Editorial Health and in a pandemic year: moving from the “winter of despair” to the “spring of hope”

Nicholas J Talley AC

Innovation at the MJA has continued and accelerated during Despite a year of floods, fires and pestilence, we approach 2021 the pandemic. The MJA flipbook was launched, and is now the with optimism preferred way for reading the Journal for many of our subscrib- ers; the end of the dominance of print publication is in sight. The team has successfully worked from home, and coped with t has been a strange and disturbing a doubling in submissions that spiked with the start of the pan- year. Here in Australia, we would demic, and continues. Even with increased efficiency, however, Iusually now be looking forward to it takes time to rigorously assess submitted articles, and the the long summer break, the barbeques sheer volume of submissions has had an impact on the turn- and the parties, the leisure time at home. around and publication times of most leading journals, includ- Many would be traveling overseas to ing the MJA.20 More pleasing is that our latest (2019) Clarivate visit friends and family. But these have journal impact factor, 6.112, is our highest ever, firming our po- not been normal times. sition in the top 10% of general medical journals (Box 1).21 The year has left an indelible mark on a The pandemic has fundamentally changed journal publish- generation; to paraphrase Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, ing.19,22 The thirst for information has driven publication we have lived through the best of times, the worst of times, the times down and accelerated the reviewing of manuscripts, an winter of despair, the spring of hope. From a devastating bush- approach that has also drawn justifiable criticism.22,23 The ur- fire season in Australia1,2 to floods to the COVID-19 pandemic gency to communicate findings has led to some of the studies (including an intense second lockdown in Victoria and internal submitted to us being publicised in the media ahead of edito- border closures), increased mental distress and family violence rial and peer review; this is a practice we do not encourage, be- during pandemic restrictions,3 delusional conspiracy theories on cause it entails the risk of disseminating inaccurate information. social media (eg, 5G spreads SARS-CoV-2, or the pandemic is a Prominent retractions by the Lancet and the New England Journal hoax), and social unrest and Black Lives Matter protests around of Medicine23 have led to careful review of processes at the MJA, the globe:4 the multiple crises in 2020 have revealed the best, and but we recognise that, despite all safeguards, the risk of serious the worst, of humanity. breaches, including deliberate fraud, remains, and vigilance cannot be relaxed. We have strictly maintained our insistence on Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic strong ethical standards, and continue to require formal ethics assessment for publication of patient-related data, including data The MJA is proud to have played a role in the national discus- from quality assurance audits. We regularly review and update sion and debate about the COVID-19 pandemic, with the very all our processes to ensure maximum rigour, and are confident rapid publication of evidence-based guidelines, perspectives, our standards are as strong as those of the leading journals and expert commentaries. We have published research innova- around the world. tions, such as the isolation, sequencing, and sharing of SARS-CoV-2 from the first Australian patient5 to the 3D printing of nasal swabs6 and disease mod- 1 The Journal Impact Factor of the Medical Journal of Australia, 2005–2019 els that have had a major impact on government responses.7-9 The MJA has engaged in the debate about how to protect health care workers from in- fection,10 a devastating outcome of the pandemic that was largely preventable. MJA authors have jumped into the often heated debates about schools and virus transmission,11 the value of face masks,12 the positive and negative effects of various pub- lic health measures,10,13 lessons learned in an early nursing home outbreak,14 the urgency of ensuring sufficient numbers of intensive care beds,15 profes- sional guidelines,16,17 and protecting Indigenous Australians,18 to name a few of the areas touched

14 December 2020 14 December upon in our Journal. As, despite evidence and ex- ▪

) pert agreement, aberrant beliefs continued to cir-

( 11 culate widely on social media, often causing alarm, 213 the MJA has provided a source of reputable peer-

MJA reviewed evidence, with expert syntheses of what is known and what has changed, published as rapidly Source: Journal Citation reports, Clarivate, October 2020. as is responsible.19 484 Editor-in-Chief, Medical Journal of Australia, on behalf of the MJA Editorial team. [email protected] ▪ doi: 10.5694/mja2.50861 Podcast with Nick Talley available at mja.com.au/podcasts


