SPQR Deluxe Errata & Clarifications April, 2016

SPQR Rule Book

4.24 2nd paragraph: “A Line can be of any length provided that the units meet the adjacency requirements and all the units in the Line have the same orientation - either Flank-to-Flank or (but not and) Front-to-Rear (see 7.1). If the units meet the adjacency requirements, but do not have the same orientation, only those units within the leader’s Command Range can be included in the Line.”

4.72 Ignore “even during a rampage”

5.13 Example: 2nd sentence should be: “After the two Praefects Sociorum have been activated and finished giving orders, the Tribunes/Praefects Equitum would be activated next, followed by Bostar and Hamilcar.”

5.27 The second instance of case 5.27 should be 5.28 and case 5.28 should be 5.29

5.31 Bullet #1: Reference should be to 4.26

6.13 Last sentence: “Firing without movement does not cause a Hit, but using Harassment and Dispersal Tactics (9.24, 9.31) does.”

6.51 Add: A combat unit in an enemy ZOC cannot use Orderly Withdrawal.

6.63 Example #1: Replace the 4th and 5th sentences with: “A Roman of Legion XIV can move through any foot unit of the XIV Legion/Ala without penalty. However, the Hastati would incur (along with the stationary unit) one hit when moving through any other unit.”

7.16 Change 1st sentence to: “Any single-hex unit/stack …”

8.23 Change 1st sentence to: “A non-phasing unit ….”

8.13: Change 1st sentence: “A Missile unit may fire at any single enemy target unit which is within its Missile Range— …”

8.14 Bullet #4: Delete “with other ”.

8.21 Change 1st sentence to: “Whenever an un-routed unit leaves the ZOC of an enemy missile unit and moves to a non-adjacent hex, that missile unit, … “

8.35 Replace case with: “The Clash of Spears and Swords: The Clash of Spears and Swords Chart is now consulted. Cross-index the attacker’s Type with the defender’s Type and aspect relative to the attacker (i. e. angle of attack) to determine the column on the Shock CRT (prior to any adjustments) to be used to resolve the combat. If there is more than one defending unit, the defending player chooses the defending unit to be used in the determination. Similarly, if there is more than one attacking unit, the attacking player chooses the attacking unit to be used in the determination. If a unit is being attacked through the vertex between different facings by a two-hex unit, that defender gets the benefit of the most advantageous facing.”

8.35 Example #2 – The flank attack on the LG would use the 11 column; the front attack on the Velites would be on the 9 column

8.36 #2 Replace last paragraph: “Ignore the Size Rating of any Elephant or Chariot units involved in the shock combat unless the shock combat involves exclusively Elephants or exclusively Chariots.”

8.44 If there are more attacking units than vacated hexes, the unit(s) that had Superiority (if any) must advance. If no such unit(s), those with highest TQ must advance. Tie? Player chooses. Stacked Roman units must advance as a stack. If there were more vacated hexes than attacking units, the attacking player chooses the hex(es). See, also, Cavalry Pursuit, 10.4.

9.15 2nd sentence: “They may move into or through an enemy Elephant’s flank or rear hexes, … “

9.31 Change 1st sentence to: “Missile armed Light Cavalry (LC) may use H&D tactics against any enemy unit that has a lower Movement Allowance (see 9.33 for an exception).

9.63 Delete the 2nd sentence.

10.14 Change 1st sentence to: “If a two-hex Phalanx/ unit is attacking two or more single-hex units, … “

10.21 Bullet #3: 1st sentence: Change “attacker” to “opposing unit”;

10.22 Replace 2nd sentence with: “No Movement points are expended, but the unit must take the most direct path towards its Retreat Edge that is not blocked by enemy units, enemy ZOC (unless occupied by a friendly unit), or impassable terrain, even if this means moving into and/or through friendly units”

Add at the end of the case: “A Phalanx or two-hex unit must either maintain its current facing or reverse face in a direction that would bring it closer to its Retreat Edge when it starts its rout move. If that direction is blocked, it proceeds in the other direction. In either case, the unit must go two hexes in that direction by moving both halves of the counter into new hexes. It cannot pivot to get around blocked hexes or friendly units. If the unit cannot move two hexes in the established direction, it is eliminated. For one-hex units, if both hexes in the direction of its Retreat Edge are blocked, the player adjusts the facing of the routing unit, in either direction, by one vertex at a time until the unit can move into an unblocked hex. If there is no such hex, the unit is eliminated. At the conclusion of the retreat, place a ROUTED marker on the unit to indicate this status and remove any COHESION HIT markers.”

