Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM , OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires April 30,2017 u.s. Department of justice ; Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending £/ 2& JS~ " (Insert date)


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office - USA 5783

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 1532 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-1402

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes • No • (2) Citizenship Yes • No • (3) Occupation Yes • No • (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes • No S (2) Ownership or control Yes • No 0 (3) Branch offices Yes • No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above.

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3, 4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes • No 0 If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes • No S If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 03/14 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM (PAGE 2) 4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No 0 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No 0 .. If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship . Position Date Assumed

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes • No 0 If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes • No 0 Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • ' No 13 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No 0 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes • No 0 If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement.

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No El If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Prineipal(s) Date Acquired

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period.

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes • No El Exhibit B4 Yes • No 0 If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes • No El If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes • No 0 If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1 (b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he filesunde r the Act only those principals for whom he is not enti tled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the uifdrmanon required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in arty activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes G9 No •

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services : See supplemental statements

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 as defined below? Yes H No •

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. See supplemental statements

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes 0 No •

If yes, describe fully. See supplemental statements

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within die United States with reference to formulating,adoptin g or changing the domestic or foreignpolicie s of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM (PAGE 5)


14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No • If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount Jan-June 2015 Kurdistan Regional Operations 889,085.00 Govt

889085.00 Total

(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No 0

If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes • No 0

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date ...

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes • No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6,7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising t campaign. (See Rute 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES ' During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes M No • (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes • No H

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Jan-June 2015 Greenberg &Traurig Consulting $30,000 MSL Group Qorvis Consulting $44,000

74000 Total

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTSrTHINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No El If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes • No 0

If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes 0 No • If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate arty material in connection with your registration? Yes • No • If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17ndenfify each such foreign principal. Kurdistan Regional Government

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes • No El If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

"19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparingy disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following: 0 Radio or TV broadcasts El Magazine or newspaper • Motion picture films 0 Letters or telegrams • Advertising campaigns 0 Press releases 0 Pamphlets or other publications 0 Lectures or speeches • Other (specify) ...... Electronic Communications 0 Email 0 Website URL(s): . • Social media websites URL(s): Twitter: KRG-USA@KRG_USA; Facebook: Kurdistan Regional GovernmehfrRepresentation i • Other (specify)

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the foilowing groups: 0 Public officials 0 Newspapers 0 Libraries 0 Legislators 0 Editors 0 Educational institutions 0 Government agencies 0 Civic groups or associations • Nationality groups • Other/specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: __ English 0 Other (specify) Kurd'Sh

22 . Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials

, disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes S N0 P

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes (3 No •

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

December 03,2015 . ' /%/ J. Michael Slocum eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM if > Nil

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Date Contact Position Institution Contact method Reason Columnl Column2 Column3 1/6/2015 John Hudson Reporter Foreign Policy Email Interviewed Falah Muitafa Bakir and Bavan Sami Abdul Rahman 1/6/2015 Namo Abdullah Reporter Rudavw Email Interviewed Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 1/6/7015 Barbara Slavin Washington Correspondent Al-Monitor Email Interviewed Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 1/9/2015 Trudy Rubin Columnist Philadelphia Enquirer Email Interviewed Falah. Mustafa Bakir 1/9/2015 Tolga Tanis Washington Correspondant Hurrlyet In person Coffee 1/23/2015 Eh Lake Columnist Bloomberg Email Passed off to Protocol officer in Kurdistan Z/5/2015 David Ignatius Columnist Washington Post Fmail Passed off to Protocol officer in Kurdistan 2/26/2015 Michael Gordon Reporter New York Times In person/email Attended media bnefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/2S/2015 Mathew Lee Reporter Associated Press In person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Yeganeh lorbati Reporter Reuters In pprsnn/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Kim Ghattas Reporter In person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Guv Taylor Reporter Washington Times In person/email Attended mediabnefingwithBayan Sami AbdulRahman 2/26/2015 Jonathan Broder Reporter Newsweek Ii person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2oisjosh Keating Reporter Slate In person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Nahal Toosi Reporter Politico Ir person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Eh Lake Reporter Bloomberg In person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/2015 Julian Pecquet Reporter Al-Momtor In person/email Attended media briefing with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/26/26l5_Akhar f hmed Reporter Huffirgton Post In person/email Attended mediabnefing with Bayan Sami AbdulRahman 3/4/2015 Motabar Shirwanl Reporter Voice of America Kurdish Service In person interview at VOA for Kurd Connection 3/11/2015 Keith Johnson Reporter Foreign Policy Phone Provided background info on KRG oil 3/11/2015 Tim Mak Congressional Correspondant The Daily Beast Email Informed of KRSC Press release 3/14/2015 Akbar Ahmed Reporter HuFfington Post Email Informed of KRSC Press release 3/14/2015 Lucas Tomhnson State Department Reporter Fox News Email Informed of KRSC Press release 3/15/2015 Nahal Toosi Reporter Politico Email Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Dion Nissenbaum National Security Correspondant Wall Street Journal Email Invited to Hnlabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015Julian Pecquet Congressional Correspondant Al-Monitor Email Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Tolga Tanis Reporter Hurriyet Email Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Serkawt Shamshaldeen Washington Correspondant NRT Email Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Yerevan Saeed Reporter Rudaw E-nall Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Namo Abdullah Reporter Rudaw Email Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Rahim Rashid Reporter Kurdistan TV Email . Invited to Halabja commemoration ceremony 3/15/2015 Lucas Tomlinson State Department Reporter Fox News Email Invited to Halabja commemorationxeremony 3/24/2015 Janet Silver Producer Global Television Network Phone Interviewed Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 4/16/2015 Dakhil Shammo Producer Voice of America Kurdish Service Phone Interviewed Vian Dakhil 4/17/2015 Jason Kurtis, Sabha Ingbcr Producers National Geographic Phone Interviewed Vian Dakhil, Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 4/19/2015 Namo Abdullah Washington Correspondant Rudaw Phone Interviewed Vian Dakhil 4/20/2015 Greg Overzat CNN- Wolf Bhtzer Producer Phone Coordinated interview with Qubad Talabani 4/21/2015 Neil Shea National Geographic Writer Email Helped coordinate trip to Kurdistan 4/27/2015 Namo Abdullah Washington Correspondant Rudaw Email Follow up for interview with Vian Dakhil 5/1/2015 Yerevan Saeed Reporter Rudaw Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Serkawt Shamshaldeen Washington Correspondant NRT Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Namo Abdullah Washington Correspondant Rudaw Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Rahim Rashid Washington Correspondant Kurdistan TV Email In :ormed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Kamaran Kurdi Washington Correspondant Kurdistan News Network Email Informed of media events.for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Khaldoun Al-Rawi Reporter KurdSat Email informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/1/2015 Fakhria Al-Jawhary Producer Voice of America Kurdish Service Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

5/1/201S Shameem Rassam Producer Al-Hurra Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/4/201b Ramsen Shamon Reporter Medill News Agency Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/4/201S Michael llernandei Washington Correspondant Anadolu Ajansi Email Ml Invited to Atlantic Council and US Chamber events 5/4/2015 Tim Mak Congressional Correspondant The Daily Beast Email Invited to Atlantic Council event w Pres Barzani 5/5/2015 Bianca Nirole Office Manager Global Voice Hall Email Granted invitation to President Barzani's speech at Allan' ic Council 5/5/2015 Osamah Al-Falahl Reporter AH aghier Email Granted invitation to President Barzani's speech at Atlantic Council 5/5/2015 Samuel Corum Reporter Anadolu Ajansi Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/5/2015 Wajd Waqfi Reporter Al-Jazppra Email Informed of media events for President Barzani's visit 5/7/2015 Ana Bickford Producer CNN International Phone/email Set up interview for President Barzani on Christiane Amanpaur 5/7/2015 Washington Post Editorial Board Washington Post In person Interviewed President Barzanl 5/8/2015 Serkawt Shamshaldeen Washington Correspondant NRT Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Namo Abdullah Washington Correspondant Rudaw Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/7015 Rahim Rashid Washington Correspondant Kurdistan TV Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Kamaran Kurdi Washington Correspondant Kurdistan News Network Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Khaldoun Al-Rawi Reporter KurdSat Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Fakhna Al-Jawhary Producer Voice of America Kurdish Service Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Shameem Rassam Producer Al Hurra Email Inform of President Barzani speech at Council on Foreign Relations 5/8/2015 Tom Friedman Columnist New York Times In person Interviewed President Barzani 5/8/2015 Eli lake Columnist Bloomberg In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Nahal Toosi Reporter Politico In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Jonathan Landy Reporter McClatchy In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Michael Gordon Reporter New York Times In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 John Hudson Reporter Foreign Policy In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Oren Dorell Reporter USA TODAY In person Attendedimedia briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Jonathan Broder Reporter Newsweek In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Yenganeh Torbsi Reporter Reuters In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/B/2015 Guy Taylor Reporter Washington Times In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Deb Reichmann Reporter Associated Press In person Attended media briefing with President Barzani 5/8/2015 Motabar Shirwanl Reporter Voice of Amenca Kurdish Service In person Interviewed President Barzani 5/12/2015 Serkawt Shamshaldeen Washington Correspondant NRT Email Informed of HFAC hearlngon 5/13 5/12/2015 Namo Abdullah Washington Correspondant Rudaw Email Informed of HrAC hearing on 5/13 5/12/2015 Rahim Rashid Washington Correspondant Kurdistan TV Email Informed of HFAC hearing on 5/13 ' 5/12/2015 Kamaran Kurdi Washington Correspondant Kurdistan News Network Email Informed of HFAC hearing on 5/13 5/12/2015 Khaldoun Al-Rawi Reporter KurdSat Email Informed of HFAC hearing on 5/13 5/12/2015 Fakhna Al Jawhary Producer Voice of Amenca Kurdish Service tinail Informed of HFAC hearing on 5/13 5/12/2015 Shameem Rassam Producer Al-Hurra Email Informed of HFAC hearing on 5/13 5/14/2015 Lynette Fortune Producer CBC The Fifth Estate Email/phone |;MnterviewjKRgiofflcials 5/15/2ol5Akbar Ahmed *™ Reporter Huffington Post In person/email Video interview w Rep Abdul.Rahman 5/19/2015 Tetiana Anderson Producer Middle East Broadcasting Email/phone Meet and greet 5/28/2015 Andrew Doran Writer National Interest Email His trip to Kurdistan 5/28/2015 Akbar Ahmed Reporter Huffington Post In person Follow tip from video interview with Rep Abdul Rahman 6/2/2015 Farhad Khosravi Founder The Kurdish Project Email Discuss his new project 6/9/2015 Lynette Fortune Producer CBC The Fifth tstate Email Trip to Kurdistan 6/15/2015 Lynette Fortune Producer CBC The Fifth Estate Email Trip to Kurdistan 6/15/2015 Akbar Ahmed Reporter Huffington Post Fmail Follow up for video interview 5/20/2015* Rahim Rashid Reporter Kurdistan TV Email Interviewed Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 6/26/2015 Doug Burton Reporter Washington Times Email Requested information on Peshmerga

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

6/25/2015 Cynthia Dillon Host International Dialogues (radio^show) Email/phone Discussed possibleiinterview with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 6/27/2015 Nicole Sandler Host radioornot com Email/phone Discussed possible interview with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 6/26/2015 Jordan Allott Filmmaker In Defense of Christians In person Discussed trip to Kurdistan 6/25/2015 Akilah Jones Producer Al Jazeera English Email Coordinated interview with Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman



Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

Date Title/subject Type 1/29/2015 KRG-US January 2015 Newsletter Email 2/24/2015 KRG-US February 2015 Newsletter Email 3/31/2015 KRG-US March 2015 Newsletter Email 4/28/2015 KRG-US April 2015 Newsletter Email 5/29/2015 KRG-US May 2015 Newsletter Email 6/30/2015 KRG-US June 2015 Newsletter Email

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

All press releases are hosted at Date Title 1-Jun-15 Prime Minister Barzani meets with US Ambassador Jones in Erbil 27-May-15 KRG and US officials discuss American support to higher education in Kurdistan and Iraq 21- May-14 President Barzani thanks Washington for US commitment to Kurdistan 8- May-15 President Barzani and US Defense Secretary Carter discuss future cooperation as Peshmerea continue to advance against ISIS 7- May-15 President Barzani's;remarks at reception hosted bv the US-Kurdistan Business Council and the US Chamber of Commerce 6-May-15 Readouts of President Barzani's meetings with President Obama and Vice President Biden May 6,2015(2) President Barzani holds second meeting with Vice President Biden and addresses US senators 5-Mav-15 President Barzani and President Obama reiterate loint commitment to defeat ISIS 22-Apr-15 Yezidi MP asks Washington to support ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq 17^Apr-15 Attack in Erbil will only strengthen anti-ISIS alliance 9-Apr-15 Statement bv Bavan Sami Abdul Rahman on US support for Kurdistan 7^Apr-15 Iraqi Yezidi MP testifies before UN Security Council 27-Mar-15 HE Vian Dakhil's testimony before UN Security Council on the plight of minorities in Iraq 23- Mar-15 .KRG-US Representation condemns murder of Peshmerga hostages, calls on international community to do more to defeat and destroy ISIS 20-Mar-15 KRG US Representation calls for action following UN Human Rights Council report on genocide bv ISIS 18-Mar-15 KRG High Council on Women's Affairs delegation updates Washington on the status of minorities, women, and children in Kurdistan 17-Mar-15 Bill to recognize Kurdish Genocide announced at annual Halabja Commemoration ' 16-Mar-15 KRG-US represents Kurdistan at annual Nowruz Commission Gala in Washington 8- Mar-15 Representative Abdul Rahman meets with Kurdish community members in Virginia

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

NOTE THAT Alt FACEBOOK POSTS MIRROR TWITTER POSTS Facebook: Krg US,:Kurdistan Regional Government Representation In the United States Twitter <5>KRG_USA

Date and time text 2015-07-0113:11:1 4 +0000 Taking a quick rest after an offensive against an ISiS base in'Kirkuk Governorate;#BijiReshmerga http://t:co/0MYtwlVtlM 2015-06-30 17:27: 17 +0000 RT @>FalahMustafa: Farewe|rmeet|ng:between PM @NBarzani & Lt Gen Mick Bednarek outgolng chief of Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq http:/a€| 2015-06^30 16:09: 23+0000 Check out our June 2015 Newsletter - http.// Signup for future mailings:ihttp://tco/xiJmnoiwWW 2015-06-30 14:07:4 9 +0000 RT <5>DilbarKurd: Peshmerga take a break from the war. You need a little music now and then :) aY2y.3Y2n3YZ^3Y-!y.5YZ>< KBijiPeshmerga an 2015-06-30 13:24: 20 +0000 RT @>KurdistanRegion; US Congressional delegation:commendSiPeshmerga:Forces:http://t;Co/qb61wOd89r http://tco/T812Ux6XHh 2015-06-3013:06: 02+0000 Outpost on the front lines near Kirkuk manned by WPeshmergas with decades of experience UBijiPeshmerga 2015-0fr29 20:33:2 2 +0000 RT @>NBarzan|: Great meeting w/ Senators ©timkaine & @SenDonnelly. Discussed US Stamp; KR's shared vision on combating war against ISIS.http://ta€| 20154>fr29 19:57:3 9 +0000 Extra scene from gaviceNewsiRoad to Mosul series - 'The Struggle for Weapons on the Front Lines' #BijiPeshmerga 2015-06-29 19:10: 54+0000 President Barzani Receives a U.S. Congressional Delegation> 2015f06-2919:02:0 8 +0000 RT (jaFalahMustafa: Attended a meeting between President Barzani & (SRobWittman Congresswoman Bordallo @RepB|l|Flores USCG @JPennington_ http:a€ | 201546-2916:40: 21+0000 Sign up for email updates from the KRG US Representation to get our monthly newsletter - 2015-06-29 16:35::1 4 +0000 RT KRG_DFR: Minister @>FalahMustafa received a UiS Congressional delegation to @>KurdistanRegion at the'EIA. http://t;co/4ylrudHK0E 2015r06-29 14:54: 20+0000 RT (tSFalahMustafa: A good meeting between President @masoud_barzani & US Congressional delegation (ffltimkaine @TulsiGabbard @JPennington_ httpSC | 2015-06-29 14:54:-.15+000 0 RT @FalahMustafa: Welcomed Rep ©RobWittman Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo & Rep @>RepBlllFlores to Kurdistan this morning at the EIA. http§€| 2015-06-29 14:12: 36 +0000 US Senate Delegation: Baghdad should pay Kurdistan Region3€'"s liabilities http://t co/svK3enlZTt 2015:06-29 11:34 27+0000 RT @KRG_DFR: President Barzani Receives^ U.S. Congressional Delegation.;Co/EI7KUSahN 2015-06-28 12:08: 54+0000 RT (S>brett_mcgurk: Grateful for the heroic SPeshmerga fighters we met today serving insight of ItlSIL controlledivillages near HGwer. http:/£€! 2015-06-26 18:08: 10 +0000 RT @KurdishProject: KKurdish womenM*"s groups help Yazidi Irwomen in Sinjar: STwitterKurds 2015-06-26 13:03: 12 +0000 One of 1,000 US-stipplied AT-4 rocket launchers, helps defend this front against suicide car bombs #B!jiPeshmerga 2015-06-25 21:13:5 8 +0000 .@>BayanRahman - and international coalition are shoulder to shoulder against ISIS 2015-06-25 20:56:2 1 +0000 .@BayanRahman to speak with <3>AljazeeraE at 5 on today's ISIS assault on Kobani 2015-06-25 18:57:24+000 0 ;@washlngtonpost OpEd - 'To defeat the lslam|CState,.the U.S. will have to go:big' 2015-06-25 13:40:5: 9 +0000 Capt Masoud, son of a martyr, served bravely in the liberation of Jalawla (fBijiPeshmerga 2015-06-24 22:51: 01+0000 RT (SFalahMustafa: Attended a meeting between President @masoud_barzani damp; U.S Amb Jones. Latest political&military issues were discussed htta€ | 2015-06-24 22:50: 59+0000 RT @KRSCPress: Chancellor @masrour_barzani today met w/ US delegation led by Amb Stuart Jones to discuss next stage of war on HISIS. http:/3e| 2015-06-24 18:06: 30 +0000 US ambassador to Iraq praises ItPeshmerga In Erbil visit (SRudawEngiish 2015-06-24 16:11: 27 +0000 .@BayanRahman met with (SRepKayGranger to talk US support for humanitarian crisis and the fight against ISIS|GVnhqoC 2015-06-24 13:25 :29 +0000 This unit from Betwata holds the line around Mosul despite nightly assaultslby ISIS SBijiPeshmerga @>younesaghai 2015-06-23 21:09:3 5 +0000 RT @KRSCPress: Terrorists responsible for attack on Kushk Hotel in Kirkuk have been arrested. Video:€ | 2015-06-23 20:08:39+000 0 Rep. ©BayanRahman meets w Amb. Abdullah Khalifa of.@BahrainEmbDC, member of international coalition to counter ISIS 2015-06-23 16:03;;2 7 +0000 .(jpVlceNews - 'Soon It Will Be Too Late': The Children Lost Inside the Islamic State! 2015-06-23 15:56:2 1 +0000 RT @DefenceHQ: Def Sec announces further UK support to Kurdish Peshmerga fighting JtlSIL in Iraq:£| 2015-06-2315:47::4 2 +0000 RT @SenJohnMcCain: Great delegation meeting w/ ttKurdish FM @FalahMustafa - imp't partner in fightagainst #ISIS & global terrorism (»KRG'httS€ | 2015-06-23 15:35:10+000 0 RT @DrDindarZebari: Population of the Kurdistan Region is 5 to 6 million residents and the number of IDPs is 1.7 million, with Syrian refugK| 2015-06-2313:35:;4 1 +0000 Five brothers, all serving as Peshmerga across Kurdistan ItBijlPeshmerga http://t.cp/arVq79GtyO 2015-06-23 13:04:0: 1 +0000' Powerful trailer for documentary on an American war vet:s quest to provide humanitarian aid into Kurdistan 2015-06-22 19:03::24+000 0 Check out the Kurdistan Tourlsm;app for info on visiting ((KurdistanAndrold: 2015-06-22 17:43: 00 +0000 German defense chief: Wewill train Yezidi Kurds for ISIS battle ORudawEnglish 2015-06-2216:16 .21+0000 RT @EzidiPress: Ravi Saleh, an (tEzidi WPeshmerga explosive device expert from #Bahzan, martyred on the JtKirkuk front today€! 2015-06-2215:55 :53 +0000 .@WSJ - "The Kurds are providingia rare bright spot in imploding M|dd|e East' 2015-06-22 15:17::2 7 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: KRG Oelegation to Meet International Fixed-Income lnvestors:http;//t:co/cj9RJOwgAy 2015-06-2214:11: 20 +0000 Peshmerga dancing after the previous night's battle near Mosul (fBljiPeshmerga (fflyounesagha

