Vayikra Teachers Resources

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Vayikra Teachers Resources בס״ד In loving memory of MRS. SARAH ISSUE 314 (CHARLOTTE) ROHR Parshas Vayikra Parshas Hachodesh ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת ַו ִּיְקָרא ַּפ ְַרׁשת החודש • כ״ט אדר ה’תשע״ח 29 Adar 5778 ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת ַו ִ ּי קְ רָ א ַּפ ְַרׁשת החודש COMMANDER’S RESOURCES COMMANDER’S GUIDE • ENGLISH SICHA • YIDDISH SICHA • TRANSCRIPT • PARSHAFIER • WORKSHEET Commander’s Guide A COMMANDER’S GUIDE IN TRAINING TODAY’S CHAYOLIM Shterna looked up from the book she was reading at her desk. There was still five minutes left to recess and she was starving. She finished all her snack already, and lunch wasn’t for another two hours! What could she do? She could feel her stomach rumbling hungrily as she looked around the empty room. What was that? A In n troductio half-eaten package of rice cakes on Devorah’s desk. Where was Devorah? Maybe she could ask her for some. But Devorah was in the yard playing ball, and wouldn’t come back until the bell rang. Maybe she could just take some? Devorah probably finished eating them already and was planning on throwing away the rest anyways. Yes, that was probably it. She wouldn’t even care if Shterna ate them- she would probably even be happy that it wasn’t Bal Tashchis and ended in the garbage. Shterna walked slowly up to her desk and took the package of crackers. All of a sudden, the bell rang really loudly and startled her. She quickly ran to her seat and dropped the package into her backpack, as her classmates started scrambling into the room all red and sweaty from their game of Elimination. Feeling guilty and afraid, Shterna barely breathed- it was too late now anyways, Devorah would be coming in any second and then what? “Hey! Where is my snack?” Devorah demanded loudly as she ran in breathlessly. “It was on my desk before I left! Where did it go?” Shterna felt terrible, but then she thought. “This is all Hashgacha Pratis. We learned that whatever happens is really meant to be. I guess Devorah is not meant to eat the rest of her snack. I won’t give it back to her. It wasn’t nice that I took it, and I’m going to do Teshuva of course, but I’m not going to tell her I took it, or apologize to her. I’m just going to take care of this quietly, on my own.” Shterna sounds like she is thinking the right thing, but really she is listening to her Yetzer Hara. Let’s look at this week’s Parsha to see what the right thing to do is פרשת ויקרא פרק ה' פסוק כ''ד ַ“וֽחֲמִֽׁשִתָ יו יֹסֵף עָ לָ יו ַ ֽאֲׁשֶר להּוא לֹו יִּתְ נֶּנּו ּבְ יֹום ַאׁשְמָ תֹֽו”. "And he should add on a fifth of the amount of money that he stole, aside for returning the money.” Torah לאשר הוא לו: למי שהממון שלו Rashi here writes: Who does he return the money to? To the one he stole from. 2 When a person steals, he needs to return the money to the one he stole it from, and then he needs to also add on an additional fifth Rebbe of the amount as well. The Rebbe asks a question: what is Rashi teaching us by writing that a person needs to return the money to the one he stole from? Isn’t it obvious that if someone steals they need to return what they stole? The Tanya teaches us that if somebody hurts us, we should not get angry at them, chas vesholom, rather, we should realize that we deserve that from Shamayim and realize that the person was only a messenger. Would you get angry at a delivery person if they gave you a message you didn’t like? Never! You understand that the messenger has nothing to do with the message- they are only doing someone a favor and bringing it to you. This is exactly how we need to look at someone who hurts our feelings, or bothers us: they are just a messenger from Hashem there to teach us something. Instead of feeling angry at them, we just need to be grateful for the lesson, and focus on what could Hashem be trying to teach us. Do we need to learn to be more patient? More sensitive to the people around us? More chayusdik? Whatever is upsetting us, is teaching us that we need to get better in that area. When a person learns this in the Tanya, they might think that is the same exact thing with a Ganif. The fact that a person was stolen from, means that Hashem doesn’t want them to have that money or those things, and therefore, the thief