Early in the pandemic, we established a pre-print facility on our the health risks for generations to come, and Australia needs website for high priority COVID-19 articles deemed worthy of to be a leader, not a laggard. inclusion after comprehensive internal methodological review The MJA has not shied from other sensitive health and social and, when appropriate, rapid external review.19 These manu- questions, including racism.4 The Black Lives Matter movement scripts have some validity checks, unlike articles on many pre- has sent a powerful message around the world, and any linger- print servers, but we have often still been able to post them online ing racism in the health system must be exposed and eliminated. within 48 hours of receipt. All pre-prints have subsequently un- The MJA continues to welcome evidence-based articles on all as- dergone our usual stringent peer review and revision processes pects of the social determinants of health, a key pillar that must before the final decision about publication in the Journal. The be strengthened if we aspire to be the healthiest (and happiest) MJA rejection rates have remained very high for both COVID- multicultural nation on Earth. 19 and non-COVID-19 manuscripts (Box 2). While our pre-prints undergo (often extensive) revision before final acceptance, it is pleasing that none has had to be withdrawn or removed for any But all is not dark reason. Despite much gloom this year, with floods, fires and pestilence, I feel a renewed sense of optimism is now gripping Australia. The Climate change has not slowed and remains a critical rapid and successful introduction of telehealth has changed the challenge Australian medical landscape for the better. Australia and New Zealand were each global leaders in their responses Despite the pandemic and severely curtailed international to the pandemic, our health outcomes the envy of the world; we travel, the world is unlikely to meet the Paris targets for reduc- have not experienced the mortality and morbidity our friends ing CO emissions.2 Early in the year, Australia experienced 2 in the United Kingdom and the United States have. One lesson an unprecedented and devastating bushfire season, an event learned is that the economy cannot be protected if a virus is run- repeated on the west coast of the United States. It is therefore ning rampant; another is that restrictions during a public health MJA Lancet timely that the – report card on health and climate emergency are not infringements of human rights. It is encour- change in Australia appears for the third consecutive year in aging that the progress of phase III clinical trials of SARS-CoV-2 the Journal, reflecting the efforts of five Australian institutions vaccines suggests that we can be optimistic that the pandemic in collaboration with University College London, brought to- will be brought to heel in 2021, although it is still early days. gether by a partnership between The Lancet and the MJA.2 As a nation, we are underachievers in climate action, having ar- And the MJA certainly didn’t cancel Christmas this year, despite guably earned a failing grade. Australia continues to experi- the pandemic. The annual Christmas competition submissions ence increased summer temperatures and intense heatwaves flooded in with gusto, too many to publish! We finally accepted that contribute to massive bushfires, and these are predicted two poems, including one that helps capture a flavour of the to worsen.24 The “Black Summer” bushfires in early 2020 in- shared experience this year,26,27 and four excellent articles that we hope will entertain and amuse. Read about the mystery of creased airborne particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations, damaging health, and caused huge loss of property and liveli- the disappearing hospital tearoom cutlery,28 learn about fall- hoods.1,25 The science is clear: climate change is a major health ing in love with a non-existent space,29 and a real bargain at risk, and action is needed right now. The reported findings the North Pole.30 I’m pleased to announce that the winners of emphasise the urgent need to tackle climate change to reduce our Christmas competition this year are David Chapman and Cindy Thamrin, of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, for their insightful analysis of the im- pact of pyjamas on productivity while working at 31 2 Manuscripts received and accepted by the MJA, 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020, home during the pandemic. We thank all who by type; number of peer reviewers, 31 October 2019 – 1 November 2020; and sent submissions, and apologise we did not have Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate), 2019 room to publish more (there is always next year). Proportion All our entrants deserve a slice of John Fox’s double Manuscripts Received Accepted accepted whisky cake!32

All manuscripts 1829 360 20% It has been a fascinating five years serving as the

Research articles 643 39 6% Editor-in-Chief of the MJA, but none has been more challenging than 2020. At the Journal, we look for- Research letters 128 25 20% ward to the New Year with hope and enthusiasm.

Narrative reviews/meta-analyses 121 7 6% We sincerely thank all our expert peer reviewers MJA 213 (listed on pages 487–488) — particularly those who Guidelines/Guideline summaries 11 4 36% have humoured our numerous pleas for rapid re- ( Editorials 44 42 95% 11 view of COVID-19-related manuscripts — as well ) ▪ 14 December 2020 Lessons from practice/Snapshots 138 28 20% as our authors, readers, and the distinguished members of the Editorial Advisory Committee for Perspectives 385 91 24% your contributions this year. All of us at the MJA Letters to the Editor 174 85 49% wish everyone, and their families, a very happy and healthy holiday season! Peer reviewers (31 October 763 2019 – 1 November 2020) Acknowledgements: I thank the tireless efforts of the Editorial team throughout 2020, without which the quality and timely Journal Impact Factor, 2019* 6.11 (2018: 5.44) publication of our Journal in print and online would not be possible: our departing Head of Publishing Content, Lilia Kanna; our former * Source: Journal Citation reports, Clarivate, October 2020. ◆ Senior Deputy Medical Editor, Christine Gee; Deputy Medical Editors 485 Francis Geronimo, Robyn Godding, Tania Janusic, Selina Lo, Wendy 486 MJA 213 (11) ▪ 14 December 2020

