Gladman Developments Ltd. Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd ii Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA


Project No.: 881577 R2(02)-FRA Site: Lopham Road, Harling Title: Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report Client: Gladman Developments Ltd. Date: December 2018 Office: Wigan Status: Final for issue

Author C Whittingham Technical reviewer I Clark

Signature Signature Date: December 2018 Date: December 2018

Project manager C Whittingham Project Director I Clark

Signature Signature Date: December 2018 Date: December 2018

Issue Date Reviewed Approved Version/Details Author No issued by by - Internal Review 20.11.18 CW IC IC 00 Draft Issue for Client Comment 21.11.18 CW IC IC 01 Final for issue 03.12.18 CW IC IC 02 Minor amendments to DFP 03.12.18 CW IC IC

RSK LDE Ltd (RSK) has prepared this report for the sole use of the client, showing reasonable skill and care, for the intended purposes as stated in the agreement under which this work was completed. The report may not be relied upon by any other party without the express agreement of the client and RSK. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this report. Where any data supplied by the client or from other sources have been used, it has been assumed that the information is correct. No responsibility can be accepted by RSK for inaccuracies in the data supplied by any other party. The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based on the assumption that all relevant information has been supplied by those bodies from whom it was requested. No part of this report may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of RSK and the party for whom it was prepared. Where field investigations have been carried out, these have been restricted to a level of detail required to achieve the stated objectives of the work. This work has been undertaken in accordance with the quality management system of RSK LDE Ltd.

Gladman Developments Ltd iii Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd iv Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA


RSK has been commissioned to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy in support of the Outline Planning Application for a proposed residential development. The proposals are to construct residential dwellings, vehicular access and soft landscaping. This will be contained within a proposed site totalling 11.79Ha hectares which is located at land off Lopham Road, East harling. This site is located within Flood Zone 1 and therefore the proposed development passes the Sequential Test and does not require an Exception Test to be undertaken as part of planning as the development has avoided areas at risk of flooding. Generally the site is considered to be at low risk from all sources of flooding and will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere as a result of the development of the site. The SuDS Hierarchy has been followed when developing the surface water drainage strategy for the site. Infiltration based SuDS are being utilised due to the favourable infiltration rates obtained from on-site testing. Surface water generated from the site will be collected and conveyed via a gravitational drainage network (pies and swales) towards one of two infiltration basins. These basins have been sized to retain the surface water runoff generated from a 100 year rainfall event including an allowance of 40% to account for the uncertainties due to climate change. The eastern most pond benefits from a connection into the public surface water sewer network at a rate agreed with Anglian Water (9.8l/s). The site is underlain by a principal aquifer (bedrock). A principal aquifer is based upon geology that exhibit high permeability and/or provide a high level of water storage. They may support water supply and/or river base flow on a strategic scale. Due to the sensitivity of the receiving waterbody additional SuDs treatment trains should be considered at a detailed design phase.

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1 Introduction ...... 1 2 Context and scope of work ...... 3 3 Site description ...... 4 3.1 Location and Site Description ...... 4 3.2 Hydrology ...... 4 3.3 Site Topography ...... 5 3.4 Geology ...... 5 3.4 Hydrogeology ...... 5 3.5 Site walkover ...... 6 4 Development proposals ...... 7 5 Legislation and policy context ...... 8 5.1 National policy ...... 8 5.2 Local policy ...... 9 6 Sources of information ...... 11 6.1 Environment Agency consultation ...... 11 6.2 County Council ...... 12 6.4 Internal Drainage Board ...... 13 6.5 Canal & River Trust ...... 13 6.6 Relevant studies ...... 13 6.8 Drainage ...... 14 7 Sources of flood risk ...... 15 7.1 Criteria ...... 15 7.2 Flooding from rivers (fluvial flood risk) ...... 15 7.3 Flooding from the sea (tidal flood risk) ...... 16 7.4 Flooding from the land (overland pluvial flood risk) ...... 16 7.5 Flooding from groundwater ...... 18 7.6 Flooding from sewers ...... 18 7.7 Other sources of flooding ...... 19 7.8 Flood risk resulting from the development ...... 20 8 Planning context ...... 22 8.1 Application of planning policy ...... 22 8.2 Land use vulnerability ...... 22 8.3 Sequential Test ...... 22 9 Surface water drainage assessment ...... 24 9.1 Scope ...... 24 9.2 Pre-development situation ...... 24 9.3 Limiting discharge for design ...... 25 9.4 Post-development situation ...... 25 10 Flood mitigation measures ...... 29 10.1 Overview ...... 29 10.2 Overland flood flow ...... 29 10.3 Finished floor levels ...... 29 10.4 Safe access/egress ...... 29 11 Connclusions and recommendations ...... 30

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APPENDICES Appendix A Service Constraints Appendix B Site Topographic Survey Appendix C Environment Agency Data Request Response Appendix D Anglian Water Public Sewer Records Appendix E Greenfield Runoff Calculations Appendix F Anglian Water Pre-Development Enquiry Response Appendix G Infilration Test Results Appendix H Indicative Surface Water Drainage Strategy Appendix I Indicative Surface Water Drainage Calculations

Gladman Developments Ltd vii Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA 1 INTRODUCTION

RSK Land and Development Engineering Ltd (RSK) was commissioned to carry out a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report for Gladman Developments Ltd. (the ‘client’). This report is provided to assist the assessment of the site to be taken forward to planning for the Lopham Road, Harling (the ‘site’). The comments given in this report and opinions expressed are subject to RSK Group Service Constraints provided in Appendix A. The report has been prepared in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)1 and its accompanying Planning Practice Guidance2, the Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage3, BS 8533-2011 Assessing and Managing Flood Risk in Development Code of Practice4 and the Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems5, with site-specific advice from the Environment Agency, the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), the Local Planning Authority (LPA), the architect and the client.

The NPPF sets out the criteria for development and flood risk by stating that inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere. The key definitions within the PPG are: • “Flood risk” is a combination of the probability and the potential consequences of flooding from all sources – including from rivers and the sea, directly from rainfall on the ground surface and rising groundwater, overwhelmed sewers and drainage systems, and from reservoirs, canals and lakes and other artificial sources. • “Areas at risk of flooding” means areas at risk from all sources of flooding. For fluvial (river) and sea flooding, this is principally land within Flood Zones 2 and 3. It can also include an area within Flood Zone 1 which the Environment Agency has notified the local planning authority as having critical drainage problems. For this site, the key aspects that require the assessment are: • The Environment Agency’s indicative flood zone map shows that the site is located within Flood Zone 1 (Figure 3.1); and, • The site area is 11.79Ha therefore surface water drainage must be considered, and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) should be considered, where possible.

1 Communities and Local Government, ‘National Planning Policy Framework’, 2018 2 Communities and Local Government, ‘Planning Practice Guidance - Flood Risk and Coastal Change, ID 7’, May 2014 3 DEFRA, ‘Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems’ National SUDS Working Group, July 2004 4 BSI, ‘BS 8533-2011 Assessing and managing flood risk in development Code of practice’, 2011 5 DEFRA, ‘Sustainable Drainage Systems - Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems’, May 2015 Gladman Developments Ltd 1 Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Figure 1.1: Environment Agency Flood Map (Accessed September 2018)

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A key element of project development is to prepare a Flood Risk Assessment to establish the flood risk associated with the proposed development and to propose suitable mitigation, if required, to reduce the risk to a more acceptable level. The scope of work relating to a Flood Risk Assessment is based on the guidance provided in Section 14 of the NPPF and its accompanying Planning Practice Guidance. A site-specific Flood Risk Assessment must demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime taking account of the vulnerability of its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall. The scope of this assessment therefore comprises the following elements: • To review development framework plans, planning information and other studies to determine existing site conditions; • To obtain information on the hydrology and hydrological regime in and around the site; • To obtain the views of the Lead Local Flood Authority in terms of flood risk and drainage; • To obtain the views of the Environment Agency including scope, location and impacts; • To determine the extent of new flooding provision and the influence on the site; • To assess the impact on the site from climate change effects and anticipated increases in rainfall over a 100 year period for residential uses; • To review site surface water drainage based on the proposed layout and, if necessary, to determine the extent of infrastructure required; and • To prepare a report including calculations and summaries of the source information and elements reviewed. Reliance has been placed on factual and anecdotal data obtained from the sources identified. RSK cannot be held responsible for the scope of work, or any omissions, misrepresentation, errors or inaccuracies with the supplied information. New information, revised practices or changes in legislation may necessitate the re-interpretation of the report, in whole or in part. The comments given in this report and opinions expressed are subject to RSK Group Service Constraints provided in Appendix A.

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3.1 Location and Site Description

Site Name: Lopham Road, Harling Site Address: Lopham Road, Harling Nearest Postcode: NR16 2PX Site National Grid Reference: 599644 E, 285681 N The site is located to the south of the main centre of Harling. The site is split into two fields by a hedgerow/vegetation. The site area totals 11.79 Ha and is currently used for agricultural purposes with access off Lopham road to the north. The site is relativity flat with gentle fall towards the northern corner.

Figure 3.1: Location Plan

3.2 Hydrology There are no known watercourses located within the site boundary. A number of drainage ditches are located to the west of the site to the rear of the dwellings off Garboldisham Road, these are of a lower elevation that the site and therefore pose no risk from a flood risk perspective. The drains and ditches fall towards the River Thet located approximately 1.0km to the west of the site.

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3.3 Site Topography A topographic survey has been provided for the site by JLP Surveying (shown in Appendix B). The site is currently used for agricultural purposes with a strip of land on the western boundary left overgrown. The areas of highest elevation on the site are found at the south eastern boundary, with a level of approximately 33.0mAOD (above ordnance data). There is a continuous fall across the field from a south east to north west direction with the lowest elevation being at a level of approximately 25.5mAOD on the easternmost field. The western field also falls in a north westerly direction from a high of 29.5m AOD in the south east corner to a low of 21.7m AOD in the north western corner of the site.

3.4 Geology Published records (1:50000 British Geological Survey, Sheet No. 175 ‘Diss’, 1989) and the environmental database report (Landmark, 30th August 2018) for the area indicate the geology beneath the site to be the Newhaven Chalk Formation. Two publicly available borehole records (ref: TL98NE77 and TL98NE78) which are located on the north east part of the site were downloaded from the British Geological Survey website to provide further information regarding ground conditions on the site The full geological succession anticipated from the above sources is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Geology at the site

Estimated Estimated Geological unit Description depth to top (m depth to bgl) base (m bgl)

Gravelly, very silty, peaty, clay with 1.25 Made ground 0 fragments of mixed lithologies

Soft, grey, clay, amorphous, becoming 3.80 Peat 1.25 fibrous with depth

Composed of soft to medium hard, smooth Newhaven Chalk white chalks with numerous marl seams and 3.80 Formation 75 flint bands


3.4 Hydrogeology Hydrogeological information was obtained from the Environment Agency’s online mapping service. These maps indicate that the site is underlain by a principal aquifer (bedrock). A principal aquifer is based upon geology that exhibit high permeability and/or provide a high level of water storage. They may support water supply and/or river base flow on a strategic scale.

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The site is located within a Groundwater source protection zone II (Outer Protection Zone). This zone is defined by the 400-day travel time from a point below the water table. Additionally, this zone has a minimum radius of 250 or 500 metres, depending on the size of the abstraction. The travel time is derived from consideration of the minimum time required to provide delay, dilution and attenuation of slowly degrading pollutants.

3.5 Site walkover A site walkover was conducted on the 11.09.2018, weather conditions were dry on the day but had been preceded by a period of precipitation. There was no standing water on site and no evidence of areas which had been inundated for a period of time. The site is spilt into two fields separated by an area of vegetation. The western most field is generally flat with a slight fall towards the north western corner. There we no surface water features of note on this parcel. The eastern parcel is also generally flat with a slight fall to the west and north west. There is an earth embankment along the southern section of the site separating the site from the adjacent agricultural operations. There we no surface water features of note on this parcel. Access to the site was off Lopham Road and Garboldisham Road. A number of road gullies were identified along Lopham Road as were the manholes associated with the Anglian Water sewers. The outfall from the surface water sewer was located, however access was limited due to vegetation. It was noted that the outfall channel was relatively dry and could act as an ephemeral stream indicating infiltration may occur in the area.

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The proposed development is for a residential end use. The current proposed development framework shows that 5.91Ha of the 11.79Ha site will be developed. This area will contain a variety of dwellings, driveways, gardens, access highways, areas of public open space and an area of soft landscaping. Of this development area an impermeable area of 55% has been assumed. Therefore the approximate land uses of the proposed site are summarised in Table 4.1 below.

Table 0.1: Proposed site land uses

Percentage of Percentage of Land use Area (Ha) Developable Area Total Site (%) (%)

Impermeable 3.25 55 35.5

Permeable 2.66 45 29.1

Total Developable 5.91 100 50.1 Area

Remaining Greenfield Area 5.88 N/A 49.9 including allotments

Total Site Area 11.79 N/A 100.0

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5.1 National policy

Table 5.1: National legislation and policy context

Legislation Key provisions

The aims of planning policy on development and flood risk are to ensure that flood risk is taken into account at all stages in the planning process to avoid inappropriate development in areas at National Planning risk of flooding, and to direct development away from areas at Policy Framework highest risk. (2018) Where new development is, exceptionally, necessary in such areas, policy aims to make it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere and where possible, reducing flood risk overall.

Planning Practice The NPPF is supported by an online Planning Practice Guidance, Guidance (2014) which provide additional guidance on flood risk.

The Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) aims to implement the findings of the 2007 Pitt Review and co-ordinate control of drainage and flood issues. Flood and Water Management Act There are a number of increased responsibilities within the Act that 2010 affect adoption of SuDS features and the role of the Environment Agency to expand on the mapping data they provide. The implementation of SuDS features has many beneficial impacts on the treatment of surface water during remediation works.

Section 24 – The Environment Agency is empowered under this Act to maintain and improve the quality of ‘controlled’ waters Water Resources Section 85 – It is an offence to cause or knowingly permit pollution Act 1991 of controlled waters Section 88 – Discharge consents are required for discharges to controlled waters

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires all inland and coastal waters to reach ‘good’ chemical and biological status by 2015. Flood risk management is unlikely to have a significant impact on chemical water quality except where maintenance works disturb sediment (such as de-silting) or where pollutants are mobilised from contaminated land by floodwaters. Water Framework Directive (2000) The main impact of the WFD on flood risk management, both now and in the future, relates to the ecological quality of water bodies.

Channel works, such as straightening and deepening, or flood risk management schemes that modify geomorphological processes can change river morphology. The WFD aims to protect conservation sites identified by the EC Habitats Directive and Birds Directive that have water-related features, by designating them as ‘protected sites’.

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5.2 Local policy

Local policies ensure that flood risk is taken into account at all stages in the planning process to avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding and making development safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere and where possible, reducing flood risk.

Table 5.2: Local policy context

Legislation Key provisions

Policy CP 8 - Natural Resources All development must be consistent with the principles of the proper management of natural resources. Development will only be supported where it will enhance, or protect against the non- essential loss of the natural resources of the District. Whilst mechanisms are in place to ensure that the development needs of the District are met, development should nevertheless avoid the unnecessary loss of high-grade agricultural land which is a finite resource and is important to the rurality of Breckland. The delivery of this objective in terms of agricultural land will be enhanced through the maximisation of the re-use of previously developed land, provided that the land is in a suitable location. Development must not cause a deterioration in water quality. Development should minimise any unavoidable adverse effects on air quality. These objectives will be achieved through the phasing of development allocations in subsequent Development Plan Documents and the development control process. Direct contamination caused by the construction process or resultant operations should be avoided. All practicable measures should be Breckland Adopted incorporated to ensure the most efficient use of the water resource Core Strategy and and reduce average per capita consumption. In delivering this Development objective, regard should be had to the specific Development Control Policies Control Policy on design. In defining the strategic approach to Development Plan development, regard has been had to the findings of the Strategic Document Flood Risk Assessment. These findings alongside national policy on flood risk, including the sequential test, will be taken into account when allocating sites for development in subsequent DPDs. All new development will be located in such a way as to minimise its own risk of flooding and new development should not materially increase the flood risk to other areas or increase the risk of flooding to European Habitats which are water sensitive. This will be minimised through the installation of infiltration and attenuation measures to dispose of surface water (SUDS). In considering proposals for development regard will be had to national Planning Policy and the Development Control Policy on Flood Risk.

Policy DC 13 - Flood Risk New development should be located in areas at least risk of flooding. New development will be expected to minimise flood risk to people, property and places. Proposals which increase the risk of flooding to people, property or places, either directly or indirectly, will not be permitted in accordance with a risk-based approach. New development will only be permitted in Environment Agency

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Legislation Key provisions

Flood Zones 2 & 3 and those areas deemed at risk from flooding by the District's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, where subject to the successful application of the sequential test: In Zone2- Uses are water compatible, less vulnerable, more vulnerable and essential infrastructure* In Zone 3a - Uses are water compatible, or less vulnerable* In Zone 3b - Uses are water compatible only*. All development proposals in areas at risk of flooding will be expected to provide a Flood Risk Assessment commensurate with the scale of the flood risk and recognising all likely sources of flooding. Proposals for flood management or other infrastructure offering improvements that lower the risk of flooding will be supported, subject to the proposal having no other adverse effects on amenities, or the use of buildings or land which ought to be preserved within the public interest. Suitable measures to deal with surface water arising from development proposals will be required to minimise the impact to and from new development. The preference is to manage surface water through the incorporation of SUDS unless this is not technically feasible, or where it can be demonstrated that ground conditions are unsuitable for such measures.

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6.1 Environment Agency consultation

Flood zone maps The Environment Agency Flood Zone mapping study for and Wales is available on their website at The current displayed map is reproduced as Figure 1.1 and shows the site to lie within Flood Zone 1 showing the site with low risk of fluvial or tidal sources. Recently, the Environment Agency released an additional form of mapping ‘Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea’, which is available at: This map has been reproduced as Figure 7.1 and shows the Environment Agency’s assessment of the likelihood of flooding from rivers and the sea at any location and is based on the presence and effect of all flood defences, predicted flood levels, and ground levels. The relevant guidance note from the Environment Agency is available online through the following link:

Site specific consultation The Environment Agency was formally consulted as part of this assessment. Their response, with request for flood related information can be found in Appendix C, with the key points summarised below: Flood Risk The Environment Agency provided a letter regarding the flood risk at the site, this map confirms the Flood Zone designation and information on surface water flood risk. the EA do not hold any flow or level information relevant to this site. Also included was the relevant climate change guidance for the area. As there is no fluvial flood risk data available in this area, this guidance is not relevant. The EA do not hold any records of historic flooding in this location and there is no risk of flooding from reservoirs in this area. Surface Water Discharge and surface water sewer The EA have no records of any surface water discharges to the surrounding watercourses. There are no environmental permits for surface water discharges to surrounding watercourses. However, they are aware of a public foul and surface water sewer, operated by the local sewage undertaker, along the northern boundary of the site. The surface water sewer discharges into a local watercourse. the EA advised contact Anglian Water Services Ltd for more information. Groundwater flooding The EA do not have any records of groundwater flooding at this location.

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Surface water management The EA would not advise a developer how to manage, design or construct a scheme for surface water disposal. Any plans proposed by a developer would be reviewed as part of any subsequent planning process, provided the Environment Agency are consulted by the relevant local authority. The site at NR16 2PR overlies the principle chalk aquifer and is within Source Protection Zone (SPZ) 2 which protects a public drinking water supply borehole abstraction from groundwater. To protect the water environment we would expect suitable pollution control measures to be used in conjunction with any SuDS discharges to ground or surface water discharges, where there is a potential for surface water to come into contact with polluting substances. • Infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) such as soakaways, unsealed porous pavement systems or infiltration basins shall only be used where it can be demonstrated that they will not pose a risk to the water environment. • Infiltration SuDS have the potential to provide a pathway for pollutants and must not be constructed in contaminated ground. They would only be acceptable if a phased site investigation showed the presence of no significant contamination. • Only clean water from roofs can be directly discharged to any soakaway or watercourse. Systems for the discharge of surface water from associated hard- standing, roads and impermeable vehicle parking areas shall incorporate appropriate pollution prevention measures and a suitable number of SuDS treatment train components appropriate to the environmental sensitivity of the receiving waters. • The maximum acceptable depth for infiltration SuDS is 2.0 m below ground level, with a minimum of 1.2 m clearance between the base of infiltration SuDS and peak seasonal groundwater levels. • Deep bore and other deep soakaway systems are not appropriate in areas where groundwater constitutes a significant resource (that is where aquifer yield may support or already supports abstraction). • SuDS should be constructed in line with good practice and guidance documents which include the SuDS Manual (CIRIA C753, 2015) and the Susdrain website. • For further information on our requirements with regard to SuDS see our Groundwater protection position statements (2017), in particular Position Statements G1 and G9 – G13 available at: position-statements

6.2 Norfolk County Council Norfolk County Council stated: “We recommend that any development considers local flood risk, proposes sustainable drainage and complies with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to avoid the increase in the risk of flooding. Any planning application should take account of national standards and guidance and at least one feasible proposal for the disposal of surface water drainage should be demonstrated and supported by the inclusion of appropriate information.”

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Norfolk County Council operate a charged service for additional information, due to the low risk of flooding at the site, this service was not requested. No other information was made available by the council.

6.4 Internal Drainage Board There are no IDB maintained assets within the study area. the East Harling Internal Drainage Board operate an area to the north of the site and the watercourse to the west of the site falls under the EHDB boundary.

6.5 Canal & River Trust There are no known Canal & River Trust maintained assets within the study area.

6.6 Relevant studies Table 6.1: Relevant studies

Study Comments

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessments (PFRA) are produced by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) in England and Wales. A Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) is the first part of the planning cycle for flood risk management as set out in the Flood Risk Regulations (2009), which implement the requirements of the European (EU) PFRA: Floods Directive (2007). The EU Floods Directive aims to provide a Norfolk County consistent approach to managing flooding across Europe. Council’s

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment The PFRA is organised by the River Basin District and produced by Report the LLFA. The PFRA considers local sources of flooding that the LLFA is responsible for: ordinary watercourses, surface water, 26 July 2011 groundwater and sewers where flooding is wholly or partially caused by rainwater or other precipitation entering or affecting the system. Information is gathered from existing sources on past floods and flood models to identify Flood Risk Areas. Holt was not identified within the report.

The principle aim of the SFRA was to map all forms of flood risk in order to provide an evidence base to locate new development. It also aims to provide appropriate policies for the management of flood risk, and identify the level of detail required for site-specific FRAs. Council Level 1 The SFRA contains information and maps detailing flood sources Strategic Flood and risks. Risk Assessment Update January The large majority of the district is defined as Flood Zone 1, low 2017 probability of flooding from fluvial sources. However due to the lowland nature of the landscape, floodplains associated with principal watercourses are broad. There are large extents of Flood Zone 2 and 3 associated with the River Thet throughout the south of the district,

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Study Comments

extending from the area to the south west of Attleborough, through Snetterton, Harling, Brettenham and . The floodplain associated with the River Wensum is also broad, flowing through Guist, North Elmham, to the north of Swanton Morley and Lyng, and then out of the district towards . The East Harling IDB has confirmed that they are not aware of any recent incidents in the IDB district that have resulted in the flooding of properties. There is a history of flooding upstream from the drainage culvert at Briar Gardens (off Norwich Road) in Attleborough, which is due to blockage of the debris screen at the head of the culvert and Breckland

Under the EU Floods Directive and UK Flood Risk Regulations, LLFAs must prepare FRMPs in formally identified Flood Risk Areas where the risk of flooding from local sources is significant (i.e. Anglian River surface water, groundwater, ordinary watercourses). The Basin District Environment Agency is required to prepare FRMPs for all of England draft Flood Risk covering flooding from main rivers, the sea and reservoirs. As such, Management the Anglian River Basin District FRMP13 has been published for Plan consultation by the Environment Agency and sets out the proposed measures to manage flood risk in the Anglian River Basin District from 2015 to 2021 and beyond.

6.8 Drainage

Public sewer Anglian Water sewer records (Appendix D) show there are no sewers located within the site boundary. A 450mm surface water sewer is located along Lopham Road to the north of the site this flows in a westerly direction and outfalls into an open ditch to the west of the junction with Garboldisham Road. This sewer offers a formal drainage solution for the existing dwellings to the north of the site. A foul sewer flows parallel to the surface water sewer in Lopham Road and north along Garboldisham Road. These converge in the road junction in the north west corner of the site before flowing in a northerly direction.

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7.1 Criteria

In accordance with the NPPF and advice from the Environment Agency, a prediction of the flood sources and levels is required along with the effects of climate change from the present for the design life of the development (in this case assumed to be 100 years). To consider these effects of climate change, a 40% climate change factor is used within the calculations. The flood risk elements that need to be considered for any site are defined in BS 8533 as the “Forms of Flooding” and are listed as: • Flooding from Rivers (fluvial flood risk); • Flooding from the Sea (tidal flood risk); • Flooding from the Land; • Flooding from Groundwater; • Flooding from Sewers (sewer and drain exceedance, pumping station failure etc); and • Flooding from Reservoirs, Canals and other Artificial Structures. The following section reviews each of these in respect of the subject site.

7.2 Flooding from rivers (fluvial flood risk)

The latest Environment Agency published flood zone map (Figure 7.1) shows that the site lies within Flood Zone 1. The risk to the site from fluvial flooding is considered as low probability. The land within Flood Zone 1 has been assessed as having a less than 0.1% (1 in 1000) annual probability of river or sea flooding.

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Figure 7.1: Environment Agency Flood Map (Accessed September 2018) As a result, for all proposed site end uses development will be acceptable, in line with Table 3 of the Planning Practice Guidance. The overall risk of fluvial flooding/resultant fluvial flood risk to the site is considered to be very low.

Climate change Fluvial flooding is likely to increase as a result of climate change. A greater intensity and frequency of precipitation is likely to raise river levels and increase the likelihood of a river overtopping its banks. The site is not considered to be at an increased risk of fluvial flooding due to climate change.

7.3 Flooding from the sea (tidal flood risk) The site is not considered to be at risk from tidal flooding due to its inland location.

7.4 Flooding from the land (overland pluvial flood risk) If intense rain is unable to soak into the ground or be carried through manmade drainage systems, for a variety of reasons, it can run off over the surface causing localised floods before reaching a river or other watercourse. Generally, where there is impermeable surfacing or where the ground infiltration capacity is exceeded, surface water runoff will occur. Excess surface water flows from the site are

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believed to drain naturally to the local water features, either by overland flow or through infiltration.

Figure 7.2: Environment Agency surface water flood risk map (Accessed November 2018) The Environment Agency’s surface water flood map (Figure 7.2) shows that the majority of the site is considered at very low risk from this source; however, there is a low risk of surface water flooding on-site shown within the site boundary towards the north of the site, this is a localised low area where ponding could occur. As these are not part of a wider flow route from off site, any run off contributing to these areas will be captured on site and incorporated into the wider site drainage of the site and could therefore reduce the risk to Lopham Road to the north. The risk posed to the site in general is considered low. However, consideration should be taken as not to exacerbate surface water flooding along Lopham Road, this can be prevented by controlling surface water runoff from the site.

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Climate change Surface water flooding is likely to increase as a result of climate change in a similar ratio to fluvial flooding. Increased intensity and frequency of precipitation is likely to lead to reduced infiltration and increased overland flow, the surface water design included within this report considers an increase of rainfall by upto to 40% over the lifetime of the development.

7.5 Flooding from groundwater Groundwater flooding tends to occur after much longer periods of sustained high rainfall. Higher rainfall means more water will infiltrate into the ground and cause the water table to rise above normal levels. Groundwater tends to flow from areas where the ground level is high, to areas where the ground level is low. In low-lying areas, the water table is usually at shallower depths anyway, but during very wet periods, with all the additional groundwater flowing towards these areas, the water table can rise up to the surface causing groundwater flooding. A number of borehole records are available from the BGS online service, ground water was not recorded in the records to a depth of 0-10m bgl, with the nearest strike being approximately 20.0m bgl. Therefore, it is considered unlikely that Groundwater will emerge at the surface and should not impede the surface water drainage solution for the site. The resultant Groundwater flood risk is considered to be very low. Climate change Climate change could increase the risk of groundwater flooding as a result of increased precipitation filtering into the groundwater body. If winter rainfall becomes more frequent and heavier, groundwater levels may increase. Higher winter recharge may however be balanced by lower recharge during the predicted hotter and drier summers. This is less likely to cause a significant change to flood risk than from other sources, since groundwater flow is not as confined. It is probable that any locally perched aquifers may be more affected, but these are likely to be isolated. The change in flood risk is likely to be low.