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-06720 21:41:00+0000 RT (SBayanRahman: On ((WorldRefugeeDay, remember the 1.8mil|ion displaced people in Kurdistan @KRG_USA http://tco/lsS3PMTCqB 2015-06-19 16:20:52 +0000 Beautiful piece and pictures in this month's @SmithsonianMag about daily life in @KurdistanRegion ((BijiKurdistan 201546-19 15:11:44 +0000 RT @FalahMustafa: During meeting w/ @UNIraq Amb.KubiAl, confirmed UN support to est.1.8 million IDPs/Refugees in Kurdistan ((GLOBSEC2015 httpSC | 2015-06-19 15:11:19+0000 RT @>FalahMustafa: @G10BSEC met w/ Sen. John Allen, to discuss security situation & ways to tackle various challengesin the region. http://8€', 2015-06-1914:53:01+0000 Check out (SKurdishProject, collaborative project to bring awareness to Kurdish values, culture, and history STwitterKurds 2015-06-19 13:06:00+0000 .Jerusalem_Post - Kurds confront the reality of Iraq with Islamic State 2015-06-18 21:55:36 +0000 .(S> AFP - Yezidis are target of Islamic State brutality - 2015-06-1819:03:37 +0000 .@RudawEnglish - US Defense chief Carter: a€"The Kurds do really fightaC" ((TwitterKurds 2015-06-18 17:54:07 +0000 RT @>KurdishProject: .(SKurdistariRegion also has the highest % of females in govt, in the Middle East. Learn more: htta€{ 201546-18 16:52:59 +0000 Peshmerga near Mosul stops to snap a picture of flowers for his wife HBijiPeshmerga #BijiKurdistan (SJyounesagha 2015-06-18 16:50:25 +0000 RT @>KurdishProject: Op-Ed from a 16-year old ((Kurdish-American: ((TwitterKurdsihttp://t!co/IJKhnwfHhT 2015-06-18 15:29:44 +0000 RT (SMNRKurdistan: KRGa€™s Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs Meets with the Political Parties (SKurdistanReglon 201546-18 15:23:49 +0000 Archbishop of Mosul Nicodemus Sharaf of Syriac Orthodox Church to visit Washington in coming weeks @ChaldeanChamber 2015-06-1719:15:52 +0000 Telegraph - Kurdish Peshmerga fighting Islamic State in Iraq, in pictures ((BijlPeshmerga 201546-17 17:34:24 +0000 RT (SJBayanRahman: Support Kurdistan, a bulwark against extremism 201546-1717:33:58 +0000 RT @>BritishArmy: Engineers deliver Counter-IED training to Kurdistan troops as part of UK military role in Iraq httpSC! 2015-06-17 15:24:40 +0000 Defense Sec Ash Carter at House Armed Services hearing- "Committed and capable, Kurdish Forces are.what we aspireto" (tBijlPeshmerga 201546-17 13:35:37 +0000 Lt. CoL Mam Chalak keeps watch on Kirkuk front where ISIS tries to break Peshmerga lines every nightKBijiPeshmerga 2015-06-1616:59:33 +0000 Sniper unit from Betwata stays vigilant with Dragunov rifle near Mosul KBijiPeshmerga Credit- (SJyounesagha 201546-1614:15:09 +0000 .(fflNationalRevlew - Holding Down the Fort in Kurdistan: Peshmerga Play Defense against ISIS 201546-15 19:54:32 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: DFR hosts a two-day conference for @>KurdlstahRegion representations abroad! 201546-15 17:25:31 +0000 .@Liveaumap shows live view of extent of ISIS 201546-1514:25:36 +0000 .@)NYTimes - Success of Kurdish Forces ls a Rare Bright Spot for U:S. Policy in Iraq http://tco/ygNgxMkXH4 201546-15 13:45:31 +0000 RT @NergizAbi: @KRG_DFR and KRG AT hosting 2Day Vienna Conference for (BKurdistanRegion Representatives. 2015-06-1513:25:34+0000 Peshmerga like him help defend 8 active fronts across a 650-mile border from constant ISIS assaults KBijiPeshmerga 201546-12 21:55:30 +0000 .@ForelgnPolicy - Psychologists in Iraq say theya€'"ve never seen more terrible trauma than that caused by Islamic State http://tco/DTcicgCqCr 201546-1218:05:36 +0000 .@VlceNews - Life after Islamic State massacres, reporting from Yezidi Sinjari villages ravaged by war - 201546-12 14:44:52 +0000 RT @>KRG_DFR: Norway to open representation office in the @KurdistanReglon. (Sborgebrende @>NorwayMFA€ | 201546-12 14:44:45 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: Foreign Minister of Norway: We are happy to announce that soon we will open a representation office in the @KurdistanRegion 201546-12 14:03:17 +0000 Training exercises for elite counter-terror units near Kirkuk ((BijlPeshmerga 201546-1119:02:58 +0000 PM Nechirvan Barzani calls for further military assistance to ((Peshmerga Forces 201546-1117:11:07 +0000 Indiana University to offer 2 Kurdish (Soranj) language courses this fall! KTwitterKurds @IUBIoomington 2015-06-1115:46:04 +0000 Profile of Yezidi woman once enslaved by ISIS speaks about how ISIS has destroyed everything 201546-1113:54:41 +0000 RT @Kurdlstar|Reglon: PM Barzani warns of more refugees and IDPs: 201546-1113:02:45 +0000 Class of crack counter-terrorism unit. Units like these are the tip of the spear in the fight against ISIS. http://t.coAAWJmi9IRT 2015-06-10 19:05:49+0000 .@BernardHenrtLvy - The ((Peshmerga, the West's Best Defense Against the Islamic State 201546-10 18:35:25+0000 RT (3brett_mcgurk: Excellent meetings today in ((Erbil w/President Barzani to review campaign againstKISIL in both ((Iraq and ((Syria. http://a€ | 201546-10 18:35:15+0000 RT @NBarzanl: Productive meeting w/ Amb. @>brett_mcgurk to discuss how KRG and US can work together to face the war on terror.€ { 201546-10 18:34:59 +0000 RT (BKurdistanRegion: PM Barzani and Belgian government DPM discuss Region's situation: http;// 201546-10 16:40:46 +0000 Life for ((Peshmerga on the front at the strategic Keske Junction - 201546-10 15:40:39 +0000 .ffflWSJ - ((Peshmerga Say They Need Weapons After ISISSeizes Iraqi Arsenal, worry they cannot hold defensive lines 201546-10 14:02:41 +0000 One of 8,000 HK G36 assault rifles supplied by , being used to defend front near Kirkuk ((BijlPeshmerga 20154 64919:34:09 +0000 RT (fflBayanRahman: One year after the fall of ((Mosul, we salute the 1,200 ((peshmerga killed and 7,000 injured In the fight against ISIS terroat j 2015-0649 19:33:55+0000 RT @BayanRahman:i@KurdlstanRegion PM (SNBarzani today discussed with @brett_mcgurk US-Kurdlstan cooperation against ISIS & Erbil-Baghdad buda€ | 20154 649 19:15:23 +0000 Director of Culture @najatga accepts donation of 1960's Kurdish painting from retired Amb. Gordon Brown. Many thanks I 20154 649 16:27:04 +0000 RT @FalahMustafa: Attended two separate meetings between (jpKurdistanRegion President @masoud_barzani & PM (ffiNBarzani with @brett_mcgurk http:a€ | 2015-064916:03:35+0000 1 yr ago, ISIS overran ((Mosul, capturing 3 brigades of weapons and $100 millions cash. What Is life like there today?

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015464914:11:48 +0000 RT <5>Be|giumMFA: MFA Odrcynders w/ Archbishop of Erbil Stamp; Yezidi rep onsftu minorities of Iraq Stamp; Syria.Kurdistan region = safe heaven http:S€ | 20154 64913:58:16 +0000 President Barzani Meets US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State brett_mcgurk In Erbil - http://txo/nKwvWvzvxN 2015464913:03:09 +0000 Basic tactical gear like binoculars and night vision are essential to defending 650-mile front w:ISIS SBijiPeshmerga http://t:Co/OMiRqYEmUy 20154648 20:14:36 +0000 RT <5>AJCBerlin: Yesterday we had the privilege to meet the wonderful Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, the KRG_USA representative. KGIoFo http://t.c3€ j 2015464819:40:54 +0000 RT @BayanRahman: (tlraqspeaker Al-Jubouri at (SJUSIP: building a stable Iraq is guarantee for minorities. Need support for democracy and reforaC | 2015464819:40:52 +0000 RT @)BayanRahman: Klraqspeaker Al-Jubouri tells @USIP: peace-loving forces will stand by us in fight against ISIS. Iraqi people need help of3€ | 20154648 19:40:50 +0000 RT @BayanRahman: At (3USIP event to hear Iraq Parliament Speaker Dr Jubouri. ttlraqispeaker 2015-064819:02:38 +0000 .@>BenjaminKweskin remembers his time in ((Kurdistan, pilgrimage to Jewish heritage sites at Al-Qosh 20154 6 48 17:57:47 +0000 W/ coalition air support„professional Peshmerga have cleared >1.5k.sq mi of ISIS. key routes to Mosul (tBijlPeshmerga 2015464817:50:38 +0000 RT @>KRGsweden: KRG Rep. w/@MSBse welcoms Swe efforts & projects in (BKurdistanReglon and underlines-long-termicooperation.|; 20154648 16:51:06 +0000 RT gpvicenews: We embedded with the Peshmerga in the hills above the Islamic State-held city of Sinjar:€ | 2015464816:27:52 +0000 RT (SEzidiRress: Historic day! Feleknas Uca (KHDP) and All Atalah («HDP) are the first ttEzidl members of theKTurklsh Parllament http://t.coa€| 20154648 14:09:52 +0000 RT (5>KRG_DFR: France pledges continued military support to @KurdistanRegion. 20154648 14:09:48 +0000 RT (BFalahMustafa: I congratulate for the success of elections & hope the results will lead to further peace Stamp; prosperity for Kurds aa€ | 20154 648 14:09:43 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: New @KurdistanRegion Representative begins his mission in the United Kingdom.,http://t.coAxnj5DuWLN 20154 64813:53:31 +0000 RT @>BayanRahman: Congratulations to (fflHDPgenelmerkezi on outstanding result in Turkish elections. Hope this will build on Kurdish peace proca€! 20154646 14:02:28 +0000 24 years ago, Kurdish refugees thanking USit Gen John Shalikashvili for protection, support- http://t:co/4leCnJJqv4 201546r05 19:25:47 +0000 RT @>BayanRahman: Tariq Aziz, defender of Saddam's use of chemical weapons against Kurds, repression of Shias, invasion of Kuwait, dies httpa€ | 2015-064518:05:31 +0000 .@> WashPost - Six things you need to know about women and ISIS - 20154 64515:02:55 +0000 Beautiful presentation^ @>CFR_org on Kurds and SKurdistan ((TwitterKurds ©KurdlstanRegion 20154 6 45 14:29:10 +0000 RT CFR_Comm: @)KRG^USA: CFR's newest interactive InfoGuide explores the emergence of the:Kurds:i 2015-064513:55:27 +0000 .@BayanRahman on the December agreement with Baghdad on oil andibudget payments - 20154644 18:50:50 +0000 .(5> Vocativ - How ISIS Turned Looting Into Big Business - 2015464418:01:17 +0000 KRG Dir @Remziya briefs Congressional staff on Christians/minorities in Iraq- catastrophe cannot be:overstated 20154 64415:55:37 +0000 UN: Iraq on brink of humanitarian disaster- surging conflict and funding shortfall - - 20154 64415:05:44 +0000 RT @)KurdistanRegion: Prirne Minister Barzani: Educational campaigns needed to defeat ISIS: 20154 64413:56:10+0000 RT rjpBayanRahman: (SFalahMustafa speaks to @HalaGorani glcnni on need for Kurdistan to be part of Iraq delegation in antirlSIS meetings http:a€ | 20154 64413:51:11 +0000 RT giKurdistariRegion: Kurdistan Regional Government values UN and ECHO Humanitarian appeals to aid IDPs & Refugees: ha€ | 20154 64413:45:34 +0000 Kurdistan Regional Government breaks monthly oil export record - 2015-064319:06:06 +0000 RT <5>KRGsweden: KRG Rep thanks Swe FM ©margotwallstrom and MPs of Swe Parliament for today's decision to support Peshmerga.€ | 201546-0317:52:20 +0000 RT @>Canadainlraq: Amb. Saccomani visited Mar Ella Church in Ainkawathat hosts hundredsdf Christian Iraqis displaced. http://t.cp/rmlKfZ29a€ | 201S-064317:34:42 +0000 RT @>MNRKurdistan: MNR strongly denies irresponsible report by Reuters that It has stopped oil transfers to SOMO in Ceyhan. KRG still commita€| 201S-0643 15:31:23 +0000 RT <5>KurdistanRegion: PM Barzani urges the United States to continue its support to Kurdistan Region:€! 2015464315:30:08 +0000 RT (SBayanRahman: Pleased to hand over KRG UK Representation to @>karwanTahlr at ceremony led by @)KRG_DFR Minister (SFalahMustafa @KRG_UK httpS€! 20154 642 20:45:05 +0000 RT (SFalahMustafa: 2/2 The efforts of Kurdistan Region in fighting ISIL Stamp; caringfor refugees Stamp; IDPs must be appreciated by Iraqi gov Stamp; couna€| 2015-06-02 20:45:02+0000 RT (SFalahMustafa: 1/2 No reason to exclude KRG from Counter ISIL coalition meeting. KRG has to be invited to future meetings as part of theSCJ 20154 64218:50:51 +0000 .@warisboring - Oh IraqaCs Remote Edge, Kurdish Troops Stare Down Islamic State 2015464214:45:58 +0000 A statement from Kurdistan Region on Counter-ISIL Coalition meeting in Paris - 2015464213:56:15 +0000 RT @)KRG_DFR: We thank (SkarwanTahir for his service to the DFR Stamp; wish himcontinued success'in his new mission as the @KRG_UK Rep. http://t.S€ | 2015-064213:32:37 +0000 11 days to support ©Metrography's 'Map of Displacement' to show lives of IDPs ln:#Kurdistan 2015-064115:22:19 +0000 .©BayanRahman with @HuffPostPol:on Important strategic relationship.between US and KRG - 2015464114:34:05 +0000 RT @>NBarzanl: Our deepest condolences to the entire @)JoeBlden family on the sad passing of Major Beau Biden. 20154 64112:26:50 +0000 RT (DBayanRahman: Condolences to @VP and family on death of Beau Biden, who served in Iraq in 2009 and inspired so many with his devotion toa€ | 2015-05-29 20:24:29 +0000 .@ForeignPolicy World in Photos shows life in refugee camps for Yezidis displaced from Sinjar- 201545-29 16:05:40 +0000 .©BayanRahman interview with <5>HuffPostPol - "What has happened to the Yezidis is nothing but genocide' 201545-29 13:52:50 +0000 Check out our May newsletter - http://t co/MBdYglDYG7Sign up for future updates - 2015-05-27 22:15:51+0000 President Barzani participates in WorldiEconomlc Forum on Middle East and North Africa

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-05-27 19:11:03 +0000 President Barzani: Proud of #Kurdistan's ability to stop ISIS 2015-05-2716:57:06 +0000 ISIS just destroyed a 900-year-old mosque In Mosul - <3RudawEng!ish 2015-05-2714:15:41+0000 Sign up for email updates from KRG-US - 2015-05-2713:59:56 +0000 RT (fflnajatga: Deputy PM @qubadjt addressedimembers of Kurdistan Parliament on'how to control& resolve all land connscated:disputes;http://ta€| 2015-05-2614:31:27 +0000 Turret on mid-century tank helps defend the front from constant ISIS assaults ttBi)iPeshmerga 2015-05-2513:03:00 +0000 On this Memorial Day we thank the brave men and women of the US Armed Forces who gave their lives so that others may live free #MemorialDay 2015-05-2214:20:59 +0000 Heavy ammunition like this is precious- protects ttPeshmerga lines from ISIS suicide attacks #BijiPeshmerga 2015-05-2120:39:31 +0000 RT (EpBayanRahman: Delighted to meet Chaldean Syriac Assyrian Popular Council of Canada which sent aid to displaced people in Kurdistan http:a€| 2015-05^2119:22:09 +0000 .@>KurdistanRegion female Peshmerga Forces division training for operations against ISIS SBijiPeshmerga 2015-05-2114:15:49 +0000 Why we fight - #BijiPeshmerga!http://tco/IOvtvzALHn 2015-05-2101:44:32 +0000 RT @BayanRahman: Pleased to discuss help for Kurdish students and stronger US-Kurdistan university ties with colleagues at State Dept http:a€ | 2015-05-20 14:39:35 +0000 RT ft? KurdistanRegion: Kurdistan Region needs further support for IDPs and refugees:http://t:co/geBFNunEJG 2015-05-2014:15:55 +0000 Constant-vigilance by ((Peshmerga have stopped ISIS from gaining ground In KKurdistan #BijiPeshmerga 2015-05-1919:02:15 +0000 Report by (aPRItheWorld on the effect of genocide, slavery of Yezidi women on Yezidi society 2015-05-19 17:15:23 +0000 RT @FalahMustafa: A historic photo with President @masoud_barzani damp; KRG delegation with KRG U.S. Team @BayanRahman @>qubadjt <5>KRG_USA http:/a€| 2015-05-1915:55:28 +0000 Follow @>JCCKRG (Crisis Coordination and Disaster Preparedness Centre), updates on crises in ((Kurdistan Press release: 2015-05-1915:07:00 +0000 Iraqi Security Forces helicopter mission out of ((Erbil targets ISIS suicide bomber training camps near ((Mosul - 2015-05-1914:10:44 +0000 ((Peshmerga officers and soldiers enjoying a quick meal together ((BijlPeshmerga 2015-05-18 20:06:48 +0000 President Barzani Briefs PolfticaliLeaders on Outcome of Visit to Washington DC - 201545-1819:05:47 +0000 Ministry of Interior launches Crisis Coordination and Disaster Preparedness Center http://tco/Nv6t43CNi8 2015-05-18 16:50:41+0000 ((Peshmerga watch ISIS surveillance drone overhead, preparing for night assault KBijiPeshmerga 2015-05-18 16:07:08+0000 RT (Snajatga: The United States is still not providing arms and weapons directly to the Kurdish fighters Rep. (STutsiGabbard on CNN http.7/t.a£| 2015-05-18 15:29:35 +0000 Ret. Lt. Gen. Jay Garner in @ForeignAffairs - 'Boots on the Ground; In Praise of the Kurdish Peshmerga'!0s 2015-05-18 13:49:30 +0000 President Barzani Meets With General Uoyd Austin in Erbil- http://t.cq/9YM2bYISix 201545-1813:36:32 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: KRG ministers brief diplomats on recent developments related to Erbil-Baghdad Agreement.€| 201545-18 13:35:37 +0000 RT @>KRG_DFR: ©KurdistanRegion PM (SNBarzani appoints (SkarwanTahir as the New KRG Representative to the UK. 201545-1414:03:22 +0000 RT @>KR6_Df R: President Barzani Meets Czech Prime Minister Sobotka In Prague'http;// 201545-1314:48:41 +0000 Watch (SpHouseForeign hearing on ISIS war on religious minorities happening now - 2015-05-13 14:45:40 +0000 RT (SSarbarzi: Another high-ranked UPeshmerga commander, Liwa S. Delmani, feliin the line of duty (IED). tfAzehidNamirin KRIP ((Hero http://t.a€| 2015-05-13 14:31:46 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Congress @HouseForeign cmte on Ancient Communities Under Attack: ISIS's War on Religious Minorities, @>jackieisaacl http://t.coa£! 201545-1313:16:02 +0000 Every day, ISIS tests Kurdish defenses like this outpost near Makhmour w bombings and suicide attacks. (tBijlPeshmerga 201545-12 20:59:05 +0000 RT (SFalconGrouplraq: We provide support to the ((Peshmerga by daily catering services to feed about 2700 Peshmerga in KMakhmura((Kurdistan ha€| 201545-1215:16:16 +0000 .@BayanRahman speaks with (SHuffingtonPost on President Barzani's visit to Washington and future of ((Kurdistan 2015-05-1120:31:14 +0000 Watch video of President Barzani discussion at Council on Foreign Relations - http://tco/M75SxpBGU7 201545-1115:21:01 +0000 Senator Joni Ernst Stresses Urgency to Arm the Kurds ln Fight Against ISIS - ((BijiPeshmerga 201545-1114:03:28 +0000 President Barzani addresses US media, think tank and Kurdish-American community - 201545-1113:56:26 +0000 RT @brett_mcgurk: Just bid farewell to President ((Barzani after his successful'officlal visit to Washington, DC. KTwitterKurdS!€J 201545-0918:29:45 +0000 RT @BayanRahman: Part of the audience at President Barzani meeting with Kurdish-American community. Many questions about independence http:a€| 201545-09 16:03:35 +0000 Kurdish community stands w President Barzani for national anthem at town hall meeting in VA KEyReqib WBijiKurdistan 201545-0817:19:38+0000 Pres Barzani at CFR-In past many world leaders didn't want to hear about Kurdish independence, this has changed 201545-0817:18:38 +0000 Pres Barzani at CFR- Kobanl was thesecond time Iraqi Kurdish forces have gone to other parts of Kurdistan- first was Mehabad in 1946 2015454817:16:00 +0000 Pres Barzani at CFR- When Turkey changed its stance on the Kurdish question, encouragedius to improve relations 201545-08 17:12:09 +0000 Pres Barzani at CFR- All Kurds are our brothers, and we will defend them from ISIS 20154548 16:47:07 +0000 Pres Barzani at CFR - The US has assured us that the ((Peshmerga will get the weapons they need 201545-0816:46:14 +0000 Pres Barzani at CFR-needs of refugees are great, and we ask the worldfor assistance 20154 54816:45:24 +0000 Pres @masoud_Barzani at CFR: we are fighting most brutal terrorists. 1200 peshmerga martyred, 11000 ISIS killed 2015454816:33:01 +0000 RT @>BayariRahman: Kurdistan Pres @>masoud_barzani tellS'@camanpour heos pleased with outcomes of meetings with Pres Obama, VP Biden http://ta€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-05-08 15:50:52 +0000 Pres Barzani and US Defense Sec Carter discuss cooperation as Peshmerga advance against ISIS http://txo/9ceDM2oBOD 2015-05-08 14:51:08 +0000 Pres Barzani tells Washington reporters about this week's visit, givesiupdates from Kurdistan http;// 2015-05-08 12:48:02 +0000 President Barzani's interview yesterday w CNN's Christiane Amanpour 2015-05-0800:06:09+0000 RT @brett_mcgurk: Constructive meetings today at DOD w/Sec. Carter, Chairman Dempsey, Stamp; Pres. BBarzani to review preparations for coordihata€ j 2015-05-07 18:56:00+0000 RT ©ABIinken: Last saw Pres. @masoud_barzani in Iraq in October. Continue to admire tireless efforts to turn back ISIL, protect vulnerable a€| 2015-05-07 16:15:02 +0000 RT ©ABIinken: Hosted Pres. ©rhasoud.barzani for meeting, working dinner on counter-ISIL y'day ©StateDept: http://t,co/uHDUkJqgXX http://t.coS€ | 2015-05-0716:05:42+0000 Read President Barzani's remarks at joint ©USKBC@USChamber reception on Tuesday - 2015-05-07 14:51:57 +0000 President Barzani holds second meeting with ViceiPresident Biden and addresses US senators - 20i5-05-07 14:41:39 +0000 Sens. Ernst and Boxer Introduce Legislation to Arm Kurds in Support of. Fight Against ISIS - http://t.cq/KNdFckSbX8 2015-05-07 13:50:14 +0000 Watch President Barzani speak with CNN Christiane Amanpour today at 2 PM EST 2015-05-06 23:14:15+0000 RT @BayanRahman: Kurdistan Region President ©masoud_barzani meets Senate Leadership. Much praise for bravery of ((peshmerga and support for a€| 2015-05-06 22:48:29 +0000' Readout of Vice President Biden!sFalahMustafa: On my way to U.S. to join President @masoud_barzani along with KRG DP @>qubadjt Stamp; Chancellor of KRSC @masrourbarzani in,ta€| 2015-05-0221:02:50 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegjon: President Barzani'Meets Canadian Prime Minister @pmharper: http://t:cq/5T4jlqGhxR 2015-05-0116:50:33 +0000 Tell Congress to support the Peshmerga and arm the Kurds against ISISI - ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-05-0113:35:28 +0000 Another night on the front near Makhmour SBijiPeshmerga 2015-05-0113:02:14 +0000 join Dr. Mohammed Shareef for a talk on The United States, Iraq and the Kurds - today 12-1:30 at Carnegie Endowment 1779 Massachusetts Ave 2015-04-3019:25:25 +0000 We are saddened to learn that Col. Yasin (left) was martyredilast week. 0'O"U*OCE0" UtO-O...0±Ov ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-04-30 15:30:23 +0000 RT @Remziya:'Mr. Israel: I've met with women who escaped ISIS captivity. No words can express or describe the atrocities these women faced.a€| 2015-04-3015:30:22 +0000 RT @>Remziya:>Mr. Ismaeh'More than 5,000 Yezidis being held captive by ISIS. Our children being put in terrorist training camps Stamp; indoctrinaC | 2015-04-30 15:30:12 +0000 RT @>Remziya::Murad Ismael, Yezidl-American testifying at briefing atCongress on ISIS' Involvement in Human Trafficking.@KRG_USA€ | 2015-04-30 14:39:44 +0000 Necessity is the mother of invenrJon in GwerWatch- Peshmerga- 2015-04-29 19:55:10 +0000 RT @MNRKurdistan: (S)MNRKurdistan official Environmental Impact Assessment Instructions published in Kurdistan Gazette (Waqai'i Kurdlstanjhttat | 2015-04-2917:01:54 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: PM Barzani receives UN Secretary General Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict S€| 2015-04-29 16:33:13 +0000 RT @brett_mcgurk: Congratulations to Peshmerga units now returning home to the Kurdistan region after successfully helping defend Kobani fra€ | 2015-04-29 16:33:04 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Further Arrests Of Terrorists Responsible For The Car Bomb Attack In Erbil Oh .17 April 2015: ht3£ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-04-2915:50:38 +0000 Join Dr Mohammed Shareef for talk on the United States, Iraq and the Kurds:- Fri May 1,12-1:30 at Carnegje Endowment 1779 Massachusetts Ave 2015-04-2914:20:36 +0000 Two Peshmerga on the front near Gwer - between them, more than half a century of experience ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-04-2818:46:45 +0000 RT @DShadala: Visited Gen Hiwa Rash and Peshmerga on frontline in Kirkuk, their sacrifices for democracy should not go unnoticed. http://t.a£{ 2015-04-2818:42:27+0000 Check out our April 2015 Newsletter - up for future updates - 2015-04-2815:03:20+0000 RT ©KRSCPress: More arrests of KISIS terrorists behindcar bomb attack in Ainkawa, Erbil. Confession Video: https://tcq/wt78WMxfal http://a€ | 2015-04-27 15:48:28 +0000 RT @Axel_Plathe: Here is were soon a ©UNESCO school for Klraq lOPs in Tasloja, Sulaymaniyah ©KurdistanRegion will open ©UNIraq€| 2015-04-2715:47:19 +0000 RT ©SenJohnMcCain:;Excellent discussion ondealing w/ VISlS feat. ©FalahMustafa, Amb. Adel Al-Jubeir, Sen. Jon Kyi & David<@DMiliband http:S€ i 2015-04-2715:06:45 +0000 US military: ISIS on defensive, more than 6,000 targets hit by coalition ©RudawEnglish 2015-04-2713:27:40 +0000 Kurdish leader Barzani on battling Islamic State - http://t:co/dsA5C6n4yu @po_st 2015-04-2419:36:11+0000 RT @DilbarKurd: MP Vian Dakhil met Hillary Clinton in #USA and discussed the female Yajidi victims of ISIS terror (ryazidi #Kurdistan http:/a€! 2015-04-2418:02:31 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Good to meet ((Tennessee ((Kurdish Community Council and discuss humanitarian, cultural work http://a€ | 2015-04-2415:01:46 +0000 Watch ©BayanRahman and top US experts at annual Defense of Democracies conference 2015-04-23 14:45:47 +0000 Sign up for our email updates - 2015-04-2312:13:08 +0000 RT ©EzidiPress: ((Breaking: gunmen In #Mosulikilled Kahlan Obeid Jasem AI-MetwetA", top ISIS commander 8iamp; responsible for theikidnapping of huS€| 2015-04-22 22:02:28 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Thanks to Senators ©joniernstand ©ChrisMurphyCT for meeting today to discuss the humanitarian, economic and security sltuaC | 2015-04-22 20:51:27 +0000 President Barzani Meets General Austin of US Central Command 2015-04-2218:54:54 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Council of Ministers discusses Article 140, agriculture and electricity sectors:€! 2015-04-22 16:21:11 +0000 RT ©najatga: 117 years ago today, the first ((Kurdish news paper (Kurdistan) established in Cairo, Egypt by Miqdad Mithat Badrxan. http://t.a€ | 2015-04-2216:10:47 +0000 Displaced kids in Duhok volunteer to help unload humanitarian supplies donated by French NGO 2015-04-2215:49:47 +0000 This Lt. Col. is one of ftveibrothers serving in fronts across Kurdistan. ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-04-2120:14:33 +0000 RT ©najatga: "We are very grateful for theUSmllltary support, particularly aerial support in this fight against ISIS" ©qubadjt€| 2015-04-2118:42:51 +0000 .©RepJaredPolis entered statement into Congressional Record commemorating 1988 chemical attacks on ((Halabja READ: 2015-04-21' 18:08:24 +0000 RT ©najatga: "We receiving enough weapons to fight battle to battle when in reality this is a much longer war" ©qubadjt ((CNN€! 2015-04-2117:28:01+0000 RT@Remziya: @KRG_USA Rep. ©BayanRahman & ©VianDakhil updated policy experts & others at roundtable hosted by ©MiddleEastlnst€ | 2015-04-2117:19:35 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Education and Higher Education Council holds its first meeting: 2015-04-2117:11:36 +0000 RT ©wolfblitzer: I'll speak live w/ Kurdish Deputy Prime Minister ©Qubadjt from Irbil where ((ISIS tried to attack US Consulate. ((Wolf 1PM E3€ | 2015-04-2116:02:33 +0000 RT ©najatga: Deputy PM (Squbadjt received France's ambassador to Iraq Mr. Mark Barety discussed current developments in the region http://t.a€| 2015-04-2115:43:51 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: ©FalahMustafa&jdelegationbf UN Strategic Assessment Mission discussed strengthening of UN involvement in Iraq ©UNIraq http://ta€ | 2015-04-2114:04:11 +0000 KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani to speak with CNN's Wolf Blitzer today at 1:15 EST on fight against ISIS 2015-04-2113:55:27 +0000 Night watch on front lihes near Mosul - the most dangerous time, as many Peshmerga are w/o nightvision ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-04-2101:42:05 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Voice of the Yezidi Kurdish community, MP Vian Dakhil updates the Iraq Desk at State Dept. on the plight of Yezidis.. http://ta€ | 2015-04-20 22:02:43 +0000 RT ©JowanM: Memorial trees to commemorate Peshmerga: 1100 trees planted in ((Kurdistan each tree representing each soldier killed in the wara€ | 2015-04-20 22:02:41 +0000 RT ©Remziya: @KRG_USA Rep. ©BayanRahman & ©VianDakhil update U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom on state of mins http://t.c4€! 2015-04-20 21:18:33 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: ©KRSCPress reports arrest of suspect behind rare Erbil car bombing. Hope we are near to justice for two civilians killed S€ ', 2015-04-20 21:17:16 +0000 RT ©najatga: Panel 3 | The Jihadi Threat to Minorities in the Middle East ©BayanRahman @KRG_USA ©followFDD 2015-04-2016:03:05+0000 Check out National Geographic Kurdish - ©NatGeoKurd 2015-04-2015:26:16 +0000 Check out - great database for Kurdish musicians and'lyrics 2015-04-2013:50:38 +0000 She used to worry about her children falling over edge, so ©MedairJRO. installed fence to keep them safe 2015-04-2011:49:57 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: The main perpetrator of recent car bomb attack in Ainkawa is arrested by local security services. ((Kurdistan ((ISIS http://t.a€ | 2015-04-19 16:52:08 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: Offensive by ((Peshmerga forces South of Kirkuk clears over 84 sq kilometres and kills at least 35 rtlSIS.terrorists. http://ta€ | 2015-04-19 03:41:11 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: With ©VianDakhil, met ©AmbSaperstein to discuss further US aid to Yezidis. Ambassador visited Kurdistan in February http:/a€! 2015-04-19 01:23:50 +0000 KRG Representative to the US ©BayanRahman - Attack in SErbilwill only strengthen anti-ISIS alliance http://t:Co/GwfUXzlNLX 2015-04-1816:04:07 +0000 RT ©najatga: ((Peshmerga forcestoday controlled Al- Uzeri 8iamp; Al-Attshan villages S of Kirkuk from ISIS and continues to advance. http://t:Coa€| 2015-04-17 21:14:05+0000 RT ©najatga: 0|O»O' O©0§0±O» 0sOrjE0±Ot0±O$030aOsO«OCE 0|:O-O...0±OtOCE 0*0*0*O,,OZ0± 0|O«O"O-0±0§0"O«O"O»OOHO>OtOZ UfO« 0"0§0'0'0»0"U'(j^0« UtO.fJ...0§Dtfjt u"! 2015-04-1717:03:03 +O000 In ((Kurdistan, tree nurseries struggle to keep up with runaway demand ©RudawEnglish 2015-04-17 16:41:38 +0000 Iraqi MP ©VianDakhil and KRG staff meet with Iraq Foundation in DC ©Remziya 2015-04-17 13:45:47 +0000 Top German politlcian sees ((Kurdistan as a model in Middle East

