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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-21-1900 Carlsbad Current, 04-21-1900 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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syndicate that are organised to develop pushed'tit in and closed the door. (Laugh the l'lilllpnlue (.lands, Applnuts. tor nnd applause, i Tho question that lint, my frluinls, lm.v Is ho g'HiiK tnslinrr aroro In my mIM was, who told him so. We arc Not the Only People Tlmt c (Laughter. ) When n man tells mu tlmt wlHl it will eost us? Wlm nti tell tho Keep Plrst-Clt- Goods (tod'H 1 WHt nln wnrtif eniiiiiMt'." Who onti tall It ta will ilnnuHl tn know when t 1 (lod tnld l nt en. (Ap(iluuiM wlim u will nm 1 funqiier nml Imlil In iHibjivtl..ii eiMlit ihIIHihis t Mnlayi, xovrn 1 want to ki nw when nml whnro tho But Wo Keep What the ? SALOON Umts4iHl ihIIvs nit.v Iroiti our sherr, revelnlleii ws mle, if lie K"t u from CARLSBAD nuineboilj- eiec, I want in know Iroiu Mwiunxi nver iwi-h- linmlrvtl lnlnmls, People Want! lleiiia uiHlcr n tmpleui sun nml lliilitlna wliniii in nr i h a 1 nmy iienmml the imtii's emiejitMl. ( A i from tliw urHH'iinii f ih Jhukic, nrni tititie. Ilosi Vnlloy, CuniiilUn Club. ML Vmxoa nnd b e DAIM'MLD CANTUULL, Proprietor. 1 believe lu iIihI; I wbn i?ii tell Ihhv .fun we Will llRVH III ueuerK that lie muiiy other brnnUs of rirat-ihi- tfqtinra ( ohHetiei-rnvnt- Km UhiurIUs ami purev reiatthti Wti onn toll 4K w men; hut I am mil wiIiiim tn blame (iml AT THE ) 3 imw Una it will he Iwf.irM iliey will fall tit ferwiNnsT UiuhmIU hhiI m 4 ? wltli mir lifm iHilllnry guverii-niwi- t? liirarvr) amy purimee iv 1 2m$ iliei i men. It feel in my hontt nu linpol.o in liquors, Ah, my ineniU, nm wh 4 Central Saloons S I CIOARS, it wilt my inust rhow first ttnw iiiimli ilo KiitMi, I will Imce It In (Imi. II I feel in s s) my heart nu impulse ln wrmiK t will cash aoons. iiiniiay w will hniiI, unit limn Hit nitiat KitMP iV, WoiuiNKit, I'mprleforfl, i nhnw ymi Imw m in llrM it will cost, nml lint blame him. It 1 feut in my heurt hu - my ImihiI then hu imi-- l IHI yu Imw iiuiuli n UN- Mi IiuiuIm tu put in ui) leteket mid II somebody w.ifili Wti.n 1 o yi It will im)' lis mnst tHkf Hi) immey ami give tn in TV tllstriw, I a'lli the (inpulee in (IihI; TTT VTT TTVT i (Hit n iiitiiy vnlnu iihiii Ainerlenii tme L If 1 leel In my IiId. Ilpubluuii 1 Uirn j mi lu put ii hut lienrt nn iiniult tn put lummy entile mi mi Amartfuii lltol my haml in enme miter pf"h'i pm'kvi teku Ins 1 will nut lay omn we mutt nuimltlle in-- uteideni lime n nlld mono), It npplRiieo.l When boy illus tliu Aimmhi) ; Uieru is mmiuvr nnl fello.v Ijmsauki) iinilereinud BRYAN ON llm I'hlllplno don't tor liberty, hu imiiliur tliaiik (Imi tlmt tnnt 1 win In) It mi. (I.nughter iitul np- - free itM(li, tlmt wiihii they rend anything hIih int. iKinm it eon (or so iinbit) it ancri- - piattMf.) i iiHunnu it cuioriii man nnee wm )' loud (if rluektiu, (Inuglneri III tliU wgnnut t io president, tlco, but whure u n imuliDr wlm will runr who REAL ESTATE AND enld wmiilf) btltuot nlwa)s muidlul nl the imiiuiiinuiI-meutH- t IMPERIALISM thwy aapioethe prMldeht miiel Imi iii n miiis in extluiiK" for nrlatitni trat'w at su ami he sam Hint when ho pr)ed or else he iml1u't penult that nine h n homl .pplnudo In Uim in Msntl him n tlili'Kuo, (lul seliloin minority illd it: tint Hint when hu pra)eil tn INSURANCE. I 1 expand thlug to bo oil J. Ihaurhter. U in I want trade. wnnt In nur (lod In nMni lulu alter n uhlvkun, lie ut Froni His Sjfccch at in rtiiioviphy t.r u? wihh this rnoe triulu by poneotul inontu, but 1 wutihl not wuysgotii (Lnugiitcr.j I belnvi Extracts put otio Ainerldiiti buy nn mi Himtuiii blnek thu rupu'jiic.ui pnrty him pritwHl to (Iiki i . I ouitite lino ounutci witn nu inreriiir men It (Laughter i 1 ami lilm fur nil Ihtt trnilu of the world aenil ulter iti'liickeu. AlboqUCrqUC( Ajirll 14. that does not understand free speech, tlititi .ell bolluvu (hut It has nlmply yliilii to teuiti. (Applnuao.) Ami yut tho mnii who snys Temptntioim will The Wo havo a of tliem up una miming tutloix ionic largo list of choice ranch, farm Instead lifting It will pay mutt bo prepared to figuru with bible tells umlmt IVO0. years ago, the dovii llieui to understand freu tneieli. wu nro psncll how iiiueli thu boy Is worth. look the tinvior up nu it high mntiutnlu and town property. lo be denied free speech lieeauso they nnd poinlwl out nil tho Kingdoms nt the THE DIFFERENCE Thuy sny that thutu liisntli will fiirnlih oiirtli end their glory nml m(eml tliPiu m Applause J oau't uudarntmiU It. Iiiiiiim for our surplus popuhiilnn. Think him If ho woiiiit fall down nml worship belli I me I n nt In illttliiLMitKii between fixtinn- - ot It; sixty peoplo to tint squaro tnllo over lilm; but Chrlet snlil "get tint in Imperialism and Expansion . S'llun;" tmt wlii'ti the riMuiiillrHU lemluis Octwccn d )int,0tH.,u, H.i.oblloMM try tbtiro now nml twuuty penpiu to thu wpinru wero tnkuu up on n high mountain nnd Fully mcusca-n- is Argumcni i , U(ili th word expansion. They iiilU hetti. I.HURtilor.) iMirnisli humes shown the rinlipplnn ulanili, instesil of me, thoi Convincing. ., we mv ,,(.,Hmed iu tho Yt.i, tor our surplus populntlnn '.' Why, my suylng "tlettlK hataa," pnt. hniittxl up the monarch, ami siid McLenathen & Tracy. when it It possible fur pfoplo In Af tor discussing tho money and host my friends tills government ha expnuJ Inunil, "wu will uIvk )ou 92 30 npieeo for tho p i irifly from tliu l'ltlllpplno Islamls Filipinos," iLaughtor and applnuio long for orer nn hour, Mr. Jirynu eu. Tin nauni, un eeenrrn rmmgiiuu. quettiou in the I'nltwl .States, nml front the United eontluutHl ) Carlsbad, New flexlco. and said: territory, territory nunuuie inr eiiiiurui 1 tn denounce this doctrlno that branched olf on Imperialism HtitUM to thu I'hlllpplno islands, there want lmvo by AuierloaU ami tlmt lie lerrt- - (lot) 1ms seltn teil the republican party to my friends, if we imperialism people, y 1 llut will lm imirt) MMnyn oomtiig In this coiiu-ir- wage In Ills muni' ii wnr nt imminent If we Iiavm i ha. milled nml bollt 1 we ihr.ll have mllitarlsmi. lory bren opinio to lrin Umlr orlwiliM Imblts nml wmi-ls- t) ny 1 believe lu Onil. will not iieii) Htillay Hint reaches out by force nnd states) but when we expanded Here- - with American labor than theru will tlmt there limy lie prophets y, ilul tliulrnuhle Is tn lull the trtm propln'tt nnwlllltia enbleots. It lufbre we Imve osteudel the limit of H bo going over thuio tu tho nt'isteryi that today reaton and force Ul PM aeaewwe ih.flni.' r m I Amuih'fttH (rum the Inlnu nuei Hie bible tays tlmt nte of 0100,000 or moro In eleetlng ur, will be neaossnry to havo it large ittmy lo republic. .Now wo ntn inked, not to ex tropics. Oilier mitluiis Intvn tried it. fiilxu nroiihets will nrle. nml It tells us stnnd face to fnco, nnd thnt npon the do Clnrk wss warranted, but at tho same as pnud the of n republic, nut to n has Hie lilnml ot Jum.uo.i soulhoatt how to illttlngulnh the false from Uio true Ion of till question will hanir Hie keep those people from making faoes Hall It says "by their fruiu ye ehAlt knnu qut time I havo no duabt that Mr. Daly will I oi hero. Tuero nro (JOOOO blarK pcoplu they swallow benevolent assimilation. plie to nil luiporifti destiny nml convert n them." And II you wnnt to know wheth- Hon whether this nation will build for spend it least 81 tn prosecuting Ibero itlonu, nml Iimh tlmti H.iWO whltos. er man Is spunking with tho voire nt (imi eternity or sink to the low level of the I Atiulnuse.) I republia into hu empire. lApptaote a tbe case, I want to say, alto, that I do Tim .Sothcrlnndi h.tvo controlled Java wncn no you or our ueuevoieni rem-- f tmllous hnve gone to decay, Tell mo m tens that questtona can no no uoi ueoeivcu. iiivro hi I'hllippltiu seo If not believe Mr. personally oog-nlx- sut Anil therefore llieie ihwiuik for iKW years and (huro nro 'J6,0UO,U00 of nu toward tho Ulnmlt, tnnt you want the glory of nn empire! Clatkwas Im- - like I lint which we now are asked hu has noted with thu spirit in his trout, tronted togethur) If we don't hate the print brown pcoplu unit less than 00,090 of Why, for n hundred ytnia this natlonjhas of the manner in which tho money we navo nna tncntut the American people (Applauso.) rnveled the pnthwny thnt leads from the nerlallsm. they onn't Jollify large arm?; toembatk upon. Heretofore Kuropenii blood, iipnlti tins coutrollod 'fhero may bo prophets, but you will pnr was used." ur, Clark says ho .Intends to 1 low domain of might to the loftier realjt if we do have Imperlalliin, you will nerer no expabilon that xepitrated oitunii Into tliu l'hlllpiilnus fur UU0 yuurs, nml yol ilnu me It 1 express it as my dellborato get vindicated, but that Is all he IU. per I opinion Hint when (lod gels ready lo speak f right, ami I would not trado Its hlttory when we hare n smaller army two claine. Heretofore whm penple nro less lO.liOOMpatiUhrcalili'uU at Is see the day thera than to mo American people nn win cuooir for nil the glory of nil the empires thnt this time. There little or no donbt than we hats now. There are some wbo I Imre oomo In thry linreoome lit t'i Mint out ut lO.OU'J.OUO ot penplo. Knglnnd has somubnity else besides Mark llaunn n hnve rlten nnd fallen sluae time began. that the senate will endorto the report, of inuuiu-plcc- npplau .LI. ...L.I nn .inht in rii.nnia the thediitliiy of till untiuu. ThU U thu itiiinlnulud InUinturncentuty ami n hull, his (Laughtor nnd Applause., , the committee, If Mr. Clark's resignation, IDIDK IIIKI . . . L su.) '.. ... al and thero ato only lOO.OOu puoplo of llrltltli (Continued ru-x-t week) qneitlon.!,...,while the Jar lasts, nr tirnn Hint wo.iwt ueen torn1. inn. we does not make a vote nnnecessary. Had 1'hlllpplns birth out n( ISW.OOO.WO there, aud it takes n llow are we to find oat nod's wlllf From on tnntt arose an ooenn, conqur n people. horrid Ills ot depression, mclan tho report been to expel Mr, Clatk n two-thi-rd I want to read yoo eometmng this llrlilth nrmy vf 70,000 to take enru ot that hts own word; and I rend that when be Thua drair them undtrour fluff and then tell chuly, low perils, aud eudilen Irritability, vols would have required tw abieot. 100,000, nml it tukes n nnilvu nrmy of 140,. vWltod a village ut Hamaria, nnd the pen been theut they arc nurer to bo ultlri.ui, but that sometimes nttllct even good-temper- as It declares bint n.l before resdloir this to jod I want 000 to hulp tliu llritltli nrmy of 70,000 tnku plu refused to recolve Hint and dli- - adopt it, hut simply with Ills people, is duo to tho blood bolng permeat you the rspubllonn party are to bu subjects, nuJ to be treatml IW.iXXloI Htiropuiiu birth, who rldn not entitled to n seat, a majority vole to reuilud that oareol alples wanted to call down fire from ed with black bile. llKUllt.NK will purify policy Imperial kindness by our people. Applnu.e It thu 300,000,000 pooplu tliere.i nnd if you will adopt it, There Is pottlblllly that ! tryiiiR to adopt the of henen to cousumH them, Christ rebuked tho blond, restore health and cheerfulneiH. is the first lime it him ever been propos- think tlmt the people of ludla lovu thu Mr, Clark may forestall notion by resign- ism without first aikloK the opinion of them nml tnldt "Ye know not what man Price CO cents. For Sale at Kddy Drug ed, And what defenoe doyou hour nindt HiikIUIi gnverntutint, Just remember that ing nnd seek Atnerloan pvonle upon this sabjsot. r Hon Man Co. reelection. the In Atrion lie of spirit ye nre of. The of wss eteolvd In 1810 and of it f Well, I hnru henrd tlueu dsfeni whou tho war brokoout South Itepretentatlve Catching, ot Mitt., ( This couRress Kuglnml hud to for vnluutuor nt homo onme into the wnrld not to dettroy rnen'n was elroted the treaty first, theru is tho llnanalal aruumrul, tbnt call Washington Letter. one of tho dsmocrats who think that the when this oooRrcu became she auto not Inxu the suldlors out lives but to save them," That Is tbe Watnlnglon. April in, 1000. Senator may bo Hpeak-In- g of praoe had no! bsen slRtied. The tree, the Huvlonr. Against In titkst llryan nnd Dewsy, otlmlln. Applnuiu.J doctrine of the Jones, ohntrman of the demooratlo nation peace bttwein this couutry and conquest I want to ot that probability ho said: "I feet tyof A muti iiatutHl Morrison bas roccntly ferual doctrlno of al committee, who has just returned from fjpalu was sinned on the lOlhdtty of Do- - the himself, sure that Dewey would accept the vice writhMt n book in Uotetiiu ot the Knglith place the words ot Matter New York, ridicules tbu story that the oemfer, n month after the election of the over save. presidential nomination, and think that Biivcriiiuonlot India. Ilobnd been that He came not to destroy but to democrats who are behind and the iueillou of lov for years, ami I was luicrus Is what he is working for, Ilo oottaloly pieunt oonnrtsi, Uii'tu nine Applause. Dewey's candidacy, wouU get n Dewey nutlMnin had never been submitted to tod in roailmg lu tho book that liu won must appreciate tho faot that ho oauuot I rend n sermon nut long ago, delivered delegation seut from New York to the people, Yet republlaans surprlteil that nltbuugh England has get tho nomination for president front theAmetlonn by a man named Drown in Itoohester, M Kansas City convoutlon. Ho says that tell yoo you dnre not say a word In con- uivuu to the neonlo of ludla frciMtom of llryau,whote selection It absolutely as- n ol Y. He took for bis text tho words which Dewey's candidacy will out no figure at demnation of the policy of the adminis tin nraM tlmre Is not nutlvo Journal sured, At present no ono Is named foe tlmt defends tbu Hugllih govern deiorlbn tho scene where Christ was be nil In couuootlon with tho demooratlo tration: that you shall hnve this policy tntluoiieo second place who would command ae ment; mill that the leroolty ot thu peoplu fore Pllnte, where l'llato snld to him nomination for president) that Col. fattened upon you and that ersrybody many votes as Dewey, nnd, in fact, no whs ospeeiuily murkeil among thu odu "Kuowent Thou nut that I have power to Ilr)nn will ho iinmlnated by aoclamatlon, who likes It shall be allowed to say amen, one is seggetted whose name Is unlvtr-sal- ly cstod classes. Why of ooutsu, tlto moro reteate Thee or put Thee to death." Aud his opinion is shared by practloally but that those who do not llkii It must nooepted, Uryau nnd Dewey oaa educnted u man is tuu moru ho hnlos for Taking the text, he contrasted force aud all thu democrats in bulb branches of keep still. It Is a new dootrlne In the lAppinunu. ten defeat Mr. MoKlnley without n ques- elun ili.inlimtlon. iou love, l'llato represented force) behind congress. In said, althuugn your cor United Mates, It l a new dootrlne that mu we nre going to the rniuppinu If tion." that him was (Jaiiari behind Cietar waa the respondent does not vouch for It, that jouoanuotoritlolse n public servant or n lilsmlstooiliientethotu people? 1 wuru ttepressotatlvo Talbtrt, of 8. O., ben Komen government, and behind the Dewey's backers have n lot ot money to party In power. And for the benefit of vuit tlmt it we ito theru to hold tuu in lu a habit of saying pertinent things wblok wo nut euuoato...tiiom Itoninu government weie the legions of ute In buying the support of country tho.e republicans who hare been mukm subjotitlou dare are somstlmes Irreverent, for instance 11 we go tnoroto ueny to Sumo. Ueforo 1'IUte, helpless and atone, democratic papers, In order to try to remarks about men who prntent IAppmuiw.l when Itepretentatlve Hteele, of Ind,, who abnilve the duolrlnool self goverutnuut, wo stood Christ, tireaohlne tbe gospel of make It appear that there Is n strong want to read an them boasted of being a farmer, said, in ans- aaslnit ImuirlstUm. I mu tuJicli roud nnd to think triomphed. They nail Uru them lo love. And'foree democratic sentiment In favor of his wer to a by xtraot from napeeoh tnnds by Abraham BO V. I. tmut. own tfeolnra question ltsprstsntstlM because thuy will rwni our ed lllm to the tree, and tbote who be nomination. There le one draw-bac- to Llnoolnwhen he was in the oouurtis of us its thoy can Rlobardton, ot Tsnn,, that be tsliest nun of imluiiumluneu tuou tioved in the triumph of force stood this scheme that will kill It; The coun- United States the war with tbsre is money in iti then there Is thn re Appmusu. II you think tlmt Ku-gla- "corn and wheat, cattle and bogs," Mr. the darlu: read. arouud nnd tnld,"lle It deads" but th try demooratlo editors, although mottly lxloo. The war had bsen in proarsss ligious argument, that (lod is in It, and went to lmlla to hI urate, let me Talbsrt threw the boute Into laughter by Kuglith mlnltter pointed out from that day th poor men, nro not for sale. In faot, the twenty nml Abraham Mo-c- ol then thsre li the pulltlssl argument, that tell You the n. inr 160 years of adding: "The gentleman will also rem (or months )et power of t' waned the power of Chris country oountry havo a polloy of we are In It and can't net out. Laughter domlnutlou less than one per cent ut the editors of this bell In Indiana," n made a spetch against the Increased, pointed out haw in a fow nuy women ot India uuit read aud write, nnu lie rtcord for Incorruptibility that any class Benator-elea- t the nretldrnt. When I rsad what Lincoln and applause, I hnm nerer heard Hlaokburn slxss ap the - per eont ot the entlru popu the Human government was gon bo of. They ray other aroument, ami I wilt venture the an- es than live jeate of men might welt prond political outlook thotly: "In my congress- aid 1 feel that I hnw not llisd up to wont there to while In yoo takn of Utlun. it you think the aud Its legions forgotten! the are constantly Imposed npon, nnd give ional axporltnoe of 35 years I have opportunities In the way of otlllolam. lie sertion that If will tie spwh 150 uevei CbrittUnlM, let mo tell you that alter fluenoe of the Matterlnareutes with each more for nothing than any other set of ih hi nml at an Imcerlallit aud onslyxe It you will flud known a Congress in the control of elthef .in...... ...I. yean ol gunpowder gospel less than otio day tak will come under one advancing year, until millions to meu ou earth) but they very rarely ssll parly that made as many polttloal blun- this war Ilk the blood of lias! Is erylng that all his argument cent of mo people protets the uiru-tla- u Is money ler Ills nam with reverence upon their lips, Ihsmtelvet, ders, we wipe out heaven against him." That I pretty of those this hesds, that thers religion. (Applause.) If can't tbe repub- to And then the mlnltter said that In this Secretary (lege having shown by figures cevsre. And In another place speaking in It, that Cod is tn it, or that wo are lu It N.i. my Irlemli, you oauuot aiivocato lics In November on the blunders wade nation I'llnte and Christ stand fsos to aeut to tho house, In answer to a reso- fifty ot the president he says: "And this shows and can't get out. imperlalliin on the ground that It will pay; thus far by the sixth oongrsse we Is nn the ground that fsoe, and that upon tbe decttlou of till lution, that tho war taxes can be reduced ought to go out business. have that the president Is in nowise satisfied Take lbs money argument, that ther you cannot ailvoeate it of They . we go to educate; nut tnwo is an qatstlen hangs tbe question whether Ibi at least BIU.UUU.MSJ a year wltboat em- - tbe with his own position. First be takes ap money In it. It is the lowest itigunir' there made limes of Imperialism, tslltiat argument that has been urged: 1 believe nation will stand bstore the world as th barratlug the government, tho dnaooia nm. end In trvlnj to aruae us Into It he ever msde In defease of n huIiII pulley. Ism and trusts exactly to oar liking, lev It lias had inure luMueue than thu money exponent of brute force or stand as au tie Intend to try to make tbe re- uat of H." That U pretty The argameut of dollars ami aenU, tk leaders deed, It they bad diltbsrstely started Ut argues bltsielf argument and that Is the religious argu- uplifting power love. argumsntthal is blind to ethics and only example of th of publicans tell why they will not sgreo to to make good Job of It for us the harsh it seems to ma to ny ngalust the ment; that (lod Is in it. A republican t Imi4 your (Applause, I believe he spoke th makothe reduotlen at this session. eould not have done Having muldtnt. lint then he added! 'U looks for money, llepobllonns, equator imhI the day that had better. other (ld truth. lApplauee. I believe that today Tto dewecrats of tho hoate made a not where he ha U a bewildeied, party fallen to so low a state that It will ot tbu I'btllpplne Islands, these facts In mind I fsel oertaln thai knows li opened the dour raluht and right are strnggllng for tbe goad fight against tho I'orto Rico bill confounded aud ralisrubly perplexed attempt to settle a question ot o great the republican managers will bastsu lb is rind bat as they eould not prevent republicans the welcome tbej tnanj Uod grant that he may be able to moment by the m stare tif dollars closs of seislon, and swallowing their publlely annoanoed oon-vlotl- Is not sotaatbtnir about cents? Anil yst the man who ntietnpte to day when tbey ean breathe easy again ae) abott that there they looked a few votes and eould painful than all bu settle this question lu that way, nnd wlm far as eongrets Is conoernsd. For lata his oenseituos mote W. A. KERR not defeat it. Tho abomination has been mental nerplaxity, ' ssys that It will pay, has upon In in tho roaion I do not believe any effort wist tatsvtt signed by Mr. MoKmiey nnd the respon- made New that Is what Llnaolu said against burdsn ot proof, to show first huw bo to force the ship sabtUy but sibility ut the republican party for it . and yet you know lbs peo-- we will spend, and sseondly how tnuoh we DP.AI.lllt through. The republicans are not look-- the jiresldenti Is now compute. sleeted that same Lincoln president will get. lie mast show that ws will get IBB IN Ing for more trouble, unless tbey hove, pie The action of the senate committee on at isrweids. And there are more money than we will spend or It won't gone crasyi and I don't believe tbsf twelve years eleotlons in deciding by a unanimous nnhllains now wbo think that be was a payi aud thin we (suit show that the tneu havs." vote that Senator Clerk, ot Montana, was man.only that He didn't have the wbo spsnd the money we spsnd will get great not entitled to the srat ho holds, Is con- - these inodsrn conditions. the money we make. Ue cau't show Qenera) Merchandise That 1 lleadaxhe bsnsfitot sldtred more of n condemnation of Mon hrobblnt Ah. mr frlenJs. II will be a sad day either. He can't show we will get back tana politleal methods than of Mr, Clark Would quickly leavoyoa It you used Df. we If be eould show tit-ferer- wben the people of this nation are not more then spsnd and Klng'o New Llls oi a personally. Senator l'ettus spoke tbe l'illi. Thousands to oiltloUe servants. that, be can't show thai the men who have proved matchless able ihslr public It many their aiitt money we sp.nd will get baek thoughts of of his coUesgues wben tor sick and nervous headsebea. Thty will be a sad day wben eyery set at every spsnd the FA.NQY OROOBIilBS f 1 beseldt "I havo mere retp.ot for nr nnMlj eariant cannot b bicmiht before the money that eemes from an aperlsl make pure blood and balld np j oar beiM. Clstk than I have tor those wbo bars Only M mpoey of publlo opinion. I teed a polio. Tbe expense will eome from all A SilfiGIALTy. centl, lata It noLewtl. tbebac biro'bouuJlDg blra, .1 do sot think the Sold by ail druggists. apetch lb other day la which a, mta islj tbe psojlt-t- ba losome will ootue to the sBSSBSi IT MUBT BE M'KINLEY. fl HIS palatial new rwort nollclU the THS CURRBKT. patranngo WM. II. MUI.1.AXR Eclipse and The Tfnat MnKBii(ri Arn Kn'Uflril of thopeoploof Ciithlnul Wmdmills! Star. VIth Their HertrnKi. nnd Kdily. txinnty, ifiinrAnteeliiir omclal Paper ot Eddy County, " bo MotClnloy?" nukii n ootirtooiu trontmont rind nrto)OM rrrvlce In referring to tho pntfftkmlhU THE nil teapeetv. Wn Imbdle oulf HeVTirtat of nil Well Casing and Piping. nomination to bo nmdo by the ltpnb hlnila of refresh in rliui. 1'or family or niedl-c- llrrn eonrentlon which Is to lie held hi iiaetlw renonned J. H. Senroy WhUky is i'hllfldelphln In .turn. The umiwer AfKii.m two. Saloon, iinoxcrlli'd. a lu veleotlnn by the V. is. kh'-ernm- stMir tlwt every Mttttenl obeerer Mflin tin Parlor Galvanised iy thu V. S. Murlnt- - lloapltnl will Tin nl and Oer-ia- hi ImelneiM w4ll irkrv Ik that lent IfJ'. Vn liundle MlierwoiHl I'nrtf arnHI.V-- t't i"--' ... . It loiiKt be on. nlt'i 1 il ""' . . et Ur ' mutitM . SronWork'. Hie reNMH for the Answer in net j. V. CONWAY, I'ye, the and liiflli"t prieed of thla mhI Hti ulAee of good on iti . t order. Imiil to IUkL. Unrk llnniin tin nkel Iron hulli - Proprietor. nlwmld risiorns Oilier trtllt IIINRtMll'M wIhi nwnn ,1 Me- The Pour Socttoit ltnnetfi(L n it :2 Utvr anil and prtuur prior. j lvloley'M imiiiliiiHloti nmi eleeilmi In I'.t Htltli'il 'he .! icrjt i' 1"W ore MiilMlteU tilili lln le ( 'crrtl'"i riii. mi. Aasatvmi 0. . Ky.. iwi. TIump al II II. I TO .J.awT.m convt-nti.'i- i held m Al'impi" qu, the l.a v.. iHml l.ll'i nil I' i.f TMt VliAliiii McEwan, U Tirana H Tracy i l mm I relrrim tiruent f, Murine following resolution, in m l iiitf. w.i J that he tu pltutile iwi; tu tlilr! intlmi nt Wniiilnaoiii, If. t'., aiir nna aw . I Urn win . .Ji t! he tv l v. M. i 11 . i i .iini n. J He imMU'MWH mi ; vie"ili, oer rcwl to i" r vrcrr I' . tuali-adliu- t liwi-tnck- v. f.i .' l lMine ; uty Mi-- mmtitnx of limnii ol Aljiunerque, call Ida own, niul li 1.10.4J , t )! f i t Hi Hi" 1. 