Press Release

Statement from the League of Cities and Towns Regarding Passage of the American Rescue Plan:

“Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns extend their gratitude to Senators Jack Reed and and Congressmen and for their efforts to secure essential aid for our local governments on the front lines. Additionally, the National League of Cities has been a critical advocate for our communities. The Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns worked closely with NLC and the Congressional delegation on language in the bill for states without county government, like Rhode Island, maximizing aid to our cities and towns.

Throughout this pandemic, our community leaders, first responders and local workforce have worked tirelessly to protect our communities from COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan ensures that our municipalities have the resources they need to continue the fight against the pandemic and the ability to vaccinate residents and staff without burdening taxpayers.”

Statement from North Providence Mayor Lombardi, President of the R.I. League of Cities and Towns:

“For the past year, cities and towns across Rhode Island have been working around the clock in the fight against COVID-19. Direct aid to municipalities will support our efforts around vaccinations, continue to provide residents with services, and lessen the tax burden on our residents. Without the American Rescue Plan, many communities would be facing very difficult financial situations. I want to thank Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressmen James Langevin and David Cicilline for their tireless efforts to make sure direct aid to cities and towns was preserved.”

About the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns: Founded in 1968, the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns is a municipal membership organization that serves as the unified voice of local government in Rhode Island. Learn more at


March 11, 2021