Thanking the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police for Their Hard Work and Dedication

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Thanking the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police for Their Hard Work and Dedication ARCHIVED - Archiving Content ARCHIVÉE - Contenu archivé Archived Content Contenu archivé Information identified as archived is provided for L’information dont il est indiqué qu’elle est archivée reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It est fournie à des fins de référence, de recherche is not subject to the Government of Canada Web ou de tenue de documents. Elle n’est pas Standards and has not been altered or updated assujettie aux normes Web du gouvernement du since it was archived. Please contact us to request Canada et elle n’a pas été modifiée ou mise à jour a format other than those available. depuis son archivage. Pour obtenir cette information dans un autre format, veuillez communiquer avec nous. This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. “…Leading progressive change in policing” p.30 p.21 p.23 p.65 p.26 p.69 Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police 2006 On The Cover 1. Chief Frank Beazley, Halifax Regional Police Annual Review Service with Donna Nelligan and Janice Smith at a community BBQ; 2. Chief Frank Beazley and Nicole Walsh, Maddison Herron, Sarge (the horse), Cst. Chris Marinella and the Mayor of Halifax Regional Municipality, Peter Kelly; 3. Chief Barry King, Brockville Police Service at a COPS & ROCKERS fundraising initiative for a new skate park for youth; 4. A/Commr Darell Madill and Insp. Scott Kalody, “D” Division RCMP with Dr. Sydney Garrioch, Grand Chief of Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin at the Army Cadet Corp Annual Parade and Review Ceremony in Cross Lake, Manitoba, June 18, 2006. (photo credit: Mrs. Annette Sigurdson); 5. Chief Jack Ewatski, Winnipeg Police Service and cadets accept a donation from Jack McIvor on behalf of Winnipeg Chrysler dealerships in support of the Winnipeg Police 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Service Community Cadet Program; 6. Chief Jack Ewatski and Midori Matthew, winner of the 2006 Chief for a Day 2 2006 CACP BOARD OF DIRECTOR S Contest, in the Chief’s office. 2006-2007 CACP EXECUTIVE AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS CACP/ACCP 2006-2007 PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL DIRECTORS CACP VICE-PRESIDENT ASSIGNMENTS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS, CO-CHAIRS AND VICE-CHAIRS 2006-2007 NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF 9 REPORT OF PRESIDENT JACK EWATSKI TO THE 2006 41 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES AGM OF THE CACP CACP PRESENTATION ON BILL C-9 INFOPOL: MANAGING OFFENDERS IN THE COMMUNITY 13 2006 CACP STRATEGIC PLANNING WO R K S H O P RACIAL, PROFILING AND POLICING: POLICY, PRACTICE AND DATA CONTROLLING MASS MARKETING FRAUD IN CANADA 14 AS S O C I A TION ACT I V I T I E S POLICING IN UTOPIA CACP STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 2006 PREVENTING VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE IS SHARED BY ALL: FIFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF CACP-CAPB-CPPA THE POLICE AND THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY ORDER OF MERIT 2006 NEW VIDEO DELIVERS A SOBERING MESSAGE TO STUDENTS “BUILDING TRUST” CONFERENCE A RESOUNDING SUCCESS! CACP ENCOURAGES THE GOVERNMENT TO RETAIN THE LONG CACP BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHINESE POLICE ASSOCIATION GUN REGISTRY THE HAITIAN NATIONAL POLICE AFTER 10 YEARS: THE LANGUAGE OF POLICING IN CANADA A REVEALING REPORT “HEROES IN LIFE, NOT DEATH” THE COALITION ON COMMUNITY HEALTH, SAFETY AND WHY WE NEED A NEW DEAL FOR POLICING WE L L - B E I N G CACP PRESIDENT JACK EWATSKI’S OPENING COMMENTS TO THE 2006 PSYCHIATRISTS IN BLUE: EMERGING 61 2006 CACP SPONSORED AWAR D S PARTNERSHIPS CONFERENCE TO YOUR HEALTH! ST. JOHN’S HOSTS 101ST CACP CONFERENCE 69 2006-2007 CACP COMMITTEE PROFILES CACP-ACCP INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (ISIS) 2006 79 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE 101ST CA CP AN N U AL CONFERENCE i CACP 2006 Annual Review Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police 2006 Annual Review “…Leading progressive change Annual Review Staff in policing” Editor: Ruth Montgomery Supported by the CACP National Office: Laurie Farrell • Magda Mitilineos • Tina Papadopoula Erin Brennan • Veronica Lahti CACP Executive 2005-2006: President: Jack Ewatski, Chief, Winnipeg Police Service Vice Presidents: Vince Bevan, Chief, Ottawa Police Service; Steven Chabot, Directeur Général Adjoint, Sûreté du Québec; Frank Beazely, Chief, Halifax Regional Police Service; Publications Mail Agreement No.40065059 Secretary Treasurer: Barry King, Chief, Brockville Police Service Published and designed by: Past President: Edgar MacLeod,Chief, Cape