Ltd Pty AMPCo © 2020 Provenance com.au/journ Competing interests andWidya; our Publishing Senior Coordinator, Harding. Kerrie Leilani Designer, Graphic our Swannell; Cate Editor, Online and News our Villanueva; Elmer Biostatistician, Consultant our Teruel; Laura and Prince, Graeme Editors, Foley, Paul Structural and Scientific our Silverstone; Zoë and Shukla, Aajuli Morgan,

10 13 12 11 8 4 6 9 5 3 2 7 Editorial 1 for detecting SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2. detecting for swab 3D-printed novel a printing: Pandemic al. et N, Isles K, Bond E, Williams cov-2-first guidelines for respiratory protection of health care workers are inadequate. inadequate. are workers care health of protection respiratory for guidelines COVID-19 Current AL. Quigley M, Nicholls M, Ananda-Rajah CR, MacIntyre 248–250.e1. https://www.mja.com.au/journ 248–250.e1. Australia in the first month of COVID-19 restrictions: a national survey. survey. anational restrictions: COVID-19 of month first the in Australia in people of health Mental al. et K, Tran T, Duc Hammarberg JR, Fisher Zhang Y, Beggs P, McGushin A, et al. The 2020 special report of the the of report special 2020 The al. et A, P, Y, McGushin Beggs Zhang Australia. Australia. eastern in bushfires 2019–20 the with associated burden health related smoke- Unprecedented al. et DM, Bowman AJ, Palmer N, Arriagada Borchers J Aust J J Aust J the fact of the matter is, we just Black matter to them. them. to matter Black just we is, matter the of fact the … but Matter Lives Black say we Now H. D, Kajlich Singh LJ, Whop CJ, Bond superspreaders-asymptomatics-and-covid-19-elimination mental-health-people-australia-first-month-covid-19-restrictions-national MJA Med J Aust J Med Australia’s “Black Summer”. Summer”. “Black Australia’s Hyde Z. COVID-19, children, and schools: overlooked and at risk. risk. at and overlooked schools: and children, COVID-19, Z. Hyde current-covid-19-guidelines-respiratory-protection-health-care-workers-are Aust community transmission of SARS-CoV-2. transmission community of elimination achieving 2020) 9July (commencing Victoria in lockdown 6-week the of probability The al. et N, Carvalho J, T, Thompson Blakely ting-sars-cov-2 com.au/journ Aust Kault D. Superspreaders, asymptomatics and COVID-19 elimination. elimination. COVID-19 and asymptomatics D. Superspreaders, Kault journal/2020/213/7/fit-testing-n95-or-p2-masks-protect-health-care-workers measures on the COVID-19 pandemic in a low transmission setting. setting. transmission alow in pandemic COVID-19 the on measures control reducing of impact the Modelling al. D, et Delport A, Palmer N, Scott victoria-commencing-9-july-2020-achieving https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/8/probability-6-week-lockdown- al/2020/212/10/isola has averted 9 000–37 000 cases in July 2020. 2020. July in cases 000 9000–37 averted has COVID-19 of aresurgence to response Victoria’s al. et BS, Crabb N, Scott A, Saul 2020]. 2Sept print, health care workers. workers. care health protect to masks P2 or N95 of testing Fit BS. Ungern-Sternberg von A, Regli covid-19-children-and-schools-overlooked-and-risk ing-contr -lives in Australia. Australia. in COVID-19 with diagnosed patient first the from (SARS-CoV-2) coronavirus novel 2019 the of sharing rapid and Isolation al. et J, Roberts J, Druce L, Caly -2019-20-bushf al/2020/213/6/unpre – 2020; 213: 444–446. 444–446. 213: 2020; https://www.mja.com.au/journ 2020; Lancet ​r-fact-matte​-matte ​r-we-just-black 2020; 213: 447–448. https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/10/ 447–448. 213: 2020; https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/10/ 458–464. 213: 2020; : Not commissioned; not externally peer reviewed. peer externally not commissioned; Not : ​al/staff/ ​ol-measu Med J Aust J Med ​-patient 2020; 213: 251–252.e1. https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/6/ 251–252.e1. 213: 2020; Countdown on health and climate change: lessons learnt from from learnt lessons change: climate and health on Countdown Med J Aust J Med ​al/2020/213/6/pande ​ires-eastern ​edito : A complete list of disclosures is available at https://www.mja. at available is disclosures of list A complete : ​-19-pande ​res-covid ​-shari ​tion-and-rapid Med J Aust J Med ​ceden 2020; 213: 282–283. 282–283. 213: 2020; ​r-chief 2020; 212: 459–462. 459–462. 212: 2020; https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/10/ ​ted-smoke ​-profe Med J Aust J Med Med J Aust J Med 2020; 213: 293–295.e1. https://www.mja.com.au/ 293–295.e1. 213: 2020; ​ssor-nick-talley ​mic-print ​-relat 2020; 213: 276–279. 276–279. 213: 2020; ​mic-low-trans Med J Aust J Med 2020; 213: 490–492. 213: 2020; ​r-them1​-matte ​ng-2019-novel​-coron https://www.mja.com.au/journ ​al/2020/model ​ed-healt ​-3d-print ​ing-novel Med J Aust J Med ​al/2020/213/6/now-we-say-black https://www.mja.com.au/journ 2020; 213: 349–351. 349–351. 213: 2020; ​h-burde​n-assoc ​missi 2020; 213: 494–496. 213: 2020; Med J Aust J Med ​ling-impac ​on-setting https://www.mja. ​ed-swab-detec ​aviru Med J J Med 2020; 213: 213: 2020;

