VZAccess Manager Administrator‟s Guide Version

Overview VZAccess Manager has been enhanced to meet the needs of the enterprise. It is easy to deploy, configure and lock down. The administrator has the ability to create an XML configuration file (Network.xml) that is used during installation to configure the client to the needs of a particular corporation.

Installation Options The VZAccess Manager installer is available as an executable as well as an MSI file. The following two sections discuss each format and the available options, switches and behaviors.

MSI Installations Windows Installer files (*.msi) are loaded and processed by a Microsoft executable, msiexec.exe (live help with all of the standard switches is available by executing msiexec /?). To install an msi file (ex. VZAccess.msi) one can execute either from a command interpreter or the “run” dialog from the Start menu:

msiexec /i “VZAccess.msi”

To uninstall the same product:

msiexec /x “VZAccess.msi”

Additional switches (ex. /qn) can be added to the command line, as well as parameters to the installation (ex. DESKTOPICON=1).

msiexec /qn /i “VZAccess.msi” DESKTOPICON=1

Install & Uninstall The /i switch is used to install a file. It should be followed by the file name/path. If the path or name contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotes. By default VZAccess will be installed to C:\Program Files\ Wireless\VZAccess Manager (drive letter may very depending on your system). The /x switch uninstalls a previously installed file. Its syntax is the same as the install switch.

Silent Install/Uninstall A completely silent install or uninstall is enabled by the /qn switch. This should show NO user interface whatsoever. The UI can be displayed at varying levels from none (/qn) up to full (/qf) by providing /q followed by varying letters/symbols. See the live help for a list of all the options.

Windows Vista:

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Windows Vista will typically prompt you to elevate a process needing administrative privileges, however, in the case of a completely silent install (/qn) Vista will not prompt you, and the installation will silently fail.

Here are a few different workarounds: 1. Open an elevated cmd shell. Locate a shortcut to cmd.exe in the start menu, right click and select “Run As Administrator...” The resulting cmd window should have “Administrator: ...” at the title bar. 2. The default, built-in Administrator user (which must be enabled first) will run the installation elevated by default. 3. Research how to use the runas command from a cmd shell (try runas /?) 4. Disable UAC/LUA.

Another entirely different approach would be to install with a non-interactive command-line option instead of completely silently. For example: msiexec /i VZAccess-Enterprise.msi /qb- This will install quietly, without any wizard dialogs, just a progress bar, but you will be prompted to elevate instead of failing the install.

All Users/Current User The installation can be installed for all the users on the system, or it can be installed for only the current user. To dictate this at the command line (i.e. in a silent install) you can use the ALLUSERS parameter. This can be assigned three different values, ””, 1, or 2. Of interest are ”” and 2. By default an installation from the command line will install for all users. Also note that to install for all users, the current user must have appropriate privileges, e.g. Administrative privileges. ALLUSERS=”” Install for the current user only – empty quotes ALLUSERS=2 Install for all users

Install a Desktop Shortcut/Icon The installation can optionally install a shortcut on the desktop. By default the icon is not installed. To indicate that it should from the command line, use the DESKTOPICON parameter. DESKTOPICON=1

Launch VZAccess after installation The installation can launch VZAccess after the installation. By default this does not happen. To enable it use the LAUNCHPROGRAM parameter: LAUNCHPROGRAM=1

Remove User Data VZAccess generates user data that can persist on the machine if the installation is removed, and is restored if it is reinstalled. This includes WEP keys and usage logs. By default this information is left intact (as advised in the Microsoft “Designed for XP” logo program). To force the removal of this information from a command-line uninstallation use the REMOVE_ALL_USER_DATA parameter. REMOVE_ALL_USER_DATA=1

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Examples A silent install with all of the non-default options would look like (all on one line):

msiexec /qn /i “P:\path\VZAccess.msi” DESKTOPICON=1 LAUNCHPROGRAM=1

A silent uninstall to remove all user data would appear as:

msiexec /qn /x “P:\path\VZAccess.msi” REMOVE_ALL_USER_DATA=1

EXE Installations The executable installer is essentially an MSI file with an InstallShield setup launcher. A silent installation can be performed by executing the installer application with the /S /v/qn parameter. For example, if the installation application is on a shared network drive mapped to drive „M‟, the administrator can select Run from the Start menu and type:

“M:\VZAccess Manager.exe /S /v/qn”

Running the installation application (VZAccess Manager.exe) with the „/v‟ parameter instructs the setup executable to pass any following switches (after „/v‟) to the MSI (i.e. “/qn” above).

Similarly, to uninstall VZAccess Manager from a computer without user interaction, the administrator can execute:

“M:\VZAccess Manager.exe /x /v/qn”

Note that all installation switches used for the MSI can also be used for the exe as long as the „/v‟ parameter is used. If we need to pass more than one switch to the MSI, enclose anything after „/v‟ with double quotes.

Examples A silent install with all of the non-default options would look like (all on one line):

M:\VZAccess Manager.exe /S /v”/qn DESKTOPICON=1 LAUNCHPROGRAM=1”

A silent uninstall to remove all user data would appear as:

M:\VZAccess Manager.exe /x /v”/qn REMOVE_ALL_USER_DATA=1”

Configuration Tool VZAccess Configuration Tool is available for administrators to create the VZAccess Manager configuration file as desired. This is a small application that runs on Windows 2000, XP or Vista. More advanced users can choose to manually create the configuration file as described below. This configuration tool can be downloaded from the VZAccess Manager Enterprise download site.