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-04-16 20:48::2 3 +0000 More Neanderthal remains found in KurdistanaC's Shanidar cave - 2015-04-1619:20:.4 3 +0000 Help bring education supplies to refugees in Kurdistan - join TentED fundraiser tbnight-INFO: http://t:co/7DwyCPEb8P 2015-04-1616:19: 33 +0000 RT ©Remziya: Great discussion w/Rep.Brooks ©VianDakhil & ©BayanRahman on current state of minorities in Iraq, @KRG_USA€! 2015-04-16 15:57::42+000 0 RT ©DavidTafuri: "No clarity on current construct" to end'persecution by ISIS w/ ©VianDakhil ©karwanz @KRG_USA + Members of Congress http:/a€ |, 2015-04-1615:07: 17 +0000 PM Abadi- no limitations to decentralization in Iraq, without it Iraq will disintegrate ttAbadiUSVjsit http://t.coAqC5wBUg8Z 2015-04-16 14:31: 26 +0000 Iraq PM Abadi ©CSIS- victory in Tikrit a model for liberation of Iraq http://txo/AbVFr6YNMT 2015-04-1613:55: 37 +0000 A father and son fighting near Mosul take a moment to enjoy spring flowers ((Newroz (tBijiPeshmerga; 2015-04-1600:30: 10+0000 Iraqi MP Vian Dakhil andXRG staff update members of Congress Caucus on Religious Minorities in MidEast . 2015-04-15 17:42: 29+0000 RT @najatga::KRG;Rep ©BayanRahman talksabout the Jihadi threat to Minorities in the Middle East 8tamp; latest development ©fbllowFDD€|: 2015-04-15 17:24: 07+0000 ©BayanRahman at ©followFDD conf- Kurdistan is refuge for religious/ethnic minorities, Island of stability in MidEasthttp://txo/dlkPslOLln 2015-04-15 15:14: 07+0000 President 8arzani marks Yezidi New Year with promise of protection ©RudawEnglish 2015-04-15 15:12: 22+0000 RT ©najatga: 0-O«O"O+OCE 0»O'0+UCi0s0§UuOriOaO»0,OCE0"OCE0§Ut U,/.OCt0±Ot010 020a 0" 0SO»0± 0'Ot0JiO(E0' 0"Ot 0"O'O"O"U...Ot05UtOCE0§Ot0O£05U*Ut01 OfO...:0' U...0+ 2015-04-15 14:40: 37 +0000 Medical clinic brings much needed care to thousands of refugees in Shariya, supported by humanitarian org ©MedairJRQ 2015-04-15 12:00: 58 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: Hungarian Parliament authorizes sending military troops to ©KurdistanRegion. 2015-04-14 21:13: 18 +0000 .©Rudaw exclusive - Peshmergapummel ISIS in massive battle near Tal Afar ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-04-14 20:00: 15+0000 RT ©najatga: 0; 0« 0|O»OfU0§U,.U©0±07OtOCE U...Gt0-0§Ou0aG©tit0(EU©O"0±0CE0_0§QCEOf U" 0 0§O"Of0§UtU...0§O+ G©G-0±0- 0„G« 0 OtOt0§OCEO«0s. 0',O«O"O» 0...0z0"0"l 2015-04-1419:05:;4 7 +0000 Refugees continue to seek refuge In ((Kurdistan, such as in this informal settlement in Debaga. ©ACTED 2015-04-1416:48::14+000 0 RT ©MedairPress: Medair chosen by Kurdistan Regional Government to register 1000s of IDPs living in camps ttlraq httpaCj 2015-04-14 13:16: 38+0000 Statement from the Council of Ministers on the 27th anniversary of Anfal Day 2015-04-14 13:04::1 7 +0000 Today is Anfal Day when we mourn the innocent lives so cruelly stolen from us in the Anfal Campaign of 1986-9. Biji Kurdistan. #TwitterKurds 2015-04-13 21:07: 57 +0000 Help bring education supplies to refugees in Kurdistan - join TentED fundraiser Thurs - INFO: http://txo/D6PtXxgacE 2015-04-13 18:56::3 4 +0000 Check out the latest map of IDP/refugee camps in #KUrdistan - - ©REACH_ihfo 2015-04-13 15:22::56+000 0 RT @KRG_DFR: Country Director ©JanePearceWFP briefed Minister ©FalahMustafa on challenges facing particular lack of funding http://ta€ | 2015-04-13 15:22::5 4 +0000' RT @KRG_DFR: Amb of Canada: We are committed to continue our humanitarian,military&business engagement in Kurdistan ©Canadalnlraq;http://t.a€ ! 2015-04-12 13:07::23+000 0 ISIS video shows destruction of ancient Assyrianxity of Nlmrud. Horrifying. 2015-04-10 20:57::5 0 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Representing KRG at International Higher Education Corps Inaugural Meeting at State Dept. with embassies around world http://ta€ | 2015-04-10 20:05::2 1 +0000 Great analysis on why the US must assist the KPeshmerga - ©Iraqshamel @fikraforum: 2015-04-1019:46::0 2 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: meet General Zinni. Dep Commanding General Operation Provide Comfort which saved thousands of Kurds 1991 http:a€',

2015-04-1019:20::31+000 0 RT ©karwanz: H.E. ©BayanRahman greeted by lraq:Business Initiative team @stevelutes> updated bus. Leaders on Kurdistan's potentiat http://t9€) 2015-04-1019:20::2 2 +0000 RT ©stevelutes: ©USChamber honored to host ©BayanRahman ©KRG_USA for mtgw/ biz leaders on opportunities in Iraqis Kurdistan Region http://l€ ! 2015-04-1019:10 :15 +0000 How one Yazidi girl fled the clutches of ISIS and embarked on the winding road to recovery http://t.coAICBJ5655Q 2015-04-1018:03: 10 +0000 RT ©karwanz: @KRG_USA Representative, ©BayanRahman updates the business community at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington.€j 2015-04-1018:03: 04 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©BayanRahman updates members of the US Chamber of Commerce and business leaders on Kurdistan's golden decade 2003-13; http://tK J 201S-04-1018:02: 49 +0000 RT ©karwanz: "Historically, Kurdistan has been a tourist destination 4 all of Iraq for cooler & beauty" ©BayanRahman, ©KRG_USA | 2015-04-1014:41: 36+0000 RT ©CanadianForces: Canada completes first airstrike against ISIL in Syria KOplMPACT 2015-04-09 21:56::0 7 +0000 A Christian woman's quest to care for Yezidi refugees in Erbil - 2015-04-09 17:05: 30 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: 2/2: To be clear. Kurdistan thanks US for vital support against ISIS and aid to refugees. @KRG_DFR a€| 2015-04-0917:05: 27 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: 1/2: My recent comments on US role in fight against ISIS taken out of context by some media. See clarification http://t.coa€ | 2015-04-0917:05: 02 +0000 RT ©FalahMustafa: I welcome today's decision of the Government of Sweden to seek Parliamenta€,"s approval to send military trainers to the KurSCj 2015-04-09 12:43 :32 +0000 Statement by ©BayanRahman on US support for Kurdistan and Peshmerga forces http://tco/xw7bNpeZEA 2015-04-08 20:17 :48 +0000 .©AtlantlcCouncil ©wanwilgenburg - Armingthe Kurds to Defeat ISIS in Mosul 2015-04-0818:32: 50 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: At funeral of HH Mar Dinkha. patriarch of Assyrian Church of East. Moving ceremony honouring spiritual leader who symbolisS€| 2015-04-0818:32::4 7 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Assyrians line street in Chicago to say farewell to HH Mar Dinkha IV. He was held in high esteem and great affection http:3€| 2015-04-0818:32: 34+0000 RT ©RudawEnglish: Thousands of people attend the burial ceremony of #MarDinkha in ((Chicago. 2015-04-0815:05: 12 +0000 RT ©Reuters: BREAKING: Islamic State militants free more than 200 captive Yazidls In Iraq 2015-04-0813:44::31+000 0 RT @KurdistanRegion: Peshmerga Forces recapture 95 percent of territories occupied by ISIS:http://t:co/hileMls83l 2015-04-0719:08 31 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Iraqi Ambassador to Washington ©FailyLukman updates thinkers 8iamp; Foreign Policy experts on Future of Iraq, ©KRG_USA http://t.cp/3€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