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26 29 23 25 22 32 18 27 19 16 14 15 31 21 17 New Zealand consensus statement. and —Australian anaesthesia and cardiothoracic and procedures aerosol-generating safety: COVID-19 al. et JS, JF, W, Bennetts Pavey Irons children two to four years after the 2014 Hazelwood coalmine fire. fire. coalmine Hazelwood 2014 the after years four to two children in conditions atopic and Respiratory al. et S, Williams K, Chappell GA, Willis crush of covid-19 publications tests the capacity of scientific publishing. of scientific capacity the ofcrush covid-19 tests publications the pandemic: Aparallel JL. Rohmann EW, Loder M, T, Piccininni Kurth https://www.mja.com.au/journ in-austr Talley NJ. Rapid publishing in the era of COVID-19. COVID-19. of era the in publishing Rapid NJ. Talley es-leadi impac publication associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. pandemic. COVID-19 the with associated publication medical–scientific in Changes al. et K, Laupland K, Whitmore M, Reade coron Mitchell RD. The year of the ’rona: an uncontrolled trial in verse. verse. in trial uncontrolled an ’rona: the of year The RD. Mitchell bushfire risk to anthropogenic climate change. change. climate anthropogenic to risk bushfire Australian the of Attribution al. et F, S, Lewis Krikken GJ, Oldenborgh van 1056. 396: learnt. lessons and study acase home: nursing aSydney in COVID-19 GL. Gilbert Massie RJH. My love affair with the pleural space. space. pleural the with affair love My RJH. Massie Talley NJ. The impact and reach of the MJA in a year of living dangerously. dangerously. living of ayear in MJA the of reach and impact The NJ. Talley tests bmj/2020/05/26/a-paral Watson K. For sale: rare piece of polar paradise. paradise. polar of piece rare sale: For K. Watson ment-safe-airwa ; 312. 213: [website], 10 Jan 2020. 2020. Jan 10 [website], 496–500. research hospital staff tearoom. tearoom. staff hospital research and teaching apublic in numbers cutlery tracking study improvement quality Alongitudinal forks? the What al. et A, Levido A, Livermore M, Mattiussi 424. 213: 2020; Med J Aust J Med 2020; 213: 269–275. https://www.mja.com.au/journ 269–275. 213: 2020; Aust J Med Thebmjopinion Cameron H. Fear. Fear. H. Cameron cardiothoracic-surgery-and au/journal/2020/214/1/covid-19-safety-aerosol-generating-procedures-and- 151–152.e1. https://www.mja.com.au/journ 151–152.e1. intensive care bed needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. pandemic. COVID-19 the during needs bed care intensive of model theory queueing breaks: MP. asystem When Jones HD, Meares covid-19-sydney-nursing-home-case-study-and-lessons-learnt 535–536. https://www.mja.com.au/journ m-break https://www.mja.com.au/journ 470–471. 212: during the COVID-19 pandemic. pandemic. COVID-19 the during among researchers Australian medical and productivity arrangements working characterising pyjamas: in Scientists C. Thamrin DG, Chapman The Editors of the Lancet group. Learning from a retraction. aretraction. from Learning group. Lancet the of Editors The and-atopi 19 pandemic planning, response and management. management. and response planning, pandemic 19 COVID- in way the leading peoples Nations First JS. D, Ward Casey K, Crooks Fox JS. A hidden danger of COVID-19. COVID-19. of danger A hidden JS. Fox the COVID-19 adult patient group. group. patient adult COVID-19 the to specific intubation tracheal and management airway of principles Society Airway Safe statement: Consensus al. et TB, Do N, Chrimes DJ, Brewster ​-the-capac ​aviru ​t-and-reach ​-19-pande ​ng-way-covid ​alia-2019-2020 ​s-queue https://www.mja.com.au/journ ​c-condi 2020; 213: 393–396. https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/213/9/ 393–396. 213: 2020; 2020; 213: 70–71. 70–71. 213: 2020; ​s-disea [online], 26 May 2020. 2020. May 26 [online], ​ity-of-scien ​tions ​y-socie ​ing-theor Med J Aust J Med ​-mja-year-livin ​se-2019-covid ​-child https://www.world (viewed Oct 2020). 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The MJA Editorial Advisory Committee members