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Configuration File To customize VZAccess Manager for enterprise needs, an administrator must configure and distribute a network.xml file with the installation file. Any custom network.xml file should be placed in the System subfolder where VZAccess Manager was installed in order for the desired settings to take effect.

The administrator can edit the Network.xml file with any standard text editor such as notepad and insert options as described below in the Network.xml File Details section. An xml parser can help the administrator catch simple problems – for example many web browsers, like Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher, support xml files to some degree and can display the xml content and/or display an error if one exists. Opening the network.xml file with IE can provide the administrator with feedback on the validity of the XML syntax changes, and hints to fixing any syntax problems that may have been introduced.

Network.xml File Details For every special behavior the administrator wishes in VZAccess, an entry must be made in the network.xml file. These entries should be xml elements of the names provided below in Table 1 and containing the corresponding data indicating whether the setting is to be applied or not. Each of these elements should be contained within a single EnterpriseOptions element, which will be contained within the qlconfig element (which is topmost and singular). The EnterpriseOptions element must be placed before the networklist element, but may come before or after any of the other elements. Settings not included in the network.xml file will take on the default behavior/value as described in Table 1.

An example is provided below in the excerpt from a network.xml file. This example allows the user to view all of the features of VZAccess Manager including the Preferences dialog, but would not be able to change any of the preferences. The user would also not be able to close the application, but would be allowed to minimize it.

- ATTENTION Dial Up connections may be charged differently than NationalAccess sessions. Please check your Calling Plan for details. - TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE 50 30

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Administrator Options These settings can be set by the administrator to hide or disable certain product functionality. These options are read from the Network.xml file every time the application is started so any changes made in this file after deploying the client will be read by the application. - TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE

The settings in this table are case sensitive. Setting Default Possible Note Values AdminConfigVersion None Any An administrator can assign a numeric version to their settings. This string is displayed in the About box. If the network.xml file has a version greater than the stored version, then the application will automatically re-detect the device in order to apply changes in the file.

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RequirePrefsCmdLine FALSE TRUE | Setting this will prevent FALSE Default Preferences from being overwritten by those that a user may have set from using the application.

By default, VZAccess Manager will restore the Default Preferences in the Network.xml file to the application each time it is run. Settings not present in the Network.xml file ("default" in the Config Tool) will not have an effect on user Preferences - this is different than explicitly specifying the default value.

A value of TRUE will require VZAccess Manager to be run with a '-prefs' command-line switch in order for the Default Preferences to be restored. AutoUpdateCoverageArea FALSE TRUE | When enabled the user is not FALSE prompted to update the coverage area information on their WWAN device - it automatically starts and finishes the update process without prompting the user. The confirmation message at the end of the update process is also suppressed. LockWWAN FALSE TRUE | Lock all WWAN user FALSE preferences. This hides the 'WWAN Device' tree item in the Preferences dialog. LockWiFi FALSE TRUE | Lock all Wi-Fi user FALSE preferences. This hides the 'Wi-Fi' tree item in the Preferences dialog. LockOptions FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Application' tree FALSE item in the Preferences dialog. LockSMS FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'TXT Messaging' FALSE tree item in the Preferences dialog.

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LockUpdates FALSE TRUE | This hides the 'Update' tree FALSE item in the Preferences dialog. LockVPN FALSE TRUE | This hides the 'VPN' tree item FALSE in the Preferences dialog. LockConnect FALSE TRUE | This hides the 'Connect' tree FALSE item in the Preferences dialog. LockLaunch FALSE TRUE | This hides the 'Launch' tree FALSE item in the Preferences dialog.

Note: This is a sub tree item to 'Connect', if the 'Connect' tree item does not exist, it will be moved to the root. LockWWANConnections FALSE TRUE | Hide the 'Connections' tree FALSE item in the Preferences dialog. This item only appears when GSM device is being used. DisableExit FALSE TRUE | Disables the 'Exit' menu FALSE option. In this mode, standard methods of closing an application, such as alt+F4, File->Close menu, system menu->Close and the close button ("X") in the toolbar are not functional. This is useful for in-store demos. The application must be forced to close by Windows Task Manager or another utility application. DisableMinimize FALSE TRUE | Minimize will be disabled on FALSE the menu bar and system menu. DisableMaximize FALSE TRUE | Maximize will be disabled on FALSE the menu bar and removed from the system menu. DisableMove FALSE TRUE | The application window FALSE cannot be moved on the desktop. DisableResize FALSE TRUE | The application window FALSE cannot be resized.

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DisablePrefs FALSE TRUE | Disables the ability to have FALSE the user make any changes to preferences. If the user presses OK or Apply, they will see a message saying that preference modifications are not allowed and any changes that they made will not be saved - the original settings persist. HideUpdate TRUE TRUE | Hides the Update feature (user FALSE interface) from the user. This includes the Help menu and the Preferences dialog. Auto Update functionality would still work in this case but the user would not see the option. HideSupportView FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Support' menu item FALSE that appears on the Help menu. HideDataUsageView FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Usage' button that FALSE appears on the Networks tab screen. HideLogView FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Session Log' menu FALSE item that appears on the Options menu. HideSMSView FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'TXT Messaging' FALSE tab that appears on the main screen. HideStatisticsView FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Statistics' tab that FALSE appears on the main screen. HideDiagnostics FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Diagnostics' menu FALSE item that appears on the Options menu.