Breton Regional Police Service Executive Director: Peter Cuthbert Art Director: Richard J. Robertson (e-mail: [email protected]) Assistant Art Director: Heather LaFleur For a full list of CACP Board Members visit Layout/Design & Print Production: Ina Silva NATIONAL OFFICE 420 O’Connor Street,Ottawa, ON K2P 1W4 The opinions and comments expressed in the CACP 2006 Annual Review are made Tel: (613) 230-0721 without prejudice.They are not necessarily the official position of the Canadian Fax (613) 230-4964 Association of Chiefs of Police or its Executive. Reproduction of articles and artwork Toll Free:1-800-267-1266 is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the CACP. For advertising rates and specifications, please call 1-800-267-1266 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: The CACP 2006 Annual Review is published for Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police by CBU Publications Ltd. R e p r o d u c t i o n , by any means, is strictly prohibited without the prior written 582 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5K2 consent of the publisher. CBU Publications Ltd. assumes no responsibility Phone: (613) 233-1106 for statements of fact or opinion made by any contributor. The publisher Fax: (613) 233-6960 does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of advertisers’ claims and cannot accept any liability for losses incurred by any person as a result of Email: [email protected] a default on the part of an advertiser. Website: ii CACP 2006 Annual Review President’s Message: 2006 Annual Review he CACP is proud to share with you its activities and achievements in 2006. The progress being made has generated increased interest and enthusiasm to continue to lead progressive Tchange in policing. Membership has increased significantly in all three categories ( Ac t i v e , Associate and Associate Corporate ) as more people, recognizing that policing really is a shared re s p o n s i b i l i t y , are saying “I want to participate in creating safe and healthy communities”. The Law Enforcement and Aboriginal Diversity Network conference brought together over 300 delegates from across Canada representing many cultural and ethnic groups to discuss and work through how we can build trust and better serve our multi-cultural communities. The Coalition on Community Health, Safety and Wel l - b e i n g ’ s roundtable highlighted for all how we can participate in crime prevention through sustainable social development to promote safe, healthy communities. Professional development opportunities for our members included participation in the Institute for Strategic International Studies project, the Psychiatrists in Blue Conference, an d the IACP / C A CP Informatics Conference. The 2006 Annual Conference, held in St. Jo h n ’ s, Newfoundland and Labrador in August focused on organizational and personal health and well-being, and served as an excellent reminder that we all need to step back from our daily routines and ensure we are achieving a good balance between our personal and professional lives. I enjoyed the opportunities I had to meet with provincial Chiefs Associations, the Canadian Association of Police Boards, and the Canadian Police Association to work to more closely link, reflect and support the work they are doing with the efforts of the CACP. I was pleased to address several important conferences on behalf of the CACP, including the Canadian Professional Management Society International Conference and the 5th Annual International Counterterrorism Conference, and, with our Board of Directors and many members, to promote the CACP and its work in Canada, the US and China. We continued to work with our partners, including the Bank of Canada, the Canadian Bankers As s o c i a t i o n , Youth Justice, Transport Canada and the National Safety Council, and Microsoft Canada to recognize and share the achievements of police members across the country in activities ranging from disbanding counterfeiting operat i o n s , to arresting persons involved in the international manufacture and sales of equipment used to skim personal information, developing innovative traffic e-ticketing systems, ar r e s t i n g individuals involved in a worldwide cybercrime ring trafficking in stolen personal information, re i n t e g r ating young offenders back into the community, and increasing traffic safety. I invite you to read more about their initiatives in this Review. I would like to say a special thank you to the many business people who support our work by advertising in the Annual Review. As a result of your support, we are able to distribute 15,000 copies of 15 regional editions of the 2006 Annual Review to citizens, ad v e r t i s e r s , police services, public institutions and our partners in public safety. Thank you for helping us share information about the great work of police in communities across Canada.
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