The MJA Editorial Advisory Group members are eminent clinicians and scholars who are valuable sources of ideas for the content of the Journal. They provide constructive criticism of the format and content of the Journal, and provide independent advice to the MJA Editorial Committee on appeals of editorial decisions, problematic articles, and complaints about the editorial process.

Anthony Capon Kelvin Kong Susan Sawyer Flavia M Cicuttini José Florencio Fabella Lapeña, Jr. Jeong-Wook Seo Paul B Colditz Christopher Levi Lambert W Schuwirth Jane Dacre Jennifer Martin Joseph Sung Anne Duggan Patrick D McGorry Philip G Truskett David A Ellwood Catriona McLean Robyn Ward Alex Farrell Paul Moayyedi Steve Wesselingh Peter G Gibson Peter L Munk Paul S Worley Marc Gladman Terry Nolan Catherine Yelland Charles Guest Ian N Olver Neville D Yeomans Claire L Jackson Anushka Patel Jeffrey Zajac Cheryl A Jones Wilfred Peh Zsuzsoka Kecskes Toby Richards

MJA reviewers, 31 October 2019 – 1 November 2020

Penelope A Abbott Michael B Barton Caroline Bulsara Helen M Creasey Damon P Eisen Ivan Goldberg Julie Abimanyi-Ochom Tarun Bastiampillai Jonathan G W Burdon Philip Crispin James Elder Sharon R Goldfeld Sarah J Abrahamson Bruce C Bastian Keith R Burgess Leonard A Crocombe Diann S Eley David A Gonzalez-Chica Michael J Abramson Deborah J Bateson Louise Burrell David B Cross Pete M Ellis Phillip D Good Stephen P Ackland Robert G Batey Colin D Butler Brendan Crotty David A Ellwood Emily H Gordon Barbara-Ann Adelstein Marijka Batterham Julie E Byles Philip Crowley Emad El-Omar Alexandra S Gorelik Michael A Adena Malcolm W Battersby Daniel Byrne John Crozier Taku Endo Paul Gould Robert G Adler Noel B Bayley John F Cade Louise Cullen Thomas Engelhardt Linda V Graudins Meera R Agar Miles H Beaman Geoffrey D Cains Robert G Cumming Guy D Eslick Stephen R Graves Kate E Ahmad Frank H Beard J William F Cairns Peter J Cundy Adrian J Esterman Mark L Greenberg Roman A Ahmed Kenneth Beath Ian D Cameron Joan Cunningham Christopher Etherton-Beer Trisha Greenhalgh Robert J Aitken Andrea Z Beaton David G Campbell David Cunnington Daniel P Ewald Emily Gregory-Roberts Rosemary Aldrich Alison Beauchamp Ben J Canny Jackie E Curtis Paul P Fahey Mathis Grossmann Charles S Algert Kerri Beckmann Cecilia Cappelen-Smith Melville J Da Cruz Neal Fann Luke E Grzeskowiak Robert L Ali Justin J Beilby Marion G Carey Craig B Dalton Annabelle Farnsworth Hasantha Gunasekera Sonia Allan Sally J Bell Anthony Carpenter E R David Dammery Michael Farrell Jenny E Gunton Richard D M Allen Susan Benbow Jonathan Carter Mark D Daniell Louise M Farrer Himanshu Gupta Steve J Allsop Jill Benson Caroline Catt Mark Danta Ahmad Farshid Wendy E Hague Osvaldo P Almeida