7.6 Flooding from sewers Flooding from artificial drainage systems occurs when flow entering a system, such as an urban storm water drainage system, exceeds its conveyance capacity, the system becomes blocked or it cannot discharge due to a high water level in the receiving watercourse. A sewer flood is often caused by surface water drains discharging into the combined sewer systems; sewer capacity is exceeded in large rainfall events causing the backing up of floodwaters within properties or discharging through manholes. When exceeded, the surcharged pipe work will lead to flooding from backed up manholes and gully connections. This will lead to immediate flooding within highways surrounding the site, with flood waters flowing to the lowest topographical area of the site.

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Anglian Water sewer records (Appendix B) show there are no sewers located within the site boundary. A 450mm surface water sewer is located along Lopham Road to the north of the site this flows in a westerly direction and outfalls into an open ditch to the west of the junction with Garboldisham Road. This sewer offers a formal drainage solution for the existing dwellings to the north of the site. A foul sewer flows parallel to the surface water sewer in Lopham Road and north along Garboldisham Road. These converge in the road junction to the north west of the site before flowing in a northerly direction. Any exceedance of flows from these sewers will be confined to the road network and follow the local topography and therefore will drain away from the site. Development has the potential to cause an increase in impermeable area, an associated increase in surface water runoff rates and volumes, and a consequent potential increase in downstream flood risk due to overloading of sewers, watercourses, culverts and other drainage infrastructure. To ensure that sewer flooding is not exacerbated; surface water must be considered within the design of the site. This ensures that any additional surface water and overland flows are managed correctly, to minimise flood risk to the site and the surrounding area. The proposed surface water network on the site should be designed to ensure exceedance of the network has been considered. The resultant sewer flood risk is considered Low. Climate change The impact of climate change is likely to be negative regarding flooding from sewers. Increased rainfall and more frequent flooding put existing sewer and drainage systems under additional pressure resulting in the potential for more frequent surcharging and potential flooding. This would increase the frequency of local sewer flooding but not significantly in terms of the proposed development.

7.7 Other sources of flooding Reservoirs Flood events can occur from a sudden release of large volumes of water from reservoirs, canals and artificial structures. The Environment Agency reservoir flood map shows the maximum extent of flooding might be flooded if a reservoir were to fail and release the water it holds. The site is not located within or near an area at risk from reservoir flooding. The resultant flood risk is considered to be low. Climate change Reservoirs can be managed over time, controlling inflow/outflow of water and therefore there is the capacity to control the effects of climate change. Increased rainfall has the potential to increase base flow, but this should be minimal. It is unlikely that there will be a substantial change to the risk of flooding for this site.

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Canals There are no Canal & River Trust owned canals or assets within, or of close proximity to, the study area that will impact on the site.

Blockages of artificial drainage systems There is a possibility that flooding may result due to culverts and/or sewers being blocked by debris or structural failure. This can cause water to backup and result in localised flooding, as well as placing areas with lower ground levels at risk. There are no known artificial watercourses on or near to the site, as a result there is no risk posed to the site.

7.8 Flood risk resulting from the development In theory any development can increase flood risk downstream, if it is not designed properly. This potential is much increased where the site is on Greenfield land, as development tends to increase impermeable surfaces, resulting in increased runoff from the site. The proposed development will use the latest best practice guidance to ensure that flood risk is not increased as a result of the development. This will require the provision of a suitable surface water management plan to ensure that the surface water generated from the site does not increase the risk of flooding to the proposed properties or off-site.

A summary of the flood risks posed to the site can are shown within Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Flood Risk Summary

Source Probability of Flood Risk Impacts Remarks/Mitigation

The site is designated as Flood Zone 1 by the Environment Fluvial Very Low Very Low Agency.

The site is designated as Flood Zone 1 by the Environment Agency Tidal Very Low Very Low as the nearest coastline is located a significant distance from the site.

The site is shown to be generally at very low risk of flooding from this source. The lowest areas of the Generally, Very Low with site are shown to be at potential Low- Surface/Pluvial Moderate Risk Flood risk from this source. These areas Moderate areas to the north at risk are contained on site and can be managed within the surface water management system for the development.

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There is no evidence that groundwater is a risk to the site and surrounding borehole logs suggest Groundwater Very Low Very Low that there is no observed resting groundwater level to a depth of approx. 20.0m bgl.

Public sewers are located along the northern boundary of the site, should flows exceed the capacity, Sewers Very Low Very Low it is likely that they would continue within the highway and not enter the site.

There are no known watercourses Artificial Very Low Very Low or artificial drainage systems on or Sources surrounding the site

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8.1 Application of planning policy Section 10 of the NPPF includes measures specifically dealing with development planning and flood risk using a sequential characterisation of risk based on planning zones and the Environment Agency Flood Map. The main study requirement is to identify the flood zones and vulnerability classification relevant to the proposed development, based on an assessment of current and future conditions.

8.2 Land use vulnerability Planning Practice Guidance includes a list of appropriate land uses in each flood zone dependent on vulnerability to flooding. In applying the Sequential Test, reference is made to Table 8.1 below, reproduced from Table 3 of Planning Practice Guidance.

Table 8.1: Flood risk vulnerability and flood zone ‘compatibility’

Flood Risk Essential Water Highly More Less Vulnerability Infrastructure Compatible Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Classification

Flood Zone 1 Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Zone Zone 2 Appropriate Appropriate Exception Appropriate Appropriate Test Required

Zone 3a Exception Appropriate Should not Exception Appropriate Test Required be Test permitted Required

Zone 3b Exception Appropriate Should not Should not Should not functional Test Required be be permitted be floodplain permitted permitted

With reference to Table 2 of the Planning Practice Guidance, the proposed development, based on its residential end use, is classed as 'More Vulnerable'. This classification of development is appropriate for areas within Flood Zone 1.

8.3 Sequential Test

The Sequential Test is required to assess flood risk and the Planning Practice Guidance recommends that the test be applied at all stages of the planning process to direct new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding (Flood Zone 1).

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According to the NPPF, if there is no reasonably available site in Flood Zone 1, the flood vulnerability of the proposed development (see Planning Practice Guidance Table 2) can be taken into account in locating development in Flood Zone 2 and then Flood Zone 3. Within each Flood Zone new development should be directed to sites at the lowest probability of flooding from all sources. The development proposal is for a ‘More Vulnerable’ residential use to be developed on the site. With reference to Table 8.1 above, this development would be appropriate for areas within Flood Zone 1, subject to the implementation of an appropriate surface water drainage strategy. Therefore the Sequential Test has been passed as the development has been situated within the lowest possible designated risk area available and therefore does not require the Exception Test to be satisfied.

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9.1 Scope As development is greater than 1Ha in size, the Environment Agency and the LLFA requires such development to focus on the management of surface water run-off. This section discusses the potential quantitative effects of the development on both the risk of surface water flooding on-site and elsewhere within the catchment, as well as the type of potential SuDS features that could be incorporated as part of the framework development plan. The NPPF states that SuDS should be considered wherever practical. The use of SuDS is also encouraged by regional and local policy (see Section 6.7). In accordance with local and national guidance, the surface water drainage strategy should seek to implement a SuDS hierarchy that aspires to achieve reductions in surface water runoff rates to Greenfield rates (Preferred Standard). In addition, Building Regulations Part H6 requires that the first choice of surface water disposal should be to discharge to an adequate soakaway or infiltration system, where practicable. If this is not reasonably practicable then discharge should be to a watercourse, the least favourable option being to a sewer (surface water before combined). Infiltration techniques should therefore be applied wherever they are appropriate.

9.2 Pre-development situation The existing site area is 11.79Ha and is considered as Greenfield. Surface water runoff from the site is conveyed in a northly direction through surface or subsurface flows. The IoH 124 method7 has been used to estimate the Greenfield surface water runoff for the proposed developable area of the site (5.91Ha). Calculations are contained in Appendix E.

6 HM Government (2010 with 2013 amendments), ‘The Building Regulations 2010: Approved Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal (2002 Edition incorporating 2010 amendments)’ 7 Institute of Hydrology (IoH), ‘Flood Estimation for small catchments - Report 124’, 1994 Gladman Developments Ltd 24 Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Table 9.1: ICP SuDS surface water runoff (Greenfield)

Peak flow (l/s) Return period Total Site Area

QBar 14.34

1 in 1 year 12.48

1 in 30 year 35.14

1 in 100 year 51.06

9.3 Limiting discharge for design The existing site area is 11.79Ha and is considered as 100% Greenfield. Only 5.91Ha of the site is proposed to be developed. As the remaining land will not be developed, it is assumed that surface water runoff from these areas will continue to drain in line with the existing regime. As the site is considered hydraulically Greenfield, the discharge rate for the developable area will be limited to Greenfield runoff rates of developable area as required by the LLFA. Anglian Water have been contacted, via the pre-application service they offer, to ascertain if the surface water sewer running along Lopham Road has sufficient capacity to receive flows from the site. The full response is included in Appendix F and confirms there is capacity for upto 9.8l/s into a manhole on Lopham Road.

9.4 Post-development situation The proposed development is for a residential end use. As explained within Section 4 of this assessment the proposed developable area will contain approximately 55% impermeable surfacing. This will result in an increase in impermeable area and surface water runoff across the site. It will therefore be necessary to manage surface water on-site through conveyance towards the proposed point of discharge, whilst providing sufficient attenuation for all events up to the 1 in 100 year event inclusive of 40% climate change factor. 9.4.1 Off site discharge options Infiltration Infiltration should be considered as the primary option to discharge surface water from the developed site. The effectiveness of infiltration is completely dependent on the physical conditions at the site. Potential obstacles include: • Local variations in permeability preventing infiltration – It is understood from the BGS geological mapping that the site is situated on strata which has potential to yield sufficient infiltration rates to provide a feasible solution for the discharge of surface water. On site infiltration testing has been carried out to BRE 365 and confirms the infiltration rates are favourable to consider discharge to ground;

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• Shallow groundwater table - For infiltration drainage devices, Building Regulation approved document H2 states that these “should not be built in ground where the water table reaches the bottom of the device at any time of the year”. and; • Source Protection Zones - The site is located within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone II and as such additional water quality measures maybe required. Based on the underlying geology of the site it is possible that infiltration based SuDS may be a feasible drainage option. Soakaway Tests undertaken by RSK on 13.11.2018 provided infiltration coefficients of 1.85 x 10-5 m/s (0.0666m/hr) (TP01) close to the north- western boundary of the site, and an infiltration coefficient of 8.44 x 10-6 m/s (0.0304m/hr) (TP05) close to the north-western boundary of the eastern parcel. (See Appendix G). Other potential options include: Discharge to watercourse There are no watercourses on the site, the nearest to the north west of the site to the east of Garbolisham Road. This ditch could offer a suitable drainage outfall point, however there maybe a requirement for third party land agreements. Should this option be sought, discharge rates should be limited to the corresponding QBAR rate for the developable area. Discharge to surface water sewer There is an Anglian Water surface water located within Lopham Road to the north of the site boundary. A connection into this could be possible, subject to agreement from Anglian Water. A pre-development enquiry submitted to Anglian Water has confirmed capacity in the network and a flow of 9.8l/s from the site can be accommodated within the existing network. 9.4.2 Proposed drainage strategy To determine the volume of attenuation storage that would be required on the site, the WinDes ' 4-Stage Design Guide' tool has been used. The WinDes ‘4-Stage Design Guide’ tool allows for an attenuation figure to be calculated based upon basin dimensions, rainfall values and permitted discharge rates with a 1:4 slope to the base, in line with CIRIA guidance. These volumes can be later revised at detail design stage by the introduction of specific flow control methods. Calculations have been run using the infiltration test results (TP01 and TP05) with a proposed impermeable area of an assumed 55% of each developable area. It is considered that infiltration techniques will be suitable on-site due to the favourable underlying geology. Therefore soakaways and other infiltration based SuDS will be incorporated into the drainage design. Due to the topography of the site the proposed SuDS strategy is to include two infiltration basins, one serving the eastern parcel and one for the western, with each operating independently of each other. Indicative basin sizes and locations (subject to detailed design) has been shown to provide attenuation for the 1 in 100 plus 40% climate change event, with discharge limited to the appropriate infiltration rate. Based on approximate figures used in this report the attenuation basin would provide a minimum storage volume of approximately 945m3 for

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the western most basin and 950m3 for the eastern most basin. The eastern most basin has a half drain time of in excess of 24 hours, as such an overflow is to be incorporated into the design. This overflow can be flow limited to 9.8l/s and discharge into the Anglian water surface water sewer located in Lopham Road. The half drain time for the infiltration basins is 920 minutes for the western most pond and 648 minutes for the eastern (with the overflow), this falls within the requirements of the CIRIA SUDS manual guidance. The sizing of the ponds would need to be agreed at Detailed Design but the outline drainage strategy and SuDS measures are outlined in the Indicative Surface Water Strategy as attached in Appendix H and Appendix I. The surface water drainage strategy will include the use of gully networks to capture the surface water runoff from the highways and other impermeable areas such as downpipes from roofs into a surface water pipe system. These pipes will allow surface water to be efficiently directed towards the infiltration basins. Permeable paving and other features could be incorporated within private roads, shared surfaces and driveways that are part of the development (subject to adoption). These areas of paving can be used to collect and store runoff from the houses and surrounding hardstanding areas before joining the on-site surface water network that flows into and basin. Permeable paving reduces the volume of suspended sediment and hydrocarbon pollution associated with residential developments. As the surface area available for permeable paving is currently unknown then the storage volume of permeable paving has not been included in the calculations.

9.4.3 Water Quality The SUDS Manual contains guidance on how to assess water quality, stating “Determining the hazard posed by the land use activities at a site and the extent to which underlying soil layers and/or proposed treatment components reduce the associated risk can be done using a variety of methods that vary in complexity and data requirements.” In accordance with Table 4.3 of the SuDS Manual, the proposed development for the site can be summarised with the following pollution hazard levels and management requirements for discharge to the receiving surface water: • Residential roofs – Very Low Pollution Hazard – Simple Index Approach; and • Individual property driveways, roofs, residential car parks, low traffic roads, non- residential car parking with infrequent change (schools, offices) – Low Pollution Hazard – Simple Index Approach. It is therefore considered appropriate to use the Simple Index Approach for the purpose of this assessment. Table 26.1 of the SUDS Manual indicates that for the Simple Index Approach: • Simple pollution hazard indices should be based on land use (e.g., Table 26.2); and • Risk reduction for Surface Water should be done using Simple SuDS hazard mitigation indices (e.g., Table 26.3)

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Extracts of Tables 26.2 and 26.3 are replicated below, highlighting the relevant features applicable to this site:

Table 9.2: Extract of SuDS Manual Table 26.2: Pollution hazard indices for different land use classifications

Pollution Total Metals Hydrocarbons Land use Hazard Suspended Level Solids (TSS)

Residential roofs Very Low 0.2 0.2 0.05

Individual property driveways, 0.5 0.4 0.4 roofs, residential car parks, low traffic roads, non-residential car Low parking with infrequent change (schools, offices)

Table 9.3: Extract of Table 26.3: Indicative SuDS mitigation indices for discharges to surface waters

Total Suspended Metals Hydrocarbons Land use Solids (TSS)

Swale 0.5 0.6 0.6

Permeable pavement 0.7 0.6 0.7

Detention basin 0.5 0.5 0.6

The SuDS Manual States: Total SuDS mitigation index ≥ pollution hazard index (for each contaminant type) (for each contaminant type) In conclusion, any one SuDS feature (Table 9.2) is shown to be in excess of the requirement for residential roofs, individual property driveways, roofs, residential car parks, low traffic roads and non-residential car parking with infrequent change (Table 9.3). It should be noted that all surface water runoff will pass through a treatment train of at least two features and therefore the water quality requirements are considered to be met. Due to the potential sensitivity of the groundwater in the area, a further connection to the surface water sewer could be considered for runoff from the road and other potential areas of higher pollution risk.

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10 FLOOD MITIGATION MEASURES 10.1 Overview The site is currently proposed to be a residential development. As a result, this end use is considered to be More Vulnerable. The site and therefore developable area is located within Flood Zone 1 and outside of the risk from surface water, additional mitigation measures are not required. There are elements of best practice which should be considered at an early stage as outlined below.

10.2 Overland flood flow As the Environment Agency’s online mapping suggests there is a little risk from overland pluvial flow routes. The surface water flood risk shown on the Environment Agency mapping originate from on the site, therefore any rain falling in these areas will be collected and managed within he surface water drainage network for the proposed development and not pose a risk to the dwellings.

10.3 Finished floor levels As the proposed developable area will not be affected by fluvial flooding there is no need to incorporate any freeboard levels into the finished floor levels of the design. Low lying areas that could lead to ponding of surface flows will be avoided by careful design of finished levels. As a result, it is recommended that the proposed site levels should be set at or above the existing ground levels in the areas of designated Flood Zone 1. Where site levels are proposed to be locally elevated, to provide gravitational drainage falls, the falls should be maintained away from the properties whilst still tying in to the proposed highways.

10.4 Safe access/egress As the proposed site and associated access lies outside of the 1 in 1000 year climate change flood extent, safe access and egress will be available up to this storm event. For extreme events above this, it is considered appropriate that site users should be able to safely escape to an area away from the watercourse. In addition, the proposed buildings will be set above the existing ground level and will likely contain an internal access to the first floor

Gladman Developments Ltd 29 Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA 11 CONNCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

This Flood Risk Assessment complies with the NPPF and Planning Practice Guidance and demonstrates that flood risk from all sources has been considered in the proposed development. It is also consistent with the Local Planning Authority requirements with regard to flood risk. This flood risk assessment demonstrates that the requirements of the NPPF and Sequential Test have been met, with the location of the proposed developable area being within Flood Zone 1 meaning that any form of classification of development is considered to be acceptable. Flood Zone 1 is designated by the Environment Agency as land having a chance of flooding of less than 1 in 1,000 (<0.1%) in any year. This flood risk assessment has concluded that: • There is no record of historic flooding on-site;

• The site is located within an area designated as Flood Zone 1. As a result, the risk to the proposed development is considered to be very low from both fluvial and tidal sources; • Flood risk from surface water is considered very low across the majority of the site; • Flood risk from Groundwater is thought to be low;

• There are both surface and foul sewers located along Lopham Road to the north of the site. Ground levels in this area are lower than the site, therefore the risk of flooding to the site from this source is considered as low; • The site is not at risk from reservoir flooding;

• There are no Canal & River Trust assets within the study area and therefore the site is not at risk from this source; • The risk of artificial sources blocking has been demonstrated to be low;

• As safe pedestrian and vehicular access, to and from the development, will be achievable under all conditions, a formal evacuation plan is not required; and

• The outline surface water drainage strategy has shown the feasibility of providing a drainage solution for the site.

• The SuDS hierarchy has been considered and applied as part of the indicative design process. It has been shown that surface water runoff can be attenuated onsite during a 1 in 100 year storm event plus 40% climate change with discharge to ground via infiltration and via an overflow to the Anglian Water surface water sewer in Lopham Road at the rates agreed with Anglian Water.

• The site is located in a source protection area, as such additional SuDS treatment train features should be considered at the detailed design phase. Such features should induce permeable paving, swales and other drainage features such as trap gullies.

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• Due to the potential sensitivity of the groundwater in the area, a further connection to the surface water sewer could be considered for runoff from the road and other potential areas of higher pollution risk Overall, considering the above points, the development of the site should not be precluded on flood risk grounds as the development will not be at risk from existing sources (provided flow paths and sufficient attenuation is provided) will not result in an increase in flooding downstream.

Gladman Developments Ltd 31 Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA APPENDIX A SERVICE CONSTRAINTS

RSK Group service constraints

1. This report and the Drainage design carried out in connection with the report (together the "Services") were compiled and carried out by RSK LDE Ltd (RSK) for Gladman Developments Ltd. (the "client") in accordance with the terms of a contract between RSK and the "client". The Services were performed by RSK with the skill and care ordinarily exercised by a reasonable Civil Engineer at the time the Services were performed. Further, and in particular, the Services were performed by RSK taking into account the limits of the scope of works required by the client, the time scale involved and the resources, including financial and manpower resources, agreed between RSK and the client. 2. Other than that expressly contained in paragraph 1 above, RSK provides no other representation or warranty whether express or implied, in relation to the Services. 3. Unless otherwise agreed the Services were performed by RSK exclusively for the purposes of the client. RSK is not aware of any interest of or reliance by any party other than the client in or on the Services. Unless expressly provided in writing, RSK does not authorise, consent or condone any party other than the client relying upon the Services. Should this report or any part of this report, or otherwise details of the Services or any part of the Services be made known to any such party, and such party relies thereon that party does so wholly at its own and sole risk and RSK disclaims any liability to such parties. Any such party would be well advised to seek independent advice from a competent environmental consultant and/or lawyer. 4. It is RSK’s understanding that this report is to be used for the purpose described in the introduction to the report. That purpose was a significant factor in determining the scope and level of the Services. Should the purpose for which the report is used, or the proposed use of the site change, this report may no longer be valid and any further use of or reliance upon the report in those circumstances by the client without RSK's review and advice shall be at the client's sole and own risk. Should RSK be requested to review the report after the date hereof, RSK shall be entitled to additional payment at the then existing rates or such other terms as agreed between RSK and the client. 5. The passage of time may result in changes in site conditions, regulatory or other legal provisions, technology or economic conditions which could render the report inaccurate or unreliable. The information and conclusions contained in this report should not be relied upon in the future without the written advice of RSK. In the absence of such written advice of RSK, reliance on the report in the future shall be at the client's own and sole risk. Should RSK be requested to review the report in the future, RSK shall be entitled to additional payment at the then existing rate or such other terms as may be agreed between RSK and the client. 6. The observations and conclusions described in this report are based solely upon the Services, which were provided pursuant to the agreement between the client and RSK. RSK has not performed any observations, investigations, studies or testing not specifically set out or required by the contract between the client and RSK. RSK is not liable for the existence of any condition, the discovery of which would require performance of services not otherwise contained in the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise expressly referred to in the introduction to

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this report, RSK did not seek to evaluate the presence on or off the site of asbestos, electromagnetic fields, lead paint, heavy metals, radon gas or other radioactive or hazardous materials. 7. The Services are based upon RSK's observations of existing physical conditions at the site gained from a walk-over survey of the site together with RSK's interpretation of information including documentation, obtained from third parties and from the client on the history and usage of the site. The Services are also based on information and/or analysis provided by independent testing and information services or laboratories upon which RSK was reasonably entitled to rely. The Services clearly are limited by the accuracy of the information, including documentation, reviewed by RSK and the observations possible at the time of the walk-over survey. Further RSK was not authorised and did not attempt to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of information, documentation or materials received from the client or third parties, including laboratories and information services, during the performance of the Services. RSK is not liable for any inaccurate information or conclusions, the discovery of which inaccuracies required the doing of any act including the gathering of any information which was not reasonably available to RSK and including the doing of any independent investigation of the information provided to RSK save as otherwise provided in the terms of the contract between the client and RSK. 8. The phase II or intrusive environmental site investigation aspects of the Services is a limited sampling of the site at pre-determined borehole and soil vapour locations based on the operational configuration of the site. The conclusions given in this report are based on information gathered at the specific test locations and can only be extrapolated to an undefined limited area around those locations. The extent of the limited area depends on the soil and groundwater conditions, together with the position of any current structures and underground facilities and natural and other activities on site. In addition chemical analysis was carried out for a limited number of parameters [as stipulated in the contract between the client and RSK] [based on an understanding of the available operational and historical information,] and it should not be inferred that other chemical species are not present. 9. Any site drawing(s) provided in this report is (are) not meant to be an accurate base plan, but is (are) used to present the general relative locations of features on, and surrounding, the site.