NOTE: This will disable Ctrl+K processing as well. HideVPNButton FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'VPN Start/Stop' FALSE button that appears on the Networks tab screen. HideMyAccountButton FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'My Verizon' button FALSE that appears on the Networks tab screen for CDMA devices. It does not hide this button when using VZGlobal devices.

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HideLinksInHelpMenu FALSE TRUE | Hides any menu items under FALSE the help menu that would open a browser or email client. HideUsageExportButton FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Export' button on FALSE the Session Log dialog. HideUsageClearButton FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Clear' button on the FALSE Session Log dialog. HideWiFi FALSE TRUE | Hides all Wi-Fi features of the FALSE product. HideNetworkSelection FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Network Selection' FALSE menu item under the Options menu and the 'Network Selection' button on the Networks tab screen. This menu/button is only available when VZAccess Manager is configured to use a VZGlobal or GOBI device. HideDetectDeviceButton FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Detect Device' FALSE menu item under the Options menu and the 'Detect Device' button on the Networks tab screen. HidePowerOptions FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Power On/Off FALSE WWAN Device' menu under the Options menu. For embedded devices it also hides the 'Power off the device at application shutdown' checkbox under the 'WWAN Device' tree item in Preferences dialog. HideLocationsView FALSE TRUE | Hides the Verizon Wi-Fi FALSE Access functionality including the 'Wi-Fi Locations' tab that appears on the main screen HideLocationUpdates FALSE TRUE | Hides the 'Update Locations...' FALSE menu item from the Tools menu. WWANDevice empty Any This is populated by the number of WWAN Devices tab. See modem devicename for further names information. separated by `|`

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WiFiDevice empty Wi-Fi NDIS name of Wi-Fi adapter adaptor to use. names separated by '|' EnableSocketNotification FALSE TRUE | This needs to be enabled only FALSE when using VZAccess Manager on an OQO UMPC with an embedded WWAN module. This is required for the OQO Wireless Dashboard to function correctly. RequireVPNConnection FALSE TRUE | The configured VPN will FALSE automatically be started upon WWAN connection (overriding WWANManualStartVPN). By default, it is set to a 30 second time out, after which, if no VPN connection is detected, the WWAN connection will be terminated. The 30 seconds time out may be increased by using the ConnectVPNTimeout. A VPN client should be specified with the WWANVPNType - especially if the UI has been locked. This feature only works with VPN clients integrated with VZAccess. If no VPN is configured or an executable is specified for the VPN (WWANVPNPath), the WWAN connection will be terminated.

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DisableSaveVPNPass FALSE TRUE | VZAccess Manager will FALSE sometimes allow or sometimes require the user to enter their password for particular VPNs (i.e. Checkpoint). By default this information will be encrypted and saved for recurring use. You may disable passwords from being saved with this setting. VZAccess Manager will prompt for the password every time the VPN is to be connected. Can be useful for VPN systems with passwords that expire periodically. ConnectVPNTimeout 30 Any This is the amount of time number of allowed for a VPN connection seconds to be established. If the status (ignored if is not detected as "connected" less than in this amount of time, then a default) disconnect is signaled. If a VPN is required (RequireVPNConnection) then this will end the WWAN connection also.

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AutoDetectLAN FALSE TRUE | When enabled, the user will FALSE not be able to establish a WWAN connection if a LAN connection (i.e. Ethernet) is available. VZAccess will also suspend the WWAN 'Auto Connect' feature (if set) and/or disconnect an active WWAN connection if LAN is detected.

WLAN connections initiated by VZAccess will prompt the user before disconnecting WWAN.

If all fixed LANs connections become unavailable, VZAccess will automatically connect to WWAN network if 'Auto Connect' mode is set and VZAccess does not have an active WLAN connection.

Note: In some cases, other types of adapters like VPN are considered LAN adapters and VZAccess disconnects the WWAN session upon connecting to the VPN. The administrator is allowed to specify the VPN adapters to ignore. Refer to the 'LAN Adapters' tab for more details.

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AutoDetectWLAN FALSE TRUE | This setting enhances the FALSE AutoDetectLAN setting to include all WLAN (Wi-Fi) connections if they are controlled by another application. i.e. VZAccess is not configured for Wi-Fi.

Basically, in this scenario, WLAN is treated just like LAN (Ethernet).

This setting only takes effect if AutoDetectLAN is enabled.

Note: In some cases, other types of adapters like VPN are considered LAN adapters and VZAccess disconnects the WWAN session upon connecting to the VPN. The administrator is allowed to specify the VPN adapters to ignore. Refer to the 'LAN Adapters' tab for more details. MinimizeOnConnection FALSE TRUE | When enabled the application FALSE will automatically minimize itself upon successfully establishing a WWAN or a WLAN connection. MinimumViewatFirstRun FALSE TRUE | When enabled, the application FALSE is set to minimum view by default the very first time the application is run. After the first time it remembers the last view that the user selected when closing the application. AlwaysMinimumViewatStartup FALSE TRUE | When enabled the application FALSE always defaults to minimum view at application startup regardless of what the last view was when the application was closed.