David I Ben-Tovim Antonio Celenza Mike Daube Daniel M Fatovich Fiona A Haigh Lisa Amato Roy G Beran Branko Celler A James M Daveson Steven G Faux David M Hailey Janaki Amin Philip Bergman Alex J Chamberlain Ian D Davis John K Ferguson Bridget G Haire Michelle Ananda-Rajah Martin Berry Albert K F Chan Andrew H Dawson Jason A Ferris Krispin Hajkowicz Antoinette Anazodo J H Nicholas Bett Jeremy R Chapman Carolyn A Day Mark J Ferson Sally Hall Dykgraaf Craig S Anderson Peng Bi Patrick G P Charles Caroline M de Costa David W Firman P Shane Hamblin David Andresen Craig M Bingham Alex Chaudhuri Nicholas H de Klerk Jane R W Fisher Asadi Hamed Miles C Andrews Marie M Bismark Katherine Chen Gregory M de Moore Robert A Fitridge Christian R Hamilton-Craig Anders Aneman Renee Bittoun Tegan Cheng Adam Deane Gerard J FitzGerald Christopher J K Hammett Nicolas M Anstey David J Blacker Abigail Cheung Peter Del Fante Arthas Flabouris Graeme J Hankey Sanchia Aranda Tony Blakely Derek P Chew Anthony Delaney John P Fletcher Jenny Hargreaves Bruce K Armstrong Peter A Blombery HuiJun Chih Clare Delany Leon Flicker Paul L Harper Bruce B Arnold R Warwick Blood Rebecca Chisholm Michael C d’Emden Therese (Terri) M Foran Ian A Harris Constantine N Aroney Emily Blyth James Y J Choi Apo Demirkol Geoffrey M Forbes Gunter F Hartel Peter Arrow Felix Bochner Christopher Y P Choong Martine Dennekamp Brett H Forge Mary Anne Hartley Shalini Arunogiri Nikolai Bogduk Clara K Chow Gian Luca Di Tanna Kirsty Forrest Kenneth J Harvey Michael A Ashby Steven Bollipo Jonathan Christiansen Hugh G Dickson Joshua R Francis Melissa Haswell Deborah A Askew Patrick G M Bolton Flavia M Cicuttini Paul M Dietze Peter Franklin Andrew Hayen Eugene Athan Chelsea J Bond Paul J Clark George Dimitroulis Clare L Fraser Russell Hays John J Atherton Billie Bonevski Caroline F Clarke Lisa Dive Craig J French Philip L Hazell David N Atkinson Michael A Bonning Timothy D Clay John B Dixon Kalman Fried Christopher H Heath John R Attia Yvonne Bonomo Kate Clezy Timothy A Dobbins Frank A Frizelle Peter Hebbard Philip E G Aylward Craig S Boutlis Alan R Clough Annette J Dobson Lance A Gable William F Heddle Oyekoya T Ayonrinde Michelle Bovill Penelope Coates Gregory J Dore Greg Gamble Dagmar Hedrich Peter D Baade Steven J Bowe Enrico W Coiera Ravindra Dotel Robert C Gandy Allison Hempenstall MJA 213 Tony Badrick Simon D Bowler Paul B Colditz Carol Douglas Lan Gao Michael A Henderson Chris Baggoley Devin Bowles Justin J Coleman Jo A Douglass Karen Gardner Wayne M Herdy Peter A Baghurst Steven C Boyages James Collett Jennifer A Doust Coral E Gartner Alexander G Heriot (

Michael Baigent Frances M Boyle Peter J Collignon John S Dowden Paul H Gavel Charlotte M Hespe 11 )