1! u., voting or tlrynttal ilri'v Irtnil niul It nh'iUM liftl for ii BdTUupliiif, In the plan popular eiiu-m- I - j la eteu winker lliau Hie l Imrii' iii iiil.nt li I lii ihl.iil. 1. uliuni ol tin. iij- ti tier uh'l :l, d louder Hiun W lJT lltn pPop Kildny Win. J. - nment tlixiwiunlc upprnr la r.inln l wltn.njt in m1v, i ktini, nmt tlin tin, wif of H!plf, Laat ovetiln 0i. wmii-i- i .i.ihm- Knrk ittii'. fmr eewir Hi iiiiii nnwiw nun aonrvv w 1 tp.iiti, rm hp muni", n iitru,' Mr!' i Wltllllt In iwiior, in" ni v, uyit UHi' tl!l If. ri ollltl'fl if.fl nr tlH jiiiim f'iin imItwo llrjua united ui Albuquerque. lis DCHTinu er m uie imtiee or rvy .utmiim or tim.itinflni nraii.ia u i nmini niit:niMi"W ciiinmn cau lliw. rii" wniKP ( or i uei IwTf ii w iB.fn i .irii'in ih Ifrrl IttW oliu thv Nuviijo Indian r.....nlHllvtM. 'riinllina !L li.Hnl ll i.lltNl '"C Hi wnufieiunt ihli wn!v Imm tr. )MHn .irlim In AikIiv,ii e niiiiy, nic'iilti til llnmtVdil ti met at Ulflii littlt UHlaiH BlirtA. fa, A la.,..,., fit .il H ilitJV ih" y.iar nwivi, wnh.t Jt,uiv liinxniiu twin I (I"iii'ht .lie p uif'Tin: 1..... I. la uw.ulit lia u raliii .rr..r f ' itMtii twelvM mlwaaoiithof Albuniier- - It. He can Obanae friMtt hi Hi" rmek iiIm.-- . Hmeii,-rUttiaiHliuti'i'a"- . I funtur nt imi ia.v ii' iJ r "IiirIb wllultv, j h. fi;;ARt'T. W I r M jjiouopoltatle whip na iUlelly aa wwiirwwimi. it. t.l" Jllll'llll. kno. wh- know mythlf' Put 't by a reception ooininUtoo mid ii f the H' Inli'Ol.ll IllllllfKlflld - - mm?'? any Hlttieul neroiiai tunt tue wnntry ltlg rHllt tin- that o.- of rni umber of deleKntea nf tho terriUirlal j - with-- 1 tin- gull -- hna evvr mnu. nmi be ean do It Would yon luiTe ten aiid TUB SHMNWHBKLY NIIWS Inw tn ri' nl lour ivil limtiM'J nf h I Mipport n ramity. Ion which hull ooinpieleil t ' mil will not rr eo'i vent )ut n iee yntir In at kjlrl with 11 atdt of lintid-t- n oud ' - out ao much h a vlallile alan of quarter eet Ion hi jMUlH'iw of tin' mixing only hop ot lh- laboMKiid Inairui'ted Ita hIx dele-- ; -- 111 nioeK tr the iU nualin of iinweli'oee. down rlnttia wlii'ti y uuti ael Tlin CURIIHNT IWhlth 1 j to o ure for u XTtU! M4Iim west "i mill oii nwti'in wl'l c cm tn vote for llryatt in tlio national will Ih) McKlnley alu. To eaat Jiie llouniia take youriu" li"iV'f?kiiy' Ufirn It e Hitlt mi V Ttvt ifrwn (Oalniwi, or Dal- - t'Xi'i'pi titular mud nd Mlock u Mr. llryKw honrtled the! tiit tullur lilaile from 9" up inerldun ii..t P4iry nufllnlwit t nukf touveiition, hiifl liable woubl be lal.lnjr tbe rhk of lalI ta iHilillitim nirMli.i ami frlUnyn. 1 au n onimiMn trnnU KiurfiliiilH of urlgittlon from luinily 1, p. m. front the Suutu Fe 11 nmn real inuvicltnua nf Arbnehle'a eoffea nt Wheat', only imio ui ciunt tmaa. niuro Itvlna lor a iccial nt Itetlltiz with ire upeetal itepMriiiK'iiln tlin Urnier. tlio 'trtrt-anta- , such Irani In continue In lit ,'yeron whlah hn had rhldon trnin Ida own nud the will to net upon them. tnr In town limt lute It. wile anit tlin lx' anilit alrl, Ixwlilim a i spucrai nrw- - itiiMirnifHt I lit hiHitnwii wnd mtlllB tm ii la inaeh to frnin tbe th-r- nil iimiur, Open tit settlement Ulidrr lW tiere 'i'lit otttlf ta lup, Uih ilrat town if Importance Thla loo uieet l'nr mmlm niul nitil e 1110 menu nrtlele, ie. wo oner tho hoiiiiwicokly t Im up to bit uru th llfti of IWdy eouiity. They '. the troat aynilbwte. It woubl U ncnmlly i'lne co effretlve HAl.l.AltlVS fi awn and tlin CuanhMi lor Ii iiKinllm for tlin luw, tttitc rr proving weat of Albitqituniiie. During 11 to u atnklni; mllllnua upon nillllonK oil a low oluulilna ntlf" 01 Hi. mull. Tliu rIvc anienitNt to read ten fri instead of k. i 1', fnlr infii. tide from lelata to 4tottiiuerqite, Mr. liUtlialdeal rvwmly ymi Hirer paper a ecu or 1M imuanin yonr alngle tla diet, and thla inei. I row present mill tltut proper eof dpjH' ond vurr im n tliu throw of Pi tarn V ami M cunts. I'nrnfllo til VUH urn nuiBuimiiij nv. tlantl In your llvu nil at l.ieli iloMt Itrjiui met and oouvsraud with like llntiiiH, who are In polltlea for tliu aulMorittttonntmier. t any kind of DrtiK U. gttttN be oiiaetrd Inl litw pretv ll wtli wtuim to tratiwiot lin remeiiiburiUK niatiy wtiom enu-tlott- a teKutea money that U to b umde. nrv too ioinurl Itnwiiie ui iiii'iu etirut robbura MClpllH Hjc two public liimlnem. Tin)' iMiimlitiuc a majoriiy ' till! ftn'ultilent "f lie had only met iiiim and beiiif; to do. The puupln ol lfiiltly county want no of nar IihIij'ii ipilei nmi lieiihli. Thota Only tenia Ikl of thv iiitfliMjtiit voter and cltUfin . to Ida old frluntle MeKluley to Ida iloumtii. actual aettler p elully pleased meet linn been fultlifnl uivnuectiiiii with the liyponrlto who l(Niln iiluliu Mini liinti hmita of tircwiiiio tO Lit BUOWetl to pl'rfWH of thin ooiiiiiy, and like all olasMM con- - Joseph and tnnatera, nud they nrv actlathxl to con. titli. .ludge LiiitKhlin, Atitnto have tried to dmnai;e tlio lower volley vigil oro cnumxl by tlnxu terrible enemies Imth "mI and litdlffrrvtit cillwim. hud tlniu' blui lu their aorrloe. They will re- Till It til only remedy for tho land tain Mr. PerKiiaaou all of wliuin hu If hulMhntthe lioawell people have of ehllillioiiit wiirnii. Denlrnv mill ny lila tne anuineru VlJIt-MlKl'ill- In tho aria! wint tH tlmiiKlmtuoluuithi'y fHr I'xeal fnrmwi tuatitiir frlriumliliia wltli. Mr. auctire reuuiuiniittou move tliPin wltli WIIITr.'iSfltlUM C question If deleKfltluiia are nliviuly beluu iHNtmi't-m- I laid u(tnlitit tlie lower valley wua ever otlmr oIiim wliun It conini to IiiiiIiibw j hi (tood health, tin 1'rlee (.cute. l'nr mdont government wna rhtht In ISno, wliun ,IJ(4n ,,etrud ud to vote for liliu In the eonveutlou-n- told II would III! vnliitnea and it would Kdily Co. - dwtlliiK and for rftsunt of irmnla'i tmld lio Imtl coutraulud on tin - Drtis it gitvu the pooph- nt Um MlMlHlppt BlK,t after Hint they will anilinr toiteth- lie to Iloaweh, either. 111 tin credit Blvr-- iJiMipiiunii uib ibuho. dliappotirud. Tiw entiu-tr- y and Mtssottrt valloye ntnl the fertile iin, cmti imviiur about er the Inrseat cotuiNilun t'uinl the Lost A .Murlln on I rfllu between l" ' u 'ii 11 of ottttlo ,m,rtl ntlnmlahtlo of tho 111010 than ever niul do their beat te rain eecllnue nUhe western states lina eewi What Ho Would Hare An Id. Jttmp'a feed yard ttd thu O. K. shop. h-- - ld tiy export Uial lh tmttlo limn of hlll,.iP-- ...1.,, llrynn 11 11 quarter section of laml, anaetpliblu ol li WBfli t ,m.t .ir. get by llliemlly illatriii- Itt n complicated erlmlnal ense nil old Finder please lettirn to J). A. Wiggins. lew than do tliomt , 011 utlUK It where It will do tliu tuoat kqou. ruin (arming, it 1 only rlht Unit a thin county rtidiT (,10110fWi ,,t ropvii the onrrtiiK land survoyor wna aubHuiincd to glvo any , , Kew York Newn. iiihoIi vnliie in government laud lie of Ch ive, or in fuel, other run! '' ,. hH (1,.0, nmi wtt, their own Ida profeaalounl opinion hi tho matter. Millions (Hvcn Away, tli.-- , One limn who h n.ihI nHtu,H this U0111 Aa the procfodltnw wure nuotit to be-gi- n glvf 11 in HJ0 to the eltixeti wlio 1111 in territory. i,ntl thcarrlKU to it is certainly grniltjIiiK to the publlo any n dertake to liw on the dry inouiiUltii tu own WXJil to 700) head rendem aUmit tmtvin W,er, iiuurteri worn pro HYPOCRISY EXPOSED. ho asked permission to few t know ol onu eiitieern wliluli Is lint did words, but wna culled to order atornly Irnlil lo be geiier"U4. proprlutnrs mid pmlue of the wmI today. It In one la ten of cuttle, or al iuut the .jw, for lll0 dUtliiBiiUhed aiient. hut The of by told him to wait till I of WM). other urn imld to i old Ufiiutitlrnnn No l.oiiKrr I'rpleiut to the Judge, who Ur Klnv'a New Direotery fur Oot- i- ooHuerded liy Mil who ate uwara of AMPMnient tlrvmi who Ii an "nlaln as ttti pro- . . llu llliiiflulllnlK. lie wna questioned. Tho case then NUinpllmt, Coughs be fully in derelict. Home nv Hie nn-- .. oir.r,,,i t0 coiunroinlio by wink nnd Cnlil. hnvu given the conditions besetting the home Ilurlns xot their umIiI Mtnudnrd bill ceeded. A host of witnesses wore uwny over ten nillllou Irlnl me , - butlleaaiid fault, while oliieri noiu ....1 t,ut poo- 1 - stosiler 01 unlay limt a sec temiorli at ...... MrrviMK Kr, tho beyaud tbe roueh of tone ltuptili- nnd even tho prisoner fre- winner eaon t r .t hnvo tlio sritlsfitctluu of knowing It has la board of wjuuliaullon aliouldrutae .,() w,nornwdcil uround tho our a It hicnu seuntorH who mill claim to bo hi quently was called upon to inako n Man of dry Inml not aiifllclunt to I ciirod thoumimls of hnncloss cmcs. the bimrd had tho Hwer i very fluatitiu u faintly. A qunrter aeullnti owner (aa if lluiMt i,mj a urrliiifH druwn by metnlllata. the Itcimblleuim wore Btntoinunt. Anliiim, llnnii'liltli., l,n tlrlpe nnd all t t - couplo judge will not more than alxteen of aecond alKht.) whlio tlio riuucMT f(ir W,jt. mrM. The crush wna lui- fniuk lu iieUnowltHlKliiK the effect the After n of hours the Throst, Chest nmi Lung iilnanct nro I'tmture ltep tlio old surveyor. "Now, sir, holdatlmt every owner aliouid rouur Mtuj nrdurly thu crowd new law will hevc. i'or Instance, said to surely cured by It. Cnll 011 your DruKfllot, head ofittle, wlillo four iiotlnna will 1,,,,, thotmli you owns na cloae na it j reaemutlvc Overatreot, who wna lu wo shall bo glad to hear what jxntiire 100 U) SOU head Hie yeur uround eviry lioof ho watt stliiiaMit litiiaaslljiu t tcot thronnh. nn got a iron trial buttle. ItcgiiliirsUe 60c i bill when It llunlly pasa have to say on tho wholo cane" bnrKHliiinK to sell Ida lirtitula, llrynn charge of the nud Hl.OO. liver) bottle uuiiruiiteed, The only objection to the four lection weio iiVprybody wna cheeniiK for snld, lu reply to a ques Tlio wltueaa atood up nnd replied; dellvety. If the real eaUte nnu ed the house, huincnteinl, U uiKud on the ground that ramie t)lH ( orntnr wm tired fifter tion r.f itcprfseutatlvc Wllllam.i of Illi- "I only wished to remnrk nwldlo ngo Cuts, woiimls, burns, sprains nnd bruises to pay tnxea hoiih-uti- d onttlo ooiiipuuica would hire cow bo)N oilier property la mi uie Mn wor! of ,lt, Auy mUK mmu, nois ua to whether tho clntiso of tho that I mil quite deaf In my loft ear and quickly heal It ynu apply 1IALLAH1VS ownara are to to purfuct title uml control the coun- tlie oat tie nnd home 1WJ ,)w ,Hul Mivornl tlmea law iimklnp liomls tmynblo In gold rather hard of hearing in tho right. I SNOW LIN 1.MHNT. Price 23 nnd 60 cts. I on a portion each yeur. It only , In all-t- it merely going to ask If I might bo ForSnlo nt liddy Drug Co. try Juil the aauie. Tina la met by the eacnpe 01 rnll0 The next moriilnu (Sntur would prevent their hclng paid wns tliu ' should allowed to Immediately In front of faut that It Ik not neueaaary to allow a quratlon of time wiieu tour dan j, itryuti was llrst seen coiiiIhb ir luturnallomil blmctallisiu sit nil lie aecttrud: tho wltusssos nnd tho prisoner. Up to A Horrible to perfect twenty tinn liouuiateud law win puaa nud from Ida moms In thu Uoiiituerclui lu the future Outbreak. tho acttlur title tor only bo paid In tiow I hnvo not heard n alnglo word of tho land will be tnken up by atnitll ! tho Tliu bonds could "Ot Inrge sores on my llttlo daughter's yearn. Then If a four aectiou luw wna Club. Arrlvluij at the font of - procccdluga'-Lotid- on Telegraph. roIiI. Thla bill holds out not thu alight- tho cnnu 1111 lioldera nud thus deprlvo the inrtio by Mayor N. he ml developed Into n ol sonlil henit" puttscid the country would hooii up atulra hu wns met 0. International bimetallism opportunity of otiKemui; cat liono of writes c. I). Ishlll of Morgnntnu, Tcuti., wutuli cow men tho Mnrron of Albuquerque und sov 1 with actual auttlera who would under present conditions. Bay frank- Arnlcn Snlvo conipltcloy In the cattle bualuei. vlriltora, ho held mi Informal Clilneia Dinner Invitations, but llucklen's fiuudulcut cuitrlea tho name ua the) crat when ly that this bill will malic it practically I - a Uhliiuman Issues Invlhv cured her. It's a gmini at em euro for did lu tho atntoa of tho Mhwmuri mid - - reception irulnir to Ida hotul for bruuk nnd absolutely ImposNlblo over to have "When to dinner." writes r. Hvcn Ho Kozcms, Tetter, Suit ltlieum, I'lmplcs, IMC! the follnwlug blmeinlllHiii nt the rate ur tlons Mlaalwippl vulloya. l'rauda iiKalum March 'JO. tho followlui; little mm. After breakfast luterutttlouul out, ono or Sores, Ulccts nud l'llcs, Only i!5o nt tho 10 to 1." fully oxpoaea thu hypoc dlu, tho trnTclor, "ho sends the Koverniuonl hind litwa uru more editorial was eun talned lu the Keith nrottrmu wo curried out: That (lava beforehand, tiny card of drug store. risy of those Itepubllcuu seuntora who two a today thuy ootthl prnm County .Sews of Ouiikillu Nebraska,! U:00to IIKW-Di- lvo tliroiiKh the city In n huge envoi oummoii than stilted when It waa before tho aonato luvltntlon, contained The delegates to the territorial con by tht present editor of tho 11:00 to 12:80 -- Informal recctitlou ul you ncccpt luvltatlou, you ibly be if the entire wot was taken up thfiii.ruu that the hill contained nothing that opo. If tho vention nro tinder obligations to Judgo tho Club bulhlliitf - are sunnosed to keep tho enrd. If you by ucttmt eettiura, boeause an nottml CUItltHNT. would stnnd In the wny of Intoruatlou- Adams, ublo attorney of Albu -- is, If you decline thut Hutller who piea in ood luith to oh "Cotmreaamtin Hryun waa tho News' 1:00 Luncheon with prominent nl liimotnlllsm.-Lnfayc- tto (Hid.) Jour havo not tltno that scud It back. If querque, for nttentlons In showing tho a home on land will choice lontr iifto Tor vice iireelilent, bat democrats ut Hon. II. II. I'orguseon'd. nal. you nro expected to tain Koverumont week Is lii o'clock, boys over tbo town mid making tho since hi apuech last in ootiKieas 8.00 Ui Addreaa from stauo on tbo banquet appointed for nut ooiititennnee the perpetrution ol the Newa want him for prealdunt lu t:0 you need not g buforo J p. m. visit pleasant. Mr. Adams frequently any tmloou "iiildwuy plalaauco." THE PATRON OF LABOR. fraud)!, tiforo tlniu a 181)0, when ho will tie old ouotiKh." retnurked that while In Carlsbad ho I:!K) to 4:IR-O- pen ulr reeeptlon, kcjupur who puya iIcoiimi will cottnteii Later, the (Ilea of the pupur show n Mnrk llnnnn Says tUo WorktnBroen'a was well outcrtnlucd und ho only tried a- Dinner nt Uie lIlKhland. utiae the aule of liquor by Ida tieich uonttnued rofurenue to llrynn for tia- Unluna Aro Willi Him. to show appreciation. bor who pay no license. It Is it trait proeldonl Then when llrynn visited HKXJto 10AJ0 - Addreaa atOrn house. Mr. Ilmuu'a mighty iitfcctlon for tlio nf hittimti tmUirn to protect ouo'a own tho l'eooa valley In January 18M the 10:00 to 1 1:00 -- For uml ret'i'iiUon ut horny handed cotitlnuo to lulluciico 30 property and imtuudlutaly the fraud Htatdiucnt was made in thla poptir, the Couimerclu) ('lull. his uvery action. Hu declares that labor lenders have becu lu coureronco Lumber Yard Arthur R. O'Qulnn, iihuit inud Krulbor uppeure he is apot-tu- d (the U.iit.MiA I'uiiiiKNT,) that ho After tho speech In tlio opera house with blui lu Wiuhlngton mid that thuy by U10 nutuul settlera. It is onl "hlila fair to reach tho White I Inns which wus one of the Kmatoat onitor NY all opiKiso free Undo with i orto lllco. A. l'HATT, l'rop'r. Dealer in- - Nvhero tlin actual attUrra cannot ex UiiiiikIi only tiilrty five." Tho follow- eilorla ot thu grunt onitor, uitolher mm ItlllVU ii . IIUIIIII.iiitniii.'ui ...... ntittttrorv. 1st on nqtiurter acetlnn that the bl ing full llrymi was noininuted, mitoh Informal reception wns held, Mr. lug ndvoency of a good big tariff for JjUlllbei', Ice and ootnHiuie huvu undisputed away anil to the surprise of many who did not llryatt leavlnir at 12:06 for HI l'uso. that uitfortunato Islnmi. It la truo mat Lath, nre freo front detection, tlnit frnada know Imn. lie will bo elected next Col. llrymi was quite fatigued from nobody but Mr. Ilnntia has aeon or - Sliinglos, are now perpetrated. November by tlio largest majority any Ida work of the day mid left orders board anything of these UU labor loan- Wholesale nnvo ucuu It would ticcm that while there in man ever wus known to rench tho wit Ii the porter to be allowed to sleep era who couiurnui: wim Boors, lilm. It Is likewise truu that the prcal- - 60 much UKltutiuii cniiccrnitiK the presidency. Ho will make a lundel us Ionic u pobslble, tho train lietiiKilne ouldingH, Beer. dunt of tho American Federation oc mummr to dlspoae of tho irront arid president und will he re elected In IlK)t, In HI l'uso at UitO Sunday mornliu Ijilior declares that "you can aafoly. Pickets, Agent tor Rslilltx nnd'j Anhcuier-uuic- a - I whi-:- i ruiiKes of the west, that none will If ha consents to run. If tho Ct'tt- At 8:11 the train pulled into contiur' any statement that Senator Sash, Ktc Ilrowlngcuuipsutct ' tlio 011 use of the liomeieM, the mint editor is not the original llrynn ja, Crucea n hritaa bund with over Ilnuim mnkes about tliu aontimonia 01 honest, thotiKh poor American citizen, man some nf Ida Nebraska friends 1,000 pontile were ut tliu train to meet tliu labor classes lu this country." Uut - thu nmn who has by dllllnmiui and must he, but we believe the (lies of thu (jo 1 llryuti. Though tho bund pluyed It is the fnto of ureatnoss to bo inlsuu- Mii-THCBSOK- 0". T, ecotiumy aavwl auillelont to buy a few Keith County Newa now in this ofllce fur several minutes under Ids window dcrstood and uilsrcprosunted. All that F". may aoy not cnuso oowa mid make a home on the arid will show tlutl to be the fact. It is he showed im sign und an old Xobrus- - Ids detractors will Hountur to abandon tho cause lands of Uih weal, for himself mid possible Mr. M steal f ot the World -- ku friend wus delegated by Die pua Ilnnua Tho I'orto Uleo tariff will go fnmlly. may be nblo show that sengera to him. sleep was of labor. ftruwtNff If the ranuea of the llnrald to awake Ills throiiKh If Mr. llnuua boa to order a west are to bu loused out to outtle syn llryau'a nmua waa lllylng at the mast so sound that it wns with considerable ronunil strlko nil ovor tho United . m A HI 1! dlcatfe, where dues the bulk nf the head of some obeeure country weekly I effort he was nruused. After en States. Chicago Chronicle. Aim UQiiomi iiorwjmiinfi v cltlxeiHi of the Unlied States come In ? I or city dully in Nebraska liafore the I quiring tho hour he wild ho would Are they to be made cow punehera Kelili County Newa, (one of the strong- - j arise und shako hands with na inuiiy Never Learna, far the syndicates? Hut some will Hat supporters ol Col. llrynn) had us he oould but would lint muue a Somo nromlnent ltepublteau baa nn. Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blaclfsmith Coal ooutetid Uiure Is not land enough to Hung It to the breexa. speeoh on Sunday. The people were nouneed that he doea not havo to ccasu go around, if we atuendthe homestead ji 1 j j not Mud hut thu conductor who was being n Uspublleau because his party Inw to read four sietlons Instead of ICQ The Itosweil lleeord is the only jiaper evidently a leiinblicun iiuiImI out und hits drifted from Its principles, ur. iu can bo a Itepubllenu aorea. If thla is the ease why lease in the territory that stilt persists in the people were prevented from meet other words, he he Is a Itepubllean and not be great trusta to syndleutoa und dubbing this town l!ddy. Why la thla? the distinguished orutor. because outtle ing Just cause hu believes lu tbe principles of Dues Croighton Intend to deliberately 151 MARKET, big owner, wlto have already grabbed belore reaching l'uso a committee Itepubllcun party. Ami they usea U. S. MEAT people of thla town who tbe t HHMh free grass that tliey are tnsui-te- d Insult the of clttaena boarded the train mid oou te any the Uotuocratie party aerar If u jioar Imt honeat man aaks for voted tn Have h dlifereut huh.h than reyed Mr. llrynn to the Oreudoiff knew nnythlng before the war and his rights? Then there is abunduiiee Urn name or the county? Ami yet hotel where during the day hu met never learned nuytlilng slnee. Uutte Frush Moats, Suusngo, Giunu, Etc., fniHtltoita around and more than Crelghloti uunta the jtoople of oarta very many HI l'aao jieople The inuaaea (Men.) Miner. WMhl be taken up for tbe next qunr- bud to naaltt Koawell in u ty every wliere reeottntse in Uryan a ..Always on Hand.. ter of a century. New Mexleo ulnae fair. leader of which any people may well I'ulilloltr Utelaas. The Heber Newton thinks that Doli-xroxr- has aHWlent Ui ulnorb the surplus be proud und It Is the opinion of win Iter. Olty. It m tint general sentiment of the publicity la what la needed to removo Xroo Sxrt of populuttun of the Union for the next xervatlve men thut he will be nomi- people of Carlsbad nnd stinoundlng the trust evil. Uut what Is there about -, ton yeare, if u f our metlou Inw was on nated and elected by u larger majority JUIW LOWllNlinUOK- Props, ouiiutry thn county of Hddy It that Is not public now? If cvor a that any preatdeut ever received. On n ojted. With Uie srgtturd often to should have it fair assoeiitUon. I he than innterlnllsed devil went about like years no the train Mr. llrymi whs asked hie roaring lion, the trusta are doing It lu twenty before uequirlng title first permutieut reeidettt of the opinion concerning Dewey la be the matter I because they nro syndloate aau afford to hire oow boys town jet to found who doea not he nlMolutely refused to convoree this country. It ugree with the remarks made In last but iimkini-- themselves so overwhelmingly to flbUilu governmeHt laud, uniesa the g concerning the Dewey candidate. week'" Issue eonc-rnin- the queaiiau. public that the people nro deniuudlug land ottu be uitamuted and that Is one Itosweil only knows tula town when Hngllsh IcNutfr up In their suppression. inuinuupoiii G- - - feature that It would be ad visa bin to there la money in it. Let 11 meeting to Atihl 7th. F. A. RoWtpon- eliminate. Settler should bo allowed be called und an effort made to hold houtii African war wus 30,000 to dispose of tite r Improvements at a fulrand cowboy carnival Not So. BLACKSMITH says Mc- at present, toUnquhtli to the gnveru-mj- ut "The llbornter," President All kinds of nrw worka Bpeoislly ut at present nud all abandoned WHITE'S CREAM Klnley. "will uevej become the op- rnrralng luiplsnieuts or at and A governed people will ui, pressors. self kimls ropslreu, ou short notice. c.iitrJw huuKl be eaneeMed us at ire-te- i VERMIFUGE! never permit deapothmi lu any govern- f Wagon maker. 'Vo euy that the tulelltgouae of u Q4er. - u.ti ment which tbey feater and defeud." HQRSH BHOEINO UUAnAN A mar lean people Is not com pel en I Worms THBJI) AT UOTTOM If that were true, tbe preatdeut would liUal 1 Food nnd Livery to deul with the arid laud quea km, is have adb ml to Ida ortytMl view Is mom: Corral AX1X1 XLT7CBr-XfSfrB- Accommoda-tipnan- ptaetHg u low taitlHutte on our clvtll the aae of rt.rto rieu ana 1001 not in connection. d fraparod JAMES F. BALL A HP. p at rt, aotloit and la equivalent to aeknnwled t Iwve aurrenaered 10 the trust protected Bl 1'' firtiifOUiroIlC satisfaoion, gng that eaie rttrogradtug iDJietd el ddy Drug Co. manufacturer -- &iua City Tlutes. UII10U. 0

