Volume 23 Issue 5 A Publication of St. Andrew Orthodox Church 2014 4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, California 92507

Dear and God-Loving Parishioners was seeking to establish a prayerful Christ is risen! and best wishes for a disposition and bearings for this Paschal season. celebrative and joy-filled season of the I reminded him as I will remind you all, dear Pentecostarion. parishioners, that we Orthodox Christians do not Paschaltide is the season that follows Holy Pascha, just have a (the for ) and is punctuated by the Sunday celebrations of St. but also a Pentecostarion (the liturgical book for Thomas, the Myrrhbearing Women, the Healing of Paschaltide). They are the same size!, and this tells the Paralytic, the Samaritan Woman, and the Blind us something about emphases. Just as the Triodion Man. It concludes with two Great Feasts: the Great forms in us a spirit of deep repentance during Lent, Feast of the Glorious Ascension of the Lord on the so the Pentecostarion forms in us a spirit of faith- 40th day after Pascha, and the Great Feast of Holy filled rejoicing in the Resurrection of our Lord on the 50th day after Pascha. Smack in Christ. the middle of the Pentecostarion is the Feast of If we are as attentive to the divine services of the Mid-Pentecost, which we will celebrate this Pentecostarion as we are to the services of Great coming Wednesday, May 14th. Lent we will find our bearings, and Pascha will Today I received a call from a friend who take on definitive meaning for us. wished for me to share an encouraging word with Glory to His Third-Day Resurrection! him since he had had a marvelous but Fr Josiah

Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

V. Rev. Josiah Trenham, Pastor Church Phone (951) 369-0309 ● Fax (951) 369-6609 For information and schedule of services, go to www.Saintandrew.net To submit articles contact Lucy Hanna, editor, at [email protected] Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 2

In Tribute to His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP On his 40th day Memorial Service

Very Esteemed Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, heart of Christ that was revealed to us at best during the Honorable Members of the Archdiocese Board of time of His Passion. Trustees, and Beloved Faithful of the Antiochian Describing the heart of a high priest gives us a glimpse Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America: “behind the veil”, to the “work” that takes place within, while fulfilling his ministry. Christ is risen! Indeed, his heart is a place of prayer. A high priest is a With a peaceful heart, I am writing these lines upon man par excellence who prays and instills prayer in the commemorating the 40th Day memorial service for the eternal repose of the soul of His Eminence, Metropolitan heart of his flock. Philip of New York and all North America. His heart is also a place of unity. Being a place of prayer, the heart of a high priest is where all for whom he prays On this occasion, I am wondering about the most and of whom he is in charge, are gathered and united, precious thing that God ever granted to man: his heart. If regardless of their imperfections: sinfulness, any of us watches himself, he realizes what kind of “work” takes place there, a work of love and unity. deficiencies, divisions, immaturity, disobedience, etc. Parents are aware of such work, because life and In addition, his heart is a place of forgiveness. Being a experience shape them in such a way that they are called place from where unity stems, the heart of a high priest is to overcome themselves, be attentive, take care, be where reconciliation occurs, from him to the others as responsible, and be able to sacrifice themselves for well as between all the brethren. His heart embraces another's sake. They learn to love and understand, to everyone. Forgiveness is his arm that he extends to all in some extent, what love is about. order to contain them. He forgives and educates his flock If such can be the experience of parenthood, what, then, to have forgiveness be a reality between them. can be the experience of priesthood, and especially that Moreover, his heart is a place of offering. Such a heart is of a high priest, i.e. of a bishop and eventually of an an invisible , where he offers, on behalf of all, archbishop? Who can know what the heart of such a man everyone's sufferings, and beseeches the divine mercy is really about? Who can reveal it? Who can “stay” there for them in order that peace, love and forgiveness be and not be amazed or get afraid at the same time? granted to everyone, and that unity finds a better Indeed, such a mystery is only unfolded and disclosed by standard in his flock. God, our Creator and our Father. Nevertheless, such a His heart is also a place of revelation. Being an invisible mystery can be approached by analogy, according to our altar, the heart of a high priest is a place of revelation, proper experience. Within such a perspective, I am not where God “puts” the appropriate words, knowledge, trying to investigate the heart of our beloved brother and solutions or even silence, so that everything can be put in concelebrant, Saiedna Philip. I just admire his love for order in a divine way. man and God, his patience, his hope, his struggle, and his For that reason, his heart is a place of listening. Indeed, service to his brethren, and pray for his eternal repose in such a heart has the faculty to “listen” to God's peace. revelation and to the brethren's burdens and sufferings, Regarding this mystery, we all are aware that only God yearnings and difficulties. While growing as a good is perfect and that He calls us, in our weakness, to serve listener, he is able to convey their “words” to God, and Him and humanity at the same time. As human beings, convey to them God's love, will and countenance. regardless of our positions or roles in life, even when we No doubt, such a heart is a place of shelter and refuge, serve Him in our families, at church or anywhere, to where the grace of God will reside, and simultaneously, some extent we often sin, we are sometimes unjust, we where his brethren will find a shelter and refuge. They can be wrong, we make errors, we cause harm, we feel the divine security and protection beside such a deceive, we lack for love, etc. Our growth from our heart. fallen state to perfection is revealed by the transformation of our heart, which summarizes our own Therefore, the heart of such a high priest is an inviolable whole transformation. We cannot but admire the special place, where an undefiled mystery takes place. It is the experience of a high priest, whose perfect image is the mystery of the Providence of God towards humanity that Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 3 is approached from within our hearts, mixed with our your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all life in order to transform our being and existence into your strength, with all your mind, and your neighbour as God's realm, peace and blessedness. yourself” (Luke 10:27). It is indeed an opportunity for all of us to meditate upon our spiritual upbringing in order Such is the love of God: He opened to us the way our that our education and behavior help us into getting closer heart can be transformed into such a marvelous state. If to such a divine transformation. we choose to speak about the heart of a high priest, it is because of his fatherhood to many. However, such a fact My prayer on such a day is extensive, not only for the does not diminish at all the experience that every one of repose of the heart of His Eminence, Metropolitan Philip, us has been given and does not hinder the possibility of but also for our own growth in such a wonderful having the same transformation that we have been transformation for God's glory and His Church's service and ministry. describing. +Silouan I am glad that, this year, all our archdiocesan activities will Metropolitan of Buenos Aires and all Argentina & turn around this biblical verse: “You shall love the Lord Patriarchal Vicar of New York and all North America