Paul M Bailey Sabine Braat David M Colquhoun Robert Dowsett Yash Gawarikar Mark Hew ▪ 14 December 2020 Rob Baird Clare E Bradley Luke B Connelly Brian M Draper Andrew Georgiou Peter Hewett Deborah F Baker George Braitberg Mark Connor Tim R Driscoll Timothy J Geraghty Sophie Hickey Zsolt J Balogh Victoria Brazil Matthew C Cook Olaf H Drummer Claudia Geue David R Hillman Lilon G Bandler Bruce J Brew Celia M Cooper Michael J Dudley Tristan Gibbs Sarah N Hilmer Rupa Banerjee David J Brewster Michael D Coory Gregory J Duncombe Amy Gibson Neil J Hime Emily Banks Esther M Briganti Brian Coppin Stephen J Dunjey Gwendolyn L Gilbert Dana A Hince Michael P Barbato Peter J Bristow Stephen J Corbett Adam Dunn Madeleine Gill Pravin Hissaria Karen Barclay Helena C Britt Charles F Corke David N Durrheim Amanda K Gilligan John Hogden Ruth A Barker Philip N Britton Christopher Coulter Dominic E Dwyer Michael Gillman Andrew J A Holland Amanda Barnard Lawrence Brown Steven G Coverdale Mervyn J Eadie Rodney C Givney Samantha A Hollingworth Elizabeth H Barnes Christian Bryant Stephen Cox Kathy Eagar Paul P Glasziou Alex Holmes Ian G Barr Nicholas A Buckley Meredith J Craigie Peter R Ebeling Stacy K Goergen Chris B Holmwood 487 Harold Bartlett Michael D Buist Susanna Cramb David Eccleston Michael S Gold Gerald Holtmann 488 MJA 213 (11) ▪ 14 December 2020 Maarit Laaksonen Maarit EKurrle Susan AKubler Paul Jeroen Kroon Leonard Kritharides Krishnamurthi Rita Emma E Kowal JKosky Robert Kolves Kairi John Kolbe Kohn Geoff Bogda Koczwara JKleinig Timothy Stephen Kleid CKirkby Kenneth CAdrienne Kirby GKing Greg DKim Samuel Monique Kilkenny Kim Kiely Ganessan Kichenadasse Hanan Khalil Kerridge K Ross WKeogh Gregory Kelso Anne Michaela Kelly Nicholas A Keks Dorothy Keefe Zsuzsoka Kecskes Kearns Therese Kault David Judith M Katzenellenbogen Peter Katelaris MKarpe Krishna Johan D Jurgens JLJoske David Jorm Louisa A Jones Cheryl Johnston H Fay Stephanie R Johnson Awachana Jiamsakul Charles G Jenkinson Christine R Jenkins Michael J Jelinek PJeffrey Gary Ollie Jay Monika Janda BJalaludin Bin Theresa Jacques Peter A Jacoby LJackson Claire Ivory D Kimberley ZKatherine Isoardi K Isbister Geoffrey Wendy Ingman JInder Warrick Susan Ieraci EIbrahim Joseph A Hyett Jonathan Hunter Arnagretta Hui Lisa JHugh Thomas EHubbard Ruth Jennifer F Hoy EHoward Mark LHorvath Robert Preben Homoe Editorial Neil WMcGill Neil Richard McGee Alexander C McFarlane Suzanne P McEvoy Heather J McElroy FMcDonald Christine MBrett McDermott SMcCutcheon David McCallum Gabrielle EMcBain-Rigg Kristin AMcAuley Ian Mattick S John HMarwick Thomas Jennifer H Martin Helen S Marshall John E Marley Markwell L Alexandra Marks B Guy Tania Markovic JMaple-Brown Louise Haider R Mannan Mann G Bruce Manias Elizabeth SMalhi Gin BMak Donna KMaitz Peter Mahar Robert Neil Mahant Magzamen Sheryl Ann Maguire Bill Madden AMacrae Finlay AMackey David IMacIsaac Andrew MacIntyre Raina C. JMacInnis Robert Graeme A Macdonald Kristine Macartney PLystad Reidar Luxton Grant RLumbers Eugenie William (Bill) Lukin Sanja Lujic Guy L Ludbrook Michaela Lucas Low Yuan Sze Michael Jeanne Louw WLott Charles Serigne Lo Sidong Liu Little J Miles JLinks Matthew Richard I Lindley Belinda Liddell Wenbin Liang TLevy Miriam Christopher R Levi Leder Karin Lawson A John David M Lawrence Laurent M Roger ELarsen Mark MLarge Matthew Lange Aleksandra Stephen B Lambert Lam Lewis Lafferty RA Antony Barbara Paldus Barbara Pamela Palasanthiran Ellie Paige Padhye Bhavna Otlowski FA Margaret Nicholas J Osborne ROrford Neil Orchard W John Susanne P O’Malley NOlver Ian MCatherine Olsen Jane Oliver Maree O’Keefe Dianne L O’Connell CO’Brien Richard Johannes Nossent Norton Robert North B John Christopher J Nolan Theo Niyonsenga