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Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA 21.724 G25.131 MH 21.792 23.798 24.932 EP 21.898 22.164 25.149 CL25.449

22.015 22.673 IL21.419

21.691 25.257 25.396 22.5

23.160 25.351 25.412 25.519 23.835 25.214 21.795 23.282 25.809 25.279 stn4 22.311 23.610 25.449 25.599 25.744 21.950 25.470 22.914 25.463 25.33525.678 25.288 23.786 25.328 25.298 25.602 23.219 25.752 25.451 22.011 22.513 25.308 21.783 25.622 ST RH27.731 21.923 GRASS 23.474 21.849 23.061 23.695 25.727 22.107 25.661 25.817 22.307 25.499 25.757

21.999 21.805 23.390 25.627 22.594 23.299 POST & WIRE 25.397 25.595 21.910 23.153 EH29.739 HEDGE

21.785 23.678 25.308 25.636 25.482 BUSHES 21.967 22.282 23.0 23.700 G25.456 22.762 25.394 25.223 25.698 25.511 25.804 21.862 23.360 21.874 RS 25.314 BUSHES G25.412 22.449 25.731 25.848 25.840 21.917 23.293 23.649 23.776 22.110 25.145 25.629 25.780 25.641 21.956 22.984 TREE CANOPY 25.559 23.491 25.455 21.933 25.280 22.259 22.081 RH32.842 25.133 25.726 25.563 25.474 22.607 23.858 23.719 23.742 25.376 25.870 25.814 23.355 23.107 ‘ 25.925 22.036 21.882 22.208 25.798 EH29.719 EH27.405 22.017 25.391 25.846 ‘ EP 22.758 23.627 BUSHES 21.959 21.781 ELEC 22.113 25.758 ST 22.328 22.404 23.249 23.398 23.824 25.326 25.409 25.672 25.961 21.782 25.946 22.929 25.509 25.331

22.024 25.697 23.669 25.659 RH30.829 26.090 25.966 23.698 25.505

22.073 21.964 22.610 26.150 25.972

23.340 23.603 22.029 25.712 23.5 BT 25.915 22.039 23.118 MH EH24.546 22.038 23.945 22.089 22.753 23.730 25.570 CL25.797 IL24.347 RH27.005 25.806 22.041 22.219 25.406 23.409 25.253 26.041 21.897 G25.800 HEDGE 22.203 25.217 26.010 22.343 23.944 RH29.717 G25.788 25.806 22.912 G25.773

23.212 25.684 25.81225.862

23.522 23.713 22.061 22.0 22.430 EH27.630

21.945 23.947 25.469

BUSHES 22.189 25.5 26.158 23.040 24.096 26.021 26.159 RH30.255 23.547 POST & WIRE SURVEY ORIENTATED TO REAL TIME GPS 23.833 25.227 25.596 21.974 23.239 25.391 BRICK WALL EP 22.068 22.624 TIMBER FENCE 25.805 26.134 22.144 23.755 25.212 26.223 25.991 22.152 MH 22.370 23.134 26.082 EH29.216 CL22.153 22.804 TREE CANOPY 26.076 22.066 23.856 25.983 RH26.810 23.376 22.221 22.393 26.323 25.583 BL25.715 26.198 26.223 26.458 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 22.313 25.271 22.164 22.189 25.743 22.979 23.222 23.763 25.360 25.925 26.106 23.910 25.283 25.575 RS 22.590 22.230 23.509 25.346 26.211 BRICK WALL BL25.921 26.134

26.415 22.5 23.049 23.877 26.340 ST SCALE BAR 1:500 22.318 26.161 22.302 22.415 25.450 22.785 23.358 26.179 26.247 24.398 25.373 26.586 22.607 23.694 23.877 23.601 EP TREE CANOPY 26.475 22.619 26.018 26.496 23.159 23.894 surface water sewer 26.436 22.320 25.845 22.466 22.924 23.465 25.397 25.452 25.616 BUSHES

25.369 26.292 23.934 25.221 26.0 26.436 26.588 26.599 22.700 23.724 26.502 26.393 26.570 23.277 23.911 25.413 26.274 22.379 23.002 26.399 26.380 NP NP MH 26.273 26.409 26.479 NOTES AND AMENDMENTS 22.459 23.630 CL26.402 23.904 MH 23.841 26.018 IL21.832 22.484 26.739 26.893 CL26.618 22.421 22.936 ‘ 25.606 25.832 IL21.898 23.900 26.126 25.441 25.652 23.204 23.451 ONLY MANHOLES AND SERVICES VISIBLE AT 22.626 25.398 22.596 23.990 TIME OF SURVEY SHOWN 23.729 26.504 MH 26.61026.621 23.097 26.087 26.732 22.543 CL26.554 26.597 26.648 NP Damaged 26.739 23.250 26.141 26.953 NP 23.666 23.928 26.665 FH 26.740 MKR DRAINAGE INFORMATION MUST BE CHECKED AND 22.779 26.782

22.479 26.584 ST 26.802 23.805

26.034 26.838

24.161 26.091 25.825 LP VERIFIED WITH LOCAL AUTHORITY RECORDS 23.0 23.213 25.675 22.365 25.424 26.857 22.893 26.446 BT 23.444 25.737 PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING MH 22.577 22.740 24.198 25.334 27.254 RH27.204 26.724 CL26.887 22.604 24.012 26.953 Levels defining edge of carriageway are observed at 22.811 26.228 ST MH 24.138 RS CL26.902 22.981 23.314 26.352 27.470 stn3 RH32.154 23.959 24.317 26.281 26.833 22.669 G26.749 MH channel (bottom of kerb). Unless otherwise stated. 23.742 26.855 CL26.932 27.023

24.383 26.788 27.042 EH29.901

25.904 26.029 23.140 25.577 25.724 26.890 26.5 26.904 22.795 GRASS 24.335 26.871 TREE SPREADS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND ARE EP 24.399 26.429 26.723 BUSHES 23.499 27.083 RH32.512 REPRESENTATIVE OF THE THE AVERAGE SPREAD. 23.955 24.201 24.421 25.790 26.048 26.981 22.809 22.886 26.915 26.928 23.30123.259 26.985 27.151 24.482 24.461 27.223 THE DRIP LINE LAYER DENOTES THE TREES EXTREMITY 26.256 EP EH30.179 22.705 22.623 TREE CANOPY 27.152 27.080 25.931 26.116 27.050 27.088 22.646 25.621 22.905 23.788 25.800 BUSHES 23.465 24.226 27.280 22.779 23.016 24.574 25.946 GRASS 22.604 24.611 26.489 26.656 27.195 27.233 27.147 27.144 27.195 27.276 22.750 27.362 27.238 27.466 27.201

BUSHES 24.784 26.953

22.710 23.232 24.533 26.345 RH35.699 23.5 REVISIONS 22.899 23.630 24.103 27.204 27.343 22.965 24.869 25.861 25.896 27.317 27.291 25.258 25.570 25.480 TREE CANOPY 26.025 26.210 REV. DESCRIPTION DRAWN CHKD. DATE MH 25.325 25.859 BUSHES EH30.943 CL22.763 25.064 26.236 BRICK WALL

22.790 22.921 25.773 26.742 27.405 27.500 27.414 22.769 23.424 24.853 25.379 26.556 22.799 27.0 23.101 24.406 27.386 22.892 23.880 MH 25.505 POST & WIRE 27.589 26.969 27.485 CL27.415 27.675

25.085 25.262 25.653 27.492 26.477 27.235 BL27.336 IL26.105 ‘

22.848 TREE CANOPY 26.050 27.664 22.896 22.773 23.181 25.353 25.563 25.291 25.451 26.0 26.109 27.507 23.658 26.362 27.588 25.540 26.225 27.770 24.127 25.035 25.800 POST & WIRE 26.032 24.632 26.297 25.984 27.595 27.769 22.871 22.864 25.550 25.634 dead tree 27.642 27.520 27.779 22.960 26.678 27.543 23.008 23.437 26.861 27.685

25.788 27.612 BUSHES

22.921 25.882 TREE CANOPY 27.844 EH30.649 23.871 24.0 27.087 27.448 27.863 RH32.409 27.684 27.916 22.926 26.110 26.609 27.278 G27.686 23.297 28.375 27.709 ST 23.278 27.922 23.725 24.415 25.308 26.236 28.425 22.941 24.874 26.126 26.872 ST 23.192 25.582 26.346 26.219 26.492 27.746 27.782 26.383

22.904 27.863 23.595 24.183 26.946 27.814

BUSHES 23.128 26.829 27.860 RS 22.912

23.078 24.661 27.877 28.025

25.663 27.5 24.016 25.160 27.193 27.483 27.888 23.021 25.541 26.5 27.666 26.798 27.390 27.980 28.057 23.199 26.382 HEDGE EP 27.971 27.932 28.011

23.923 24.425 26.516 28.156

26.593 26.372 26.680 27.963 25.853 TREE CANOPY 27.950 28.316 24.253 24.5 24.938 23.383 28.162 28.044 HEDGE 23.107 25.211 26.463 27.873 27.010 27.080 ST 23.502 23.519 26.621 RH35.043 25.738 28.114 28.150 28.323

23.069 24.196 27.927 26.512 27.338 28.123 28.283 26.284 27.517 27.622 27.749 RSRS 24.537 25.030 26.669 27.053 27.836 RS 23.289 28.335 28.309 23.914 rs1

24.860 25.657 26.762 28.22628.292

25.956 26.937 EH31.084

23.5 24.361

27.0 27.252 27.353 TP 28.309 23.306 23.613 28.350 28.405 RH36.086

25.414 28.335 28.302 25.0 27.469 28.373 23.682 23.574 24.800 26.790 28.566 26.880 27.735 HEDGE 24.260 25.152 25.920 27.602 27.837 BUSHES 28.388 28.580

26.240 27.275 23.306 27.935

23.201 24.533 28.148 28.506 26.834 28.0 28.488 EH32.030 28.459 28.457 28.633 23.922 25.767 26.957 27.132 27.014 G28.517 24.352 27.727 28.537 27.499 25.105 25.448 26.169 26.639 28.753 28.772

BUSHES 27.684

23.485 28.667 23.466 26.834 28.724 24.0 28.420 28.662 23.583 24.711 27.868 28.634 23.89023.884 23.743 24.300 27.836 28.659

27.090 27.982 28.113

24.411 27.459 28.453

26.094 28.664 28.900 23.595 HEDGE 27.5 BL28.472 28.203 28.655 28.699 25.5 28.889 23.495 23.742 25.386 25.783 27.302 28.689 26.643 27.020 ST 23.967 27.108 27.114 27.802 28.956

23.600 27.663 23.957 24.438 27.244 BL28.649 EP 23.712 BRAMBLES 27.913 28.392 28.581 28.909 29.025 23.493 23.879 BUSHES 24.970 26.344 29.042 SP 23.939 24.592 26.902 28.855 Tie Line 23.963 TREE CANOPY TP 29.080 26.011 28.069 28.069 24.047 27.229 28.156 28.633 29.049 stn1 27.645 28.268 MH 24.270 25.635 26.941 28.908 28.987 28.985 27.266 28.336 28.929 CL29.013

24.018 24.515 28.904 28.881 28.862 G28.896 26.613 27.527 28.816 MH G29.026

24.818 29.055 CL29.046 25.249 29.042 MH HEDGE 28.5 27.312 27.875 BUSHES CL28.959 29.182 23.964 27.368 28.042 28.985 RH37.807

27.320 28.488 29.028 ST SV 29.078

28.775 28.983 29.248

23.608 28.190

26.325 BRAMBLES 29.179 29.288 24.469 24.638 29.072 EH32.899 TREE CANOPY 28.0

23.885 23.975 25.919 27.392 28.281 28.293 29.312

25.118 28.391 26.0 26.964 28.443 24.017 23.967 27.852 FH G29.133 27.485 29.336 29.31929.363 28.556 29.618 SV 25.657 27.696 TREE CANOPY FH G29.176 MKR MKR 29.216 27.442 27.525 29.036 24.051 24.545 26.586 28.726 POST 24.841 27.713 28.107 28.242 29.272 23.850 24.183 28.421 TP 28.965 29.144 RH38.992 25.441 26.250 27.363 28.882 24.072 27.645 29.283

23.978 27.516 BRAMBLES 28.566

25.983 28.562 28.655 28.669 29.566 29.0 29.498

23.950 24.656 27.582 27.831 29.461 29.585

23.859 24.5 28.058 28.749 29.506 26.834 27.850 MH EH34.755

24.353 25.066 29.467 26.544 29.857 CL29.500 RS


26.5 HEDGE 29.545 29.531 25.832 28.333 29.010 29.489 29.552 28.5 28.611 29.249 24.222 26.090 27.603 28.476 29.979 24.133 27.929 24.900 29.101 NP POST 27.120 28.812 29.708 30.007 28.819 29.718 24.508 25.514 28.951 28.946 29.656RS 24.011 26.804 29.750 29.854

29.017 HEDGE

28.243 29.882 24.352 26.149 24.301 29.5 29.833 24.224 26.533 29.737 27.785 29.863 24.008 28.047 25.120 27.481 28.208 28.484 29.180 29.499 HEDGE 28.838 29.813 24.712 28.699 29.758

24.316 27.091 29.369 Topographical Survey Legend 29.860 29.879 25.825 27.561 28.136 30.109 26.400 27.0 29.048

24.173 29.109 29.246

24.420 29.221 29.984 28.297 Litter bin Tie line 25.400 29.0 24.272 26.883 29.319 24.922 28.353 29.982 Bore Hole Telegraph pole 27.399 27.649 BT 30.214 29.738 Bollard Tactile paving slabs 24.567 26.175 30.072 26.690 28.626 29.505 30.047 30.318

24.198 Bus stop Traffic signal light

24.516 29.077 24.323 24.368 25.0 28.262 28.854 30.116 NP British telecom ic Television cover 27.159 30.045 25.728 29.657 30.165

24.192 24.524 25.186 27.961 29.286 G30.062 30.136 Concrete paving slabs Vent pipe BRAMBLES 29.569 BT 29.382 29.502 Drain Water meter 28.495 30.113 30.167 MH 27.769 29.603 CL30.220 Electrical ic Wash Out 24.830 26.504 28.395 30.187

26.974 28.493 28.569 Elec. pole Unable to lift

24.544 30.017 30.328 MH 27.435 30.262 25.511 27.5 CL30.221 26.013 28.010 28.320 28.760 29.808 30.368 30.240 Earth rod Fence annotation 24.532 TREE CANOPY 29.209 30.340 Fire Hydrant Barbed wire 28.990 30.490 30.443NP

24.527 28.573 29.921 30.400 Flagpole Closed boarded

24.551 28.507 24.285 24.686 25.124 29.5 29.480 24.559 26.709 27.037 28.425 29.852 Floodlight Corrugated iron 24.698 29.593 29.776 30.582NP 26.334 27.706 29.903 G30.404 Gully Chain link 25.777 30.469 30.463 30.685

28.619 Gate post Concrete panel

28.102 30.341 ST 25.5 Gas valve Hand rail 24.411 28.832 30.647 28.648 30.102 30.517 24.659 BT 30.443 Iron railings 25.424 28.611 29.324 Inspection cover 27.503 29.076 30.257 30.769 25.037 26.929 30.879 Junction box Open boarded 26.603 28.197 30.699 Kerb outlet 26.156 29.576 30.069 Post & chain 24.945 30.750 25.706 29.776 30.041 Letter box Post & rail 24.701 30.224 30.828 28.692 30.618 30.991 Lamp post Post & wire 24.817 24.924 24.803 28.859 30.906 25.327 27.773 28.561 30.422 Utility marker Wire mesh 27.243 Mile post 26.867 28.813 29.148 Level prefix descriptions 31.031 24.941 28.506 29.448 Monitoring Well 24.644 26.475 30.545 Arch level 24.584 Name plate Bed level

26.003 28.418 30.306

27.987 29.001 29.713 Post 25.627 30.212 Cover level 25.053 26.0 30.0 29.90130.0 31.084 24.980 29.006 30.879 31.109 31.265 Parking meter 30.488 31.173 Eaves level 25.141 27.526 29.078 27.148 28.574 Rodding eye Floor level 30.701 26.765 29.070 Road sign Invert level 24.980 28.552 26.375 31.373 Rain water pipe 28.982 TREE CANOPY 29.192 29.452 Parapet level 25.933 30.865 Sign post 28.824 28.966 Roof/ridge level 25.402 29.224 Stop tap 25.133 25.254 27.788 29.160 29.803 30.537 Soffit level 28.956 30.335 31.448 24.838 28.821 31.189 Service Box 27.446 30.059 31.570 Arch springing level 24.775 27.058 29.275 30.723 31.539 Stop valve Top of pipe/culvert 25.372 29.254 26.699 30.416 30.939 Telephone call box Wall height

25.752 26.333 29.052

29.412 29.420 31.707 Trial Hole Water level

28.879 30.414

29.620 30.5 30.456 31.185 25.523 26.5 28.121 29.291 GRASS 25.209 27.669 31.734 25.300 29.803 31.449 26.990 29.609 30.752 31.913 28.978 30.159 30.501 26.099 27.430 29.093 30.941 BENCH MARK INFORMATION 25.337 25.542 26.535 29.492 25.056 29.484 30.631 BRAMBLES 31.179 31.981 25.836 28.513 30.840 32.053

24.947 All levels relate to OSBM Newyln 25.407 27.975 29.789 31.158 29.737 31.445 31.982

26.518 27.291 Datum Generated by VRS GPS

25.020 32.256 27.0 27.760 29.905 31.739 29.377 29.457 29.867 26.088 29.122 31.263 30.895

27.019 30.120 30.608

25.405 TREE CANOPY EH32.014 25.679 28.237 31.144 25.5 31.279 32.332 25.500 30.794 31.407 32.289

25.475 29.478 30.059

25.546 31.536 26.781 27.531 29.304 31.0 32.255 25.225 30.086 29.605 31.691 32.459 28.007 HEDGE 26.309 27.312 29.112 31.574 25.911 32.032 28.801 29.563 30.126 30.160 30.994 25.631 31.420 29.352 30.634

25.167 31.299 30.368 32.530 28.948 30.364 31.615 27.139 27.789 RH34.689 30.466 32.573 25.541 30.49830.479 32.476 25.758 26.147 O-H-ELEC

26.681 27.598 28.930 30.283 30.374 31.900 27.5 28.408 25.827 29.265 32.737 25.731 Tie Line 32.140

25.332 29.440 29.648 25.441 28.119 31.091

29.083 EP 30.681

27.303 31.462 32.746 25.768 30.751 32.775 30.511 31.5 26.406 29.564 31.751 32.577 TREE CANOPY 27.783 29.101 25.453 26.043 HEDGE 25.923 27.014 28.817 29.621 GRASS 32.802 25.958 28.875 29.946 30.476 32.040 28.360 29.661 32.350 25.803 29.743 31.014 27.609 31.079 31.364 29.527 32.853 26.633 29.013 30.479 31.217

25.873 31.516 32.734 32.950

25.521 28.009 26.0 29.660 31.907 26.292 28.958 25.959 27.286 32.944 31.168

25.916 28.947 31.348 32.447 28.877 30.949 29.499 32.212

27.844 31.095 25.558 25.695 26.969 28.0 25.985 31.604 32.916

25.709 32.819

29.639 33.050 28.326 29.026 32.0 26.558 31.616 EH34.967 26.175 29.021 31.976 HEDGE 33.100 26.120 27.595 31.729 31.559 31.858 25.580 30.619 28.119 28.946 28.952 31.449 32.559 32.885 25.812 25.966 31.526 27.300 31.702 31.773 32.342 26.069 O-H-ELEC 28.935 32.896 32.995 26.059 26.458 26.841 28.785 29.096 BRAMBLES 33.113 31.870 33.130 BUSHES 27.832 25.905 25.958 26.270 33.153 26.352 28.342 32.056EP 31.985 25.971 32.973 26.131 31.893 31.902

26.272 29.068 28.858

26.181 27.651 32.674 33.167

26.5 31.826 TREE CANOPY 28.5 32.425 32.992 26.724 32.176 32.286 32.146 HEDGE 26.332 27.184 33.23733.106 26.319 32.162 33.118 HEDGE SURVEY STATIONS 28.088 33.205 26.134 26.299 29.042 32.226 33.227 stn1 599904.109 285675.083 28.987

26.541 28.805 32.255 33.094

26.499 27.856 32.234 BRAMBLES 26.464 32.171 26.121 32.772 26.161 27.019 32.5 33.274 stn2 599995.999 285584.036 31.800 32.261 32.461 32.438 33.109 32.369 26.606 27.487 BRAMBLES 26.637 BUSHES HEDGE stn3 599827.037 285751.395 26.833 26.241 33.363 26.348 28.346 28.947 33.151 33.335 32.523 26.405 stn4 599746.671 285830.624 25.599 26.686 28.179 32.437 32.545 33.112 26.434 26.776 33.367 BUSHES 27.315 32.827 POST BRAMBLES stn4a 599743.825 285835.565 25.685

26.228 32.641 26.270 33.396

26.584 26.434 32.718 26.204 27.0 27.849 stn5 599595.491 285877.876 22.987 26.607 33.211 BUSHES 28.931 33.376 33.497 26.278 29.135 26.301 26.673 HEDGE 32.909 32.967 stn5a 599597.603 285929.638 23.379 POST 32.778 33.168 33.239 27.090 28.486 33.512 27.556 GP stn5b 599612.160 285959.064 23.699 26.473 26.288 EP 26.677 28.176 33.546 33.487 HEDGE 26.626 27.016 stn5c 599596.993 285981.448 23.130 29.026 GP POST 33.342 33.771 33.558 33.424 stn6 599448.391 285918.450 21.737 26.510 TREE CANOPY 33.226 29.631 26.409 26.650 27.357 27.889 33.445 26.746 29.060 29.763 stn7 599433.976 285927.935 21.260 26.637 33.359 26.788 26.483 33.601 POST 28.484 26.700 27.173 29.276 TRACK

26.668 29.245

33.738 26.631 BRICK WALL 26.954 27.5 33.710 29.619 SLURRY 26.680 28.304 29.780 33.562 26.896 27.051 27.660 33.870 26.853 26.583 BL28.954 29.633 POST 26.695 BRICK WALL 28.996 33.976 26.711 26.978 26.962 28.936 29.461 33.723 BUSHES 27.463 29.399 29.701 BL28.946 29.528

26.696 27.186 28.582 29.409 26.718 28.017 26.815 POST 27.296 33.950 TREE CANOPY BL28.983 26.982 28.942 29.644 27.402 27.706 26.749

26.735 28.968 27.366 28.326

27.551 BL28.942 28.0 29.775 27.532 27.996 29.444

26.938 28.889 27.143 29.277 29.697 BL28.947 27.532 27.628 BRAMBLES 27.052 27.050 27.838 28.723

26.931 EH37.508 JLP Surveying 27.827 28.375 BL28.878


RH40.205 TREE CANOPY 28.5 29.133 RH42.129

29.367 27.332 28.088 SLURRY JLP Surveying Consultants Ltd, 27.144 29.428 27.414 BL28.933 Suite 25 Rodney House, 28.189 29.722 King Street, 28.851 29.159 BUSHES 29.113 Wigan RH33.782 EH30.601 28.357 28.604 29.340 WN1 1BT BL29.056 29.716 Tel - 01942 243313 29.960 28.291 Fax - 01942 492230 HEDGE 27.426 28.731 Mobile - 07710 428498 27.695 29.297 29.856 BL29.119 EMAIL:- [email protected] 28.919

PROJECT WL29.241 29.295 27.981 29.488 29.535 29.445 29.760 Lopham Road 29.892

BL29.023 29.443 Harling 29.847 BRAMBLES 28.003 29.774 27.895 27.718 27.780 HEDGE 30.019

28.025 27.744 DRAWING TITLE

30.056 Topographical Land Survey


DRAWING NUMBER S18-928-2 22.642

22.706 22.803


22.785 22.884 22.892 TP


22.915 21.987



21.253 21.380

HEDGE 23.144 21.465

21.283 ST MH CL21.343 23.128 21.934 EP 22.061 FL21.795 ST

23.185 HEDGE 21.335ST


21.532 21.999 BRICK WALL







21.291 BRICK WALL 22.989

21.253 21.424 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 21.342 ST

21.545 23.057

21.378 21.330 23.054 21.225 SCALE BAR 1:500


23.164 BUSHES 21.307 23.164 23.496 G21.154 23.477

21.355 G23.373 NOTES AND AMENDMENTS stn5c 23.454

21.143GP 23.13023.235 21.155 ST 23.569 21.645 21.156 23.466 ONLY MANHOLES AND SERVICES VISIBLE AT EP 23.508 23.515 TIME OF SURVEY SHOWN GP 23.378 23.528 23.471 23.616 21.159 23.607 21.479 23.581 DRAINAGE INFORMATION MUST BE CHECKED AND 23.546 LP 23.628 VERIFIED WITH LOCAL AUTHORITY RECORDS 21.282 23.619


21.148 MH 23.678 CL21.209 Levels defining edge of carriageway are observed at 21.702 21.279 MH 21.373 23.661 CL23.626 23.726 channel (bottom of kerb). Unless otherwise stated.

23.636 23.799 23.752



21.115 stn5b 23.699 THE DRIP LINE LAYER DENOTES THE TREES EXTREMITY 23.588 21.657 23.699 23.681

21.345 23.670




21.655 21.305 21.075 21.756 23.508 23.645

21.191 23.504 TIMBER FENCE




HEDGE 21.535 MH FH CL21.131 23.457

21.227 23.371 21.174 G21.086 23.361 23.399

21.642 23.426 23.419 21.089 21.563 23.416 G21.172

21.558 23.405 21.264 23.310 23.414 21.121 EH26.650 23.355

RH29.564 23.368 23.358

21.217 RH32.107 RH29.307 23.388 EP 23.335 21.194 EH26.930 GP 21.447 23.408 21.610 21.141 RH32.098 stn5a 21.482 23.379 EH27.447 GP 23.447 23.417 NP SV MKR 23.353 G21.168 stn7 EH24.974 RH29.662 21.260 MH 21.673 AV HEDGE SP 21.306 21.505 NP EH26.347

23.349 23.398 21.833 23.446 MH 21.165 21.450 RS CL21.130 21.233 21.896 21.209 21.421 21.611 ST 21.276 stn6 21.955 21.446 21.737 RH29.716 G21.669 23.490 Tie Line HEDGE EH26.494 23.340 MH 21.811 21.393 CL21.626 21.881 21.146 21.480 21.908 22.242 IL19.276 TP 22.171 21.226 ST RS G21.679 surface water sewer 22.278 21.980 22.004 22.171 21.031 22.413 22.208 21.935 22.274 HEDGE 21.101 21.033 21.247 21.688 23.494 BT 22.236 22.319 23.326 TOP19.589 CONC.WALL 21.147 21.869 22.159 BUSHES 22.339 22.258 22.227 22.329 22.402 IL19.265 21.008 22.208 21.010 22.404 BL19.390 22.428 20.777 22.276 ‘ HEDGE 22.714 22.380 22.334 22.278 22.451 22.424 G20.949 22.158 22.522 22.320 22.419 22.477 21.723 HEDGE 22.558 BL22.162 22.410 MH 22.361 22.654 21.142 22.339 BL22.263 CL22.421 23.411 22.587 IL20.471 22.609 23.250 BUSHES 22.452 22.532 22.492 22.381 22.701 22.619 22.486 22.673 22.100 22.075 22.430 22.480 22.669 22.552 RS 21.190 22.708 22.465 22.550 ST 22.550 21.238 TP 22.737 23.354 21.913 22.331 23.227 22.637 ‘ Tie Line 21.123 22.716 22.606 22.545 HEDGE surface water sewer 22.637 21.716 22.531 22.776 21.964 22.289 RH30.942 22.038 22.726 BUSHES 22.670 ‘ EH27.739 22.530 22.787 MH 22.034 22.685 BL22.524 CL22.748 22.821 22.813 IL20.548 22.479 22.882 22.672 RH31.396 BL22.432 22.778 22.130 22.810 23.278 22.673 22.682 22.859 EH28.062 21.571 22.771 MH 22.343 CL22.862 23.079 RH31.298 22.188 IL21.122 21.838 22.641 22.988 22.796 23.152 21.986 22.791 HEDGE 21.826 22.986 21.247 22.262 22.608 22.940 22.985 23.248 23.318 21.158 22.447 22.889 22.935 21.663 22.887 EP BUSHES 23.249 23.027stn5 RH32.786 21.822 22.621 22.824 23.279 21.584 22.366 22.991 22.987 23.177 HEDGE 22.429 22.758 23.107 23.270 EH25.413 22.637 22.988 23.152 23.192 BL22.594 23.481 EH30.027 22.003 22.986 ‘ 23.192 POST 21.320 22.360 22.481 22.959 21.962 23.056 23.489 ST 22.612 BL22.718 23.303 EP RH27.543 HEDGE 22.955 23.215 23.343 23.726 22.067 23.329 22.919 23.864 22.357 22.603 23.460 RH28.750 21.763 BL23.130 23.438 ‘ 24.014 21.514 21.309 22.275 23.141 BL23.078 23.338 23.433 23.598 24.103 HEDGE RH30.938 21.617 23.361 23.653 24.194 BRICK WALL 21.801 22.767 BL23.114 23.472 23.949 24.217 24.291 23.358 24.315 22.408 23.299 23.265 23.756 23.878 surface water sewer ST 22.266 23.631 23.639 FH 24.307 21.882 23.435 23.948 24.364 EH28.419 ‘ 24.189 HEDGE 21.345 22.047 22.892 150 il 1.92 23.426 MH MH 24.390 24.641 CL24.140 RH31.293 21.446 22.364 22.498 23.621 24.008 CL23.915 EP 24.647 22.005 23.753 IL20.965 IL22.22 24.609 Topographical Survey Legend 23.126 24.662 BUSHES RH29.843 23.104 24.290 23.889 G24.469 24.938 22.138 22.383 24.163 24.500 Litter bin Tie line 21.555 21.481 24.046 21.935 22.588 PB 25.012 Bore Hole Telegraph pole 24.610 25.017 21.550 ST TP 24.190 EH28.050 Bollard 22.0 BUSHES HEDGE Tactile paving slabs 21.542 23.237 G24.462 LOPHAM ROAD 22.162 22.503 23.454 23.954 24.156 24.506 ST 25.116 25.124 Traffic signal light 24.230 24.755 25.029 Bus stop 22.069 21.901 24.990 24.350 British telecom ic Television cover 22.857 24.431 24.878 ‘ RH31.035 EH26.735 24.586 25.127 EP Concrete paving slabs Vent pipe 23.760 24.977 EH28.478 21.547 21.810 HEDGE 22.187 23.149 24.747 24.975 25.153 HEDGE 22.574 24.430 24.536 ‘ 24.981 25.059 Drain Water meter 24.536 24.417 BUSHES BRICK WALL Electrical ic Wash Out 23.749 25.049 rs3 25.214 21.887 23.037 25.006 21.815 24.612 24.873 Elec. pole Unable to lift 22.307 24.692 21.908 23.307 24.946 25.039 25.200 21.681 25.231 Earth rod Fence annotation 22.693 24.763 BRICK WALL RH31.223 21.919 21.999 21.816 23.961 24.889 Fire Hydrant Barbed wire 22.080 23.997 BT 25.159 25.215 25.328 Flagpole Closed boarded MH 25.021 25.051 CL21.626 22.437 23.158 23.608 24.907 24.878 TP 25.249 25.538 25.521 Floodlight 22.044 22.903 SP 24.961 IC Corrugated iron 23.888 MKR CL25.054 25.216 EP 21.912 23.773 SP MH Gully Chain link 21.953 CL25.514 25.769

24.864 25.071 EH28.653 25.181 IL23.496 Gate post Concrete panel 22.071 RH32.963 RS 25.390 22.605 23.851 24.877 25.121 surface water sewer Gas valve Hand rail 21.848 23.003 23.124

21.724 HEDGE 21.957 G25.13125.291 25.771 Inspection cover Iron railings 23.760 25.277 MH 21.792 23.798 24.932 Junction box Open boarded EP 21.898 22.164 25.149 CL25.449

