Notices 15 August 2018.Pdf
' LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION · Mr Mookhey says Mr PRESIDENT: I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 1. That.this House notes that: (a) 15 August marks the 72nd anniversary of India's liberation, the day the centuries long subjugation of the sub-continent by the British ended with the birth of the world's largest democracy, (b) India's independence was won after: (i) the formation of the largest social movement of the 20th century, whose reach included millions of men and women from all castes and creeds, speaking a panoply oflanguages and dialects, (ii) though non-violent actions like hartels and marches, fasts and protests, which exposed the brutal actions of the British Raj until the British people themselves turned against colonialism, (iii) the philosophy of non-violence, pioneered by the Indian independence movement, was employed by other oppressed peoples in lands like the United States and South Africa, as well as Australia, to secure their freedom and liberation, (c) India today remains the world's largest democracy, with the world's biggest middle class, home to one of the world's most advanced technological sectors, and that is rapidly modernising its education, energy and environmental sectors, and (d) Australia, proudly one of the world's most multicultural nations, hosts one of the world's fastest growing Indian diasporas. 2. That this House congratulates India for the 72nd anniversary of its liberation and wishes all Indian people Jai Hind. I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2018\General notices\Mookhey 180815 Indian Independence Day.doc Signed ~ --9 Dated_\_~-~-~__._\--'---\i=----- l:\LC\House Papers\Loqs aud Notices 2018\General notices\Mookhey 180815 lndiau Independence Day.doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION Ms Walker says- Mr PRESIDENT: I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: I.
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