Mump on Iht Rtflit Haul Corner feathers of tbo corks have particular Tim l'osloftleo linn to conncoT bashfulnkso, DiUllY AND POULTRY. Palrr Nnt. l)fimrtii)nt unit value, as they aro used for trimming A patent Oer- - out n notice thnt tw person who writ has been Issued In Nothing Think Not at, lint ot Wlml Yoa ladles' hats, and most ot them nro sold many covering a process of condens- 1n letter inlict enreful In plsclng Mota eagle's or llu i.i he INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOP for feathers. The feathers that ing milk by fretxlng nnd thawing It In strtmiw will imi bashful youtiff plrl stop In hwaIIiIc for nny tlclny In transmis- "Tho must oun nunAL rtBADsns. are used for stuffing beds and pillows a centrifugal separator when In mo tho thinking herself," Mnr-Knr- sion. TIlC nill llf till' government in nlwut writes bring from B to 0 cents a pound, but Is to bo It. Bnngster In April I tion. Tho work said rendered (lint the stamp nnim Ik firmly attached tho .miles' the "sickles," tho long tall feathers ot by Uotno Journnl. "I henrd tho other How HnerMitet rnrm.rt Operate ThU easier first separating the sream to tlio upper right Imiiil corner of Hip the cook, sell ns high as 30 cents per and condensing tho ski in milk, after letter, in nil of nny slxc dny of it innn. n colloo student. Mho Depnrtment nt the A raw tiirstofllre went to sister, college rrni pound. Tho separation takes plaeo In wbloh It Is mixed with the cream. It tho mnchlnc for Hlnuip enticcllntlon In visit his a Iflnli to tuo Vsr of fltoek Wide nlso. was one mnn. ns Lira the establishments where tho fowls are Is ot condensed ' In uno, nml It In so cimstruclotl Hint It student lit the t'oattry. olalmed for this kind It dlnliiK-roou- t ad dressed. A mixed lot ot feathers has bo to en nee I hnmieneil. In tho with milk thnt It can be again dlluitnl to cniuiot used stamp tlmt WK) Rirls, value to nio not ploccil ns tho rule dlreet. Of nnd he Iind ocenslon to cross little tho buyer. Its original volume, and also that It tho room with their bright oyes benm-Itit- r World course, Hip deportment nurees to dellv-r- r Dntry Cslve. does not havo the sweet taste to whleti on him with curiosity rltn "Beard" Is a term m nil letter received tlmt hnvo the nud Interest. There U a discussion going on In used for a buneh somo people object condensed haa suoli record for ah Said my Inforumut: 'Tho box urns of feathers undur tho ot some In the postage inlil, hut It warns writer that somo of our esteemed contemporaries throat milk wo now use. However, the mero solutely curing delny Ik ob- completely tit his ense. You would breeds ot ohlskens, ruou ns Houdans female Ilia iolhlc If tho ruled nre not regarding the feeding ot young dairy patenting at n process dees net provo served. The next order In expected have thought bis sister tho only girl or Polish. and kidney troubles ae to present.' Hvldciitly young calves, and It Ii rathor amusing to note Its utility, wo may to wait Ik tlmt n spcclnl drop Imx shtill he pro- the mnn's see and have Lydta E. Plnkham'a vided having mother Iind brought htm up In n sen- soma ot tho oxtrnrngnnt statements "Stag" Is a term used tor a young Indefinitely for a demonstration ot ila for letlent the Mump wny rree , Vegetable Compound, plneed In uimuthorlxed enriter nnd sible nud be wns from thnt uiado by those who argue that a onlt coek. value. thnt those ImvliiT tho on lmne of enuifort, self consciousness. It oait be moro successfully raised with- What Is puro mllkT Tho oye eannot stamp tho Is il n very Medoktea ad- Imek iihiill o with tho third elnwH lint for dltlldent porsou out milk than It can on tho good old thai are mull. to bo freo from nwkwnrdness, nud Applln rriilrvttre Inonilntliiu. tell and tho nose eannot toll. Hvsn avery-thin- g plan provided by the Creator. If, for vertised to oura very nciitp bumllln-tlo- 01 of the Kansas Hxpcrl-men- t the chemist and the mleroscoplst fall, tlm KccmliMif t'litiel KvxlMt dlstresn and much nro to bollovo nulletln tplwK-op- e lnstnncwe these cn when each works by himself. Scarlet cannot ka specifloa Tlio which In now In pro-vt- tuny lw the results of nn extreme Station says: One of the great- thullastsT the feeding of milk Is liable poorly-wa- tot anything of eoiiKtruetloii In expected to sliyuoss. Try not to think how you est dlflloullle encountered In our fever germs may get Into It from look, to tench tho calf thn bnd habit ot lay- shed lirliiR the moon wlililu a tulto'H oyo-hIkI- ii whnt Impression you nro rnnklug. with protective Inoculation dishes, typhoid fever germs H what rHirt gown you on. Do ing on fat Instead ot llosh nnd muscle, lydla E. Plnkham'a of thin world, mid to rovcnl tho of hnvo la to convince farmers that It Is use- may get Into tho cans when they nro MwrvtH of the plunets. nn not let your mind dwell on yourself, and the growing ot bono. Milk, then, vegetable Compound will It miiy miiho less, or useless, to inoeu-lat- o washed nt somo contaminated well, Hrwit u chntiKv In thought but think of whnt you nro to do, nud of wo must conclude, Is n worso than III- the world', at- and there Is not one rhanee In a mil not euro every kind of - oh llimli'itar'n IIIiiitm iIoon to mirror. making others pleased nnd hnppy. food not fit for young growing onlvoi, sick or exposed hogs with an (th ilynppmln, Oiir you are freo from tenuated oulturo ot swine-plagu- e lion that they will ever be detected In mas that mayaftHot men, frotu coimtlpntlon, liver n fnltaoy that requires no refuting tho pasteur- or kidney trouhleii. iHtHhfuliie will trouble you tt nrgumcnt. germs. This may be Illustrated thus' milk. The only safety Is women and children, but ization of all Irslng to tho mor.M They proceed Bupposo an animal were poisoned by milk sent , proof la monumental that The rook' Ittterrttl In N.ilh Afrlro to prescribe a manner city. Tho dealers and tho customers A renltleiit In tho nulmrlw of feeding which, nreordtng to drinking a great quantity ot somo It will ii'dlcml 1luli lrn In Anatrnll. these should Insist on this. While It Is truo and dooa oura all thnt his cook liml Ntuelc up In who can Improve upon na- strong fermented liquor, like brandy, tar IlttAtt flros nununlly devnslnlo thnus- - snrnnti that ICO degrees of heat will not posi- the Iliapeculiar to women kltclion n limp of Kouth Afrlut. with methods, Is which contains about fifty per cont ot nuds of acres of crops In Austrullnn ture's better than milk for tively kill nil germs, yet l the HrltlHli poioiefHiloim colored ml, tliu tho calf, In alcohol: would It not scorn ridiculous tuberculosis Thla la a faot Indlsput-mh- la colonies. Mnny hoimstends nro that It does not produce fat. can as TrniiHvnnl hmwn, the OrniiKo "pot-bclllos- o It a rule be depended on to kill I'reo and lives lost at the snmo cnuscs ," which say they to attempt to savo this nnlmnl's llf by and can be verified Htnto yellow nml the 1'ortUKUwie terri- beginning ef- all or render them hnrmlees. Hut tory you time. The pnddem of combating aro a great desideratum for modern now to nccustom It to tho by mora than million Krcon. "lio tnko nn Intercut destructive agent has been handed fects by feeding additional typhoid fever and scarlet fever germs a III tho wnr, MnryT" he nnked. "No, this dairy calves, and tends to tho growth ot aloohol It over the. royal T perish at a less heat, and thus pasteur women cook, I to consideration of the of great coats of hair In winter to take but diluted potions of tho snmo sir," replied tho "hut menu to Imdy Is isation Is for them effective. "nvo n Bklrt llko commission of forests. This thn placo of fat which thoy so muoli Attempting to savo nn Infcotod you ex--i tlmt brown bit nud busily collecting Tho losses from was differ- If ara sick don't IiIouroh like them other colors; nml data. tear. Having thus provided whnt thoy animal by administering dilute or at- It believed that when tho geriment, take tho medl-ak- te keepln' tires hnvo leeu quite heavy this year. ent stutcs adopted brands for their I'm Just the mnp to nintvh the Whole Hocks of sheep have pvrlshcd. tonslder a perfect ration, aud it con- tenuated doses of tho poisons (toxlncs) pnttertiH 1 tlax-Bcc- state ebceso and put on a trade mark that has the record with when gut nn evunlii' mnny sists ot flour, d jelly, bay ten. thnt nre tho nettial cauto ot the dlsoose off, nud cut tie nud horses succumbed the ohceso or would be protect- sir." London Dally Clironlclo. to Humes. etc., they do not toll us what Is tho n la an analogous caso. Hut, on tho butter of tho largest number of tlio ed. mures. to sweet skim milk, nor flguro other hnnd. by feeding tho diluted Hut as soon ns tho manufacturers "Wlint In n deltwlon, pnr "Well, a Rtrarmlilp Mnr I'ropol TlicinaeWn. did this tho counterfeiters took bold Lydla R I'lnkham Mad. Co.. Lynn, lists. the cost ot tholr ration to show wherein poisons boforo tho th pois- deliiRlon Ik your mnther'it Idcn Hint Interesting nnd Important experi- nnd boldly Imitated the brands, taking nIic Iiiim it Is more economical than a ration ut ons hnvo been administered, tho ani- when koiio nliopplix for nit the ments nre now being conducted by one enro, howover, to soli them outstdo tho nrtlclOH UllO lltl'llrt Mho will Htop," coriom-tlou- s dry corn meal nud skim milk, which mal orgnnlsm will gradually aocustom of tho largest manufacturing state In which thoy were registered, A In the country to demonstrate the has been found n porfectly satisfactory Itself to stronger and stronger doses, Ila Fiwt Aclie Now York denier declares that he finds Tour m'd llarnT feasibility nud ndvnutnge of propelling ration and chcapor than one contain- until th doses can uo admin- Foot-Kns- o, tho registered belr. In Bhnke Into your shoes Allen's n ship through power derived from gas ing oil meal In any form, and It should istered without barm. There nro. ot brands Imitated Chicago and nil over tho west and n powder for tho foot. It makes engines supplied by gas generated on be romombcrcd that of all Its forms course, limits to all these assertions, COLO tight Now Rhoos feel Knty. conl, In- south. In Chicago are men mnnu-fnotur- o CATARRH-HA- Y mVDR and lit llio or Cures tho vessel Itself. Thus the "Jelly" is tho most troublesomo to pre- but within these limits the farts will that IIRAD positively relieved nnd CURED by Corns, Uunlons, Swollon, Hot nnd stead of Iwlng mummied under the ImiII-or- s pare stencils to be used In branding (liln Bwoatlnp Feet. At nil Urugelsts nnd to steam, would 1h ronsted In boar out the statements. On these wonderfully rlennslujt antiseptic make The fact of tho matter Is that In tho rests, cheese nftor tho registered New York CO Bhoo 2fic. gas principles protective Inoculation nnd Healing Specific. Price 3d and cts, Storos, tfamplo sent FltKIi. retorts aboard ship to drive off the West proposed brands. Thus the reputation tbat New foot t your JrutnUH kmh! IoIImwoO DrtifO., Allon B. N, Y, engines. at least tho ration anoo fully understood, thero Address Olmsted, Leltoy, which would supply the The and this York has built up Is being stolen by WMtern Afvnu. Ihmfer, Colo coke thus produced. It Is estimated, would cost about ns muoli ns milk nt will bo no danger ot confounding pro- tho prices It bringing when every manufacturer of Hor cheese itt Mllllnor "1'lilrt lint will hint you Mr-or- would furnish nil tho fuel needed tu has been tective Inooulatlon with curative treat- MImh shipped to faetory or mndo Into the country and the brands act as a E. BURLINGAMB & CO., hwiimiiih, Klyhljth." roast the conl. the ment. Tho average farmer Is unwil- S. MhM I'lyhlRh -"- I want purpose experiment Is to or cheese. In ISsst, where protr-tlo- n to the manufacturer and Oh, don't thnt The of the butter tho ling to go to any reasonable expense ASSAY OFFICE kind of n lint; hIiow me one tlmt won't ascertain whether tho weight of the tho prlco of milk Is higher than In tho a consumer only In tho state In which LABORATORY g In to protect himself ugalnst ho lit to 1n Keen In nlxiut four weeks." plant nml gas consum- West, may bo reason for depriv- order tbey are registered. BirapW' then danger yet sight, when It l(lUblUhflinCtcr1t.1864. nullor ing otigliiM nre mi much less than the ing oven during not In but dairymen ot country , iptciiwltlrccrlvpromiUnd cuteiu Btttjtlnn the young calves of It The the are FHEP QIFT8 TO AGENTS. ordinary plant of steam boilers and s Is too lato ho Is too often willing to Sdd & Sllier Bullion tho drst fow days of tholr lives. Wo pushing for the paseage of the '"rout "Wftffltftgg MO.otX) nnd the saving space sutlleletit go oxtremo nnd per- We want AroiiU, men and wo- of would prefer, however, to feed the cnlt to the opposite bill In congress. This bill gives to Cwcentrallon Tesls ,e0 men. Iioyi nnd K'rl nil over the United to warrant the adoption of tho new mit himself to bo Imposed upon by 'wViPfoVte0!0' sweet milk tor ton dnys or so and then each stnto the right to control all but- Ktate to vol! our womlor (til I.Mo Boour-lu-x system. tbe vory worst kind of pretenders. As 17901730 Lawrence St. Dsnvsr. Colo utlllro tho sweet skim milk that can so ter or buttorlne comet In In origi- Bonp, I.okkoono and other Toilet Hour. nlroady stated, our great difficulty llos tbat HIr prollt, work. with ovcry Vlnllm of n Doctor" llrmr. easily and cheaply build up, by tho nal packages. The effect of the hill. It raiiy I'rlie In trying to Induce fnrmors to Inoeu-lat- o CURE FOR PILES rtiko. Write C. II. Munhnll fc Co., HeeniiHo of on oceullst's error Anna addition ot com meal fed dry, to per- passed, will be to make each state su- riik-ntjo-, pigs In time, boforo they ll'tilii. Dop't 10, III. Knotorv US-I- Dudley of Marlon. Indiana, n pretty fectly tnko tho placo of the whole milk tholr premo ns to the goods sold within Its Thl f irm, llllnl, II djtiiior I 'roltmllng No, May Ht. llof., any In girl lee twenty years old, will havo swlno-plngu- o or cholera, and bo- rilMf.iurnl li Dr.Doennkn'sPI In Uomod tmnk L'uteiico. than be which can bo more protltnbly sold. bordors. As It Is, a man may purchase ! liiafthlitf, aeross tho Hop, ILIilny AI.R.irlliifiiar.. Mr h blind for life. The sight of one eye Tho Farmers' Itovlew Is honrttly in foro their neighbors' pigs nny uar.tdrural ,r MIkm .Iiiiick ")i ticcuiN to me nil by brothVr Miree (or prohlbtod article Just ae long as It tn, About uur mm. hit. Ill MANKU,l'liItid.,l,. thin wns ruined her favor ot feeding growing dairy culvos road begin dying ot this dlsoose Hie nlcitu uro mnrrled." Mrn. mouths ago, nud recently it .chin Is purchased In another state. Thus a null phy upon a highly nitrogenous ration, but dlscnscsT). oiscovtnr. sin-- Hrown "Well, diiir; tln-- weren't n nttetupted to remove tho eye, imi by manufacturer of yellow oleomargarine nnnncvNcwI iulet:re:iafiin'triirMfirit no nice, ymi know; they've only mlstuke opemted on tho wrong one it docs not bollovo thnt milk Is npt to can ship It to customers In another UlWrU. lloolc i f txilmunUli n.l 10 litTn Irailment n milker, Won't Drink Milk. rutc uk, ii. ii. usm-i- i rui t, itu.u. been fiiiiKlit curl' unit tumeit" nnd left his pntlutit totally blind, spoil a heifer ns prospcctlvo Ilnlirs thsl stnto nnd so lougns tlioro Is no attempt i.. best-balanc- novor for mother's milk Is tho Wo onco raised n cnlf that mndo to subdivide the package con- the ration that enn possibly bo formed far learned to drink milk, writes n law cannot touch the article shipped. young la to luy a package of . . anUflndouthowfo oblaln growing nnlmnls, nnd it tributor to National Btockmnu nnd It Is certainly n queer state ot affairs Bay lessons the caso of the FRIENDS OATS bosh to thnt It Fnrmer. It wna the only when n stnte annual exercise police dairy-bre- d heifer becom- chances of n sort I over heard ot and we naturally power over tho food within Ita milking cow. Keep articles VALUABLE PREEV3HUEVIS FREE. ing a prodtablo supposed that It would dlo, for by uo borders. tho calf growing naturally nnd It will possible means could It be taught to a. The man who ships butter to mar- Round Trado-WIork- Thla Is only n tow of tho premiums. A bo by the laying un of fat, Save tho comploto list not stuntod drink nny milk, moro than Just to tnsto In to necessary to produeo a "pot- ket tubs should see It thnt the mailed upon application to mfrs. of nor Is It ot It. It grow vory thin, oven before tubs he uses are well made. not MUSCATINE, IOWA. belly," which merely Indicates nn un- It FLCIgMR, OATS, wo gavo It up but us nobody wanted Infrequently happens that the tubs healthy state or the digestive apparatus the job ot hilling It we turned It Into o come Into tbe bands of the commis- m. riuuu Mt la far more likely to stunt nnd funrsKso and the field nnd let It tuke Its olmnoes man In bad abapiv hoops tho cnlf than n ration containing n grass sion The of PREMIUMS 3 After that It ltved somehow, on seme of them are so light that they TUSB certain proportion of fat. without and water, nnd It did not get any too 3TXU3IHI mil no nny known pur- break, and when this occurs to the nyWorIjgS which ration for much ot either, for we hnd the bad Pran ui lIUWU rwi pose would bo complete. cover hoop It may have or I'RlifiltNTHJrrtlU to mi on habit ot turning calvos Into a sort of no m consequence. tai r ALL VUVVU rsuint ruuvai Ma ii eloarlng thnt had nulther water nor Note. rilEMlUUB resiled onlt In ei I'oultrf feed In mueh quantity, expecting the Otnr-- i 3111k for tantfe. . - t,.m ti,m asiiM ra itim tint nf How old should a hen lis when she cnlvee to live mainly on milk. Tho A contributor to the flreeder's Ga- (h iillU Frlml fllrl, llh tU tlrlw Unl.f tomt. u Is sold oft or killed for family user will (tn&4 00 U4 swraw UU t mil cult that would not drink milk seemed zette coys: I notice that A. B. C. ot thoim kbot. Ub U Superior Ladln' Dreaetnf Comb. Tho answer Is, she should be killed Lutk.llMUc OwIM Omitttl 0Ut to fairly dry and shrivel up till It was Pleasant Hill, Kas., said in a late r tTK IXVtTI! MB MrlM tttTMres after hor seoond year. Hut in spite "FRIEHDS' 0AT8." tTB' la M u.r if a sort of walking shadow, but It made number that be tried feeding young HUMUr.Uct T TUCB Vim ut I Celt ttiua-- ot this Quito general nnswer, It Is a iftOZ T.. tntt. (III a gront fight tor llfo nnd onmo out In lambs on cow's milk nail tho Iambi tor u!t t'MutiimUnJIi In TIIK QUiLTTT U nut U1 U4 M tre. keep Matwt II Iim taywiUM W rsnnvM mt. 10tt known fact that somo poultrymun withrilnl dMIUiig It. M Inn u4 prlw ujr the fall quite nn nnlmnl, so thnt It died. Pour years ago last December itctttl Ik llloitritlon jHUf. their llrown Loghurus till they are SHOULD 1'nEUIUMS MtribTs rsuiiuus tlm st M Mtt txttt, w. wintered with tho othor stoek and be- I bought eighty sheep that were very Omm 14 years old. One Drown Leg- twe ttur Mtidlng. wrlu tl r Ml HiMlf u im14 4 rll. about ton oven, - Wi lfM Ik I r gan tho ssoond year about it poor. They commenced- having lambs bs o mbI u4 tL tall tntcutueM Ut, fnlwtuf fl iur n PUnE ALUMINUM TEA PALO horn hen was kept till thnt age, when o v larMtlfftt. was a heifer nud as a cow devoloped In about three wteka, many of mtr HQ. had to credit about 2.000 eggs, thtui Li Jilt' UjIiuIiMi OttJjitr RiHtt Ciei ttMMlV H she her ordinary of notice, a good average, we must admit. Light the milking qualities tho having twins and some of them trip- important lMtt,lMUt. mm umU4 oiri ro Trtii Muk TrU Muk. iwiWM rvri1... tin ' ret ot tho hord, none tbe worso, ap- lets. I saved about 91 per sent of the liul. 0Mu u UM ems llrahmas are said to be good layers tii cintiui, u.t rri.r.cww rnr4 i " " res' parently, for Its oxperience. Nobody lambs, and nil were dropped, from TSADS UASKO till quite old. Howover, wo lack data, Jan. Xovra. 1 I MUBOATINBrf OAT MEAL 00, Masattlno, -- - had any idea why It disliked milk. 13 to Feb. 27. I oould not havn saved mm rctruK as tho domestlo fowl has bean sadly Cm ADH IVTATIIfCW neglected In this. She Is eiieh a small cannot remember whether It began by CO per cent of them but for cow's milk ALTEMUS' EDITIONS im ill Ttr JUMilim suoklng tho mother or not. but sup-poa- o I think over half those lambs got their Catre Pereelttof piece of property that we have novor 1 Ptrt 01 BOOK Llt COMPLCTC Ult nt on Apptlottlon. a Oouus It did, as It was common to first fowl from a heifer. I did not do ruaioit pa ii& XotaKe. thought It advlsnblo to keep hor tor that tfadsrnecum Series rtxxrvK so, ml ten years and count her eggs. A sys- allow the cnlf to remain with tbo cow mueh else for five or six weeks hut crmvros rauaoxt I to iw. QUOVflDlS tematic series of of this kind till the milk was fit to use. nttond to the latnb. Aa soon as a lamb sa itexsTX iitKxamcz, o trials ONK iinon tt TRADE HARKS might give us a good doal ot light on My oxperlenoo Is that all possible said It wanted something to out, If It UIVEN VUU effort to got calves to eating solid food oould not get It from Its meihor I took 3 Cent a dark subject. 16 PoiUtf. early Is valuable. We take to late It to the heifer, opened tta month and - Eitrs QnsUty ALUMPtUM COMR Very Pnrsbls. Trade Marks Jvs- Tho mnn that wants to become a sue-cessf-ui summer or full calvos as we watoii put Into It the little tst uud squeezed rnas sa IM poiiltryman them moro. These can ho taught to milk Into It. irw must not became IMIfu discouraged. This is the requisite. cat grass early and as It dace not If a lamb gets too hungry and chilled 4 0mU S.rtM, first Jle Is sure to hare most discouraging physic them ns the over-suecule- nt before It gets the milk It etttn dies, onu roa things hsppen to his lloek, and, after spring growth does, they onu oat as but I have filled them as full as they Embroldry Betuers. . three or four years of such happenings, mush as they will without Injury. conk! hold with cow's uillk before they be will feel that poultry raising Is a were a half-ho- ur old score at times TEiDE rsssmisaM' delusion and that there Is no sueeees Prosperity Among I'nrtners. I am without hurting them. After a lamb A lflAM.Kf At .1 T.f, UABIB Ui-U- aware that the Idea prevails the tkb X tmtrtmm tn, UJ mum possible In it, anyway. Hut that Is that gets a fill from a belter It will take Iwt lir MIU m chances are mueh better for the ac- hold of a sheep's Utile teats much bet- muim uu just the time whsu he should not 4 rrrsf vounu uimiuu ISOMtl cumulation of wealth In cities than on I fit MM WIN Ml IWI U&t'rufMitMtkk. think of quilting. It would be Just as ter. There have been dart when inrlui, sre reasonable for a ehlld, having the farm. This Is a very great mis- went to tbe young cow with a little Mr Sloth, Ivory Finish, UkUII. after roll TiU tul UtImI rMiiM INI rsstvaM take. In the city n small claw luu a In- UUU Um U IS, um mmmu U4 Uuj U U ws had a full run of all child's diseases, lamb perhaps twenty Umea. It ruatttal tU ImU U fm ruiipe i ot to think of giving up trying to live for great deal wealth and a large claes jured the heifer sums as to giving TV. Mrt l BMI'I (MlMl l MM!!? Is In very Moderate tlrtumsUneee or alil.nn ul MUU fear ot a constant recurrence at m M- milk, but tbat was nothing co'ttpared UtttlM m4 i kw lmul ut I nwrl In the depths of poverty The greet fifty mtlut t4 to lUVU, U bU If IM, ils, mumps, sblekeu pox, whooping to saving lembs. After the lambs AU im otui e4 sough and the like. The netiltrynian. mass In the city are not as well oft ware a few dsys old they were fed HIW. IMHWMIHmmitHlrwl neve Jaek Knife. on average In his early disasters. Is getting as those the farm. The from a bottle with a rubber Hletile. 1 his per or FM0R1TB SElilES rUKJVX as, it child's diseases. Having once wealth of W rent the Inhabitants fed every one that ild oot get etotjgW bad every city In itmtm so. ML them be Is not likely to tbsm of nearly Illinois is lees from Its mother tor awhile until they rMHu res bare of the surrounding country. aftf The CtoPt ot Chlldreb fltt again. He has learned la the dear than that began to eat grain and turnips. la 10 T. Campbell. It OM13D00& 1 uum Swan twnk, school of experience and Is now ready -J- ohn a novel sight to see forty or (4(ty lambs HQ urret to run turn to apply his lessons. crowding around, struggling for recent opinion tendered the 20 nam wmnui In a suck from tbe bottle. tiHilir titf rhm 6fHV PmU) roetitt, Akin of Illinois holds first tt'lt It is not perhaps known generally My were win- Tnda Marks that the acts ot 1S07 and 18W provid- lambs all dropped last that the feathers f hem form a con- January Petxaary, I etm fa M TUM lOlil ul lMii Silver Pitted Napkin fllrtf. ing tor tbe Identification of owners ter in and and i siderable article ot eomtneree. There per com 1 e CEtcrs -J- -' sheep killed by dogs are Invalid, saved M of them. did not are in Chicago and New York arms ot Perrtsros 'rrssrea and that the aet of June 19, 1898, Is take more than five or six to a cow HtuM4tit-rAMMrl- a business ot buying 86 that make and In effect. This law provides because their mother Issked milk. 61 Utertkn Im iXMlni. - still that tktlu mm, io omu rwut. ytlAM KltU selling feathers of all kinds ot domes- My first latnb weighed Hfty-nln-e and . U4Mlr fM Im ItfKltM' in ST- owner must present proof of ttielr iMr tic fowls Including the hen. They one-ha- lf t l"l, lit u MtiaMlf 4L me vvvtms between ten and forty days pound at 8 wreka old. The tnf t IM m mm wu agents loss after t Ladlef White Handle PUSH BUTTON KNIFE. have that travel through the tbo sheep are killed or Injured. heifer that foil successfully so many countf buying up all the feathers they twenty-fiv- e 4 3 mw jmfj. 2BS23c lambs ate about pounds of a, ii.tiM Mtt can get. The farms are not visited, but "Carunoulated" Is a term used when turnip every day, which hs deubt targe shippers poultry are, til I 0 It tl IW (MtU. nsonNHI meitos the of for the bead and neck of a turkey eosk are made her milk better for young Iamb the reason that they have feathers in covered with small fleshy protuber- I have lost less lamb than tbat noted Kn rmcNDs' tMNitt rnn. sufficient quantity to make the visit of ances. breeder Lyman Hill (my neighbor), BeiiHHiBBI an agent an object. Most of the feath- and t believe It Is baaAuie I feed mare ers ot tbe ben are used t$r filling he wether's feiUJ the child's turnips, though he fNds a great I hum yiwa ui u n?m " feather bids and pillows. Tbe targe J 11. W. uiy tMM t. Mirix ool room. ileehrr. swedes. CARLSBAD COJUIBNT. OUBAN FAOTIONB QUARRBU WITH POMP AND DIJPLAY NEW MEXICO ITEMS. DE8EHT8 HIS 8INKIN0 SHIP. Stommah n Santiago Itereptlnn lo (lenerst dome !) The tlnvrrnnr of 1'nrrlo tlleo Will lie Heart est Oonilael of lh Cnplsln of Tho Ocrltlos smelter, n, lelor Intn a Ctolor Line (tout rot My. tVltti kltirli Nhow. nflcr two Kiench Vrel. Trouble 1fl.-- Tlii ii weeks run Santiago, Tultfl, April rccoi-tlo- 17.-Ch- has closed down Indefinite- ll.