201544-07 15:07:47 +0000 21 years ago today in ((Rwanda, we witnessed start of yet another genocide. How many times will we say "never again"? 2015-04-07 13:40:21+0000 (•Kurdistan Parliament passes Oil and Gas Revenue Fund Law to increase transparency in energy sectors ©MNRKurdistan 201544-07 13:14:36+0000 President Barzani and Prime Minister al-AbadiiMeet in Erbil 2015444617:55:05 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: PM Barzani: We will provide assistance Stamp; protection to IDPs even after situation normalises: hta€| 20154446 15:45:44+0000 Belarus Sends Humanitarian Aid to Kurdistan Region 2015444614:31:09 +D000 Rep ©BayanRahman delivers keynote ©BPC_Bipartisan: Kurds are part of the solution In Mid East, need support rrBPGIive 2015444614:13:13 +0000 RT ©brett_mcgurk: ttlraq PM Abadi Stamp; ((Kurdistan Region Pres. Barzani in ((Erbil today to coordinate next phase of campaign against SISIL. httpa€ | 20154446 14:02:32+0000 24 years ago. Operation Provide Comfort officially commenced, bringing aid and protection to millions in Kurdistan 20154446 13:43:48 +0000 RT ©MansfieldWrites: I was inspired to be with the leadership of the Kurdish Student Association at George Mason University.€', 2015444613:43:42 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Good to see Sinem Mihemed, Rojava Cantons representative, during her US tour. Agreed that unity is way to defeat ISIS httpaC) 20154 4 45 14:35:25+0000 24 years ago, the UN passed SCR 688, establishing a 'No Fly Zone' to protect Kurdish refugees 20154443 14:11:58 +0000 RT ©FalahMustafa: I welcome the understanding reached between Iran and the 5+1 on Iran's nuclear program. Awaiting a finalized comprehensive | 20154 4 43 13:44:31 +0000 NY Times Photo essay- American University of Iraq Sulaimania women's basketball team 2015-0443 13:35:21 +0000 Peshmerga preparing masgouf for soldiers on the front lines ((BijlPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 2015444 2 20:36:51 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: President Barzani Welcomes US Congressional Delegation: http://t:co/VEBN37LwJs 20154442 15:24:19 +0000 RT @DiegoMalo88: Yezidi boys and girls at an Idp camp in Dohuk, Kurdistan, (tdohuk Kkurdistan ((refugee ((yezidi Jtidp #iraq @KRG_USA http://t:§€| 20154442 15:24:00 +0000 RT (fflBayanRahman: President ©masoud_barzani meets US senators, thanks America for standing by Kurdistan in fight against ISIS€ | 2015-0442 13:32:42 +0000 Peshmerga units tip-armor vehicles with scrap metal- tell leaders to equip the Pesh against ISIS! ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-0442 12:12:27+0000 RT ©karwanz: Kurdistan President Barzaniireceives Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 8tamp; 6'other senators in Erbil:£| 2015444116:27:21 +0000 RT ©najatga: Minister of Peshmarga Mustafa Sayid Qader asking ((France Gov to support Stamp; equipping ((Peshmerga against ISIS @KRG_USA http://t.S€ 2015444115:13:15 +0000 RT ©KRG_DFR: KRG delegation participated in third Syria donors conference in Kuwait. Donors pledge $3.8b for Syrian refugees€ | 2015444114:35:24+0000 From the front, to his wedding, and back to the front. ((BijiPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 201543-3117:47:49+0000 Check out our March 2015 Newsletter - Sign up for future updates - 201543-3117:40:07 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Delighted to welcome ©viandakhil, Yezidi Kurdish MP in Iraqi parliament, to DC after her powerful speech at ©UNSC http://ta€ | 201543-3116:31:11 +0000 Join GMU's Kurdish Student Organization for a book signing and Q&A session with author Stephen Mansfield, 4/2 at 6:30 201543-3114:05:49 +0000 Night watch at the Kirkuk front ((BijiPeshmerga 201543-30 23:24:22 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Welcoming back lead voice of minorities in Iraq, particularly for ASzidA* (Yezidi) community, Ms. Vian Dakhil, Iraqi MP http://ta€| 201543-30 20:13:41 +0000 Joint KRG5CUN press statement: More funds needed to support displaced in Kurdistan Region - 201543-30 19:10:26 +0000 France to begin push for U.N. Middle East action in 'coming weeks' 201543-30 16:15:40 +0000 French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius unveils UN fund for ISIS victims 201543-30 15:25:13 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: Foreign Minister of Luxemburg: We'll continueprovldinghumanitarian assistance to Kurdistanhttp://ttCo/DQTI8BNOOk:€| 201543-3015:02:21 +0000 Canada should stay in anti-ISIS fightunti l group is no longer a threat, Kurdish rep urges 201543-3014:05:28+0000 Lunch on the front lines near Kirkuk ((BijiPeshmerga 201543-3013:28:46+0000 .©MikeKnightslraq - US support to ((Peshmerga: Too little, too late? Http:// 201543-29 13:01:33+0000 Watch Rep ©BayanRahman this morning at 10 am on The West Block with Tom Clark on Canada's GlobaliNews TV 201543-28 23:25:13+0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: PM Barzani expresses his condolences to the Assyrian Church of the East: 2015-03-27 21:06:46+0000 Watch Rep ©BayanRahman Sunday morning at 10 am on The West Block with Tom Clark on Canada's Global News TV 201543-27 20:43:43+0000 We are saddened to hear of the passing of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Patriarch and champion for peace 201543-27 16:21:55 +0000 RT ©momenzellmi: Parents Of Martyr HHocamSurchi Prepared Food 4 ((Kurdish ((Peshmerga in frontline with FtlSIS @Kurd_Nea€ | 201543-27 15:55:15 +0000 Find a job in Kurdistan using the KRG's new job portal, Kurdistan Works - 201543-27 15:25:17 +0000 Join GMU's Kurdish Student Organization for a book signing and Q&A session with author Stephen Mansfield, 4/2 at 6:30 201543-27 15:09:00+0000 RT ©rtorbay: ©IMC.Worldwide in Kiraq distributed relief items In Mount ((Sinjar to local and displaced population, thanks ©theOFDA http://t.a€! 201543-27 13:50:12 +0000 HRes 1654 will help Peshmerga like Sardar in fight against ISIS ((BijiPeshmerga ((ArmtheKurds 201543-26 20:40:56 +0000 RT ©HouseForeigmChmn ©RepEdRoyce RM ©RepEliotEngel Introduce bill to authorize supply of weapons directly to Iraqi Kurdish ((Peshmerga htt£€| 201543-26 20:33:30 +0000 RT ©HouseForeign: Chmn ©RepEdRoyce: Iraqi Kurdish ((Peshmerga "in great need of heavy weapons and armored vehicles" to fight ((ISIL http://t.a€ j 201543-26 20:27:56 +0000 .©HouseForelgn Chrmn ©RepEdRoyce introduces HResl654 to directly arm ((Peshmerga! Tell your Congress reps to support! 201543-26 19:13:46 +0000 RT ©DShadala: Great news: Spain's Parliament passes motion against ISIS and in support of the Kurdistan Region.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-03-2614:01:12 +0000 Peshmerga unit on the front lines rests after success of operations to clear villages near Kirkuk ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-03-26 02:06:32 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©KRGJJSA Representative ©BayanRahman updates KUSIP think tank on latest develop on ((ISIS, hum. crises, political, etc http://ta£ | 2015-03-25 16:01:08 +0000 Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani: Shl!a militias should be regulated ©amberinzaman 2015-03-2515:02:47 +0000 A quick break from the front lines for a.Peshmerga and his sons ((BijlPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 2015-03-2513:39:19 +0000 'Will Congress arm Iraqi Kurds?' - ©AIMonitor ©congresspulse http://txo/wAcdmlc5xn 2015-03-2513:35:13 +0000 Sunrise over a church in the ancient Assyrian Christian village of Al-Qbsh, 8 miles south of Duhok #BijiKurdlstanhttp://txo/wszqvFUMRr 2015-03-24 21:20:37 +0000 RT ©FalahMustafa: We welcomethe motion introducediby Canadian PM to the.parllament to extend Canada's military mission in the fight againsS£| 201543-2418:39:36+0000 Sign up for updates and newsletters from KRG-US - http://txo/uvadBfL0D6 2015-03-2415:01:03 +0000 Canadian PM Stephen Harper asks House of Commons to extend Canada's mission against ISIS for 12 months http://tXo/UBNxyoSPSQ 2015-03-2414:22:03 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Joint KRG-UN Immediate Response Plan on Humanitarian crisis is pushing limits of the capacity of the ©KurdistanRegion http://ta€ j 201543-2413:37:46 +0000 A Peshmerga for over 25 years, every night Kak Jaza defends Kurdistan from terrorists ((BijiPeshmerga 201543-2313:50:05 +0000 ^ RT ©BayanRahman: Happy Newroz to ail nations who celebrate the new year, especially all the peoples of Kurdistan and our heroicKpeshmerga S€! 201543-2313:49:46 +0000 RT ©brett_mcgurk: ©VP Biden spoke w/President Barzanito expressxondolences for barbaric executions of ((Peshmerga ftamp;ou r collective resolvea€ | 201543-2313:49:40 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: KRG strongly condemns the killing of three Peshmerga hostages at the hands of ISIS terrorists: a£ j 201543-23 13:49:37 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: KRG Council of Ministers strongiy condemns the terrorist attack in Hasakah: http://txo/jVcGiiza€i 201543-23 01:01:08 +0000 RT ©MarshaBlackburn: It is time for us to arm the peshmerga in their fight. 201543-22 16:57:27 +0000 The Hidden Enemy in Iraq - report on Kurdish Peshmerga IED defusing teams @mike_giglio ((BijiPeshmerga 201543-22 16:51:42 +0000 RT ©mikejgiglio: here's what Kurdish bomb-disposal teams in Iraq have relied on to defuse or detonate more than 6000 ISIS lEDs so far http:a€ { 2 l 201543-2112:49:02 +0000 RT ©najatga: OtO»O"0±Ot0' 0„0- 0*0«0...0"0" U©O"0±0"U* UKOZ0'U...O»0±O"O» U,050±O»O.-0§UtO»O©0§Ut CMOC£0±Ut0 0"U-UfflO»OCEUt,0 10§U'0±OCt UfO'tl^iO^ 0 0 OZ 201543-20 20:12:54 +0000 KRG-US delighted to welcome @GeorgeMasonU Kurdish Student Org to Newroz celebration ©ChinarBarzani ©BayanRahman 201543-2016:32:44 +0000 Very pleased to welcomeJraqi Amb ©FailyLukman to our Newroz celebration. ((NewrdzPirozBe ©BayanRahman 201543-2015:35:23 +0000 incredible views of Kurdistan from the air, highlighting natural beauty and urban centers ((NewrozPirozBe 201543-2015:01:25 +0000 This Newroz we honor those who sacrifice everyday, and those that have sacrificed everything, so that we may live free. Biji Kurdistan. 201543-2014:00:24 +0000 Come join the KRG jncelebrating Newroz at our open house today 10am-4pm ((NewrozPirozBe ((TwitterKurds ((BijiKurdistan 201543-19 21:43:01 +0000 Congress members at annual ((Halabja Commemoration announce bill to recognize Kurdish Genocide 201543-19 20:14:37 +0000 RT ©najatga: Iraqi Ambassador to The UN;©ambalhakim delivers powerful International day of Newroz remarks in theUN @KRG_USA€ | 201543-1920:04:53+0000 RT ©najatga: KRG-US Representative ©bayanRahman celebrating International day of Newroz at the United Nations in NY @KRG_USA€ | 201543-1918:31:02 +0000 RT ©najatga: KRG-US's ©BayanRahman meeting with Iraqi Amb to UN ©ambalhakim discussing how to raise KRG, Iraq issues at intl level http://ta€ | 201543-1916:26:08 +0000 KRG High Council on WomenSCs Affairs updates Washington on minorities, women, and children - 201543-1915:55:30 +0000 President Barzani Meets New UK Government Security Envoy to Kurdistan http://txo/icUB47S8rX 201543-19 14:51:19 +0000 Everyday Medair's two humanitarian teams bring critical aid to IDPs in #Kurdistan ©MedalrJRQ 201543-1914:35:55 +0000 RT @KRG_PFR: Minister ©FalahMustafa receives a delegation headed by @akhanmep.,http://txo/FMAZU4zWRJ€| 201543-1819:42:51 +0000 Rep ©TulsiGabbard meets with officials from KRG High Council for Women's Affairs!http://t.cq/mjYDPdF9ku 201543-1819:23:05 +0000 RT ©YerevanSaeed: In historical day ©KurdishPolicy became legal Samp; licensed organization^ DC today. Its also first Kurdish thinkTank in DS€| 201543-18 17:24:29 +0000 Skilled gunsmith helps Kurds turn ISIS' guns on terrorists -, 201543-18 17:04:17 +0000 RT ©masoud_barzani: On the anniversary of the chemical bombardment of the town of ((Halabja, our thoughts are with the victims & their famila€ | 201543-1817:04:04 +0000 RT ©KRG.DFR: Kurdistan and Armenia seek to develop bilateral ties: 2015-03-1817:03:55 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: KRG Deputy Prime Minister updates diplomats on latest security developments:£ | 201543-1815:29:21 +0000 Join us for Open House in celebration of Newroz, Friday March 20 from 10-4. For more info - http://t.cO/pRhvVRuGcb https;// 2015-03-17 20:29:49 +0000 RT ©MarshaBlackburn: Joined @KRG_USA today to remember thousands of innocent Kurds who lost their lives 27 years ago in Halabja genocide. ha€! 201543-17 20:19:04 +0000 RT ©AkbarSAhmed: Moving commemoration on Capitol Hill today of genocide against ((Kurds. KRG rep w/ top Dem Van Hollen ((TwitterKurds http://a€ | 2015-03-17 20:02:46 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: PM Barzani calls on Japan to assist the Kurdistan Reglon: 201543-17 20:02:42 +0000 RT ©KSC_KCF:iOur Youth Centre in Kalar remembrance for Halabja: KNeverForgetHalabja #1988 201543-1719:05:01 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Thanks to ©FailyLukman ©ChrisVanHollen ©MarshaBlackburn Gen Barbero, PZangana, head of KRG women's council, for speaking aa€ | 2015-03-1719:04:56 +0000 RT ©FailyLukman: We wish for the day when we read about genocide only in history books and not in headlines. My remarks on Halabja: http://3€ | 201543-1719:02:48 +0000 RT ©Remziya: Halabja children are more than 3 to 4 timesilikely to get cancer than any other part of Kurdistan. ((TwirterKurds ttHalabjaGenocMi 201543-1718:09:22 +0000 RT ©najatga: KRG-US Representative ©BayanRahman Halabja Commemoration remarks at the Capital Hill.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-03-17 18:09:19 +0000 RT ©najatga: UtO"OzOtO«0±OCE 0-U@U'U...O'0sOCE U*O«0±OzO...,0l,0§0aO"U- 0 O»OCE0§Ot 030§O.. OCE 0,O'0"0-fj'Ou0±O»0;O...0§U+ O"030§0±OCE 0"O«0±010±0§O"0±0aDtOOE 0( 2015-03-1717:04:19 +0000 Nowshowing films onigenocideandcrimes in Halabja, andmost recently in Yezidi villageof Kojo 2015-03-1716:58:06 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: At ©KRGJJSA commemoration of rJHalabja genocide in Capitol Hill. High turnout passionatespeechesabout Halabja, Sinjar, Koa€j 2015-03-1716:51:29 +0000 Pakhshan Zangana- What ISIS is doing is attacking everything that's beautiful, everything that's sacred 2015-03-1716:42:52 +0000 Gen Barbero- ((Peshmerga are providing safe haven to 1.6 million refugees. The US must do more to help them 2015-03-1716:41:32 +0000 US Gen Michael Barbero- My most memorable visit In Kurdlstan was when my ((Peshmerga friends accompanied me to Halabja 2015-03-1716:39:44 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©KRGJJSA Representative ©BayanRahman delivers opening remarks at 27th ((Halabja Commemoratiomin the US Congress€ j 2015-03-17 16:39:25 +0000 .©FailyLukman Together village by village, town by town we will retake our land: We will turn the page on these horrific actions 2015-03-1716:38:34 +0000 Amb ©FailyLukman - Iraqis are grateful for the American support to remove Saddam & now coalition partners to fight back ISIS. 2015-03-1716:37:45 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Congressman©ChrisVanHollen, Congresswoman ©MarshaBlackburn, Amb. ©FailyLukman, Rep ©BayanRahmancommemorate Halabja http://ta€ j 2015-03-1716:37:26 +0000 RT ©mutludc: Iraqi ambassador to Washington ©FailyLukman Is speaking at the Halabja commemoration event organizedby ©KRGJJSA€ | 2015-03-1716:36:25 +0000 Iraqi Amb ©FailyLukman - today we commemorate the largest attacks on civilians, can only be called genocide 2015-03-1716:33:52 +0000 Full house at today's KHalabja commemoration- members of Congress, diplomatic corps, Kurdish community 2015-03-1716:32:45 +0000 Rep. Blackburn 8iamp; Rep. Van Hollen:commit toireintroducing the "Kurdish Genocide Recognition" resolution! 2015-03-1716:29:57 +0000 Rep. Blackburn discusses getting to know her constituents & passion that the Kurdish community brings. Today important day of remembrance 2015-03-1716:28:22 +0000 RT ©mutludc: Halabja commemoration event started on Capitol Hill with opening remarks of ©KRGJJSA Rep ©BayanRahman ((TwitterKurds€| 2015-03-17 16:28:09 +0000 The House never passed 1988 Prevention of Genocide Act. Congressman Van Hollen calls that inaction a stain on the House of Representatives 2015-03-17 16:26:21 +0000 Rep Chris Van Ho|len discussing his first hand experience wiih the Kurdish genodde at Haiabja Commemoration. 2015-03-1713:40:11 +0000 RT ©KRGJ5FR: ©FalahMustafa @TobiasEllwoodMP ©nadhimzahawi attended 27th anniversary of Halabja chemical bombardment In London£ |

2015-03-1619:53:20 +0000 RT @KurdistanRegion::.©WHO commends the efforts of Kurdistan Regional Government: 2015-03-16 19:53:07 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: We all embrace the people of KHalabja as we mark the 27th anniversary of the ((Kurdish genocide. 1988 Saddam used chemicalsa€ j • 2015-03-1616:55:24 +0000 Withoutnightvislon, night assaults by ISIS on Gwer are difficult to repel, have cost many lives #BijiPeshmerga http://txo/vhfQHgxjZp 2015-03-1616:15:39 +0000 1 Very pleased to welcome Pakhshan Zangana and Florin Gorgis Seudin of KRG High Council of Women's Affairs ©BayanRahman 2015-03-1615:51:14+0000 RT ©najatga: O*O»U„O»0 0-O- 0|O»U" 0»0§G"0§UtO«OOE U©0- D«O*0±O'OCE0,'£|«O«(S~O*0~D*O* 01O»Ut0-0§O... 0~0~0*O20> O„O«-0"U*O»0»O».0i0-0§. 0*O»0±b...0$Ut 0-Ot 00' 201543-1615:40:45+0000 .©NYTimes Opinion- TheKurds' Heroic Stand Against ISIS 2015-03-1614:23:10 +0000 Join us tomorrow as we commemorate the 27th anniversary of the chemical attacks on Halabja. RSVP using the link - 2015-03-1613:27:24 +0000 27 years ago today, 5000 residents of KHalabja were cruelly martyred in chemical gas attacks: We will never forget. 2015-03-1613:15:03 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: At ((Gridiron dinner, had opportunity to thank Pres ©BarackObama, Secretary Carter, ©AmbassadorRlce for US'support to (*Kurda€| 2015-03-15 13:00:47 +0000 RT ©KRGJ5FR: KRG updates diplomatson latest developments. 2015-03-1513:00:20+0000 RT ©KRGJ)FR: Minister ©falahmustafa and Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan discuss bilateral ties€! 2015-03-15 01:19:19 +0000 RT ©najatga: .©KRGJJSA celebrating Newroz with 20 other countries at the Nawroz Commission Gala in Washington, DC 2015-03-1416:08:33 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: Statement on JtlSIS use of chlorine in attack against Peshmerga forces. Moreiinfo available at http:/S€ | 2015-03-14 15:56:14 +0000 RT ©vicenews: Exclusive: We discussithe fight against the Islamic State with Masrour Barzani: 2015-03-1414:38:20 +0000 RT ©Duhokpost: Today, anniversary of ((Duhok uprising of March 14,1991.congratulatlons to people of Duhok. 2015-03-14 00:40:34 +0000 RT ©najatga: ((European Rep of the #Rojava updating community about the current situation in Kobane and other parts of Rojava.€ | 2015-03-14 00:18;51+O000 RT ©karwanz: European Rep. of the RojavaCantons (Western Kurdistan) Ms; Sinem Mohammedupdates Washlngtoncommunity, ©KRGJJSA€ | 201543-13 17:28:16 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: British admiration alone wona€'"t help us beat Isis S€" We Kurds need heavy weapons 201543-13 16:02:07 +0000 Kurdistan Region reassures airline carriers on safety of its airspace: 201543-13 14:40:53 +0000 RT ©HajanMA: Kurdish Female Referee at #XoliRaperin2015 ((Kurdistan Kerbi! 2015-03-1314:03:50 +0000 RT ©hanifzk: Rapper Nelly makes history. 1st American 2 perform in Erbil Kurdistan - Charity concert © #Raperin2015 soccer tourneyhttp://ta€| 2015-03-1313:52:58 +0000 RT @iRevolt9-.Tiger guards', First Assyrian/Syriac brigade under Peshmerga command. ((TwitterKurds ((Assyria via ©mojobaghdad€ | 201543-13 13:51:22 +0000 RT ©RwangaFdn: ©NellyJVIoisxomlng to ((Kurdistan - read more http://t:Co/wW6cDLOUSq ((TwitterKurds #Raperin2015 201543-13 00:33:59 +0000 RT ©karwanz: KUSAID: 5.2 million in need of humanitarian aid in Iraq; of which 2.6 million r displaced, most now in ((Kurdistan€| 201543-13 00:18:36 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Representatives from.Doctorsw/o Borders, USAID, & ICRC share their work on how they're helping IDPs throughout Iraq http://ta€ ! 201543-12 23:07:19 +0000 RT ©karwanz: TOFICt Conference: Addresslng lraqa€~s Humanitarian Crisis. Looking passed ISIS, challenges come w/ oprtuni ©FailyLukman http://ta€ \ 201543-12 16:28:28 +0000 Centerfor American Progress: ThePlight of Christians in theMiddle East ©amprog 201543-1216:25:30 +0000 Sen Rand Paul- "I thlnk any arms coming from us or any European countries ought to go directly to the;Kurds"

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40PM

2015-03-12 15:16:16 +0000 .©NewsHour interview with President Masoud Barzani 2015-03-12 00:41:48 +0000 Geoffrey Clarfield: The Yazidls are not victims. They are our partners, and they need our help - http.y/ 2015-03-1120:29:03 +0000 RT ©EngllshBasNews: #IS|S Suicide Bombers Attack.Peshrnerga Forces in ttSin)ar»iSIL ttlraq (tSHingal httpaC1, 2015-03-1116:39:57+0000 RT©NahayatT: In case you missed it: ©carolemacnellls discussion w Kurdish Minister ©FalahMustafa about Sgt. Andrew Doiron'sdeath.;http://a€j 2015-03-1115:33:51+0000 :@MartjnJ5empsey at Senate Foreign - Early successes to blunt ISIS momentum was doneiby ((Peshmerga - WATCH LIVE: http;// 2015-03-1115:10:53 +0000 Watch Sulaimani Forum live from The American University of Iraq - Sulaimani - - ©AUISJIEWS ((SuliForum 2015-03-1115:00:17+0000 .©SenRandPaul : Arm the Kurds to battle ISIS, extremism 2015-03-10 20:47:32 +0000 American Kurdish Council of Binghamton NY to hold Halabja commemoration, March 16. See flier for details ©AKCJJSA 2015-03-1018:02:48 +0000 RT ©enlightenkurdi'Military parade in HewlA«r/Erbil for the fallen Canadian soldier that lost his life in afriendly fire incident. http://ta€ | 2015-03-1016:36:01+0000 Opening day at school in ttKhanke refugee camp - will soon educate over 1000 IDP children from Sinjar #EyReqib 2015-03-10 15:37:31 +0000 ' RT ©shlerbapiri: The wife of Shahid Gen. Sherko Fatih raising the ((Kurdish flag at the memoriaiservice for the martyrs of ((Kurdistan http:a€; 2015-03-1013:31:21 +0000 RT ©vicenews: We meet the Kurdish peshmerga fighters manning the trenches at the junction of Keske:i http://tco/fY4V3€| 2015-03-10 00:48:45 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Condolences to family of brave Canadian killed in friendly fire, Sgt Andrew Doiron. His part in fight against ISIS will nea€ | 2015-03-09 21:36:49 +0000 RT ©FalahMustafa: On behalf of the KRG, I express my deepest condolences to the family of the brave Canadian soldier. We willihonor and remS€| 2015-03-09 20:35:24 +0000 Governor of kirkuk DrNajmaldlwKarim arrives in liberated village after being cleared by major ((Peshmerga operation 2015-03-09 19:42:16 +0000 Canadian Ambassador Saccomani: We are committed to continue fighting ISIS 2015-03-09 17:43:47 +0000 This station In Khanke refugee camp prints IDs and'helps administrate resources for over 18,000 people 2015-03-0917:37:28 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: Peshmerga clear 100+ sq'km South and'West of Kirkuk, and control key road to Mosul. Over 100 ((ISIS terrorists killed. http:/S€| 2015-030914:14:14+0000 RT ©najatga: 0aOt0± 03U"O%0§03OCE U«O«U*G*Ot0"OCE,U©O"0±0"03090§OtUCt:0~O»O©O»GCEUt 0"Ot 0 "O»0'0"0§0±OCE O©0±0"OtOCE0§Ut U„0» OfflOt0' 0*urOtO«U"0«OCE 0-O»l 2015-03-0914:14:08 +0000 RT ©najatga: Esteemed Kurdish Community, thank you for attending the March 8th town hall meeting with KRG-US Rep ©BayanRahman | 2015-03-09 13:54:23 +0000 RT ©EzidiPress: ttEzidiipolitlcian(MP ) Vian Dakhil received the Anna Politkovskaya/RAW in WAR-(for Women's Rights) award today€ | 2015-03-09 13:18:53 +0000 RT ©MNRKurdistan: KRG is on Target with:Oil-Supply Commitment to the Iraqi Federal Government, press release: http;// 2015-03-09 13:14:55 +0000 President Barzani Welcomes Turkish Defense Minister in Erbil 2015-03-0819:52:36 +0000 RT ©karwanz: "On this (MnternationalWomensDay, I would like to salute women, particularly brave women of Kurdistan," ©BayanRahman http://t.S€| 2015-03-08 19:52:33 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©KRGJJSA Head of Mission 2 Kurdish community: "You have an obligation to reach out 2 ur elected officials 4 support" http://t.a€| 2015-03-08 19:17:16 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©KRGJJSA Representative: "Please engage ur peers on Social media to spread the word on humanitarian crisis in Krdstn" http://t3€| 201543-08 19:10:29 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Newly ©KRGJJSA Rep. ©BayanRahmanaddresses Kurdish-American community in Washington, DC metropolitan, ©KRGJISA http://t;Co/yloS€| 201543-08 19:10:20 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Head of ©KRGJJSA Mission ©BayanRahman updates Kurdish diaspora in US on latest ISIS, political, budget, etc. ©najatga http.//ta£', 2015-03-08 19:10:14 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©BayanRahman to Kurdish-American community: "You have a critical role in US to help alleviate the load on Kurdistan" http://t§€ |

201543-06 22:54:20 +0000 .©BayariRahman's first interview with @VOAJ(urdlshias:KRG-US Representative http.7/t.cq/cnK9dgSYxV http;// 20154 3 4619:28:27 +0000 Kurds are defending the Alamo, Texans would be proud via ©RudawEnglish 20154 3 46 19:04:49 +0000 RT ©SenCoryGardner: I was honored today to meet with Ms. Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, the Representative of the Kurdlstanat (€ J 20154 3 46 15:42:40 +0000 Kurdistan: Arm the Peshmerga1 Directly, Provide Support for Refugees via ©theworldpost 20154346 15:25:26 +0000 RT ©Remziya: Productive meeting discussing recent developments In Kurdistan with ©KRGJJSA Rep. ©BayanRahman & raSenCoryGardner€! 201543-06 14:31:06 +0000 A welcome respite to prepare a meal for these ((Peshmerga on the front near Kirkuk ((BijiPeshmerga KBijiKurdistan J _ : ! 20154 3 4 5 21:43:06 +0000 RT ©Dlawer: MERI's Kurdish & Arabic websites- Now launched, http://t:co/RWhoE6r79i and /ar0 O*a€CE0±0 0§UtOCE O...0§Optl«Ota€CE0±OCE fjfO"0±0"OSu...0§Ut 0 OfU*5€CEOt0ClTi 2015-034514:25:22 +0000 Kurdistan's crack anti-terrorism units are the first line of defense against ISIS ((BijiPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 20154 344 17:55:46 +0000 RT ©EzidiPress: Nebil Hamid Saleh, SEzidi Peshmerga, martyred during a suicide attack in (tShingal on March 2, 2015#Sinjar ((Yezidi http://ta€ | 20154 3 4414:31:03 +0000 Across ((Kurdistan, fathers and sons stand shoulder to shoulder against ISIS ((BijiPeshmerga KBijiKurdistan 20154343 21:08:49 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Italy will continue its humanitarian and military support to the Kurdistan Region:€ | 20154 3 4317:05:04 +0000 ISIS assaults often take place under the cover of night. Here's what a night assault looks like without nightvision 20154 3 43 16:51:24 +0000 Peshmerga defend ((Kurdistan along a 1030 km border, covering 8 operational fronts ((BijiPeshmerga 2015434316:34:49 +0000 President Barzani Receives U.N. Special Envoy to Iraq - http://t.cq/5ilFGdVCoo 20154 3 4316:33:08 +0000 RT ©KRGJ5FR: DFR and ©InvestinGroup signed the third MoU to produce ©KurdistanReview 2015. 2015434314:06:42 +0000 PM Barzani and His Holiness Pope Francis discuss current situation in Kurdistan Region: http://t:co/jOfBqNq7k3 20154342 22:52:38 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Gen. Jones & Gen. Allen tackle the Future of the Fight Against ISIL at the ©AtlanticCouncil, #acmideast...@KRG JJSA€-| 2015-0342 17:22:13 +0000 RT ©ukinerbil: 1000th:((Peshmarga fighter completes ((British trainlng course. certificate given to the 1000th by Lt.Gep Simon Mayall. http:/a€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-03-0214:52:40 +0000 RT ©KurdistanReglon-.'KRG Oil and Gas Council meets members of Kurdistan Parllament:http://t:Co/Q6dg5mUsyXhttp://i:Co/CyDaFU5U7e 2015-034)214:51:36 +0000 RT ©KurdsatEnglish: before and after the destruction of a library in ((Mosul conducted by HISIS 2015-03-0123:29:33 +0000 RT ©karwanz: How to Retake Mosul from the Islamic State - ©Washlnstitute, @krg_usa 2015-03-0123:23:04 +0000 .©WashTimes - USshouldbuild on successes of ((Peshmerga in combatinglSIS ©BayanRahman 2015-02-27 20:55:51 +0000 Many thanks to our friends who joined us last night in welcoming;©BayanRahmah as our new Representative 2015-02-26 23:10:40 +0000 President Barzani Chairs Meeting of Kurdistana€™s Party Leaders and KRG Oil and Gas Council http:y/

