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\ PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., Dec. 5, 1974 Skinner Sees No Need at Tech For Computer as Teaching Aid COURT CASES Pre-School Program Certified About 28 mathematics lHanri|patTr Suptttnn ilfralb teachers from 13 of Connec ticut’s 16 state-operated CIRCUIT COURT 12 A similar motor vehicle case At present, the pre-school is accom-.; Manchaatar Sasaion A request for certification of a special vocational technical schools in- pending against William education facility operated by the Com modating two youngsters and a third will Ma n c h ester , conn., Fr id a y , De c e m b e r e, 1974- vol. x civ , n o . 57 Manchenter—A City of Village Charm cluding Howell Cheney Motor vehicle charges pen Starrett III, 32, of Coventry, munity Child Guidance Clinic was ap soon join the class, said Miss Verholst. t w e n t y -e i g h t p a g e s PRICE: F in ’EEN CENTS Technical Vocational School ding against Kenneth J. Luck, was continued to Jan 2. Starett, proved Wednesday by the state Board of The pre-school can accommodate 12, she spent a day recently on the 30, of Hartford were nolled (not arrested Wednesday, was Education. said. Fairfield University campus in prosecuted) in a special traffic released on his written promise The facility is a special pre-school The state board also approved a gift of an exploratory program to session of Circuit Court 12 to appear in court. program for children from two years and electronic tubes donated by Grant M. At First ^Mid'T^rm^ Convention determine teacher interest in a Wednesday. eight months to six years of age with Morris of Bolton to the Howell Cheney computer-assisted math Luck was charged with Also in Wednesday’s traffic emotional and behavioral problems which Regional Vocational Technical School. curriculum program. operating a motor vehicle while session, the court disposed of was begun in September. Morris, a retired emploe of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of United Air Alan Skinner, math teacher his license was under suspen almost 400 motor vehicle cases, A team of inspectors from the state m sion in connection with a June most of them alleged speeding board recommended its approval after an craft Corp. in East Hartford and a former from Cheney Tech, said they manager of his own electronic business, Democrats to Offer Program were shown what computer incident. He was taken into violations. evaluation visit at the end of September. Miss Susan Verhulst, teacher at the donated about 570 surplus tubes used for concepts were available as ■Acustody Wednesday on a re Judge John Fitzgerald special facility, said certification is essen television and radio as well as several hun teaching aids. arrest warrant and appeared in ordered fines ranging from $30 tial to the Board of Education to receive dred H.W. Sam’s photo fact folders. The court later. to $60, and bond forfeitures Although Skinner said they reimbursement from the state for any combined value of the donation, according ranging from $36 to $110 oc Of Economic Alternatives were fascinating and fantastic, Luck's case was nolled after child sent to the special pre-school. to today’s retail prices, is in excess of $2,- he agreed to commit himself to curred in several other cases. 000, said Morris. there was no use for them at In some cases, persons KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - With the delegates was adoption of the first formal Cheney Tech because the Norwich State Hospital for leaders and presidential hopefuls straining as an alternative to President Ford’s said he expected “free, open, full and sub treatment, court officials said. pleaded innocent and cases constitution written by a major U.S. economic policies. “depth we go into here does not were scheduled for trial. to present a piqture of harmony, but some political party. stantive debate” and even some floor ■justify computer aid." factions still itching to fight, the Democratic National Chairman Robert battles when the charter went to the Economic Statement Democrats opened their first mid-term S. Strauss told reporters the economic delegates Saturday. He said its sch o lastic “mini-convention” here today. A late entry on the agenda was an en statement would he specific and would But he said the final results would program is set up for those who The main business before the 2,035 dorsement of the economic program con back the “hardhitting, forceful, specific” demonstrate that the party is “beginning are not generally college- gressional Democrats will offer next year proposals Speaker Carl Albert, House to re-unite and rebuild ” the invincible bound, and the basic math that The Lafeyette^^Santa’s Helper’^Sale. Democratic leader