-- At CAM I .Kit AD. Wnshlugloit, April arlcs II, Now York, April Hie lsDltom mi;v mf.xico. (lo-ih- ly. Bomo necessary tendered to (Isucrnl Maximo Allen, the newly chosen governor of Alterations will of the sen outside or Hanto Domingo to-dn- , bo on his wny t Han Dnmlii-(to- Itlco, Is uiado nml more ore accumulated hnrlKir tne wreck of tho French steam-or- , in Spring Puerto nrrnnglug to leave hororo It will ngnln. caused groat excitement, owing to Washington for Hun Junu toward tin start Ooorgcs Croleo, has In lit for more Are that niLioufl rcKMNu, bad tsito the effort of and Idark tmr-Ue-s Wllllnm M. O'Unry, Hdwnrd Mur- In Mark Twsjm ha decided to quit the white end of the present week, lie will Ihj than two weeks. Knvelopod lu tho tho mouth, dull hendache, tlcepleei to obtain Hie llrst recognition. Tho nccouiHtulel liy Mrs, Alton and tholr phy of Now York mid William (lortncr nines of her wreckage nro tho bodies ncss, poor appetite. living In BHRlnnd. Over there, tufore binek jmrly. leprcsoutcd liy the o of Las Vegas have Incorporated tho of men. pasougers nnd two beeatHM) daughter. The trip will ho iiiado oil four two No matter how careful you nro laughing at Mark Joke jHt I.lbrc, which continue occasional (hirumpnw Hheep Company, with $7B,. Cathrl-en- . about ttio linlleti Hintes stcaiushlp Poipiun. sailors. Her capluln, Francis ruling, everything you ho toll thess. they Inalst an first Dril- ptibllmHoii In dcllmiee of I ho onion of mid 000 capital nnd hoadipiartcri ot Ias Is nllve, missing. Ho Is said to tako Into your 'Hie President Bceroinry l'tig Vegas. hut ling out WMt there I to htHgh at. thu ntithorlHe who hnd directed Its unvo tietermineii tnnt tho innuguniiiou have doscrlcd his disjiucd ship uud stonmoh turns tour, cnuica dltrc, suppression, sent a tug to meet the tif the civil governor of Puerto Itlco The Mosn dolf Club forinally organ-lr.ot- l nearly lhne score pisiplo nlsmrd. jmlns nnd unpleasant gaies. "Have you heard much laughter slimmer Marin Horroro itt iiiimtnlno shnll he marked with as much iomp as at AlhiKiuoniuo hy electing till), John C. Hnrmlon of tho Clyde liner Don't you underslnnd In Inducing (leiieml (lo- what thcto from Oem tHU lH ink-stanc- e. nml succeeded Is iH'lltllng nu event of that magnitude. it'ip. The duii uiimliers itrty moinucra New York snys: L4efc ' sk ins)! to mill ymptomi signals of diitrcu mean ? Mo, nor yet from Pretoria. It nreoiiiwity them. Therefore, the I'nltod Hlntes will ecu Intends to erect n hnmiMimc cluti "Wo wen' Just going Into tho hnrhor Meanwhile mioiher tug. carrying tho on hottso. Links luive been laid out south of Han If) Duiulugo morning Thoy nro tho crici of the ilotnooli'for might, however tw well to watch the , to It that there Is at Han .tunii tho the of tin civil governor, tlciiertil Citatlllo. tho ocean Ion the liiatigurnllon or the Unit or tho clly. 1.11th of March when n stcmuor hove Id help I It la being overworked. It needs face of Cecil Rhode and barken to the mayor of and other ntllcisls representing Amerlntu governor n dlgnliled mid Itn-- I The prosbyiery of Hitntn Fo ad- eight. Keren in of women and children tlio peculiar tonic qualities nnd dlgcs noise that come from lile direction. the domltwnt whtlo strty, waa entire- prosslve eel oniony that will Hz tho journed, nrtcr accenting tlie Invitation mingled with the distress calls of the ttre ttrengUi to be found only In ly Ignored liy Onmer.. ' event In tho minds or the people. of Ocii lo to moot there next ;imo nnd ship's whistle wore Hourly hoard, and The poetonV at Ponce. Puerto Itlco, Tin lilnrk parly, highly elated, took Tho Culled Ktnles stonmshlp Dot apikilntlng Manuel Mndrlil siiporvlsor wo lowered live Isxtls nnd mndo for )Mia been robhod. Thu ilo Puerto 111 the guest to tho landing, whoro nil phln, which will carry Mr. Allen to Htin of tho Morn district to ho ordained her. Wo found her sinking. No one HOOD'S rH get their flrpi genuine lllnatratlon crowd gathered nn tho frail iirl-rat- e .Mm n. will outer the hnrhor there es- May Uud nt Klrllo. scorned to bo lu command nnd every- wharf or n local boat Hull. This ' I of Industry. They corted liy tho entire North Atlantic Nicolas Archuleta, well-know- n In- - thing wns In disorder. snw two men American have colhtitsed nml ninny were thrown Into n Sarmaparilfa been to busy watching the cnetom Huadrtin. under command or Hour Ad man tighter, tiled suddenly Monday at crawl Into n small Ismt on the oppo- the wntor, one man being drowned. I Now sldo off. The best nnd tiouee they to keep an eye itilral Panitihar on tho llaghlp Wagon Mountl. He had rotight under site of the vessel nud mnko stonnch blood remedied that failed TIih utllclal party declined In recog- llor-tnuih- i, bo-gn- u i York. The wiiiidron Is now at Kit Carson Ho One of these wna tho cnptulu. Wo known to the medicnl profession on the poetolnt e nise Ueiientl dinner, In consequence or and Fremont. was aged sro and will time Its movements so lxly-nl- x years. wire died two to pass down women nud children, his recognition Ills w- - a of tho black imriy. and ns lo arrive off tho north count or Poor-- 1 weeks ago. nml this hastened his end. nil scantily dressed, soino of tlio babies Probably never In the history of the (here In considerable excitement. nt grnlclul letters tolling Its cure provo lo Jllco about the tl mo tho Dolphin Is A dUpalch being entirely naked. Many Jumped world haa the pro peel fer general When the procession ased through sighted. received at Batila l'o Into tho it to bo tlio grektcit mediolno (or nil from Washington. D. C, states water but those worn picked (he clly, without either civil governor I (Invernor Inaugurated that up. stomach troubles over yet discovered. warfare been lu ManHeet m It la at the Allen will ho I When It looked as though all tho d ilie llcpuhllcmi members of thu Houso nr mayor, rioting wiih nmniwly Hit (icucrnl Da-vI- people 1 yroieni time. Tula la a moat deplor- tit ii .limn May 1st, ami win not pass tho lull disapproving of hnd been rescued ordered tho liy the vigorous union or tho the nillltiiry governor, will boats to pull away. A moment Inter able commentary on the boasted clvlll-catio- n turn tho not of the Now Mexico Legislature llsit Ha j (Milk under A in or Intn ulllrers, out nit tho troop under Ids iiniimaud the stcmuor went to the bottom. llonkkreixr. olreiim-atanco- a in establishing McKitiloy county. The or litis; St of thla an. Hut the This nflt 'won nil the olulw gave In liouor or Nhlps or "The Joseph lblg Collier, for tho otrnnlon. The ontluumt Is to give New Mexico ns children iiumlered nhottt years engaged mercan- that eentrlbnto most to the t. tlonoiul dome, hut tho tho will II twelve thirty lu the niunditiii ro snltites. which largo a sham or as or tlflccti, and tho woman tho Hedalla. prospect la In white iHtrly ionised to niloiid uny of ho hatter-Ice- . tile business nt Missouri, died awfuluee of the the will answered liy tho shore pnxMlhlo mid to least ter- eatiio. Tho sailors from tho Ocorgcs them. s Inlelfere with last week, nged Novojity llvo years. Tho faet the pretend to Tliero will ho somo Hpe-chc- at CrolHo, ImiiiiiiI to Haullago, said thoro that nation that ritorial legislation. 'J'ho hill had been Ikrm wiih peculiar lu the rnct Hint It night nml the Hoot will lino their elec- had been llfty-tlv- o persons on ho the most highly .:rlllied are the iesirtcd favotnlily by tho territorial board did n slrlctty cash business, di- NATURAL OAS UXPI.ODBB. tric lights and (hero will ho general Il- nud nnd busiest In setting the conflagration. committee out of compliment to Dolo- that four were missing." vided the day's receipts each nlglit. luminations. 'Hie lost were Dom Vnllo, Cu- mite Porca. who Irf it iiioiiiIht of iho n rich and share nllko. When n bill of rlirrn Mrn Klllnl In liy a After setting up n civil government ban who owned tlio ship's cargo share The lilnnil of St. Helsnn, famous In h Tniili llumt. oinmlilee on territories mid who op-Mi- of goods wns purchased each member of Uu I'lpe, nnd conferring with (Icucrnl Davis, Mr. cat I lei tho second cook, a Ilremau and history a place tlie creation of iho now county. the linn paid one-hal-f of tho money, the where the llrltlah I Allen will return to tho United Htnlos un unknown passenger. I.oKntiKKirt. lid.. April ID. Too A dlHpatcli from Alhuiiioritic Days: carried In his pocket, mid thoro was kept tho nreat Napoleon ns a state i lo arrange private much ptoHKiirc nml u piece of ilcferilvi' his affairs, return Colonel Tho captain reached shore lu safety, any prisoner from Oetolter, 1816, lo hln ing to on tun William .Icuulngs Ilryati has reported never bookkeeping couuccttfl with gits pipe til the iimlim of the Chlengo ruerio inco Mnyiiowcr. been hero all day Haliirday. In tho tho wreck to the Uiillod Status the establishment. death in .May, 1811, line beon selected I'lpo l.luo Oimimiiy nt a point four morning ho was driven over tho city consul there nud dlHiipponrcd, by tho llrltlah tnlltUry authorities a mile noli I lien Kt or here, wtm I lie inline uunanuri8 on the move. iitului' the ntiMplccs of Iho reception of it tenllli' explosion In which A FOR BPRINO. a place of conllnenient fnr Oencrnl committee, and rrom II to 12 held n PRINTERS STRIKE AVERTED. HINT Cronje and other lloor prlaonera until Mlchitel Klllwin, Jr., won Instantly ltcorlnl tn Mura lUUcil the Hleg at public reception nt the Commercial killed nml live othor men VTIisa Itouiik,iir Ar HrlBhtanlng the the end of tho war. It Ilea In the received Vrpnr nml Ar Uolntc North. Club, whoro several thoiismid iwoplo front which It Is iloulitfiil irihey London. April 17. or l'rnhlsnt Ilonnslly tVmitnl lo nil Out Interiors uf Tlielr IIouim. Houth Atlantic, 1,100 miles from the Tho lllnemfontoln from all purls the HouthwoMt shook Men In Cltlrs, will recover. correspondent of the Himnhtrd, At noon Ills Now that tho bnekbono ot thla western coaat of Africa, and 800 mllee his hand. ho took lunch at re Twelve moo were lu the trench re- Monday, says: the Monioxuma palace home or tho Indianapolis, 1ml., April II. Tho mnrknblo winter Is broken, housekeep- from Aacenelen Island, the nearest pairing it leak in it Ion-Inc- nro remarking dingy main from "The Poors are in mil retreat from Hon. II. II. KcrgiiHou. Democratic il Kentluul snys: "The lutoruatloual ers the look ot land. which tho gtiH had Invn trniiNrerrotl to Wepoucr, hugging tho Ilasutolaud bor- coniinllieeiunii rrom this terri- union has hnd it narrow tho homo Interior. Tho question ot eight It. mt Inch iiinln near 'Ilie men der. Tho IIiimiiios mo inarching imml-le- i tory, nnd lu the afternoon xmko to at escape from being embroiled lu tho new wnjl coverings Is up. Paper Is A little more than a year sro the wore nroutt'l u "T" lu the I'lilit-liicl- i with them along I lie fmntlor, least three thnitxnud peoploou the Mid- lockouts nnd strikes so general lu tho dear and short lived; kaleomlnca aro ICIIInon school children of Amerlea were ap- iniiln mid wax sUmplug over It. walchliig eagerly ror tho silgliioMt way Plalsmico grotimU or the lerrltor other trades throughout tlio country. dirty nnd senly; paint In costly. Tho when I lie oxpIihIihI. aa Alabastlno-to- pealed to by the Ijtfayette monument plH lie wiih found Isl fair. President Donnelly returned hero from uio of such a coment r IFit) root uwsy, Itlw iHinmt liroken nml A trip Instance, will solve the problem. committee to give their pennies toward The HliM'iuroiilolu cnrroHNinileut of illHpnlch received at Kntila l'o fi.uii it to Kansas city, mid hnvliig pinltnhly having met Instant dontli. tho Tclegniph, III a dispatch dated yos Wiishliigluu announce Hint on Hntur-da- y lonrucil whllo there that tlio Typolho-too-, This admirable wall coating Is clean, tho erection at I'arls of a monument to 'leorgo .Morrison, In charge- - , pure can bo f tho tenlay says: tho bill Introduced by Koprcectitn-th- e the employing printers' orgmilta-Hon- and wholesome. It put (loneral latayette; and Intel, In fur- work, wan xeiit Niniwllng on the "Tho liners have rained the siege or Htepheiisou or Toxns. providing was giving aid to Its Kansas on with no troiiblo by nnyono: thero ground root nwny. Mes-cnlor- Is eholco many therance of the movement, Congress thli with gravel Wepeiier and have lert ltouxvllle. A for tlie nuctiuonl or lauds to tho o City membership lu their light with of beautiful tlnta; and ordered the coining of 50,000 silver mid dill blown Into hln In. hit majority or tliein have tindouhtedly Apache Indian lu (Hero county, tho Kansas city unions, Mr. Donnelly It la long Instlng. souvenir dollsrs. The dollars, stamp- mid IiIm cloilie-- i torn mid tat- north, with Hie exception or n and ror the sale or the renin Itidcr of Is said to have called the cxocutlvo tered. Will ItrlggN l,(MX) Moilern I'ortry. ed with the likenesses of Washington Inhaled gas and body or ahout now reported to lie the riKcrvalloti, miiouiitltig to about council of the I. T. I'. together and ad- wax taken home iiiiitiuxrloiu. going noo.oOO find ljfayelte. have been coined; owl toward Ilolhullc." ucros, wns favorably leporictl vocated the calling out of the Job print- Ardent Young Woman "From whnr Three lalturors wore knocked down Tho News lias the following from Saltirday from tho coiiiiulltee on In ers employed by members hidden source. Mr. Itarddc, do you on the Sd of .March t'rosldsut I.onbet of i of tho mid hrtilHHl In n frightful inntitior. Tho KcihlorHhurg. dated I'rlilny: "tioueral diati nffalrs. A favorable report was Typolhotno In nil tho largo cIIIoh. seek your Inspiration?" Krance, received Mr. Thompson, rwt nr the men escaped with slight ChoriiiHldo niiw the roar guard of thu iiIho uiado on Delegate Poroa's hill Mr. Donnelly's colleagius repudiated Poet "My dear girl! Pin too much Ioh of the monument committee, IiiJui rntiu llylug dlit mid rock. Tho Moors disappear sotitheasl, lu full re- from tlie sumo committee, iirovhllng his proposition hy it vote of I to 1, mid rushed with my writing over to wnsto who presented to him the first of the "T" welglm I.ikki poutidH. mid It wan treat. The enemy apiiear to ho In for Iho adJUHiment or claims and rights after a heated and acrimonious time chasing around after Inspiration," dollars oolnwl. carried a iIIhIiiiico or lirty feet. slrong force fourteen tulles ciinI ut or settlers nu mid iicnd the Navajo res- hiNilug throughout tho longest Tho expliMloii up root-IUie- tore the ground for lleildershiirg. They arc railing hack et vatlnn In New Mexico. A favorald'i session In the history or tho cxocutlvo Are You Using Allen's T tnllcM, hoshtoM tho heavy Jut'. flan. A. n. nreenwood, eoldlor, oapl-Ctll- st hororo our advance guard." report was also mnde on Delegate Pe council or the union, it Is said on good It Is tho only euro for Swollen, and traveler Uilnks ho hat, tea's bill grunting n petiHloii lo Uaplitlu authority a resolution severely censur- Smarting, Dinning, Sweating Feet, Iron Mill CIcmd llniTn. Henry Margin or Kpriugor. II Is ing President lMmclly ror rolvod two dllllcult problems now be- STRIKE AT OnOTON DAM. dereliction Corns and llunlons. Auk for Allen's Now York. April W. those throo mciiHures will past or duty lu connection with Pitts- Foot-Kns- o, bo Into fore tho people of the fulled Stains dates the u powder to shaken or the American Kteel and Wire Coin-pun- tho House. burg and Kansas Clly troubles the shoes. all Druggists nnd Buoo col- Hml lltuiilrrit llu:liiiii llrlrrinliiril In otho At for solution the problem of tho Ad-dre- ss Ktnp Mm from Tlielr says that twelve mills lu tho con- AI Hau Murclal, the store or (Ircen organization wan adopted mid a poiloy 8torc, 2Gc. Baraplo tent FHEI3. ored people or houtli and what to ft'lta I'lurr. the Crotou Uiuillng, N. Y.. April 11. stituent companion have hcoii shut lloblus. iiltc mi old gentleman, was governing the future iiiamigomcht of Allen 8. Olmsted. Lolloy, N. Y. hy negro tho or do with the Philippines. Ho would There In pleiily ut trouhlo hrewlug at down. They are at Plltshurg, Cleve- entered a named Charles nffalrs the orgmilxatloii In keep- solve both by sending the colored peo- tho Croiiui ilnm helwooii tlie Mtrlklug land, .toilet, Wnukegau, Illinois; i, llalrd, who lulled ror ome articles, ing with Hie uil history or Iho Inter-iinilou- In n llHngernns Trad. NewctiMtlo, and wlillo Mr. ple te the Philippines, lie n 111 rins they Itallmiit wlio are Humoring fur morn Illinois: liullmiu, and lloblus was gelling Typographical I'nlon, wns "My sou Is learning (o bo nn dec I tl I n . Ihom ho was over by formally Is would be glad to go, that the climate li tfiigen ami the coal nietoiK who are Andorsoii. it tin struck tho head declared. It said that Mr. tilclan." Mr. dales wild the on line or tho clos- the negro with u large riwU. Ilohlns Donnelly was lulNleut Hint gun-cm- ! "Well, I NiipiHiso ho knows Admirably suited to them, and that MioHdftiil In n'funlug any cmiu'cIoum. a prclly y or .veiled hi All day lo-dn- II ing down tho mills was "murder," when assailant strike lu the honk and Job nud wtdl what tu do by this lime." thny and the Filipino would soon was c.xihmIimI that Moody work would imtiic. hut not a lie was tiuahlo in slate when the fairly rained blows upon him. Tho newspaper olllees or Chicago should bo "Oh, no; ho Isn't linlf through yet oduea-tlo- u mingle, . yelling stuto-uiet- it and while the stone was thrown or a nliot iln-d- mills would resume oiieitttloiiH, as they nttracliHl alteutloii and resell ordered. When met with tho learning tho tilings ho mustn't do." lu to the colored iieople have received Hhurirr Mulloy or WeslHH'stcr iiniu-ly- , llrst would have to ascertain tho ex- cis arrived time prevent murder, from otic of his colleague Hint or llalrd escaped Iho n Hie In this country would enable them to who Iiiih i he reMiHintilhllliy or g tent the Whon from store, but printer would be Iwiion In two Dcsfnei Csnnnt lln Oared iiNlied INtssso of sho- days, ho Is become rich and Influential In the new tho proHMiy In the dlstrli't. had as lo his views as lit tho trade citizen, .armed with reported to hiivo said: by local nppllcatlons, nr thny cannot roach tho j situation nml outlook, Mr. dntos stat- tgun, raptured him In Iho rlrcr "Well, let ti give thotii it whirl any- diKoatod ixirtlon n the car. Tbora Is only oa possessions of America In the east. IM deputies nriued with lovolverN way to cure and I by comtU ed or HwauiM near town, lloblus Injuries way, - deafness, thai gUHt-dlli- the works all day. thai tho shut down tho mills was nt least In the newspaper of- ludonal remmucs. PeainMn is rained I y n Only ouch did the deputies have a tho host evidence or the eiirront situa- lire serious, his skull being fnictured llci'S," Inttnmea condition or tlio muous llnlnit of tho Prof. Cesare recently had I low-ove- Ittittnrhlnn Tlibn. When Ihls ! Intlamml loinbroso tion. and tin has had fa on wound. The council Is mild to vigorous-l- y tubn chance or showing their authortty. TIiIn hnvo n, an opportunity to test scltntlflofllly Mr. it is thought ho will Miirvlvo. you liara a ruinblln sound or imperfect hear-I- was when mi attempt was innilc in pull dates i.iado mioilicr statement hut overruled Its chief executive, uud nnd wlion It l entirely rlrscd itealnes Is the effect of alcohol In doveloplug nut a locomotive from tho IoiiiiiIIioum' later, in which lie mild the twelve mills owing to his advanced ago, will lie Iho printers me not likely to Iwcolne tho mult, and unions tlio tntlammatlou can bo sub- which hud In'oii ca- slow to recover. Involved in taken out and Ihls tulw restored to lu normal latent criminal tendencies. The to draw a load of nml up to the steam dosed had n dally the general lalsir troubles. rendition, hearlna will dint roved or .'t.(ioo l.iHHI lo fororer. ject of his experiments wits n mu.i pump. The strikers, ahout Whi I rone, pacity rrom lo tons, lie doorgo A. Hcarhorough, the dcimty ntna canes out ot ten aro cautrd by catarrh, to who were on tho hill ticiirliy, charged said slack business was an additional sheriff who wns wounded hy outlaws which l nothlnu but an Inllumtd condition ot who had surrendered himself the Colorado O rut iim Are the murus surfaces. reason ror the suspuiiNlon or oimtii-tioiiH- . lu Olilrlcahua llercatctl, police with the avowal that anarchists down on Hie dopuilos, who wintered the mountain, died Wo wlllBlroOno Hundred Dollars for any case (illicitly Tho IhsI liirormatlou Is the Thursday morning nt Doming, whom Lincoln, NuK, April (enusod by catarrh) wished to him ami the engineer ipilt his mwi. that ot DvufnoM that cannot make their Instrument There Is very little prospect or the mills will Ih Hosed ludcilnltoly. Pour lie was taken by the rescuing parly. with tho lloors possibly outweighed tio cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Bend tor for assassinating the King of Italy. tliouHiiud men, circulars, tree. strikers allowing outsiders to till tlielr hoys mid girls will ho Tho Ins or blood and the night or other considerations in Uio mind of V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, tt The man seemed ssue, but no corro-loratlo- n pliii'os. mid, its Sheriff Mulloy hits cull- affected by the shut down. lu tho nil n and snow left him tho gentlemen who Judged on the mer- Bold bv Druui-lkp- i. tic Itt Hall's Family PIIU are tho best. of his story could be obtain- ed out the local nilllila, who will nr-rlv- o such u weakened condition that its or tlio Interstate debate Isitwcch Unexpectedly, drinking wine, night, a Hindi Htrllmr hhoot a when Hhorirf lllnlr mid his posse, who Colorado and Nebraska ed. alter here may olllrr. universities "Those photograph my souven- 10.-- gone to last night, mid arc lie broke out Into anarchistic threats. occur on Monday morning when tho Crotou Lauding, N. Y., April Tho had his relief, found him. ho Hie decision went lo was nearly dead and n Nebraska. irs of travel." "All thcsci Well, Miss Acting upon this hint, Professor Iom-hroi- o working whlslh'H blow. llrst liloodslieil as the outcome of o'Iy survived few bonis. Olllcers are st.ll In pursuit Tho iiucetloii was: "lletailvcd, Itilln, you'vo been an extensive travel- administered alcohol to him In the strike at tho Cornell dam won the Hint er." "No, I haven't traveled nt nil. hy lire's Mood Korgcaut Doug- of tho outlaws. Hcarlxiraugh was one Hnglniid's policy u the Is curofully measured quantities, and New Town llin llumlrril. of Itolwrt Transvaal Those aro souvenirs of the travels I'm Tlmos-ller-at- or or tlio most Holed pence olllcers In iho JiiNlllluhlc." Colorado having Chicago. April III. Tho d lass tho Hlevcnth seimrato company tho going to travel when I marry rich," dlssaverod that after ho had drunk a will say: or Mount Vernon, who was shot dead Southwest. Cor a number or years ho mid unpopular sldo. Her amount he developed violent hnd been mi employe or represent ut Ives wcro V. H. certain llnltways lining Chicago as their galo-va-y liy mi unknown iihhiissIu whllo ho was tho cat lie Oaldwoll, criminal tendencies, nil recollection of upliiioriial Improvt'iueiii rclluvltig guard at 8:ft0 uVlonk ferreting out rustlers, nnd In W. C. Prawning nud II. M. HiihIiiII. AUIiNTb WANTED, hnvetakeu so doing naerastla men lu every roiintr to sell which appeared to have vanished from plans ror the lerrllnry lielween Chlnigo Tho wllihwt excitement prevailed had Incurred tho hatred of the Tho Nebraska orrtlors wcro 0. 0. Now. criminal classes son. Church, A. C. Safety V'arrlnge nnd Wnrou Wrench. his when the effects of the alco- luid tho lltH-k- Mountains, which In- throughout Die cmnit as soon its tho of .this Ills Hawthorne mid F. d. No capital requlrej. Fast teller. Write ulnd wns evidently a carefully llawxby. The Judges were hol bad passed off. volve the expenditure or millions of new or Hie iinhiinnIuiiHuu prcnd tn Attorney for proiKMilHou. Jolinsoa & Noyes, 1U9 dollars mid an addition to present Hie different ti uls, and the soldiers are planned affair, lllrciilteld, the othur Ociicrttl Hinytli, PrufcMMor Powers of uouaunocK uioox, uuicngo. from Immigration fialntlc over tho crime. olllecr, In only wounded slightly ami Donne college, mid Judge Irving Max- In a paper rand before the Manches- alauo of at will recover. tor He- Hit now dlovantil llninchl, tho of onmliu, ami decided two to one -' ' Literary Philosophical society, least 'MQ,M iieople wllhln tho Italian consul majt." Htie didn't you ter and sext etghteou mwuilis. Lctiornl, deplores tho sending ut troops John Pitcher, n storekeeper at lit favor of Nobrnskn. H was admitted rU'iivplHte regard to on titled. "Oh Internal .Migration in The iiuinlmr or now towns Hint will to tho scone of the strike. a mining camp eighteen miles (hat the delivery of Colorado's repre- Itngland Wales," Prefssaor or northwest of Whlto links, sentatives was the best and tlielr argu- and flux ipsar nil the msm nr the West with-l- i "This iNirnilo soldiery." he said, lias been - I or "wilt In some Is murdered by burglars. Ilo was ment strong Carter- Ink. gave an account or the rasa la the tho next year, or those to whkh result evil. It not shot Good Ink la neewMdty tor good writing. Cr net Inward and outward morsmsnt In 'roin fire huiidrvl to six luiiMlrcd now that are needed. It Is Ihe clem- through tho forehead and hilled. The Ur's Is lb beet. Omu no tnare than or Ink. Ih iiiim-ts-- r ency or I now safe in tho store mid store Itseir often registration district of Mngland wjHilntluii Is to added, already the contractors. inn the rirtrtm lnjuril by un ltiiloloti. 173 IIMU It Is helloVHl thoroughly convinced that tho wages were rilled of their content. The next "Ural down at the and played for Jtcf.iro tho Wheeling. W, H.-T- wo ilni Wales In the Interval between the I Vn.. April lrl. Niid you and 91)0. De- which they have won imylng some or morning those who mine to the store that what do think ihe tiiiulHr will oxihhI Areas hollers lu Ihe department or eeJ.tlT' "(IcMMlnM knows, what wus Itt' censuses of lssi and 1M1. Measuring flected lu the tasi. while trunk line their men tiro Iwsod on a starvation found It tsirred, hut Inter, ns Plluher h the Hlvershle plant or tho National Intensity of movement by ths Hfoaor-U- sroro building, an-- receiving tlw Hos-w- t schedule. did not put lu mi appearance, the door Tube Oumlwui exploded carry-lu- g of net migrstlon lo mean popula- attention from railroad laud "Plfteeu mnre dollsrs a dnyimld out wns burst open hy friends. They found - the boiler ICO feet, ami destroyed absorption Is most marked In ami tralilc uutnugors. lu- the contractors lu wages would set- everything In confusion, ami In a tion, the on throe buildings and bolters lu Ihe steel convcnl-swtl- y Tho railroads under! a k tug the most tle the whole dliUcHlly. IltM these men huudle of blankets the lloor the the London suburbs, snd la Issly of tlie cold In works mid water works. iuKrtsnt psrt of this work, u work realet. They refuse to make any con- storekeeper death. There were situated watering places. Thane y I fifteen men Injured, tin. to whk h they pracik-nll- no cession, l asked them to There was ho clew to bo murderer. have paid iwy $MH most sertoiis being It. Hatterfleld. terri- HAVE IT READY woTssaents indicate sows amslloratlos itleutbm sltu e the land Immiuih a day to the 10 men who loud the The hall which caused Plleher death thirty-tw- bly soHhled: William Hell. Thomas of the evils of life In crowded cities. f fiftwu ear ago. are: Atchison. To-ek- a trlke Instead or$1.9B, aa hafQtc. but loid evidently come from a e llitrke, (leorge Hjdndler mid t l pniiei-Iwh.- caliber revolver. Pllchcr tiny-Ne- Thomas Ths districts from which esttsx ha it Stanta I'c o ago. HnrllngtoH they would not listen to the whs Hell. The mage S1 S MUM M I yours eld mid had been a In ds will exceed $10,000, liQStioVt wlth- - the sowth-wee- t. b Qulucy. Chicago A Northwestern, minor the ne tSbsId In been straasjest are found in and If tlie metal In the blast furnace ost a i 'bkago, Milwaukee Si Ml. Inul. North White Uake country. He owned the settle In Wales, on the Scotch border, I cullw there will be nu additional lees ru PnHhV. Chicago A Its stern Illinois srocery store at J lea rl In sluce lust or and In northeast Yorkshire and Aiill'liynvhliig law Is Valid. winter. He was single and lived lu the over $100,000. ind Illinois tvntrsl. lT.