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-02-20 04:16:37 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Please to have participated in New York Energy Forum in New York City to shed light on cutting off ISIS finances, oil, extortia€| - 2015-02-19 21:20:41 +0000 Sign up for updates from KRG-US: 2015-02-1919:38:31 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Kurds Become A 2016 Campaign Issue For Rand Paul http://t.coAGv6crtZkU via ©HuffPostPol 2015-02-1919:36:07 +0000 RT ©Aceeeeeed: KUK 2nd Battalion the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment training ((Peshmerga Kurdish Forces 2015-02-19 18:00:58 +0000 .©BayanRahman to ©USKBizCouncil- Kurdistan has showed resilience in difficult times. Thanks USKBC members for support 2015-02-1916:44:51 +0000 RT ©USKBizCouncil: The USKBC is lookingforward to hearing from ©BayanRahman today and welcoming her in her role as KRG Rep. to the US. @KRa€ | 2015-02-1916:35:21 +0000 Story on Yezidis in ttKurdlstan to air on PBS NewsHour tonight at 7:00 EST 2015-02-1914:14:08+0000 PM Nechirvan Barzani receives Japanese Ambassador to Iraq. 2015-02-18 22:50:52 +0000 The Mad Max Gunmaker Fighting ISIS - ((TwitterKurds (tBijiKurdistan ((BijlPeshmerga ©dailybeast 2015-02-18 21:00:54 +0000 Italian defense chief has promised to provide Kurdistan's first-ever military helicopter http://t.cp/a2NvG9kC4y 2015-02-18 20:10:38 +0000 Kurdistan Regional Government strongly condemns the murder of the Egyptian Coptic citizens 2015-02-1819:46:50 +0000 Pesh wounded by ISIS in Gwer refused to go home after treatment; returning to front ©rConflictNews FfBijiPeshmerga 2015-02-18 19:41:22 +0000 RT ©vicenews: Iraq's UN ambassador accuses the Islamic State of harvesting organs: http://tco/766xE4JEwf 2015-02-1J3 17:46:33 +0000 .©BayanRahman to appear on CNN Wolf Blitzer at 1 pm EST to discuss recent ISIS Gwer and Makhrhour ttKurdlstan 2015-02-1817:31:06+0000 American talks about his experiences working and living in Erbil 2015-02-18 17:17:55 +0000 RT ©KRG_DFR: DFR hosts special session for Ministry of Peshmerga to brief diplomats on security developmenthttp://t.cq/itC40KSI8l http://ta€| 2015-02-18 17:17:42 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: Sen Robert Corker (R-TN) Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee arrives in Kurdistan to meet with leadership http://ta£ j 2015-02-18:16:55:12 +0000 President Barzani Meet US Senator Bob Corker 2015-02-1814:54:12 +0000 How to Deal With the Islamic State? Arm the Kurds 2015-02-18 14:45:11 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: Peshmerga forces repel several KISIS attacks in Gwer-Makhmour Sector, SW of Erbil. At least 30 (tlSIS fighters killed. http:/a€| 2015-02-17 16:40:27 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Good to see Congressman ©ChrisVanHollen today to discuss US-Kurdistan relations and our strategy for defeating ISIS http:/a€ i 2015-02-17 16:40:18 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Unconfirmed reports of ISIS parading and burning peshmerga in cages. Whoever Is in those cages, this illustrates ISIS's uta€| 2015-02-17 15:11:52 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: ©FalahMustafa discusses humanitarian situation Samp; coordination between KRG-UN with the Head of ©UNIraq Regional Office http://ta£| 2015-02-17 15:10:58 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Erbil and Baghdad reiterate their commitment to the oil agreement: 2015-02-1715:10:31 +0000 RT ©KurdistanRegion: PM Nechirvan Barzani speaks in KRG-Wbrld Bank conference on Refugees and:IDPs:http://txo/mAiohUptuh.http://t.cp/Bw5Qa€! 2015-02-1715:10:23 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: President Barzani Meets with Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command. 2015-02-1515:47:08 +0000 In Iraq, Kirkuk remains a question mark (jplgnatiusPost ©washingtonpost 2015-02-13 21:42:51 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Angelina Jolie narrates a story from a Kurdish Ezidi/Yezidi family of horror in the hands of ISIS: - video http://tco/8370xDua€ | 2015-02-13 20:18:04 +0000 A Peshmerga sniper takes out ISIS sulcide bomber with one shot using new German-supplied G36 rifle #BijiPeshmerga 2015-02-13 18:55:56 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ©BayanRahman poduct'we mtgw/Congressman ©ChrisVanHollen on'ISIS threat, humanitarian crisis, political dev ©KRG_USA http://ta£| 2015-02-13 15:25:03 +0000 RT @KRF_USA: The need for warm clothing in Kurdistan is dire. Contact ©najatga for more information on how you can help€! 2015-02-12 22:56:45 +0000 RT ©karwanz: New @KRG_USA Representative to Washington ©BayanRahman had a productive discussion w/ Congresswoman @RepSusanDavis... http://ta€ | 2015-02-12 22:31:52 +0000 RT ©najatga: ^Italy's top defense officials has promised his country will provide advanced weaponry to the #KRG against ISIS.€ | 2015-02-12 20:50:03 +0000 They defend the front from ISIS but need int'l support-write Congress, tell them to support Peshmergal ttBijiPeshmerga 2015-02-1216:11:19 +0000 ' RT ©KRFJJSA: Thanks to generosity of US communities, hundreds of IDP children sleep under warm blankets every night ((TwitterKurds http://t.a€! 2015-02-1215:06:15 +0000 House Foreign Affairs committee convenes hearing on strategicthreat of ISIS. WATCH:LIVE: http://t:Co/BSGtyOBM5l ©HouseForelgn 2015-02-1214:21:18 +0000 The Kurds need weapons, now - David Ignatius from Kurdistan - 2015-02-1120:05:37 +0000 Peshmerga units continue to close on and destroy ISIS positions ttBijiPeshmerga »BijiKurdistan 2015-02-1117:25:11 +0000 Article in Atlanta Jewish Times encourages tourism to Jewish heritage sites in ttKurdlstan - http://t:Co/Xo3w0r9DrE 2015-02-1116:58:41 +0000 RT ©Akhlnk: QY'S.RT @Tennessean:'Nashville Kurd gets thanks from President Obama for heartfelt painb'ng£ | 2015-02-1116:56:14 +0000 President Barzani Meets French President Hollande in Paris 2015-02-1116:18:19 +0000 RT @KRF_USA: In December 2014, DC/MD/VA communities provided 20 cubic meters of aid'to IDPs in ttKurdlstan ftTwitterKurds€| 201542-1114:45:43 +0000 KRG condemns the murder of Kayla Mueller - 2015-02-1114:12:53 +0000 ;©karwanz updates JJ Green on status ofKobanhand the fight against ISIS FtTwitterKurds 2015-02-10 22:46:51 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Saddened another hostage is killed: Kayla Meuller, a young American woman of courage, compassion. Underscores need to defeaC! 2015-02-10 22:01:49 +0000 We express our deep condolences to the family of Kayla Mueller, a brave young woman who dedicated her life to the service of those in need 2015-02-10 20:40:34 +0000 Last week Peshmerga like Capt. Data faced down coordinated ISIS assault on Kirkuk ttBijiPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-02-10 17:10:45+0000 Damage assessment of ISIS advance on Zumar, once home to thousands of Christians 2015-02-10 15:54:16 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Why Kurds Are Losing Patience With U.S: Over ISIS; Patience of one of our closest allies is wearing thia€ | 2015-02-1014:56:13 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA; Expected temp in Duhok tonight 32F - For 1.6 mil IDPs in (tKurdistan hats, blankets, warm clothing are critical http://t:co/sdAa€ | 2015-02-1014:14:23 +0000 PM Barzani attends the opening of 2015 Dubai Government Summit 2015-02-10 14:12:05 +0000 RT ©RuwaydaMustafah: We're $2 away from $9K for the family of Hojam SurA§e, a ttPeshmerga beheaded by (tlSIS Please cona€ 2015-02-09 22:26:02 +0000 A father and sons - all Peshmerga, fighting ISIS savagery on behalf of the free world ttBijiPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 2015-02-09 22:03:12 +0000 .©CBSThisMorning - Kurds fighting ISIS desperate for U.S. supplies 2015-02-0919:36:51 +0000 Peshmerga seize threebridgeheads on the west bank of the Tigris, north of Mosul ttBijiPeshmerga 2015-02-09 19:06:39 +0000 RT ©USKBizCouncil: USKBC welcomes ©bayanrahman„the new ©krg^usaxep. to the.US, to DC. We look forward to working with herl 2015-02-09 17:25:06 +0000 RT ©karwanz:tKarwan Zebari weighs-!n on latest Peshmerga's fight against ISIS:& still waiting for US help against ISIS...€| 2015-02-09 15:27:53 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: In January, KRF delivered over 2000 articles of warm dothingto people displaced into the (tKurdistan Region€ | 2015-02-09 15:25:41 +0000 RT ©Canadainlraq: ftCanada provides Explosive Ordnance Disposal (bomb) suits and training to ((Peshmerga forces. 2015-02-09 15:23:49 +0000 RT ©KlrkukNewsDesk: ((Kirkuk Governor Dr Najmaldin Karim visits the family of Gen. Sherko Fatih Shwanl who was martyred defending KKIrkuk htS£; 2015-02-09 04:16:19+0000 US Senator: aCceWe need to arm the KurdsSC @RudawEnglish! 2015-02-08 15:24:55 +0000 Vian Dakhil: Iraq's only female Yaz|di MP on the battle to save her people ©guardian 2015-02-0814:46:09 +0000 RT @masoud_barzani: Pleased to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi ©HaiderAIAbadi during the Munich Security Conference.£| 2015-02-08 14:46:01 +0000 RT ©masoud J>arzani: Had a good meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkei on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. http://t.coS€ ,' 2015-02-08 14:45:57 +0000 RT ©AKINinfo: a campaign to raise funds for the orphans of a kurdish fighter beheaded by ISIS... 201542 48 14:45;53 +0000 RT ©YerevanSaeed: Donate make difference in the lives of Hujam's children whose father died to let us livel http:/S€i 2015-02-08 14:45:41 +0000 RT ©YerevanSaeed: Solidarity for the family of a ((Kurdish soldier tJHujam Surchi; a Kurdish ((peshmerga beheaded by ISIS€ | 2015-02-07 16:59:28 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Scheduled to go on air in 15 min w/ ©UmaPemmaraju on ©FoxNews. Tune in 2 hear latest on fight against ((ISIS, @KRG_USA http://ta€ | 2015-02-06 23:37:57 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Appearing on ©FoxNews tomorrow (Saturday Feb. 7th at noon EST) w/ ©UmaPemmaraju to discuss latest fight against ISIS, humanitaSC', 2015-02-06 22:47:20 +0000 .©ForeignPolicy - Want to Hurt the Islamic State? Herea€™s How http://tco/vXKLdLzbya 2015-02-0619:50:26 +0000 Peshmerga take some much-deserved R&R from the front lines ttBijiPeshmerga 2015-02-0619:13:54 +0000 RT ©RichardEngel: ItKurds are the only effective ground force the US has fighting ((ISIS but the Kurds say they need more direct help http://a€ | 2015-02-0617:42:01 +0000 Richard Engel reports from front lines: Kurds have made gains, cut major supply routes, but need support from allies 2015-02-0616:14:36 +0000 Akon Kurdistan AntirlSIS Concert To Benefit Peshmerga Forces http://t co/fnVngX7kC6 2015-02-06 15:19:11 +0000 RT ©KRF_USA: KRF'President ©najatga speaks to Kurdish media, thanks donors in the US for their generosity 2015-02-06 14:47:00 +0000 Pickup soccer match in Khanke camp- some things remain constantl (tBijiKurdistan ((TwitterKurds 2015-0245 21:13:59 +0000 Peshmerga soldiers watch as coalition fighters target IS positions near Khariz ttBijiPeshmerga

2015-02-0519:32:13 +0000 RT @Matthew_Barber: (tYazidiiboy wants his sistera€"who ((IS kidnapped and enslaveda€"to come home:h/t:@Barshan89' 2015-02-05 15:28:41 +0000 RT ©ChuckPfarrer: THEN AND NOW:'Kurdish advances from 27 JAN to 04 FEB. God Bless the brave men and women of the Kurdish forces. http://t.3€ | 2015-02-05 15:09:46 +0000 RT ©KurdlshPhotol: a Kurdish Peshmerga; who has to fight against ISIS says goodbye to his daughter. http://tco/dLlj8ZIKxL 2015-02-05 1S:05:18 +0000 RT @KRF_U5A: Displaced children were thrilled to receivewinte r clothing from KRF. Thank you donorsr .2015-02-0515:01:14 +0000 Kurdish president: S€mwe are ready to go into the final waraC" against ISIS ©RudawEnglish 2015-0245 04:31:36+0000 RT ©karwanz: Book signing for author of "Miracle of the Kurds" ©MansfieldWrites. Lots of people attend. But the book, great onel€| 201542-04 21:06:31 +0000 Passenger traffic, flights at Kurdistan airports on theirise - ©RudawEnglish 2015-0244 17:42:05 +0000 RT @KRF_USA: KRF coordinated distribution of winterizing supplies with KRG officials from Duhok and Erbil ©najatga http://tco/9kKWMn2bXw 20154 2 4415:33:13 +0000 Kurdistan Regional Government strongly condemns the murder of the Jordanian pilot 20154 2 4 3 20:56:56 +0000 President Barzani Strongly Condemns Murder of Jordanian Pilot by ISIS Terrorists http://t:co/CHt7BuCVwu 201542-03 20:21:22 +0000 'Miracle of the Kurds' book signing - Wed, Feb 47:30-9 PMTysona€™s Pimmit Regional Library in Falls Church, VA 20154 2 4318:37:06 +0000 New magazine covers women's rights, fashion, and society in ttKurdistan On FB: 20154 2 43 17:17:14 +0000 KRG Chairmanship holds meeting with Kurdistan Region representatives in Baghdad http://tco/mZHAF20JDq 20154243 16:34:07 +0000 RT @KRF_USA: Last night temperatures in Duhok were 20F (-6C). Clothes providedjby US community through KRF are keeping IDPs warm http://t.cS€ | 2015424215:23:11 +0000 RT @KRF_USA: With your contributions, hundreds of displaced children have warm clothes and blankets for the winter months€ | 2015424215:11:20 +0000 RT @farhad965: The most moving photo. Two fathers comforting each other for sacrificing their ItPeshmarga sons for ((Kurdistan€ | 20154 24214:44:39 +0000 Kurdistan and Armenia to strengthen bilateral ties

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

2015-02-0214:33:56 +0000 PM Barzani to US Amb to Iraq: (tKurdistan needs further military and humanitarian assistance http://txo/APVbvbyuKq 2015-01-30 15:41:25 +0000 Kurdish Peshmergabravely defending the front at Kirkukagainst today's ISIS assault http://t.cb/eLQ676r481 ((BijiPeshmerga (tBijiKurdistan 2015-01-3015:33:26 +0000 RT (3KRF_USA:Tunds donated to KRF are used to purchase critically needed warm blankets for IDPs in (tKurdistan @najatga;http;//tco/G0UHHra€| 2015-01-30 15:02:11 +0000 Islamic State attacks Kurdish outposts across Iraq - 20i5-01-30 14:57:55 +0000 KRG Council of Ministers holds its first meeting of the year Http://tco/BlemyujTjX 2015-01-29 23:15:05 +0000 Yazidls who spent almost six months as captives of ISIS recount their time as hostages 2015-01-29 20:15:30 +0000 Since Jan 2i, Peshmerga operations eliminated over 200i|S|S fighters, Zlemirs and 2 senior leaders ttBijiPeshmergahttp://txo/j3oEWbuwYQ 2015-01-29 17:23:53 +0000 RT ©najatga: Pleased to be back in ((KirkukI Meeting with Kirkuk Governor Dr. Najmadeen Karim ©KRGJJSA @KirkukNewsDesk;€j 2015-01-29 17:20:28 +0000 KRG-US January 2015 Newsletter - up for future updates - 2015-01-29 14:37:22 +0000 RT @KRFJjSA:KRF In Duhok to deveiopaid targeting/delivery strategieswith IDPs and refugees ©najatga!http://txo/yw6ASgusHb 2015-01-2821:29:25 +0000 Sign up for newsletters and updates fromKRG-US - 2015-01-28 20:10:36 +0000 Canadian Amb Saccomani: We are In this fight with you and we will support you until the end - 2015-01-28 20:07:35 +0000 Kurdsat looking for Kurdish youth to participate in documentary retracing steps of Peshmerga during 1991 uprising 2015-Ol-2818:25;20 +0000 ©KRGJJSA ' 2015-01-28 17:51:38 +0000 RT ©najatga: Important discussion on ftYeazldis ttgenocideproject with KRG Minister of Martyrs 8iamp; Anfal Mahmoud Haji Salih ©KRGJJSA http://t.S€] 2015-01-28 17:10:07 +0000 Peshmerga has received demining robots from Canadian government- will save countless ttPeshmerga and civilian lives 2015-01-28 16:15:50 +0000 Angelina Jolie from Kharike camp - "I have seen nothing like the suffering I'm witnessing now" 2015-01-28:15:01:47 +0000 KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani lauds Kobane liberation - 2015-01-28 14:47:26 +0000 RT ©KRF JJSA: With supplies collected from US donors, KRF Pres ©najatga is facilitating delivering of aid to IDPs in (tKurdistan€| 2015-01-27 20:33:10 +0000 With support from coalition airstrikes, ttPeshmerga have cut critical ISIS supply routes around Mosul ((BijiPeshmerga http://txo/P4Yh4wu34n 2015-01-27 16:33:12 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: KRG Delegation Concludes Visit to World Economic Forum in Davos. 2015-01-26 17:25:20 +0000 Op ed by ©Mayoroftondon - The Kurdsie™ cause is ours a€" leta€~s help them fight the barbarians - 2015-01-26 16:55:28 +0000 President Barzani Meets Head of US Central Command General Austin 2015-01-26 16:10:34 +0000 ttPeshmerga forces push ISIS terrorists out of Kobani - ttBijiPeshmergattBijiKurdista n 2015-01-25 16:49:02 +0000 RT ©viabbc: Join our multilingual conversation in Kurdish, Arabic; Persian and Turkish ((KURDSviaBBC 2015-01-25 16:32:17 +0000 RT @AP: AP VIDEO: Angelina Jolie calls on international community to do more to aid refugees in Iraq and Syria:'http://txo/TCCekt5ay4 2015-01-23,18:40:25 +0000 RT @KRG_DFR: A Message from President Barzani on International Coalition Meeting in London to Counter ISIS. http://ta€| 2015-01-23 18:35:38 +0000 Kurdsat looking for Kurdish youth to participate In documentary retracing steps of Peshmerga during 1991 uprising 2015-01-23 14:32:08 +0000 KRG Agriculture scientists Mohammed and Bryar do research at top US unis through Iraq Biosciences Fellowship Program 2015-01-22 20:43:52 +0000 Lt. Col. Hamarashld, Peshmerga since 1985; now fights alongside his three sons on front lines ttBijiPeshmerga l 2015-01-2215:19:12 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: KRF'Pres @najatga In productive mtg w Duhok Governor Farhad Atrushi to develop aid delivery and targeting strategy http://t.coa€ 1 2015-01-2121:17:42 +0000 RT ©KRSCPress: Peshmerga forces liberate Tel Khdr, Kehrich, Jemrood and Aski Mosul - areas South of Mosul Dam - from ((ISIS.€| 2015-01-2116:45:45 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: Winter in Kurdistan brings rain, snow and freezing temperatures. KRF is bringing warm clothing to displaced children http://t.3€! 2015-01-20 18:39:03 +0000 Iraqi official: KRG to receive full share of budget for first ti; via ©RudawEnglish 2015-01-20 17:32:12 +0000 Inside a Peshmerga outpost on the front lines against ISIS. Tell your Congress reps to support them! ttBijiPeshmerga B 2015-01-20 14:54:23 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: Thousands have found shelter in Kurdistan's construction sites and are in dire need of warm clothing for the winter€| 2015-01-18 16:29:35 +0000 RT ©KRGJ3FR: Japan will continue its funding for refugees in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. 2015-01-16 15:35:24 +0000 Peshmergaxommander: Kurdish forces control 85 percent of Kobane via ©RudawEnglish 2015-01-16 15:22:02 +0000 RT ©KRF JJSA: In October, IDPs in Duhok told-KRF what their needs were for the winter. Next week, KRF delivers this critical aid'http://t.coa£', 2015-01-16 15:15:40 +0000 Heroes like Lt Col Yasln fight terror and barbarism on behalf of the free world ttBijiPeshmerga k 2015-01-15 15:25:22 +0000 In coordination w coalition airstrikes, Peshmerga have liberated over 1000 sq mi from ISIS KBijiPeshmerga<@CENTCOM:http://t co/xfZBn4iHxK 2015-01-15 15:24:04 +0000 RT ©KRGJ5FR: Swedena€n"s Defense Minister: 'The civilized world must cooperate against extremism.'€ | 2015-01-15 15:13:08 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: Goods donated by the Kurdish community in DC-VA-MD have arrived at Mersin port I Delivery to IDPs in Duhok next week€', . 2015-01-1418:37:37 +0000 PM Nechirvan Barzani receives British Government Security Envoy 2015-01-14 16:55:00 +0000 Peshmerga forces are defending ttKurdlstan from ISIS across a 1030:km border ttBijiPeshmerga http://txo/oQK9FAfSWf 201541-14 16:18:24 +0000 RT ©brett_mcgurk: (tFrench aircraft carrier Charles de:Gaulle willideploy to support coalition ops against ftlSIL in ttlraq. Coalition growing3€| 2015-01-14 15:32:58 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: KRF thanks dedicated Kurdish community members who collected and packaged supplies for refugees in Kurdistan£',

