high- Philippe will bring a new vigor to portunities to work concretely on est in the world. Innovative and trade relations between Belgium Agenda of Crown Prince Philippe’s economic mission the consolidation of economic competitive high-tech compa- and Japan. The programs of Belgian eco- Highnesses Prince Philippe and Philippe will attend the inaugu- (BLCCJ). In the afternoon, H.R.H. Prince Philippe will visit the nomic Missions led by H.R.H. Princess Mathilde and the min- ration of the Japan Vaccine Co., Prince Philippe will visit the head- Panasonic Center Osaka, attend Brussels’ service sector aids global-minded firms Prince Philippe are always mani- isters will visit Meiji Jingu Shrine. a joint venture between GSK quarters of shipping and logistics a lunch organized by Belgian fold, as field visits, social events, The business program starts with Biologicals and daiichi San- company nyK. He will also be company Umicore for high-level Yuko Miyake nomic mission, we focus on of the Brussels-Capital Region, political meetings of the minis- a visit to Janssen Pharmaceutical kyo, before attending a lunch at present at the closing of the yearly executives of the automotive sec- Japan representative, Brussels service sectors, which are our responsible for the economy, ters and business-to-business K.K., a company of the Johnson Keidanren. In the evening, Their IMEC Executive Forum, which at- tor and visit Daikin Corp. Invest and Export major industries. Many of the employment, scientific research affairs of Belgian businessmen and Johnson group. In the after- Royal Highnesses Prince Philippe tracts a large number of Japanese On June 14, H.R.H. Prince participants, some 30 compa- and foreign trade, and Jacques sometimes collide. noon, the princely couple will and Princess Mathilde will attend executives and researchers from Philippe will open the Belgian I feel privileged to welcome the nies, are from service sectors, Evrard, managing director of In Tokyo, H.R.H. Prince meet Tadateru Konoe, president a cocktail hosted by H.E. Luc Li- industry and academia. IMEC Beer Weekend in Osaka. economic mission to Japan led such as legal work, consulting, Brussels Invest and export, will Philippe will be joined by his of the Japanese Red Cross Soci- ebaut, ambassador of Belgium is europe’s largest independent On June 15, H.R.H. Prince by H.R.H. Prince finance, tourism. Much of their be visiting Japan. wife, H.R.H. Princess Mathilde, ety, for a briefing about the af- in Japan, and to which a series of research institute for micro-elec- Philippe will attend an official Philippe. considerable experience and I hope this economic mission for the three first days of the termath of the Great East Japan Belgium-related Japanese asso- tronics and nanotechnology. luncheon hosted by H.E. Keiji Brussels is expertise shall certainly con- will further enhance economic mission. as the official kickoff Earthquake and tsunami. In the ciations are invited: the Belgium On June 13, while H.R.H. Prin- Yamada, governor of Kyoto, and known not only tribute to Japanese companies exchanges between Belgium and for the economic mission, on the evening, H.R.H. Prince Philippe Japan Society, Belgium Japan cess Mathilde will visit several ar- in the presence of H.E. Daisaku as the capital interested in the global mar- Japan. morning of June 11, Their Royal will briefly attend the closing Academic Society, alumni asso- eas in the Tohoku region, H.R.H. Kadokawa, mayor of Kyoto, and of Belgium, but ket. Other participants include cocktail of the yeS Program for ciation of the Japanese School in Prince Philippe will inaugurate a H.E. yuichi Kusumoto, ambas- also as a center manufacturers of bags, jewelry young Belgian executives in Ja- Brussels, Belgium Luxembourg new head office of UCB in Shin- sador for the Kansai region. of europe, with and confectionery. pan. Market Council and Belgian-Lux- juku, and will travel to Osaka in For more information, visit many interna- Brussels is also known as a On June 12, H.R.H. Prince embourg Chamber of Commerce the evening. In Osaka, H.R.H. www.belgianeconomicmission.be. tional institutions, such as the hub of the legal or consultancy headquarters of the european offices, which are specialized in Union and NATO. Therefore, 30 EU laws and decision-making Wallonia fosters development of medical sector for a better society percent of the population is from process within the eu. One of abroad, which enables english our important programs this Claire Ghyselen development (R&D) for the last place in the top 10 European re- Baxter, Seed Co., or aGC Corp. communication more easily time is the seminar “EU laws Representative for Japan, 10 years testifies, close to Japan’s gions in this regard. have chosen the region to estab- compared to other cities in Bel- and regulations on environment Belgium Wallonia Foreign Trade 3.6 percent. How is this possible? The in- lish their R&D centers. gium. Also, it is accessible from and energy — their trends and and Investment Agency Thanks to this policy, the re- novation strategy deployed by During Prince Philippe’s mis- Paris or London in about two impacts on Japan,” taking place gion is