-rT- Movement from a district OoliuulHia. Ohio, April lie tore. Three tlKiuseiid tvotkmeti will be yeslsnliiy thrown out oinnloyment St. Jacobs Oil In one county to on in another easjn-t- y Court declared the A report f in New Mex- of for Ian A to lyi-'bl- lnUlmro. TrHMilu Itsnsis. anil- - ng law constluolaiwl. The days. The tube wottss went not af- lavolvsd a transference of about ico, says that a aheHITe kmm cttcouH-icic- d ICausas city. Aiwll IB. A Journal law (iroviiles t'jst the heirs of fllty per- the fugitive fected. 17MM males and M,M fnttMlss. ipecul Kansas, says: A murderers. Hurt fer frtsn Wichita. son who Is lyitehed may collect $n,O0() yrd. Hrave Jahiuwii nml William lH!Bl witlsat see males and itonu aiHtruacklHg a tornado proiior-iot- tome tit. MIM lu from the commliMloiiers In the county Kiitc, in tire rnotiiilititw southwest of Nw Crrcil fer I'rrlytrlun. etc. left the country. U reioiiel froHi near Wlnusji), lu wlilch tlie uffHlr occurs. dcols-(e- fetMlct Tlio thai point hue Monday, mid HHIos Ohleugo, M.-- Tlie othe Vet ween Mewtott. that April Interior, tho werld; here ami and lu the was reiidorwl lu the usui of Click was killed lu n light organ, he, rlHuily west of Clearwater. Two Imiigetl that followed. Preebylertaii will coniiiln n knows Piuhco li suenoeeJ to of all MIlcholL by a muli nt Ul'lmmi, Ay rd. Juhnsoti mid Btllos broke jail at strong Mlltortal Monday, lsHtk are ivjiorted ami four people nml W. advocating ItUa esuMlrtas In the world, the one In J, Caldwell, wlio whs shut nud Silver Clly n week ngo, mid afterword the setting aside uf Hie ire snbl to have Ihwii Injured Uy over-wrm- hy cotiresslon of which man freedom to drink what- liettten strikers at Cleveland. oMbtMhtsi Kvnn-gellc- ItottMs. Wires are down and and iminlcied Dlllccr faith and Hie udontloii af a short ever he fdestse is most maintained. Ueorne Scurlsiroiigh mid wounded or-flee- r creed. (Imy. PERFECT and isjrtlcumrs ore unolitnln-iW- r Dr. the editor. Mines Thirty Million SlnnlHg. Hurt'hllehl. wlio were In pursttll wIhi has defended Dr. Yet nsHSfiU lionuj, commandsr of at 10 o'clock llllll. repeats CURB the TeaUi Army Cors rscopilslng ths Hasten. ..prll 17. 'Ilie Itov. Heck f them. Tuertlsy a Hiroug hw left what ho ss hi when Dr. Hlllis was llrst well Clancy, n missionary nt Alhiha Deiulng. Now Mexico, to gtiitnl the attacked Hhii three-fourll- of the mlii magnltSjO ot the drink evil, has pro Hut tight With I fer Uhlntte lluors Istd, lulls, says: mouiiliiln to the eusl hihI Mors ami nliie-tonil- uieiulHVM l iHtssee bend of the hlbtted the sale of alcoholic drinks In Airt-l- IS. fniiiliie-stricko- n IVklH. dlllewl advices Imve '"Ilie coiHlItran of In- off the fugitives hIhiiiIiI they start lu of the PrusbyterlHii Church reject the the army "canteens." The neod eeen received of a severe evmgemeiit ula, to-iht-y Is sometldug lierfeetly nw that dlrM'Hon. Another lu . imm hetuled ckiiiw Iho coufeiMkiu which H1IIU PAINS steer-red- between the Imperial troops I uny-thln- feet of his order Is being Chinese (ul te cOHteHiplsto cannot tell by Hhcrtff lllnlr of (Irani county. nri-i- d attacked ami for which he wns de- AMI g large body r ad and It may yet b extended throngk-eu- t of "lloxecs," it secret about the nunils-- dyliig. hut from Kun Rlmon to net In concert nounced by cert hIii thooIoglHUs nut. re- the Krenrb amy. Par the army weiety. The battle, which whs I tide-rielv- when 1 left llombNy lst Pew-nar- y with tln Deinlng HMte and endeavor ligious uewsWers. Dr. (lry has no occurred ai Yen ('bin, In Peohl there were some (KMRMI.ikhi mtf-ferln- g lu roitiHl up Bearlwr-ug- ACHES of to set to Ute world . people Ihe inurdorc rs of doubt that the church will Hike nu ot the mad wine l. I.I provlm-e- AImhii l.txio men were nml over HOKSMXVi wore In dire as well ns capture the men who early opportunity to vote n new an oxempte of sobr!t and abstlHCsire rri-o- s iiui the boliig tMtially dlvtds)!. illstress. awl or these hut 8,01)0,000 rccfiitly om'sihsI from the TombetuuL creel ami Hint It will tie can led b a will be a striking incident. i' be casualties Here heavy. wen ncchliig guverumcut aid." Arltoua. Jail. lirgc majority. STItANOn LAKBS IN PErtO. LAZIEST OF KINOB. TIIE 0C1GAN HOBOES. TIIE MUOiNSltlNERS. SSMMWt-WiO- laitrait of Nnrtsre Onltst Tlicy list Leopold falit lo Unlet the Ilrrorri, Milan Ittlng lUs-ttten- t. MsnUlrnmi That Kwnltaw Haiti. A PRODUCT OF CONDITIONS IN One nf lite sAiLona' supEnsTirioNs ns-- Ilx-KI- I From Crurere Alio, tho highest town Milan of flcrvla has been CONGRESSIONAL GRIS- OAnOINQ STOWAWAYS. THE SOUTH. called tho T- In the world, the Southern railroad of latlest of nil tlio royntllei merely Is never be- Peru drops Into the lgunlllns. or lake because he afoot TliT Are rnlrlj Itanrat In Tlielr mati- fore 12 o'clock. When he rlsea ho goes Not ,nhrd In j Rlilpi' OlDrrrt ami region of the Cordilleras, where. It,MO ng with Thtlr I'rllow IUto at onoe, hair-dresse- to a solid WASHINGTON GOSSIP. This ItlSM nt MI)fBitl.lM Oon. feet above the sea, In n group of In rue in lunsh No Rerni'ta Abant tlrtlbi ng to 1'sy of heavy meats, puddings and wines. quntljr Sofler llrtnt llrillil noni lakes of v-- cold, pure water, with- Tsim to tlisKlofernmsnt, After luuehcon he smokes a couple tilt In Atttmpli to droit Uie out Inlet or outlet. Tliey receive the of l)ts strong cigars; then, If there nothing drainage of the surrounding hills and It pressing to be done, ho goes bask to Tho 1'tiprto Illonn tnrlff bill wns nnd win tuifi rccolvwl n groat conceal It somewhere, hut there Is no number There In n belief among sallorn that Tho moonshiner or the mountain re- bed nnd either reads or goes to sleep, signed on tho 12th. of letters urging lilin to agree In necept Visible means of Its escape. A fringe gion posseMos for lovers of the ns S ten-doro- ktowawnys bring good ships the fnnry tnken him. At o'olosk he The linn J tint ratified Tho Hint petition In cnsc It ntiottlil lie tl luek to of lee President form around the odges of the an unfailing attraction. To In up him, tifiM Hen-nto- r ngnln, and usually goes Wit in Ilnguo conrontlon providing for uni- written n Irtter In nnd that no voneel onn go down with lako every night the year round; yet tho stranger he appears ills-tittt- at first glance or In versal nrhltrnttoti of International .lotion of Arkniisn. who l hi per- ono In search amusement. He seldom of them on board, lint thore a they on gen-carnl- ly nm use sonal frlcnil, snylng Hint In contain excellent variety of a Tory ordinary Individual. Ho Is back nt the palace dawn, for tho nitnlntlon of tho ctinuni different opinion among fish, called until when of wnrllko Instruments. consent to kiu'Ii use of IiIh Haute nnd tho oflUcrs the pojerrny, whlcli Is long, lean, slow of speech, mild ho tumbles Into bed. Hut whoever IiIm In nnd owners eaught near 1"J- Tho sccrelnry of tho treasury linn Hint resolution In thl matter of vessels, and In nooonb the share ami sold at of mminor, rough of dress and deport- calls Milan a lasy man never heard of Irroropnhlc. tin-o- f Rent to Confront) hi reply to tho House nhsnlitlcly In speak ance with thin the ntownwny't lot Is inn and In other neighboring towns. ment mid apparently dull In Intellect. the one hunting expedition of tho king resolution of April 2nd, diking what tho Judge's attitude. Hcitntnr .Imn n hard ono. The American Immigra Tho two largest lakos. ftaracocha and IJiit, onco his confidence Is gained, ho "Judge of the Helglsns. II wnnto-- l (o hnvn Hie condition of the would wild: Caldwell's Males are nil tion authorities view a stowrway In Onehlpflsennn, with several smaller t'rovss to be an Interesting character. Juillclnl. Up linn IiimI nny iwttv.' the sensation or hilling wttkotft going probably lj nt the close of tho present mvir much tho name light a paupe. Im- ones In the aamo neighborhood are In his humble home, which Is usually llscnl connection with politic nuil, with n that In search of his game. Bo lie sol in his yenr. In hi reply, ho cstlmntos n double-roome- d migrant In considered. In manda- owned by the family of Mr. Itemnnn log hut, he Is Indus- nrin-ohn- lr tho surplus nt 182.000.000. modesty willed linn nlwnyn clmiueter It and potted at a lot of rab- lited lilin, he 111 fluid tory on tho master of a ship bringing of ArequliAi, who has Just been sleeted trious, fairly honest, kind to bis wlfo Tho Boololy of tho New York Ave- think of useful bits let loose from a bag In front of lies In on tin niul 1101 n . stowawny president He nnd children, relig- nue Presbyterian Church linn bench in a to the United States that of Peru. owns Immense sometimes deeply him. When the smoke cleared away lltlcnl jtowttlon. Hp h it tlin ious, fond tho pic.mtlon of nix elders nnd four timti of he, nn tho first agent of the owners, be tracts or land In this locality, with of music and dsnrltig. and and he called for Ills beg he bad to be character nnd n tlrni believer In tin Ills denconn who objected to the rondnet personally responsible, tinder a heavy thousand of sheep, eattle. llamas, conversation Is by no means dull. told nil had been wss principle which Hip of Mi Tho that that found of tho Iter. Dr. Itndcllffp. tho pastor, iiprter flno, for tho stowaway's deportation. nnd vicunas, which are herded student of language will bo one tall n Hrynn, PopullMts, Hllvor Ucpulillrtiii hls'qunlnt and certain smnll quantity and linn elected now men to till their nnd Democrats, ImIIpvp Thin law Is not calculated to put the Upon It. A carious phenomenon with apecch abound- of fluff. He never went shooting again. ntneos. those, rotlro lmve In." ing ns It Mot of who master mariner In a happy frame of about the Inkea In that they keep at does In archaic and obsolete The czar occasions!!)- - aid at a bat left tho church nnd tnken lettorn to the Tho resignation of Webster Dnvl words handed down without the aid of In nsslstmit neeretnry Hip mind, and ho treats tho unbidden pas- tho same level all the time, regardless tue, but the thing burts htm nnd he Ohnrch of tho Coreiinnt, which nn of Interior lm books or manuscripts, so nearly offshoot of Now York Avenue preclpltnted n tleree eonlllet wIiIpIi senger ns ho thinks he should be treat- of tho dry and rainy seasons. No and goes only out of polltenes. The prlnrn tho forgotten elsowhore Hint oven Kngllsh Ohnrch. may result ultimately In Hip relgna ed. Not long ngo a Cuban named amount of rain will make any differ-onc- o of Wales Is n Hood shot, and Is fond or philologists er- Without objection nny source Hon of I'ciisloii CommlHNloiier Hour) Charles Clement wnn picked from tho with their depth, which, how- sometimes fall Into tho shooting, but tils big-gam- e days are friiin Hip ror of classing ho Hemilc on Tuesday ngreeil to tnke C. Kvmm nnd Scrtniy of Interior wnter off Hell date. He told the au ever, In the renter In unknown. And them nn American over. The emperor of (lortrany bunts Hitchcock. While Mr. sur- i flnnl rote on the right or Hip IIoii. M. Darin explains thorities ho wnn a stowaway on tho thin adds to the awe and mystery with Nearly always his nnd shoots a great rietl, but lhue who H. Quny n nn Hint be resign from the Interior De name shows him to he of pure Ungllsh to sent n nenntor front part llrltlsh tramp steamer High Fields and which they nro regarded by the In- know him best any lis does not enre Pennsylvania, TtlPNihiy, April tilth, nt meat lo giro bin entire time ami ai desrent and ho tins preserved unim- wider-stoo- had smuggled dians. There are no boats upon the much for tho sport. With him It Is a p, in. During Itn session the Hengtu tcutlou to the Hoer cause, It In himself aboard at tho paired ICngltsh lakes, oxrept n tew tho old passlonnto love matter of the right tiling also paid Itn trlhutc to the Into Itleh,.rd that the friction lMtwccu lilmseir Darbadoes. The voesel discharged In small bains, or of personal tradition for on I freedom and of homo, and Mis-lour- l. the one baud nnd a.retary IIIMi II rook y n, nnd, ns he was not account rafts, made of bundles of straw, whleh n royal personngo to do. The king at lllnud, long it rcprcneutntlvp from bis unquestioned right to defend '"lie eulogies irououneed on the cock nnd Commllouer Kvan on tin ed for on the ship's ofllelnl pnpers, tho iJcop very close to the shore, for fear tho Portugal, who holds the retard or fat- other had rerched nuch a point Inttcr, even ngnlusl tho powers Hint bo. dend statesman were uotnlilo for their thai gnvo op- of being drawn Into whirlpools thai ness among the roynlttes, Is debarred reslgmitlonn were Imperative. Pension authorities her captain tho Tho moonshiner has a great respect rnriicstucsn nnd eloquence. tion of taking tho man along or pay nro snld to oxlst In the center. There physically from such violent oxorclsc. Tho Honnto on privileges Commlloiier Kvan, It seem, nfter for the law, with n few Important res- committee Imvlng bin work pnssetl by A ing his way hack to tho West Indies In some foundation for thin foar, for Tho king of Sweden never tuucltes a n ttnnnl-uiou- n iikiii ervations. All the statute books In and electlonn linn ileclded by Kecreliiry says ho only two or three years ago n gun. The sultan of Turkey cannot bear to adoption slslnnt Dnvl. nppenled near Clement was afterward sot up balsa exlstenro cannot porsundo ho vote recommend the ly every ense to Hie sup- him that to sco one. Tho king of Italy Is tho of n rcHolutloii Hint W. A. seerelnry, who on by two officers of tho ship, who bent containing five men disappeared In lias not n perfect dcclnrlnit ported Hvnn nnd bumlllnted Dnvl b right to make bin only representative of tho old Olnrk of Mntitnun In not entitled to op-co- him Into Insoiislblllty, that ho wan tho darkness and was never hoard of corn rosl such (Commissioner Into whisky nnd soil It without r. n aellon. Pension again. Of course It may have tipped kingly tradition. He Is it mighty hunt-ii- nciit nn n nenntor from Montniin. I.vmin In the known foe to the pension then put In Irons and confined below Intcrforenco In (ho shnpe of rovonuo Tho decision wnn renehed nfter ft two-hour- s' occupant para- am! frequently throws up all the or, while Dnvln believe In llburnl np decks. While lurarcorntod there ono cvrr and Its have boon tnxos nnd tho deputy mnrshnln. Thin sitting, nt which nil the mom-bcr- n routine of work without n word of proprlnllonn for the old soldier. The of tho officers told him that nn soon ns lyzed by tho cold water In nn ordinary view or tho na wen- - prevent, mntter. explained by l'lwlm-bolln- of tho committee (Iralid Army has rrcueiilly urged wnn way; but their bodies uevor were dis warning nnd goes off with Col. l except Henn-to- r the vessel out nt nea lie was to himself. In quite, simple: llesldos n one. The nliMoiiteo wnn President McKlnlny to to spend several weeks In par CnfTory mid ho wired ileiniiud Kviiiir' bo done nwny with and his body covered nor did the balsa over float tn vegetables nnd fruits, corn Is the of Iouhlniiti. resignation, but the Piesldout has not suit of game or all kinds with will h hln vote In opposition to Mr. Chirk. thrown overboard. While the vessel shore. Therefore the people think tin amy crop he can raise with his slow done so. - the mountains abound. Conor.. ii wan going through Hell (late on route parly wan lured Into a mael- ox or steer on the lew of Agumont wnn lieguii In the United ' swts arable encimiinlrn-Ho- n In view of Secretory (Inge' - established no means of HtntcH (Supreme III nn to Halifax ho noticed the opportunity Strom and swallowed up by the my- land belonging to him. This he can Court Tuesday tho Horns. Queen a tiouucetneut of the growing surplus. torlous waters. The whirlpool near 50 with Neither enso of Admiral Dewey nnd bin moil. to make his escape. With an Iron bar sell for cents per bushel after haul . Importance attache to a bill Intro- I nor any nf hi j ministers en hp grown tho center of Popo which r- Tho out of their claim for llcpre-scntntlv- c he pried open the door of the room In like receives ing It from fifteen to ly mlleti over duced In the House by where to tlnd him for wceki at ft bounty due for the destruction of tho which ho wns confined, nnd. with the waters of take Tltlcaea Is well r tho worst roads In the world. Till Rpnnlsli Tnwney of Mliiuesoin to time. He might have lost bis throne licet nt Manila, ami coinen to the following provisions of the handcuffs nnd all, rushed tn the deck known, nnd hundreds of men have lost sama bushel of cam will make three tho Supreme Court on npcnl from the In ii sudden upheaval and known wnr revenue net, to take elToet .Inly 1. and sprang ovor the side. Ho was rap- their lives by venturing too near It. gallons of whisky, which Is easily decision of the Court of Chilin. The 11)00: note or nothing of It till lie descended to Hid "llrokers memorandum idly sinking when picked up by a row-boa- t. Hoots that nro drawn into the current transported, nnd lor whlrh, If ho Is court nwiirdcd the An $100 each mid of snle of nny goods, 10 cents; convey plains. Of late, however, ho bus be- Hip admiral SIlTiTO. 'I hey claim double Anothor Instance of a stown-way- 's nro whirled swiftly around a low times successful hi dodging the "revenuon,' niices, neeiis, couslilem-tlo- come wiser. Now a carrier leaves Hint amount In nil on the ground cic, wiicn the and then disappear. For the protec- ho will receive from 3 to $6. eimo. or value exceed (M) mid doe mil Jumping Into the son occurred Home ovory second day during Ills ex- Hint the enemy' force wnn suiierlor to tion or nnvlgntors the government of Ilesldcs tho manufacture and snlo of exceed fMK), W) cents, mid for eneh nil off Cnpo Henry two yearn ngo. Tho pedition, bringing reports of ull that the American tleet. dlllonal flOO or fraelloiuil part there sohooncr Cartas was brought Now Ilollvln tins anchoret! a lot of buoys In whisky tho mountaineer has one other to hi u to'' Important jit happens. Now York Press. Ilefcrrlng the uo of nnuie of In excess of ?W, W) cents; lease York from llnltlmore, whoro she foun t lnke Popo, and bontmen who observe sourco liicomo tho emmet-lio- wlt'i tho vice prcHldcnthil trensury aijieeinent, etc.. for n period of one n mnn clinging to n life preserver. He them nro In no danger. Thero Is sup- of the United States. Con iioiuluntlnu, Secretnry Long In under- yenr, iSi cents; exceeding BLACKSMITH," one year r.nd Liv- posed to he nn underground outflow sldcrlng the trouble and risk to which "PAT, THE stood to have Informed it number of exceeding W) snld ho had been stowed nway nt not three yearn, cents: from all of those lakes. It Is claimed ho Is subjected by the Importunities bin friend that If the nomination were for n period excceillng live years. 51: erpool on tho steamer Templcmoro. A Itnnibla Art'.iu Muiln I'mnoiu liy Hint been or government agents, he thinks him tendered him he would accept It. Ho mortgage or pledge, etc.. exceeding The ofllrcrs did not treat him with articles which havo thrown 111 self fully Justified In drawing tol tlioiii that the honor wnn of hiicIi a $1,000 mid not exceeding fl.noo, 'JT much consideration, he mlded. Ho wns Into their wnters have afterward been from "Paint tne ns n blacksmith," sftld re- ths government nil the money ho eliaracter.tliat no man could well cents, nnd on each ?.VH lit execs of told that tho Immigration odlrern of picked up on tho seaconst nonr Africa, can Patrick Lynn, and the artist did so, fuse lo accept It, nnd exprensed bin ?l.r(H, power attorney Hi- - ?ct ,mr'1" O'lcu. Ihcrcrorc. cent; of or llaltlmoro wcro half savages, nnd Hint mid cnrcrul obsorvors say that on So It came to pnss that l.ynf portrait IiIkIi appreciation of the compliment proxy, etc., 10 cents; jMiwer of ntlor- - In locality are no ,'iiccomca n professional witness. In IiIm It wan tho custom of tho country to beach that other debris In probably the best reprotTOntlon ' Implied Hie manner In whlcli ney to sen mid convey renl eslnle. ele.. Ono dollar mid n half n day with mile- for-wa- '- do not grow an tho const, iimuo ha alremly been hi ought 'JO hang stowaways to tho noarest lamp- whlrh but an notunl living blacksmith nt his work -'0 cents; protests, etc., cents." Mr. age, Is no small matter to the man In Hint connection. Titwney says secretary post. When the Templcmoro readied nre found In groat nbundnnca nmong In world, miys Huccess. It Is a that the of the who rarely sees more than 100 In a the Inkea. Chicago f full-long- Tho limine devoted Tuesday to the trensury lutlmiilcs Hint the provNIou Cape Henry light tho man grabbed n tho Interior Itoeord. yenr. picture, lire size, In bis iiKrlcultnnil bill, passing It HUbstnntliil-l- to be repealed by the bill only furnish life preserver nnd hoforo nnyhody hlacksmlth'H apron, resting his $,'liU.:t(rt, It wns snld a fow yonrs ago Hint nn reKirted. An animated discussion but Unit they nre microti could stop him Jumped Into the sen. aAnaut. great arm nnd blackened hand upon Ills of- mid vexntloun mid should be repealed. how to abuses had arisen In tho United nroHO over a series of nmeiidmeutn Ho was In tho wnter fourteen hours, linmmor, while a youth nt the hollows fered by Mr. Corliss of Michigan, Tho Mulliuiii ami III Way to States courts or tho southern moiin Charles II. Allen, at present nod-a- sl nsslt when tho Cactus saved him. Tho Tl tnln reeion rrom this A renown the red bent or the Iron Ills the distribution of free seed nut secretary of the navy, will be the Tlitm. sourco. iium innlii-tallie- d feature of the wholo thing Is that or employer has been laboring upon. The nnd free vaccine. Mr. Corlln lirt civil governor of ruertn It co un If one Is to really dn good by gar- - bor men having united In a consul dlntribu-tln- n Immigration sent original, painted by John Neagle In Hint the government iler Hie provisions of Hip bill pahseil tho nutliorltlos him lltii'lluil la If nun la tn Inmirn Dint rucy to defraud tho government, one of Invaded Hie Held of enter- bnok to Liverpool when 1888, Is In Pennsylvania Academy private Tiiursimy uy uie nouseor Ueprosentii he lauded it,, fin i.i nlinll rnnaii tim .Kininrtor umii t'10 number would Ih reported tor the prise. Ill vnrloti iiiiiciiiimcnt fulled, liven" wns signed Krhlay hero. ' of Fine Arts; the replica Is at the Hon-to- n m bv the irai of the pharnx-t- hc noso must be held ?mo ",lnor violation of tho rovonue j however, lifter extended debate. An dent. Mr. McKlnley tins been bringing Countless numbers of stownwny laws, the Athenaeum library. the Mr. and the head must bo well thrown rout summoned ns wltnosses "Pat. miieiidmeiit of I.iitlmer of South pressure lo bear to Induce Mr. Allen In attempts arose was familiarly 1 Carolina wnn adopted, lucrculng the have died to the while performing the gargling nnd oven whon tho case wont no fur- blacksmith," as he to relinquish the cure of bis consider back In supply Iiih" ocean. The average steamer has many , ther than tho grand Jury there was called In Philadelphia, was born of "farmers' bullet lued able private Interests for a suttleleiit priR-eos- soys the Charlotte Medical Hip dark holes In her big Interior, nnd.not-withstandi- . money for all. It oamo ac- In 1779. mid came to Philadel- by Aurlctiltuml Depnriment nnd time, til least, to Install the civil gov Journal. Uy gargling In the usual way ir to trial Iindou. dlntribuied by Cougwwn. Hint a ship sel- qulttnl wns 170s, died April IS. member of eminent In the Island, mid the hittei the fact only tho anterior surface of the uvula tho usunl result, nnd the phia In where he Doweyn nre Imvlng n port eh being amount by 18W. early struggles mndo blm The lKuutlful linn consented to assume the new re dom loaves without ate and soft palato and the base of the rerolvcd the conspirators Hln time. Their houm I full of reporter per- was largo. Hut. ways or Jury b siwuislbllltlcs. Inasmuch ns tho nn mndo to see that no unauthorized tnnguo are reachod. Hut by holding the n become an Ingenious blacksmith, and from morning lo nlgi the letter ear-tie- r tnken effect on the 1st of next imnnii son Is on hoard, many succeed In elud- Ing mysterious, In rare Instances, the ho wan a local celebrity. He Imllt not able to ry nil In tli nose and throwing tho hoad weO are i" the mall there but little time left In which lo ing detection. It Is only u fow years defendant wnn convicted. In such nn ninny (Ire engine. He was once sent Hint come for the admiral nnd no It outline a skeleton form or government bark when gurgling, the mcdloament slnao one of the regular llnoa nrrlvod event he cheorftilly served his two or for to open nn Iron chest mndo by him- In nciit li j' from the (wntotllco by a pe-cl- Including the formation of n cabinet reaches every surfaco of tho pharynx ( three months In Jail, receiving mcMciigcrs Invitation are received It Is understood Hint tho new govern- with tho dond body of a stowawny In very effectively. The comparative his self; tho nwnor hnd lost tho key. Pat iilmont hourly from nil part of ment will 1m- - taken to Itor hold. Ho had rnppcd nnd bam-moic- d shnro of tho proceeds when ho re dexterously performed the operation, the Puerto lllco in value of the two methods can be tost-- 1 jotintry; portrait painter and other art-Int- one or uie iinesi vessel or the navy on the ship's hatch without gained his liberty. At the next term nnd, holding the ltd with our hand, by j Including the fauiou Chnrtriiii, III the selection Mr. Allen, ed painting tho posterior surface of of court ho would nppenr ns n of the l'r..ui. avail when the ship was outside sight I witness presented the other with n demand for who tho l'ope. nre In tho pharynx carefully with a strong imlnted np)nllng dent bus mind the appointment or a ' while ono of his fellow conspirators tlie of land, nnd had starved to death. u..1 M 1 tiinMivlnnA lilllA find tltiiH $10. It was refused. Put let fall to both the ailmlral nnd bin wife for or affairs nt. wnft aw. aw ., .. .. . t . . V .. innii mid of sound buslm In nnolher Instance u hid m,wt,,l took his plnco In tho prisoner's dock, off, leaving treas- Hitting: nouveulrn of nil kind nre experience, itinlltles which are mini himself letting tho patient gurgle with Witter lid und walked the deemed In n chain loekor. and and the work wont merrily on. coming In from every direct lou; the let- essential In the administration of the when tho anchor In tho usunl way. when It will be found ure ns fast sealed ns before Thero up ho was ter mid telegram nre extremely com- nffnlrn of an entirely new government, wan hove crushed to death, the water ejected will bo rlour was no remedy and reluctantly the plimentary, and to Dewey It lookn such nn In to of steam that Their Only or Mr. be erected In Puerto lllco tho noise the wlneh and the and unstained; then let him gnrgle Illsrrniiil. owner the strong box again sent lor ns If tho admiral In nn good nn elected Mr. Allen wnn Isirn In Unveil, Massa- rattling of the chair drowning his The only mnrltal dlflloulty that Vic Pat. Ho promptly appeared and Uie provident already, although In I. nguln, holding tho nose and throwing huo chusetts. 