10.27 Replace last bullet with: “Routed units that incur any additional cohesion hits are immediately eliminated and removed from play.”

10.42 Replace last paragraph with: “If a cavalry unit eliminates an already Routed unit, either in the original or subsequent Shock combat, the victorious cavalry is moved one- half (rounding up) its printed MA (or into an enemy ZOC, whichever comes first) in the direction it was heading at the time (if in doubt head for the enemy Retreat Edge) by the most direct route. It must immediately Shock attack any unit encountered (as part of the pursuit). The defending unit may use Entry Reaction fire (8.22) if eligible. If there is no attack, the player may reface the pursuing unit at no cost.”

10.43 1st sentence should read: “…they may not move, other than to Orderly Withdraw, nor attack, but defend normally and may change facing with an order.”

10.5 Delete the first 10.51 case heading.

SPQR Scenario Book See the Map section below for the battles that use the Zama map.

The Battle of the Bagradas Plains The setup illustration is missing two Velites

The Battle of Cannae Line Command Eligibility The Carthaginian Celtic Medium (MI), Iberian Light (LI) Infantry line may use Pre- Arranged Withdrawal (6.58).

Carthaginian Item #5 should be: Numidian Light (LC) Cavalry

The Battle of Zama The setup illustration has an extra elephant

The Battle of Cynoscephalae Macedonian Line Eligibility Chart: Delete item #4

Set Piece Roman Setup: The Left Wing Aetolia unit in 1840 is a LC

Reinforcements: The reinforcement leaders activate in Initiative order. For the purposes of entering reinforcements any command restrictions are ignored. Since there is a limitation on how many combat units can enter per turn, a leader will need to stay off map until all the reinforcements in that group are able to enter.

SPQR Charts & Tables Stacking Chart Rout/Retreat Movement Roman LG/CO/HI Moving Through Different Color: Should be: “Allowed, with 1 Cohesion Hit to the stationary unit” Roman LG/CO/HI Stopping In Different Color: Delete “No Penalty for VE units” Roman LG/CO/HI Stopping In Same Color: Add to end “No Penalty for VE units”

Shock Combat Results Table Column 13, die roll 3 result should be 2(3)

SPQR Deluxe Scenario Pack See the Map section below for the battles that use the Zama map.

The Battle of Heraclea Initial Deployment The Roman units face south, not east.

The Roman Left Wing Cavalry setup as follows: Units Hex(es) Left Wing Cavalry V RC, AS/XIV RC (a-c), 2205-2208, 2105-2107 AS/XV RC (a, b, EX)

Epirote Army The Epirote units face north, not west.

The Battle of Ausculum The setup diagram has an extra SK in the Epirote Skirmish Line

Initial Deployment Roman Army Left Wing starting hex should be H2003

The Battle of the Trebbia River Initial Deployment Roman Army Add the following: Line AS/VII CO (e-i) 3430, 3432, 3434 (two per hex, except for 3430) AS/XIV CE 3438 AS/XIV CO (g-i) 3436, 3438 (two per hex, except for 3438)

The XIV TR (a-c) deploy in 3630-3632

Map Key: Minor River should be Stream; Major River should be Minor River.

The Battle of The Metaurus River Roman Setup: Note “a” is a = See the Roman Leadership special rule below Add – Triarii to the Line Command Eligibility Chart

The Battle of Ilipa Maps Use the Cannae and Zama maps as follows: • Zama is the left/west half, Cannae will be the east/right half • The Zama Rampage compass should be in the upper right; the “Cannae” Map title is in upper left. • Fold the Cannae map back along xx03/xx04 hex line, so that you have, e.g., all of 1404 but only half of 1304. • The folded Cannae map is now placed over the right side of the Zama map so that the first row of full hexes is covered; when finished 3801 (Z) should lead directly into the next hex, 1404 (C). • Ignore all terrain on both maps.

Zama hexes are listed with a “Z” prefix; Cannae hexes with a “C”. Use the compass on the Zama map for direction and Rampage.