On Kneeling During the ... According to the ancient practice of the Orthodox Church we do not prostrate or kneel during prayer from Pascha until the Kneeling of Pentecost ( 20 of the First Ecumenical Council). The same sacred canon which prohibits kneeling during the 50 days to Pentecost also prohibits kneeling on all Sundays of the year as well. We refrain from kneeling during the Pentecost period in honor of Christ’s Resurrection. So also we should refrain from kneeling on Sundays, for each Sunday is also a celebration of the Resurrection. We do kneel at the Epiclesis however at celebrations of the Divine Liturgy on all days other than Sunday (outside of the 50 days from Pascha to Pentecost) and on those occasional Sundays when the celebration of a feast of the Master (such as Christmas or Theophany) displaces our ordinary weekly celebration of the Resurrection. Throughout the year at all divine liturgies Father Josiah and those serving the holy altar prostrate briefly at the descent of the Holy Spirit and change of the gifts. This is a prostration of adoration, not of penitence, is done briefly without remaining in a bowed position, and is an appropriate gesture of worship for all at this point in the Holy Liturgy throughout the year.

On the fourth Sunday after Pascha, the Holy Orthodox Church remembers St. Photini, the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42). St. Photini meets Christ at Jacob’s Well in the city of Sychar in Samaria. The Jews generally had no dealings with the Samaritans because there was much animosity between the two peoples, but Christ showed that He had come for all people. Christ asks the woman for a drink from the well, but she is stunned that a Jew would ask a Samaritan for a drink. Christ then explains that He can give her water of a sort that would make her never thirst again. The water to which Jesus was referring is the water of , which is the first step to eternal life. St. Photini is eventually baptized, and becomes a martyr, along with her children and sisters. Many convert to the faith because of her love for God and willingness to give up her life for Him. As often happened in the , a man would meet his wife at a well. In this case, St. Photini becomes a bride of Christ after their first meeting. Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 4 ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY NEWS...

Congratulations and many years to the 17 newly-illumined people of St. Andrew (including 3 children) who were received into the Orthodox Church on Great and , April 19, 2014.

Abbott, Mitchell Duffy, Nathan Evans, Laura Jean Gonzalez, Keith Jimenez, Carrina Grace Lasad Laurman, Theodorus Parkinson, Mathias Parrish, Debra Sirko, Joachim Sirko, Joseph Sirko, Julian Emmanuel Sirko, Veronica Skrocki, Jeanne Stoltenberg, Hannah Taylor, Bryson Trent Torres, Kevin

...and finally in the arms of godfather, Nectarios Pla It’s alright Father, we’re almost done!