22.015 22.673 IL21.419

21.691 25.257 25.396 Kerb outlet 22.5 Post & chain

23.160 25.351 25.412 25.519 23.835 25.214 21.795 23.282 25.809 25.279 stn4 Letter box Post & rail 22.311 23.610 25.449 25.599 25.744 21.950 25.470 Lamp post Post & wire 22.914 25.463 25.33525.678 25.288 Utility marker Wire mesh 23.786 25.328 25.298 25.602 23.219 Mile post 25.752 25.451 Level prefix descriptions 22.011 22.513 25.308 21.783 Monitoring Well 25.622 ST Arch level RH27.731 21.923 GRASS 23.474 21.849 23.061 23.695 25.727 Name plate Bed level 22.107 25.661 25.817 Post Cover level 22.307 25.499 25.757

21.999 21.805 23.390 25.627 Parking meter 22.594 23.299 POST & WIRE 25.397 25.595 Eaves level 21.910 Rodding eye 23.153 EH29.739 HEDGE Floor level 23.678 25.308 25.636 25.482

21.785 Road sign Invert level BUSHES 21.967 22.282 23.0 23.700 G25.456 22.762 25.394 Rain water pipe Parapet level 25.223 25.698 25.511 25.804 21.862 23.360 Sign post Roof/ridge level 21.874 RS 25.314 BUSHES G25.412 Stop tap 22.449 25.731 25.848 25.840 Soffit level 21.917 23.293 23.649 23.776 22.110 25.145 25.629 25.780 25.641 Service Box Arch springing level 21.956 22.984 TREE CANOPY 25.559 Stop valve 23.491 25.455 Top of pipe/culvert 21.933 25.280 22.259 22.081 RH32.842 25.133 25.726 25.563 Telephone call box 25.474 Wall height 22.607 23.858 23.719 23.742 25.376 25.870 Trial Hole Water level 25.814 23.355 23.107 ‘ 25.925 22.036 21.882 22.208 25.798 EH29.719 EH27.405 22.017 25.391 25.846 ‘ EP 22.758 23.627 BUSHES 21.959 21.781 ELEC 22.113 25.758 ST BENCH MARK INFORMATION 22.328 22.404 23.249 23.398 23.824 25.326 25.409 25.672 25.961 21.782 25.946 22.929 25.509 25.331

22.024 25.697 25.659 All levels relate to OSBM Newyln 23.669 RH30.829 26.090 25.966 23.698 25.505

22.073 21.964 22.610 26.150 25.972 Datum Generated by VRS GPS

23.340 23.603 22.029 25.712 23.5 BT 25.915 22.039 23.118 MH EH24.546 22.038 23.945 22.089 22.753 23.730 25.570 CL25.797 IL24.347 RH27.005 25.806 22.041 22.219 25.406 23.409 25.253 26.041 21.897 G25.800 HEDGE 22.203 25.217 26.010 22.343 23.944 RH29.717 G25.788 25.806 22.912 G25.773

23.212 25.684 25.81225.862

23.522 23.713 22.061 22.0 22.430 EH27.630

21.945 23.947 25.469

BUSHES 22.189 25.5 26.158 23.040 24.096 26.021 26.159 RH30.255 23.547 POST & WIRE 23.833 25.227 25.596 21.974 23.239 25.391 BRICK WALL EP 22.068 22.624 TIMBER FENCE 25.805 26.134 22.144 23.755 25.212 26.223 25.991 22.152 MH 22.370 23.134 26.082 EH29.216 CL22.153 22.804 TREE CANOPY 23.856 25.983 26.076 22.066 23.376

RH26.810 22.221 22.393 26.323 25.583 BL25.715 26.198 26.223 26.458 22.313 25.271 22.164 22.189 25.743 22.979 23.222 23.763 25.360 25.925 26.106 23.910 25.283 25.575 RS 22.590 22.230 23.509 25.346 26.211

BL25.921 26.134 BRICK WALL

26.415 22.5 23.049 23.877 26.340 ST 22.318 26.161 22.302 22.415 25.450 22.785 23.358 26.179 26.247 24.398 25.373 26.586 22.607 23.694 23.877 23.601 EP TREE CANOPY 26.475 22.619 26.018 26.496 23.159 23.894 surface water sewer 26.436 22.320 25.845 22.466 22.924 23.465 25.397 25.452 25.616 BUSHES

25.369 26.292 23.934 25.221 26.0 26.436 26.588 26.599 22.700 23.724 26.502 26.393 26.570 23.277 23.911 25.413 26.274 22.379 23.002 26.399 26.380 NP NP MH 26.273 26.409 26.479 22.459 23.630 CL26.402 23.904 MH 23.841 26.018 IL21.832 22.484 26.739 26.893 CL26.618 22.421 22.936 ‘ 25.606 25.832 IL21.898 23.900 26.126 25.441 25.652 23.204 23.451 22.626 25.398 22.596 23.990 23.729 26.504 MH 26.61026.621 23.097 26.087 26.732 22.543 CL26.554 26.597 26.648 NP Damaged 26.739 23.250 26.141 26.953 NP 23.666 23.928 26.665 FH 26.740 MKR 22.779 26.782

22.479 26.584 ST 26.802 23.805

26.034 26.838

24.161 26.091 25.825 LP 23.0 23.213 25.675 22.365 25.424 26.857 22.893 26.446 BT 23.444 25.737 MH 22.577 22.740 24.198 25.334 27.254 RH27.204 26.724 CL26.887 22.604 24.012 26.953 22.811 26.228 ST MH 24.138 RS CL26.902 22.981 23.314 26.352 27.470 stn3 RH32.154 SURVEY STATIONS 23.959 24.317 26.281 26.833 22.669 G26.749 MH 23.742 26.855 CL26.932 RH29.616 27.023

24.383 26.788 27.042 EH29.901

25.904 26.029 stn1 599904.109 285675.083 28.987 23.140 25.577 25.724 26.890 26.5 26.904 22.795 GRASS 24.335 26.871 EP 24.399 26.429 26.723 BUSHES 23.499 stn2 599995.999 285584.036 31.800 27.083 RH32.512

23.955 24.201 24.421 25.790 26.048 26.981 22.809 22.886 26.915 26.928 23.30123.259 26.985 27.151 stn3 599827.037 285751.395 26.833 RH27.415 24.482 24.461 27.223 26.256 EP EH30.179 22.705 22.623 TREE CANOPY 27.152 27.080 25.931 26.116 27.050 27.088 stn4 599746.671 285830.624 25.599 22.646 25.621 22.905 23.788 25.800 BUSHES 23.465 24.226 27.280 22.779 23.016 24.574 25.946 GRASS stn4a 599743.825 285835.565 25.685 22.604 24.611 26.489 26.656 27.195 27.233 27.147 27.144 27.195 27.276 22.750 27.362 27.238 27.466 27.201 stn5 599595.491 285877.876 22.987

BUSHES 24.784 26.953

22.710 23.232 24.533 26.345 RH35.699 22.899 23.5 23.630 24.103 27.204 27.343 22.965 24.869 25.861 25.896 27.317 27.291 stn5a 599597.603 285929.638 23.379 25.258 25.570 25.480 TREE CANOPY 26.025 26.210 MH 25.325 25.859 BUSHES EH30.943 CL22.763 25.064 26.236 BRICK WALL stn5b 599612.160 285959.064 23.699

22.790 22.921 25.773 26.742 27.405 27.500 27.414 22.769 23.424 24.853 25.379 26.556 22.799 27.0 23.101 24.406 27.386 22.892 23.880 MH stn5c 599596.993 285981.448 23.130 25.505 POST & WIRE 27.589 26.969 27.485 CL27.415 27.675

25.085 25.262 25.653 27.492 26.477 27.235 BL27.336 IL26.105 ‘

22.848 TREE CANOPY 26.050 27.664 stn6 599448.391 285918.450 21.737 22.896 22.773 23.181 25.353 25.563 25.291 25.451 26.0 26.109 27.507 23.658 26.362 27.588 25.540 26.225 27.770 24.127 25.035 25.800 POST & WIRE 26.032 stn7 599433.976 285927.935 21.260 24.632 26.297 25.984 27.595 27.769 22.871 22.864 25.550 25.634 dead tree 27.642 27.520 27.779 22.960 26.678 27.543 23.008 23.437 26.861 27.685

25.788 27.612 BUSHES

22.921 25.882 TREE CANOPY 27.844 EH30.649 23.871 24.0 27.087 27.448 27.863 RH32.409 27.684 27.916 22.926 26.110 26.609 27.278 G27.686 23.297 28.375 27.709 ST 23.278 27.922 23.725 24.415 25.308 26.236 28.425 22.941 24.874 26.126 26.872 ST 23.192 25.582 26.346 26.219 26.492 27.746 27.782 26.383

22.904 27.863 23.595 24.183 26.946 27.814

BUSHES 23.128 26.829 27.860 RS 22.912

23.078 24.661 27.877 28.025

25.663 27.5 24.016 25.160 27.193 27.483 27.888 23.021 25.541 26.5 27.666 26.798 27.390 27.980 28.057 23.199 26.382 HEDGE EP 27.971 27.932 28.011

23.923 24.425 26.516 28.156

26.593 26.372 26.680 27.963 25.853 TREE CANOPY 27.950 28.316 24.253 24.5 24.938 23.383 28.162 28.044 HEDGE 23.107 25.211 26.463 27.873 27.010 27.080 ST 23.502 23.519 26.621 RH35.043 25.738 28.114 28.150 28.323

23.069 24.196 27.927 26.512 27.338 28.123 28.283 26.284 27.517 27.622 27.749 RSRS 24.537 25.030 26.669 27.053 27.836 RS 23.289 28.335 28.309 23.914 rs1

24.860 25.657 26.762 28.22628.292

25.956 26.937 EH31.084

23.5 24.361

27.0 27.252 27.353 TP 28.309

23.306 23.613 28.350 28.405 RH36.086 25.414 28.335 28.302 25.0 27.469 28.373 23.682 23.574 24.800 26.790 28.566 26.880 JLP Surveying 27.735 HEDGE 24.260 25.152 25.920 27.602 27.837 BUSHES 28.388 28.580

26.240 27.275 23.306 27.935

23.201 24.533 28.148 28.506 26.834 28.0 28.488 EH32.030 28.459 28.457 28.633 23.922 25.767 26.957 27.132 27.014 G28.517 24.352 27.727 28.537 27.499 25.105 25.448 26.169 26.639 28.753 28.772

BUSHES 27.684 JLP Surveying Consultants Ltd,

23.485 28.667 23.466 26.834 28.724 24.0 28.420 28.662 Suite 25 Rodney House, 23.583 24.711 27.868 28.634 23.89023.884 23.743 24.300 27.836 28.659

27.090 27.982 28.113 King Street,

24.411 27.459 28.453

26.094 28.664 28.900 23.595 HEDGE 27.5 BL28.472 28.203 28.655 28.699 Wigan 25.5 28.889 23.495 23.742 25.386 25.783 27.302 28.689 26.643 27.020 ST WN1 1BT 23.967 27.108 27.114 27.802 28.956

23.600 27.663 23.957 24.438 27.244 BL28.649 EP 23.712 BRAMBLES 27.913 28.392 28.581 28.909 29.025 Tel - 01942 243313 23.493 23.879 BUSHES 24.970 26.344 29.042 SP 23.939 24.592 26.902 28.855 Tie Line 23.963 TREE CANOPY Fax - 01942 492230 TP 29.080 26.011 28.069 28.069 24.047 27.229 28.156 28.633 29.049 stn1 Mobile - 07710 428498 27.645 28.268 MH 24.270 25.635 26.941 28.908 28.987 28.985 27.266 28.336 28.929 CL29.013

24.018 24.515 28.904 28.881 28.862 G28.896 EMAIL:- [email protected] 26.613 27.527 28.816 MH G29.026

24.818 29.055 CL29.046 25.249 29.042 MH HEDGE 28.5 27.312 27.875 BUSHES CL28.959 29.182 23.964 27.368 28.042 28.985 RH37.807 PROJECT

27.320 28.488 29.028 ST SV 29.078

28.775 28.983 29.248

23.608 28.190

26.325 BRAMBLES 29.179 29.288 24.469 24.638 29.072 EH32.899 TREE CANOPY 28.0 Lopham Road

23.885 23.975 25.919 27.392 28.281 28.293 29.312

25.118 28.391 26.0 26.964 28.443 24.017 23.967 27.852 FH G29.133 27.485 29.336 29.31929.363 28.556 29.618 SV Harling 25.657 27.696 TREE CANOPY FH G29.176 MKR MKR 29.216 27.442 27.525 29.036 24.051 24.545 26.586 28.726 POST 24.841 27.713 28.107 28.242 29.272 23.850 24.183 28.421 TP 28.965 29.144 25.441 26.250 27.363 28.882 24.072 27.645 29.283

23.978 27.516 BRAMBLES 28.566 DRAWING TITLE

25.983 28.562 28.655 28.669 29.566 29.0 29.498

23.950 24.656 27.582 27.831 29.461 29.585

23.859 24.5 28.058 28.749 29.506 26.834 27.850 MH

24.353 25.066 29.467 26.544 29.857 CL29.500 RS

27.875 Topographical Land Survey

26.5 HEDGE 29.545 29.531 25.832 28.333 29.010 29.489 29.552 28.5 28.611 29.249 24.222 26.090 27.603 28.476 29.979 24.133 27.929 24.900 29.101 NP 27.120 28.812 29.708 30.007 28.819 29.718 24.508 25.514 28.951 28.946 29.656RS 24.011 26.804 29.750

29.017 HEDGE

28.243 24.352 26.149 24.301 29.5 29.833 24.224 26.533 27.785 29.863 SCALE SHEET SIZE No. of SHEETS DATE REVISION 24.008 28.047 25.120 27.481 28.208 28.484 29.180 29.499 HEDGE 28.838 29.813 1:500 A0 1 17.10.18 24.712 28.699 29.758

24.316 27.091 29.369 25.825 27.561 28.136 29.860 29.879 26.400 27.0 29.048

24.173 DRAWING NUMBER 29.109 29.246

24.420 29.221 29.984 28.297 25.400 29.0 24.272 26.883 29.319 24.922 28.353 29.982 27.399 27.649 S18-928-1 29.738 24.567 26.175 30.072 26.690 28.626 29.505 24.198 24.516 29.077 24.323 24.368 28.262 28.854 30.116 30.045


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA Colin Whittingham

From: Enquiries_EastAnglia Sent: 19 September 2018 09:42 To: Kathryn Olive Subject: EAn/2018/98137 - 180824/JR02RE - Final response to your request for flood information regarding Lopham Road, Harling (881577) Attachments: 98137 Flood Risk Letter.pdf; FRA advisory note.pdf; 98137_River Thet_KM_13 Sep 18.xls

Dear Kathryn

Thank you for your request of the 24 th August 2018.

We have liaised with our technical teams and can confirm the following:

Flood Risk I have attached a letter regarding the flood risk at your site at Lopham Road, Harling that confirms the Flood Zone designation and information on surface water flood risk. We do not hold any flow or level information relevant to this site. Please find att ached the relevant climate change guidance for this area. As there is no fluvial flood risk data available in this area, this guidance is not relevant. We do not hold any records of historic flooding in this location and there is no risk of flooding from reservoirs in this area.

Flood Defences I have attached the information we hold on flood defences in the area.

Surface Water Discharge and surface water sewer We have no records of any surface water discharges to the surrounding watercourses. There are no environmental permits for surface water discharges to surrounding watercourses. However we are aware of a public foul and surface water sewer, operated by the local sewage undertaker, along the northern boundary of the site. The surface water sewer discharges into a local watercourse. We would advise you contact Anglian Water Services Ltd for more information.

Groundwater flooding We do not have any records of groundwater flooding at this location.

Surface water management We would not advise a develope r how to manage, design or construct a scheme for surface water disposal. Any plans proposed by a developer would be reviewed as part of any subsequent planning process, provided the Environment Agency are consulted by the relevant local authority.

The site at NR16 2PR overlies the principle chalk aquifer and is within Source Protection Zone (SPZ) 2 which protects a public drinking water supply borehole abstraction from groundwater. To protect the water environment we would expect suitable pollution control measures to be used in conjunction with any SuDS discharges to ground or surface water discharges, where there is a potential for surface water to come into contact with polluting substances.

• Infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) such as soakaways, unsealed porous pavement systems or infiltration basins shall only be used where it can be demonstrated that they will not pose a risk to the water environment. • Infiltration SuDS have the potential to provide a pathway for pollutants and must not be constructed in contaminated ground. They would only be acceptable if a phased site investigation showed the presence of no significant contamination. • Only clean water from roofs can be directly discharged to any soakaway or watercourse. Systems for the discharge of surface water from associated hard-standing, roads and impermeable vehicle parking areas shall incorporate appropriate pollution prevention measures and a suitable number of SuDS treatment train components appropriate to the environmental sensitivity of the receiving waters. • The maximum acceptable depth for infiltration SuDS is 2.0 m below ground level, with a minimum of 1.2 m clearance between the base of infiltration SuDS and peak seasonal groundwater levels.

1 • Deep bore and other deep soakaway systems are not appropriate in areas where groundwater constitutes a significant resource (that is where aquifer yield may support or already supports abstraction). • SuDS should be constructed in line with good practice and guidance documents which include the SuDS Manual ( CIRIA C753 , 2015) and the Susdrain website . • For further information on our requirements with regard to SuDS see our Groundwater protection position statements (2017), in particular Position Statements G1 and G9 – G13 available at:

We respond to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Please refer to the Open Government Licence available here: which explains the permitted use of this information.

Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within two months if you would like us to review the information we have sent.

Please do contact me if I can be of further help.

Kind regards


Samantha Clemens Customers & Engagement Officer, East Anglia Environment Agency | Iceni House, Cobham Road, Ipswich IP3 9JD Environment Agency | Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 4NE Team Number: 0203 0255472

National Duty Communications Officer (24/7) | 0800 023 2522 National Duty Communications Manager | 0800 028 2411

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it. We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or fo r litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes. Click here to report this email as spam


Kathryn Olive Our ref EAn/2018/98137 [email protected] Your ref 881577 Date 19 September 2018

Dear Kathryn Thank you for your request of 24th August 2018 to use Environment Agency Product 4 data for your site at Lopham Road Harling Norwich NR16 2PR. Response to your request The Environment Agency’s records indicate that the above site is located in Flood Zone 1 (land assessed as having less than 0.1% (1 in 1,000) chance of flooding in any given year from rivers or the sea). Therefore, the likelihood of flooding from rivers and sea in this area is estimated as ‘very low’. Please use the following link to produce a Flood Product 1 for planning that can be found on the GOV.UK website: Proximity to Flood Zones 2 or 3 The above site is approximately 390 metres away from Flood Zone 2. We are therefore unable to provide data from our detailed fluvial or tidal models which is relevant to your site. More information on Flood Zones can be found on the GOV.UK website: change/flood-zone-and-flood-risk-tables/table-1-flood-zones/ Surface water flooding Our mapping indicates that this site is at risk of surface water flooding. For information on flooding from all other sources, such as surface water, please contact the Lead Local Flood Authority, which in this case is Norfolk County Council. They can be contacted via their website at; [email protected]

Where you can find further information

 Detailed long-term flood information and maps can be found on the GOV.UK website: East Anglia Area Ipswich Office, Iceni House, Cobham Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JD Brampton Office, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4NE General Enquiries: 03708 506506 Email: [email protected] Website:

 Flood maps for planning can be found on the GOV.UK website:

 Please be aware that in February 2016 the Environment Agency updated its guidance on climate change allowances. The standard allowance of adding 20% to peak flows – as per previous guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, may not be applicable for the purposes of informing development proposals. It is possible that our current modelling has under estimated flood risk when taking climate change into consideration. This does not however have an effect on Flood Zones 2 or 3. For further information please visit:

 Further details about the Environment Agency information supplied can be found on the GOV.UK website:

 If you have requested this information to help inform a development proposal, then you should note the information on GOV.UK on the use of Environment Agency information for Flood Risk Assessments: preliminary-opinion

If you have any queries or would like to discuss the content of this letter further please call us on 0203 02 55472, or reply to the email sent to you with this letter attached. Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within two (2) months if you would like us to review the information we have sent. For information on what you can expect from us and our full service commitment to you, please click on this link: commitment--2/environment-agency-customer-service-commitment We respond to requests for recorded information that we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the associated Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information you can contact us within 2 calendar months to ask for our decision to be reviewed.

Yours sincerely

S Clemens

Samantha Clemens Customers & Engagement Officer Direct Dial 0203 02 55472

East Anglia Area Ipswich Office, Iceni House, Cobham Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JD Brampton Office, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4NE General Enquiries: 03708 506506 Email: [email protected] Website:

Use of Environment Agency Information for Flood Risk Assessments

Important The Environment Agency are keen to work with partners to enable development which is resilient to flooding for its lifetime and provides wider benefits to communities. If you have requested this information to help inform a development proposal, then we recommend engaging with us as early as possible by using the pre-application form available from our website: preliminary-opinion

We recognise the value of early engagement in development planning decisions. This allows complex issues to be discussed, innovative solutions to be developed that both enables new development and protects existing communities. Such engagement can often avoid delays in the planning process following planning application submission, by reaching agreements up- front. We offer a charged pre-application advice service for applicants who wish to discuss a development proposal.

We can also provide a preliminary opinion for free which will identify environmental constraints related to our responsibilities including flooding, waste, land contamination, water quality, biodiversity, navigation, pollution, water resources, foul drainage or Environmental Impact Assessment.

In preparing your planning application submission, you should refer to the Environment Agency’s Flood Risk Standing Advice and the Planning Practice Guidance for information about what flood risk assessment is needed for new development in the different Flood Zones. This information can be accessed via:

You should also consult the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment or other relevant materials produced by your local planning authority.

You should note that:

1. Information supplied by the Environment Agency may be used to assist in producing a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) where one is required, but does not constitute such an assessment on its own.

2. This information covers flood risk from main rivers and the sea, and you will need to consider other potential sources of flooding, such as groundwater or surface water runoff. Information produced by the local planning authority referred to above may assist here.

3. Where a planning application requires an FRA and this is not submitted or is deficient, the Environment Agency may raise an objection.

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA Order Reference:G2351314-3 Produced on:20 July 2018 COMMERCIALDW Drainage and Water Enquiry

The information in this document refers to: This document was ordered by:

Land At Lopham Road Searchflow Ltd East Harling 42 Kings Hill Avenue Norfolk Kings Hill NR1 62PU West Malling ME19 4AJ

Customer reference: 26691990000

This document was produced by: Geodesys, Osprey House, 1 Percy Road, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6SZ. For any queries relating to this report please contact our customer services team on 0800 085 8050, quoting order reference: G2351314-3.

Interpretation of Drainage and Water Search Appendix 1 of this report contains definitions of terms and expressions.

Enquiries and Responses The records were searched by Thomas Leigh (Anglian Water Services Limited trading as Geodesys) who has no, nor is likely to have, any personal or business relationship with any person involved in the sale of the property. The report was completed by Thomas Leigh (Anglian Water Services Limited trading as Geodesys) who has no, nor is likely to have, any personal or business relationship with any person involved in the sale of the property. This was requested on 19 July 2018 and completed on 20 July 2018

Geodesys, has a robust and uniformly efficient complaints process. Formal complaints and queries can be made, by telephone on 0800 085 8050, in writing to Geodesys, Osprey House, 1 Percy Road, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6SZ or by e-mail to [email protected]

Our standard terms and conditions for Commercial Drainage and Water Enquiries apply to this report. They are included in this search and are available on our website.

On 1 October 2011 ownership of private sewers and lateral drains changed in accordance with The WaterIndustry (schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Regulations 2011. The contents of this search may not reflect these changes. Please visit for more details.

Osprey House, 1 Percy Road, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire, PE29 6SZ DX 123730 Huntingdon 6 Tel: 0800 085 8050 Fax: 01480 323890

Geodesys Commercial Drainage & Water Enquiry:G2351314-3 Requested: 19 July 2018 Completed: 20 July 2018 Summary of Responses

Question Answer

1 Where relevant, please include a copy of an extract from the public sewer map Map Included

2 Where relevant, please include a copy of an extract from the map of waterworks Map Included

3 Does foul water from the property drain to a public sewer? Land/Plot

4 Does surface water from the property drain to a public sewer? Land/Plot

5 Is a surface water drainage charge payable? See Details

6 Does the public sewer map indicate any public sewer, disposal main or lateral drain within No the boundaries of the property?

6.1 Does the public sewer map indicate any public pumping station or any other ancillary No apparatus within the boundaries of the property?

7 Does the public sewer map indicate any public sewer within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of No any buildings within the property?

7.1 Does the public sewer map indicate any pumping station or any other ancillary apparatus No within 50 metres of any buildings within the property?

8 Are any sewers or lateral drains serving or which are proposed to serve the property the Land/Plot subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement?

9 Has a Sewerage Undertaker approved or been consulted about any plans to erect a Not Applicable building or extension on the property over or in the vicinity of a public sewer, disposal main or drain?

10 Is any building within the property at risk of internal flooding due to overloaded public No sewers?

11 Please state the distance from the property to the nearest boundary of the nearest See Details sewage treatment works

12 Is the property connected to mains water supply? Land/Plot

13 Are there any water mains, resource mains or discharge pipes within the boundaries of No the property?

14 Is any water main or service pipe serving, or which is proposed to serve the property, the No subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement?

15 Is the property at risk of receiving low water pressure or flow? No

16 What is the classification of the water supply for the property? See Details

17 Please include details of the location of any water meter serving the property See Details

18.1 Who is responsible for providing the sewerage services for the property? Anglian Water Services Limited

18.2 Who is responsible for providing the water services for the property? Anglian Water Services Limited

19 Who bills the property for sewerage services? See Details

20 Who bills the property for water services? See Details

21 Is there a meter installed at the property? Land/Plot

22 Is there any easement giving Anglian Water the right of access to defined assets located No within the boundary of the property?

23 Are there any trade effluent consents relating to this site/property No

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU, Geodesys Commercial Drainage & Water Enquiry:G2351314-3 Requested: 19 July 2018 Completed: 20 July 2018

Did you know? Geodesys is a trusted brand providing a full range of conveyancing searches for residential and commercial properties throughout England and Wales.

Geodesys, a trading name of Anglian Water Services Limited, is responsible in respect of the following: (i) any negligent or incorrect entry in the records searched. (ii) any negligent or incorrect interpretation of the records searched. (iii) any negligent or incorrect recording of that interpretation in the search report. (iv) compensation payments.

Professional Standards

Geodesys is an executive member of CoPSO (Council of Property Search Organisations), the trade association working towards a more efficient and effective market for searches.

We also comply with the rules set out in the PCCB (Property Codes Compliance Board) Search Code, a code of practice that ensures the delivery of high quality products across the property search industry. See Appendix 4 for more information.

Geodesys have a robust complaints procedure in place. If we cannot resolve your complaint or have failed to comply with our process, you may refer your complaint under The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs). Further information can be found in Appendix 4.

Geodesys is certified to ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 22301 (Business Continuity) management systems by LRQA. This helps ensure that we minimise any systems downtime by having plans in place for dealing with the unexpected and managing risk.

Private Sewer Transfer On 1 October 2011 ownership of private sewers and lateral drains changed in accordance with The Water Industry (schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Regulations 2011. As part of this change of ownership, from 1 October 2016, many private pumping stations will also become the responsibility of Anglian Water. The contents of this search may not reflect these changes. Please visit for more details. Further information is also supplied in Appendix 3.

Mapping Services Through our sister brand, digdat, we also offer an online mapping service providing: 1. Ordnance Survey maps (ideal for unregistered land); 2. Location plans of underground assets for various utilities including Anglian Water and Hartlepool Water. Find out more at

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU, Question 1 Where relevant, please include a copy of an extract from the public sewer map

Answer A copy of an extract of the public sewer map is included, showing the public sewers, disposal mains and lateral drains in the vicinity of the property.

Informative Public Sewers are defined as those for which the Sewerage Undertaker holds statutory responsibility under the Water Industry Act 1991. Anglian Water Services Limited is not generally responsible for rivers, watercourses, ponds, culverts or highway drains. If any of these are shown on the copy extract they are shown for information only. An extract from the public sewer map is enclosed. This will show known public sewers in the vicinity of the property and it should be possible to estimate the likely length and route of any private drains and/or sewers connecting the property to the public sewerage system. Assets other than public sewers may be shown on the copy extract for information.