Roman Command: Treat the Iberian SK as Velites for the purposes 4.42

Line Command Eligibility Chart: Add the Tarentine LC to the Legion and Alae Cavalry line Carthaginian entry #3 should be 3. Medium (MI) and Light (LI) Infantry

The Battle of the Great Plains Initial Deployment Roman Army Right Wing Cavalry I RC (a), AS/I RC (a, b), AS/III RC (a-c) 2028-2033

The army facing directions are reversed – the Romans should face SE and the Carthaginians NE

The Battle of Magnesia Line Command Eligibility Chart: The Roman entries #2 and #3 should have a “*”

Maps The hex grid on the Zama map has been reversed over that in the original. The effect of this is that the facing directions on the setups are reversed. To correct this on battles that use the Zama map, reverse the facing directions given in the setup. For example, if the Zama map is used for the Bagradas battle, the Carthaginians are faced Northwest and Romans face Southeast. For the Zama battle, the Romans face Northwest and the Carthaginians Southeast.

For players that prefer to use the 2nd Edition map orientation for the Zama battle itself, the setup hexes are given at the end of this document.

SPQR Counters Counter Sheet #1:  The 8 Rout markers should have “Rallied” on the reverse side  Surus should have a MA of 9  The Philip V counter should have a white background

Counter Sheet #2:  The AS/XIX TR b unit should have its designation repeated on the reverse side.

SPQR Scenario Pack Counters Counter Sheet #2:  Green Numidian Archers #8-12 should have a type of SK  Green Numidian #1-4 should have a type of LI  The four Scorpios used in the Muthul River battle should have a Movement Allowance of 3 on the front side. The back side is with the MA of 0 indicates that the unit is in Fire Mode.

ZAMA Setup Using the SPQR 2nd Edition Map Orientation CARTHAGE Leaders Hex(es) Hannibal Barca (OC)+Surus Anywhere Hasdrubal Gisgo Anywhere Hanno Anywhere Tychaeus 2008

Skirmish Line Balearic SK Slingers (1-7) 2415,2418,2421,2424,2427,2430,2433

Elephant Line African Elephants (1-16) 2307-2337, odd number hexes only

Left Wing Cavalry Numidian LC (1-5) 2106-2110

Right Wing Cavalry Carthaginian HC (1-5) 2135-2139

Mercenary Line Celtic MI (1-10), Ligurian MI (1-6), Balearic Med MI (1-2), Mauritanian MI (1-4) 2112-2133

Levies N. African LI (1-6), Carthaginian MI Levies (1-16) 1912-1933

Reserve Line African Phalanx (1-5) 1518-1519,1520-1521,1522-1523, 1524-1525,1526-1527 Bruttium HI (1-12) 1512-1517, 1528-1533

ROME Leaders Hex(es) Scipio (OC) Anywhere Masinissa With/adjacent to any Numidian cavalry unit Laelius With/adjacent to any Legion or Alae Cavalry Two Tribunes (2), two Prfct Soc With/adjacent to any infantry units

Velites Line I VE (a-c), X VE (a-c) 2920-2930 even number hexes only AS/I VE (a, b), AS/X VE (a, b) 2916,2918,2932,2934

Hastati Line I HA (a-d), X HA (a-d) 3021,3023,3025,3027 (two per hex) AS/I CO (a-e), AS/X CO (a-e) 3017,3019,3029,3031,3033 (two per hex) Recruit CO (6) 3013,3015,3035 (two per hex)

Principes Line I PR (a-d), X PR (a-d) 3221,3223,3225,3227 (two per hex) AS/I CO (f-i), AS/X CO (f-i) 3215,3217,3231,3233 (two per hex) AS/I CE, AS/X CE 3219,3229 Recruit CO (8) 3211,3213,3235,3237 (two per hex)

Triarii Line I TR (a-c), X TR (a-c) 3419-3424 AS/I TR (a, b), AS/X TR (a, b) 3417-3418, 3425-3426 Recruit CO (8) 3413-3416, 3427-3430

Left Wing I RC, X RC, AS/I RC (a, b, EX), AS/X RC (a, b, EX) 3136-3139, 3036-3039

Right Wing Numidian LI (1-4), 2906,2908, 2910,2912 Numidian MI (1-6), 3106-3108, 3007-3009 Numidian LC (1-10) 3101-3105, 3002-3006