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LockToMinimumView FALSE TRUE | When enabled, VZAccess FALSE Manager will only display the Minimum view and will not allow the user to maximize or switch to any of the other views. DoNotDisconnectAtWindowsLogoff FALSE TRUE | When enabled the application FALSE does not disconnect the WWAN connection at Windows logoff or shutdown. Please note that Windows will disconnect the session by default. This setting is to be used in conjunction with your VPN client setting that logs the user off the current session and then logs them back in. AutoConnectAttempts 3 Any This is the number of attempts number of the application will try to attempts connect or reconnect to (ignored if WWAN if Automatically 0) Connect is enabled in Preferences. The application can be set to continuously try infinitely by using -1 as the value for this field. MobileIP 0 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Configures the Mobile IP setting on the device. If the device is set to some other MIP setting, it will attempt to reset it to the specified setting. Will not allow WWAN connectivity if the specified setting cannot be configured on the device. If this is specified in the Network.xml the user will not be able to change this setting through the Support dialog.

0 - No preference (device will maintain existing state) 1 - Mobile IP OFF 2 - Mobile IP preferred 3 - Mobile IP only

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NetworkMode empty network Locks VZAccess Manager to types (i.e. the specified network mode. CDMA) This setting is only applicable to GOBI devices which support both CDMA and GSM networks. 'Network Mode' allows the user to switch between CDMA and GSM modes located in the 'Network Selection' dialog. If this setting is specified in the Network.xml, the option for the user to switch between CDMA and GSM is disabled. Currently, this setting only allows the admin to lock the device to CDMA mode. Current possible value for NetworkMode is 'CDMA'.

EnableScreenReadingSupport FALSE TRUE | When enabled, VZAccess FALSE Manager will support the screen reading software (i.e. JAWS) for visually impaired users. WaitBetweenAutoConnectAttempts 5 Any value Time in seconds to wait between auto connecting from one network to another. WiFiWaitBetweenAutoConnectAtte 5 Any value Time in seconds to wait mpts between auto connecting from one network to another. WiFiAutoConnectAttempts 3 Any value This is the number of attempts the application will try to connect or reconnect to WiFi if Automatically Connect is enabled in Preferences. Valid values are 1 or higher. ColorScheme white none | Use a specific color theme for black | VZAccess Manager. white

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AllowPrepaySessions FALSE TRUE | When enabled, VZAccess FALSE Manager allows users to sign up online for Monthly or DayPass service plans. This functionality is not supported across all devices and is limited to certain data devices.

Note: This setting may have conflicts and may not work correctly when configured with following options:  VPN is required  Proxy settings  DNS settings  NDIS mode  Mobile IP turned off

Customizing Device Detection VZAccess Manager allows the administrator to configure what types of devices can be detected.

HardwareDetection 1 0 | 1 Configures VZAcecess Manager to detect only WWAN or both WiFi and WWAN.

Note: This option will only apply when the application is run for the first time or if the "AdminConfigVersion" value is increased and the application restarted.

0 - WWAN 1 - WiFi and WWAN DisableInternalConnectivity FALSE TRUE | Hides the list item FALSE "Embedded" on the Detect Wireless Device dialog and will also prevent the auto- detection from finding these types of devices.

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DisableDataCableConnectivity FALSE TRUE | Hides the list items FALSE "Handset" and "Smartphone" on the Detect Wireless Device dialog and will also prevent the auto- detection from finding these types of devices. DisablePCCardConnectivity FALSE TRUE | Hides the list items "PC FALSE Card" and "USB Modem" on the Detect Wireless Device dialog and will also prevent the auto-detection from finding these types of devices. DisableBluetoothConnectivity FALSE TRUE | Hides the list item FALSE "Bluetooth" on the Detect Wireless Device dialog and will also prevent the auto- detection from finding these types of devices. DefaultConnectivity 0 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Pre-configures the default | 5 | 6 Device Type to be selected in the Detect Wireless Device dialog.

The detection process will only find the device types matching the currently selected Device Type list item except when Auto is selected.

0 - Auto 1 - Embedded 2 - Handset 3 - PC Card 4 - Bluetooth 5 - USB Modem 6 - Smartphone

Customizing the Support View VZAccess Manager allows the administrator to configure certain aspects of the support dialog including the support phone number and email address.

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SupportTitle empty Text This replaces the very first string. line that appears in the (50 chars Support dialog i.e. max) "Welcome to the help center". SupportTopic empty Text This replaces the main string. contents of the Support (150 dialog. This can be used to chars replace the Verizon max) Wireless support numbers with an enterprise support phone number. SupportLink empty URL This is the URL that will be opened if the user clicks on the SupportUrlLabel that appears on the Support dialog. SupportMailToButton empty Text This replaces the text on string. the "E-mail Verizon (40 chars Wireless Support" button max) that appears in the Support dialog as well as in the Diagnostics dialog. SupportMailToAddress empty Email This replaces the Verizon address Wireless email address for customer support when the user clicks on the "E-mail Verizon Wireless Support" button in the Support dialog as well as in the Diagnostics dialog. SupportUrlLabel empty Text This text will appear as a string. link under the (40 chars SupportTopic described max) above on the Support dialog. If the user clicks on this text, a browser will open and it will be directed to the URL specified in SupportLink. SupportHideMailtoButton FALSE bool This will hide the E-mail Support button from the Support dialog and Diagnostics dialog.

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Internet Explorer Proxy Settings for WWAN connections The administrator may specify proxy settings for Internet Explorer 5.0 and above from within the network xml file. Changes to the network.xml file require VZAccess Manager to be restarted. These settings take effect at the time the connections are created which is when a device is detected. A device can be re-detected by selecting the Detect Device button on the Networks tab or by incrementing the AdminConfigVersion and restarting VZAccess Manager. Note: The device must be re-detected again in order for the changes in proxy settings to take effect.