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM (

201S-01-13 20:26:51+0000 KRG:Prime Minister meets President Obama's representative 201541-13 18:35:34 +0000 RT ©KRFJJSA: Next week KRF President ©najatga will travel toKurdistan to deliver winterizing aid, following-assessment in October http://t8€| 2015-01-13 15:44:26 +0000 TentEd helped open library at Mar Elia Church in Erbil so refugee kids have a safe place learn ©enabllngpeace 2015-01-1314:47:17 +0000 Colonel Falah, retired Peshmerga, one of thousands of volunteers who have joined fight against ISIS ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-01-12 22:25:08 +0000 Swedena€™s Minister for Foreign Affairs pledges to strengthen ties with ((Kurdistan 2015-01-12 21:00:00 +0000 Germany continues its support to the Kurdistan Region http://t:co/NKntCGPIMC 2015-01-1219:45:53 +0000 RT ©najatga: ((Kurds are standing with France ©KRGJJSA 201S-01-1217:28:00 +0000 ' President Barzani Meets;President ObamaSCVEnvoy for Coalition against ISIS 2015-01-1216:37:17 +0000 Lieutenant Khoshnaw is a 5-year veteran of Peshmerga. His entire family serves to protect (tKurdistan ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-01-1216:09:29 +0000 Mountain trekking In ((Kurdistan named one of ©guardian top ten travel adventures for 2015 2015-01-1117:36:53 +0000 RT ©FalahMustafa:-ln Paris today to represent Kurdistan Region in the unity march in solidarity with theipeople of France. 2015-01-1116:28:37 +0000 Kurds stand in solidarity with those who sacrifice in the fight against terror and extremism t(JeSuisCharlleihttp://t:cq/IXY5cBNABO 2015-01-1105:02:17 +0000 RT ©JeuneJCurdistan: Le.dernier adieu d'unefil|e A son pA're ((Peshmerga, tombAfi) en martyre A ((Gwer.ttSehidNamirin ttBijiPeshmerga http://t.coa€ j 2015-01-1105:00:48 +0000 KRG delegation holds talks with Department of Defense and Capitol Hill 2015-01-09 17:02:23 +0000 RT ©najatga: ttKurdlstan : Making ttmusicwith brdkeniheater 8iamp; toolsWatch: http://t:co/Cj4MiUvSU 2015-01-09 00:17:14+0000 RT@HajoTovi: My uncle.and his crew. (tBijiPeshmerga 2015-01-08 21:56:20 +0000 Kurdish Man Creates Armoured Vehicle For Peshmerga http://tco/5CuvpTk0yY ttBijiPeshmerga 2015-01-0819:52:41 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Formal intro of new KRG Representativeto'US ©BayanRahman by ©FalahMustafa to Chairwoman ©RepKayGranger& ©NitaLowey http;//t.a€ 2015-01-08 15:05:21 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Great to see long time friend of Kurds, new Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee ©SenBobCorker...©KRG JJSA€ | 2015-01-0814:48:15 +0000 Minister Bakir and Representative Abdul Rahman call on State:Department and Congress 2015-01-08 03:31:41 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Long time friendiof Kurds, Congressman ©GerryConnolly received Head of ©KRGJ3FR &New KRG Representative to the US... http://ta€; 2015-01-07 23:14:01 +0000 Iraqi Kurds Retake Territory; Seek'More Help to Free.Mosul http://t:Co/PGoRmJlNUM 2015-01-07 21:59:08+0000 RT ©karwanz: SASC member Sen ©timkaine welcomes KKRG Minister ©FalahMustafa 8iamp; new KRG Rep ©BayanRahman, long time friend of Kurds http://t3€| 2015-01-07 21:51:10 +0000 KRG officials strongly denounce terror attacks in ParisPres- - 2015-01-07 21:46:53 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Minster ©FalahMustafa Samp; new KRG Rep. to USA ©BayanRahmanmeet Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations ©SenBobCorker€ | 2015-01-07 21:46:43 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Chairman ©SenBobCorker: "Kurdistan is shining light In Mid. East" Codrdlally welcomes new ©KRGJJSA Rep. ©BayanRahman http://t.S€| 2015-01-07 18:19:20 +0000 RT ©karwanz: New ©KRGJJSA Representative ©BayanRahman warmly welcomed by Chairman ©USRepRodney. Minister ©FalahMustafa introduces http://t.a€| 2015-01-0717:45:41 +0000 RT ©karwanz: ttKRG Foreign Minister ©FalahMustafa formally introduces new ©KRGJJSA Representative to Congresswoman ©LorettaSanchez http://t.a€| 2015-01-0716:10:31 +0000 RT ©KRGJ5FR: We strongly condemn the barbaric ttCharlieHebdo attack in Paris. We stand united with the people of France In the fight againsta€l 9 2015-01-0716:10:11+0000 RT ©karwanz:Congressional m'tgs of intra to new ©KRGJJSA Rep. ©BayanRahman by ©FalahMustafa. Met with ©DevlnNunes, new Intel Chair http://tat | 2015-01-0715:07:58 +0000 RT ©DeptofDefense: ((Airmen load two mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles onto a C-17 Globemaster llfaircraft bound for Erbil, Iraq hta€ | 2015-01-0715:07:26 +0000 RT ©RudawEnglish: Mosul ((Christians form army under ttPeshmerga direction in an effort to affront (tlSIS terror http:/8€ | 2015-01-07 02:27:41+0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Good to meet ©brett_mcgurk at State Dept today with ©FalahMustafa • Appreciate gracious welcome. Look forward to working ta€! 2015-01-06 23:32:58 +0000 RT ©karwanz: Productive mtg w/ DAS @brett_mcgurk. Formal introduction of new KRG Rep. To US ©BayanRahman by Minister ©FalahMustafa http://ta€ | 2015-01-06 22:47:08 +0000 Prime'Minlster Nechirvan Barzani visits Sinjar Mountain ttBijiPeshmerga(tBijiKurdista n http://txo/fHSQK4H0Jg 2015-01-0619:31:31 +0000 ©BayanRahman talks to ©Rudawkurdish about her new position as KRG-US Representative ©RudawEnglish 2015-01-0616:04:53 +0000 Kurdish forces continue to push back ISIL in Kobani, ©FalahMustafa updating BBC live on status and ttPeshmergarol e 2015-01-0616:00:10 +0000 Minister ©FalahMustafa and Rep ©BayanRahman Foreign Policy reporter on situation in Kurdistan, KRG-US relations 2015-01-0613:52:37 +0000 New KRG Representative begins her mission in the United States ©BayanRahman 2015-01-05 22:43:34 +0000 RT ©FailyLukman: Today at the Embassy I received damp; welcomed ©BayanRahman to her new task of representing ©KRGJJSA ©FalahMustafa http://t:a>i€ | 2015-01-05 21:52:52 +0000 RT @karwanz: Great to see Iraqi Amb. to USA, ©FailyLukman. Introduced the new KRG Representative to US, @BayanRahman..:@najatga http://t.coa€ | 2015-01-0519:18:36 +0000 We are very pleased to officially welcome ©BayanRahman as the new KRG Representative in the United States 2015-01-0514:44:42 +0000' Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani visits West of Tigris and Zummar frontlines ((BijiPeshmerga 2015-01-0514:20:01 +0000 RT ©KRGJJFR: Minister ©FalahMustafa arrived in DC to introduce ©BayanRahman as the new KRG Representative to the United States. http://t.coS€| 2015-01-0419:21:36 +0000 Peshmerga locked in house-to-house battles to break ISIS resistance in ttShingal ttBijiPeshmerga 2015-01-0419:15:35 +0000 RT ©BayanRahman: Oh way to Washington to join ©FalahMustafa & colleagues at ©KRGJJSA in my first full working week as ©KurdistanRegion repa€| 2015-01-02 17:26:24 +0000 PM Nechirvan Barzani visits Gwer - Makhmour frontline - ((BijiPeshmerga ((BijiKurdistan

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RecervedbyNSD/FARARegi^trationUnU 12/03/2015 2:21:40PM 1/14/2015 Rethink Institute 750 Mustafa Gurbuz- Introductory meeting. First Street Northeast Fellbwat Rethink Discussed current Institute political situation in Turkey. 1/15/2015 email David Ignatius- Email for meeting Columnist, requests for Upcoming Washington Post trip to Kurdistan 1/16/2015 Peet's Coffee on Taylor Lastig- Introductory meeting Pennsylvania Ave. Domestic Policy discussed role & Council Intern mission of KRG-US. Of The White House 1/16/2015 Woodrow Wilson Andrew Steele- Introductory meeting Center Executive Vice discussed role & 1300 Pennsylvania President mission of KRG-US. Ave., NW Woodrow Wilson Washington, DC 20004 Center 1/16/2015 call Brittany Lovett- Meeting request for North American North American University staff University's President & KRG-US. 1/16/2015 KRG Office Dr. Recayi Pecen - Discussed educational President of North opportunities in American Kurdistan University, Can Dogan- Vice President for Administrative Affairs 1/16/2015 email Andrew Steele- Introductory email & Executive Vice meeting request President Woodrow Wilson Center & Faleh Esfandiari - Director, Middle East Program 1/22/2015 email Michael Werz- Introductory email & Senior Fellow & meeting request Max Hoffman- Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress 1/23/2015 email Michael Werz- Scheduled meeting Senior Fellow & Max Hoffman- Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress 1/23/2015 email Anita Garibovic- Seeking assistance with Enrollment connecting with Dallas Management Kurdish Community to Office North discuss educational American opportunities at NAU. University 1/27/2015 1825 K St NW, Hadar Susskind- Introductory meeting Washington DC 20006 Director Bend the discussed role & Arc Jewish Action mission of KRG-US. & Bend the Arc Jewish Action PAC 1/27/2015 emai Dr. Recayi Pecen - follow-up on President of North educational American opportunities for KRG University, Anita students at NAU. Garibovic- Enroljment Management Office North American University, Dr. Sean S. Namli- Dean of Enrollment Management North American University 1/28/2015 Woodrow Wilson Faleh Esfandiari - Introductory meeting. Center Director, Middle Discussed opportunities 1300 Pennsylvania East Program, for future Ave., NW Kendra Heideman collaborations. Washington, DC 20004 Program Associate, Middle East Program 1/29/2015 email Kendra Heideman Follow-up from meeting Program to share resources by Associate, Middle Dr. Esfandiari East Program 1/29/2015 email Lorna Set up meeting to Middlebrough discussed educational Education opportunities before Specialist for Iraq upcoming trip to U.S. Department Kurdistan of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 1/30/2015 112 Canon House Ken Cummings- KRG-US relations & Office Building Rep. Van Hollen Halabja Office Commemoration 1/30/2015 Russell Senate William Monahan- KRG-US relations & Building, Room 228 Counsel US Senate Thank you letter for Committee on Senator Levine on Tier 3 Armed Services Removal 1/30/2015 1333 H Street Michael Werz- introductory meeting Northwest, Senior Fellow & discussed current Washington, DC 20005 Max Hoffman- political & humanitarian Policy Analyst, situation in Kurdistan Center for American Progress 1/30/2015 cai Lorna Discussed current Middlebrough educational situation Education with KRG before Specialist for Iraq upcoming trip to U.S. Department Kurdistan of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Pubjic Diplomacy 2/6/2015 email Kevin Lizarazo Data request about the Multimedia Peshmerga for Assistant Producer InfoGuide on Kurds Council on Foreign Relations

2/9/2015 email Mustafa Gurbuz, Meeting request with Fellow, Rethink Madame Institute Representative Bayan Abdul Rahman 2/11/2015 email Michael Werz- follow-up on meeting Senior Fellow & request Max Hoffman- Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress 2/12/2015 1214 LongWorth House Rep. Susan Davis, Discussed current Office Building Rekha Chandra- political, economic and Military Legislative humanitarian situation Assistance & in Kurdistan. Ronnie Ratliff- Defense Fellow

2/12/2015 2411 Rayburn Office Rep. Adam Schiff, Discussed current Building political, economic and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 2/12/2015 1707 Longworth House Rep. Chris Van Discussed current Office Building Hollen political, economic and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 12/12/2015 email Rekha Chandra- follow-up from meeting, Military Legislative shared info on HR5747 Assistance & Ronnie Ratliff- Defense Fellow

2/18/2015 KRG Office Andrew S. Discussed current Horsfall- educational Assistant Director opportunities in oftheLLM. Kurdistan. Program for Foreign Law Graduates & Associate Director of Admissions College of Law, Aviva Abramovsky- Associate Dean for International Initiatives Professor of Law Executive Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates Syracuse Law 2/18/2015 email Mustafa Gurbuz, Meeting request with Fellow, Rethink Madame Institute Representative Bayan Abdul Rahman confirmed 2/20/2015 emai Motabar Shirwani- Scheduling interview Voice of America date with KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/20/2015 email Mike Piatt- Chief Invitation to Rep. of Staff to Blackburn to event Representative commemorating the Blackburn 27th anniversary of the Halabja genocide. 2/23/2015 email Brian Maves- Invitation to welcome Foreign Policy reception for Legislative Aide Representative Bayan (FPLA) Sami Abdul Rahman Representative Blackburn

2/23/2015 email Elizabeth Hang- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Cicilline Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 emai John Smith- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Coffman Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Jeremy Woodrum- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Crowley Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Lindsey Herbel- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Ellison Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Justin Tanner- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Gohmert Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Carrie Meadows- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Goodlatte Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Brad Christie- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Graves Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Justin Ackley- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Green Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email David Grossman- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Higgins Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Rachel Kelly- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Himes Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Jessica Schwartz- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Israel Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Raymond Celeste- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Jones Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Justin Johnson- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Lamborn Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Chris Brown- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Luetkemeyer Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Rebecca Tujloch- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Maloney Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Natalie Winters- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Peterson Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Carson Middleton- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Pitts Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Eve Lieberman- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Polis Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Shira Siege I- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Quigley Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 emai Ryan Ethington- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Sessions Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Dust'in Sherer- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Tipton Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Aly Lubov- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Walz Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Baker Elmore- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Wilson Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Andrew Terp- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Young Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Corey Solow- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative F. reception for Wilson Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman ho 2/23/2015 email Sophia Lafargue- Invitation to welcome c_5 u> FPLA reception for to Representative Representative Bayan o Meeks Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Rekha Chandra- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for to Representative Representative Bayan Davis Sami Abdul Rahman O 2/23/2015 email Melissa Neaj- Invitation to welcome Scheduler reception for Representative Representative Bayan Cooper Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Stephen Denis- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Chabot Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Collin Davenport- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Connolly Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Rebecca Ulrich- invitation to welcome FPLA reception for -Representative Representative Bayan Duncan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Andy Taylor- FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for McCaul Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Fess Cassels-FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Rohrabacher Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Nathan Gately- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Ros-Lehtinen Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 emai Annie Yea-FPLA Invitation to welcome Representative reception for Sanchez Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Don Macdonald- Invitation to welcome Chief of Staff to reception for Rep. Sherman Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Ken Ciimmings- Invitation to welcome FPLA reception for Representative Representative Bayan Van Hollen Sami Abdul Rahman 2/23/2015 email Joanna BroWn- Invitation to welcome Legislative reception for Assistant to Representative Bayan Representative Samj Abdul Rahman Walberg 2/24/2015 email Kenneth Pollack- Invitation to welcome Senior fellow reception for Brookings Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 2/24/2015 email Bina Hussein Scheduling meeting Assistant Director, date with KRG Dinu Patricia Representative Bayan Eurasia Center, Sami Abdul Rahman Atlantic Council 2/27/2015 email Mike Piatt Chief follow-up on Halabja of Staff to commemoration invite Representative Blackburn 2/27/2015 emai David Edmiston- Follow-up on Study Senjor Minnesota Event International Invitation Trade Specialist U.S. Commercial Service Minnesota International Trade Administration | U.S. Department, of Commerce . 3/2/2015 email & call Ken Cummings- Follow-up for Halabja FPLA commemoration event Representative Van Hollen 3/2/2015 emai Andrew S. Discussed Internship Horsfall- opportunities at KRG-US Assistant Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates & Associate Director of Admissions College of Law, Terry L. Turnipseed- Professor of Law Director, Syracuse Law Semester in D.C. Program, Aviva Abramovsky- Associate Dean for International Initiatives Professor of Law Executive Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates Syracuse Law 3/3/2015 email Ken Cummings- confirm details for FPLA Halabja Representative commemoration event Van Hollen 3/3/2015 emai Mike Piatt- Chief Follow-up for Halabja of Staff to commemoration event Representative Blackburn 3/3/2015 email Lorna meeting request to Middlebrough- discuss educational Edu cation opportunities in Specialist for Iraq Kurdistan & Iraq U.S. Department of State 3/4/2015 emai Brendan O'Leary, Meeting request with Lauder Professor Madame of Political Science Representative Bayan University of Abdul Rahman Pennsylvania

3/4/2015 email Michael Knights- RSVP for Halabja Lafer fellow - The commemoration event Washington Institute 3/6/2015 emai Max Hoffman- rescheduling meeting Policy Analyst, with Rep. Bayan Sami Center for Abdul Rahman American Progress 3/6/2015 Senate Dirksen Office Meeting with Discussed current Building SD-B40B Senator Cory political, economic and Gardner humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 3/6/2015 emai Ken Cummings- Follow-up for Halabja FPLA commemoration event Representative Van Hollen 3/8/2015 email Mustafa Gurbuz- rescheduling meeting Fellow at Rethink with Rep. Bayan Sami Institute Abdul Rahman 3/9/2015 emai Dr. Pary Karadaghi meeting confirmation President & CEO with Rep. Bayan Sami KHRW-Kurdish Abdul Rahman Human Services Headquarters

3/10/2015 KRG Office Lorna discussed recent visit to Middlebrough Iraq & Kurdistan, Education educational Specialist for Iraq opportunities U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 3/11/2015 email Ken Cummings- Follow-up for Halabja FPLA commemoration event Representative Van Hollen, Mike Piatt- Chief of Staff to Representative Blackburn 3/11/2015 e-mail Elizabeth Hang- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Cicilline 3/11/2015 e-mail John Smith- FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Coffman 3/11/2015 e-mail Jeremy Woodrum- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Crowley 3/11/2015 e-mail Lindsey Herbel- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Ellison 3/11/2015 e-mail Justin Tanner- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Gohmert 3/11/2015 e-mail Carrie Meadows- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Goodjatte 3/11/2015 e-mail Brad Christie- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Graves 3/11/2015 e-mail Justin Ackley- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Green 3/11/2015 e-mail David Grossman- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Higgins 3/11/2015 e-mail Rachel Kelly-FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Himes 3/11/2015 e-mail Jessica Schwartz- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Israel 3/11/2015 e-mail Raymond Cefeste- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Jones 3/11/2015 e-mail Justin Johnson- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Lamborn 3/11/2015 e-mail Chris Brown- FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Luetkemeyer 3/11/2015 e-mail Rebecca Tulloch- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Maloney 3/11/2015 e-mai Natalie Winters- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Peterson 3/11/2015 e-mail Carson Middleton- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Pitts 3/11/2015 e-mail Eve Lieberman- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Polis 3/11/2015 e-mail Shira Siegel- FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Ctuigley 3/11/2015 e-maii Ryan Ethington- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration O Representative a> < Sessions CD 3/11/2015 e-mai! Dustin Sherer- Invitation to Halabja cr FPLA commemoration Representative 'Z Tipton d 3/11/2015 Aly Lubov- FPLA Invitation to Halabja e-mail > Representative commemoration Walz 3/11/2015 e-mai Baker Elmore- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Crq_ on' Representative Wilson 3/11/2015 e-mail Andrew Terp- Invitation to Halabja I FPLA commemoration O Representative Young 3/11/2015 e-mail Corey Solow- FPLA Invitation to Halabja to Representative F. commemoration o Wilson fo 3/11/2015 e-mail Sophia Lafargue- Invitation to Halabja o FPLA commemoration Representative to Meeks to

3/11/2015 e-mail Rekha Chandra- Invitation to Halabja i—' FPLA commemoration Representative O Davis 3/11/2015 e-mail Melissa Neal- Invitation to Halabja Scheduler commemoration Representative Cooper 3/11/2015 e-mail Stephen Denis- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Chabot 3/11/2015 e-mail Collin Davenport- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Connolly 3/11/2015 e-mai Rebecca Ulrich- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Duncan 3/11/2015 e-mail Andy Taylor- FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration McCaul 3/11/2015 e-mail Fess Cassels-FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Rohrabacher 3/11/2015 e-mail Nathan Gately- Invitation to Halabja FPLA commemoration Representative Ros-Lehtinen 3/11/2015 e-mail Annie Vea-FPLA Invitation to Halabja Representative commemoration Sanchez 3/11/2015 e-mail Don Macdonald- Invitation to Halabja Chief of Staff to commemoration Rep. Sherman 3/11/2015 e-mail Joanna Brown- Invitation to Halabja Legislative commemoration Assistant to Representative Walberg 3/11/2015 e-mail Matthew Reel- Invitation to Halabja Deputy Chief of commemoration Staff, Rep. Sewell 3/13/2015 emai Michael Knights- Meeting setup for Lafer fellow - The Representative Bayan Washington Sami Abdul Rahman Institute 3/13/2015 email Kimberly GiNies Meeting request for Executive visiting delegation Assistant Pakhshan Zangana- The Institute for President of the KRG Inclusive Security High Council of Women's Affairs Florin Gorgis Seudin- Director General of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs 3/13/2015 email1 Kat 0'Bryant RSVP for Halabja Assistant to Dr. commemoration event Neal Goins International Government Relations

Exxon Mobil Corporation

3/16/2015 email Ken Cummings- follow-up info on FPLA Halabja event Representative Van Hollen 3/16/2015 email1 Mike Piatt- Chief follow-up info on of Staff to Halabja event Representative Blackburn 3/16/2015 OSIP - 2301 Amb. Steve Meeting with visiting Constitution Ave NW, Steiner- Gender delegation Pakhshan Advisor, Ray a Zangana- Barazanji- Senior Presidentofthe KRG Program Officer, High Council of Sarhang Women's Affairs Hamasaeed- Florin Gorgis Seudin- Senior Program Director General of the Officer, Kathleen KRG High Council of Kuehnast- Director Women's Affairs & US- United States KRG Representative Institute for Peace Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to discuss current state of women's issues in Kurdistan 3/16/2015 1609 Longworth House Congresswoman Meeting with visiting Office Building Tulsi Gabbard delegation Pakhshan Zangana- President of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs Florin Gorgis Seudin- Director Genera! of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs & US- KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to discuss current state of women's issues in Kurdistan 3/17/2015 email Ken Cummings- follow-up info on FPLA Halabja event Representative Van Hollen 3/18/2015 email Max Hoffman- Meeting reschedule Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress 3/18/2015 1615 M St NW Meeting with Meeting with visiting Michelle Barsa, delegation Pakhshan Deputy Director Zangana- for Policy and President of the KRG Conflict Programs High Council of at the Institute for Women's Affairs Inclusive Security Florin Gorgis Seudin- Djrector General of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs & US- KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to discuss current state of women's issues in Kurdistan 3/18/2015 330 Hart Senate Office Jen Steward - Meeting with visiting Bldg. Speaker Boehner's delegation Pakhshan National Security Zangana- Advisor President of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs Florin Gorgjs Seudin- Director General of the KRG High Council of Women's Affairs & US- KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to discuss current state of women's issues in Kurdistan 3/18/2015 SD-425, Dirksen Senate David Kinzler, Meeting with US-KRG Senate Foreign Representative Bayan Relations Sami Abdul Rahman to Committee Staff discuss his recent trip to Kurdistan 3/24/2015 email Ken Cummings- shared UN Human Rep. Van Hollen Rights Council report Office, Mike Platt- A/HRC/ Chief of Staff to 28/18 Representative Blackburn 3/25/2015 emai Lorna introduction with Middlebrough Education USA Advisor Education in US Consulate in Erbil Specialist for Iraq & follow with HCDP U.S. Department students of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy, Reving Mizory- EducationUSA Advisor US Consulate General-Erbil 3/25/2015 USIP-2301 Roundtable With Discussed current Constitution Ave NW, United States Inst, political, economic and of Peace (USIP) humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 3/26/2015 Ray burn building Meeting with Discussed current HFAC staff, Kristen political, economic and Marquadt & Mira humanitarian situation Resnick in Kurdistan. 3/26/2015 825 Hart Senate Jabari White- Discussed current Building Senator Ernst's political, economic and National Security humanitarian situation Advisor in Kurdistan. 4/3/2015 email Mike Piatt- Chief thank you follow-up for of Staff to Hajabja event Representative Blackburn 4/6/2015 email Mike Piatt- Chief meeting request on of Staff to behalf of Madame Representative Representative Bayan Blackburn & Grace Sami Abdul Rahman Burch- scheduler 4/7/2015 email Lisa Quigley-- co-sponsorship request Chief of Staff for HR1654 Congressman Cooper 4/8/2015 email Gabe Surratt- meeting request FPLA Congressman Cooper 4/8/2015 email Michael Werz- meeting request on Senior Fellow behalf of Iraqi member Center for of Parliament Vian American Progress Dakhil 4/8/2015 email Daniel Serwer & meeting request on Mark Scheland, behalf of Iraqi member Middle East of Parliament Vian Institute Dakhil 4/14/2015 1536 Longworth House Gabe Surratt- co-sponsorship request Building FPLA Congressman for HR1654 Cooper 4/15/2015 email Sahar I. Chaudhry meeting request on Senior Policy behalf of Iraqi member Analyst of Parliament Vian United States Dakhil Commission on International Religious Freedom 4/15/2015 email Rebecka Shirazi- RSVP on behalf of Iraqi Associate Director member of Parliament Middle East Vian Dakhil Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies 4/15/2015 email Clareanne Roundtable preparation Goschke- for Iraqi member of Program Assistant, Parliament Vian Dakhil Middle East Institute 4/15/2015 email Lorna meeting request Middlebrough Education Specialist for Iraqi U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 4/16/2015 email Lena Smith | follow-up from meeting Office of Representative Trent Franks (AZ- 08) 4/16/2015 1505 Longworth House Rep.Susan Delegation visit with Office Building Brooks, Paul Iraqi member of Mandelson- Parliament Vian Dakhil Legislative to provide update on Director current state of Yezidis jn Iraq 4/16/2015 2435 Rayburn House Rep. Franks and Delegation visit with Office Building Lena Smith Iraqi member of (Religious Parliament Vian Dakhil Minorities Fellow) to provide update on current state of Yezidis jn Iraq 4/16/2015 email Basma Fakri meeting request on Executive Director behalf of Iraqi member Iraq Foundation of Parliament Vian Dakhil 4/17/2015 email Douglas Padgett- meeting confirmation Team Leader Near on behalf of Iraqi Affairs, & Kathleen member of Parliament Wilson, US State Vian Dakhil Dept. 4/17/2015 1012 14th st, NW, Basma Fakrj- Delegation visit with Suite 1110 Executive Director, Iraqi member of Khaldoun Kobba- Parliament Vian Dakhil Project Officer, to provide update on Mohammed current state of Yezidis Alsardar- Project in Iraq Officer, Mustafa Alithawi- Project Officer, Humam Rajab-Sepior Project & Outreach Officer, Iraq Foundation 4/17/2015 State Department David Saperstein, Delegation visit with (2201C Street NW) Ambassador-at- Iraqi member of Large for Parliament Vian Dakhil International to provide update on Religious current state of Yezidis Freedom, Douglas in Iraq Padgett-Team Leader Near Affairs, & Kathleen Wilson,Rustum Nyquist-Pojicy Advisor Office of Religion & Global Affairs, Susan Notar- Senior Advisor, Iraq Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Anjalina Sen- Program Officer Office of Assistance for Asia & Near East US State Dept. 4/20/2015 KRG Office Eli Lake, Foreign Interpretation for Iraqi Affairs Reporter member of Parliament for Bloomberg Vian Dakhil, provide News update on current state of Yezidis in Iraq 4/20/2015 732 North Capitol U.S. Commission Delegation visit with Street, NW, Suite A714 on International Iraqi member of Religious Freedom Parliament Vian Dakhil Staff: Ambassador to provide update on Wolcott- Executive current state of Yezidis Director, Judith in Iraq Golub- Director of Government & Media Relations, Sahar Chaudhry- Senior Policy Analyst, Knox Thames- Director of Policy and Research, Elizabeth K. Cassidy- Deputy Director for Policy and Research 4/20/2015 email Sahar I. Chaudhry meeting confirmation Senior Policy for Iraqi member of Analyst Parliament Vian Dakhil United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