should give the money to Tzedaka and not return it to the person whom he stole it from. And also, the thief needs to do Teshuva for stealing, but he doesn’t need to apologize to the one he stole from because it was all part of Hashem’s plan. Here is where the Rebbe explains the seemingly innocent and unnecessary Rashi: the Ganif must return the money to the person he stole it from. We are not Hashem and we cannot make any cheshbonos on another person. It is not our job to decide who deserves money and who doesn’t, who needs to be hurt and who doesn’t; it’s our job to do the right thing and serve Hashem. We need to be kind and sensitive to all the people around us and not Chas Vesholom inflict any pain on one of Hashem’s kinderlach, or any of Hashem’s creations. 3 If we did something wrong, we need to take full responsibility and apologize. If we took something from someone and it doesn’t belong to us, we need to return it immediately. It’s not our job to Lesson make any cheshbonos for someone else- we need to apologize and try our best to be chayolim who take care of our fellow soldiers. We are all on the same team, and for an army to be strong we must be united! Shterna thought for a moment and then stood up determined- she was not going to listen to her Yetzer B’chein Hara! Those were Devorah’s crackers, and she would be brave and return them. Quickly, before Morah came back. “Um, Devorah,” Shterna mumbled nervously, “are these crackers yours? I’m sorry, I thought you were finished with them and I took them, because I was really hungry…” “Oh! There are my crackers!” Devorah Exclaimed. “ You want some? I’m not so hungry now, take as much as you want, and give it back when you finish!” Shterna looked at Devorah in surprise. That wasn’t nearly as hard as she imagined! And she still had some yummy snack for her rumbling tummy. Shterna made a loud Bracha and in her mind, thanked Hashem for giving her the Koach to fight back the Yetzer Hara. 4 English Sicha At the end of this week’s parsha, the Torah tells us: ַ“וֽחֲמִֽׁשִתָ יו יֹסֵף עָ לָ יו ַ ֽאֲׁשֶר להּוא לֹו יִּתְ נֶּנּו ּבְ יֹום ַאׁשְמָ תֹֽו”. If a person steals, he should give back to the owner the full value of what he stole along with an additional fifth. Rashi comments the one should give the money to the person who it rightfully belongs to. The Rebbe asks: What does Rashi’s explanation add to our understanding of the posuk? And why does the posuk itself need to include the words “(to return the money) to whom it belongs.” Isn’t this self understood? Although Rashi teaches us the simple and literal explanation of the posuk, it is well known that Rashi’s explanations contain within them the secrets of Torah as well. The Kli Yokor explains that the reason why a thief needs to return the original amount plus a fifth is because the owner of the money could have invested the money in the meanwhile. Therefore, when paying back the full loss, one must include the potential loss as well. This seems to contradict the Tanya. In Tanya we learn that if someone wrongs us, getting angry is not the appropriate way to respond. Although they are at fault, they were only able to do this wrong because in shomayim, Hashem decreed that this would happen. The wrongdoer still gets punished because he didn’t have to be the one to do it, anyone could have been Hashem’s shliach for this. However, the person who was wronged realizes that it is not something personal, rather this was a shliach fulfilling Hashem’s will. Being that this is true, if a thief steals from someone, it means that for a certain amount of time Hashem decided that he should not have this money. He was not supposed to be able to have that money to invest it at that time. If this is so, why does the thief have to pay back what he could have invested? Furthermore, why does the money have to be returned to the owner at all? Understandably, the thief is not supposed to have this money. He did something wrong and can not keep it. However, if Chassidus tells us that the person whose money was stolen was supposed to lose his money then, perhaps the thief should give the money to tzedoka. Why should he return the money to its previous owner if the intention was for him to lose it? We don’t know Hashem’s intention of someone losing his money through a robbery.
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