1818. and irritdiinieii m cries. A mnn wns found dead under tar Herbert, tho oompnt,ir and director, box was Instantly opened. The first quite put out becnuve Theodore ltoonc-vel- t his hoad well back, whon the ejealcd Amherst. He has had, In addition to tho main hatch of ono of the National and Mrs. Herbert ever hud occurred, declined the nccond place on tho in luisiiiesn fluid will be found stained, and an In- demand of ftO quickly offend; but experience, a great dual on according to Mrs. Herbert, during ticket with nomethlng Hint Hounded oi icgisuiiivo iriiimiig. lino slonmors her arrival hero. It spection of tho phnrynx will show that no, "I must hnvo $20 now," said the wns shown of starva- their honeymoon, whllo cnwslug the very much like a ncornful nueer. that he had died the blue has been washed away. This operator, ami $20 wus paid without a Colonel llryan decline to accept the nnd stiffocntlpn. In one Atlnntlr. It wan brought about by Ibipiehunlallve Wllwin of Idaho linn tion of his I worUt remembering, foi murmur, for the lid and the lock were recently us-wal- a thing u ndvlco tendered him by pockets was a seiislekuess. The composer was sick, lo.kmslt-er- . liitroducod bill to amend the net fro- Ottemlorfer, found novel entitled many observers have maintained that still In the Iron grasp of ths nting forctU rcKervofl. It provide Hint the eminent editor Doomed In Deep. Still anse and Mrs. Herbert was also III. Their or tne Htants .ellung the another gargling la not only useless aa a The story of his Inesreeralton was land taken outHldo of renervittloiiH In lorn nnd a who Illness took the form of Intense Irrl representative gold-bu- g Is that of a man hid himself In this: Lyon was the blacksmith .in 4 lieu of timber on other land within u Dumoonil. Not uietliBd at medication, but It Is quits lability long ngo Hint gentleman Col- the forepeak of a steamer bound to and morbid sensitiveness. Hoeh Hank Pennsylva- rcnorvntloii, nlinll be of it addressed Inrltoetiial even as a means of (loan- locksmith of the of character onel n Iip wna movement of the ship produced a groan similar to the original nelectloiw. It llryun letter suggesting thai !ondon. While she proceeding ing the pharynx. nia. The vaults were entered anJ a provider Hint might command the almost uimiilmoti up the Thames river nhe wan run Into from them, and each noise on board large sum nt money was carried off. further where timber Herman vote throughout nun-lia- r the United by another steamer and was out the vessel an Indignant protest. They ar- lands nro taken, they ahull bo for oitt . Susflelon fell iiikiii Lyon. Pat was Hi nil Mint hi tne next congressional ele. stow- JUfimrtl' Nrrw lii ,m-- tried to sympatulie with each other within forest rewrvntlon. Hon to her collision bulkhead. The rested and Imprisoned for a long time. niul (hut when bind In roHervnlloiin If he would only drop the silver A fax having been pursued by a but volres lacked sincerity. At away was crushed to ilaatU. their In the rsstlr. whl'h, by his desire, ths have been denudml of Umber, no tim- issue ami coniiue nimscir to null ex liarnard (Vt.l hunter and two hounds, the end of the third dsy the composer poiislon ami the trusts; but Mr. (it ten Many women have sielsu passage (winter has Introduced into the bis-to- r ber land can bo taken In lien ihnrcof. scaped In a novel manner. The ani- after recovering from a lurch of the prtirlnlon bill In Hint dorfer wnrnod Iniy (Iwt the readoti aeroes the ocean. In ISM a steamer Irs I portrait. In process or time Another of the Hon mal was being closely pressed by the vessel, said: "Dear, I one favo-l-o Mnlmaht theniKelve immt iiialtii Hie of the rhicngo platform W4,uld de was wrecked In the strait of Ilelle Isle. real culprit wss found lo be lbs lirlve him nt the sunno dogs, when it dashed aeroes the rail- ask. Don't speak to me igaln nn the loentloii of lieu hind, and nuch locu- uf iliui Another ataamer went in lio resells watchman. Pat was rtleatrJ snd mads 1hc by Mr. llryan ban written n frluml in road track In front of a fast waving board this ship until we reach shore, tion cannot inmlo power of ntlor and In making a list of those aboard hln old employers and rscrnt prnecu-lo- r In WhnIiIiikIoii to explain Hint, while be lrata. Tk fox barely sueoeetjbnl In or I shall ' My. Tl object of the Mil to pre It was found that two of them wom- throw mrsell overboard. I ban the highest OHea-dorfer- , pay handsome dtmsges $I3.0M, rent the railroad eomimulen from resjiect for Mr. were stowaways. ieacllag the other side of the tract, "My dear," answered Mrs Herbert, In order to follow the ad tie of en Ileeetitly a HUle believe. He went bark to his anvil, their IniuU nfter they lmve girl ahead of the approarbtng locomotive, with her first sigh uf relief since deiiudiNl tlmlter, (inn geuiismnii It would be nemtrsm stowed herself away an a slilp forged bis wealth snd hammered Iron Imn of and wntlng but the dogs were not so fortunate "thank you; I've been want-lu- g valunble IaiiiIh elwher lnnteHil. tu reiMHllnte III iiiimI ttaerfsl iiIiIIim bound for Sydaer, Australia, from tan bars Into bsnknotes sud eagles. Hon to the people, and be would rather HranelMS. The kouads were so eager for their to ask yon that nam favet myself lirforta me to lie made by tho Draud suffer defeat than betray them tu tlwi prey that they did not head the train II day."- - Phllsdelpblaiaturdny liven- Army of the llepubllc to nwuro IIh-lfltlo- u very mrtlruhir. ulmiel llryan argm and UoUl were killed. ing Poet. Tlin Kttretee I'eemlly. providing f Au KiprMilon at Mrapslliy, for the cmitlnn of a thai the enactment of the nold-stauil- - The pres(ut lord chief Justice (Lord pounlon court of In tli-io- . uppwil. which to anl currency law last iiiouth dotw noi "Did you found the town that they And Woutdu't l.l. Huseell of Klllowen), years pflna llimlly on aiipllcatloiiN VYhr II lltflre. before he for niter the elornal nrlueliilea of the Detu- - named your" wss end to discharge th eook reJecttKl by tliti pounlnn oltlee after asked of the Wife"! Ueok look silk, was sitting In court on and oorailc iwrty nor at We read In the of Proverbs: iwriiilt it to deimrt western man who bad been bragging today." HhsIssimI-"Wh- far." Wife a lean- Interior Ifparlinnnt. Oeiiernl A. D. fraui Its plslu duty. Tlie peoitle "A Mtt answer tttrnstk away wrath." mornlftg. when not Iist barrister, filmw, oomiunnder-lii-chle- r of the honor. "Well, no," he slowly "Ok. &e got too leader hearted to geraso hear- of tho cIionp, sliver luoiiev. and be will It Is Also true that a witty reply often ing the benches during the Army, nnd aouornl replied. "No; I wasn't the set- do her work properly." Husbaud-"I- s Cfiind DauUI ootitluue to proi-lnl- their iIshuhiiiU first takes the edge from an unwelHine ing of a trial for bigamy, whispered: blukloa have tho mntter In charge, mid rruui iiiu nouseiop no what leg tler." "Presented It with public parka, It pMslblet" Wlfs "Vm; only 'HhmoII. what's the extreme penalty nro In Wiuhlngloii preparing mailer erltleliw. ss In the following lustanee. the limit minion uie iiepiiiinefiii may en- porbnpsT" "Oh, no; there were parka this morning she refused to beat the ror bigamy rwo wothers-ln-Uw,- " bill, In isiriy from the Chisago Poet: A friendly draft of the to be act in ouponlllou lo their wlslie. It enough. I to ,KK ep whip the cream " to the 1'ienlileiit mid to didn't have do anything magaxlne editor was talking In pleas- replied Unwell. other may be true, an nssorliMl. that the im- - at all. The igllanee committee hung legal nuthorlly before Itn proneutnlloii lltleal comiHwIlloii of the Htetett ant but elltleal mood to a contribu- t'ultetl ray brother-in-la- w for horse stealing, to Gonereiw. Thin will be done In a Munaie win prevent any legislation In Keeping oh the Ante Mitts. tor. He said: "It seems to me you Nlm(e Inderal. nhort time. There nro 111,000 and then very caie tne (iireeiiou or rreo coinage for six turned around and named Miss Passo larekly) "llow long 40 use a faulty figure of speech when MsJIgger That's a fauhr thing. which have been rojectwl In- by the year, bill If the Democratic imriv the town after mo to ex pre their you think a man wgkt to know a girl you say a 'brave old hearthstone.' How Thingumbob What 1st MsJIgger deimrtment nnd tluwo. In iuUII-tlei- t terior dot Its duty on the stump nnd nt Hie sympathy In my hour of bereavement." iwopfleltigr Mr. Patsey was an obi before to oiuera Hint arise from time to bsfors Olublelgh can a hearthstone be brave?" "Well, Miss aald polls, thin llepulillcHii llfeV'-SoiHer- nmJiirltv will u "All kta ville Journal. sir," sold the Miitrlbutar. una I was Married, and now that her lime, will bo referred to the new court. reducwl year liy year "the Iks I and llnally the In Hsu (Ire Is she has become a Oeuera Khnw believe that favorable legUlnlbHi referrtHl to may 1TSSM New tli Wales. am writing nbmt lias been under husband dead bo be repealed. forty years young widow. action out secured on the measure "It In not iKMUilble foF the In New Baulli Wales lbs gevergraent Uooper Union. far nearly without at the present swwlon of DeiuocraUi Congr. to proinute the free coinage of silver bat fixed the minimum wngi of rail- U0Pr HFiHrti. In New Turk cits, luui Judge Henry O. Caldwell of Arkan- by tho ulwmlotimeiit of the ('hit go way laborers at seven shillings, or a revenue lust year of IK.IS9.Tl Us The two per dlataHM between thi sas, who ban been extensively spoken piaunnn, .tir. uryau savs, ami there about $1.75 a day. expenditures were fM.Mf.Ov. Hunger Is a sure sure tor Itrre. eyes Is ths width of one ore. vf tu a candidate for vice president, fore be will continue to stand by tu IP I Aeta the faet that In Siberia moiina TN WII Ann VjVULWUIXrnirNIfti? IIS XlUSt JU1J 1,,, w.n found similar to thou In tuo FIRST WU IIOLLWR. MhMlMlppI valley. FAIR WOMEN SPEAK. QUEEtt AND DUBIOUS THIN08 HOWSAWYBIt EAnNEDTHE TITLE AND BVHNTS. The Mttlncl Copper Toe. Ill ttnterlalnlng Hlifyof the Mirnnln I.iini-tie- r Children kick out tho toea of tlielr Klng'a ttethnd nf fecnrlng IVIial Driftwood I'rom A fur Mound Ilalldar. koala now Juat na muah oa thoy ever IleVfliiRlit White In OongrM. Po-ni-- iio Works Wonders for the Gentler Sex In ifli Millnot Vnpptr To .'hare did. but the copper too haa gone out Tho Into I'lilleltia Hnwyor of WIm-oi- i CJIHm llulll n Many l.tanilt A au;l' at date too long ago to talk fcbnt. It Kin enrncil hN lint iihuicv hy ilrlvlng riiploilua Alter lDrlfruur Vear. wa fine, though, In Ita dny. itow the n twin for M(MrH. IVtillclil tt llnm-titnut- l, Catarrhal Ailments. copper did wink anil glitter In the fire who hnil inliitM mid IIiiiIht light! Awny up In the Maine woodi a cniniHi ull the Iwiika of lnko OIihiii pliilli, unci iiiimiiikhI novo Tim Warning;. etHtld though', lie lo ?V.ini lji farmer that not benr the on it milnry of I2 n inoiilh. Willi tbi (Old Favorite . ef giving the ahoemnker all he earned (tMillnl lie went to Wlacoilitlll III 1HIT I hot him. . irut tentl teok nn aid aopppr waahholler nnd cut nmt Inltl hi cimr-iiiott- TUmiah ht vnk be lew M4 sweet. tht foiiutlittlon of Heed not him who kneel larfore you, It up Into Hlrlpa, wlileh he fattened fortnuc nt mi ntictlon mile of (lenity pleading Ml thy fwi; on the toea of the boota of Hlbrttlg land. Mr. Huwyur hjioii! two No i h.. nr. I in it Morning. And HUnar Mllaworth and Itddtr yonra trntnpliiK through tint tlnilmr mm CI'iihI i.ot i iiU thr iMippy lot. - innrkltig tho heat trnctn, nnd nrrninicil m ih- - There, now!' aald he "Lea mo yo- IJten srpy' warnln;. mIIIi lumbermen In HohIiiii lo f ttrnl-- li Omit lady. irul him not git thrath them In a hurry. t Iwi' tlu money to liny on Hhnrra. lie ncl l.lii'ii ti" typY' wrnl. I tatrer see boy to bard on tho tlntl l.i It truat Mm not to tell the atory with gront biihIo, Thi leather.' It wae a bright Idea, and the older lie urow the oftonet Tip told it. Ij nt I hi ii ... oldl" from m. more he thought about It the more It unit the more he enjoyed the rwill I wiiulil .ml) anard Uiy youth, tlnu of the wuy In whlrh he outwltt l power, waa borne In on Jilm that It waa a l'rim hi Kirin unit wlth'rln ii imrty of ttpcciilntorH from New Ymi.. 1 th.- - briRttt Idea. lie got a patent on It would i.nh tall truth. Tito Intter, knowing' Hint Hm r ! would -- hi.l.l ihf" from nil Hangar, ttltirttlHt and miner Itlleworth and IM Jlr. Mna I lie only innn who knew the nrimil 8nr lh from tha lemptar'a anarei die ware kind of nulmmed to be aeeti !4i1 hin, Hint dnrk'i l trant. vnltio of the InuiR followed IiIm t hnvp wfn-- d thea, now twware, in tbelr copper toea at flrat, but when tllug, iiihI when he aeenunl niixlmi- - t Lll n in I hi. gypay' warning. the other boya all crowded aroun.; tiUulu n rtutiriii inii i they would nn-.- . Omit Inil), trust htm mil them at the dlatrlct achool nnd aald him tut 1 1 they pot it. Mr. Hnwyer dlneoverHl how liU mrr lived n Qoah1 Wooaht my pa would fix m rlvnla were m.i'i l4y. thr mldn. lli theiiiNelvt of the kntiwlcdw wlii. ltir ant bright, and Ha tha. fair. lioota thai wy,' thoy felt mori rorr. Hut h- - wiMK ii and wo .I'll, and won her, It took him two Intig yenra of fithor in'l fortanle am' rather happy, from thu I fill!! hr inl hu r I with rara, hnrdhli to ii'iiulre, ti it Iheii nirind Thrn hi' lierdit nut hrr waaplng. It went on till for the aake of pe tliolr Kniiic. Nor earad hi hrr llfr in av, nnd quiet ne In the honee. If n Hal In in! wlnlied to . ' far l'lncliin the of he BJoen h rlhed. now ah alaxplng In Hie linmla In tha milt and alltnt gravi., other reaaoti. fntheri had to buy cop liuirliriHO of an tinroinii per-to- liiNtriictloim Mil un-l- i up )Jtn li tha gypay'a warning. d hiMti for their boya. TU riutle with tn (Ynll lady, truat him not. Maine fitrmer got rich and had pi to it certnlu niiioiinl, lie hid fnintlciilly lllliiKulf for oilier Irueln, hut the Ni three time a day, moved Keen thy gold. I d nt wlah Hi and to town York tiiiwtihilorH jerHlnlently ouiliiil Lady. I havr prayed for thla ami had a haircloth aofa in the fron him. lie Hhowed ho iiiiieh cluiKrlii tlmt I'm tha hour 1 marble-toppe- when might foil him. room and a d renter ta It ItfTortled them niillli'i'llielll. Win Ii Mob him of bit I MKS. COLONUL HAMILTON. niSS ANNIH WYANDOTTE. CLARA STOECKER. rctnl (lower ll. Hitlo Hi tMJSS Cleat I lady, do not wondar. lle, with wax In n glaaa caa wiih over mill the hind wiih Al my want, an on It. everything coul. Hiiortotl It was found tint! the N-- says: cold and wild, and that heart l'o-ru-- hna become a homo-hol- d Miss Annie Wyandotte, queen of Miss Clara Btoecker "I had In NiUKMihtlortt IiihI inirchHued That It4r. that rwn Brave ondr, wlah. Hut foolUhnc u bound up Ii Wk linn Colo- tho operatic stogo and dramatic so- chronic catarrh for over n year. I tried 14m tha gyiMty'a only ihlld. ly evory worihleaM piece of llinher lit remedy In tho homo of Mr. un- tne hear' of a chC 1. :i:tU It la part o prano, says: many remedies, but found no relict tMln to tha ay pay warning, the Hlnte mill tlmt the rustic IiiiiiIm'i nel Hamilton Ii woll attested by a let- paper Senile lady, not. Ita nature to lie h r.i on ahoea. Yot Ht. and Jackson Ave, til I saw an ndvortUetncnt In tho tniat him mini hnil netirly evory elmli c ter from hor. which iinya: "I can giro "Fifteenth your for chronlo catarrh. may lient thr of the unlveree fo "Kansas City. Mo. of treatment lrj tntct. The llodlon people were very my toatlmuny na to tho merits of your I trlod It and 1 think I am now well. a n n. 1 "Dr. Hnrtman: DrlllKHnil I'miii Afar. little while when they are not looH llhornl to Mr. Knwyer nnd Kiive him remedy, hnvo been talcing I I'e-ru-- to all my "Dear Sir n haa been my recommend Out or tha Ing, but not for lung. The day came KeimroiiH iroiortlou of the Imiila the same for no mo time, nnd am enjoy- friends who nro nmicted with catarrh." create! ntrloaltles noted Hfllitc or salvation. It has glvon tno baok a by when the child woke up and renllaei' with their mniiey. ing better health now than 1 have for of Clod; It Miss Btoecker lives at Pittsburg. Pa. travelers In Alaaka la the wonderful tliem he atlll owned m the time or Id beautiful voice, a gift has - that It wa being robbed of Ita right' year. I attribute tho chango to brought mo once moro to my old pro- Mrs. Marcar- linvwti of driftwood on the rout bo don Hi. oino Wilcox, guaranteed a, l'o-ru-- to 1 now, sing, cth KrIU. twean YakaUg and K yak lalanda. som. unler th" conatltutlon Mr. Bnwjcr wna ilie Inventor nf tlmi and recommend fession. citu talk and espe- boforo I scarcely whlspor. Okla.. writes: "t twelve Something like tliia. eh? 'We. th leKlahltlnii tin "log roll overy woman, believing It to bo whero coald hundred or more ml lea north form of known you my dellghtT I extend my sin rniidreu or the I nitoil h'ltate In ior. Ing," It wna prHetlrnl or liU cially henellrlnl to them." Mrs Handl-tan'- Can wonder at wM from Seattle. The cunaUnt the reatill wish overy person who la suffering as cere tnnnits tor vontlon do hold uhlllty tn m i oiiiillali ihlnga. He iicmm-enret- l Is 360 tloodale street, of loga and driftwood In thla par- aaembliii. th"" I suffered might know Only tho good advice truth to be aelf-- i vlilt Not at all for altow. lie never inndc i Coltimnufl. Ohio. you given ticular apot. whlrh hat lieen going on 'it' those who have been nmicted can ovor havo not at ull They n il !, lire1 Popper-toea- ' Kiimh In Ida lire, hut no iiihii enjoyed Mm. Marga- nnd mo. I do for hundred, nerhap thottianila if the rotiaHtlon of mure know tho Intense satisfaction ('!plerto, And the moi aiiecaa kieiil.. ret h a natihen. nratltudo that comes with a complete not believe year. Ii due to the phenomena of tha Whnt he ttnderlmiW he earrltHl nml I be down."--Miir- .. In mil. No. 1IH Nor lb My was completely gone. would I'arlfiY (Julf ranie, If do It one wuy ho Ii cure. voire tide, the Stream, the ho rvtuldu't did street, 15 I so over res- living now ...nalee'a In n hi hIiiiiv Superior April felt elated tho myattTioua ocean current peculiar . - another. He had rue of It It wcro and ' o I n toration of my voice that I Inserted nn tlmt futility the YmikeeM etillwl " It n u City, for formation of tbe ehoro line at that I'lmriM. WlH..snys: "1 advertisement In Tho Star for vocal not trlvtincp." which enabled him lo J fcol point Ia and tloNi. pupils. Tho advertisement, which cost you. I had timber are readily Thla Wil one of tli- accredited uiHfliii for itrcomnllahliiK Ida iiurii.- -e ao wall nnd good ideiitifiod mhii mo GO cents, brought mo five pupils, au ft or ed mere a having coma from would nol in x HUggeattHi tin wondera of the worl.l It wjk n b that in and healthful nnd that was tho ooglnnlng of my pres- with flow Japan. China. India anil other of . il tn liny The "lox-rnl- l jmrtt llghthouae towi-r- u naiu-i- rock wlia oilier innn. now that icn ent largo class. Yours gratefully, of blood Aala. aa Winding-to- n legbtlutluii well at Oallfornla, baae, lux" method of wna aim ran nut describe Wynndotto." for four months, and tho doctors could which atool .it tht northiaitt end I In- - "Annie and other parte of the Atuttrlran Heated to him hy fninllhir IihIiIIn of It. l'e-rti-- Is holp ino hut llttlo. They operated on of the liland of Phunm, oppoaitc Alex Hit) liiniheritieii In Id own A congestion, Inflammation or ulcera- continent There are tine loga of the poiinny. everything to me. I feel hoalthy and mo throe times. I was vury painful andrla. Itiypt. At prcpnt th aitc I' who help Midi oihir to roll the Im tion of tho mucous membrane, whether I only obtained llttlo relief. I was camphor tree, the mahogany, the red-wo- wt.l, but If I should he sick I would and occupied by a nt ire iao !. ti in' from the whiter cniiip to tho Imiika of of tho hoatl, stomach, kidneys, or other so weak I could not turn In bed. Then and pine In know what to take. 1 hnvo taken sev- the thla tlrlfUHe. guide the HghthouNc of AlcMiinlrlk the iienifal at renin, whetv they mil organ, Is known to tho modlcnl pro- I applied to Dr. Hnrtman. I did not Rome of tboee from the atata of Wnalt-in- g ho Uy MprliiK eral bottle for female complaint, 1 Nn record of the Hhnro upi after enught the rlae. It sn fession as catarrh. It Is known by know whether ho could help mo or not, ton contain the namea of the men tile tinnlleutlon of thla uoighlHirly prnc hiii In the change of life and It doos I ndvlco, and used only the tlilrtooeth century. It w.i hj! i different uamos, such as dyspepsia, but followed his wbn III wltlrh eiiuhled Mr. Snwyer to me good." hnttlcs of Po-ru-- nnd Mnn-a-ll- felled the treea and the saw mllla i disease, femalo complaint, thrco to be remarkably aklllfn! and null In li'glaluilon tlmt not you of bond, nrlght'a na strong I for which liny were deatlned but never could oilier Have catarrh tho throat, diarrhoea, bronchitis, consumption Now I am woll and as construction. The tiutctiu! wa of wlw hnve lawn inimmkI, nivi he gitve lungs, stomach or any other organ of over wits, thanks to your remedies." reached. )oa;. eight feet In il in meter .a host of other names. Whorovor white marble and the Uyers of alon" the method Ita tiniue. the body? If so wrlto to Dr. Hart-ma- n nnd Polvlc catarrh has becomo so frequent are In thla novel wood y.ird, mom-brnn- o and acme were united by molten lctd, and t!: Wlmuialii iicimIwI a gmid tlral of nt once. He will send you direc- thcro Is n congostcd mucous that most women nro moro or less entire tree one hundred nnd fifty feet wlum to (km-arc- thoro Is catarrh, aruto or It. la usually jolnta were aald to h ao adhedvr i he llrat enuie tions for treatment without charge. nmicted wltlt It called Jong are liy there, uplifts! the roota, to be flbaoltitely IndUmlniiLo. Iilddinj and Mr. Knwyer wnttrwl nnre Aililrfse l)r llartman. Columbus, O. chronic. fonalo can Into aea by tcr-bl- e tern-pea- t, than forty oilier men tottld have done. the mime , ceiilnrlee of defiance to tho fury He let III Idlla to- n nl aent floating around tbo iiectlliiiilfltn imill I'riifeMliui. abould Ih. lienvy teas. Ttw llghthouae wia wn n) Dm end the when Inru it "family imrtralta Rinrall woihl Oft mi pervitin on the beach 'inr of aealon. he My full mall urae, nv cotiraea In on, ItllllK III ih hall, ahnuldn't tbeyT" "Yea, In form, gradually tapering In width would take up the calendar nnd of them In a real dark buck hall," W. L. DOUGLAS dea ry big treea floating ahoreward, uinke prepare nu to leach or practice mo! until at the aummli It girth could h iiifiiiorHiidttiiiM of vnrloitH nienxurea In n iHiutiem. riiyaicai culture, Magnetic 8c - mid Uathlng, and by ... .. Neiid for "Uliolce lleclpet," S3 3.50 SHOES mm With fantiiaili- rnotj iliove the wavea. by liHvli; Mhleli liiflttfiiilnl men In the lluiiae lirniil.ina curing onelrrled a man'a arm. In ivrvuii.ii mubiii um. All tutll4 tltuUtn till yorth 4 to 80 comparod One hearh after nnotber haa been nnd SeliHle wen IlllereMleil. Then he fur IV AiUlr -- aa VHOf. r4'Sn fflgff ire. Si wltn otner makes, i waa nlnetyalx fathoniH. mut to aec n! .i wmilil eiill thein together ui liU m .1 au Ariipiihiw I. (;. by formed hy the floating llinbera, and a p r luillae "Mow do you aland tbl iMiiinllinr tmuae ludnraul over the tower In IU narrowest rtx of nt hi eoininlMcc room nml any: Ulllyr" 1,000,000 wearer. little dlaianre back from the a ho re the "Why, you aee. the landlady m s rii f tjlllred aa much carcfulnea nnd aun "Hoy, we've ot to do n llnle log- - Try 1 lilt daughter I ao pretty that I forget to Thearnulni hW. I. depoalta are ao old the wood In Till lite ii " liouiuC mm awl nric that n l . I'llliill I'll' .ll in. train far notice whether or not the food la good footodnea aa the climbing of rot, tolllllg If we l out' tllltliei In the mill .ii-- i aotne plarea la petrlfletl, while a little titi vin hiinxiia i li A solid vaatl- - ttampii on bottom. 1 ki i and preilpltoii mountain pmn T thla NfilHiitt." The reatill v niihi V' nil lulled u- -t t triii ii that make A loerHM (ait th otljlmt color ilttoW no lu'Miiiut Uimj la b( It ki i tnatwlrlir (ri (omt ui.r deviier In the earth liaa turned to In bet-:-, iiirreeini'iti in atmiii ii en. ii tun nine Denver to Chicago ylit I'rkh' llia liLa i dokr light tn t tip tone :ild to have i.iti.r ami Kiiii..ii 'lty eiitinect In lliapdMaaxt. llNUttturalvfeorot. IVcu. itwuiii tinm tt coal. Tbe newer loga are without throw nil t It t r eomliltieil Idled k.'p vlalble a ijlatance of tlilrty-luu- r Kntc inilin'iiee In inr nil .inli i ii pottil office not. w will und a twit bark and aa hard aa alone, due, it la fltvor of n Hal or lillU whlrh he hud '.'it ITtli Ht "Tlmt iiiuh!. Il.ll llllH a lllilllni. Ill lie on r.lnt i.t mm liul r. llah mllea, and It I noted that t'i" "1CXIUI the Hun llil-- r U.iee U eiillll) ur ctra luf rairlni; Nuit kind of leather. thought, to their long Immeralon In uinde out timl luiudi'il to iii. ni.era of lu, mut l.lili. iJjIn nrcap tne Vtt tower could be dlatlngulahel a lonx - '"III it fuel,. Tuin'a I'cbln' comiaiiiy bruah." Itt. the combine. The nmk un- nitdllet illiln I Klie the "Why '"The 53 W. L DOUSUi SHOE CO., Diotktw, Miu. nail water. They have, nil taken on a pl.i.' not?" wMnaitt dlatante In tbe day time by Ita amoke imI In mid whk iilmo-- i niwaya l" I ! in in wonlilii t truvt tllein for tbe wbltlali appearance. In placee tim- whli-- ' tha The nature of the Illuminating appnr Mlleceaaful, an tllllt the httlili- - of the lei ii' ii.tit Kllan hud to eaenpe. ber are piled twenty feet high; at atua la not a matter of record. Ptoh nv' Wlacoiialu liiiulMriiiHii now pn vnll In Mr. Wiixliiir'a Hootlilnc Hyruii. SHEEPMEN. other poiata they rlae to a hMKht of every leglalntlve laxly In tin eatl4ra iMihlaf. wMeai Iba reiiMf Writ si iorrritrkir(iriinntipBdUtnbi l'hiladelphua la auppoaed to have or- orltj. rr Ir oBtlsancnia i. Tr Ave nml tUmmulofl. wtaJ tail.