nurturing many large Wallonia is centered around the sion, the William Lennox neu- hours, making Brussels a prime on June 11. Through panel dis- The Wallonia companies and small and me- positive and concrete impact rological Center of the Catholic location for both business and cussions, we will look at the issue region, with 3.5 dium-size enterprises active in that technology has on society. University of Louvain will sign a tourism. from the viewpoint of the Japa- million inhabit- high-tech sectors, in fields re- This is crucial as it focuses atten- collaboration research agreement Brussels Invest and export is nese industrial arena, which will ants, represents lated to physics and chemistry, tion on the needs of the market with Cyberdyne Co. This col- the foreign trade and investment interest Japanese companies op- 40 percent of in our traditional knowhow: civil and the people. If we look at the laboration illustrates how much agency of the Ministry of the erating in the EU member states Belgium’s total and mechanical engineering, medical sector, we see that it has multidisciplinarity and the focus Brussels-Capital Region, the To- or looking for ways of moving in. population. aerospace, materials, life scienc- evolved greatly in the past years: on people influences innovation: kyo office of which is in charge of The seminar is followed by a net- The Walloon es. according to the Organiza- the evolution of technologies The Lennox center will survey export promotion in Japan of the working cocktail in the presence government has tion for economic Cooperation and the convergence of several the rehabilitation process of the region’s companies and attracting of H.R.H. Prince Philippe. set up a unique strategy focused and development (OECD), the disciplines has made it possible robot suit HAL on patients who Japanese companies’ investment As part of the economic mis- on innovation for many years, as region surrounding the south of to prevent diseases more effi- have suffered from either internal to the region. sion’s delegation, Benoit Cerex- its average of 3.4 percent of the Brussels has 58 percent scien- ciently, to detect them at earlier or external causes of paralysis. On the occasion of this eco- he, minister of the government carto uitgeverij, brussel budget spent on research and tists, which gives it a prominent stages, and to cure them better Wallonia private and public or with less invasive means, with sectors have always given impor- the result to improve the health tance to Japan. This is especially and welfare of the people. true today, when the courage of The ecosystem of Wallonia, the Japanese people is a source based on the extensive exchanges of admiration. By nurturing the between academic and industrial existing relations between Japa- sectors, and on the multidiscipli- nese and Belgian universities narity of research, is favorable to and companies, we want to be R&D and we see it as many com- there, by your side, to make a panies such as GSK Vaccines, better society, today.

PAGE: 4 第3種郵便物認可 The Japan Times Sunday, June 10, 2012 5 Belgian crown prince’s visit Goals of the economic mission to Japan

Luc Liebaut direct investment in high-tech, quent debt crisis in received by Prime Minister yo- Ambassador of Belgium precision manufacturing goods, Europe, Belgian exports to Ja- shihiko Noda and by a number green economy innovations, pan have been expanding from of key economic ministers. The The Belgian economic Mission life sciences and new materials. €2.455 million in 2007 to over relations between Japan and the presided over by H.R.H. Prince The key sectors that are being €3.054 million in 2010, to €3.337 EU, as well as the state of play Philippe of Bel- targeted by the mission reflect million in 2011. The credit for in Belgium’s economic, trade, gium that will these opportunities: life sciences this positive development should investment and academic rela- be visiting Japan and pharmaceuticals, new ma- first and foremost go to the care- tions with Japan, will rank high from June 11 terials, semiconductors and ICT ful and sustained efforts of the on the agenda of these meetings. to 16 is bridg- (information and communica- Belgian exporters and their Japa- The close ties between the Impe- ing a long gap. tions technology) engineering, nese partners in meeting quality rial family and the Belgian Royal The last eco- logistics, quality consumer goods demands. At the same time, the family add particularly warm nomic mission and consultancy services on Eu- strong Japanese yen has allowed and friendly dimensions to the of similar size ropean Union legislation. Foster- European exporters to offer relations between Belgium and and purpose to visit Japan dates ing further development of our sharper prices. Japan in general, and to the visit back to 2005, when H.R.H. Prince bilateral trade and investment A second objective of the of the Belgian Economic Mission Philippe led an economic mis- relations is, of course, the top ob- mission is to consolidate po- in particular. The meetings that sion to Tokyo and Nagoya on the jective of any economic mission. litical relations between our two Their Royal Highnesses Prince occasion of the Aichi World Expo. It is however also important to countries. as an official guest Philippe and Princess Mathilde Facing increasing competi- highlight recent successes. of the Japanese government, will be having with members of tion in asia, Japan is open for One should not forget that, H.R.H. Prince Philippe and the the Imperial family will allow economic cooperation, joint notwithstanding the global fi- accompanying Belgian federal them to further cement these research programs and foreign nancial crisis and the subse- and regional ministers will be bonds. Belgian biotechnology: a leading position in Europe and the OECD