4/20/2015 emai Clareanne meeting confirmation Goschke- for Iraqi member of Program Assistant, Parliament Vian Dakhil Middle East Institute 4/21/2015 410 Cannon House Staff Briefing Delegation visit with Office Building w/Tom Lantos Iraqi member of Human Rights Parliament Vian Dakhil Commission, to provide update on Thomas Carnes- current state of Yezidis Counsel Rep. in Iraq Hastings, Corey Jacobson- Legislative Assistance Rep. Lieu, Douglas Thomas- Deputy Chief of Staff Rep. Hultgren, Aaron Allen- Legislative Assistant Rep. Vargas, Soohyun "Soo" Choi Democratic Fellow Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs 4/21/2015 1761 N Street NW, Roundtable with Delegation visit with Washington, DC 20036 Middle East Iraqi member of Institute & Policy Parliament Vian Dakhil Experts to provide update on current state of Yezidis in Iraq 4/21/2015 1761 N Street NW, Sarah Margon- Delegation visit with Washington, DC 20036 Executive Director, Iraqi member of Human Rights Parliament Vian Dakhil Watch to provide update on current state of Yezidis in Iraq 4/21/2015 email Michael J. meeting request to Essington discuss Legislative Counsel trade/development in Congressman Kurdistan Adam Kinzinger 4/21/2015 email Zainab Zaid introduction via email & Bureau of meeting follow-up Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Office of Near East Affairs 4/21/2015 email Clareanne Roundtable Goschke- confirmation for Iraqi Program Assistant, member of Parliament Middle East Vian Dakhil Institute 4/21/2015 email Soohyun "Soo" email introduction & Choi follow-up from meeting Democratic Fellow | Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs 4/22/2015 email Aaron Allen Protecting Religious Legislative Minorities Persecuted Assistant by ISIS Act Congressman Juan Vargas 4/23/2015 email Michael J. meeting request to Essington discuss legislative Counsel trade/development in Congressman Kurdistan Adam Kinzinger 4/23/2015 email Krista Kennedy meeting request to Sponsored discuss HCDP Student Program scholarship students Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

4/23/2015 email Thomas E. Carnes invite to hearing on ISIS' Counsel Involvement in Human Office of Trafficking and Violent Congressman Treatment of Women Alcee L. Hastings and Girls 4/23/2015 US Capitol SVC Rebecca walk through of venue Daughtery- for upcoming Protocol Officer delegation visit US Senate Office of Sgt. at Arms, Anna Gallagher- Interparliamentary Services US Senate, Laura Henderson- Communications Manager Off ice of the Majority Leader Sen. McConnell, Stefanie Muchow- Director of Operations Office of the Majority Leader Sen. McConnell 4/23/2015 e-mail Lena Smith | follow-up on meeting Office of request Representative Trent Franks (AZ- 08) 4/23/2015 e-mail Michael J. Trade/development Essington issues Legislative Counsel Congressman: Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) 4/23/2015 email Krista Kennedy meeting request Sponsored Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

4/23/2015 email Allen Pabalate update on HCDP Accounts scholarships Receivable Assistant Manager Academy of Art University 4/27/2015 email Kathryn Cameron NDAA bill Porter President and Founder The Leadership Council for Human Rights

4/27/2015 email Lorna HCDP students meeting Middlebrough with visiting delegation Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 4/27/2015 email Joseph Frake- update on HCDP Assistant Director scholarship student of International Student Recruitment & Services, Valparaiso University 4/28/2015 email Blna Hussein confirm details for Assistant Director, Distinguished Dinu Patricia Leadership Awards Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council 4/29/2015 email David Crisci- meeting request Directorof the Center for Global Connections at Regis Catholic University 4/29/2015 emai Rebecca logistics information for Daughtery- H.E. President Masoud Protocoj Officer Barzani's visit US Senate Office of Sgt. at Arms, Anna Gallagher- Interparliamentary Services US Senate, Laura Henderson- Communications Manager Office of the Majority Leader Sen. McConnell, Stefanie Muchow- Director of Operations Office of the Majority Leader Sen. McConnell 4/30/2015 email Scott Cullinane, a Introductory email & professional staff meeting request member on the House Foreign Affairs Europe subcommittee 4/30/2015 email Jackie Isaac- information on Professional Staff upcoming hearing & with House contact request for Ms. Foreign Affairs Vian Dakhil Committee 4/30/2015 emai Dr. Elizabeth H. meeting request Prodromou- Visiting Associate Professor Program in Negotiation & Conflict Resolution The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy Tufts University 4/30/2015 email David Crisci- meeting request Directorof the confirmed Center for Global Connections at Regis Catholic University 5/1/2015 email Lorna update on letter to Middlebrough HCDP students Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 5/1/2015 email David Crisci- meeting request Director of the confirmed Center for Global Connections at Regis Catholic University 5/1/2015 email Andrew Parasiliti, meeting request Ph.D. Director, Center for Global Risk & Security RAND Corporation

5/2/2015 email Terry L. Internship placement Turnipseed request for a student Professor of Law Director, Syracuse Law Semester in D.C. Program 5/2/2015 email Andrew Parasiliti, meeting request Ph.D. confirmation Director, Center for Global Risk & Security RAND Corporation

5/2/2015 call/email Mahmoud El information on H. E. Hamalawy- President Masoud News Producer Al Barzani's visit Jazeera

5/4/2015 email Susan Zimmerman guest list for reception Turkey and Middle in honor of H. E. East Affairs President Masoud U.S. Chamber of Barzani Commerce

5/4/2015 email Bina Hussein guest list for event in Assistant Director, honor of H. E. President Dinu Patricia Masoud Barzani Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council

5/5/2015 email Susan Plott adoption discussion for Adoptions Officer Yezidi Orphans DRC/NEA Office of Children's Issues Overseas Citizen Services Bureau of Consular Affairs U.S. Department of State

5/5/2015 emai Bina Hussein updated guest list for Assistant Director, event in honor of H. E. Dinu Patricia President Masoud Eurasia Center, Barzani Atlantic Council 5/6/2015 email Becky Daugherty logistics information for Protocol Officer, H.E. President Masoud U.S. Senate Barzani's visit Sergeant at Arms

5/6/2015 email Rana Abtar Introductory email Capitol Hill Correspondent Alhurra Television 5/8/2015 email Lorna meeting request with Middlebrough Madame Education Representative Bayan Specialist for Iraq, Sami Abdul Rahman U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 5/11/2015 email Joseph Frake- update on HCDP Assistant Director students of International Student Recruitment & Services, Valparaiso University 5/13/2015 email Krista Kennedy meeting request to Sponsored discuss HCDP Student Program scholarship students Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State : University

5/13/2015 email Ritu Dhungana, meeting request PhD Global Engagement Office West Virginia University 5/13/2015 email Dr. Elizabeth H. meeting request Prodromou Visiting Associate Professor Program in Negotiation & Conflict Resolution The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy Tufts University 5/26/2015 email Ritu Dhungana, meeting request follow- PhD up Global Engagement Office West Virginia University 5/26/2015 email David Crisci- meeting request follow- Directorof the up Center for Global Connections at Regis Catholic University 5/26/2015 e-mail Terry L. follow-up internship Turnipseed- placement request for a; Professor of Law student Director, Syracuse Law Semester in D.C. Program, 5/26/2015 email (Crista Kennedy follow-up on meeting Sponsored request to discuss HCDP Student Program scholarship students Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

5/26/2015 e-mai Lorna follow-up on info for Middlebrough NAFSA education Education conference Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 5/26/2015 e-mail Isaac Six Request for panelist for Advocacy Director Congressional Staff International Briefing Christian Concern, Kristina Olney In Defense of Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and ; Outreach 5/27/2015 e-mail Isaac Six follow-up on upcoming Advocacy Director panel for Congressional International Staff Briefing Christian Concern, Kristina Olney In Defense of Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and Outreach

5/27/2015 e-mail Thomas Meeting request Mancinelli- Legislative Assistant Senator Coons 5/27/2015 e-mai Thomas Carnes- meeting request Counsej Rep. Hastings 5/28/2015 e-mail Terry L. follow-up on intern Turnjpseed- placement Professor of Law Director, Syracuse Law Semester in D.C. Program 6/1/2015 e-mail/call Isaac Six follow-up on upcoming Advocacy Director panel for Congressional International Staff Briefing Christian Concern, Kristina Olney In Defense of Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and Outreach

6/1/2015 124 A Senate Russell Thomas Discussed current Building Mancinelli- political, economic and Legisjative humanitarian situation Assistant, Ryan in Kurdistan. Doherty- Defense Policy Fellow, Senator Coon 6/1/2015 e-mail Jabari White- meeting request Senator Ernst's National Security Advisor 6/1/2015 e-mail Krista Kennedy meeting request follow- Sponsored up Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University 6/1/2015 e-mail Todd Womack- meeting request Chief of Staff, Senator Bob Corker 6/1/2015 Russell; Senate Thomas Discussed current Building, Room 127A Mancinelli- political, economic and Legislative humanitarian situation Assistant, Ryan in Kurdistan. Doherty- Defense Policy Fellow, Senator Coon 6/2/2015 email Krista Kennedy meeting request follow- Sponsored up Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

6/2/2015 e-mail Thomas E. Carnes- meeting request Counsel Office of Congressman Alcee L. Hastings

6/2/2015 e-mail Thomas Discussed current MancineNi- political, economic and Legislative humanitarian situation Assistant, Ryan in Kurdistan. Doherty- Defense Policy Fellow, Senator Coon 6/2/2015 Hart Senate Building Jabari White- Discussed current Room 825 B/C Senator Ernst's political, economic and National Security humanitarian situation Advisor in Kurdistan. 6/2/2015 e-mail Isaac Six follow-up on panel Advocacy Director International Christian Concern, Kristina Olney In Defense of Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and Outreach

6/3/2015 e-mai Krista Kennedy meeting confirmation Sponsored Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

6/4/2015 e-mail Jabari White- follow up on meeting Senator Ernst's National Security Advisor 6/4/2015 Isaac Six a briefing for hill Advocacy Director staffers "How International Christianity Will Survive Christian Concern, in Iraq: Prospects for a Kristlna Olney- Political Solution" In Defense of Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and Outreach, Jeremy P. Barker- Regional Manager for the Middle East International Christian Concern, Professor Carole A- O'Leary Co- Director, Iraqi Kurdistan Religious Freedom and Human Geography Mapping Project, William "Spence" Spencer Executive Director, Institute for International Law and Human Rights 6/4/2015 e-mail Jabari White- follow-up on S.1188 Senator Ernst's National Security Advisor 6/5/2015 e-mai Jabari White- Amendment #1549 to Senator Ernst's NDAA National Security Advisor 6/5/2015 Rayburn House Office Thomas Carnes- Discussed current Building Cafeteria Counsel Rep. political, economic and Hastings humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 6/5/2015 e-mail Kristina Olney shared remarks from In Defense of panel Christians (IDC) | Director of Government Relations and Outreach 6/5/2015 call Krista Kennedy update on HCDP Sponsored students Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University

6/8/2015 e-mail Jabari White- update on S.A. 1549 Senator Ernst's National Security Advisor 6/8/2015 e-mail Joseph Frake- update on HCDP cases Assistant Director of International Student Recruitment & Services, Valparaiso University 6/10/2015 e-mail Jabari White- update onS.A. 1549 Senator Ernst's National Security Advisor 6/10/2015 e-mail Thomas update on S.A. 1549 Mancinelli- Legislative Assistant, Ryan Doherty- Defense Policy Fellow, Senator Coon 6/10/2015 KRG Office Chris Martin, MD, educational MSc opportunities in Director, Global Kurdistan Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University 6/1Q/20I5 e-mail Lorna info on DHS rule for Fl Middlebrough students Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 6/11/2015 e-mail Knox Thames Invitation to New York Director of Policy for Vian Dakhil and Research U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

6/11/2015 e-mail & call Nilda Bullain Reference check Vice President - Operations International Center for Not-for- Profit Law

6/11/2015 e-mai Jabari White update on S.A. 1549 National Security Advisor Senator Joni Ernst 6/14/2015 e-mail Chris Martin, MP, educational MSc opportunities in Director, Global Kurdistan Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University 6/15/2015 e-mail Jabari White update on S.A. 1549 I National Security Advisor Senator Jorii Ernst

6/15/2015 e-mail Krista Kennedy update on HCDP Sponsored students Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University 6/16/2015 e-mail Jabari White update on S.A. 1549 National Security Advisor Senator Joni Ernst 6/16/2015 e-mail David Kinzler, Letters from Senate Foreign constitute nts Relations Committee Staf 6/16/2015 e-mail Todd Womack- Letters from Chief of Staff, constituents Senator Bob Corker

6/16/2015 716 Hart Senate Office Senator Bill Discussed US-KRG Building Nelson, Matt relations Williams- Legislative Assistant 6/16/2015 133 Hart Building Bill Sweeney-Chief Discussed US-KRG of Staff, Senator relations Debbie Stabenow 6/16/2015 112 Hart Building Ariana Reks- Discussed US-KRG Foreign Policy relations Legislative Aid, Laura Schiller- Chief of Staff, Senator Boxer 6/17/2015 e-mail Erica Frye- meeting request Scheduler, U.S. Senator Bob Corker

6/17/2015 e-mail Ariana Reks- meeting request on Foreign Policy behalf of Madame Legislative Aid, Representative Bayan Laura Schiller- Sami Abdul Rahman Chief of Staff, Senator Boxer 6/17/2015 e-mail Alicia Henry- meeting request on Scheduler for behalf of Madame Senator Boxer Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman 6/17/2016 e-mail Joseph Frake- update on HCDP CD Assistant Director students o Q of International Student n> CL Recruitment & cr << Services, Valparaiso *Z GO University 6/18/2015 e-mail Erica Frye- meeting request for o > Scheduler, constituents U.S. Senator Bob > Corker

6/18/2015 Jeremy P. Barker- meeting request E5' e-mai r-t- Regional Manager >-S for the Middle • p East .5' International • 3 Christian Concern c 6/18/2015 e-mai Alicia Henry- meeting request on a to Scheduler for behalf of Madame o Senator Boxer Representative Bayan u» to Sami Abdul Rahman o 6/18/2015 e-mail Lorna update on HCDP LA Middlebrough situation & Education announcement is) Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department o of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 6/18/2015 e-mail Chris Martin, MD, meeting request

Director, Global Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University & Josephine Reece MD Assistant Professor Department of Internal Medicine Director of Global Health Track WVU School of Medicine

6/19/2015 e-mail Chris Martin, MD, meeting request

Director, Global Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University & Josephine Reece MD Assistant Professor Department of Internal Medicine Director of Global Health Track WVU School of Medicine

6/19/2015 e-mail Joseph Frake- update on HCDP Assistant Director situation & of International announcement Student Recruitment & Services, Valparaiso University 6/22/2012 e-mai Chris Martin, MD, meeting confirmation

Director, Global Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University & Josephine Reece MD Assistant Professor Department of Internal Medicine Director of Global Health Track WVU School of Medicine 6/22/2015 e-mail Jeremy P. Barker- meeting confirmation Regional Manager for the Middle East International Christian Concern 6/22/2015 e-mail Joseph Frake- HCDP update Assistant Director of International Student Recruitment & Services, Valparaiso University 6/23/2015 e-mail Lorna EducationUSA Global Middlebrough Showcase info Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Press & Public Diplomacy 6/23/2015 e-mail Jennifer Grall- request for DEPUTY update/information on DIRECTOR, partner organizations in MONITORING KRG AND EVALUATION International Republican Institute 6/23/2015 e-mail Krista Kennedy HCDP update Sponsored Student Program Administrator International Student & Scholar Services Portland State University 6/23/2015 e-mail & call Lena Smith | Update on currecnt Office of political situation in Representative Kurdistan Region & Iraq Trent Franks (AZ- 08) 6/23/2015 Capitol Building H2 Congressman Kay Discussed current Granger political, economic and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 6/24/2015 call David Kinzler- call with constituents Senate Foreign from TN & discussed Relations S.A. 1549 Committee & Senator Corker's Office David Geary- Senator Alexander's chief of staff Erin Reif- Senator Alexander's staff 6/24/2015 e-mail Erica Frye- contact information for Scheduler, staffers U.S. Senator Bob Corker

6/24/2015 e-mail David Kinzler- follow-up thank you for Senate Foreign call Relations Committee & Senator Corker's Office David Geary- Senator Alexander's chief of staff Erin Reif- Senator Alexander's staff 6/25/2015 e-mail Lena Smith j folow-up thank you Office of Representative Trent Franks 6/29/2015 e-mai Chris Martin, MD, education opportunities MSc in KRG Director, Global Engagement Office Health Sciences Center West Virginia University 6/29/2015 e-mail Lena Smith- meeting request Legislatie Assistant, Amy Glisson, Major, USAF, Defense Fellow- Office of Representative Trent Franks Bate ______Office Met With Topic/Issue Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 1/5/15 Meeting Gryphon Partners Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad to the United States

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Brett McGurk, Special 1/6/15' Meeting Department of State Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Assistant to the President security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Congressman Devin Nunes 1/7/15 Meeting House Intelligence Committee Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's (Chairman) security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister.Fala'h Bakir and Representative 1/7/15 Meeting Congressman Licoln Davis Congressman Lincoln Davis Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's security and financial state of affairs

House Armed Services Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Congresswoman Loretta 1/7/15 Meeting Committee and Homeland Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Sanchez Security security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative 1/7/15 Meeting Congresswoman Nita Lowey Congresswoman Nita Lowey iBayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Defense Appropriations Congressman Rodney 1/7/15 Meeting Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Subcommittee Frelinghuysen (Chairman) security and financial state of affairs

Congressman Dana Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Subcommittee on Europe, 1/7/15 Meeting Rohrabacher (Chairman), Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman> discussed Kurdistan, Region's Eurasia and Emerging Threats Congressman Steve King security and financial state of affairs Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Subcommittee on Homeland Congressman Michael McCaul 1/7/15 Meeting Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Security (Chairman) security and financial state of affairs

Senate Foreign Relations Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative 1/7/15 Meeting Committee/Senate Anmed Senator Tim Kaine Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Services Committee security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative 1/7/15 Meeting Congressman Duncan Hunter Congressman Duncan Hunter Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Senate Foreign Relations 1/8/15 Meeting Senator Ron Johnson Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Committtee security and financial state of affairs

Senator Bob Menendez, Dana Accompanied Minister Fajah Bakir and Representative Senate Foreign Relations 1/8/15 Meeting Stroul, Office of Senator Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Committee Menendez security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir and Representative Senate Foreign Relations 1/8/15 Meeting Senator Bob Corker (Chairman] Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's Committee security and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan House Committee on Foreign 1/8/15 Meeting Congressman Gerry Connolly Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's security Affairs and financial state of affairs Amos Hochstein, Special Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan 1/8/15 Meeting Atlantic Council Envoy, Bureau of Energy Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's oil, Resources budget, and financial state of affairs Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan House Committee on Foreign Congressman Adam Kinzinger, 1/8/15 Meeting Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's oil, Affairs Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard budget, and financial state of affairs Congresswoman Kay Granger Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan State and Foreign Operations 1/8/15 Meeting (Chairwoman), Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's oil, Appropriations Subcommittee Congresswoman Nita Lowey budget, and financial state of affairs

Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan House Committee on Foreign 1/8/15 Meeting Ed Royce (Chairman) Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's oil, Affairs budget, and financial state of affairs

Lisa Kenna, Deputy Assistant Accompanied Minister Falah Bakir, Representative Bayan Secretary of Defense for Policy, 1/8/15 Meeting Pentagon Sami Abdul Rahman, discussed Kurdistan Region's oil, Brigadier General Michael A. budget, and financial state of affairs Fantini

Alex Kahl, Senior Advisor at the 1/29/15 Telephone Department of State Discussed Iraq's federal oil and budget legislation Bureau of Energy Resources

Ken Cummings, Senior 1/30/15 Meeting Congressman Chris Van Hollen Discussed the genocide recognition resolution Legislative Assistant Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 2/2/15 Meeting Gryphon Partners Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad to the United States Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 2/12/15 Telephone Embassy of Iraq Ambassador Lukman Faily to the United States Introduced Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to 2/12/15 Meeting Congresswoman Susan Davis Congresswoman Susan Davis the congresswoman 2/19/15 Meeting Brookings Institution Kenneth Pollack Discussed Iraq and Kurdistan's state of affairs Anthony Godfrey, Director for Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 2/19/15 Meeting Department of State, Iraq Desk Iraq Affairs to the United States, President Barzani Discussed plight of Christians and other religious minority 3/2/15 Telephone Congressman Frank Wolf Congressman Frank Wolf groups in Iraq and the fight against ISIS Discussed Kurdish Peshmerga Forces progress and 3/5/15 Meeting Senator Joni Ernst Senator Joni Ernst challenges in the fight against ISIS Senate Foreign Relations Discussed Kurdish Peshmerga Forces progress and 3/6/15 Meeting Senator Cory Gardner Committee challenges in the fight against ISIS [Discussed Kurdish Peshmerga Forces progress and 3/6/15 Meeting Senator Mark Kirk Senator Mark Kirk challenges in the fight against ISIS Discussed plight of Christians and other religious minority 3/9/15 Telephone Congressman Frank Wolf Congressman Frank Wolf groups in Iraq and the fight against ISIS

Discussed educational opportunites for the scholarship 3/10/15 Meeting Department of State Lorna Middleborough recepients from Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Wyndee Parker, National Accompanied a delegation of women from Kurdistan 3/17/15 Meeting Congresswoman Nanci Pelosi Security Adviser to Minority Region to discuss plight of minorities in Iraq Leader Pelosi

Accompanied a delegation of women from Kurdistan 3/17/15 Meeting Senator Susan Collins Senator Susan Collins Region to discuss plight of minorities in Iraq

Accompanied a delegation of women from Kurdistan 3/17/15 Meeting Congresswoman Lois Frankel Congresswoman Lois Frankel Region to discuss plight of minorities in Iraq

Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary of State for Accompanied a delegation of women from Kurdistan 3/17/15 Meeting Department of State Democracy, Human Rights and Region to discuss plight of minorities in Iraq Labor

Jen Steward, National Security Accompanied a delegation of women from Kurdistan 3/18/15 Meeting Congressman John Boehner Advisor to Speaker Boehner Region to discuss plight of minorities in Iraq