((. a battle k.ii.'iil ktoutl i toota, Iht paly only four or feet. Under thla of The river IntrUir niiiiuirlntlon uf r.i. iut Stittp Oumtntiiion CotntMr ti dered tbe coaalmctlon the lhaioi, i lUctp mtrkti lu tbt aurid SUKkUk wonderful beach are fountl large jaan-Ulte- e hill oi'hiliiuti d In hat way. i'Vunerly n Hie here. Ilnxr you a'd you'd try t.. KtoiuCliy VM. and waa immortallied a th el r. no ii tin in ti-- " of dark, ruby aand, rich In iMtralea MMraie uiciiNiire nuuld lie for that day "Well. Imw lint architect. river or rcipiirml do yxii kaow I'm mil trylra uetyourPensloa pert Idea of gold, for the aeparatlon of inch liiirUir thai Ini under Mr. h.iwyer'a 'ITS ianaiiti uMd. PENSIONS DOUBLE QUICK which no proceaa yet r.l iUji . u.a ul 111, warroanMtii aucreaaful haa til I ! llullt on Many ajaietn the nn i lU ru of KllBUllMt.u Sain llt.lunr lhiinl. tfU I'll Kit S i. M inl Mill anil Writ CAPT. O I'ARRGIX, Pcntlon Aftnt, been dlacovered. Coltgremt liilerealetl In xtich npiniiptia-tlot- ria-- lrII 14.I.MI 1, HI. litu. The ilelgian oily of Ubent l built on Kl.l, A.. I'. 1428 Nw 1 erk Avcnut WASIIINQTON. orgiinlat'd a truat wiih h nnally U.a M lalanda, moat of which urn bordered Irl.-.i- n. Stetotd IIhIIiIkm. grew Into n rt'irubtr nuniinl uiii'tat- - "W hut Ih ii Ii. p?" "Uell. It a jiii old d 111..1I1. by magnificent quay The 'alanda MIMM-tl- Jrwiliy your POIIEaLl tloll Ulll mill n eoiinn'lleo to ' la generally lu ll. . I kll. W tn Tti. rutt 1P jI;T.l.,lali.l.aaTal It believed that tbe Mbv nre connected by eighty bridge, hav- frame It. Coit ir JV Sin fulM UuuJ, Uto I elaalppl valley and tli AllanUe coaat many waterways -- ing aa canal or a I am sure I'l i due f .r f Bfimptlon utmI 3L. iVCR In tlui. H..M br once populated by nn -- Ktept both rMtrcnj vere nKrieultural slreeta. CI hent la the capital of 1 lin (lolekrat I' II Out nf Imiivrr llfelt.r. .1 - i.t-- Mr Tlloa. JlullUlK tilJI ptf Uai Mclit nil m' fecily dry In th harjtit alorm And partially civilised race quite dlf . N. IMIKW Inlander, Ilea on the Scheldt and the I'er I'bloagti and all point ISimt leave MaiilnSi. NorMlfU V., SubvHiuf..4alllJlit'Hnt-Aikfo- r Is p. A 1 nomadic Indiana, lnlg-ttlHca- OMiyer tn, via Vnln ttot tt Ilran4 1'ommil Stkkrr ferwat from tbo or Lye, aa well aa oa tbe lelna.! ' ley. aolia rratlbUlMt I'mia. h llalil. attam lull i ,1 i.nllll. iil ur feuat .,i liutnuriiyntw. If nbtforuttln W N U. DUNVEn. NO. 10 I00O though poealbly progenitor of a .1 the Mere and Moere, which ttow peaieo "raiac on wiievn r TOUT "It lie tint mint limn iiiia utl In your tun, writ for cUlor u Lj Wbca Aaswcriag Advcrthtcmeats Kindly local n Mailt or tlvo Wl wlf. mi.l lillilri n In a ure li- - aldrea drai nfiir ' a. j. 1uw1.11, nine of tbe Indian tribe, and that, city tn numerou I . , tiotim. KltU through the arnu ojenl. fiivr eli tmiiM ,!! 1, III, Mention Tills I'nper. after renturte of occupation, they dla-- The Italian city of Venice t built on gppeared at lent a thouaand. and a atlll mora nuwcroua cluater of amali Merbana many thouaand year before lalanda. numbering between aeventy tbe advent of Kuropeana. Tbe theory and acventy-ftr- e, In tbe nortbweet por- haa beea advauod that theae people tion of the Adriatic. Owing to tbe low- - L migrated from AU. that they paaaed neae of the lalanda the city aeem to over Aala lo Siberia, aero Uehrlng Uoat upon the aea. Atnaterdam l di- trail, down tbe I'm lil'' coait of Amer-h- a vided by the Amtel and numvrou from Alaaka, and to the Mtaalaalppl canal Into one hundred amatl taland. Stops the Cough valley, and down to Mexico, t'eutral connect ml by more than too brldgui America and Peru Tbe remain of Almost the whole city, whl; h extendi nnd the Mound Huildvr. aa thla vanlabed In the ihape of a t. Ii founlel people are called, are acattered over on pile driven forty or Ifty feet moat of tbe atntri of tbe central and tbrouah aoft peat nnd iud to n arm lower MlMlaalpiil valley, along the aubatratiim of clay. Works Off bank of the MUaourl. and on the aourcee of Allegheny are tbe Titer . ii.ria l The Cold. moat numorou In Ohio, Indiana, till-no- t. reel. brat known nuiural curloalty of Wlaconaln Mlaaourl. Arhanaaa, The thla kind i lo ated about tour Sillo Kentucky, Mlaaiaaippl. Al- Tnuaee, ('alletng.i Hot Hprlng. Oallfor abama, (ieorgta. Florida, Tea and from When dio-overc- la July, 1IT0, are found In the weatarg parte of Mew nla. all the tii--e were llng upon the In Michigan and Iowa. Tork. and ground, broken into aectlona. The Thee mound vary greatly In alae. In CURES condition of tho treea la attributable Inatanc are very eaten I vc and ten ortglnnil) to volcanu action The foa-I- I exceedingly Intricate, notably tboae of wimi I wa ailicined when found, vatUy. near Newark. Ohio, tbe Ucklns waa probably due to the proa wbkek cover an area of two which LA GRIPPE arinax of hot water con mllea; Is other InceilUee ibere are eee alkaline that d a aolutlon of alllea. oato wkJek reach a height of arooty taint feet. It la tot believed that Uteoe peoole tad any written language, aa A Hlietr IUdl Altrr 4 4 Vaar. mmw April. mm InocrtfHiOaVt or tableU yet dtaeover-- ) la tlM. a aaall wkieh had wwsw m A KLONDIKE SCENE. indttale thia Many of theae been fired into the tUatuaa harbor of twm4t have been found to contain gebMtopol during the Crimean war at Every d ruggist from Klondike to Cuba sells Laxative Bromo-Quinin- c Tablets Bkeleto, numarou iMpieMtoaU and laftat (orty-loo- r ream ago waa hanlc NOTE rftoMeaU. uaually compoaed of eteno. p by eexae iahenaea, and it einiaaa I for Colds and Grip, In fact it is the only Cold and Grip prescription sold throfrgliotft this aoMtimaw of copper -- In Ita native an being lake from tbe water. killUag and occoalonally (hell and bone; one of the meu aad wounding eeveral ataie notwlthetandlng vast tarrltory, whldh is striking evidence of its virtue and popularity. This signature also cuarae end rude pottery of eurl-ou- a of the other th dealgn In ubetantiatlou nf tbe tans period which had elnpied alnee It left tbe Hrltiah gun which fired It appears oil every box of the genuine article, No Cure, No Pay. Price, S5c. belief that thvee peMte eawe (jroai W4& fcr LQGAL . Citpt Shattuck Dead. The many friend of Captain J. 9. DEMOCRATS CONVENE Shattuok of Mia (luadoliipos will bo T. 111 Mr. 11.. Powtrtl wits qtilto tlio ed pained lo loarn of Ins death, which 1 4i BEEF MUTTON Tftil wct'k. Wednesday night ut 10 o'aloak Mt liarmxttnus Gslhcrlng Gvcr Turn Ki'lIU In ltoiup frtim n visit to tf quick pfiHtKmptlon drought ou hy j HcJi I9 the Tsrritery. m pork sausage: bin parents Hi StHrllHjf, Texas. a sever ntt nek of grip. Perfumes (juftert number of niitnktnon Imvo John jitimmerflpkl 91ml Mink ww BOLOGNA torn their 3'tnrlttttf itrm hi $17 JW. ilxirn In MlHuliwIppI about iKfft Ih'Iojj INSTRUCTID POR BRYAN CHICKENS nf ngf He !.. (let). 1). l.iiPM vlil'H Jteswoll. ,r" j HAMBERHER , c STEAK. Tin iii morning hotm l hnrstlay. ii' Ihmii Ms iHiiiVHUmc in Ciifiurum 1' Mi. i. S R. C. 4a Cscm P'jrted Dtltgatr si ,. . A (Mil i't .il rvtnriied m fur Ander- - ili.lli: lnr. IH'li. In Wp "ttntfLit 1 1. H'Ili: JMM pftrryf ho finest li no e yll A .11 ...... 1 Mr. unit Mrs. Jim. Vint, nf Otis, a ufrl. h """ rex i .ii where lie wi rur Jorr. uli ...i. " of peiTitmcH in hip. i iif ivmar it. :, Anfit tut , Dm Lewi-- Pokln. Ilvtnc n Lon """ . ' ,T, l. I w- TT M r.Mllc Wrrll".' ouiiv. ntlnn )h . t r ' " ,,or"' H" M'IM rtiiir(,. Tr. i tier he rmr n jihystrlitit. n,'d . " in : i,. it'ttil'ii and Kit ,M did REFRIGERATED ;.-- .. W F. Orr rMorned hum.. Wl J'" "',,,r ,s;? all. 'i M lb I... it ii.itionii! Km- - II ftvp junt received an ii". . 1 raaMh. t ir.ii i then"vapvm Prices wlllilti roach ol all, t(i f.ui :n A.!mtv ii. : . tur.ii i.r elegnnt; now iv I , line of tho i)m 1 i..niltivr, l!mi. II IIIIU Miuiiui rnuvt-- in wnai I" H'l-- r nuur o m f. .. ti .iiiilli-aa- ii mii rmriHiK "i-r- latent mlnrn itnri onn th.i. kotor. I . HI1. vw..... !H War n cold 5! to Writer C L'a..i ... I... ,.., " Ml... .ii.i.. i.l.r. ti s weflP 'P - .n ! r.i.n u. all dish try our Cookud Corn Heef, fclia pleaw every taste. i.iii.Miu;. ..'til till Wl'lllt Ht Oi l .Ai, jijiiiic imi,!1. Vatenols. n ft y. 11I m TDfv tmnir tnr nn -- imrf nt iliu hV4l of Itorky In lt! tr. .'. K. Hlann, i.i'. i r. , iifirM r.ta " "win Mw. yVm. SIoiih reutrncrt l.omo St-ttr- d mr I "Hi i'i fin h'i'n (iiiiiily' them ll.rtrw yeur i r i el liming tu hle Miilt". iy hist from visit with in 'vti'.iiln tM vnv :V $nt mmf-- . lir plnr th Unrlc Cfttimi swum eixty mil t Examine our PTfiilw on the ftlo (Iruuilf In wustvrit toek rtuitltirant uUt iH'i.' .Imi lli"inlv, & ITS I rum (own. Una whun you nru in ilia ihm '' . ... wi-r- o Gerhart Edgar. SVxus. when titiuiity whi next stitoni in MM) ( ipl. Sliuttuuk wui time. ern waVxnalU Mr proar. at. m (Ico. Duuoun oHino In 1'rhUy night lvtml tl tlrat I'uiiiiiy siimiriiitrndent Alter II. U. nanekMD, .n r. iarT ot the cm-tr- nl id Toynh Momlny whllti hore rummtlt v. .. . u .d th eslt Mr. Knlr rcltirnltu lie ulwnji gure his ntleitltnu tn educa- Ms ", .1. avt ofl oim of wkuiu he he purcliUBL'd st mllah oow from J . - The Uuster tion, h..Tln fur ymus Uiigl.t the child- ppQiiuUmt liy Mm! 1 ' i'i n .olti tern- Services. Juek IUoii In now ngeiit for till) JIuhcou. ren of hU neighbors, iMMtilw keeping purary oSsamt iim. r.. v. chavm, of mr-Mtll- lu The MethodlstN held siiselal faster Iliwwell NtcHin littiudry uud would ho 11 g Mr. Taylor, of t'Jovoliiud, Ohio, h tli ftMtlir r'Mii t far th drpartmeut county, ttniwrar; chaimMBi W. sorrlCM 8u mliiy and tlespit the heavy ad to give you pr.uee on work Flru j Wnli" 1, of mid AHtonta Lu ultias work your 'frlund of Mr. Otis, turrlwl In Uarlsbsrl, Eddy urat4H'ii, wimu a gtHHi nnd riotlix uro iinfc ofiigrlui.tiurt, roli.iitnrlly nml without esro m sjm atdtuitt ooantr. tsmnomrr oouKiegittinn wits present, torn to pieces. Leave laundry ut shop. Vhursduy. rmiiiiorntlim H Htltidwl tin tPaoh McroiarlMi. OttiUlo PaitllU. A. 1 lltll nt ftwehi.ieh wits d Mited i.lculy with I II. (taslg.ili or tho ii'in or Casslgnfl Chris Krclgur, who hoiiuht tlm cm inntliulm nr tlm ooiiuty ami mmIvi-k- I nin r tonttm ttrenoiric. U Nasn of Howsrsand Key. .mers preuelirtl nu Drug Co. t llnw formerlv nf IIiIh 11 11 ii Im In on Cn.ziiT pluce, is vry low Willi con- - In tlio cni.wi or (HlncHtlon m nil oi Hun MlsiMicucitt)'. uu..r.i. f mtrpr. itpptoprlntH s. n from tho 2HU iiir ' iippolnted Hiiperlntundent Ittrgti BUIIIpllOII, u Peniin. The singing by tho choir wits of a tlim. Th Piiptaln wn vrry kind Mmw 1. P. t Dona Aim county. neet, Cim, very kimhJ, w rtirni at Kooky Ford, Colo. ('. U. Rmersnn Is homo from it tour it nil liulit futhtft mid AnKitiio JoMpii 01 Hurk-lr- i lille the bountiful Hunter Kfia tlioiiftli taw anil Huuimn -- of the country with hlsdinnmtle troop. to n tkeloion Imforn hn dlwt h of Ua.'Mllllo pari'taixl tbn Important solo, The Holy City," Hindered by List your horsus, oaltlo and otlidr wtfU IIh) Thu outllt fell In" at 1'ort Worth somn wiin alwH)'H nml evuu niiitlid Uutr l mwanuig louitKinirr owe rs to airs. i. ij.i.inTi, was tho grnndost stotik wittt J. S. Crozler. Uu will got the niNtform. Mr. CUav", tn Mniiains; Dm bIiicu. thing ever heard In Curlsbud. .Mrs. you lop priui . time mid eraoKml nk.m up to tlio IuhI. Ilia Rsval, tUttltarad a nuort pnaen In whlen li Is .1. K.OIbson rettirnctl Sotitrduy from Hon Dolpli oh till' to town tor tlio oolllii, oohumiI nintMlt to sptMMiau t tunuh Smith one nf the tlnost iniulclmn In Mnny ptople suffer uutold tMurost frem piles, the Whltn Onku coun- rMliitf In wnli a omnpunloii from nt home, dlvldos his tltno between AlisrapiMilMUns vnrluu oommlttim ami thu west uud tho Msliodlst uro tojlie beeuuie nf the popular liiipraidnii otilp throuch ( limy o'cUHik farming fishing. nrmnirlnii tor tuwilns tl oommittMs to upon securing her us that onn not bo eunil. TAHLHR'.H try, HI I'uso unit other points. with u twttivo Wudnmlity nlylit to and ...-- 80 Mnvsutluii ndfoiiriiiMl to Sil p. m. ,1 I .1. . m . lltTCKKYi; i'il.k OI.N r.MJSNT will cum rI.iiw outllt, TlmndRy, IIikii Hiking a ImcK and Unui Is making things - it'auer unit ntrcoior oi tlio ciioir, Jim Idler hum on oiteonrtntrisjata: up. m , Joan Aiirnm- Ilium, ft lins tnrt with TtilMilole sticecus. ilrovi) limnu Thurfdny Hfttrnnon ttnd , of of Dr. Whlohcr went up tn McMillan tho Frnnels Stock farm this swison, ih) l Vsn, arorttHrr lb Air. Ni'imeyer, of Florence, who has Price, Wets. In bottles, tubes TC& I'rliluy e vrwiofltla:, iirowtntail Tui'udiiy and imutii Wwtuutday to ho iirrlvuil iiioinint,'!!' Klito'olood. Mititei Frank Ituroy tmik in the iiirport. been uliseiit u a trip to tho west sldo Dud Scott who Is ulNrlng with Unlpli hml nnt 8iipt fur tlyn ou tiuudrvdaod vru(y uwt.'saiea. rupio-Hiiit- rt nf iim tnen.iiiontos, returned Monday Croxter will reputr your bloytilo In ft lliro lint round up lust Frliluy an thu proxy, wurv rv- - IJntjht'w (liHDHSU. other in a few Innuncui by b. ir. in. workman llko manner. wiki tin loft lioro Thiir(lity. Dolph Ids of the IVnis. Quite a number or purl'Hlutltlri iomihu la ill" I'liiivviiti.m. , Health Ottieur Whiter Is getting ) he noviir hoard IiIr tu.hvr niuritiiir Huh. U. A. Htvlur 'trlmilunU the re Drink Iron ilrow. n hnuhliv ilrl tilt, nt Notice Hlliott llutidrlok'.-- now ('urlsbwi IttiilM und (tentluineii wure .'.ii (I down to work uud iih u result tlio sttnU hi port ut tit goini.iiiivc uu permanent or-- t mine's. Huh hwne. oonoertiiiiK condition, that Iihijwhb Interested siwoUtors. lie hits somo tary condition of tlio town In uelliK thi' mini oi pRtloneu uud for Litis HanlMtlonns lljm Hurry MurrUou.of Itoswoll, former- now buruuins Ui .ilT'-- r everv week unit rHon . Mr. Ilreiilne thu only innnbur of the IHruianvitl t.uilrmun- - Ijirraroln at ly m Urtfimtait. rettirtiod Tiiosduy from It will pay to ttiuhly Improved. It tiih a pluuiurs to itttf nil to dim . rend his mlverttsomonU (lermitii Is Nan Miguel eouut, nor-iwin- colony rsmiiinliiu doing u , ti l.. whtifo he attended the Thv roiniiliiH wure Mid to runt yester-d- y Malta Conlrci-aa- nf no. mr tney ur money savers. Jan Hyrd, a printer employed In the good luminous selling Vioprrtiliit fnuurai of tils rather who died tit that butter uud eggs. t.. A do Ha oh ot I'tileo ArKiis olllco for somo time, threw up nonr hit. oun door In the (luudslu otruciiuntyi c pliie r pnei.tnmiiu hmt week, llnrry Try it Mihooner of onld llosk lleer nt Knglish mining siook. In the Trans- county. 'his Job town Wcdui'Bdayr pun, inn u y of the peoplo from iliu but ttlk of rettirnliig to (rolurudo City, Kemp & Woeruer's. U mbersjer when uud lett In MoeiYinrtas W R. waltnn. ot Oram eoi'ii. Texas, to pay vaal aro tho soup. Uom Paul has whero he formerly resided. , imrittfi iiir iitiirii nrnu. rotindliiK oniiiury, coming tliolr tyi Hlanatlo Hnea, of Mao MltlUid county. thuru Is any. sold these minus to oupl-tnll- sts hint ropeutti to tlio memory of it trood continental Interrprenom-tuml- llo faitllla, ot Saiitn Mr. Miller, nf Denver, sister "hf Mrs. ('litis. T. West, special aacnt of the. ifnal (I. Kun tho nuMt vlgorims nml hBnriy peo uud lu the Bettlemont 1 aotM-r- F. Tniny cu.iio In yesterday to mid nohlu soul Ronu to lu reward. Ko county A.C. TorruM, of oouittyi tlslt plu Imvn ut time n ftMiuis nf wonrluets Tirthcrn eompuiiy, wus these ouplUIUts will bo protected by A t Ke county. for it time. lllll.otwnta nml Insflttnlo. To dispel this feeling tnko here Tuesday from Denver looking up their hiiitiu K'lveriiments. Where Ontarul law! him s. itenort ot commlttea A. ). Packard. an oxnort orohardlst Otis Observations. nt- - UKItlltNK; it will impart vlsnr ami vital buolnc-s- n fo'r nu (vMOlultaiM, elrctmn ot dlHt)tfMHiiil his company. Vill thu Knglish ullluuder oomo lu? who haa been eitinioyed liy J. .1. lleir- - ity. PrleuWoU. sslo nt tcmnte at larsta. ot llenle- trum In For IWily l)ruk .1 The brouoho of Mr. Ab Vest became erinan the ht applu nrehurtl of Mr. uiiil Mrs. A. Hipp brnuiiht lu ftutrlnta and Rlternatoa. The raport n - Co. and pluci'd hilarious Thursday und guyly Ho8 and girls nro eswolnlly Invited neH- South Spring, wits In tlii'ir Infitut child this week lust Miloptwl. town yesterday. ll iinuer Mil' care or Dr. Wlilcher. l lie pitched that gentleman Into tlio Hlo to worship with thu llsptlst uhiiroh M c. iilaekwMl. M. (lalloffM mid a. A. Hock Deer lltt'o one wub threatened with pneumo prr I'dcwi, (this Is the river which tins Sunday morning. Hpeolul nature text lllslianUM wsro appolnteil toCMeort Just received it Hue lino of sumnles: On tnp nt the Ceinntl llur, frogh nml nia. mniisiUomtom u tin' platform. been Immortalized by the pen of It. from our Mentor thu ''Lilies of the Indies atiltH ru nlo to measure, cloths ntitrlulotis und very delicious, Llm-berg- er I'rentsnre Invited to bring the Mr, Urraiola. alter lielitK Introduced liy McQueen (hay tlio Florence poet.) plain." Mr. (Jharea neceptril the honor Silks, IleuricttUR and Mohair by thu cheese uud pretxiils, wht'ii then) boys and Klrln Stitiduy nmrnliiK to mortrnly Mr. Vest muiiaged to reach the bank conferred iioii III in not n n trlliula tolilin yunl. In any. Jli.ptlst Powell, willi Don't Boom the Pecos Valley. hint-kfJ- church. t Pastor In safety, his sombrero acting ns n ull, hut 11 to Ida county nml vseuMst Pleitso sco nam pies. glvu them u special sermon for the buoy. Wiggins tor from ninkliiK tlieeu.tomary neeh on Mrs. pluyod the part Written tho Centum, - J. T. Cooi'iiii. Ant.. Juniors. the KniiinU nt the InlenuM nf tin- hour of the good Samaritan providing dry if 1 mily wuren pout The report ot the uoinir.ltteeou reaolutlnna Wniiniiniiiker fc Drown, Phllitdulpbla. K'hlef DlnpntchPr (1, Winkler and rulment und hot drinks of u temper- 1 nnulil tell the rentnn why, iletivered to to the convention, tlininuli tho 3. S. Oozier. wlfo wont ftoutli lust week Weduosday ance variety. ThoMiddlo.tud blankets Our Valley ilom tint iicihI It , medium of iummen Iturkhnrt, n. with a Mr. nml Mrs. (leo. II. Webster nml returning Tuesday of thin week. They weru rescued by ,1. W. Siokes. The Anil Ihiitiglt I'm not I'll try. tew addition a copy of the nwolullom iluiightor uud Mils iMtiChuduy tle- - emu stmut It ndoptwl liy the llwimllllo comity conven ror Chlougo, R attended thC funeral of Mr. Winkler's broncho did not tarry uud the resus-tluat- ed It uhiii turrits purletl Thiirsdiiy. (luo. i 1( wu only glvu It time: tion. Tlie prlncliwl addltlom were nu ax II. Webster Jr.ucoompunli'd thtv party axes sister, Mrs. Stella Thompson nt Tyler Ab wearily plodded his wuy of sympnthy tor and a E All new countries have tliuir ilrswDtcks prelou the itoera, to Itoswull returning yesterday, Not commented TL'exus. to thu round up. deolamtloti In favor ol women vntliiK In any A Paid You liinl lit with will srery tllmo. ot Carls-Iw- Mrs. W. 0. (Irlllln and duughtcr. Miss Thu Wright boys will farm tho tchoiil elMtlinie. W. II. Mullaue. Spreads Llko Wildfire. L r offered an amendmeut tavorltiK tho (Irlllln, ooinn lu on home place, this season. Wright Tskold natnro, ICnnsstNolirnika, When ilium nru "the tltuy becomo Houses Johnnie lllrd Lou Now mum thirty yenr nsu paiMiie nt n law eualillitR a tattler to locate tet" from Cisco, "the bent eel I log." Abraham 1 1 nro, n Tor fhursdsy eveninc'B train, spends his sparo time rood lug parodies When the wimv.whlte prairie Mbooners four MCtlona ot land wet ol the luoth meri leaving dian, lititead ol n quarter eeetlou. at at lending druggist, of llellevllle, ()., E reniulnliti over night and on of Mooros Irish buluuls. These ballads Were eou whuMiiik hi it row. write: present, but the nmeudment was liwt, nml "Kleetrle lIltleMare the butt selling bit- Rent the evening train for Itoswoll on a tire a highly prized gift of his grand On tlialr khiio IikiI letters S wiikiiiih Ihereeolutlon were adapted. ters I havo handled in Ut years, You know visit to another daughter, Miss Mittle mother. l'rlntoit plnlu u nil might and ice Nomination for delesate at larno were why? Most dlneaies begin In disorders T (Jrlflln. "Knnnu or butt" or Mimetltlng like It, for, oouutlea )eluff named In Col. Hanson and .1. W. Stokos are tlien ealleil otstomneh, liver, kidneys, tmwoli, blood A Sale As they tin hrnice nml order- - county, called uxn nnt (lerhiut Kdgnr this week received planting grapu vinos oxteiisively. rxmii lea. Srnllllo nml Kleelrii' tones t bad no eaudldate to otter. Col lax nominat nerves. Sltlets up T refrigerator, which wub Mtaktie, il.uuth nnt) hoppsrs onmo stomach, regulates tho their Immense John Mlhlfred'S fust trotter struck ed K. t'. de liaca, nt Veaaa, editor of U the liver, kidneys Farms Tlio re Till tn tlimii no hape was tuft; nnd bow oil, punflex the bloiHl, strengthens E put In placo by Carl lloberts. 4i 2:(0 guit while John whs out of the Vet del Puebln. J. I'. cany lu an eloquent blnrvtMl the huriHMi nml thu cuttle, MlUer. II. the nerves, ettroa frlgerulor la a very large one, measur ourt, like Tommy Atkins with a lluer ipeeeti nominated Irlau J. Slonu hsnrn multitudes ol and Ot ull uls.) they were boiufi. reeonded Miller lor bold (luatlalupe and It builds up ;llio entire systuin, lug 0x12 feet, ten feet high und linn a him. Tho shovol on after went out One, two yoars then buok they went NnlBiioln oouutlea. Dr. Gould tor Hun Puts now lito and vigor Into any weak, A Ranch, capacity sulllclent to supply a town Ko oiio sldo n sack of nulls on the MIkuoI county Unca. Kantii run-dow- and Issr thntt they wuru betoro; esouilel siakly n man or woman. Price W slro of Curlsbud, - 0. IjiubiiIIh. Jan. G twice the other, thu ourt oollldud with a gate To begin met lll nil over, nominated JudKN- and cents, fiold by nil druggnts. Property Third dUtrlet nominated ti. Judge Freeman returned Monday post ind thuio was n general wreck Or to beg from dour to door. 0. Ftlsli tortUe E A. Itlohnrrtton. MTlw chair ruled that chnlr-nte- tt I'ollto collectors for Koawel! where lie took part In a F. (I Trnoy brought lu it half bushel only utnptoyed. from and all this happened on the loth. It Its gro Mh Ii slow mid tedious of delation eliould lm thu vote for N big wolf with n party, on the of flno slru'v berries last Tttesduy, Sale hunt Mr. Colbar vucatud thu Unnnlng-Iiui- ii It will come ut liut, all right. their couutlea. on his place mititheait of town, T took two IffllloU to li-- rtaea, Itlchnrd ?rowu plains. The judge didn't huvo much town. Stand together tut Its well-for- It fruit of ull kinds Is uninjured pluce und moved Into ou tlie to say about tlio hunt, but suld the might wlthdrawltiK altar llrt. nnd that the lower vulley wilt huvo thu Efct Is spending Pull tugsthsr with our Mr wan declared elected and upon was Willis Stokos thu spring Itaoa lirgest crop In Hh history. fruit cmp around Itoowell lloniMt laws nml honest doallugs, motional Judse UUKhlln HU election was plotely destroyed by thocold snap last Crime uoiiduiiinod us It should be, tnnde unattlmoue. week. Will do mure to txxiiu the Vnlluy. A. Ii. IteiwUaii, of Hnntn to, wai elected Try It otttu and we will see. alternate without oppiMltlnn. Mrs. (irlygn who has been visiting lien. Atitniilo JoepU nominated ns dele friends In thu Pecos vulley sincu lust Many ttorfoi true and false ones from the Judicial dUtrlet, lion. tint JAMIW W. rree. where her Have been loatm! far mid wide, rte itey of Santa . nnd umiii motion Mr AI.tUANDIlIt, JAMItH II. IIYDK, Vlce.l'ru. October, loft for bprlnger - Mrs, Seward, rwldM. Mrs. Till tho lame nt t'ocos Vnlluy Itadsy wua olented bynoclnmutloa Hurt- daughter, quoAlieyta elected alternate. expect to spend la well Muowi mi evsry side. wai (irlggs mid daughter Ladies (evurlih fiiinmiur Durkliart placed In Uamethe restkus people, east. She ex- 0- - N. 1'ernallllocouuly itlte Bummur lu tlio is Kecking youth nml wealth untold Mammal and ursrd Ilia election ou tbr uround of bli liavlns pected back ugulu lu the fall as hur Llko tun bpHinsh lie Leon The Equitable Life hero Ihun else- boon tbeluetrumeilt ot the recent succomm .health is much better In the story bonk of old. ut hl party In the county. Mr. Marrou was where. Ami like him tlielr hopes are shattered etestsd ami John S. Ttmblu was elected al Sailors t With rtgnrd to the examining trial For ttioy set hops too high. ornate. their V (.. Charles Wlllbtirn thu CiutnttNT did ThcTtitrddtitrlet-eleete- Davldnon Assurance Society. of While ii nil were let t unbailed olUraut county aidoleuatc and frank Mat Wnt get all the facts, which aru that Thy emild tee with ball nt. eye. leeon si Otero county as alternate. tu-- wltneiior were lixauiiried for the Tho latest 'thing out in Not one iuur. for our Vallej , In IN fourth dlitrtat n conteet between of tlie United States. prosecution and uono for the defense stylo iind finisn elegant lly deseptlon oan bs gained, Marearto Oalleiioa of Mara county and John and Wlllbtirn was dlsohurged. Mr One or two may liuu their poekuts Marrows! Col lax county wai decided in trimmings. Going at favor ot by n vote 0! lie 10 w. -- While lite euuutry bears the blame. tin lorttitr J. Harris then swore out another com A. HatcN ol uslfax couuty wiueleeted alter plllnt and bond was furnished In the Ilullda good and sure foundation. by acctaHMtMHt. liate 91. KM ap- Make it strong as mi we go; II. M Daugherty, OuttandlUAewra l)r. $l,C)l,ll,lt.U) sum of WOO by tits defendant, to yr the rlllh dtriet. Aseuransc applied I'M (Htute by M. Haley, waa elected del- - fsrtlB 3rj.,si4i) pear before the next session of the 50c to $2,00 lluild It tor a SIhsm MCMlsated J. Hiamlaeu ami DesitapU JI,(S6I,7,W (or n Wm. II. MHltuue ot carltbad, aa grand Jury. Aud not lusrsly show. HatiaiHt NW AseUMHSC Ihosd jJjLm.fg Pay ur taxes nnd be honest, altcrMtc Ineems JLWI. J. J . Draper, the big oow man from ralglt The 4e!atM were Irutructed to vote as a llolld up srhaois with alll our t vr Attets nesfmbr 9StmM Midland who bus ubout llfty or sixty our unit for Col J. Dryan. Work toKsthsr tar ststelteod Helsre Ibe eeuveiltloti adtourned for tlie thousand acres and possibly 100,000 Thtw our Valley 'II Ins all right. afternoon, lien. II. II. lernuiou wai elected aritoi...... u 9Mit.! Acres of government laud under drift Fancy Miis.Axma Uaiikv national cemMttteciuan. t'aiallnlveKlsisilnlMW). ii,t4ll.U fence In the southeast cotnor of this county, was In town Tuesday to sell Wo Offer for Sale. Itemeiuber, Kemp i Woerner keep Jils crop of yearling steers. He sold One of the tlnost brand of sheep in tho celebrated Hock lleer ulwuys on llm-berg- 400 for f17.50 each to Vrrner t Scrog-Ul- ns Suitings thePeoos Valley, consisting of ubout tap. A our loud of pretzels aud er, of Kansas City, thereby receiving 1700 head of eight pound Delaine dally. Come a ring. Waller Ni Parkliurat, (Jcncral Mattagcri 07,000 for his colt crop, 1900 breeding ewes two about half the Hero Is omettilntf xo,nUuwiir Merino) from People from Carlsbad oan now reuoh KewMexleoaud Artwtia Ucparltnent, AtbuQUeniUa, Kaw Meiteo. Juige portion raUed on government (Ino and a to four yoars old now luinbing, balance Kuusus City lu u little over thirty-si- x Tind. Mr. Draper Is a very prosperous kinds, per ytr."5..01: of Hook yeurllng ewes and welbersi 80 hours. Hcattla man and all 'round good man, ic lurgo French Merino books. Panels In having J. S. Crozler attoud to though ho ratber complains about the for corralls, chuck wagon, outnp outfit, your rtnil ostute remember he bus tin tux rate In this county. The people of eta Ituuge on North Seven Itlvers, houses or lands ot his own to rent or John Li Emerson and Whi. G, Relff the town and valley are paying ten Ilddy county, N. M . ; oan bo seen on sell. Looal Agents plates the taxes on the dollar, however, lambing ground at Lake MoMlllau, Hendricks, Catholic Services. the BTersgo cattleman, whluh Is an Elliott KddyoGiinty, N. charge ot Ueo. of M.,ln (Sunday. Carlsbad, - New Mexico. injustice should not be overtook- - McDonald. Kervloes Anrli that For particulars address: Md ward's by He v. A. Wagner, ib ?iyla St Hootna FutiiigN, ot 10 p. tn 1 Instruction In chria. Atbuckle'i coffee til Wheat's. CarUbad, N. M. uati uociruie at a p. iu. rosury it p. tu. I. bo hat heard uraia and the name of WOULD STIFLE TRUTH. HFOIMKSSPOET. tho parties present, u well aa concern-in- s JhOWTORAISERAPEI SANTA FE ROUTED tho residence of any paplit priest HUNTINQ PRI68T8 IN THE REIQN OF or aohooltnaster, and In caso of tho THE SHORT bINE TO Uicre wns Bull QUEEN ANNE. wltneei refusing to testify a Republicans Try to Stop 2 TViinif it nnnvvn bk sown Aim penalty of 120 or 12 month' Imprison- X HOW IT SHOULD BH 5 ment. Tho Informora wcro expected Pen Investigation. 