Hughes Sees Taxes Key to State Future by WILLIAM HENDERSON Very Existence of Certain Types of Employment Was up 30,000 Over I Think We Will All Feel a Sense Disease
w*m. »l*ht, Wr, W B. tf, |«rtfr cloudy, httt fai t|* upper 7 Red Bank Area j *•». Sttiitoy, partly doOdy and mUd. See weather, p*je 2. **" MONMQUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. ?7, NO. 157 JjuunJ daw, llmli; ttnouffc rr« PAGE ONE Pill U KM Buk tad «« M OltlCM. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1965 7c PER COPY Hughes Sees Taxes Key to State Future By WILLIAM HENDERSON very existence of certain types of employment was up 30,000 over I think we will all feel a sense disease. We are doling out ex- study youth programs will invest dinner were Congressman James Asbury Park; Erwin B. Hock, as- WASHINGTON - Gov. Richard business is threatened by prop- 1963." of pride when the Garden State pensive aspirin where penicillin large sums of money in training J. Howard, a new Democratic sistant to the president, Distilled J. Hughes last night told 1,000 erty taxation." Telegraph Hill Arts Center takes its place along- is needed." and preparing our youth to meet representative from the Third Dis- Spirits of Sea Girt; Richard the New Jersey State projects for side Tanglewood, Robin Hood Dell the demands of space age Ameri- trict; Malcolm E. Amondsen, Klein, publisher of Klein Publica- He went on to say the uncertain In discussing future Poverty Plan Chamber of Commerce dinner and the Hollywood Bowl. ca." manager of industrial, and com- tions, Wayside; Democratic As- tax picture remains the only ma- the state, he said, "In a pictur- Sen. William explained his new that "future achievements in fee munity relations for Mattel, Inc.
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