AutoDetectProxySettings FALSE TRUE | Configures Internet Explorer 5.0 FALSE and above to auto detect proxy settings for WWAN connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. AutoConfigScript empty Any valid Provides a path to a script to path to automatically configure the proxy script settings for WWAN connections. Internet Explorer 5.0 or above is required. See the "LAN Settings" dialog under the "Connections" tab under the "Internet Options" for Internet Explorer. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. ProxyServerAddress empty Any valid Sets the proxy server address for proxy WWAN connections. Internet server Explorer 5.0 or above is required. address Port number can be specified by adding a colon followed by the number. Device must be re- detected for this setting to take effect.. BypassProxyServer FALSE TRUE | Configures Internet Explorer 5.0 FALSE and above to ignore proxy settings for local IP addresses when using WWAN connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. CopyLanProxy FALSE TRUE | If True, WWAN connections FALSE created by VZAccess will copy all of the proxy settings from the LAN configuration - the previous proxy settings will be ignored. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect.

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WWAN Connection Properties VZAccess Manager allows the administrator to configure the following properties for the Verizon Wireless - VZAcess and VZGlobal (if using a Global device) connections created by VZAccess Manager: Changes to the network.xml file require VZAccess Manager to be restarted. These settings take effect at the time the connections are created which is when a device is detected. A device can be re-detected by selecting the Detect Device button on the Networks tab or by incrementing the AdminConfigVersion and restarting VZAccess Manager. Note: These connection properties are not applicable when using the device in NDIS mode.

PrimaryDNS None Any IP VZAccess Manager is set by address default to obtain DNS server string address automatically. When the Primary DNS is specified, the specified IP address is configured for the Preferred DNS server under TCP/IP Properties for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. SecondaryDNS None Any IP VZAccess Manager is set by address default to obtain DNS server string address automatically. When the secondary DNS is specified, this IP address is configured for the Alternate DNS server under TCP/IP Properties for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. PrimaryWINS None Any IP When specified, this IP address address is added to the list of string WINS addresses under Advanced TCP/IP Settings for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect.

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SecondaryWINS None Any IP When specified, this IP address address is added to the list of string WINS addresses under Advanced TCP/IP Settings for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. ShareMsFilePrint FALSE TRUE | When set to TRUE, File and FALSE Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks is enabled for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. BindMsNetClient FALSE TRUE | When set to TRUE, Client for FALSE Microsoft Networks is enabled for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. RemoteDefaultGateway TRUE TRUE | When set to FALSE, Use FALSE default gateway on remote network is disabled for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. This setting is available under Advanced TCP/IP Settings for the Verizon Wireless - VZAccess and VZGlobal connections. Device must be re-detected for this setting to take effect. UseAllUserRASPhoneBookFile FALSE TRUE | This configuration option FALSE only applies on Windows 2000 and XP. It is not applicable to Windows Vista. When set to TRUE, the WWAN connection data will always be stored in rasphone.pbk in "All Users" location even when logged-in as a limited user.

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Session Reporting via TXT Messaging VZAccess Manager allows the administrator to configure the client such that it can send session reports to a specified phone number or an email address via TXT Messaging. This allows an enterprise to collect information on WWAN data connectivity sessions for its users. The message is sent at application startup after the specified period of days from the last report. The message contains a summary of activity since the previous message was sent by the application. The message will contain the following fields:  Users ESN in Hex  Start Date/Time (mmddyyhhmmss) of this data to indicate the time period for this data  Number of total bytes sent  Number of total bytes received  Number of total sessions  Total duration in seconds

Below is a sample message: ESN=45B28A9E Time=013106224500 Sent=1266554 Received=3345536 Sessions=15 Duration=456643

The data represents only Verizon Wireless - VZAccess connections and will not contain information for any NDIS enabled connections.

EnableUsageReport FALSE TRUE | Enables the Session Reporting FALSE feature. When enabled, the user will not be allowed to clear the session log from within the Log view. Note: If HideLogView is set to TRUE then a usage report will not be generated. SendReportTo empty Text string This is the recipient of the (50 chars Session Report. max) 10 digit phone number or an email address

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UsageReportPeriod 0 Non- This is the number of days negative VZAccess Manager will integer accumulate data between successful Session Reports. If zero is specified, then a report will be sent every time VZAccess Manager starts up. UsageReportStatusMsg empty Text This allows the admin to string (60 configure the text in the status chars message displayed to the user max) while the session report is sent. UsageReportFailureMsg empty Text This is the error message string displayed to the user if the (256 chars UsageReportFailureCount max) below is exceeded. If no message is specified, then no error message is displayed. A sample message could be "VZAccess Manager failed to deliver the necessary reports to the administrator. Please contact your network administrator ..." UsageReportFailureCount 1 Non- The number of consecutive negative failed attempts to deliver the integer session report. Once this number is reached, the above error message if specified will be displayed to the user. Please note VZAccess Manager only attempts to deliver the message once at application startup. If the delivery fails for some reason, it will not try again until the next time the application starts.

