Confidential level:AA Study key information every month 仅供公司内部使用 grasp industrial dynamics 请勿对外传阅! China DTV Market Monthly Study - Issue4,2010 Total Issue 48- Beijing Guideline Research & Consultation Co. Ltd. Tel: (86-10) 59706786 Fax: (86-10) 59706785 The file is only available for members of China Digital E-mail:
[email protected] TV Information Website at or above middle level. Intellectual property attached to the file is owned by Guideline. Without written permit in advance of China Digital TV Information Website Guideline, no organization is allowed to circulate this file. Guideline is entitled to take any legal action Http// against those breaches. Contents Menu 试读版 I. Summary Guideline Observation: II. Policy/standards Hubei Chutian Back-door Listing III. Guideline observation Hubei Chutian Back-door Listing andand Obtains Obtains Initial Initial Results Results IV. CADTV operation PromotePromote Multi Multi-screen-screen Integration Integration V. Terrestrial DTV operation BusinessBusiness Grasp Grasp Triple Triple Play Play VI. Mobile digital multi-media operation Opportunity Opportunity VII. Satellite digital TV operation TheThe Thought Thought of of " "HengHengXinXinChina"China" VIII.IPTV operation InvestingInvesting Cable Cable TV TV Network Network SARFT Checking IPTV IX. Content industry SARFT Checking IPTV The promulgation of triple play X. Equipment manufacturers The promulgation of triple play pilot city list was postponed XI. Exhibition & conference pilot city list was postponed ServingServing