Question 2 Where relevant, please include a copy of an extract from the map of waterworks

Answer A copy of an extract of the map of waterworks is included, showing water mains, resource mains or discharge pipes in the vicinity of the property.

Informative The map of the waterworks has been supplied by: Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Huntingdon Cambs PE29 6XU Tel: 03457 145 145 The 'water mains' in this context are those which are vested in and maintainable by the water company under statute. Assets other than public water mains may be shown on the plan, for information only. Water companies are not responsible for private supply pipes connecting the property to the public water main and do not hold details of these. These may pass through land outside of the control of the seller, or may be shared with adjacent properties. The buyer may wish to investigate whether separate rights or easements are needed for their inspection, repair or renewal, please refer to Question 23. The enclosed extract of the public water main record shows known public water mains in the vicinity of the property. It should be possible to estimate the likely length and route of any private water supply pipe connecting the property to the public water network.

Question 3 Does foul water from the property drain to a public sewer?

Answer This enquiry appears to relate to a plot of land or a recently built property. It is recommended that drainage proposals are checked with the developer.

Informative Anglian Water Services Limited is not responsible for any private drains and sewers that connect the property to the public sewerage system, and does not hold details of these. The property owner will normally have sole responsibility for private drains serving the property. If foul water does not drain to the public sewerage system the property may have private facilities in the form of a cesspit, septic tank or other type of treatment plant. An extract from the public sewer map is enclosed. This will show known public sewers in the vicinity of the property and it should be possible to estimate the likely length and route of any private drains and/or sewers connecting the property to the public sewerage system.

Question 4 Does surface water from the property drain to a public sewer?

Answer This enquiry appears to relate to a plot of land or a recently built property. It is recommended that drainage proposals are checked with the developer. If the property was constructed after 6th April 2015 the Surface Water drainage may be served by a Sustainable Drainage System. Further information may be available from the Developer or Question 3.3 of the CON29 from the local authority. Question 5 Is a surface water drainage charge payable?

Answer Records indicate that a surface water drainage charge is not payable for the property. If the property was constructed after 6th April 2015 the Surface Water drainage may be served by a Sustainable Drainage System. Further information may be available from the Developer or Question 3.3 of the CON29 from the local authority.

Informative Where surface water from a property does not drain to the public sewerage system no surface water drainage charges are payable. Where surface water charges are payable but upon inspection the property owners believe that surface water does not drain to the public sewerage system, an application can be made your retailer to end future surface water charges by contacting them directly. Further information can be found on retailers by visiting the Open Water website:

Question 6 Does the public sewer map indicate any public sewer, disposal main or lateral drain within the boundaries of the property?

Answer The public sewer map included indicates that there are no public sewers, disposal mains or lateral drains within the boundaries of the property. However, on 1 October 2011, private sewers that serve a single property and lie outside the boundary of that property, were transferred into public ownership. Therefore there may be additional public sewers, disposal mains or lateral drains which are not recorded on the public sewer map but which may prevent or restrict development of the property.

Informative The boundary of the property has been determined by reference to the Ordnance Survey record. The presence of a public sewer running within the boundary may restrict further development. Anglian Water has a statutory right of access to carry out work on its assets, subject to notice. This may result in employees of the company or its contractors needing to enter the property to carry out work. Sewers indicated on the extract of the public sewer map as being subject to an agreement under Section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991 are not an 'as constructed' record. It is recommended that these details are checked with the developer, if any.

Question 6.1 Does the public sewer map indicate any public pumping station or any other ancillary apparatus within the boundaries of the property?

Answer The public sewer map included indicates that there is no public pumping station within the boundaries of the property. Any other ancillary apparatus is shown on the public sewer map and referenced on the legend.

Informative Only private pumping stations installed before 1 July 2011 and servicing 2 or more properties will be transferred into the ownership of Anglian Water Services. Pumping stations installed after 1 July 2011 will remain the responsibility of the homeowners unless they are the subject of an adoption agreement. Anglian Water Services will have rights of access to maintain their assets which is anticipated to be completed on a 12 monthly basis which will be reviewed dependent on monitoring and performance. Further information can be found on the pumping station adoption in the appendices of the COMMERCIALDW.

Question 7 Does the public sewer map indicate any public sewer within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of any buildings within the property?

Answer The public sewer map indicates that there are no public sewers within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of a building within the property. However, it has not always been a requirement for such public sewers to be recorded on the public sewer map. It is therefore possible for unidentified sewers or public sewers to exist within the boundaries of the property. However, on 1 October 2011 private sewers were transferred into public ownership, therefore there may be additional lateral drains and/or public sewers which are not recorded on the public sewer map but are also within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of a building within the property.

Informative The measure is estimated from the Ordnance Survey record, between any building within the boundary of the property and the nearest public sewer. Sewers indicated on the extract of the public sewer map as being subject to an agreement under Section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991 are not an 'as constructed' record. It is recommended that these details are checked with the developer. Question 7.1 Does the public sewer map indicate any pumping station or any other ancillary apparatus within 50 metres of any buildings within the property?

Answer The public sewer map included indicates that there is no public pumping station within 50 metres of any buildings within the property. Any other ancillary apparatus is shown on the public sewer map and referenced on the legend.

Informative Only private pumping stations installed before 1 July 2011 and servicing 2 or more properties will be transferred into the ownership of Anglian Water Services. Pumping stations installed after 1 July 2011 will remain the responsibility of the homeowners unless they are the subject of an adoption agreement. Anglian Water Services will have rights of access to maintain their assets which is anticipated to be completed on a 12 monthly basis which will be reviewed dependent on monitoring and performance. Further information can be found on the pumping station adoption in the appendices of the COMMERCIALDW.

Question 8 Are any sewers or lateral drains serving or which are proposed to serve the property the subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement?

Answer Records confirm that sewers serving the development, of which the property forms part, are not the subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement.

Informative This enquiry is of interest to purchasers of new properties who will want to know whether or not the property will be linked to a public sewer. Where the property is part of a very recent or ongoing development and the sewers are not the subject of an adoption application, buyers should consult with the developer to ascertain the extent of public drains and sewers for which they will hold maintenance and renewal liabilities.

Question 9 Has a Sewerage Undertaker approved or been consulted about any plans to erect a building or extension on the property over or in the vicinity of a public sewer, disposal main or drain?

Answer The company's records confirm that there is not a statutory agreement or consent in respect of building over/near a public sewer at this property. For historical reasons the company may not be aware of some agreements or consents which have been entered into by the local authority. Whilst an 'agreement' may not exist, current Building Regulation guidance permits building over/near sewers in certain circumstances. Consent without an agreement may have been issued by Anglian Water or independently by the Building Control Body. As long as the extension has a valid building regulations certificate then this should prove adequate assurance to the purchaser.

Informative Anglian Water Services Limited is obliged to maintain its sewers. If any problem were to arise, Anglian Water Services Limited would investigate the problem and has a statutory right of access to carry out work on its assets, subject to notice. This may result in employees of the company or its contractors needing to enter the property. In advance of any problem it is difficult to predict the effect the works would have on the property. Similarly, the position as to liability of both the property owner and Anglian Water Services Limited would need to be ascertained. On 1 October 2011 private sewers were transferred into public ownership, therefore there may be additional public sewers, disposal mains or lateral drains which are not recorded on the public sewer map but which may further prevent or restrict development of the property. Question 10 Is any building within the property at risk of internal flooding due to overloaded public sewers?

Answer The property is not recorded as being at risk of internal flooding due to overloaded public sewers. On 1 October 2011 private sewers, disposal mains and lateral drains were transferred into public ownership. It is therefore possible that a property may be at risk of internal flooding due to an overloaded public sewer which Anglian Water may not be aware of. For further information it is recommended that enquiries are made of the vendor as to any previous flooding occurances.

Informative A sewer is "overloaded" when the flow from a storm is unable to pass through it due to a permanent problem (eg. Flat gradient, small diameter). Flooding as a result of temporary problems such as blockage, siltation, collapses, and equipment or operational failures are excluded. "Internal flooding" from public sewers is defined as flooding which enters a building or passes below a suspended floor. For reporting purposes, buildings are restricted to those normally occupied and used for residential, public, commercial, business or industrial purposes. "At Risk" properties are those that the water company has included in its Register of properties at risk of sewer flooding. These are defined as properties that have suffered flooding from public foul, combined or surface water sewers due to overloading of the sewerage system more frequently than the relevant reference period (either once or twice in ten years) as determined by the Company's reporting procedure. Flooding as a result of storm events proven to be exceptional and beyond the reference period of one in ten years are not included on the Flood Risk register. Properties may be at risk of flooding but not included on the Register where flooding incidents have not been reported to the company. Public sewers are defined as those for which the company holds statutory responsibility under the Water Industry Act 1991. It should be noted that flooding can occur from private sewers and drains which are not the responsibility of Anglian Water Services Limited. This report excluded flooding from private sewers and drains and Anglian Water Services Limited makes no comment upon this matter. For reporting purposes buildings are restricted to those normally occupied and used for residential, public, commercial, business or industrial purposes.

Question 11 Please state the distance from the property to the nearest boundary of the nearest sewage treatment works

Answer The nearest sewage treatment works is 2.77 kilometres to the North East of the property. The name of the sewage treatment works is EAST HARLING STW (Anglian Water Services Ltd).

Informative The nearest sewage treatment works will not always be the sewage treatment works serving the catchment within which the property is situated. The Sewerage Undertaker's records were inspected to determine the nearest sewage treatment works. It should be noted, therefore, that there may be a private sewage treatment works closer than the one detailed above that has not been identified.

Question 12 Is the property connected to mains water supply?

Answer This enquiry appears to relate to a plot of land or a recently built property. It is recommended that the water supply proposals are checked with the developer.

Question 13 Are there any water mains, resource mains or discharge pipes within the boundaries of the property?

Answer The map of waterworks does not indicate any water mains, resource mains or discharge pipes within the boundaries of the property.

Informative The boundary of the property has been determined by reference to the Ordnance Survey record.

Question 14 Is any water main or service pipe serving, or which is proposed to serve the property, the subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement?

Answer Records confirm that water mains or service pipes serving the property are not the subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement.

Informative This enquiry is of interest to purchasers of properties who will want to know whether or not the property will be linked to the mains water supply. Please note this could relate to a piece of land and is not subject to an adoption agreement. Question 15 Is the property at risk of receiving low water pressure or flow?

Answer Records confirm that the property is not recorded on a register kept by the water undertaker as being at risk of receiving low water pressure or flow.

Informative "Low water pressure" means water pressure below the reference level which is the minimum pressure when demand on the system is not abnormal. We maintain a Low Pressure Register of properties that are at risk of persistently receiving pressure below the reference level, provided that allowable exclusions do not apply. (i.e. events which can cause pressure to temporarily fall below the reference level). Water Companies are required to include in the Regulatory Register that is reported annually to the Director General of Water Services properties receiving pressure below the reference level, provided that allowable exclusions do not apply. (i.e. events which can cause pressure to temporarily fall below the reference level). The reference level of service is a flow of 9 litres/minute at a pressure of 10 metres head on the customer's side of the main stop tap (mst). The reference level of service must be applied on the customer's side of a meter or any other company fittings that are on the customer's side of the main stop tap. The reference level applies to a single property. Where more than one property is served by a common service pipe, the flow assumed in the reference level must be appropriately increased to take account of the total number of properties served. For two properties, a flow of 18 litres/minute at a pressure of 10 metres head on the customers' side of the mst is appropriate. For three or more properties the appropriate flow should be calculated from the standard loadings provided in BS6700 or Institute of Plumbing handbook. Allowable exclusions: The Company includes in the Low Pressure Register properties receiving pressure below the reference level, provided that allowable exclusions listed below do not apply. Abnormal demand: This exclusion is intended to cover abnormal peaks in demand and not the daily, weekly or monthly peaks in demand which are normally expected. We exclude properties which are affected by low pressure only on those days with the highest peak demands. During the report year we may exclude, for each property, up to five days of low pressure caused by peak demand. Planned maintenance: We do not report low pressures caused by planned maintenance. One-off incidents: This exclusion covers low pressure incidents caused by one-off events: mains bursts; failures of company equipment (such as PRVs or booster pumps); firefighting; and action by a third part. Low pressure incident of a short duration: Properties affected by low pressure which only occur for a short period, and for which there is evidence that incidents of a longer duration would not occur during the course of the year.

Question 16 What is the classification of the water supply for the property?

Answer The water supplied to the property has an average water hardness of 114.500000mg/l which is defined as Hard by Anglian Water Services Limited.

Informative Water hardness can be expressed in various indices for example the hardness settings for dishwashers are commonly expressed in Clark's degrees, but check with the manufacturer as there are also other units. The following table shows the normal ranges of hardness.

Calcium mmol/l Calcium (mg/l Carbonate Degrees Degrees (Millimoles of Classification or ppm) (mg/l or ppm) Degrees Clark French German ca/l) Hard 114.500000 286.200000 20.000000 28.600000 16.000000 2.900000

Question 17 Please include details of the location of any water meter serving the property

Answer Records indicate that this enquiry relates to a plot of land or recently built property. It is recommended that the charging proposals are checked with the developer.

Question Who is responsible for providing the sewerage services for the property? 18.1

Answer Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Huntingdon Cambs PE29 6XU Tel: 03457 145 145 Question Who is responsible for providing the water services for the property? 18.2

Answer Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Huntingdon Cambs PE29 6XU Tel: 03457 145 145

Question 19 Who bills the property for sewerage services?

Answer If you wish to know who bills for sewerage services at the property, then please make enquiries with the Developer, Vendor or land agent. For a list of all potential Retailers for sewerage services, please visit:

Question 20 Who bills the property for water services?

Answer If you wish to know who bills for water services at the property, then please make the relevant enquiries with the Developer, Vendor or Land Agent. For a list of all potential Retailers for water services, please visit:

Question 21 Is there a meter installed at the property?

Answer Records indicate that this enquiry relates to a plot of land or a recently built property.

Informative Water and sewerage charges are determined by agreement between the current owner/occupier of the site/property and the incumbent Retailer. Further relevant enquiries should be sought from the Vendor. Fees may be applicable for the installation of a water meter at the property. Enquiries in relation to future charging of services on occupancy of the premise should be made with the existing Retailer. For further information in relation to potential retailers for water and sewerage services, please visit: Question 22 Is there any easement giving Anglian Water the right of access to defined assets located within the boundary of the property?

Answer Records indicate that the property is not subject to such an agreement.

Informative This question relates to private agreements between Anglian Water acting in a private capacity and a landowner. Such contracts may often be part of a conveyance or land transfer, or a deed of grant of easement. If there is no formal easement, then a sewer or water main may have been constructed following the service of notice under the provisions of the Public Health Act 1936, Water Act 1945, Water Act 1989 or Water Industry Act 1991 as applicable. The company does not hold copies of these notices. However, in the absence of evidence to the contrary there is a legal presumption that all matters were properly dealt with. All rights and obligations relating to sewers and water mains are now covered by the Water Industry Act 1991. Where rights exist at the boundary of the property, but we are not sure of the exact correlation, we will answer 'yes' to this question. A documentary right can exist even if the physical asset itself has not yet been laid, or has been moved, or removed. Likewise the position of the right and of the asset may differ. You may also find that an asset is protected both with contractual rights and statutory rights. Please consult your solicitor as to why this may happen, and its effects. We refer to 'defined' assets for the following reasons: Often a contract may give Anglian Water an expressed right to install and maintain assets within an area but without stating the exact position or route of such assets. Also, the law may imply rights where none have been mentioned specifically in a related contract, such as a conveyance. Finally, rights may come into being through long use. In any of these cases the rights are undefined, and although Anglian Water may need to rely on them from time to time, as we cannot map the rights accurately, we will answer 'no' to this question. Information obtainable from physical inspection (including Trial Bore Holes) overides information contained in the report. Any error in answering this question is not to be regarded as a waiver of Anglian Water's rights or title, or an agreement or representation that Anglian Water is prepared to vary or discharge any of its rights or title.

As a general rule, easement widths are as follows:

Pipe Diameter Width or Strip Up to 149mm 4.5m 150 - 449mm 6.0m 450 - 749mm 9.0m 750 and above 12.0m

If you require a copy of an agreement please contact Savills, Trinity Court, Trinity Street, , PE1 1DA. A fee may be charged for this service. Please quote the date of the Report plus the Report Reference. You may also make contact either by telephone on 01733 209932 or by email to [email protected]

Question 23 Are there any trade effluent consents relating to this site/property

Answer Records indicate that there are no trade effluent consents relating to this site/property.

Informative The Trade effluent consent applies to premises in the vicinity of the premises the subject of this search, but it is for the applicant to satisfy itself as to the suitability of the consent for its client's requirements. If, in the case of any trade premises, any trade effluent is discharged without such consent or other authorisation, the occupier of the premises shall be guilty of an offence. The occupier of any trade premises in the area of Anglian Water Services Limited may only discharge any trade effluent proceeding from those premises into Anglian Water Services Limited's sewers if he does so with Anglian Water Services Limited's consent. Please note any existing consent is dependant on the business being carried out at the property and will not transfer automatically upon change of ownership. To view trade effluent consents and/or our database for free please contact the following: Environmental Standards Team, Environmental Regulation, Lancaster House, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 6XU or email: [email protected]. Alternatively, you may request in writing document copies and/or extracts from our database for a fee. The charges for the provision of this service are as follows: 10 pence per sheet for photocopying,and/or 25 pounds per hour, or a fraction thereof, for dealing with the enquiry. Note: VAT does not apply for this service. Geodesys Commercial Drainage & Water Enquiry:G2351314-3 Requested: 19 July 2018 Completed: 20 July 2018 Appendix 1: General Interpretation

(1) In this Schedule- "the 1991 Act" means the Water Industry Act 1991(a); "the 2000 Regulations" means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000(b); "the 2001 Regulations" means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001(c); "adoption agreement" means an agreement made or to be made under Section 51A(1) or 104(1) of the 1991 Act (d); "bond" means a surety granted by a developer who is a party to an adoption agreement; "bond waiver" means an agreement with a developer for the provision of a form of financial security as a substitute for a bond; "calendar year" means the twelve months ending with 31st December; "discharge pipe" means a pipe from which discharges are made or are to be made under Section 165(1) of the 1991 Act; "disposal main" means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) any outfall pipe or other pipe which- (a) is a pipe for the conveyance of effluent to or from any sewage disposal works, whether of a sewerage undertaker or of any other person; and (b) is not a public sewer; "drain" means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) a drain used for the drainage of one building or any buildings or yards appurtenant to buildings within the same curtilage; "easement" means the rights relating to a pipe or pipes granted to the water undertaker or sewerage undertaker by an agreement. This is to be distinguished from statutory rights arising from the service of a statutory notice; "effluent" means any liquid, including particles of matter and other substances in suspension in the liquid; "financial year" means the twelve months ending with 31st March; "lateral drain" means- (a) that part of a drain which runs from the curtilage of a building (or buildings or yards within the same curtilage) to the sewer with which the drain communicates or is to communicate; or (b) (if different and the context so requires) the part of a drain identified in a declaration of vesting made under Section 102 of the 1991 Act or in an agreement made under Section 104 of that Act (e); "licensed water supplier" means a company which is the holder for the time being of a water supply licence under Section 17A(1) of the 1991 Act(f); "maintenance period" means the period so specified in an adoption agreement as a period of time- (a) from the date of issue of a certificate by a sewerage undertaker to the effect that a developer has built (or substantially built) a private sewer or lateral drain to that undertaker's satisfaction; and (b) until the date that private sewer or lateral drain is vested in the sewerage undertaker; "non-household premises" means premises used, or intended for use, for commercial purposes; "map of waterworks" means the map made available under section 198(3) of the 1991 Act (g) in relation to the information specified in subsection (1A); "private sewer" means a pipe or pipes which drain foul or surface water, or both, from premises, and are not vested in a sewerage undertaker; "public sewer" means, subject to Section 106(1A) of the 1991 Act(h), a sewer for the time being vested in a sewerage undertaker in its capacity as such, whether vested in that undertaker- (a) by virtue of a scheme under Schedule 2 to the Water Act 1989(i); (b) by virtue of a scheme under Schedule 2 to the 1991 Act (j); (c) under Section 179 of the 1991 Act (k); or (d) otherwise; "public sewer map" means the map made available under Section 199(5) of the 1991 Act (l); "resource main" means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) any pipe, not being a trunk main, which is or is to be used for the purpose of- (a) conveying water from one source of supply to another, from a source of supply to a regulating reservoir or from a regulating reservoir to a source of supply; or (b) giving or taking a supply of water in bulk; "sewerage services" includes the collection and disposal of foul and surface water and any other services which are required to be provided by a sewerage undertaker for the purpose of carrying out its functions; "Sewerage Undertaker" means the Company appointed to be the sewerage undertaker under Section 6(1) of the 1991 Act for the area in which the property is or will be situated; "surface water" includes water from roofs and other impermeable surfaces within the curtilage of the property; "trade effluent" means any effluent which is wholly or partly produced in the course of any trade or industry carried on at trade premises; "water main" means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) any pipe, not being a pipe for the time being vested in a person other than the water undertaker, which is used or to be used by a water undertaker or licensed water supplier for the purpose of making a general supply of water available to customers or potential customers of the undertaker or supplier, as distinct from for the purpose of providing a supply to particular customers; "water meter" means any apparatus for measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from any premises; "water supplier" means the Company supplying water in the water supply zone, whether a water undertaker or licensed water supplier; "water supply zone" means the names and areas designated by a water undertaker within its area of supply that are to be its water supply zones for that year; and "Water Undertaker" means the Company appointed to be the water undertaker under Section 6(1) of the 1991 Act for the area in which the property is or will be situated.

(2) In this Schedule, references to a pipe, including references to a main, a drain or a sewer, shall include references to a tunnel or conduit which serves or is to serve as the pipe in question and to any accessories for the pipe. (a) 1991 c.56. (b) S.I. 2000/3184. These Regulations apply in relation to England. (c) S.I. 2001/3911. These Regulations apply in relation to Wales. (d) Section 51A was inserted by Section 92(2) of the Water Act 2003 (c. 37). Section 104(1) was amended by Section 96(4) of that Act. (e) Various amendments have been made to Sections 102 and 104 by section 96 of the Water Act 2003. (f) Inserted by Section 56 of and Schedule 4 to the Water Act 2003. (g) Subsection (1A) was inserted by Section 92(5) of the Water Act 2003. (h) Section 106(1A) was inserted by Section 99 of the Water Act 2003. (i) 1989 c.15. (j) To which there are various amendments made by Section 101(1) of and Schedule 8 to the Water Act 2003. (k) To which there are various amendments made by Section 101(1) of and Schedule 8 to the Water Act 2003. (l) Section 199 was amended by Section 97(1) and (8) of the Water Act 2003.

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU, APPENDIX 3: Some things you should know...

Private Sewer Transfer In October 2011, Anglian Water became responsible for looking after many sewers and pipes that take used water from your toilets and sinks. This was due to a change in the law. If your client's property is connected to the public sewer system, Anglian Water are now responsible for the pipes that are outside the boundary of the property and, depending on the property type, they may be responsible for pipes inside the boundary. Simply put, Anglian Water became responsible for an estimated 23,500km of additional sewers and drains which were previously looked after and maintained by our customers. To put that in context, it is an increase of 60 percent on what Anglian Water already owned. Previously if there was a blockage in a sewer outside the boundary of the homeowners property, but connecting to the main sewer, the homeowner was probably responsible for sorting it out Now, the homeowner is only responsible for pipes that are inside the property boundary that take the used water for recycling. To find out more visit, or call 0845 026 5232. Who should unblock or report a drain or sewer? If there is a blockage or a repair is needed to a pipe, that is not connected to the sewers, or is within the boundary and only serves that property, then the homeowner is responsible for it. If the problem is with a section of pipe that takes water from more than one property and connected to the public sewer system, it is the responsibility of Anglian Water. Please contact the team on 03457 145 145. Sewers owned by Anglian Water For sewers that have been adopted as a public sewer, or were built before 1 October 1937, then Anglian Water is responsible for sorting it out. Please call to report it on 03457 145 145. More information about sewers and drains is available on the Anglian Water website. The picture below shows examples of responsibility for different property types.

Terraced properties It is common for terraced properties to have a public sewer passing within the property boundary. The only section of the sewer which would remain private is the end of the terrace where the run of the sewer would begin. Where the sewer is shared, the water company would be responsible for the maintenance. The property owner would only be responsible for the lateral drain leading to the public sewer. Semi-detached The majority of semi-detached properties will share a connection. The section of the sewer which serves both properties will have been transferred into the ownership of the water company. Detached These property types are most likely to connect directly to the public sewer. It is very unlikely that assets within the boundary of the property would be transferred into the ownership of the water company. The homeowner would be responsible for the connection up to the property boundary. Apartment/Flats Shared drainage systems within a property curtilage will remain private. Any drains and sewers outside the boundary will have been transferred.

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU, Pumping Stations After 1 October 2016, many private pumping stations became the responsibility of Anglian Water Services. Anglian Water Services are currently assessing each of these eligible pumping stations and carrying out detailed surveys and any necessary repairs. Details of power supply for the station will also be required to transfer the billing across to Anglian Water Services. If the station serves two or more properties, then it is eligible to transfer. A pumping station which serves a single property is exempt from the transfer and will generally remain private unless it is situated on third-party land. Once Anglian Water Services identify a station to adopt, they will write to the homeowner(s) to inform them of their intention to adopt which will include waivers of consent. Many industrial or commercial pumping stations will remain privately owned too on the basis that they are situated on a single site in what is deemed to be a single curtilage. Maintenance of pumping stations is anticipated to be completed on a 12 monthly basis which will be reviewed dependent on monitoring and performance. For further information on the private sewer transfer and pumping station adoption, please visit: SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) SuDS are an alternative way to manage surface water by reducing or delaying rainwater run-off. SuDS manage rainfall by replicating what happens in nature. They prevent many of the problems caused by surface water run-off from development by reducing the impact of excessive quantities of water flow. They aim to mimic the way rainfall drains naturally rather than conventional piped methods, which cause problems such as flooding, pollution or damage to the environment. Since April 2015, SuDS should be considered as part of the planning process on all major developments consisting of 10 or more properties. SuDS can be provided in a number of ways including swales, retention ponds and underground storage. Ponds and detention basins provide areas for surface water to run off into, while permeable paving on driveways can absorb it, limiting the flow into nearby drains and easing the pressure on the sewer network. Swales are shallow, broad, vegetated channels designed to store surface water run-off and remove pollutants. Further information in relation to the charging and maintenance of SuDS can be found in question 3.3 in the Local Authority search or the developer of your property. Anglian Water Services promote the use of SuDS as a sustainable and natural way of controlling surface water run-off. A guide on who looks after what... Although it is often interconnected, our regions network of drains and sewers is managed and maintained by a number of different organisations and agencies. Some useful contacts: For supply queries Water and sewerage queries, interruption to services and emergencies 03457 145 145 24/7 service In Your Area Select the link to get the latest updates on repairs, incidents or planned work in your area.

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU, APPENDIX 4: Important Consumer Protection Information This search has been produced by Geodesys, a trading name of Anglian Water Services Ltd. Our address is - Osprey House, 1 Percy Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 6SZ. To contact us - Tel 0800 085 8050 or email [email protected]. Geodesys is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) as a subscriber to the Search Code. The PCCB independently monitors how registered search firms maintain compliance with the Code. You can get more information about the PCCB from

The Search Code: - provides protection for homebuyers, sellers, estate agents, conveyancers and mortgage lenders who rely on the information included in property search reports undertaken by subscribers on residential property and commercial property within the - sets out minimum standards which firms compiling and selling search reports have to meet - promotes the best practice and quality standards with the industry for the benefit of consumers and property professionals - enables consumers and property professionals to have confidence in firms which subscribe to the Code, their products and services By giving you this information, Geodesys is confirming that they keep to the principles of the Code. This provides important protection to you. The Code's core principles Firms which subscribe to the Search Code will: - display the Code logo prominently on their search reports - act with integrity and carry out work with due skill, care and diligence - at all times maintain adequate and appropriate insurance to protect consumers - conduct business in an honest, fair and professional manner - handle complaints speedily and fairly - ensure that all search services comply with the law, registration rules and standards - monitor their compliance with the Code Please email [email protected] if you would like a copy of the Search Code Complaints Whilst we make every effort to ensure that all our searches are accurate and dispatched in a timely way, we understand that occasionally things may not go as planned. If you have a query or complaint about your search, you should raise it directly with us, and if appropriate ask for any complaint to be considered under our formal internal complaints procedure. We will always try to resolve a query or complaint immediately. If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman Scheme (TPOS). The Ombudsman can award up to £5,000 to you if the Ombudsman finds that you have suffered actual financial loss and/or aggravation, distress or inconvenience as a result of Geodesys failing to keep to the Code.