LAN Adapters This section is applicable only if AutoDetectLAN has been enabled. In some instances, other types of adapters like VPN or WLAN are considered LAN adapters and VZAccess Manager disconnects the WWAN session upon connecting to the VPN. VZAccess Manager allows the network administrator to specify such adapters to be ignored. The administrator can specify the exact description of the adapter (i.e. VPN, WLAN, or other network adapters) into Network.xml as shown in the example below. VZAccess Manager, if configured with AutoDetectLAN and/or

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AutoDetectWLAN admin options, will ignore these adapters when detecting the presence of LAN. These settings are read from the Network.xml file every time the application is started.

- Cisco Systems VPN Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport Nortel IPSECSHM Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport Juniper Network Connect Virtual Adapter

Adapter Names Default Possible Note Values adaptername n/a adapter This setting only takes effect if name AutoDetectLAN and/or AutoDetectWLAN admin options are enabled.

Exact description of the Adapter that needs to be ignored by VZAccess when detecting LAN. This is case sensitive.

To find the exact description of the adapter: 1) Open a command window 2) Type 'route PRINT' at the command prompt

Note: The adapter names are listed under "Interface List".

WWAN Devices VZAccess Manager allows the network administrator to specify which wwan devices to be valid for connection. None, one or more devices can be specified.

These settings are only read from the Network.xml file during application startup if the AdminConfigVersion setting is increased higher than that from the last Network.xml read in.

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Device Names Default Possible Note Values devicename empty Any modem Default VZAM to use the specific device name WWANDevice string. Should be the exact name of the modem(s) that appears in the Phone and Modem Options in the Control Panel. Some valid names are:

 Sierra Wireless AirCard 555 Modem  AirPrime CDMA Wireless Modem  Sierra Wireless AirCard 580 Modem  CDMA2000 1X Wireless Modem  Novatel Wireless Merlin CDMA EV-DO Modem  Kyocera CDMA Wireless Modem  Curitel PC Card  Novatel Wireless UMTS Modem Primary Port  Sierra Wireless AC595 Modem Device  Novatel Wireless Expedite EV-DO Modem  Pantech PC Card  Novatel Wireless Merlin HSDPA Modem  Sierra Wireless AirCard 595U Modem Device  Novatel Wireless Ovation EV-DO Modem  Pantech USB Modem  Pantech UM175  Novatel Wireless Modem  Sierra Wireless Modem Device  Sierra Wireless SB555 Modem

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 Sierra Wireless MC5725 Modem Device  Sierra Wireless MC5727 EVDO Modem  HP ev2200 1xEV-DO Broadband Wireless Modem  HP ev2210 1xEVDO-A Broadband Wireless Modem  HP un2400 Module Modem  Toshiba Broadband (CDMA EV-DO) Minicard Modem  Toshiba Broadband (CDMA EV-DO) SM- Bus Minicard Modem  Novatel Wireless Broadband (CDMA EV- DO) Minicard Modem  Novatel Wireless Expedite EVDO Modem  HS-USB Modem 9001  Qualcomm HS-USB Modem 9202  Qualcomm HS-USB Modem 250D  Qualcomm HS-USB Modem 9222

Multiple WWAN devices can be specified by adding multiple entries, and will be sored as a single value using the delimiter character '|' i.e. Sierra Wireless AirCard 555 Modem|AirPrime CDMA Wireless Modem is a valid string. The application will use any of the devices specified in this case.

Default Preferences VZAccess Manager allows the administrator to assign default preferences on a new installation, or to override user settings after an installation. The administrator can set nearly every option seen from the preferences dialogs as well as a few unseen settings. By default these preferences – if explicitly set in the Network.xml – are restored from the Network.xml file, overwriting preferences the user has set, each time VZAccess Manager is executed. Settings absent from the Network.xml file will have no effect on the present state of the preferences.

If the RequirePrefsCmdLine admin option is set or if the administrator would like to apply a separate set of preferences one time, the administrator can forcibly apply the default settings by running VZAccess Manager.exe with the command-line switch –prefs (or /prefs) from a script, batch file or manually from the start menu or command shell. For example, if the application was installed to the default location, then entering the following in the “run…” prompt under the start menu will „force‟ the default settings in the already installed network.xml to overwrite any conflicting preferences the user may have made:

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“c:\program files\Verizon Wireless\VZAccess Manager\VZAccess Manager.exe” –prefs

Alternatively, the following will do the same, but with another file (newSettings.xml) with the same format as network.xml.

“c:\program files\Verizon Wireless\VZAccess Manager\ VZAccess Manager.exe” –prefs newSettings.xml

The alternate file is specified with either absolute path (including network paths) or relative path to the application – absolute path is checked first. Quotes may be necessary if spaces are involved in the path.

Below is a list of application preferences that the administrator can configure: TRUE 50 30

The settings in this table are case sensitive. Setting Default Possible Values Note AutoConnectWiFi TRUE TRUE | FALSE Automatically connects to Wi-Fi access points in the preferred list.

AutoSwitchToWiFi FALSE TRUE | FALSE Automatically switch from WWAN to Wi-Fi if laptop roams into a Preferred Wi-Fi network. ConnectionPrecedence 0 0 | 1 Configure which technology to connect to first if both auto- connect Wi-Fi and WWAN are enabled.

0 - Wi-Fi 1 - WWAN DeviceOffAtShutdown TRUE TRUE | Automatically power FALSE off the internal WWAN device when application shuts down. This option only works for embedded devices that support this feature.