9 rnu, g Chicago, St. Louis Veaarable Clervrmmt IUnKd FB after this to lis mora diligent and rrlormlnir Ihe niln or Ibe CntH-al- le a proclamation 0oooooaoMooooaoo and than over, nud of EHOOUBAQED. is hardy can bo Kansas Oity Ghareh ttrqnlrad tor KBaA year ordering' all registered MILITAEIBK TO BE Itapo a plant and tho satuo nny very early spring ' la Abjure Tbclr 1'sllta. priests to tako tho ahjuratlon oath bo-fo- sown tlmo from Vo Transfers from Bl Paso (r Port Worth 315, wna put 3T.Hi 1710, until nftor harvest, according to tho Oil March 1710, Into tho if March. under the Cnrmrriininn Unit the Armr one of tlie most Infamous of tbo imnnlty of pnuuiunlro, gave aildltlona! Wsnli wants of the stockman, says Professor Ask for Tims Ostds and Maps of Voor Nsarsst forte Itnlaed In 100,000 To Terrorise ABet,or wtlta measure of tit ntroclous ponnl code. ttlmnlus and opportunity to the dlsoov-cre- r. W. A. Henry In The Ilreeder's Oaxettc. WurUlnKiiirtt (I, O. I.rndrra Other Infamous measure had preced-M- l I. To get the lances t and most nutritious P D. HOUGHTON' W. BLACK n CnuipnlKii I'unil Tim J. It tram the beginning of tbo reign of Tho trade of 'priest himtliiK' now Uiitlierlnu crops It should he sown In drills nud . ' I). Y. und l'..A.i (Jen'hrl'nRs. Ncsl linear, f Ajjcnt, Queen Anno. In reference to which became n distinct branch uf the prtifos cul tinned tho name ns n root crop, with lit Vino, Totas Toppkn, Kansna period Mitchell. In his history, remarks Mnn. him I many it vuiiurablo elergytrtnn (pselal vrsehlnglen letter. this ImpeHitnt eseeptioti, however no "During nil tint or tho dragged by tiliNHllioiiitds, Inrestlga-tln- n an follows: mt was these Although tin Cnmr d'Alene thinning Is required. Where drilled reign 'f Anne tho law for preventing iiirnugli varnnie disguises, u ml waylaid manage Is still In eoiiimlituu. It miw from two to three pounds of seed A growth popery wns ns i lnrnus- - ,y on way to Isiptlse or con- - n Ai A, V nrf A At Att A, ti.u uf mtit his to attract u good iliwil uf ntentloii In an per acre. may he sown ik BbBt Passongor Sorvlco ly executed all nvur the IsIsimI tm It arm or visit the dying. The ruptured Ila'H also UMoKlrlal way nuiimg mcmlx-- of con- Innnrircst upon well prepared laud. In wh tHissltilc for snoli Inws in In, nntl clergy were eoinellme brought in hy In Toxas. gress. Hpnnhllrsn ptnu of which It should l euvereit lightly tb"rv was a kwn Interest of IwhIm'h or four mnl live, mid the laws When the cae let- - a drag har- - protracting the Investlpitlou nod with tine tooth or a hrnsh tin- Protestant Inhabitant of every were rlirurously I nit In furce. If It wart THE PECOS VALLE1 Important 111 row. When broadcasted, frnin four to toun ami district, always exeliod nd u llrst olTciim). they were trnsoriel, tltttf It ill iniflmltlaii tanked OUt. Gateways. ' Pwm r 1,0 u,tM' kept pit the stretch to 'Uiuver ami In hut ir bishop wh4 Imd lieen trails-noi-ie- il Venator Allen proceed to bring tho l1' "IV '"" -A- .1D- was In l again lie mntter lefore the senate hy nn vui-- , '"T"' ,M,. ..,. ,i., was kuNRvd." , pualle rKiliiil.ii reclilnir tho ImllftuM , . .... MIU , Kuril is a sample of what llrttlih IS" tfiw In M'hl.'li liuiiH'nnt (.llaxiin lind llMIl ...... i. . ... In IrHand wns little more than 100 aulijedeil In lilahtt. The resolution lUU , tMt ra,.,M0d of procedure years It wns In reluri'iiue to the mho. equareiy ciwrpwi mni maniAi mw m A tew itoys i lufti-- fls follows: week or fle atrocities under this I eiiroiviHl In the Owiir , still Irnlnu ,,, rtr ,wrlpy Uavt ,,wn m)W)i ,, O A S. iK. At. A. inotis act I ha I the Protestant imtrlot d'Alenes. not Iretamm Is ln ft ' there j,wt nftet the youtit plants have shnwu wi't I Juris execrntiHl the luliuuinii laws 4 Tho rocUon or Invasion, hut because the nl)OV0 , Hlxtneft of ttw ,.u, mw t,TO Groat Cctttle hi IhHH are to every irlsli twit raiullmr Slllie Owiihh' nsHochiMon wants to use; , irpp t J Trail Route. .nmu mw m nciv. g) y isaiii nmrtiai mw iih tne iiistmnuiii wim narrow this In with n lliiht line tooth "v v (It Nock, (ha ma, No trouble tn innwcr questions. Tkrr l4M thtr which to rorev ine "perinii system on drag. seed hi milli- Hll IS eri s4 rtv U ltt Coming the this irv tt reso Trouali rtaepers Pnlly Halt 4 mtr Hafkt alike la nm the miners of that district. Tho ner dees not Injure the young out o Un Ike m1 at wall tmt Itlar. lution nska the administration to with- barley plants, hut Is n help rather than This Una la now equip.! tnlljr to al- acc'inimoaat" the great and 3Jooo to -I- rish World. draw the United Suites troops nud otherwise. Hy sowing Inter than the Vnlley 0Pt low Hint section of Idaho to return to out or barley wed lug the ynnng rnpu mid Ita adfalnin territory. Worth government. Rep- SoUrm ttctlcr l'or Arrrni. a condition of civil plants are held III chock and do not It Is tne ealtle abttirwrt linn tram nil It Is n pleasure to be able to state, resentative I.enl7. olTored the some res- growth until lliu points on tl Norfllarn l'Uina nnd make much nfler Irom tit grtu range oi the valtsy. says n correspondent uf The Uepubllc, olution In the house. main crop Is harvested. Thru. Iinvli.g tneoiuimrnlile 8rieetn tho fund In aid or the unfortunnio Altogether the imittor will get before Onljr 40 hours liy last trnln beiweon that the beuellts of full sunshine and nil t A so turrl-bl- y congress despite the smooth tactics of Peeos tty nnd ilia grtnt mnraat of aSToxv Orlonxiw rriiu Islander who suffered available moisture, the young plans Knneaa vny. 3VZ 23l1 i o 233.19 n In the late gront storm Is progress- neprewntnUvo Dlelt nm Chairman 0Jih mmy nm, fur)l)h mm A inamigtment. A OJbLlon,to ing ns satisfactorily as the best friends Hull In the military affptrs couiinlitee. a large amount of feed. Fnriuers who iwuerous friend Investigation hnsnlundy produced ot the valley. of the poor people of the Islands would The havo sown rape Heed along with oats Auk tor seliuditles. In ample proof every right of eltlsen-ahl- Tlia grant plains have Imsu poppled wish. Tho eiiturtiilnmeuts given that or barley havo found, to their sorrow, Uirouifli iiietlfuin ot rnllvhiy. nway absolutely the tld K. T Tl'tlNim, 0. P T A., behalf of tliu fund In Dublin reaped was tnken as as that In wet seasons the rape plants amounts, It Is hoped If the affair had occurred In Hlberln. rarUhnd, llo-cJ- IMrtsles. Iioti-n- a, Untlns, Toxas. considerable and grow ns tall as the groin und funi'-- h Canyon Hteutieiiberg In testimony Itaretoru and City, all form utran such uurortuiinto Catholics that similar success will attend tho Governor his so much green material ns to innke iMJlnt ot HBlpmeyt, now wairequlp-iMs- d willing with feeu water. as bsd entitrlved to remain In posses- nlavs to be produced In Uulwuy. Al made It cleur that he was the trouble In harvesting the grain. TUo and sion of some of thoso (Hitntos, lease- ready 000 has been sttliscrllMHl. Hut agent of those who controlled the later seeding of rape with grain Is Add holds or other Interests which woro much moru Is unhappily wanting. United States troops. The enforce- therefore to be recommended ns tbo bow by Ihw eapablo of bolus hold by ment of the "permit" system hna preferable practice. II. W. MAltTINUJ.J,. - Ihtitestaou alone." Nn Imtictinitr. No .Notion. nrotised the wngeworkers of tho coun- hi sections of the country where the Ant bercriblng the net put Into ferco on Let Irish Nationalists hear the nbovo try. The American FederotU..' of r, "i). treasons nre fairly long stubblo Holds II. MICIIOW. a March US. 1710, the stime wrltor says: over In their mind nntl ask themselves In rosiKXiao to the many sugges may be up to ape Meal Managnr. in wminwii iima-- & plowed nud sowed , rou Invent orlmproTet slim get wns vhlully to up Hons worklugmeti, has appointed IteoM-ell- iwili-anrthlni Intention Mew "Its close whnt country today spends the lan from a forage !m Msxloo. CAVEAT JffAOE-MAR- COPThlOHTorOESiOH ' and givnt deal of secured .1 t puunl-Ue- n nnntr a ... .l b. antiAlA Ci any loophole of esenpe from tho guage of nuothcr, looks to another for a committee to attend the Investigation fore winter sets In. No matter how rnuiiawiiwrit nvim iuutii ii(r,uvi jmvwi of former stPtutcs nud Rtinrd every Us literary Ideals and Inspirations that nnd prepare a digest of the evidence. , Hmv) DUTCUTQ No Ally's - uu Mink flU poKHlhlc by will be widely cIrculat- M i ntess which 'papists' Is not entirely nt the mercy of that T lis pamphlet ri ,, dr t,K, enr) UUUn Ull l l Ml I u ico ucioro pawni. inlRlit still attain to liidependi'iiue or country nud tho Integrity of whose rd hi Industrial centers. It will lie a growth one eniiuot tell them from rtita life. Kome, potent campaign from the C.A.SNOW&CO. a quiet for example, had Is not being steadily sapped, document bnga or Kwoile turnips. When they PENDLETON & CO., Pstent Uwyers. WASHI NQTON, D.C. secretly purchased annuities. My this llow much longer can we withstand vory fact of Its nonpartisan chnraeter. reach a height of eight or ten Indies, statute, therefore, u papist Is declared the Insidious assaults which havo al- The wurklngmon of the country will Uvery, Food & they can be pastured by any kind of n.xcliniiKc 1.1. WORK OUllANTKKD. IneatHihle of Imldlns or enjoyluc an ready wrought such havoc? Irish vote on masse against the administra- stork. Rape Is most suitable for s'teop, ....Stable..,. suii'ilty for Jiff. It hits been found, World. tion which propones to make a man with pigs second. Of course tho young A ATTIIK also, that paternal authority or Mini tako out n "penult" from the military plants are qulto watery; ns they grow uffcqtluii Sinilr of Qnello Sprenils. ho even look had prevented from Its full authorities beforu can fur older Oio nutriment Is mora condensed operation that former act of 1701, There Is proposed as tin addition to work. In and Kntlsfactory. a conform-Iuk- , the chair of (Juollc languages tho very mntter, O. width authorized a child, on Apropos of thin tho K. - Ho far as known to the wrltor, tho t- reduce Ids father to a tenant Catholic university at Washington, hotiso Is about to spend some tlmo In 1 Iloue-bra- only Insect pest attacking tho rape Is for life. now tilled by Dr. Henry Itlcbnrd of the bill which pro Blacksmith consideration A louse, which severely Injures It In hot, n museum devoted to tbo recep- army country. 'Further encourneemant to chtldron poses n standing for the dry weather. This pest Is sometimes CAKUTAGKS1I0P. r.cemed deslrablo. Therefore by this tion of nn arctiit'ologlcal collection re- Chairman Hull of the military affairs avoided by planting tho rapo either! R-JX- RcaS-ver- y new upon lating to tho early prehistoric ages of country u CoOfJ S at law tho conversion uf tho committee thinks this needs First-clas- s Unrrlsgo pslnt- - , In addition more complete early or vory late. blaoksmlthlug, child of any Catholic, tho chancellor ton standing army of 100,000 men, purhnps lag mill wood worn 01 u library pertaining to the golden age of Curo must bo taken to order forage 0110 DIG RatCS. kiiki. was to compel the father to dlscnvor more. rape, for many mistakes havo been SaQewIng msohlne slid THKK npou Gaelic literature, which dales from the encourago mili- onth the full value of his cstiito, This open attempt to made by secdinen who havo furnished rfO ull kinds of lepslrs. real and personal, and thoreupon make cuvcuth century. Republic Is apprehension by tarism viewed with oil seed or bird seed rape InstcHd. rrrr Jj EKD -- Independent support people. foreign popu-latlc- i CIIUUCH DIRECTORY. Kddy, M. tn order for tho many The born Those lnttor varieties furnish plants X. of such conforming child nnd for ItriKlniiil'a Ileal Snlillrrs. who know what It menus on the STABLE Hiiglnnd wins In her present war, which blussom about night weeks after M. It. Ciiuiicii, Soirrn: ltoRulir strvlees to him, after his father's death, If continent nre especially hitter against a. 7 p. may the seed Is sown. A Hold of bird seed luiulay nt II ta. nnd mi Sunday such share of the property as to tho she will have no men she thank the tiarty which adopts such n policy. emiBi in n ui. liiiworiu IMIKIlo ni a i rupo In bloom resomiiles n Held or wilti ,n hi every Weuoeadny court should seem lit; also to sccuro so deeply as the Irish. The Irish who Tho working people nre convinced that I'rsrermaetliiu oven S, T. Bitting:, Banker. pay tho who mustard, tun yellow niossoms ueing us 01 I Jointures to papist wives who should have tolled to tithes, Irish the real object of the standing army is J. H. Hawiiijiih, Pattor. S doors below Hnghiiid's visible from a lung distance. The truo desert fnMh. dis- havo starved during plenty, In cose Cioim-h- - Oft Hotel flohllll. their husbands' Thus to terrorize them of differences forage rape doon not blossom the snma Hmiit Uatk waMaf SMtl trust and discord and heartburnings tho Irish who luue NiUTered eviction, with employers. teiauUr Mr.lwa li nM,i. INMo rlil. lu.10 a 0.VUI.8HAI), Nmv Mkxiuo. season the seed Is sown, but bears Its hi llh -- Umx fur i.l.l toungi II a, m. u!4la In every family were woll provided outrage and the landlord's Insh of up Republicans nro on the iil am) The divided and fruit the second your, tho wfflil, villi iwwbiaf: ni, Mitx mil A General Donklnn; for One clnuse of the net prohibits a proMlou. hare yet given tn ISiiglaud question, hut the lenders will try to blossom rawn. aii r.wauujr ihiiiw. nmifft wlkl, peers any same as tho cabbage nnd ruin bnga, uslntiua Dono. laplst from teaching, as tutor or usher, her best generals and the of foroo the bill through as nit adminis- Hmmin J. PsvmL, ISular Hug. lllrd seed rape duos not become a post even as assistant to n Protestant soldiers under tho HrltJsli New tration measure. It Is it necessary ad- ltxcbsnne tr'iirnlihcd to Cuitomera like wild mustnrd, but since the loaves MWtVlcilBit, M. oT I'roo ot Cbarae. schoolmaster, nud nnother odors n sal- York Journal. junct of (Millcy of Imperialism and jTiAir the are small, llku mustard leaves, thero ary of t!IO to such popish priests as militarism. I'liyslolsn and SurKcen. Is little or no feeding value to tho crop. should conform. I'owerseourl In Hi- - Sold, The Democratic congressional com- oma llnimi, budi, N M In ordorliif, seed bo stiro to specify tho Wing Lee Laundry. "Hut one thins waa still wanting. It Lord l'owcrscourt, who Is contom mittee Is vory hopeful of Dumocnitlc Rote) Wlndior Htscx forago rapo, Tho seed Is UUf V. N, was known that, notwithstanding tho plntlug the sale of his property In gains which will give a Democratic Dwarf Mirgoau I'. l,ltr. Imported from Hnglnnd or grown In previous baulshmuiit of Catholic arch- Wlcklow to his tennuts under tho land majority In the next house. The pres- .1... ..nw,l....Bn.. TT,l.wl UlnloM uv,tm, II. WIU0IIT. M. b. a bishops, bishops, etc. there wcro still purchase uct, has one of tho most beau ent Republican majority Is only 1(1, nnd iiiu iiuiiiiuuntuiu u,... f I'MnlaiAa aeassas. Work Equal to Steam Inei.( on.!. It eonta front 4 to 10 i, ib men In tho kingdom exorcising thoso tlf til places In the United Kingdom. It on studying It Is Laundry. the election returns ,..,im iw.r imi.ti.1. neeimllnff In tin niinn-- l amis Tl.tJ.r llol.l functions, coining from Franco nntl Is surrounded by the Wlcklow hills and n score can be ' (Next too. K Shop ) noted that of districts t.ty ordered. can be obtained from, from Him In, and brnvlug tho tcrrlbto benetlllod hy the stretim of tho Darglo, picked out where a change of live or It uuy rellablo seodsmnu. riothoa-NoRIx- ociialMos or transportation and drnSb which Is precipitated over tho famous would menu ' Vo'torn tra Chsraos. six hundred ruler or less Is llko 01 Rnpo not harvested nnd cured (lunrantccd SntUtnctory. In order to keep up the IndlsponsaUo l'owcrscourt waterfall. Democrat, dls--i . Alt work tho return of a These forage plants, but should PHtbMAN & CAMERON connection of the Cnihollc dock with are right through belt where hay or other trlcta the I m III ntntn. .1 ...... I fml ntf ihn n- - It entl , ... BO YBAB8 the head of tho church, tt was known Uecllna of Cavnu, wib ..I.. lire n.uruoRi.. Ui,,ur.i . , .,.,, .,. .,,. , MU&Mi.n... i i i that this wns Indeed an nbsoluto neces- The area In acres of the of hwmm At MYfi EKPERIBNCB In year sity, at whatsoever risk, nud that to Tullyhnw Is 8P.SI7, and the hODV. NHWMBXICI tr-- w?e, vo can be limited, end there Is no preend s toleration of Catholic wor- the population was M.IK)'.', but In iJ fi ship while tho hierarchy was banished (Sill, last census, there were only 15,-lU- sSoSsi fz - thVmK: f.- (J ATHWOOI) X lUTWIAN nns as reasonable as to talk of tolerat persons on the same area. The SBO.000.000 Is snggestwlw tho as about (Jencrally."L. stockmen turn their animals Inr I'resbyterlaulmn without Fresby-terie-es utioibernf dwelllugs In 1811 wns 4,303; amount necessary to make the people Ainmww .tr.iir, directly Into tho rapeilold, allowing OAkUliU, Ktw or courts without Judges or In lfiiU only S.,001. These are some of forget the blunders mid bad faith of Mum flAUt. to ut will. the great- W. laws ur Juries. tho boiiellts of Hrltlsh rule In Ireland. this congress und this administration. them feed Where W. Dlhwl Ursians.l" returns nro sought (Kirtable fences I'. 8. UtiHwa COPVPIOHTB &0. "Therefore this net for 'osplalnlng money will prolmbly obtained. est The bo uro to nnlmnls to a given and Hmendlug assigned stated rewards A I'nlrlol I'rleal, Is seldom seen In his mod limit the Henntor Iltuiun area. lauds nre cheap there Is Very Rev. Csnon Iyukoy, paotor of seat these days. He Is busy getting Whore lMni no need of taking so much trouble tho Hddy Lodge No. 81, fra ui'Iaal anucr for.Mcutlnaaiiaota. Duiimnre, Is doing line work In tho rondy for the camiHilgu of money lent ilunii A Co. raealro uIahU linliita ai I tittaiof I 4 1 Miaul AWat f 1lU atauu tAktn Ibruaib cause of the Irish people Ho believes tftti mi in. viikuul cliari a. la Iba the that until the tiller or tho soil Is the RepubllennsLSI?. not tlgured out "J..M2 use of rape, as stated nbovo, Is from ijL weleomi' Scientific fltucricatn owner Ireland will not bo prosperous fund Is going to coax C their Immense Is not nlwnys Boww, 0. A handomlr klr. ner contented. propose to bloating, which trouble trTwr lllarl4 l'Ml.c'l out the voter who doesn't should not be rrT vote. easily avoided. Animals turned Into the rapelleld for the llrst & New York Siiiik of lllrn Dun, Otmeral Otis has Just discovered that MUNH Co.,BdT UMa-- 4 grta they have boon well tilled up Itet tail U is IMi tk Mm ihn, the iople of Maulht do not llko to time until TVa U as tka wWa Ixua. tbt witUr tln-- 1 ou Itxperleuce and exper- have the bodies of dead soldiers disin- other feeds. iments have shown that It Is greatly to Tba filrr laaia'i Is BawHwo Ut lilt mj burl terred, so they will net bo brought tlie Milvuiilima of atoek to have U IHU-- 11 Paso & No tMt haute until next November. Ferliajw PlMMf a Um Kif. ture held of grass adjacent to the rape--! It hi only an odd coincidence that this ' li Itawar a th Utr, held, bo thut the animals can feed on Midi abaal ika UtrUm l U lir ! celloti Is deferred uutll titer election. ",... ..,,, i, .i ,,ii (Ull U (111, ImswMf tana Ik W, lb UI Ktta Uti sorrowing how A. K. Hmy. El Paso Hortboastern Railway. tVMt tia pit ta let relatives know occur, nn fnn, many ble, bloating will rarely the Aa la wiad auH Mm lb ktttMr tap, aa Ik sous ami fathers and huslmmls ' Alainogoido :i.-3- p. -- Imals wisely pratectlag themselves by Leaves id. ltd Ml Mail t bt luue been serlnced lu the I'hlllpplues. Hi l'ast) 7:15 p. in. Ai lb Iw otar Ik ! aa li mixing their feed of grass mid rape in Arrlvon li la r Bair, to It will be u ghastly Hat when the re- RI tOJIO n m. la bm. stead of consuming too much rape. k. Leaves Puso inr lu. U no. w,i 11:45 Pie- - a Ik ra, turns arc A. Wiutr. No. II meet every Arrives Alaiuogordu p. tn llaaff a it raw. rrtday evenlug In Making oonueoitoii at Ul Paso for A Ibora pilfr.! m ao Uit nabadf , Demand for llama. d., kne. I'onllnic Ilia I'ropli-- a. a 1 all points In Mexico. Never In the history of the sheep In- - llauaal. YUltlng Urathsrs in good tho oast, west and The Nicaragua ii canal Is to be field oorHiaur Tt tritin up ih bttMlii kit rutd In t&t air. dustry cro so many rams contracted swiwibb ""gH wamr. N. a Connecting nt Alamogordo with tho Til lt.n latf-il- m tip until the commission seut south to Unin ller llmlJ tn ahead nor suoh lone nrlces offered fori J no. H MoBwan, Heajy. stage lluu for tho laJrt osumlue the I'amuun route can report, - Ock, II; high sheep. Nineteen hundred r- - ttz r : rNI-ST- HBCUSK TO Slll.f TUB ACT, fWi Icitti irt la lul, but s cttl Is out class run li until the treaty history Body Oamn Woodmen of the world, White Oaks Country. tn Informer for the discovery of an' tut. uf the way and until the treasury has will be tho biggest year lu the w litthe and Kttrj a lb rin, sheen breeding Industry In eaanll..smad White OukR, llonlto, Nogals, Gray, arahblshop. blsbup. generul or' IWfi; o recovered from the drain of the ship of the iiiuuim. vkar lc lu, range wool growers ox and Salado ooal llelds. oilier pcraoH exercising eecleslnwtlcal Tk a4 l(k tnaag lb trM, but I Itfb sulwldy Ulll- -a drain whleh would Aiuerlen. If ItOBSTSOH. 01k. . ii-- vl tvllt m Jm. U it,W,,ttill 'nil ihnv ... Jurisdiction. For sueh u prise tho In- build the canal uud maintain It for 3" ..Hk.! .Ml., Ivf Also connecting With TularrtW etag -, have to put up with the "tall end" of wttlakir form or wus (e have 0; for dlseever I ll lk tail Br- ipifl imo lb MrbafAt yenrs. Tht country will hold to a It ym want tha mtltovvNt Hue which leaves Alainogorad k4 llooks.-Bh- eep after lug uuy monk or friar or auy secular WtMH slcbli Ur IMafda mi, Udai Ik. heavy tkose who thus deride the breedlug Itrceitir. J. "'.I'' ' Hi ' e:,ll H at arrival of train faoh day. Iieavea net duly registered. for it4. ,i will -- Albion iMltb.i Mirror. i ttlnrnsii at 10:80 a in., Lu Liu ut IK crKyMai (0, Hal U Mtr kaw, U miii kMW tktt L far lu Double Airny. dlsraTMiag n popish lehoelleuober or' llhr l V.. 1, ni , making oennoeiion witn mo bouiu y bin I'd kat A m r m 'nir It" ot tfcr writer lu The Vi und trufn. tutor. 10. Auy two Justlees are also fa.iUt e fit. v. I sewat IfetlM. Itl eaya. "faii nr iri ' n iitr eaiD4Wreil to summon before tbem j r in W..4 I r Utfj, mr tef ta ts4 tat ! are t v. , Supt Agt ttv mf w . yoll iiaiut, lui k.a.v, den At& Bj any riMt evtw IS yesira ami examine Jill i i;r t(u:t iijni ih t'irto Rlvc (I. . I give you nwtiy." dom'a a coming Inthejuarof Jubilee', II ALf,XArJDn A. i't A. Mm upu oath as to the lime and placefj " fim Ulei cf Aatiloi." Kili'-y- -- Atlanta Constitution.