Compared to the relative size inhabitants is nowhere high- of its economy in the European er than in Belgium, not even in Union, the Belgian biotech sec- top countries such as the United tor, of which 80 percent is related States or the United Kingdom. to health care in the form of bio- Other factors can explain the pharmaceuticals, is particularly exceptional position of Belgium large. Belgium accounts for a in the world rankings. Public au- remarkably high proportion of thorities give importance to the Europe’s turnover in biotechnol- sector. The Belgian workforce ogy. It represents 16 percent of offers a strong concentration of the European biopharmaceutical researchers and a high number industry, making it a key player of graduates in science and en- at world level. gineering. also, Belgian profes- In addition, spending on re- sionals have strong collaborative search and development is high relationships in innovation, and in relation to the country’s size, the biotech sector is remarkably as confirmed in the latest Orga- open to international partner- Life sciences: The VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology at nization for Economic Coopera- ships (Belgium is the leading Ghent University is in the Flanders region of Belgium. vib fsvm tion and development (OECD) OECD country in terms of the figures, where Belgium ranks percentage of national inven- noff of ULB in Brussels in 2011, The biotechnology sector is in the top four for public fund- tions owned by foreigners, and Delphi Genetics has now set a represented at national level by ing, for tax incentives for R&D, 59 percent of R&D in the country standard in the vaccines indus- industry organization Bio.be. It and for biotechnology R&D per is conducted by foreign affiliates). try with its unique Staby Express has 84 member companies, gen- capita. It is also world No. 1 for Some homegrown success technology for producing recom- erating some 10,000 jobs and a R&D intensity in the pharma- stories show the quality of Bel- binant proteins in E. coli bacte- turnover of nearly €3 billion. ceutical industry (EFPIA 2008). gian researchers and their sense ria without the use of antibiotics, For more information, visit This explains why the number of innovation. delphi Genetics and with substantially increased the website of the Foreign Trade of drugs in development per mil- illustrates this. Starting as a spi- yields. Agency at www.abh-ace.be. Flanders presents region’s high tech to Japan

Dirk De Ruyver forced to increase the produc- the innovative Japanese compa- Japan Representative, Flanders tivity of its labor force by focus- nies known for their high-quality Investment and Trade ing on high value-added activi- research. ties. From Flanders, the nanotech Japan and In that framework, the govern- research center IMEC has been Belgium both ment of the Flanders region of gradually building a network of have an aging Belgium has strategically opted loyal industrial customers in Ja- p o p u l a t i o n . to focus on research and devel- pan. A selection of them will tes- While the costs opment, leading to innovation tify on their collaboration with of such a gray- and economic growth. no sur- IMEC during an executive forum Research: The Belgian ing society are prise, therefore, that R&D insti- in Tokyo on June 12. workforce offers a strong steadily grow- tutes, their spinoffs and other The government of Flan- concentration of researchers ing, the working knowledge-driven companies ders was also instrumental in and a high number of population that is bearing these form a prominent part of the establishing the life sciences graduates in science and costs is projected to shrink. To Belgian economic Mission to research institute VIB in 1996. engineering. vib FSVM keep the balance, a society is Japan. They are reaching out to The activities of VIB led not only to higher research quality, they also played a pivotal role in the growth of a biotech cluster in Flanders, represented by the umbrella organization Flanders- bio. Life sciences count for the largest delegation in the Belgian Economic Mission. More than a dozen speakers will take the floor during two life sciences seminars, in Tokyo on June 12 and in Osaka on June 14. IMEC, VIB and Flandersbio are just a few names among many in Flanders striving for high quality in their activities. The Belgian economic Mission to Japan is an ideal opportu- nity to get to know them, and as such, is destined to strengthen the already excellent relations between Japan and Belgium.