If it is not possible to resolve your complaint immediately, we will: - take all of the details and investigate your complaint under our formal complaints procedure. If we do not contact you within 5 working days of you raising the complaint, you will be entitled to £50 compensation - always aim to resolve a complaint fully and in writing within 5 working days, but no later than 20 working days of receipt - keep you informed by letter, telephone or email as you prefer should we need more time to resolve the matter - provide a final response, in writing, at the latest within 40 working days of receipt - liaise, at your request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf

If we consider your complaint to be justified we will: - refund your search fee - provide you with a revised search - take all action within our control to put things right

Complaints should be sent to: Customer Services, Geodesys, Osprey House, 1 Percy Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 6SZ, Tel: 0800 085 8050, Email: [email protected] If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman Scheme (TPOS). TPOs Contact Details: The Property Ombudsman scheme Milford House Telephone: 01722 333306 43-55 Fax: 01722 332296 Milford Street Website: Salisbury Email: [email protected] SP1 2BP

We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with his final decision.

Order Ref:G2351314-3 Land At Lopham Road, East Harling, Norfolk, NR1 62PU,

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA N

(c) Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100022432 Date: 20/07/18 Scale: 1:2500 Map Centre: 599615,285663 Title: G2351314-3 Water Main (Potable) Hydrant

Decommissioned Water

Water Main (Raw) Fitting

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main, discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. This plan is produced by Anglian Water Services Limited (c) Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100022432.This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only. Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence. N

(c) Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100022432 Date: 20/07/18 Scale: 1:2500 Map Centre: 599615,285663 Title: G2351314-3 Public Sewage Treatment Works Foul Sewer Decommissioned Sewer Manhole (colour denotes effluent type) (colour denotes effluent type) Surface Sewer Private Sewer Public Pumping Station Private Sewage Treatment Works (colour denotes effluent type) Outfall Combined Sewer Rising Main Private Pumping Station (colour denotes effluent type) Final Effluent Decommissioned Pumping Station Inlet

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main, discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. This plan is produced by Anglian Water Services Limited (c) Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100022432.This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only. Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence. Manhole Reference Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert Manhole Reference Liquid Type Cover Level Invert Level Depth to Invert

4701 F 22.127 20.757 1.37 7953 S 26.04 22.633 3.407 4702 F 22.781 21.336 1.445 8751 S 26.636 21.603 5.033 4801 F 21.537 20.175 1.362 8752 S 26.686 21.693 4.993 4901 F 21.284 19.58 1.704 8851 S 27.834 22.093 5.741 4902 F 21.223 19.794 1.429 8852 S 27.79 22.165 5.625 5801 F 22.476 20.595 1.881 8952 S 26.716 24.334 2.382 5802 F 22.891 21.397 1.494 8953 S 27.289 24.806 2.483 6801 F 24.176 22.427 1.749 8954 S 26.917 22.429 4.488 6902 F - - - 9951 S 27.41 24.984 2.426 6903 F - - - 9952 S 27.54 25.11 2.43 7701 F 25.847 24.475 1.372 7801 F 25.378 23.662 1.716 7802 F - - - 7803 F - - - 7901 F - - - 7902 F - - - 7903 F - - - 7904 F - - - 8701 F 26.64 25.359 1.281 8702 F - - - 8703 F - - - 8704 F - - - 8705 F - - - 8801 F - - - 8802 F - - - 8803 F - - - 8804 F - - - 8805 F - - - 8806 F - - - 8903 F 27.254 25.747 1.507 9600 F - - - 9601 F - - - 9602 F - - - 9603 F - - - 9604 F - - - 9801 F - - - 9802 F - - - 9803 F - - - 9804 F - - - 9901 F 27.392 25.873 1.519 9902 F 27.531 25.987 1.544 4952 S 21.35 18.984 2.366 4953 S 21.249 18.944 2.305 5851 S 22.64 19.934 2.706 6851 S 23.6 20.751 2.849 7852 S 25.261 21.207 4.054 7853 S 25.1 21.083 4.017 7952 S 25.2 22.793 2.407

Title: G2351314-3 This page has been left blank intentionally

Gladman Developments Ltd Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA Drinking Water Quality Report for the East Harling Public Water Supply Zone (NE40)

Report period: January 2018 to March 2018 Your drinking water supply Anglian Water’s region is divided into around 160 water supply areas called Public Water Supply Zones, each providing our customers with an excellent drinking water supply. We carry out around 140,000 tests each year on drinking water samples taken from customer taps. The number of drinking water samples we take, and the tests we carry out, are specified in the current Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations and our regulator, the Drinking Water Inspectorate, carry out regular audits to make sure we comply with these regulations.

During the period of this report, all samples taken in this Public Water Supply Zone fully met the legal limits specified in the current Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations.

Source: Your drinking water supply comes from a groundwater source (borehole).

Hardness: Your drinking water supply is classified as hard. The hardness has been shown in different units below to help you set your domestic appliances:

Total hardness as Total hardness as Total hardness as Total hardness as Total hardness as Total hardness as Calcium (mg/l) Calcium carbonate (mg/l) Degrees Clark (°Clark or °e) Degrees French (°f) Degrees German (°dH) millimoles (mmol/l of Ca) 110.9 277.25 19.297 27.725 15.748 2.773

(mg/l = milligrammes per litre is the same as parts per million)

Fluoride: We don’t add fluoride to your drinking water supply, but there is naturally occurring fluoride present in all drinking water supplies.

Chlorine: Disinfection is important to ensure there are no harmful organisms in the water. We use chlorine to disinfect drinking water supplies. No ammonia is added in this process which means your water supply is not chloraminated.

Lead: If you live in a house built before 1970, you may have lead pipework. If you think you may have lead pipework, call our Lead Advice Line on 0345 070 3445 to arrange for a free lead test.

Work in your area: To make sure the quality of the drinking water we supply remains excellent, we sometimes need to carry out work to ensure we continue to meet the legal limits specified in the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 (as amended). This work is known as a Programme of Work. Our Regulator, the Drinking Water Inspectorate, closely monitors the progress of this work and will formally sign it off when it is completed. The table below shows what we are doing in the East Harling PWSZ:

Parameter Programme of Work Clopyralid and total pesticides Catchment management

Drinking water sample results: The results of tests carried out on drinking water samples taken from customer taps in this Public Water Supply Zone for the period are shown in the following table: Parameter Legal Limit Units Number of Sample Results Number of samples samples not Minimum Average Maximum taken meeting legal limit MICROBIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS Clostridium perfringens 0 No. per 100 ml 5 0 0 0 0 Coliform bacteria 0 No. per 100 ml 9 0 0 0 0 Colony counts (3 day at 22°C) No abnormal change No. per 1 ml 3 0 0 0 0 E. coli 0 No. per 100 ml 9 0 0 0 0 Enterococci 0 No. per 100 ml 2 0 0 0 0 CHEMICAL PARAMETERS 1,2-dichloroethane 3 µg/l 5 <0.164 <0.164 <0.164 0 Aluminium 200 µg/l 2 <14 <14 <14 0 Ammonium 0.5 mg/l 2 <0.042 <0.042 <0.042 0 Antimony 5 µg/l 2 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 0 Arsenic 10 µg/l 4 0.19 0.23 0.29 0 Benzene 1 µg/l 5 <0.078 <0.078 <0.078 0 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.01 µg/l 2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0 Boron 1 mg/l 5 <0.068 <0.068 <0.068 0 Bromate 10 µg/l 5 <0.35 <0.35 <0.35 0 Cadmium 5 µg/l 2 <0.007 <0.014 0.02 0 Chloride 250 mg/l 5 46.9 54.7 59.8 0 Chlorine (free) No legal Limit mg/l 9 0.23 0.34 0.42 0 Chlorine (total) No legal Limit mg/l 9 0.33 0.42 0.5 0 Chromium 50 µg/l 2 <0.673 <0.673 <0.673 0 Colour 20 mg/l 3 <0.34 <0.59 1.1 0 Conductivity 2500 µS/cm @ 20 °C 10 533 658 929 0 Copper 2 mg/l 2 0.016 0.212 0.407 0 Cyanide 50 µg/l 5 <1 <1 <1 0 Fluoride 1.5 mg/l 15 0.155 0.452 0.734 0 Hardness (total) as calcium No legal Limit mg/l 3 107.6 110.9 116 0 Iron 200 µg/l 2 <7 <7 <7 0 Lead 10 µg/l 2 <0.16 <0.175 0.189 0 Manganese 50 µg/l 2 <1 <1 <1 0 Mercury 1 µg/l 5 <0.029 <0.029 <0.029 0 Nickel 20 µg/l 2 0.97 1.13 1.28 0 Nitrate 50 mg/l 2 33.5 34.5 35.4 0 Nitrite 0.5 mg/l 2 <0.009 <0.009 <0.009 0 Nitrite/Nitrate 1 2 0.67 0.689 0.708 0 Odour Acceptable to consumers Dilution No. 6 0 0 0 0 and no abnormal change PAHs (sum of 4) 0.1 µg/l 2 0 0 0 0 pH (Hydrogen ion) 6.5 - 9.5 pH value 3 7.47 7.49 7.51 0 Selenium 10 µg/l 2 0.76 1.23 1.69 0 Sodium 200 mg/l 2 16.5 19.7 22.9 0 Solvents (tetrachloroethane and 10 µg/l 5 00 0 0 trichloroethene) Sulphate 250 mg/l 5 <9.317 <44.155 94.8 0 Taste Acceptable to consumers Dilution No. 5 0 0 0 0 and no abnormal change Tetrachloromethane 3 µg/l 5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0 Total organic carbon (TOC) No abnormal change mg/l 5 0.79 1.3 2.14 0 Turbidity 4 NTU 3 <0.013 <0.044 0.06 0 PESTICIDES Atrazine 0.1 µg/l 3 0.005 0.006 0.007 0 Bentazone 0.1 µg/l 4 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 0 Clopyralid 0.1 µg/l 5 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 0 Cyanazine 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0 Diuron 0.1 µg/l 1 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 0 Ethofumesate 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 0 Glyphosate 0.1 µg/l 2 0.003 0.005 0.007 0 MCPP (Mecoprop) 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0 Monuron 0.1 µg/l 1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.006 0 Pesticides - Total 0.5 µg/l 5 0 0.006 0.014 0 Prometryne 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0 Propazine 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0 Simazine 0.1 µg/l 3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0 Terbutryne 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.002 <0.003 <0.003 0 Trietazine 0.1 µg/l 2 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 0

Units < Below the limit of detection of our analysis mg/l Milligrammes per litre or parts per million µg/l Microgrammes per litre or parts per billion Pt/Co Platinum/Cobalt µS/cm Micro Siemens per centimetre Bq/l Becquerel per litre mSv/year Micro Sieverts per year NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units No legal limit There is no legal limit set in the Regulations


Parameter What it means Legal limit 1,2-dichloroethane Used in industrial processes. Trace amounts may be found in some water sources. 3 µg/l Removed by water treatment. Acrylamide A monomer not found naturally in water but found in polyacrylamide which can be used for 0.1 µg/l water treatment. Use of polyacrylamide is tightly controlled. Alkalinity Alkalinity is the amount of calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in the water. Known as No legal limit temporary hardness and removed by boiling. Aluminium Naturally present in some water sources. Can be used in water treatment processes but is 200 µg/l then removed. Anglian Water do not use aluminium in any water treatment process. Ammonium (ammonia and Naturally present in most water sources. Can be added as part of the disinfection process 0.5 mg/l ammonium ions) to maintain chlorine in the distribution system (known as chloramination). Antimony Not found naturally in drinking water. Traces found in water are likely to be due to contact 5 µg/l with brass fittings or lead solder. Arsenic Low levels can occur naturally in some groundwater sources. Arsenic is removed by water 10 µg/l treatment. Benzene Used in the petrochemical and plastics industry. May be present in water sources due to 1 µg/l industrial pollution but is removed by treatment. Benzo(a)pyrene One of several compounds known as poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Coal tar was 0.01 µg/l historically used to line water mains to prevent corrosion; trace levels can be found in drinking water where coal tar linings are still present. Boron Low levels may occur naturally in some water sources. Industrial discharges or detergents 1 mg/l in treated sewage effluents can increase levels in surface waters. Bromate May occasionally be detected in groundwater sources caused by industrial pollution. Can 10 µg/l also be formed by the reaction of naturally occurring bromide with oxidants (such as ozone) used in the disinfection of drinking water. Cadmium Low levels may occur naturally in some groundwater sources. Cadmium is removed by 5 µg/l water treatment. Calcium Occurs naturally in water as it passes through mineral deposits and rock strata. No legal limit Chloride A common component of salt and found naturally in most water sources. 250 mg/l Chlorine (free) Anglian Water disinfects all water supplies using chlorine. The concentration of chlorine No legal limit Chlorine (total) used is carefully controlled to ensure disinfection of the water is maintained whilst minimising any taste or odour issues for customers. Chromium Rarely found in drinking water. Traces may be found if water has passed through rock 50 µg/l strata containing naturally occurring chromium. Clostridium perfringens Organisms found in the gut of warm blooded animals. Their presence in treated water 0 per 100 ml indicates possible contamination and requires investigation. Coliform bacteria Organisms found in the environment (soil, water and vegetation). Their presence in treated 0 per 100 ml water indicates possible contamination and requires investigation. Colony counts Are a measure of naturally occurring harmless bacteria found in drinking water. No. per 1ml - No abnormal - 2 day at 37°C change - 3 day at 22°C Colour Slight tingeing of the water can occur naturally in some water sources. It is removed by 20 mg/l Pt/Co scale water treatment. Conductivity A measure of the amount of naturally occurring dissolved inorganic substances in water. 2500 µS/cm at 20°C Copper Rarely found in water sources. Can occur in drinking water which has been in contact with 2.0 mg/l copper pipes and fittings in households. May cause blue/green staining. Cryptosporidium A parasite that can cause severe gastroenteritis. Continuous monitoring is carried out at No legal limit any water treatment works classified as being at significant risk. Cyanide Rarely found in drinking water. Traces may be found if water has passed through rock 50 µg/l strata containing naturally occurring cyanide. E. coli and Organisms found in the gut of warm blooded animals. Their presence in treated water 0 per 100 ml Enterococci indicates possible contamination and requires investigation. Epichlorohydrin Not found naturally in water but found in polyamine which can be used for water treatment. 0.1 µg/l Use of polyamines is tightly controlled. Fluoride Occurs naturally in many water sources at varying concentrations. Fluoride is added to 1.5 mg/l some drinking water supplies at the request of the local Health Authority. Gross alpha activity Both of these are measured as part of the calculation of the Total Indicative Dose (TID) for 0.1 Bq/l Gross beta activity radiation (see below). 1 Bq/l Hardness (total) Hardness is due to the calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in the water. The geology No legal limit of the Anglian Water area means all our water is hard. Iron Naturally occurring in many water sources. Can be present in drinking water due to the 200 µg/l corrosion of iron water mains. Can also be used in water treatment processes but is then removed. Lead Lead is very occasionally found in water sources. It is more usually found in drinking water 10 µg/l due to contact with lead pipes in properties built before 1970. Anglian Water dose phosphate to water supplies in areas where lead could leach from pipework, but the only permanent solution for householders is replacement of any lead pipework. Magnesium Occurs naturally in water as it passes through mineral deposits and rock strata. No legal limit Manganese Occurs naturally in many water sources and is removed by water treatment. 50 µg/l Mercury Rarely found in drinking water. Traces may be found if water has passed through rock 1 µg/l strata containing naturally occurring mercury. Nickel Occurs naturally in some groundwater sources. It can be found in drinking water due to 20 µg/l contact with modern nickel coatings on domestic taps and fittings. Nitrate Occurs naturally in most water sources. Increased levels in water sources can occur as a 50 mg/l result of fertiliser use. Dilution with low nitrate water sources and water treatment reduces nitrate levels. Nitrite Occurs naturally at low levels in some water sources but is removed by treatment. It is 0.5 mg/l (at customer taps), sometimes produced as a by-product when ammonia and chlorine are used together to 0.1 mg/l (at water treatment disinfect the water. works) Nitrite/Nitrate Measure of the combined concentrations of these two compounds in drinking water. 1 Concentration of nitrate divided by 50 + concentration of nitrite divided by 3 should be less than or equal to 1. Odour A measure of the aesthetic quality of drinking water. Unusual odours or tastes may indicate Acceptable to consumers and a problem which needs investigating. no abnormal change Pesticides – organochlorine Persistent in the environment but no longer used in the UK. Treatment processes are used 0.03 µg/l compounds (aldrin, dieldrin, to remove any pesticide residues where present. heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide) Pesticides – other than Traces of pesticides can occasionally be found in water sources as a result of agricultural 0.1 µg/l organo chlorine compounds and non agricultural use of pesticides in the environment. Treatment processes are used to remove any pesticide residues where present. Monitoring is carried out for the most widely used pesticides in the area of supply. Pesticides - total This is the sum of the concentrations of the individual pesticides detected. 0.5 µg/l pH (hydrogen ion) A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water; pH values below 7 are acidic, 7 is neutral 6.5 (min) - 9.5 and above 7 are alkaline. A low pH can result in pipe corrosion. PAHs (sum of 4) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may be found in drinking water where coal tar 0.1 µg/l (sum of 4) was historically used to line water mains to prevent corrosion. Those measured are benzo (b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(ghi)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. Phosphorus Occurs naturally in water but can be added during water treatment in the form of phosphate No legal limit to minimise the amount of lead which can be dissolved in water. Potassium Occurs naturally in water as it passes through mineral deposits and rock strata. No legal limit Selenium Rarely found in drinking water. Traces may be found if water has passed through rock 10 µg/l strata containing naturally occurring selenium. Sodium Low levels occur naturally in many water sources. Domestic water softeners can increase 200 mg/l the sodium concentration. Softened water should not be used for drinking, cooking and preparing babies' feeds. Solvents (tetrachloroethane This standard is the sum of both solvents. Traces may be found in water sources due to 10 µg/l for the sum of both and trichloroethene) industrial pollution. Solvents are removed using specialist treatment. Sulphate Occurs naturally in many water sources after contact with mineral deposits and rock strata. 250 mg/l Taste A measure of the aesthetic quality of drinking water. Unusual odours or tastes may indicate Acceptable to consumers and a problem which needs investigating. no abnormal change Temperature This is a measure of the water temperature when samples are taken. No legal limit Tetrachloromethane A solvent sometimes found in water sources due to industrial pollution. Solvents are 3 µg/l removed using specialist treatment. Total Indicative Dose (TID) TID is the effective dose of radiation exposure the body may receive through drinking 0.1 mSv/year water. It is required to be measured if the gross alpha or gross beta activities (see above) exceed the screening values. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) A measure of the total amount of organic matter in the water. No abnormal change Trihalomethanes (THMs) Can be formed during the disinfection of water supplies if chlorine reacts with naturally 100 µg/l (total) occurring organic substances. Tritium Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen which is found naturally in water at very low 100 Bq/l levels. Turbidity This is a measure of the cloudiness of the water. 4 NTU at customer taps 1 NTU at water treatment works Vinyl chloride Not found naturally in water. May be found in water pipes containing polyvinyl chloride 0.5 µg/l (PVC). Concentrations are strictly controlled by product specification. Further information can be found on the Anglian Water and Drinking Water inspectorate websites: Geodesys Commercial Drainage & Water Enquiry: Requested: Completed: 20 July 2018 COMMERCIALDW Plus Appendix 4: Terms and Conditions 1) Introduction 4) Additional Provisions relating to our Liability to you a) These terms (together with our General Terms) set out the terms which will apply in for the COMMERCIALDW Plus Report and the respect on any Orders you place with us for any of our commercial drainage and water enquiry products being (i) a COMMERCIALDW Report, (ii) a COMMERCIALDW Plus Premium Report COMMERCIALDW Premium Report, (iii) a COMMERCIALDW Plus Report and/or a) Our total liability whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory (iv) a COMMERCIALDW Plus Premium Report. duty, misrepresentation or any other cause of action arising under or in connection with b) In addition to any defined terms in the General Terms (which shall apply to these the COMMERCIALDW Plus Report or the COMMERCIALDW Plus Premium Report terms), the following words shall have the following meanings: shall be limited in accordance with the General Terms and limited to a maximum i) "Commercial Property" means the address or location provided by you when aggregate financial limit of £10,000,000. Where you require multiple reports because of your placed an Order in respect of which you request a Report which is either the multiple supply points at the property or because the property / land is so large, then (a) a commercial property used solely for carrying on a trade or business or is this limit of liability will apply only once in respect of the multiple Reports you may intended for commercial use or (b) a property or site which is intended to be receive. developed; b) The Maps attached to the Report are provided pursuant to our statutory duty to make ii) "Large Commercial Property" means a Commercial Property which either (a) such Maps available for inspection. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Terms, your covers more than 2 hectares, and/or (b) has more than one drainage and attention is drawn to the notice on the Map(s) attached to the Report which applies to the water connection on the site; Map and its contents. iii) "Small Commercial Property" means a Commercial Proeprty which is either (a) c) Where we provide Report for a Commercial Property which receives either water or less than 2 hectares and/or (b) only has one drainage and water connection; drainage services from us, and another company provides the other service, then we will iv) The term "Report" for the purposes of these terms, shall mean the commercial not have any liability for information provided by that other company in respect of the drainage and water report prepared by us in relation to the commercial water or drainage services they provide in respect of the Commercial Property. Any such drainage and water report prepared by us in relation to the Commercial information will be provided by us as an agent for the company from which the Property being one of the following which you select at the time you place your information was obtained. Order: (1) A COMMERCIAL DW Report; 5) General (2) A COMMERCIALDW Premium Report; (3) A COMMERCIALDW Plus Report; and/or a) These Terms (and any documents referred to herein) are the only terms and conditions (4) A COMMERCIALDW Plus Premium Report. that shall apply to any order in respect of the Report and shall constitute the entire c) The COMMERCIALDW Report and the COMMERCIALDW Premium Report should agreement between you and us and supersede, replace and extinguish any previous be used for Small Commercial Properties. arrangement, understanding or agreement between us relating to such Report. d) The COMMERCIALDW Plus Report and the COMMERCIALDW Plus Premium b) Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection to these terms and or their subject Report should be used for Large Commercial Properties. matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by e) Further details of the characteristics of the Geodesys Reports are set out on the the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction Website. It is your responsibility to select the Report that is most suitable for your of the courts of England and Wales. needs. c) If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of these Geodesys Terms and the General Terms, the provisions of these Geodesys Terms shall prevail. 2) Scope of the Report d) In the event of any conflict of inconsistency between any information on the Website describing the features of the Report and the Terms, then the Terms shall prevail. a) We will prepare the Report using the Commercial Property details you provide at e) Where you are acting in the normal course of your business, your Client is entitled to the the time you place your Order. The Report you receive will rely on the accuracy, benefit of these Terms. No other person who is not a party to these Terms has any right completeness and legibility of the address and/or plans that you supply with your to enforce their terms. Order. b) The Report is produced only for use in relation to a Commercial Property which 6) Customer Complaints Procedure require the provision of drainage and water information. Where you require a report a) Geodesys offer a robust complaints procedure which can be found by visiting for a residential property, you can order a different report from us, and different terms shall apply. c) The Report provides information as to the indicative location and connection status b) If your complaint has gone through our complaints procedure and you are dissatisfied of existing services and other information relating to drainage and water enquiries with the response or it has exceeded our response timescales, you may refer your and should not be relied on for any other purpose. The Report may contain complaint for consideration under The Property Ombudsman Scheme (TPOs). You can opinions or general advice. We cannot ensure that any such opinion or general obtain further information by visiting or email [email protected] advice is accurate, complete, valid or fit for your particular purpose, and neither you nor your Client should rely solely on this advice. d) As you may expect, the information contained in the Report can change on a regular basis so we cannot be responsible to you or your Client for any change in the information contained in the Report after the date on which the Report was produced (as shown in the Report). e) The Report does not give details about the actual state or condition of the Commercial Property nor should it be used or taken to indicate or exclude actual suitability or unsuitability of the Commercial Property for any particular purpose, or relied upon for determining saleability or value, or used as a substitute for any physical investigation or inspection. Further advice and information from appropriate experts and professionals should always be obtained by the Client. f) In providing you with this Report, we will comply with the Search Code. g) The position and depth of apparatus shown on any Maps attached to the Report are approximate and are provided as a general guide only. Where you or your Client intend to carry out any excavation or other works at the Commercial Property, the exact positions and depths of any apparatus should be obtained by excavation trial holes and the Maps must not be relied on in the event of excavation or other works made in the vicinity of our apparatus. We do not give any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. 3) Additional Provisions relating to our Liability to you for the COMMERCIALDW Report and the COMMERCIALDW Premium Report a) Our total liability whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation or any other cause of action arising under or in connection with the COMMERCIALDW Report or the COMMERCIALDW Premium Report shall be limited in accordance with the General Terms and limited to a maximum aggregate financial limit of £2,000,000. b) The Maps attached to the Report are provided pursuant to our statutory duty to make such Maps available for inspection. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Terms, your attention is drawn to the notice on the Map(s) attached to the Report which applies to the Map and its contents. c) Where we provide a Report for a Commercial Property which receives either water or drainage services from us, and another company (“other service provider”) provides the other service, then our total liability, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the supply of the information from the other service provider is limited to such sums as we are entitled to and able to recover from the other service provider.


Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA Greenfield runoff estimation for sites │ Greenfield runoff tool

Calculated by: colin whittingham Site coordinates Site name: Lopham Rd Latitude: 52.43239° N Site location: Lopham Rd Longitude: 0.93520° E

This is an estimation of the greenfield runoff rate limits that are needed to meet normal best practice criteria in line with Environment Agency guidance “Preliminary rainfall runoff Reference: 6487547 management for developments”, W5-074/A/TR1/1 rev. E (2012) and the SuDS Manual, C753 (Ciria, 2015). This information on greenfield runoff rates may be the basis for setting 2018-11-02T09:33:38 consents for the drainage of surface water runoff from sites. Date:

Methodology IH124

Site characteristics Notes: 5.91 Total site area (ha) (1) Is QBAR < 2.0 l/s/ha? Methodology Qbar estimation method Calculate from SPR and SAAR SPR estimation method Calculate from SOIL type

Default Edited (2) Are flow rates < 5.0 l/s? SOIL type 3 3 HOST class ------SPR/SPRHOST 0.37 0.37

Hydrological characteristics Default Edited (3) Is SPR/SPRHOST ≤ 0.3? SAAR (mm) 606 606 Hydrological region 5 5 Growth curve factor: 1 year 0.87 0.87 Growth curve factor: 30 year 2.45 2.45 Growth curve factor: 100 year 3.56 3.56

Greenfield runoff rates Default Edited Qbar (l/s) 14.34 14.34 1 in 1 year (l/s) 12.48 12.48 1 in 30 years (l/s) 35.14 35.14 1 in 100 years (l/s) 51.06 51.06

This report was produced using the greenfield runoff tool developed by HR Wallingford and available . The use of this tool is subject to the UK SuDS terms and conditions and licence agreement, which can both be found at The outputs from this tool have been used to estimate storage volume requirements. The use of these results is the responsibility of the users of this tool. No liability will be accepted by HR Wallingford, the Environment Agency, CEH, Hydrosolutions or any other organisation for use of this data in the design or operational characteristics of any drainage scheme.