Thomas P. O’Neill and Franklin Roosevelt political coalition of would be used in the shop is all assistant Senate Democratic leader the 1930s and '40s. that is essential. Robert C. Byrd would outline Friday Rep. Morris Udall, D-Ariz., the only an Jobless Rate Triggers night. nounced candidate, and Sens. Henry Moreover, he said there is not J W ell help you play Santa* ^ First Off-Year Conclave Jackson, D-Wash., and Lloyd Bentsen, D- the personnel at the school to Public Works Program The convention, the first in a non- Tex,, were among 159 House members and handle such a program. The 25 senators arriving in two chartered jets. only use for a computer- presidential year by a major American WASHINGTON (UPI) - The nation’s assisted math program as And help you save money, too* M Employment in manufacturing industry political party, opens in the bunting- Wallace Arrives unemployment level in November reached Skinner sees it would be for tumbled by 350,000 with widespread im draped Kansas City Municipal Gov. George Wallace of Alabama also the highest level in 13 years, jumping to Auditorium. speed. It’s fun playing Santa. And it’s fun saving money. That’s too. (It costs less because we sell direct). And when you pact. The largest declines occurred ^ flew in Thursday, but was not expected to why it’s double-fun to shop at Lafayette. Because right visit us, ask a salesman about our No-Hassle 30-day 6.5 per cant and triggering a nationwide electrical equipment, transportafi^ The delegates, seated under state stan stay (or the whole meeting. As it would be a costly item to now, for your Christmas shopping, Lafayette has a long public works program, the Labor Depart equipment and textiles. dards, faced an elatorate podium backed One key member of the old FDR coali install, Skinner said there were money back guarantee and 60-day exchange privilege ment said today. by a huge red, white and blue bunting. list of great gifts at great savings. So come on in to the ...our flexible lay-away plan...and our gift certificates. Contract construction employment fell tion, the AFL-CIO’s Committee on other needs for the school with m l The number of persons employed another 50,000 jobs in November, reflec “We the Democrats of the United States of Political Education, was fighting the par a much higher priority. Lafayette store nearest you for everything in electronics But don’t delay...our "Santa s Helper" sale only lasts declined by 790,(K)0 in November and most America” glittered in gold block letters. Alan Skinner, math teacher at Howell Cheney Technical ting further declines for this industry. ty reform element on several charter and accessories. We carry all the nationally advertised until December 8. of the increase in unemployment was ac Before convening, the Democrats held issues. Skinner said he would like to Vocational School, watches a demonstration of a computer Those people with jobs were working brands and our own top-rated, top value Lafayette brand. counted for by layoffs and dismissals, the fewer hours. The average work week for eight “issues seminars” at which a parade Political chief Alexander Barkan said learn more about the system during a workshop on computers in the classroom at Fair- department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics of experts were to discuss potential party for his own knowledge. all production workers on private nonfarm COPE planned to take its battle to the con field. Save $10 On The Mark 16 8-digit lx '■ said. payrolls was 36.2 hours, down 0.4 hours positions on the economy, foreign affairs, vention floor, but would not walk out if it Big $30.07 Savings On Highest Since 1961 from October levels. The manufacturing natural resources, law and order, and lost, as expected. Electronic Calculator, other issues. The Criterion 777 The unemployment rate was the highest work week declined 0.6 hours to 39.5 hours. Backed by party leaders and most Siebold Seeks Appropriations VJith Memory since October, 1961, when the rate also Nothing from the seminars was to be regulars including the Democratic Gover 3-Way Speaker System reached 6.5 per cent. voted on, and the rules forbade delegates nors Conference and the state chairmen, Here's a nice "stocking stuffer." to offer their own resolutions. reformers appeared certain to win on the For Outing Club, Maintenance The calculator has a four-button The Ford administration has said if un memory that lets you work with employment averages 6 per cent over Ford, Schmidt Debate Expected controversial issues of party participation $89.88 ^ sub totals: algebraic logic; three straight months, ^.5 billion in After two days of preliminary com by women, blacks and youth, and on en The Manchester Rec Depart the requests at their Jan.