Internationalisation Strategy (“GCA’S Internationalisation Strategy”)
Ref. Ares(2019)4111434 - 28/06/2019 Global Content Alliance Grant Agreement n° 783405 Internationalisation Strategy (“GCA’s Internationalisation Strategy”) Grant Agreement Deliverable D4.1 Actual Date submission date: 07/01/2019 Due date of deliverable: M11 Start date of the Project: 01/01/2018 Duration: 18 months 06/01/2019 GCA D4.1 Internationalisation Strategy – PUBLIC DOCUMENT Page 1 of 64 Credits This document has been elaborated in the frame of the GCA - Global Content Alliance - project (Agreement N°783405) co-funded by the European Commission COSME programme (2014-2020). The contributors to this Document: Editor: Emre Koca, GCA WP4 leader at Transmedia Bayern, Germany Coached by Philippe Dubois, in-house consultant at Transmedia Bayern, Germany Contributors: Egbert Van Wyngaarden, CEO at Transmedia Bayern, Germany Pierre Collin, CEO at Cluster TWIST, Belgium Pervenche Beurier, CEO at Pôle Média Grand Paris, France Pernilla Lavesson, Community Manager at Media Evolution, Sweden Disclaimer The content of this document represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibilities; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. This document is part of the project GCA which has received funding from the European Commission COSME programme (2014-2020) - grant agreement No. 783405. 06/01/2019 GCA D4.1 Internationalisation Strategy – PUBLIC DOCUMENT Page 2 of 64 Table of Contents 1 THE KEY CHALLENGES FOR INTERNATIONALISATION .............................................................................................................
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