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA Pre-Planning Assessment Report LAND OFF LOPHAM ROAD, EAST HARLING 97834/903879676/1/0001930

Report published 30/10/2018

Pre-Planning Report Section 1: Proposed development Thank you for submitting a pre-planning enquiry. This has been produced for Mr. Your reference number is 97834/903879676/1/0001930. If you have any questions upon receipt of this report, please contact the Pre- Development team on 03456 066087 or email [email protected].

The response within this report has been based on the following information which was submitted as part of your application:

List of planned developments

Type of development No. Of units

Dwellings 250

The anticipated residential build rate is:

Year Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12

Build rate 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Site grid reference no.


Development type


Planning application status


The comments contained within this report relate to the public water mains and sewers indicated on our records. Your attention is drawn to the disclaimer in the useful information section of this report.

Section 2: Assets affected Pre-Planning Report Section 2: Assets affected Our records indicate that we have the following types of assets within or overlapping the boundary of your development site as listed in the table below. Additionally, it is highly recommended that you carry out a thorough investigation of your proposed working area to establish whether any unmapped public or private sewers and lateral drains are in existence. We are unable to permit development either over or within the easement strip without our prior consent. The extent of the easement is provided in the table below. Please be aware that the existing water mains/public sewers should be located in highway or open space and not in private gardens. This is to ensure available access for any future maintenance and repair and this should be taken into consideration when planning your site layout.

Water and Used water easement information

Asset type Pipe size (mm) Total easement required (m)

Water mains 73 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 73 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 106 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 106 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Water mains 76 4.50 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains 450 3.50 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains 450 3.50 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains 150 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains Unknown 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains Unknown 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains Unknown 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains Unknown 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains Unknown 3.00 m either side of the centre line

Sewer mains 150 3.00 m either side of the centre line

If it is not possible to avoid our assets then these may need to be diverted in accordance with Section 185 of the Water Industry Act (1991). You will need to make a formal application if you would like a diversion to be considered. Due to the private sewer transfer in October 2011 many newly adopted public used water assets and their history are not indicated on our records. You also need to be aware that your development site may contain private water mains, drains or other assets not shown on our records. These are private assets and not the responsibility of Anglian Water but that of the landowner.

Section 3: Water recycling services

Pre-Planning Report In examining the used water system we assess the ability for your site to connect to the public sewerage network without causing a detriment to the operation of the system. We also assess the receiving water recycling centre and determine whether the water recycling centre can cope with the increased flow and influent quality arising from your development.

Water recycling centre The foul drainage from the proposed development is in the catchment of East Harling Water Recycling Centre, which currently has capacity to treat the flows from your development site. Anglian Water cannot reserve capacity and the available capacity at the water recycling centre can be reduced at any time due to growth, environmental and regulation driven changes.

Used water network Our assessment has been based on development flows connecting to the nearest foul water sewer of the same size or greater pipe diameter to that required to drain the site. The infrastructure to convey foul water flows to the receiving sewerage network is assumed to be the responsibility of the developer. Conveyance to the connection point is considered as Onsite Work and includes all work carried out upstream from of the point of connection, including making the connection to our existing network. This connection point has been determined in reference to the calculated discharge flow and on this basis, a 150mm internal diameter pipe is required to drain the development site. The nearest practicable connection is to the 150mm diameter sewer at manhole 7801 in Lopham Road at National Grid Reference (NGR) TL9973585836. The cover level is 25.38 and the invert level is 23.66. Anglian water has assessed the impact of gravity flows from the planned development to the public foul sewerage network. We can confirm that this is acceptable as the foul sewerage system, at present, has available capacity for your site. Please note that Anglian Water will request a suitably worded condition at planning application stage to ensure this strategy is implemented to mitigate the risk of flooding.

It is assumed that the developer will provide the necessary infrastructure to convey flows from the site to the network. Consequently, this report does not include any costs for the conveyance of flows.

Surface water disposal We have examined your development site for available surface water discharge options. It is our understanding that the evidence to confirm your compliance with the surface water hierarchy is not currently available. However once the evidence has been confirmed, then a connection point may be made to manhole 7852 in Lopham Road at NGR TL9973785836 at a rate of 9.8l/s. The cover level is 25.26 and the invert level is 21.21. Our assessment has been based on development flows connecting to the nearest surface water sewer of the same size or greater pipe diameter. It is your responsibility to provide the evidence to confirm that all alternative methods of surface water disposal have been explored and these will be required before your connection can be agreed. This is subject to satisfactory evidence which shows the surface water management hierarchy as outlined in Building Regulations Part H has been explored. This would encompass the results from the site specific infiltration testing and/or confirmation that the flows cannot be discharged to a watercourse. Anglian Water's surface water policy follows the Surface Water hierarchy, outlined in Part H of the Building Regulations. Should your assumptions or evidence change then an alternative solution, connection point or flow rate may be required. You are therefore advised to update Anglian Water with the key supporting evidence at your earliest convenience.

As you may be aware, Anglian Water will consider the adoption of SuDs provided that they meet the criteria outline in our SuDs adoption manual. This can be found on our website at We will adopt features located in public open space that are designed and constructed, in conjunction with the Local Authority and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), to the criteria within our SuDs adoption manual. Specifically, developers must be able to demonstrate:

1. Effective upstream source control, 2. Effective exceedance design, and 3. Effective maintenance schedule demonstrating than the assets can be maintained both now and in the future with adequate access.

If you wish to look at the adoption of any SuDs then an expression of interest form can be found on our website at:

The proposed method of surface water disposal is not relevant to Anglian Water; we suggest that you contact the relevant Local Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority, the Environment Agency or the Internal Drainage Board, as appropriate.

Pre-Planning Report Trade Effluent We note that you do not have any trade effluent requirements. Should this be required in the future you will need our written formal consent. This is in accordance with Section 118 of the Water Industry Act (1991).

Used Water Budget Costs As a result of the recent charging rules published by Ofwat, our charging regime has changed. Your development site will be required to pay a Zonal charge for each new property connecting to the public sewer that benefits from Full planning permission.

Payment of the Zonal charge must be made before premises are connected to the public sewer. More information on the Zonal charge can be found at

The Zonal charge consists of two elements. The first is called the ‘Fixed Element’ which is the same in nature to the Infrastructure charge applied prior to April 2018. The second is called the ‘Variable Element’ which may vary each financial year.

The elements are combined together to create the 2018/19 Zonal charge for Sewerage:

Fixed Element £ 370

Variable Element £ 101

In most circumstances zonal charges are raised on a standard basis of one charge per new connection (one for water and one for sewerage). However, if the new connection is to non-household premises, the fixed element is calculated according to the number and type of water fittings in the premises.This is called the "relevant multiplier" method of calculating the charge. Details of the relevant multiplier for each fitting can be found at our web-page:

The total Zonal charge payable for your site for Sewerage is:

Zonal charge per new connection - Sewerage No. Of Units Total amount payable

£ 471 250 £ 117,750.00

It has been assumed that the onsite used water network will be provided under a section 104 Water Industry Act application.

It is recommended that you also budget for connection costs. Please note that we offer alternative types of connections depending on your needs and these costs are available at our website.

Section 4: Map of Proposed Connection Points

Figure 1:Showing your used water point of connection

Pre-Planning Report

Figure 2:Showing your surface water point of connection

Section 5: Useful Information Used water

Water Industry Act – Key Used Water Sections:

Section 98:

This provides you with the right to requisition a new public sewer. The new public sewer can be constructed by Anglian Water on your behalf. Alternatively, you can construct the sewer yourself under section 30 of the Anglian Water Authority Act 1977.

Section 102:

This provides you with the right to have an existing sewerage asset vested by us. It is your responsibility to bring the infrastructure to an adoptable condition ahead of the asset being vested.

Section 104:

This provides you with the right to have a design technically vetted and an agreement reached that will see us adopt your assets following their satisfactory construction and connection to the public sewer.

Section 106:

This provides you with the right to have your constructed sewer connected to the public sewer.

Section 185:

This provides you with the right to have a public sewerage asset diverted.

Details on how to make a formal application for a new sewer, new connection or diversion are available on our website at or via our Development Services team on 03456 066087.

Sustainable drainage systems:

Many existing urban drainage systems can cause problems of flooding, pollution or damage to the environment and are not resilient to climate change in the long term. Therefore our preferred method of surface water disposal is through the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS are a range of techniques that aim to mimic the way surface water drains in natural systems within urban areas. For more information on SuDS, please visit our website at . We also recommend that you contact the Local Authority and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for the area to discuss your application.

Private sewer transfers:

Pre-Planning Report Sewers and lateral drains connected to the public sewer on the 1 July 2011 transferred into Water Company ownership on the 1 October 2011. This follows the implementation of the Floods and Water Management Act (FWMA). This included sewers and lateral drains that were subject to an existing Section 104 Adoption Agreement and those that were not. There were exemptions and the main non-transferable assets were as follows:

Surface water sewers and lateral drains that did not discharge to the public sewer, e.g. those that discharged to a watercourse. Foul sewers and lateral drains that discharged to a privately owned sewage treatment/collection facility. Pumping stations and rising mains will transfer between 1 October 2011 and 1 October 2016.

The implementation of Section 42 of the FWMA will ensure that future private sewers will not be created. It is anticipated that all new sewer applications will need to have an approved section 104 application ahead of a section 106 connection.


Anglian Water operates a risk based approach to development encroaching close to our used water infrastructure. We assess the issue of encroachment if you are planning to build within 400 metres of a water recycling centre or, within 15 metres to 100 metres of a pumping station. We have more information available on our website at

Locating our assets:

Maps detailing the location of our water and used water infrastructure including both underground assets and above ground assets such as pumping stations and recycling centres are available from . All requests from members of the public or non-statutory bodies for maps showing the location of our assets will be subject to an appropriate administrative charge. We have more information on our website at:

Summary of charges:

A summary of this year’s water and used water connection and infrastructure charges can be found at


The information provided in this report is based on data currently held by Anglian Water Services Limited (‘Anglian Water’) or provided by a third party. Accordingly, the information in this report is provided with no guarantee of accuracy, timeliness, completeness and is without indemnity or warranty of any kind (express or implied).

This report should not be considered in isolation and does not nullify the need for the enquirer to make additional appropriate searches, inspections and enquiries. Anglian Water supports the plan led approach to sustainable development that is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (‘NPPF’) and any infrastructure needs identified in this report must be considered in the context of current, adopted and/or emerging local plans. Where local plans are absent, silent or have expired these needs should be considered against the definition of sustainability holistically as set out in the NPPF.

Whilst the information in this report is based on the presumption that proposed development obtains planning permission, nothing in this report confirms that planning permission will be granted or that Anglian Water will be bound to carry out the works/proposals contained within this report.

No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence is accepted by Anglian Water, or its partners, employees or agents, for any error or omission, or for the results obtained from the use of this report and/or its content. Furthermore in no event will any of those parties be liable to the applicant or any third party for any decision made or action taken as a result of reliance on this report.

This report is valid for the date printed and the enquirer is advised to resubmit their request for an up to date report should there be a delay in submitting any subsequent application for water supply/sewer connection(s).

Pre-Planning Report

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA STRUCTURAL SOILS LTD INSITU TESTING REPORT


Report No. 783512.R01(01)

         Date-November-2018 Contract L © m Road

Client RSK Environment Address Spring Lodge 172 Chester Road Helsby Cheshire WA6 0AR For the Attention of Kevin Holmes

Order received 01-November-2018 Client Reference None Testing Started 07-November-2018Client Order No. PO285997  Testing Completed 07-November-2018 Instruction Type Written

Tests marked 'Not UKAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the UKAS Accreditation Schedule for our Laboratory.

Not UKAS Accredited Tests

* Soakaway Testing to BRE Digest 365. Please note that three fills in each pit is not always achievable due to ground conditions/time constraints.

The results represent the ground conditions at the specified locations and depths at the time of testing.

Please Note: Remaining samples will be retained for a period of one month from today and will then be disposed of. Test were undertaken on samples 'as received' unless otherwise stated. Opinions and interpretations expressed in this report are outside the scope of accreditation for this laboratory.

Structural Soils Ltd, The Potteries, Pottery Street, Castleford, WF10 1NJ Tel.01977552255. e-mail [email protected]

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Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA

Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA

16 BREWSTERS 21 HEDGE 23.144 20 21.465

21.283 ST MH CL21.343 23.128

21.934 Dray 2


22.061 27

FL21.795 60 ST 59 Cott Millstone 23.185 HEDGE 21.335ST 23.057

21.532 57 Notes 21.999 BRICK WALL




21.445 18

42 54 22.955 5 B 1111 21.493

21.291 BRICK WALL CLOSE CENTENARY 22.989 Do not scale from this drawing



21.342 ST 19

21.545 23.057

21.378 21.330 23.054 21.225 Reed Cottage

21.368 BT 10 Layout provided by FPCR Environmental is TIMBER FENCE

23.164 BUSHES 21.307 23.164 34 23.496 G21.154 23.477

21.355 G23.373 stn5c 23.454

21.143GP 23.130 23.235 21.155 45 ST 23.569 40 21.645 indicative and subject to change following layout 21.156 23.466 EP 23.508 23.515 52 GP 23.378 23.528 Old World Cottage 23.471 21.159 23.616

23.607 23.581 21.479

23.546 LP 15 23.628

21.282 23.619 31



21.148 MH 23.678 revisions CL21.209 21.702 21.279 MH 21.373 23.661 CL23.626 23.726

23.636 23.799 39 23.752


23.705 23.687 21.677


21.115 stn5b

23.699 49 23.588 21.657 42 23.699 23.681

21.345 23.670 21.249

G21.114 21.295 23

21.655 21.305 KERRIDGES 21.075 23.508 23.645 21.756

21.191 23.504 TIMBER FENCE



BUSHES MKR 23.515 MH FH HEDGE 21.535 CL21.131 Saffron 6 23.457 21.227Highview House 23.371 21.174 G21.086 23.361

House 23.399 24

21.642 23.426 30 23.419 21.089 21.563 23.416 G21.172

Copperfield House 21.558 THE 23.405 21.264 CRESCENT 23.310 23.414 23.355 21.121 EH26.650 Key RH29.564 23.368 23.358

21.217 RH29.307 RH32.107

23.388 EP 23.335

21.194 EH26.930 GP 21.447 23.408 21.610 21.141 RH32.098 stn5a 34 21.482 23.379 12 EH27.447 GP 11 23.447 23.417 NP SV MKR 23.353 G21.168 stn7 EH24.974 RH29.662 21.260 MH 21.673 AV HEDGE 1 SP 21.306 21.505 GP NP EH26.347 23.349 23.398 21.833 23.446

MH 21.165 14 Proposed Surface Water Drainage Pipes 21.450 RS CL21.130 21.233 21.896 21.209 ST 21.421 21.611 stn6 21.276 21.955 RH29.716

21.446 21.737

G21.669 23.490 Tie Line EH26.494 23.340 HEDGE 25 MH 21.811 21.393 CL21.626 21.881 21.146 21.480 IL19.276 21.908 22.242 TP 22.171 21.226 ST RS G21.679 surface water sewer 22.278 21.980 22.004 22.171 21.031 22.413 22.208 21.935 22.274 HEDGE 21.101 21.033 21.247 21.688 23.494 BT 22.236 22.319 23.326 TOP19.589 CONC.WALL 21.147 21.869 22.159 BUSHES 22.339 22.258 22.227 22.329 22.402 IL19.265 21.008 22.208 Proposed Surface Water Swale 21.010 22.404 BL19.390 22.276 22.428 20.777 ‘ HEDGE 22.714 22.334 22.278 22.380 22.451 22.522 22.424 G20.949 22.158 22.320 22.419 22.477 21.723 HEDGE 22.558 BL22.162 22.410 MH 22.361 22.654 21.142 22.339 BL22.263 CL22.421 23.411 22.587 IL20.471 22.609 23.250 BUSHES 22.452 22.532 22.492 22.381 22.701 22.619 22.486 22.673 22.100 22.075 22.430 22.480 22.669 22.552 RS

21.190 22.708 22.465 22.550

ST 22.550 TP 22.737 21.238 11

23.354 21.913 22.331 23.227 Tie Line 21 22.637 ‘ 21.123 22.716 22.606 22.545 HEDGE Western Infiltration Basin 22.637 22.531 surface water sewer 21.716 22.289 22.776 21.964 RH30.942 22.038 22.726 Proposed Infiltration/Attenuation Basin 22.670 BUSHES ‘ EH27.739 22.530 22.787 MH 22.034 22.685 BL22.524 CL22.748 22.821

22.813 IL20.548 22.479 22.882 22.672 RH31.396 16 Brindwood Springfield BL22.432 22.778 22.130 23.278 22.810 22.682 EH28.062 22.673 22.859 21.571 22.771 MH Total Volume required for CL22.862 23.079 22.343 RH31.298 22.188 IL21.122 21.838 22.641 22.988 22.796 23.152 21.986 22.791 HEDGE 21.826 22.986 21.247 22.262 22.608 22.940 22.985 23.248 The Elms 21.158 22.447 23.318 22.889 22.935 21.663 22.887 Meadowsweet BUSHES 23.249 23.027stn5 RH32.786 EP 22.621 22.824 21.822 22.366 22.987 23.279 HEDGE 21.584 22.991 23.177 22.429 22.758 23.270 23.107 HAMBLING'S 4 Pñ EH25.413 22.637 22.988 23.152 23.192 BL22.594 23.481 EH30.027 22.003 22.986 ‘ 23.192 POST 21.320 22.360 22.481 22.959 23.056 21.962 23.489 ST 22.612 BL22.718 23.303 EP 28 RH27.543 23.343 HEDGE 22.067 22.955 23.215 23.726 23.329 23.864 22.357 22.603 22.919 23.460 BL23.130 24.014 RH28.750 El Sub Sta 21.763 23.438 ‘

21.514 21.309 22.275 23.141 BL23.078 23.338 23.433 24.103 HEDGE 30 23.598 23.653 RH30.938 21.617 23.361 24.194 BRICK WALL Depth: 1.5m 21.801 22.767 BL23.114 23.472 23.949 24.217 24.291 PIECE 22.408 23.358 24.315 23.299 23.265 23.756 23.878 surface water sewer ST 22.266 23.631 23.639 FH 24.307 21.882 23.435 23.948 24.364 EH28.419 ‘ 24.189 HEDGE 21.345 22.047 22.892 150 il 1.92

23.426 MH MH 24.390 24.641

21.446 22.364 23.621 24.008 CL23.915 CL24.140 RH31.293 22.005 22.498 IL22.22 EP 24.647 23.753 IL20.965 24.609 7 23.126 BUSHES RH29.843 23.104 24.290 24.662 The Retreat 23.889 G24.469 24.938 CL: 22.0 Woodstock 22.138 22.383 24.163 24.500 21.555 21.481 22.588 24.046 21.935 PB 25.012 24.610 25.017

21.550 ST TP 24.190 EH28.050 22.0 BUSHES HEDGE

21.542 23.237 G24.462 LOPHAM ROAD 22.162 22.503 23.454 23.954 24.156 24.506 ST 25.116 25.124 24.230 24.755 25.029 46 22.069 21.901 24.990 24.350 22.857 ‘ EH26.735 24.431 24.878 RH31.035 23.760 24.586 25.127 EP EH28.478 HEDGE 21.547 21.810 22.187 24.977 23.149 24.536 24.747 24.975 25.153 HEDGE IL: 20.5 22.574 24.430 ‘ 24.981 25.059 * 24.536 BUSHES BRICK WALL 24.417 rs3 23.037 23.749 25.049 25.214 21.815 21.887 24.612 25.006 22.307 24.692 24.873 21.908 23.307 24.946 25.039 25.200 21.681 24.763 25.231 22.693 BRICK WALL RH31.223 21.919 21.999 21.816 23.961 24.889 Fieldview 22.080 23.997 BT 25.159 25.215 25.328 MH 25.021 The 23.158 24.878 25.051 25.538 25.521 CL21.626 22.437 23.608Eastern Attenuation24.907 TP Basin 25.249 22.044 22.903 SP 24.961 IC 23.888 MKR CL25.054 25.216 EP Infiltration rate = 1.85 21.912 23.773 SP MH 21.953 CL25.514 25.769 24.864 25.071 IL23.496 Chase EH28.653 25.181 25.390 22.071 RH32.963 RS 22.605 23.851 24.877 LOPHAM25.121 surface water sewer 21.848 23.003 23.124

21.724 HEDGE 21.957 G25.13125.291 25.771 23.760 25.277 MH 21.792 23.798 24.932 EP 21.898 22.164 25.149 CL25.449

22.015 22.673 IL21.419

21.691 25.257 25.396

22.5 Total Volume required for 25.351 23.160 25.412 25.519 23.835 25.214 21.795 25.809 25.279 stn4 Nilo x10-5 m/s 23.282 ROAD 22.311 25.449 25.599 25.744 21.950 23.610 25.470

22.914 25.463 25.335 25.288 25.678 34 23.786 25.328 25.298 25.602 23.219 25.451 22.011 22.513 25.752

21.783 25.308 23.474 ST 5 RH27.731 21.923 GRASS 25.622 21.849 23.061 23.695 25.727 22.107 4 Pñ 25.661 25.817 Southerly 22.307 25.499 25.757

21.999 21.805 23.390 22.594 23.299 POST & WIRE 25.627 25.397 21.910 25.595 34a 23.153 EH29.739 HEDGE

21.785 23.678 25.308 25.636 25.482 22.282 23.0 23.700 BUSHES 21.967 Little Rowley 25.394 G25.456 22.762 25.223 25.511 25.804 Shangri 25.698 P2 28.11.18 DFP Update CW KJ IC 21.862 23.360 Pipers Oak 21.874 RS 25.314 BUSHES G25.412 Depth: 1.5m 25.731 25.840 22.449 25.848 21.917 23.293 23.649 23.776 22.110 25.145 25.629 25.780 25.641

21.956 22.984

TREE CANOPY 25.559 25.455 23.491 35 21.933 RH32.842 25.280 -La 22.259 22.081 25.133 25.726 25.563 25.474 22.607 23.858 23.719 23.742 25.376 25.870

25.814 23.355 51 23.107 ‘ 25.925 22.036 21.882 22.208 EH29.719 25.798 P1 19.11.18 Issued for Discussion CW KJ IC EH27.405 22.017 CL: 25.5 25.391 25.846 ‘ EP HAMBLING'S PIECE 22.758 23.627 BUSHES 21.959 21.781 ELEC HAMBLING'S PIECE 22.113 25.758 ST 22.328 21.782 22.404 23.249 23.398 23.824 25.326 25.409 25.672 25.961 25.946 22.929 25.509 25.331

22.024 25.697 25.659 23.669 RH30.829 26.090 25.966 22.073 21.964 23.698 25.505 22.610 23.340 26.150 25.972

23.603 22.029 25.712 Penryn 23.5 IL: 24.0 BT 25.915 22.039 23.118 MH EH24.546 22.038 23.945 22.089 22.753 23.730 25.570 CL25.797 IL24.347 25.806 Rev. Date Amendment Drawn Chkd. Appd. RH27.005 22.041 22.219 25.406 23.409 25.253 26.041 21.897 G25.800 HEDGE 22.203 25.217 26.010 22.343 23.944 RH29.717 G25.788 22.912 25.806 G25.773


23.212 23.522 25.684 25.862 23.713

22.061 22.0 Infiltration rate = 8.44 22.430 EH27.630

21.945 23.947 25.469

BUSHES 25.5 26.158 22.189 52 23.040 24.096 26.021 26.159 23.547 RH30.255 POST & WIRE 25.596 21.974 23.239 23.833 25.227 Tamarisk 22.624 25.391 BRICK WALL EP 22.068 TIMBER FENCE 25.805 26.134 Fen View 22.144 23.755 25.212 26.223 25.991 22.370 22.152 MH 23.134 26.082 EH29.216 CL22.153 22.804 TREE CANOPY 23.856 x10-6 m/s 25.983 26.076 22.066 23.376

RH26.810 22.221 22.393 26.323 25.583 BL25.715 26.198 26.223 22.313 25.271 26.458 22.164 22.189 25.743 22.979 23.222 23.763 25.360 25.925 23.910 26.106 41 22.590 25.283 25.575 RS 22.230 23.509 25.346 26.211 BRICK WALL Shephall BL25.921 26.134

26.415 22.5 23.049 23.877 26.340 ST 22.318 26.161 22.302 22.415 Overflow limited to 9.8l/s 25.450 22.785 23.358 26.179 26.247 23.877 24.398 25.373 26.586 Sunrays La Ronda 22.607 23.694 Drain 23.601 EP TREE CANOPY 26.018 26.475 22.619 26.496 23.159 23.894 surface water sewer 26.436 22.320 25.845 22.466 22.924 23.465 25.397 25.452 25.616 BUSHES

25.369 26.292 26.0 26.588 26.599 23.724 23.934 25.221 26.436 22.700 26.502 26.393 26.570 23.277 23.911 25.413 26.274 22.379 23.002 * 26.399 26.380 NP NP MH 26.273 26.409 26.479 22.459 23.630 23.904 CL26.402 IL21.832 MH 23.841 26.018 22.484 26.739 26.893 CL26.618

22.421 22.936 ‘ 25.606 25.832 IL21.898 23.900 26.126 25.441 25.652 23.204 23.451 22.626 25.398 22.596 23.990 23.729 26.504 MH 26.61026.621 23.097 26.087 26.732

22.543 CL26.554 26.597 26.648 NP Damaged 26.739 23.250 26.141 26.953 NP 23.666 23.928 26.665 FH 26.740 MKR 22.779 26.782

22.479 26.584 ST 26.802 23.805

26.034 26.838

24.161 26.091 25.825 LP Four Winds 23.0 23.213 25.675 22.365 25.424 26.857 22.893 26.446 BT 23.444 25.737 MH

22.577 22.740 24.198 25.334 27.254 CL26.887 Pegasus RH27.204 26.724 24.012

22.604 26.228 26.953 MH Beech 22.811 ST 24.138 RS CL26.902 40 22.981 23.314 26.352 27.470 stn3 RH32.154 Oak Cottage 24.317 26.281 23.959 G26.74926.833 MH 22.669 23.742 RH29.616 26.855 CL26.932 27.023 EH29.901

24.383 26.788 27.042 Bridan 25.904 26.029

23.140 25.577 25.724 26.890 26.5 Cottage 26.904 22.795 24.335 EP GRASS 26.871 24.399 26.429 26.723 BUSHES 23.499 27.083 RH32.512 23.955 24.201 24.421 26.048 26.981 22.809 25.790 26.915 22.886 26.928 23.30123.259 27.151 RH27.415 24.482 24.461 26.985 26.256 27.223 EP EH30.179 22.705 22.623 TREE CANOPY 27.152 27.080 25.931 26.116 27.050 27.088 22.646 25.621 22.905 23.788 24.226 25.800 BUSHES 23.465 27.280 22.779 24.574 22.604 23.016 24.611 25.946 GRASS 26.489 26.656 27.195 27.233 27.147 27.144 27.195 27.276

22.750 LAND & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LTD 27.362 27.238 27.466 27.201

BUSHES 24.784 26.953

22.710 23.232 24.533 26.345 RH35.699 22.899 23.5 23.630 24.103 27.204 27.343 22.965 24.869 25.861 25.896 27.317 27.291 25.258 25.570 25.480 TREE CANOPY 26.025 26.210 MH 25.325 25.859 BUSHES EH30.943 CL22.763 25.064 26.236 BRICK WALL

22.790 22.921 25.773 27.405 27.500 27.414

22.769 26.742 23.424 24.853 25.379 26.556 22.799 27.0 23.101 24.406 27.386 22.892 23.880 MH 25.505 POST & WIRE 27.589 25.085 26.969 27.485 CL27.415 27.675

25.262 25.653 27.235 27.492 IL26.105 26.477 BL27.336 ‘

22.848 TREE CANOPY 26.050 27.664 22.896 22.773 23.181 25.353 25.563 25.291 25.451 26.0 26.109 27.507 23.658 26.362 27.588 25.540 26.225 27.770 24.127 25.035 25.800 POST & WIRE 26.032 Spring Lodge Tel: +44 (0) 1928 726006 26.297 27.595 24.632 25.984 27.642 27.769 22.871 22.864 25.550 25.634 dead tree 27.520 27.543 27.779 22.960 26.678 23.008 23.437 26.861 27.685 25.788 27.612