Michael Nilsson Nightingale Scott BNielssen Olav Suzanne Nielsen Marcus Nicol Nicholls Gary Nhi Nguyen L Newstead Graham James Neuberger RNelson Mark Lee Nedkoff MNaylor Justine J Nankervis Alison (Kichu)Balakrishnan R Nair Vasi Naganathan John Myburgh JMuscatello David Kevin Murray LMunk Peter Wendy Muircroft Alison M Mudge David Mountain JMorgan Susan LMoretti Kim JMoore David Moodie A Rob Michael Montalto David Molloy JModra Lucy Paul Moayyedi HMitchell David Ming Andrew LMilne Roger David Mills Jeremy L Millar Elasma Milanzi Peter Middleton Ella Meumann Andrew Menzies-Gow Zoe K McQuilten Gemma McLeod McLaws Mary-Louise Andrew McLachlan R McKay Diana BMcIntyre Peter RMcGrail Matthew Patrick D McGorry Tarun Sen Gupta Sen Tarun A Selvey Linda MSedger Lisa JSecombe Paul AScuffham Paul JScrimgeour David AScott Ian Tracy Schumacher Rosalie Schultz ASchug Stephan LSchaffer Andrea MSawyer Susan BSaunderson Rebecca MChristobel Saunders Saul W Peter Jacinto Sánchez Ibáñez Sabe Sabesan Christopher J Ryan JRussell Deborah ERoughead Elizabeth PRoss Glynis V Rosenfeld Jeffrey Rosendahl Cliff Rosen Alan E Roos Daniel Rolan Paul Rogers Benjmain Roeger Leigh MRoder David CKurt Roberts-Thomson GRobertson Andrew Roberts Chris Maureen Rischmueller JRiley Geoffrey MRichardson Alice J Richards Bernadette Handoo Rhee Karen Reynolds Adrian Regli JRees Susan Andrew Redmond Jennifer S Reath William D Rawlinson Prem Rashid Steve Quinn Carolyn Quadrio MSusanna Proudman LPrior David DEPotter Michael Pond C Dimity Michael Pollack Edmund Poliness NPinto Angie David Pilcher Tunde Peto Peters Matthew Penm Jonathan PPeiris David Ron Paterson Mahomed S Patel Sant-Rayn Pasricha Andrew Partington Jennifer S Parsons GParker Stuart Paratz Elizabeth Paradies Yin Nirmala Pandeya Garry WalterGarry Ross Walker Beverley Vollenhoven Jennifer H Voeks VVillanueva Elmer Blesson Varghese Gaal van William Tim Usherwood Carolyn Unsworth Sheila Turris Inese Tucker Philip G Truskett A Trubiano Jason ATran Huy JTorpy David Adrienne J Torda JTopliss Duncan JToole Michael DGeoff Toogood Tonkin L Anne Nickolai Titov LHTie Mark Dominic S Thyagarajan Heather Thorne NThompson Geoffrey GThomas Mark LThiel Cassandra Michelle M Telfer Helena J Teede JTaft Angela ASweet Melissa Ashwin Swaminathan Stewart Sutherland Tatiana Surzhina Sung JY Joseph Shelby Sullivan Charles Su Phillip D Stricker PStrasser Roger Story A. David Louise Stone Johannes U Stoelwinder PStocks Nigel Cameron L Stewart Christopher E Stevenson StevensMatthew Alexandre S Stephens Michael Stark AStanton Rosemary K Spurling Geoffrey Sprosen Tim Allan D Spigelman Sorrell Tania C John A Snowdon Kathryn Snow Jeanne Snelling Anthony J Smith Sitas Freddy NSankar Sinha Andrew H Singer David Simmons Karen N Simmer Sim Hao-Wen JSiebert David Stephen P Shumack Harshvardhan Sheorey Ian Seppelt Anthony BZwi Anthony AZwar Nicholas John B Ziegler Yuejen Zhao Ying Zhang Nikolajs Zeps Christopher Zeitz Zaman Sarah Zaloumis Sophie John R Zalcberg Zachreson Cameron Yuen Kally MYoung Jane YellandCatherine Yeap Beng Bu Yazdani Anusch Yaxley W John WYates Mark Yang Jun Rosemary Wyber Wu Jian Michael Wright Daniel L Worthley John Worthington Worley Paul JWoolley Ian J Woodward Alistair Marion Woods JWood Lisa HWoo Henry Christopher Xin Jie Wong Hugh D Wolfenden Ingrid Winship AndrewWilson Williams Susan JWilkinson Irene Wilhelm A Kay Wigg J Alan Gordon S Whyte JWhyatt David CWhiteman David Peter Whiteford PWhite Ben JWhitbourn Robert LWestbury Juanita Steven L Wesselingh Mark Wenitong Philip Weinstein DWeaver Matthew MWearne Susan PWaxman Bruce AKWatters David RWatson D Ashley Anna Waterreus Grant Waterer Stephen Warrillow Morgyn Warner Orli Wargon Linda Ward Wang YS William Antony Walton Darren L Walters