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DisallowWWANIfRoaming FALSE TRUE | FALSE Disconnects and prevents new connections if the device is in Roaming coverage. If auto- connect is enabled will re-establish the connection when returning to Home or Extended coverage This does not apply when using VZAccess Manager in NDIS mode. Also, this is only applicable to PC Cards and Embedded devices. ExternalMemory 0 0 | 1 | 2 Configures the external memory card slot on the device. This setting is only applicable for devices that support external memory card slot. If this setting is specified in the Network.xml the user will not be able to change this setting through the Preferences dialog.

0 - No preference (device will maintain existing state) 1 - Disable External Memory 2 - Enable External Memory

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MaxHeight none Any positive Defines the maximum number height of the application. The user will not be able to resize to larger than this size. If this size is less than the screen size, then the maximize button will be disabled. MaxWidth none Any positive Defines the maximum number width of the application. The user will not be able to resize to larger than this size. If this size is less than the screen size, then the maximize button will be disabled. MinimizeToTray TRUE TRUE | FALSE Minimize the application to the tray icon.

NovaSpeed 0 0 | 1 | 2 Configures the NovaSpeed setting on the device. This setting is only applicable to Novatel devices that support the NovaSpeed feature. If this setting is specified in the Network.xml the user will not be able to change this setting through the Preferences dialog.

0 - No preference (device will maintain existing state) 1 - Disable NovaSpeed 2 - Enable NovaSpeed RunAtStartup FALSE TRUE | FALSE Run application at Windows startup. ShowPopups TRUE TRUE | FALSE Show popup status window by the tray icon.

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SMSConfirmAfterDelete TRUE TRUE | FALSE Confirmation dialog that TXT message was deleted SMSConfirmSent TRUE TRUE | FALSE Confirmation dialog after sending a successful TXT message. SMSPlaySound TRUE TRUE | FALSE Play a sound when new messages arrive. SMSPlaySoundPath SMS.wav path to sound file Sound file to play when new messages arrive. SMSSwitchView FALSE TRUE | FALSE Switch to the TXT view when new messages arrive SMSValidityPeriod 4 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 [0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4] correspond to 1 hr, 6, hrs, 24 hrs, 72, hrs and 1 week respectively. SMSWarnBeforeDelete TRUE TRUE | FALSE Warning dialog before deleting TXT messages. UpdateFrequency 1 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Automatic software update frequency.

0 - Daily 1 - Weekly 2 - Monthly 3 - Never (manual)

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VZAMOnDevice 0 0 | 1 | 2 Configures the VZAccess Manager on device setting. It is the read-only internal memory (CD-ROM) on the device that includes VZAccess Manager installer and documentation. This setting is only applicable for devices that support VZAccess Manager on device. If this setting is specified in the Network.xml the user will not be able to change this setting through the Preferences dialog.

0 - No preference (device will maintain existing state) 1 - Disable VZAccess Manager on device 2 - Enable VZAccess Manager on device WiFiAdvanced FALSE TRUE | FALSE Show Wi-Fi channel, BSSID and encryption type WiFiShowPreferred FALSE TRUE | FALSE Show only preferred Wi-Fi Networks WindowX not defined Any number Specifies the applications initial position on the screen (upper left corner) in pixels. Most useful in conjunction with DisableMove. If both WindowX and WindowY are set to 0, then neither will take effect.

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WindowY not defined Any number Specifies the applications initial position on the screen (top) in pixels. Most useful in conjunction with DisableMove. If both WindowX and WindowY are set to 0, then neither will take effect. WWANAutoUsage TRUE TRUE | FALSE Automatically displays the data usage information for the device in use on WWAN connection. WWANBrowserOpen 0 0 | 1 | 2 Open the default browser on WWAN connection.

0 - Do not open browser 1 - Open to home page 2 - Open to WWANBrowserURL WWANBrowserURL empty url URL to open on a WWAN connection WWANRunProgram FALSE TRUE | FALSE Launch an application on WWAN connection.

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WWANConnectionType Modem Modem Mode - This requires VZAccess Mode - Manually connect Manager version 7.1.3 Manually | or higher. Specifies the connect Modem Mode - method of WWAN Auto-connect connection. except when roaming | The following two NDIS Mode - WWAN connection Auto-connect | types are only available NDIS Mode - if you are using the Auto-connect Windows 7 or newer except when operating system and roaming | your WWAN device NDIS Mode - supports Microsoft Manually connect Mobile Broadband:

* NDIS Mode - Auto- connect except when roaming

* NDIS Mode - Manually connect

The above two connection types, if set as default, will revert back to the default "Modem Mode - Manually Connect" if the WWAN device does not support Microsoft Mobile Broadband or if used on Windows 2000, XP or Vista operating systems.

WWANRunProgramPath empty Valid path to exe Full path to application to run. Program name can be specified if the application is in the AppPaths registry.

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WWANManualStartVPN TRUE TRUE | FALSE Specifies whether the configured VPN should be launched automatically or manually when WWAN connection is established. If set to TRUE, the user will need to click on the Start VPN button. WWANVPNType (none) (none) | Without the quotes: Microsoft| Cisco "(none)", "Microsoft Systems | VPN", "Other VPN CiscoAnyConnect Application" or the | CheckPoint | name of a supported and Nortel Networks | installed VPN client as Aventail | Juniper it appears in the | Smith Micro dropdown box of the Mobile VPN | VPN preferences page. Other VPN Note that XML requires Application | or some characters to be any of the encoded, i.e. "&"  supported VPNs "&" The indicated in the configuration tool will dropdown box handle this appropriately, but if the XML is edited by hand, you will need to accommodate.