Updated journalist on the fight against ISIS progress by the 3/18/15 Email Fox News Channel Leland Vitter Kurdish Peshmerga Forces Senate Foreign Relations David Kinzler, Congressional Introduced Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman to 3/18/15 Meeting Committee Staffer the staff Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 3/24/15 Meeting Gryphon Partners Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad to the United States Former Congressman Pete Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 3/25/15 Meeting Congressman Pete Hoekstra Hoekstra to the United States Former Congressman Pete Discussed upcoming visit of President of Kurdistan Region 3/25/15 Telephone Congressman Pete Hoekstra Hoekstra to the United States Consul General Matthias Introduction to meet the new Consul General for Erbil, 3/25/15 Meeting Department of State Mitt man Kurdistan Region of Iraq Drew Bowling, Discussed upcoming dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss 4/7/15 Telephone Congressman Jeff Fortenberry Communications Director the plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Hanna Murphy, Legislative Discussed upcoming dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss 4/9/15 Telephone Congresswoman Anna Eshoo Assistant the plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Lorna Middleborough, Andy Discussed educational opportunites for the scholarship 4/9/15 Telephone Department of State Masloski recepients from Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Brad J. Sherman Arlet Abrahamian, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Emai Brad J. Sherman Arlet Abrahamian, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mark A. Takano Gisel Aceves, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Frances Agosto, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pedro R. Pierluisi Intern Coordinator plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tammy Aita, District Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Matthew (Matt) A. Cartwright Caseworker plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rodney L. Davis Helen Albert, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Patricia Alberth, Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Glenn (G.T.) W. Thompson Jr. Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Hayley Alexander, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Justin Amash Press Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kelly Allen, Executive Assistant; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Peter F. Welch Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Donna F. Edwards Allyson Alvare, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Kathleen Ambrose, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Mclntyre Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John J. Barrow Jessie Andrews, Scheduler plight of Iraq's reljgious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Stephen (Steve) L. Fincher Janet Angus, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Keating Ganesan Annamaiai, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Imran Ansari, District invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve J. Israel Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Anya Anthony, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tulsi Gabbard Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John C. Fleming Jr. Jodie Applewhite, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ross Arnett, Legislative [Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Raul Ruiz Correspondent; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities [Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email G.K. Butterfield Jr. Heather Asata, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Layla Asplen, Administrative Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John Campbell Counsel; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Debbie Wasserman Schultz Stefanie Austin, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Korry Baack, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pete J. Visclosky Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Rebekah Baer, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Mike R. Pompeo Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Nick Bahnsen, Community Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Emai Leonard Lance Relations Manager; District plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Eliza Baker, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom Cotton Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed R. Royce Kate Barlow, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Blaire Bartlett, Deputy Chief of 4/13/15 Email Michael (Mike) G. Grimm Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Nickelynn Bays, District 4/13/15 Email Randy Neugebauer Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Representative; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Mary Beal, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Austin Scott Legislative Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kaitlin Beck, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Johnson Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Heather Beckman, Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to.diseuss the 4/13/15 Email Eliot L. Engel Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Renee L. Ellmers Josie Beecher, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jennifer Beil, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Brett Guthrie Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim A. Huelskamp Josh Bell, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Abigail Berg, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Frank R. Wolf Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Paula Bermudes, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gregorio (Killili) K.C. Sablan Scheduler; Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Chris P. Gibson Kate Better, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Lindy Birch Kelly, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email James (Jim) E. Clyburn Director of Special Projects; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Senior Advisor

House Assistant Democratic Lindy Birch Kelly, Director, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Leader Special Events; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jacqueline Blank, Staff Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jerrold (Jerry) L. Nadler Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jason T. Smith Caroline Bock, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adrian M. Smith Megan Boland, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joseph (Joe) Crowley Spenser Bomholt, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Christy Bourbon, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim Costa Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities David Bowman, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John R. Lewis Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom J. Cole Kaylee Brace, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Brian M. Higgins Leslie Brady, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steven A. Horsford Ivana Brancaccio, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill L. Owens Quinlan Brennan, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Laura Briggs, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Frank Pallone Jr. Scheduler; Staff Assista nt plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kelly Brissette, District Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim P. McGovern Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Karl Britton, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill L. EnyartJr. Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sean Broom, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Keith M. Ellison Scheduler; Community plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Representative Jenell Brown, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Danny K. Davis Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Allyson Browning> Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ted Poe Legislative Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Tiffany Bryant, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Hakeem S. Jeffries Scheduler; Community Liaison plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Errjcal Bryant, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bradley R. Byrne Operations; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Marsha Blackburn Grace Burch, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Emai Jose E. Serrano Frederick Burgos, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Luke Messer Amy Burke, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jared Huffman Melissa Burnell, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jeffery Bustamante, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ben (Ben Ray) Ray Lujan Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Chuck J. Fleischmann Courtney Butcher, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tim Butler, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Kelly Jr. Administration; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom Rice Jr. Kate Calcutt, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pete G. Olson Kathy Calderon, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Virginia A. Foxx Jessica Calio, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Laura Campos, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed Pastor Assistant; Office Manager; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Matthew (Matt) A. Cartwright Ambar Canales, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Christine Capobianco, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jeff L. Fortenberry Scheduler; Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rosa L. DeLauro Sam Carmody, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ruben E. Hinojosa Paulina Carrillo, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Hal Rogers Julia Casey, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities House Committee on Julia Casey, Assistant to the 4/13/15 Email Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Appropriations Chairman plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Fess Cassels, Executive Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dana Rohrabacher Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Clare Chmiel, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Doris 0; Matsui Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Christine Choe, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adam Smith Scheduler; Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Trisha Chokshi, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tammy Duckworth Scheduler; Staff Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Leah Christensen, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Conaway Staff Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Linda Christiana, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John B. Larson Assistant; District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steven M. Palazzo Leslie Churchwell, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Grace F. Napolitano Joseph Ciccone, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Cynthia M. Lummis Christie Clark, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email KurtSchrader Ashley Clark, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Louie B. Gohmert Jr. Chelsea Cohen, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Richard L Hanna Ellen Cole, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill J. PascrellJr. Kyle Coleman, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Alan M. Grayson Carla Coleman, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Melanie Collinsworth, District invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kerry L. Bentivolio Scheduler; Small Business plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Liaison Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve E. Pearce Bridget Condon, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kim Conrad, District Scheduler; invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rick R. Larsen Office Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Posey Tim Convy, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Maura Cordova, Press invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed Pastor Secretary; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Vicky J. Hartzler Adrienne Cornelius, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Susan W. Brooks Michael Corr, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jonathan Cousimano, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Julia Brown ley Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kevin J. Cramer Kris Cramer, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Maggie Cronin, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Sean P. Duffy Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Chai Cruz, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gregorio (Killili) K.C. Sablan Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jenn Dale, Scheduler; Director Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Thompson of Operations plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Andy Barr IV Tatum Dale, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kathy Dalton, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dave P. Joyce Assistant; Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lamar S. Smith Christa Danford, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Doug L. Lamborn Jamie Dangers, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Erica Daughtrey, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Albio Sires Communications Director; NJ plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Seth Dawson, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Denny Heck Legislative Aide plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Carlos De Los Santos, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Janice Hahn Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Michelle DeAngelo, Field Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill J. PascrellJr. Director; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Destiny Decker, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Trent Franks Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Christine del Portillb, Deputy [Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email lleana C. Ros-Lehtinen Director; Scheduler [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joseph (Joe) Crowley Angela DenDekker, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kate Denman> Deputy Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email NickJ. Rahall II Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dave P. Joyce Carla DiBlasio, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Erica DiCio, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John A. Yarmuth Executive Assistant; Intern plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Coordinator Kathleen Digan, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Paul D. Tonko Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kate Disbrow, Press Secretary; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Randy M. Hultgren Office Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim D. Matheson Camille Dockery, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Mary Doherty, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Michael (Mike) E. Capuano Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Doug LaMalfa Caitlin Dorman, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Teri Dorn, Executive Assistant; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Reid J. Ribble Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Megan Dornan, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Scott R. Tipton Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Celia Dosamantes, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Grace Meng Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ashley Douglas, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Chaka Fattah Special Assista nt plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Elizabeth Dovell, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim H. Bishop Intern Coordinator plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tammy Duckworth Kelsey Druckman, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email David W. Jolly Rochelle Dudley, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Chris Duncan, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kevin McCarthy Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Leslie DuVall, Constituent Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John Campbell Services Representative; [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities District Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kerry L. Bentivolio Lindsay Duvall, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adam D. Kinzinger Tamara Edwards, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Billy Long Ben Elleson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ana Ellis, Executive Assistant; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Keith J. Rothfus Office Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Courtney Ellis, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ann L. Wagner Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities George Eng, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Emai Niki S. Tsongas Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ellie Essalih, District Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John A. Culberson Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Anna Esten, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Allyson Y. Schwartz Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Legislative Correspondent plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Randi Estes-Petty, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bobby C. Scott Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Melissa Evans, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim D. Jordan Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tricia Evans, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ken Calvert Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ron J. Kind Alex Eveland, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Sam Farr Jennifer Fallself, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Scott E. DesJarlais Allison Farless, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jennifer Faulkner, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bob W. Goodlatte Representative; District plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Wendy Featherson, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Charles (Charlie) B. Rangel Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Anne Feeney, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kurt Schrader Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Katie Feldhaus, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim H.S. Cooper Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Carolyn Ferguson> Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lee R. Terry Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Juan (Paco) C. Vargas Rita Fernandez, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Allison Fialkov, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Karen Bass Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Howard Coble Emily Finch, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Julie Fitzpatrick, Deputy Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kathy Castor Director; Office Manager; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim J: Walz Denise Fleming, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Kevin Fogarty, Chief of Staff; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pete T. King Communications Director; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Brianna Foran, Deputy District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jack H- Kingston Sr. Director; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities House National Republican Gabriele Forsyth, Surrogate Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Congressional Committee Coordinator; Chairman's plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Chairman Scheduler Cheyenne Foster, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom Price Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Leslie Foti, Executive Assistant; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Paul A. Gosar Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Susan Foy, District Director; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dave G. Reichert Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mark E. Amodei Teah Franklin, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kristi L. Noem Christiana Frazee, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Amanda Frie, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim J. Walz District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Derek Kilmer Andrea Friedhoff, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Samantha Frisby, Office 4/13/15 Email Ann Kirkpatrick Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Administrator; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Teresa Frison> Legislative Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jerry McNerney Assistant; Executive Assistant; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Carmen Fuentes, Deputy Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Austin Scott Scheduler; Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kim Fuller, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gregory W. Meeks Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jessica Fuller, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Martha Roby Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Erin Fyffe, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ami Bera Operations; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jamie Gahun, Chief of Staff; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John A. Culberson Office Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Patrick (Pat) L. Meehan Colleen Gallagher, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim Griffin Toska Gamble, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Diana L. DeGette Diana Gambrel, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Henry R. Cuellar Meghan Gannon, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sunceria Garrett, Staff Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John Conyers Jr. Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ann (Annie) McLane Kuster Corey Garry, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Cathy Gass, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Corrine Brown Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Pat Gavin, Community Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Posey Relations Director; District plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve Womack Meg Gazzini, Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Alicia German!, District 4/13/15 Email David N. Cicilline Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John P. Sarbanes Kate Gieron, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Andre D. Carson Megan Giles, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Peter (Pete) A. DeFazio Katie Gillen, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Maura Gillespie, Deputy Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Speaker of the House Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Linda Gillespie, Deputy Chief of invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe L. Barton Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gerry Connolly Rhonda Gillis, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve J. Israel Anne Gimbel, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Murat Gokcigdem, Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Eddie Bernice Johnson Staff; Executive Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe Kennedy I Rachael Goldenberg, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Julia Griswold, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pete A. Sessions Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Matt Gross, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adam D. Kinzinger Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jena Gross, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Anna G. Eshoo Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Stephen Groves, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Sean P. Maloney Administration; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Sydney Gruters, Field Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Vern G. Buchanan Representative; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sophia Gutierrez, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gene Green Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Charlie W. Dent Carol Halper, District Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill H. Flores Jessica Harrison, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Debbie Hayes, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim J. Ryan Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kelly Healton, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Nita M. Lowey Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Marty Heide, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Michael R. Turner Special Projects Coordinator; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Field Representative

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Todd C. Young Clay Helton, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John M. Shimkus Joy Henrichs, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Simpson Emilee Henshaw, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Margret Hernandez, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Susan A. Davis Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Robyn Hess, District Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Michael !. McCaul Manager of District Projects plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed Whitfield Emma Heydlauff, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Andy P. Harris Charlotte Heyworth, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rick Crawford Allison Hicks, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kevin Hilke, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Zoe Lofgren Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Congressional Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Linda Hinckley, District 4/13/15 Email Frank A. LoBiondo Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Director; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Charles W. Boustany Jr. Rebecca Hobbs, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jennifer Holland, Office 4/13/15 Email Marcy C. Kaptur Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim P. McGovern Daniel Holt, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Cherie Homa, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lou J. Barletta Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Cecilia Hong, District Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed R. Royce Scheduler; Director of Asian plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Community Outreach Lauren Hoover, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lynn M. Jenkins Staff Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kathy Castor Lara Hopkins, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adam B. Schiff Christopher Hoven, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Judy Chu Courtney Hruska, Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve E. Stivers Monica Hueckel, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tom Hughes, District Director; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Emai Ralph M. Hall District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Foster Carolyn Hull, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kevin W. Yoder Emily Hunter, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kristy Huxhold, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John C. Carney Jr. Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Alison Inderfurth, Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ed G. Perlmutter Operations; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kyrsten Sine ma Julius Jackson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tasia Jackson, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Hakeem S. Jeffries Special Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Melissa James, Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Randy Neugebauer Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike D. Rogers Jessica Jennings, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Mojly Johnson, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Frank D. Lucas Office Manager; Systems plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Administrator Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Chris D. Stewart Nathaniel Johnson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Julian Johnson, Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Sanford D. Bishop Jr. Manager; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Al Green Nicholas Johnson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Lauren Johnston, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Sam Johnson Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Vivian Jones, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Charles (Charlie) B. Range! Administrator; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Adam Jorde, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kevin J. Cramer Legislative Correspondent plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Courtney Joseph, Deputy Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email House Majority Leader Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Scott Rigell Beth Kaczmarek, Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Elizabeth H. Esty Annalee Kain, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tatyana Kalinga, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Barbara J. Lee Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John P. Kline Jr. Allison Kapsner, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe Wilson Karon Karami, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bob B. Gibbs Meghan Keivel, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities W. Jean Key-Shinard, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bennie G. Thompson Scheduler; Receptionist plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Myat Khaing, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim A. McDermott Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email James P. Lankford Rachel King, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the, 4/13/15 Email Randy Forbes Carolyn King, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rosa L. DeLauro Ryann Kinney, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sabrina Kirkwood, Executive Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Zoe Lofgren Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kay M. Granger Mary Klappa, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kimberly Koops-Wrabek, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Suzanne Bonamici Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe Courtney Christina Kostuk, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim W; Gerlach Marisa Kovacs, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Rick Crawford Courtney Kowalski, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Mary Kreft, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Thomas H. Massie Constituent Liaison; District plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jeff Denham Carol Kresse, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email Rob Woodall I Kelley Kurtz, Scheduler ssion to discuss the plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Denise Lambert, Finance Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John (Jimmy) J. Duncan Jr. Director; Scheduler; Executive plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Assistant invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email Bill P. Huizenga Jordan Lane, Scheduler ssion to discuss the plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Claire Lanier, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email Howard Coble ssion to discuss the Community Relations Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email George E.B. Holding Katie Lawrence, Scheduler ission to discuss the plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email Robert (Bob) B. Aderholt Chris Lawson, Scheduler ssion to discuss the plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email Bennie G. Thompson Andrea Lee, Scheduler ssion to discuss the plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Liz Leibowitz, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Robert (Bob) A. Brady Legislative Correspondent; plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Press Assistant Sofia Leon, Executive Assistant; invitation to dinner at the KRG M 4/13/15 Email JohnR. Garamendi ssion to discuss the Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dina G Titus lisa Levine, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Anthony L|n> Field invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Anna G. Eshoo Representative/ District plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Scheduler Melissa Lindler, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email James (Jim) E. Clyburn Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mssio n to discuss the Outreach Director plight of Iraq's religious and ethn c minorities Jason Little, Scheduler; Staff Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Earl Blumenauer Assistant pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim R. Langevin Ann Little, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Christine Lofgren, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bill Gassidy Legislative Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Beth Long, Scheduler; Invjtatidn to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe R. Pitts Constituent Services Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Emanuel Cleaver II Holly Long, District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Rachel Long, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom McClintock Scheduler; Intern Coordinator plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Karyn Long, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lacy Clay Jr. Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Charlene Loomis, Senior Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Honda Director of Operations; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Casaday Loomis, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve A. King Scheduler; Policy Advisor plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lois Capps Vianey Lopez, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Luis V. Gutierrez Audrey Lopez, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities April Lyman, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Brad R. Wenstrup Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Trey Gowdy Mary Lynch, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Liza Lynch, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Filemon Vela Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Heather Madden, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mark Sanford Jr. Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Rufino Magjiba, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Colleen W. Hanabusa Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sarah Majzoub, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Randy Weber Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Patrick E. Murphy Nick Malatesta, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ryan Maloney, Scheduler; Community Outreach Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tim H. Bishop Coordinator; Intern plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Coordinator April Martinez, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Diana L. DeGette Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities David Mastrangelo, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Paul D. Tonko Operations; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Linda Matthews, Office 4/13/15 Email Marcia L. Fudge Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Manager; District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Phil Roe Barbie McCarron, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Linda T. Sanchez Meghan McConnell, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email HankC. Johnson Jr. David McDonald, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Billie McGrane, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Henry A. Waxman Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kevin McKee, Deputy Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gary G. Miller Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pat J. Tiberi Stephanie McManis, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Matt McMurray, Deputy Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Robin L. Kelly Scheduler; Staff Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ellen McNamara, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Carolyn McCarthy Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Tina McRae, Senior Staff Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Charles (Charlie) B. Rangel Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Yvette D. Clarke Christina McWilson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Karen Meads, District 4/13/15 Email Billy Long Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Peter Mellinger, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Dan Maffei Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email David G. Valadao Erica Mello, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sharlett Mena, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Gene Green Communications Director; plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Carol Shea-Porter Emily Meneer, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Rosanne Meno, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email Madeleine Z. Bordallo Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Office Manager plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dutch Ruppersberger Carol Merkel, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mario Diaz-Balart Alena Mikhno, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Glenn Miles, Congressional 4/13/15 Email Hank C. Johnson Jr. Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Aide; Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Ander M. Crenshaw Lynn Miller, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Melissa Miller, Assistant 4/13/15 Email Cheri L. Bustos Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Dan J. Benishek Kay Miller, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Keisha Miller, Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Carolyn McCarthy Administrator; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Jaime Minor, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Nancy Pelosi Scheduler; Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Ken Minster, Staff Assistant; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email JoeJ. Heck District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Roger Williams Vera Minter, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Paul J. Cook Katie Mitchell, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kristin Montgomery, Executive invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jackie Speier Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom W. Reed II Kevin Mooney, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Shane Moore, Deputy Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Loretta Sanchez Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Lucy Morcelo, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Nydia M. Velazquez Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Scott H. Peters Anne Moriarity, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mark Sanford Jr. Martha Morris, DC Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Hope Morris, Scheduler; Staff Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Glenn (G.T.) W. Thompson Jr. Assistant plight of Iraq's religjoUs and ethnjc minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Devin G. Nunes Jennifer Morrow, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joaquin Castro Jocelyn Mund, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Mabel Murphree, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Alan Nunnelee Director; District Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Kevin P. Brady Heather Murphy, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Donald M. Payne Jr. Darlene Murray, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Marci Mustello, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Kelly Jr. Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kim MUzeroll, Deputy Chief of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jan D. Schakowsky Staff; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities N. Lenette Myers, Director of Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bobby L. Rush Administration and plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Operations; Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Michael T. McCaul Jessica Nalepa, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim H.S. Cooper Melissa Neal, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Kristine Nichols, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Steve E. Stockman Executive Assistant (on leave) plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Karly Noblitt, Scheduler; Office Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Eric M. Swalwell Manager; Legislative Aide plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Quigley Blaine Nolan, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Ashley Noland, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Chris C. Collins Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities - Holly Noles, Scheduler; 4/13/15 Email John R. Carter Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Erin Northwall, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lee R. Terry Scheduler; Legislative plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Correspondent Teddie Norton> Director of 4/13/15 Email Paul C. Broun Jr. Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Operations; Scheduler pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Allison O'Connell, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Terri A. Sewell Intern Coordinator plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Mary O'Connor, Projects Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe R. Pitts Director; Office Manager; pljght of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Caitlln Oakley, Executive 4/13/15 Email Morgan Griffith Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lucille Roybal-Allard Christine Ochoa, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Colleen Oinuma, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Adam B. Schiff Representative; District plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Scheduler Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Joe Courtney Cutter Oliver, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Daniel:Oliver, Senior Director Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike Honda of Operations; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jared Polis Danielle OlivetO, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Try Onaghise-Cobu rn, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Eleanor Holmes Norton Scheduler; Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Blaine Luetkemeyer Lauren Orndorff, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Clara Ortiz, District Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Raul M. Grijalva Director of Outreach plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Jeff Orzechowski> Scheduler; invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Candice S. Miller Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Claire Ouimet, Office Manager; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Lynn A. Westmoreland Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Michael Pacheco, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Pete P. Gallego Legislative Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities

Nancy Pack, Scheduler; jlnvitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Cory S. Gardner Executive Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bradley (Brad) S. Schneider Katharine Paisley, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bruce L. Braley Allie Panther, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sabrina Parker, Executive Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tom J. Cole Assistant; Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Erin Partee, Executive [Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Bob E. Latta Assistant; Scheduler [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Cynthia Patton, Deputy Chief [Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Susan A. Davis of Staff; Scheduler [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities [Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Erik Paulsen Kate Paul, Scheduler [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnjc minorities Cara Pavlock, Executive Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Jim A. Himes Assistant; Scheduler [plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities . Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Theodore (Ted) S. Yoho Kayln Pearson, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner atthe KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Paul D. Ryan Sarah Peer, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Anna Pellecchia, D.C. Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Leonard Lance Scheduler; Legislative plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Correspondent Lindsay Pepper, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email John A. Culberson Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Tony Cardenas Katherine Pereira, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Mehgan Perez-Acosta, Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Vance M. McAllister Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Sarah Peterson, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Eric M. Swalwell Scheduler; Staff Assistant plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Mike G. Fitzpatrick Alexandra Petrucci, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Jane Phipps, Scheduler; Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Marc A. Veasey Executive Assistant; Office plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Manager Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Michael R. Turner Kate Pietkiewicz, Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Samantha Pillion, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Elizabeth H. Esty Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Lindsay Plake, District Invitation to dinner at the KRG Mission to discuss the 4/13/15 Email Judy Chu Scheduler plight of Iraq's religious and ethnic minorities Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM


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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM


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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM


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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM ^"• PrHO Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/03/2015 2:21:40 PM Ramin Toloui, Assistant Accompanied Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani & 5/7/15 Meeting U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary for international Minister Ashti Hawrami to discuss financial challenges Finance facing the Kurdistan Region Rex W. Tillerson> Chairman Accompanied President Barzanlto status of business 5/8/15 Meeting ExxonMobil and CEO of ExxonMobil affairs in the Kurdistan Region 5/19/15 Meeting Federal Bureau of Investigation David Negasi Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region

Jabari White, National Security 6/2/15 Meeting Senator Joni Ernst Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Adviser to Senator Ernst

Steve Lutes, Senior Director of 6/12/15 Meeting U.S. Chamber of Commerce Discussed business opportunites in the Kurdistan Region Turkey and Middle East Affairs

Eric Feldman, Chief of Staff, 6/15/15 Meeting Senator Gary Peters Jordan Wells, Legislative Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Assistant Cathy Haverstock, Military 6/15/15 Meeting Senator Bill Nelson Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Legislative Assistant 6/15/15 Meeting Senator Joe Manchin Pat Hayes, Chief of Staff Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region

Rachel Lipsey, Military 6/16/15 Meeting Senator Joe Donnelly Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Legislative Assistant

6/16/15 Meeting Senator Bill Nelson Senator Bill Nelson, Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region

6/18/15 Meeting Congressman Pete Hoekstra Congressman Pete Hoekstra Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region

Lieutenant General Michael D. 6/22/15 Meeting Department of Defense Discussed security challenges facing:the Kurdistan Region Barbero State and Foreign Operations 6/23/15 Meeting Congresswoman Kay Granger Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Appropriations Subcommittee

6/24/15 Meeting Senator Bob Corker Senator Bob Corker Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region