...here I am Lord. I am all Yes Father, I’m ready. I’ve been ready for this Yours now... day for a very long time. Go ahead, dunk me!!!! Don’t forget this ear Father! Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 5 Look who’s engaged!

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, Fr. Josiah blessed Where did he pop the Michael Osadchuk and Erin Bernard on their question? Well of course at engagement. The parish of St. Andrew the Mission Inn, their rejoices with the newly engaged couple and summer hangout!! When? their families for this much anticipated event. On Bright Monday, April May God grant them many years! 21. And she said “YES”...

Congratulations to St. Andrew Parishioner Jon Brubaker. Jon, who is a teacher at Mountain View Middle School in Beaumont for the past 7 years, was recently named 2014 Middle School Teacher of the Year for the State of California. He was selected from more than 70 educators in a two-step, statewide process. Jon and his wife Jana and children Anastasia and Zachary joined St. Andrew Church about a year ago. They have been a to all of us. God grant Jon and his family many years!

Memory Eternal Olga... The parish of St. Andrew was saddened by the repose of one of its long time members. At 97, Olga Howerter was the oldest member in our parish. Olga fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 in her home in Hemet, and was found by Dorothy Henderson - ever the servant and beloved friend of Olga - when Dorothy was bringing her some Prosphora from Sunday's liturgy. We will always remember Olga with this beautiful radiant smile. . Funeral services will be on Friday, May 9th as follows: 9 am: Visitation 11 am: Funeral Noon: Mercy Meal in St. Andrew Fellowship Hall 1:30 pm: Burial at Beaumont Cemetery May God rest her soul and may her memory be eternal. Christ is risen! Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 6

St. Andrew bids adieu to the Hartungs…

On April 27, the Sunday of St. Thomas, the parish of St. Andrew bid Fr. Luke Hartung and his four young children farewell. The Hartungs are moving back to the Pacific North- west where Fr. Luke will be serving at a small parish in Walla Walla, Washington. We have been blessed to have them with us for the last year and a half. We wish them Godspeed and we will miss them.

Fr. Maximos visits St. Andrew Parish….

Father Maximos (Constas) is a Monk of the Holy Mountain and a Visiting Professor at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He is a New Yorker, has his PhD from the Catholic University of America, and was for almost 7 years a professor at Harvard Divinity School before he left for Mt. Athos to become a monk. He and Fr. Josiah met and became friends at a conference on St. Maximos Confessor in Belgrade, Serbia several years ago at which Fr. Maximos was the Keynote Speaker. On Bright Tuesday Fr. Maximos' English translation of St. Maximos' Ambigua was published. This is the first-ever complete English translation of one of the most difficult patristic texts in existence. Our Father in God, Archbishop Joseph, brought Father Maximos to our Diocese of Los Angeles to teach and to give lectures to the clergy this last February. This last week Fr. Maximos was delivering a lecture in concert with the Getty Villa's Byzantine exhibit, and we were all delighted that he was able to worship with us on Sunday, May 4th and edify us with some profound words on the Myrrhbearing Women prior to his departure to his home on the East Coast. Volume 23 Issue 5 Page 7

St. Andrew to host the 2015 Parish Life Conference...

Our St. Andrew parish is honored to be the host for 2015 Parish Life Conference. The dates are July 1-5, 2015. The newly-remodeled Irvine Marriott Hotel will be our gathering spot where we will enjoy the fellow- ship of our fellow Orthodox Christians from around our Diocese and beyond. We will listen and learn from the Bible Bowl, Teen Oratorical Contest, workshops and presentations. We will lift up our hearts in worship through our daily services. It is also an opportunity for the Antiochian Women, Teen SOYO, Order of St. Igna- tius and the Fellowship of St. John the Divine to meet and conduct their business. It is therefore imperative for as many of us, the members of St. Andrew Church, to attend the 2014 PLC to learn and familiarize ourselves with what goes on from handling of registrations to planning the events, etc. The 2014 PLC will be hosted by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in San Francisco July 2-6, 2014. Please see the information below and make your plans as soon as possible to attend. Take your whole family if you can and make it a family vacation and learning experience.

For all those who expressed an interest in serving on one of the committees of the 2015 Parish Life Conference, we will be finalizing the committees at our next monthly meeting on Sunday, May 18, following the Divine Liturgy. His Eminence Archbishop JOSEPH Presiding For a list of committees still open, please see George Younes or Lucy Hanna, Conference Co-chairs.

St. Andrew Orthodox Church

4700 Canyon Crest Drive Riverside, CA 92507

St. Andrew Orthodox Church of Riverside is a parish of the Self-ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, the See of the Most Reverend Archbishop JOSEPH