WWANVPNPath empty Path to an Path of "Other" VPN executable

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WWANVPNProfile empty any profile name The name of a profile must be specified for connecting the VPN specified in VPNType. For MS, this is the RAS account. For Aventail and Juniper, this can be any non- empty value. For all others, this should be the name of the desired profile/configuration (if any) as configured in the VPN client software with which to attempt a connection.

Configuring Wi-Fi Networks Multiple Wi-Fi profiles can be setup by the administrator to auto-populate the Wi-Fi preferred list

Wi-Fi Profile Preferences are prepared nearly the same way as in Locking Features and Default Preferences. The only differences are that the options need to be specified within a network block, within the networklist element in the xml file, rather than in the EnterpriseOptions element, and that this network block contain the type element, set to WLAN. An example is provided below:


Below is list of the available settings for Wi-Fi networks. It is crucial that the type setting be set to WLAN. Just like the Default Preferences and Options, Wi-Fi Profile Preferences will not overwrite user settings that already exist.

The Wi-Fi settings are case sensitive and should be all lowercase.

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Wi-Fi Setting Default Possible Note Values type WLAN This must be set to WLAN id n/a an ssid SSID of the Wi-Fi network name Same as blank or Name of Wi-Fi network as the user SSID another would see it (allows for SSID renaming). name This setting will also require the field to take effect. The setting is strongly recommended to prevent the user from renaming the SSID. The setting is advised to be set to FALSE, otherwise the network may appear twice. wepkey none 10 or 26 The WEP key for this access point can be digit hex key specified here for 64 bit or 128 bit WEP | 5 or 10 encryption. character If this setting is present, it will override ascii key the passwordtype setting to 1 (WEP). This WEP key will be forgotten by VZAccess if the Access Point is ever removed from the preferred list. closed FALSE TRUE | SSID is a closed (hidden) network FALSE lockmodify FALSE TRUE | If TRUE, the WLAN connection cannot FALSE be moved or deleted in the preferred list. lockposition none a whole A numeric value defining the priority the positive connection should be given in regards to number other connections in the application. 1 means that the connection is listed first (at the top of the user interface). profileversion none

Version 7.4.1 36 security none NONE | Specifies the type of security used on the WEP-OPEN AP. | WEP- SHARED | WPA-TKIP | WPA-AES | WPA- TKIP-PSK | WPA-AES- PSK | WPA2-TKIP | WPA2- AES | WPA2- TKIP-PSK | WPA2-AES- PSK | WEP- EAP eaptype none NONE | LEAP | PEAP | EAP-TLS | EAP-TTLS | EAP-FAST | EAP-SIM useanonymousforphase1 FALSE TRUE | FALSE anonymousstring none any string phase2authentication none NONE | PAP | MD5 | GTC | TLS | CHAP | MSCHAP | MSCHAPV2 | EAP- MSCHAPV2 | EAP-MD5 | EAP-GTC | RSA usesessionsresumption FALSE TRUE | FALSE verifyservercertificate FALSE any string allowcertificate FALSE TRUE | FALSE savingcredentialsallowed FALSE TRUE | FALSE

Version 7.4.1 37 innerallowcertificate FALSE TRUE | Currently not configurable via UI FALSE inneruseanonymouseforphase1 FALSE TRUE | Currently not configurable via UI FALSE innerverifyservercertificate FALSE TRUE | Currently not configurable via UI FALSE innersavingcredentialsallowed FALSE TRUE | Currently not configurable via UI FALSE wepkeyindex 1 1|2|3|4 associationtimeout 30 a whole Currently not configurable via UI positive number ipaddresstimeout 60 a whole Currently not configurable via UI positive number username none any user Used for LEAP and TTLS name password none any Used for LEAP and TTLS password phase2username any user Used for PEAP and FAST name phase2password any Used for PEAP and FAST password psk Used for WPA and WPA2 personal encryption key

Wi-Fi Technical Tips If a network administrator is interested in using the VZAccess Manager Wi-Fi features under Windows 2000 or XP with limited User privileges, there are few issues that may occur.

Issue #1 User cannot detect a Wi-Fi card in the Wi-Fi Preference dialog.

Solution #1 There is a driver (SMNDIS5) that needs to be installed in VZAccess Manager that allows the application to talk to NDIS devices. This driver is normally installed during the first run of the application. This is done so that if the user does not want to use the Wi-Fi features of VZAccess, no un-necessary drivers are installed. However, if the user does want to use the Wi-Fi features, this driver needs to be installed using administrator privileges.

To solve the problem, just run the following EXE file from the VZAccess Manager install directory with administrator privileges. This will install the necessary driver so that when the user runs without admin privileges, the Wi-Fi card can be found.

"C:\Program Files\Verizon Wireless\VZAccess Manager\SMNDIS5.exe"

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Issue #2 Users (without admin privileges) on Windows XP use VZAccess Manager to connect to a Wi-Fi network, but then the network connection is lost, or the previous network gets re- connected

Solution #2 This is generally due to the Windows Wireless Zero Config service running. VZAccess does have the capability to stop this service (called WZCSVC), however it cannot stop this service if the user does not have sufficient privileges. To work around this problem, the administrator should set the WZCSVC service to start Manual instead of Automatic. This will need to be run under administrator privileges using the SC.exe Windows Service Control program.

“SC STOP WZCSVC” this stops the service if running “SC CONFIG WZCSVC start= demand” Sets the service to start manually at system boot

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