25.882 BUSHES 22.921 TREE CANOPY 27.844 EH30.649

27.087 27.448 23.871 24.0 27.863 RH32.409 27.684 27.916 22.926 26.110 26.609 27.278 172 Chester Road Fax: +44 (0) 1928 725633 23.297 28.375 27.709 G27.686 ST 23.278 23.725 24.415 25.308 27.922 22.941 26.236 26.872 28.425 23.192 24.874 26.126 26.346 ST 25.582 26.219 26.492 27.746 27.782 26.383

22.904 24.183 27.863 Leveretts 23.595 26.946 27.814

BUSHES 23.128 26.829 27.860 RS 22.912 Helsby Email: [email protected]

23.078 24.661 27.877 28.025 25.663 27.5

24.016 25.160 27.193 27.483 27.888 23.021 25.541 26.5 27.666 26.798 27.390 27.980 28.057 23.199 26.382 HEDGE EP 27.932 28.011

23.923 26.516 27.971

24.425 26.593 26.372 27.963 28.156 26.680 27.950 28.316 Cheshire, WA6 0AR Web: 25.853 TREE CANOPY 24.253 24.5 24.938 23.383 28.162 28.044 HEDGE 14 23.107 25.211 26.463 27.873 27.010 27.080 ST 23.502 23.519 25.738 26.621 RH35.043 28.114 28.150 28.323

23.069 24.196 27.927 26.512 27.338 28.123 27.622 27.749 28.283 United Kingdom 26.284 27.517 RSRS 24.537 25.030 26.669 27.053 27.836 RS 23.289 28.335 28.309 23.914 rs1

24.860 25.657 26.762 28.22628.292

25.956 26.937 EH31.084

23.5 24.361 27.0 27.252 27.353 TP 28.309

23.306 23.613 28.350 28.405 RH36.086

25.414 28.335 28.302 18 25.0 26.790 27.469 28.373 23.682 23.574 24.800 28.566 24.260 26.880 27.735 HEDGE 12 25.152 25.920 27.602 27.837 BUSHES 28.388 28.580

26.240 27.275 23.306 27.935

24.533 23.201 28.148 28.506 26.834 28.0 28.488 EH32.030 28.459 28.457 28.633 23.922 25.767 26.957 27.132 27.014 G28.517 24.352 27.727 28.537 27.499 28.753 25.105 25.448 26.169 26.639 28.772 BUSHES 27.684

23.485 28.667

23.466 26.834 28.420 28.724 24.0 28.662 28.634 23.583 23.890 24.711 27.836 27.868 28.659 23.884 23.743 24.300

27.090 27.982 28.113

24.411 27.459 28.453

26.094 BL28.472 28.664 28.900 23.595 HEDGE 27.5 28.203 28.655 28.699 25.5 28.889 23.495 23.742 25.386 25.783 27.302 28.689 26.643 27.020 ST 23.967 27.108 27.114 27.802 28.956

23.600 24.438 27.663 BL28.649 23.957 27.244 EP 23.712 BRAMBLES 27.913 28.392 28.581 28.909 23.493 23.879 24.970 SP 29.025 BUSHES 24.592 26.344 29.042 Client 23.939 26.902 Tie Line 23.963 TREE CANOPY 28.855 TP 29.080 26.011 28.069 28.069 24.047 28.156 28.633 29.049 stn1 27.229 27.645 28.268 MH 24.270 25.635 26.941 28.908 28.987 28.985 27.266 28.336 28.929 CL29.013 28.904 28.881 28.862 G28.896

24.018 24.515 26.613 28.816 MH G29.026 24.818 27.527

29.055 CL29.046 25.249 29.042 MH HEDGE 28.5 27.312 27.875 BUSHES 28.985 CL28.959 29.182 23.964 27.368 28.042 RH37.807 28.488 29.028 27.320 SV ST

28.775 28.983 29.078 29.248

23.608 28.190

24.638 26.325 BRAMBLES 29.179 29.288 24.469 29.072 EH32.899 23.975 TREE CANOPY 28.0

23.885 25.919 27.392 28.281 28.293 29.312

25.118 28.391 26.0 26.964 28.443 24.017 23.967 27.852 FH G29.133 DRIVE 27.485 29.336 29.31929.363

28.556 29.618 SV

25.657 27.696 TREE CANOPY FH G29.176 MKR 29.216 1 27.525 MKR 24.051 24.545 27.442 29.036 24.841 26.586 28.107 28.726 POST 27.713 28.242 29.272 23.850 24.183 28.421 TP 28.965 29.144 RH38.992 24.072 25.441 26.250 27.363 28.882 27.645 29.283

23.978 27.516 BRAMBLES 28.566

28.562 29.566 25.983 28.655 28.669 29.0 29.498

23.950 29.461 29.585 Gladman 24.656 27.582 27.831

23.859 28.058 24.5 28.749 29.506 26.834 27.850 MH EH34.755

24.353 25.066 29.467

26.544 29.857 CL29.500 RS


26.5 HEDGE 29.545

29.531 29.489 25.832 28.333 29.010 29.552 2 3 27.603 28.5 28.611 29.249 24.222 26.090 28.476 29.979 24.133 27.929 29.101 24.900 27.120 NP POST 28.812 29.708 30.007 6 28.819 29.718 24.508 25.514 28.951 28.946 29.656RS 24.011 26.804 29.750 29.854

29.017 HEDGE

28.243 29.882 24.352 26.149 SPINNEY 24.301 29.5 29.833 24.224 26.533 29.737 27.785 28.047 29.863

24.008 25.120 27.481 28.208 28.484 29.180 29.499

HEDGE 28.838 29.813 24.712 28.699 29.758 5

24.316 27.091 29.369

25.825 29.860 29.879 27.561 28.136 30.109 26.400 27.0 29.048

24.173 29.109 29.246

24.420 29.221 29.984 28.297 25.400 29.0 24.272 26.883 29.319 24.922 28.353 29.982 30.214 27.399 27.649 BT 29.738 24.567 26.175 30.072 26.690 28.626 29.505 30.047 30.318

24.198 24.516 29.077 24.323 24.368 25.0 28.262 28.854 30.116 NP 27.159 30.045 25.728 29.657 30.165 24.192 24.524 25.186 27.961 G30.062 BRAMBLES 29.286 BT 30.136 29.502 29.569 28.495 29.382 30.167 MH

27.769 29.603 30.113

26.504 CL30.220 24.830 28.395 30.187 8 Project Title

26.974 28.493 28.569

24.544 30.017 30.328 MH 27.435 30.262 25.511 27.5 CL30.221 26.013 28.010 28.320 28.760 29.808 30.368 30.240 24.532 TREE CANOPY 29.209 30.340 28.990 30.490 30.443NP

24.527 28.573 29.921 30.400

24.551 28.507 24.285 24.686 25.124 29.5 29.480 24.559 26.709 27.037 28.425 29.852 31.118 24.698 29.593 29.776 30.582NP 26.334 27.706 29.903 G30.404 25.777 30.469 30.463 30.685

28.102 28.619 30.341 BT

ST 24.411 25.5 28.832 30.647 28.648 30.102 30.517 ST 24.659 BT 30.443 25.424 29.324 27.503 28.611 29.076 30.769 6 25.037 30.257 26.929 30.879 31.267 26.603 28.197 30.699 26.156 29.576 30.069 El Sub Sta 24.945 29.776 30.041 30.750 25.706 30.942 24.701 30.224 30.828 28.692 30.618 30.991 Lopham Road

24.817 24.924 30.906 30.798

24.803 28.859 25.327 27.773 28.561 30.422 2 27.243 26.867 28.813 29.148 29.448 31.031 30.734 30.800 24.941 28.506

24.644 26.475 30.545 24.584

26.003 30.978

28.418 30.306 31.508

27.987 29.001 29.713

25.627 30.212 25.053 26.0 30.0 29.90130.0 31.265 31.084 24.980 29.006 30.879 31.109 30.488 31.173 25.141 27.526 29.078 27.148 28.574 31.260 26.765 30.701 TAYLOR DRIFT 29.070 31.121 24.980 28.552 26.375 28.982 29.452 31.373 TREE CANOPY 29.192 30.865 25.933 31.082 31.108 28.824 28.966 25.402 29.224 25.133 25.254 27.788 28.956 29.160 29.803 30.537 30.335 31.448 24.838 27.446 28.821 30.059 31.189 31.570 31.187 24.775 29.275 30.723 31.539 27.058 31.861 25.372 26.699 29.254 30.416 30.939 31.555 East Harling 29.052

25.752 26.333 29.412

28.879 29.420 31.707 31.397 31.783

30.414 NP

29.620 30.5 30.456 31.185 31.477 25.523 26.5 28.121 29.291 GRASS 31.662 25.209 27.669 G31.566 MH 25.300 31.734 31.306 31.381 29.803 30.752 31.449 31.913 CL31.741 26.990 29.609 30.501 4 28.978 30.159 31.714 26.099 27.430 29.093 25.337 25.542 30.941 26.535 29.492 31.480 BT 31.839 25.056 29.484 30.631 31.179 31.981 31.702 25.836 BRAMBLES 31.597 NP 28.513 30.840 32.053 MH

24.947 25.407 27.975 29.789 CL31.531 31.689 29.737 31.158 27.291 31.445 31.982 31.681

26.518 ST

25.020 32.256 31.836 27.0 31.739 31.681 27.760 29.867 29.905 29.377 29.457 26.088 29.122 31.263 30.895

27.019 30.120 30.608 stn2

25.405 TREE CANOPY EH32.014 25.679 28.237 31.144 31.839 25.5 31.279 32.332 31.612 25.500 30.794 31.407 32.289 31.718

25.475 29.478 30.059

25.546 31.536 26.781 27.531 29.304 31.0 32.255 2 25.225 31.741 30.086 31.691 29.605 32.459 28.007 HEDGE 31.828 26.309 27.312 29.112 31.574 32.032 25.911 28.801 29.563 30.126 30.160 30.994 25.631 31.420 29.352 30.634 25.167 30.368 31.299 28.948 30.364 32.530 31.615 27.139 27.789 RH34.689 30.466 32.573 25.541 30.49830.479 32.476 25.758 O-H-ELEC 26.147

26.681 27.598 28.930 30.283

30.374 31.900 27.5 28.408 29.265 32.737 25.731 25.827 32.140 29.440 Tie Line 25.332 29.648 25.441 28.119 30.681 31.091

29.083 EP 32.746

27.303 31.462 25.768 30.751 32.775 30.511 31.5 26.406 29.564 31.751 32.577 TREE CANOPY

27.783 29.101 25.453 26.043 HEDGE 25.923 27.014 28.817 29.621 GRASS 32.802 25.958 28.875 29.946 30.476 32.040 28.360 29.661 32.350 25.803 29.743 31.014 Status 27.609 31.079 31.364 29.527 32.853 26.633 29.013 30.479 31.217

25.873 31.516 32.734 32.950

25.521 28.009 26.0 29.660 31.907 26.292 28.958 25.959 27.286 32.944 31.168

25.916 28.947 31.348 32.447

27.844 28.877 30.949 29.499 32.212 31.095 25.558 25.695 26.969 28.0 25.985 31.604 32.916

25.709 32.819

29.639 33.050 28.326 29.026 32.0 26.558 31.616 EH34.967 26.175 29.021 31.976 Proposed HEDGE 33.100 26.120 27.595 31.729 31.559 31.858 25.580 30.619 28.119 28.946 28.952 31.449 32.559 32.885 25.812 25.966 31.526 27.300 31.702 31.773 32.342 26.069 O-H-ELEC 28.935 32.896 32.995 26.059 26.458 26.841 28.785 29.096 BRAMBLES 33.113 31.870 33.130 BUSHES 27.832 25.905 25.958 33.153 26.352 26.270 28.342 31.985 25.971 32.056EP 32.973 26.131 31.893 31.902

26.272 29.068 28.858

26.181 27.651 32.674 33.167

26.5 31.826 TREE CANOPY 28.5 32.992 32.17632.425 32.286 26.724 32.146 HEDGE 26.332 27.184 33.237 33.106 26.319 Drawing Title 32.162 33.118 HEDGE 28.088 33.205

26.299 26.134 32.226 29.042 32.255 33.094 33.227

26.541 26.499 28.805 BRAMBLES 27.856 32.234

26.464 32.171 26.121 32.772

26.161 32.5 33.274 27.019 32.261 32.461 32.438 33.109 32.369 26.606 27.487 BRAMBLES HEDGE 26.637 BUSHES 26.241 28.346 33.151 33.363 26.348 28.947 33.335 26.405 32.523 26.686 28.179 32.437 32.545 33.112 26.434 26.776 33.367 Indicitive Surface Water BUSHES 27.315 32.827 POST BRAMBLES

26.228 32.641 26.270 33.396

26.584 26.434 32.718 26.204 27.0 27.849 26.607 33.211 BUSHES 28.931 33.376 33.497 26.278 29.135 26.301 26.673 HEDGE 32.909 32.967 POST 32.778 33.168 33.239 27.090 28.486 33.512 27.556 GP 26.473 26.288 x Infiltration rates based on on structural soils ltd in-situ EP 26.677 28.176 33.546 33.487 HEDGE 26.626 27.016 29.026 GP

POST 33.342 33.771 33.558 33.424 26.510 TREE CANOPY 33.226 29.631 26.409 testing report (783512.R01(00) November 2018) 27.357 27.889 26.650 26.746 33.445 29.060 29.763 Drainage Strategy 26.637 33.359 26.788 26.483 33.601 POST 26.700 27.173 28.484 26.668 29.276 TRACK

29.245 Location and depth of AW sewers to be confirmed prior to x 33.738 GARBOLDISHAM ROAD

33.710 26.954 27.5 26.631 BRICK WALL SLURRY 29.619 28.304 33.562 26.680 29.780 26.896 27.051 27.660 33.870 26.853 26.583 BL28.954 29.633 26.695 POST BRICK WALL 28.996 construction works commencing 33.976 26.711 26.978 26.962 28.936 29.461 33.723 BUSHES 27.463 29.399 29.701 BL28.946 29.528


27.186 28.582 29.409 26.718 28.017 x Discharge rates into AW sewer will require confirmation 26.815 POST 33.950 27.296 TREE CANOPY 26.982 BL28.983 28.942 29.644 27.402 27.706 26.749 26.735 prior to construction works commencing 28.968 27.366


27.551 BL28.942 28.0 29.775 27.532 x Attenuation features based on a 1 in100 year rainfall 27.996 29.444

26.938 28.889 Glebe View 27.143 29.277 BL28.947 29.697 27.532 27.628 BRAMBLES 27.052 27.050 27.838 28.723 event including 40% climate allowance. EH37.508 26.931 27.827 28.375 BL28.878 29.709

TREE CANOPY RH40.205 28.5 29.133 x Pond to be designed in accordance with Local Authority RH42.129 29.367 27.332 28.088 SLURRY 27.144 Drawn Date Checked Date Approved Date 29.428 27.414 BL28.933 28.189 29.722 design standard or CIRIA guidance, therefore pond 28.851 29.159 BUSHES 29.113 RH33.782 EH30.601 28.357 28.604 29.340 BL29.056 29.716 dimensions may change. 29.960 28.291 CW Nov 18 KJ Nov 18 IC Nov 18 HEDGE 27.426 28.731 Chapel 29.297 29.856 BL29.119 27.695 28.919

WL29.241 29.295 27.981 29.488 29.535 29.445 29.760 29.892

BL29.023 29.443 BRAMBLES The Glebe Bungalow 28.003 29.847 29.774 27.895 27.718 27.780 HEDGE 30.019 Scale Orig Size Dimensions


27.744 Cemetery 30.056 1:2500 A3 m


Track File Location: Location: File This page has been left blank intentionally

Gladman Developments Ltd Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA


Gladman Developments Ltd Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(02)-FRA Gladman Developments Ltd ii Land South of Lopham Road, Harling Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report 881577 R2(01)-FRA RSK LDE Ltd Page 1 18 Frogmore Road Lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Western Pond Herts, HP3 9RT Infiltration only Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File WESTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Half Drain Time : 920 minutes.

Storm Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (m³)

15 min Summer 21.261 0.761 6.9 408.0 O K 30 min Summer 21.423 0.923 7.6 522.0 O K 60 min Summer 21.567 1.067 8.2 630.9 O K 120 min Summer 21.688 1.188 8.8 728.1 O K 180 min Summer 21.743 1.243 9.0 774.8 Flood Risk 240 min Summer 21.773 1.273 9.1 800.1 Flood Risk 360 min Summer 21.797 1.297 9.2 821.1 Flood Risk 480 min Summer 21.803 1.303 9.3 826.0 Flood Risk 600 min Summer 21.797 1.297 9.2 820.8 Flood Risk 720 min Summer 21.786 1.286 9.2 810.9 Flood Risk 960 min Summer 21.763 1.263 9.1 791.6 Flood Risk 1440 min Summer 21.716 1.216 8.9 751.6 Flood Risk 2160 min Summer 21.643 1.143 8.5 691.5 O K 2880 min Summer 21.577 1.077 8.3 638.7 O K 4320 min Summer 21.463 0.963 7.7 551.8 O K 5760 min Summer 21.365 0.865 7.3 480.2 O K 7200 min Summer 21.277 0.777 6.9 418.9 O K 8640 min Summer 21.197 0.697 6.6 366.2 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

15 min Summer 143.954 26 30 min Summer 92.629 41 60 min Summer 56.713 70 120 min Summer 33.583 130 180 min Summer 24.424 188 240 min Summer 19.389 246 360 min Summer 13.924 364 480 min Summer 11.018 482 600 min Summer 9.182 600 720 min Summer 7.908 664 960 min Summer 6.245 776 1440 min Summer 4.471 1030 2160 min Summer 3.197 1448 2880 min Summer 2.518 1852 4320 min Summer 1.796 2680 5760 min Summer 1.413 3464 7200 min Summer 1.172 4248 8640 min Summer 1.006 5008

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 2 18 Frogmore Road Lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Western Pond Herts, HP3 9RT Infiltration only Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File WESTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Storm Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (m³)

10080 min Summer 21.126 0.626 6.3 320.6 O K 15 min Winter 21.333 0.833 7.2 457.7 O K 30 min Winter 21.508 1.008 7.9 585.8 O K 60 min Winter 21.664 1.164 8.6 708.9 O K 120 min Winter 21.797 1.297 9.2 820.4 Flood Risk 180 min Winter 21.859 1.359 9.5 875.1 Flood Risk 240 min Winter 21.893 1.393 9.7 906.0 Flood Risk 360 min Winter 21.925 1.425 9.8 934.1 Flood Risk 480 min Winter 21.936 1.436 9.9 944.4 Flood Risk 600 min Winter 21.935 1.435 9.9 943.7 Flood Risk 720 min Winter 21.927 1.427 9.8 936.2 Flood Risk 960 min Winter 21.899 1.399 9.7 910.7 Flood Risk 1440 min Winter 21.846 1.346 9.5 864.0 Flood Risk 2160 min Winter 21.758 1.258 9.1 787.1 Flood Risk 2880 min Winter 21.668 1.168 8.7 711.8 O K 4320 min Winter 21.512 1.012 8.0 588.9 O K 5760 min Winter 21.377 0.877 7.4 488.6 O K 7200 min Winter 21.257 0.757 6.8 405.6 O K 8640 min Winter 21.150 0.650 6.4 336.1 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

10080 min Summer 0.884 5752 15 min Winter 143.954 26 30 min Winter 92.629 41 60 min Winter 56.713 70 120 min Winter 33.583 126 180 min Winter 24.424 184 240 min Winter 19.389 242 360 min Winter 13.924 358 480 min Winter 11.018 470 600 min Winter 9.182 582 720 min Winter 7.908 690 960 min Winter 6.245 880 1440 min Winter 4.471 1100 2160 min Winter 3.197 1560 2880 min Winter 2.518 2000 4320 min Winter 1.796 2860 5760 min Winter 1.413 3688 7200 min Winter 1.172 4472 8640 min Winter 1.006 5272

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 3 18 Frogmore Road Lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Western Pond Herts, HP3 9RT Infiltration only Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File WESTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Storm Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (m³)

10080 min Winter 21.056 0.556 6.0 277.7 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

10080 min Winter 0.884 5968

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 4 18 Frogmore Road Lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Western Pond Herts, HP3 9RT Infiltration only Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File WESTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Rainfall Details

Rainfall Model FSR Winter Storms Yes Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Shortest Storm (mins) 15 Ratio R 0.450 Longest Storm (mins) 10080 Summer Storms Yes Climate Change % +40

Time / Area Diagram

Total Area (ha) 1.540

Time Area Time Area Time Area (mins) (ha) (mins) (ha) (mins) (ha)

0-4 0.513 4-8 0.513 8-12 0.513

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 5 18 Frogmore Road Lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Western Pond Herts, HP3 9RT Infiltration only Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File WESTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Model Details

Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 22.000

Infiltration Basin Structure

Invert Level (m) 20.500 Safety Factor 2.0 Infiltration Coefficient Base (m/hr) 0.06660 Porosity 1.00 Infiltration Coefficient Side (m/hr) 0.06660

Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²)

0.000 400.0 1.500 938.5

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 1 18 Frogmore Road lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Eastern Pond Herts, HP3 9RT with overflow into sewer Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File EASTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Half Drain Time : 648 minutes.

Storm Max Max Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Control Σ Outflow Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m³)

15 min Summer 24.803 0.803 3.2 7.3 10.5 437.1 O K 30 min Summer 24.971 0.971 3.5 8.0 11.5 557.9 O K 60 min Summer 25.117 1.117 3.8 8.6 12.4 670.7 O K 120 min Summer 25.233 1.233 4.1 9.0 13.1 766.1 Flood Risk 180 min Summer 25.281 1.281 4.2 9.2 13.4 806.8 Flood Risk 240 min Summer 25.302 1.302 4.2 9.2 13.5 824.7 Flood Risk 360 min Summer 25.307 1.307 4.2 9.3 13.5 829.2 Flood Risk 480 min Summer 25.294 1.294 4.2 9.2 13.4 817.8 Flood Risk 600 min Summer 25.278 1.278 4.2 9.2 13.3 804.2 Flood Risk 720 min Summer 25.261 1.261 4.1 9.1 13.2 790.2 Flood Risk 960 min Summer 25.228 1.228 4.1 9.0 13.0 761.7 Flood Risk 1440 min Summer 25.160 1.160 3.9 8.7 12.7 705.4 O K 2160 min Summer 25.066 1.066 3.7 8.4 12.1 630.1 O K 2880 min Summer 24.981 0.981 3.6 8.0 11.6 565.3 O K 4320 min Summer 24.834 0.834 3.3 7.4 10.7 458.5 O K 5760 min Summer 24.709 0.709 3.0 6.9 9.9 373.6 O K 7200 min Summer 24.599 0.599 2.8 6.4 9.2 304.2 O K 8640 min Summer 24.502 0.502 2.6 6.0 8.6 246.2 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

15 min Summer 143.954 26 30 min Summer 92.629 41 60 min Summer 56.713 70 120 min Summer 33.583 128 180 min Summer 24.424 186 240 min Summer 19.389 244 360 min Summer 13.924 362 480 min Summer 11.018 456 600 min Summer 9.182 508 720 min Summer 7.908 568 960 min Summer 6.245 694 1440 min Summer 4.471 970 2160 min Summer 3.197 1380 2880 min Summer 2.518 1788 4320 min Summer 1.796 2560 5760 min Summer 1.413 3344 7200 min Summer 1.172 4104 8640 min Summer 1.006 4840

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 2 18 Frogmore Road lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Eastern Pond Herts, HP3 9RT with overflow into sewer Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File EASTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Storm Max Max Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Control Σ Outflow Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m³)

10080 min Summer 24.414 0.414 2.5 5.8 8.2 196.1 O K 15 min Winter 24.879 0.879 3.4 7.6 11.0 490.5 O K 30 min Winter 25.061 1.061 3.7 8.3 12.1 626.6 O K 60 min Winter 25.219 1.219 4.1 8.9 13.0 754.6 Flood Risk 120 min Winter 25.348 1.348 4.3 9.4 13.7 865.4 Flood Risk 180 min Winter 25.403 1.403 4.4 9.6 14.0 914.6 Flood Risk 240 min Winter 25.429 1.429 4.5 9.7 14.2 938.5 Flood Risk 360 min Winter 25.443 1.443 4.5 9.7 14.3 950.6 Flood Risk 480 min Winter 25.436 1.436 4.5 9.7 14.2 944.7 Flood Risk 600 min Winter 25.418 1.418 4.5 9.6 14.1 928.4 Flood Risk 720 min Winter 25.396 1.396 4.4 9.6 14.0 908.5 Flood Risk 960 min Winter 25.359 1.359 4.3 9.4 13.8 874.9 Flood Risk 1440 min Winter 25.274 1.274 4.2 9.1 13.3 800.8 Flood Risk 2160 min Winter 25.146 1.146 3.9 8.7 12.6 694.4 O K 2880 min Winter 25.029 1.029 3.7 8.2 11.9 602.0 O K 4320 min Winter 24.827 0.827 3.3 7.4 10.6 453.3 O K 5760 min Winter 24.656 0.656 2.9 6.6 9.5 339.8 O K 7200 min Winter 24.506 0.506 2.6 6.0 8.6 248.5 O K 8640 min Winter 24.363 0.363 2.4 5.8 8.0 168.8 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

10080 min Summer 0.884 5544 15 min Winter 143.954 26 30 min Winter 92.629 40 60 min Winter 56.713 68 120 min Winter 33.583 126 180 min Winter 24.424 182 240 min Winter 19.389 240 360 min Winter 13.924 354 480 min Winter 11.018 462 600 min Winter 9.182 566 720 min Winter 7.908 596 960 min Winter 6.245 740 1440 min Winter 4.471 1046 2160 min Winter 3.197 1492 2880 min Winter 2.518 1912 4320 min Winter 1.796 2728 5760 min Winter 1.413 3520 7200 min Winter 1.172 4256 8640 min Winter 1.006 5008

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 3 18 Frogmore Road lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Eastern Pond Herts, HP3 9RT with overflow into sewer Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File EASTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+40%)

Storm Max Max Max Max Max Max Status Event Level Depth Infiltration Control Σ Outflow Volume (m) (m) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m³)

10080 min Winter 24.240 0.240 2.1 5.8 7.9 106.4 O K

Storm Rain Time-Peak Event (mm/hr) (mins)

10080 min Winter 0.884 5544

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 4 18 Frogmore Road lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Eastern Pond Herts, HP3 9RT with overflow into sewer Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File EASTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Rainfall Details

Rainfall Model FSR Winter Storms Yes Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Shortest Storm (mins) 15 Ratio R 0.450 Longest Storm (mins) 10080 Summer Storms Yes Climate Change % +40

Time / Area Diagram

Total Area (ha) 1.661

Time Area Time Area Time Area (mins) (ha) (mins) (ha) (mins) (ha)

0-4 0.553 4-8 0.554 8-12 0.554

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd RSK LDE Ltd Page 5 18 Frogmore Road lopham Rd Hemel Hempstead Eastern Pond Herts, HP3 9RT with overflow into sewer Date Nov 18 Designed By CW File EASTERN POND WITH... Checked By Elstree Computing Ltd Source Control W.12.5

Model Details

Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 25.500

Infiltration Basin Structure

Invert Level (m) 24.000 Safety Factor 2.0 Infiltration Coefficient Base (m/hr) 0.03038 Porosity 1.00 Infiltration Coefficient Side (m/hr) 0.03038

Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²)

0.000 400.0 1.500 938.5

Hydro-Brake® Outflow Control

Design Head (m) 1.500 Diameter (mm) 116 Design Flow (l/s) 9.8 Invert Level (m) 24.000 Hydro-Brake® Type Md5 SW Only

Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s)

0.100 3.6 1.200 8.9 3.000 14.0 7.000 21.4 0.200 5.6 1.400 9.6 3.500 15.2 7.500 22.2 0.300 5.7 1.600 10.2 4.000 16.2 8.000 22.9 0.400 5.7 1.800 10.9 4.500 17.2 8.500 23.6 0.500 6.0 2.000 11.5 5.000 18.1 9.000 24.3 0.600 6.4 2.200 12.0 5.500 19.0 9.500 25.0 0.800 7.3 2.400 12.5 6.000 19.8 1.000 8.1 2.600 13.1 6.500 20.6

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd