Lyons Foresees End For His Team , Track to Lose Scholarships by Ron Mergenthaler member Dr. Grace Vernon, a more selective form of choos- The team will be able to keep its scholarships if elevated ing scholarships for transfer was recommended, saying the to a Division 11 status, although Crawley and University Presi- A major redistribution of athletic department scholarship board did not intend in their Title IX report to eliminate all dent James Finlay S.J. have ruled this out. funds has raised a storm of questions concerning the future scholarships in those two sports. Lyons was angered by the timing of the annoucement, of the men's baseball and track teams. Crawley denied that this action would interfere with the which comes in the midst of his team's drive for the Met con- Vice Presidentfor student Affairs William J. Crawley baseball team's ability to compete on a Division 1 level. ference title, and a bid in the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Con- said yesterday that scholarships will no longer be handed out However, head Jack Lyons strongly disagrees. ference playoffs. in the two sports due to pressure to comply with Title IX, a "They've destroyed baseball as we know it for 120 "If this doesen't totally destroy team morale I'd be sur- federal law mandating equal opportunities for both sexes. years," said Lyons. "They're telling me to recruit without prised," Lyons said. "They're in a state of shock." Next year eight partial scholarships are scheduled to be scholarships." Trach coach Tom Byrne was informed of the decision allocated to the women's basketball (four), swimming (three) "I've had to tear up all my recruiting materials. The kids last week by Coordinator of Athletics Dave Rice, who said and tennis (one) teams. I've contacted already I've had to tell 'Oops, sorry, we made "the decision was made solely by Finlay and (Executive Vice The two sports will lose scholarships through attrition. a mistake.' We could survive one more year if all the players President) Paul Reiss. At present, baseball has 12 tuition scholarships while track come back. After that, we've got nothing." In addition Byrne was told by Rice not to recruit and the has 18 tuition and four full scholarships (tuition plus room Crawley added that there are no plans to reduce or add track coach said he will follow that directive until "told other- and board). to the 30 tuition scholarships allocated to Fordham's Division wise by soemone above Dave Rice." This decision was not in agreement with the recommen- III football team, even though in 1979, NCAA policy will continued on page 2 dation of the Athletic Advisory Board. According to board prohibit scholarships on that level except for financial need.

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THURSDAY, APRIL27,1978 US Postage VOL. 60 Bronx. N Y. Permit No. 7608 NO. 15 Non- Profit Org. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK

Officials Silent on Bio. Dept. Drug, Burglary Bust by Nell Grealy "All the materials could be used in cut- large amounts of materials taken, sources ting up various narcotics," he said. The theft There was a drug bust at Rose Hill on described it as "a very big drug operation." of similar materials had been going on for six April 6, but University officials don't want to A trap was laid to determine exactly months, according to Courtney. He said that where the goods were going, the sources talk about it. According to Police Officer Jef- phony purchase orders had been processed said. Usually items were delivered to central fers of ther 48th Precinct, New York City through the University's Purchasing Depart- stores, but people in Purchasing let the police arrested two men on drug-related and ment, but would not elaborate on the case. orders for these materials accumulate and larceny charges. The two men were caught "His case is pending May 5 and until that the suspect had to pick them up from central stealing a shipment of supplies which was time I would prefer not to go into great stores in Faculty Memorial Hall. The suspect supposed to1 go to the Biology Department. detail," he said. was tailed for several days before the arrest. Informed sources in the department Dr. Ruth Witkus, chairman of the According to the sources, Vasquez said the two men were Luis Vasquez, a Biology Department, refused to talk about returned to Larkin Hall and the arrest was University employee who works for the the incident. When asked about the robbery, made when his brother exited with a knap- Biology Department, and his brother. she said "1 would prefer not to comment." sack containing the materials which Court- Security Director Thomas Courtney confirm- She maintained that it had not been proven ney described. The two subjects are charged ed that such an arrest took place, but would that a robbery had taken place. According to with petty larceny and an unspecified drugs not identify those arrested. He said campus sources, the department and the University crime. No other charges have been made. security and the NYPD had caught someone administration does not want the arrest Bronx District Attorney Mario Merola's office stealing one particular shipment of weight publicized. was unable to comment last night. scales and sugars. Security Chief Tom Courtney These same sources said that for six The sources outlined the particular months, phony purchase orders had been materials that had been taken over the six Security, Students Blamed sent to the central stores department at the month period and their possible role in nar- University, billing them to a research grant cotics processing. The items include quinine held by Dr. John McLaughlin, a senior sulfate and lactose which are used to cut member of the Biology Department. Later heroin, mineral oil which is used to test its Weekend Fights on, other faculty members were victimized. purity, paraffin which is used for packaging In reviewing the accounts of narcotics, and the scales which are used to across from the Third Avenue gate and by Bl Bole and Neil Grealy McLaughlin's grant, it was discoverd that weigh it out. The exact dollar amount of the watched' security; anybody could get in," he large quantities of certain goods were billed stolen goods was not available, but sources The Rose Hill boarder community's annu- said. He said in the period he observed the to him that he had not ordered. When indicated that it was several thousand al spring festival weekend, marked Friday security guard he did not ask anyone for McLaughlin connected all the materials to dollars. The University is concerned about and Saturday by fine weather, peaceful identification. "They are supposed to do that posssible narcotics processing, the police having to repay the grants, sources said. partying and loafing, was disrupted at its whether it is Boarder Weekend or not," were called In to investigate. Judging by the conclusion Sunday by a series of fights Becker added. among people who had apparently entered However, Security Director Thomas the campus without presenting University Courtney said the guards were checking for identification or guest passes. Several New I.D.s and weekend passes. He said the York City Police were called to the scene by purpose of security was to "make sure students who were dissatisfied with the outside people weren't coming in." performance of IBI security guards in break- Boarder Council Vice-Chairman Mike ing up fights. Shalhoub said agreements were made with The incident has evolved into a contro- IBI prior to the weekend that were not kept. "We agreed that the 555 entrance and the versy with accusations made by both stu- entrance by Faculty Memorial Hall would be dents and security. closed for the weekend, along with hiring "Everybody 1 talked to has a different additional guards and making sure that all story about what happened Sunday eve- people would be checked for I.D.s and ning," said Dean of Housing Robert Becker. passes," Shalhoub said. "In general, the He said students involved in running Boar- passes and I.D.s were not checked, and the der Weekend maintained that security wasnt guards left early both Friday and Saturday checking people coming on campus, while nights." he also cited difficulties arising from the However, Courtney attributed the outbreak Boarder Council's indiscriminate sale of to errors by students. "The thing that caused passes. "They sold passes to anyone who it all was that the beer truck was left handed them five dollars," Becker said. Becker backed up student claims about continued on page 11 Dr. Ruth Witkus, Bio. Chairman, refuses to talk lack of security. "1 stood on Forham Road The Ram Thursday, April 27,197* Senior Week Schedule by Dave Harvey there will be a Happy Hour in the Web from Tickets for all these events can be picked You can see them wandering around 6:00-7:00 p.m. Tickets for the game are up in the Campus Center this week from campus. They are easily recognized by the $4.00. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. After that, they can dazed expressions that may of them wear. Wednesday night has the seniors attend- be bought from any of the senior class Some look like candidates for an Alka-Seltz- ing their last Wine and Cheese in the officers: Collette Coyne, Chris Guida, Judy er commercial, "1 can't believe I did the Ramskellar from 8:00-12:00 p.m. Wine and Lekoski, Margaret Moss or Thorn Offer. whole thing." They are Fordham's current beer will be sold for 25 cents. There will also be volleyball and Softball elite. The Seniors. Thursday night is Encaenia. Billed as the tournaments held during the week. For Four years of college life. All the turmoil, 'last chance for the seniors to meet as a class information on them, see Offer. Finally, the friendships, the intellectual growth, and before graduation,' it consists of the Valedic- there will be free parking and use of the the numerous intangibles have left their torian and Lord of the Manor speeches. Lombard) Memorial Center during the mark. Like tired runners staggering towards Awards to the outstanding members of the week. The end of senior week the finish line, the seniors walk around, senior class will be given out and there will apparently content to take things easy. be a cocktail party afterwards in the Campus In celebration of the end, the soon-to-be- Center Ballroom. Dress is semi-formal and Mexico Project at L.C. alumni will gather once more for the tradi- parents are invited. Encaenia will begin at tional senior week of festivities. The week of 7:45 in the Campus Center. The Mexico Project will recruit students qualification." May 22-28 will see a virtual explosion of A Senior semi-formal dance will mark from the Lincoln Center campus this year. In the Mexico Project, a group of students parties and special events as seniors gather Friday of that week. It will be held in the George Grace, the leader of the program live and work in rural Mexico building together in celebration. Campus Center with music by New York. which builds houses for indigent people in houses and teaching English. They stay for It all starts on Monday with a party on the There will be cocktails at 8:00 p.m. and a rural Mexico, remarked, "I'm afraid that we about a month and travel throughout Mexi- Spellman Lawn at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and beer, buffet at 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $8.00 per haven't publicized the Mexico Project co mixing work with vacation. two staples of the last four years, will be on person. enough at Lincoln Center. The fact is we're the menu as the seniors will be entertained A bagel and doughnut brunch will take interested in students from any of the It is not too late to join the Mexico Project. by live music. care of Saturday. It will start at noon in 555. schools, and even faculty. Just about Anyone Interested should contact George A Yankee baseball game will be the Then there Is Sunday. Graduation of anyone is welcome. Sincerity Is the only Grace at extension 492. highlight of Tuesday night. Before the game, Edward's Parade after four long years.

Scholarships — Manetta and his colleague Tom lanocone were dham." continued from page 1 unavailable for comment yesterday and Rice was out of "It's hurting the younger guys the most," said Mark Yesterday's announcement by Crawley is in contrast town. Pleto, a senior . "They've connected themselves to with statements made by athletic department personnel Three other teams, men's golf and crew and women's Fordham, and now are forced to change their lives. For- earlier in the week. Softball will be dropped next year, Crawley said. The crew dham doesn't know what a good thing they have (with "I had a conversation with (Assistant Coordinator of team, though, will be financed by the Alumni Rowing baseball). I feel the program did a lot for me in four years. 1 Athletics) Ed Manetta and he told me something on Monday Association, which currently subsidizes in part the team's ef- feel sorry for the guys that are going to get shafted." that is apparently a falsehood," said Harry Schum, president forts. All these sports received token support from the Rick Buoncore, the team captain, said "They're dropp- of the Ram Club. "1 asked him specifically if there was going University. ing baseball, in effect. How can we compete by cutting to be specifically in baseball, a downgrading of the program. Reactions by the track and baseball athletes involved scholarships? The reason they got away with it is because Manatta said, 'There'd be a freeze for one year on baseball were far from subtle. Crawley resigned. He always supported baseball." and then it would be back to normal. There would be no Marc Sczesnak, a pitcher on the baseball team said Gene McCarthy, the track team's All-American distance downgrading from Division I to Division III.'" "Even if they don't drop It (baseball) the team we have here runner was the most critical of the administration. "All these Schum pointed out that the program would be "catch as will be a disgrace. It will be the death of the scholar-athlete. young guys, their careers have been ruined by Fordham. It catch can" without scholarships. There will be no more Gene McCarthy's coming to For- breaks my heart to see it. That's what I really care about." United Student Government Needs Your Help To facilitate the production of the 1978-79 stu- dent directory and fulfill the long-unkept pro- mise of an early release date.

If there were any mistakes in your address as printed in the last directory, if your name was not listed, or if you have changed or plan to change addresses, please notify us by filling in the coupon below and mailing it to: Greg LaSorsa U.S.G. V.P. of Communications Box 420, Fordham University Bronx, New York, 10458

Class —School V^lllf ^—^^~ •••• Zip Phone U Check if you do not want to be included in the 1978-79 directory. The Ram Thursday, April 27,1978 Page 3

that any change in the activities fee must be approved by the general student body. First, Fate of Mass Media 15 percent of the students must sign a petition stating they want to change the activities fee. Then a referendum is required in which one-half the students must vote to Program A Mystery change the fee in order for a change to take place. byBflBole and Collopy agreed that publicity would be a "We are aware of this ruling," Turvey The fate of the proposed Mass Media problem. said, "but because it is the end of the year Studies program at Lincoln Center remains Shea and McCarthy also pointed out that there is not enough time for such a vote to 'a mystery to students, faculty, and adminis- a rejection by the state and" delay in imple- take place. Should the committee vote to trators nearly six months following its ap- mentation of the program would not be a raise the fee then we would hold the proval in principle by the Administrative crucial setback. "Since most of the courses in referendum during the fall semester. If the students should reject the plan then we Counc.1 of Vice-Presldents. the program would be derived from various • Crawley: Students should decide Smothered within 'he University bureauc- other divisions that already exists " Shea 'would credit the extra amount they paid in racy, the long awaited interdisciplinary pro- said, the only thing missing would be a the fall to their activities fee in the spring." gram has not been sent out for approval to Bachelor's degree for it McCarthy reiter- Vice-President for Student Affairs, Wil- the New York State Education Department, atecT that state approval of the program liam J. Crawley, said "students are the best casting doubt on its implementation by next would basically allow "a granting of B.A. in Fee Hike ones to mal.oany." But Shea stressed that he was not the program. "I'm very shocked-we all up next year, as plans are under way to raise $120,000 the Student Activities Budget directly involved with the much demanded were under the impression that the new the student activities fee, according to Sam Committee gets is a lot of money for an plan, adding, "I'm not sure what stage it is program would entail an entire new depart- Turvey, United Student Government Pres- undergraduate population of 4200 stu- at - ment with some equipment, and new full dent. dents." "Most schools the size of Fordham," he Academic Vice President Joseph McCar- time faculty members," Stroligo said. Turvey would like to see the fee raised by continued, "charge $60-$70 per semester thy said Monday he was unsure whether the The proposed plan would include one $10 per semester. This would raise the total •but a lot of that goes to funding the sports Media proposal had been approved by the additional full time faculty member amount of activities money from $120,000 (programs," he said. "During my administra- 'state, or if it had left the university at all. to about $200,000 a year. ition I've been very sure to keep student Upon the inquiry by The Ram, McCarthy Stroligo continued, "I understand that the "The raise is necessary," Turvey said. activities separate from sports." ran a check in order to pinpoint the location University does not want to throw a lot of "The present fee was started in 1972, but i Another proposal being considered is to gf the proposal in University red-tape. He money into a new program, and I expected the inflation rate has halved that amount. 'institute a publications fee and keep that reported that the plans for the Media Studies it to start sort of slow, but not this slow." Each club has to throw six or seven cake money seperate from the activities fee. Such program had just arrived at Rose Hill from sales a year just to stay alive." McCarthy countered that starting a new a fee would be used to fund such school the CLC on Monday morning. department would be a "radical change in His plan of action would call for the publications as The Ram and the paper. According to Rev. Lorenzo Reed, S.J., the College." He added, "this is the first Budget Sub-Committee of the new Student "Such a fee," said Turvey, "would allow the Fordham's liasion to the state, the proposal step, and if it works we could then expand." Activities Committee to meet during the various publications to know ahead of time just received from Humanities Division Co- summer and examine the situation. The how much money they were getting rather Chairman Rev. Bart Collopy, S.J., must first All administrators invovled with the pro- committee will have the budget requests than waiting for an allocation from SABC." be reviewed and approved by the Academic gram are still uncertain as to when the submitted by each club for funding next The idea for a change in the activities fee Vice President's office before being sent out completed proposal will be sent to Albany year. If the committee finds a real need for was first brought up in the beginning of the to the State for registration. Therefore, the for final approval, but remain hopeful that an increase, then they will vote to do so. school year by Bob Nugent, then president program which has been understood by implementation will take place in the fall The Student Handbook, however, states of the U.S.G., but in different form. many students, faculty, and administrators semester. to be resting in the hands of the' state, has yet to leave the university. Refuse to Divulge Figures r A spokesperson from the State Education Department said, "this latter part of the academic year is not conducive to a swift Is Student Deli Solvent? flow of requests from any colleges." But he noted that the State continues its reviews by Mfl

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Btoujhl lo you ptoudly by M«tW lmportu<| Co., Inc, Cm N«*, N.Y. The Ram Thursday, April 27,1978 Page 5 NBCC Gets No Satisfaction Koch Visits Neighborhood

by Dan Hayes lords within fifty days after a violation is concerned with Manhattan interests, and The Northwest Bronx Community and recorded. Koch said he is unable to make does not thoroughly understand the Bronx's Clergy Coalition says the City may botch the that authorization. special problems. rebuilding of the Bronx. Coalition leaders were disappointed by This attitude, Brant believes, will hamper While the Coalition is working on many the Mayor's brief, noncommital answers. the Koch administration's ability to handle local projects, the biggest event in recent Koch seemed poorly prepared and stumbled the federally funded rebuilding of the South * Charles Kelly, Award-winning editor days was a forum in which the mayor, the several times in his responses. Mittiga said Bronx. "Caller's plan is pro-neighborhood," Coalition, and Bronx residents revealed how this is probably because the Mayor's staff did he said. "Koch has just dismissed it." Coali- they would help-or hinder-the revitaliza- not thorougly brief Koch. "The agenda was tion leaders agree that the Koch govern- Ram Awards tion of their neighborhoods. delivered two weeks in advance," Mittiga ment should rely on neighborhood people For the second year in a row, The Ram On April 13 the Coalition sponsored a said, "but it appears Koch didn't see it until and respect them if the rebuilding program is has won several Mark of Excellence Awards closed community forum with Mayor Koch. an hour before the meeting." to be a lasting success. from the Region One division of Sigma Delta At the forum, held at Our Lady of Mercy Others were angered by the Mayor's The Mayor said he would not promise Catholic Church on Marion Avenue, Koch Chi, The Society of Professional Journalists. performance. Rev. Paul Brant, S.J., one of anything he couldn't deliver. "When I say I'll was asked to support several proposed Members of the Ram editorial the founders of the Coalition, said, "I do it, I do it," he said. "I don't make programs which would improve Bronx se- board accepted three awards from SDX, couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never promises about what I can't do." curity, housing, streets, and parks. SPJ national president Alf Goodykoontz knew any Mayor who had such terrible After the meeting, Mittiga said he didn't and regional director Chuck Novitz in the At the April 13 forum, Koch refused to contempt for neighborhood people." Brantt think the Mayor had taken the group seri- presentation ceremony held last Saturday in support any of the proposals. "I cannot believes this is because Koch is essentially ously, but at least he had listened to them. Hershey, Pennsylvania, site of Region One's make that commitment, and I'll tell you ,j annual convention. why," he said over and over to the disheart- The Ram, which received the first place ened audience. The Coalition requested that police patrol parks after 11 pm. Koch said award in newspapers last, year, was named Survey Finds Most People there weren't enough police officers to do the third-best college newspaper in the that. They asked that abandoned buildings Northeast this year. Edging out The Ram for be bricked up or demolished; he said that first and second place honors in the 1978 only the courts can authorize sealing build- competition were last year's rivals, Penn Satisfied With Fordham ings. They asked for more frequent street State University and Suffolk University of by Kevin Preston cleanings and regular cleaning of gutters and the number dropped to 15.7 percent (less Although most Fordham College students Boston, respectively. catch basins. than '/3 the freshmen). Two individual awards went to Ram ar generally satisfied with the University, This growing discontent of seniors is editors for exemplary work. Editor-in-chief They Mayor said the City cannot afford to almost sixty-six percent would not recom- apparent in other areas as well. Only 3.6 Jim Dwyer took a third place honor in the do that. "The problem," he said, "is fiscal mend it without reservations, says a Sociol- percent of the freshmen disliked the quality category of magazine article writing for his constraints." ogy department survey released last month. of teaching, compared with 27.5 percent of feature on "special people" in the Bronx. Coalition leaders said that at least some of The number of dissatisfied is higher among the seniors. Almost half the frosh were That article, which aws recently reprinted in the Improvements could be financed if the men and upperclassmen, but in general, satisfied with the academic counsel of the Mayor would speed the spending of fed- The Ram, originally appeared in last Decem- people were favorably disposed towards deans while barely 1/5 the seniors agreed. erally-allocated "Community Development" ber's pilot issue of the Uptown Express, a, several areas of university life. Why is Fordham's graduating class the (CD) money. According to Joseph Mittiga, local paper edited by former Ram Editor-in- The survey questioned 211 randomly most bitter against the University? Jack Coalition Chairman, In the last three years Chief, Kevin Hayes. Articles by college selected Fordham College students: 61 per- Lynch (CBA 79) can't wait to graduate. He the City has spent only $138 million of the journalists that are printed in papers other cent male, 39 percent female; 60 percent explained: "I'm disgusted with Fordham $343 million allocated by the federal govern- than the campus newspaper are not barred commuters, 35 percent boarders, 5 percent because so much of what I had as a ment. The rest of the money is waiting to be off-campus residents. The questions cov- freshman I don't have now. For instance, from entry in the Mark of Excellence com- spent—as soon as the City administration petition. ered topics ranging from religious and politi- the phones in Martyr's Court were a right, decides where to spend it. cal affiliation to views on marriage and sex not a luxury, and they took them away. We Neil Grealy, presently Senior News Edi- A critical problem in the Northwest Bronx roles. The final section concerned aspects of found \ out the people in control of our tor, won a second place certificate in editor- is deteriorating housing. A major reason for campus life and drew varied responses. money were inadequate. And the athletic ial writing for his editorial accompanying a this, according to the Coalition, is that The biggest gripes in the poll arose about, iHepartment isn't doing their best to make the fire safety series that appeared early in 1978. unscrupulous landlords do not make neces- such questions as: distribution requirements best teams," Dwyer is a repeat winner in the Mark of sary repairs and improvements on their (51 percent were at least somewhat dissatis- Don Alosio (FC 78) shares this attitude. Excellence contest, having won last year's property. To combat this, the Mayor was fied); the parking situation (41 percent "When I came here," he said, "I saw a lot of first place award in feature writing. asked to authorize the prosecution of land- voiced complaints) and student activities potential. But the student activities here (more than Vb thought they could stand have been subdued by the Administration. I improvement). wouldn't tell anybody to go here because the Over Last Three Years: But the survey also uncovered a large Administration has bred a discontented at- student faction content with life at Fordham. mosphere." Half enjoyed the intellectual stimulation they Ann Moravick (FC 78) feels differently. received from their classmates; 64 percent "Every school has its ups and downs," she liked the sports facilities and events; 71 said, "but what I've gained here outweighs Alumni Bucks percent were at least satisfied with the all my dissatisfactions." by Dave Harvey the ripple effects that are felt down the line," quality of teaching; 76 percent found faculty One senior tried to sum up his feelings this It's a pleasant daydream that many stu- said Quealy. "When you go after Corpora- members accessible and 81 percent thought way: "Seniors are dissatisfied because dents often think about. After years of tions and Foundations for gifts, one of the their fellow classmates friendly. they've been here longer, and the longer classes, constant hassles with teachers, and first things that they want to know is how But there is another side to the positive you taste something bad the worse it tastes." other such pleasant events, they are finally much your own people are behind you. The statistics. When it came down to recom- But the news isn't all bad. The most out in the big, bad world. The phone stronger that support is, the better chances mending Fordham to high school seniors, promising aspect of this survey may come suddenly rings. It's the Fordham Alumni you have." 63 percent said they would only do so with from the Administration's interest in it. Association. They want money. The former A breakdown of participation figures certain reservations. For the men, the figure According to Dr. Rosemary Cooney, whose student smiles, mutters a few choice exple- shows that Fordham's Law School leads the climbed to 70 percent. And of those who class in Social Research Methods conducted 1/ tives that he has been thinking about, and way with 25.5 percent of its graduates wouldn't recommend the school under any the study, the Task Force on College Life politely slams down the phone. contributing. However, close behind are the circumstances, males outnumbered females has obtained a copy to better inform them- Fortunately, as recent figures indicate, College of Business Administration and 5 to 1. selves about Fordham students and their The survey also found students increas- such occurences are rare. Fordham alumni fc Fordham College, with 23.3 percent and 22 problems. A survey like this could be more responded last year with a record $583,000 percent, respectively. On the other end of ingly cynical as they approached to gradua- valuable than town meetings said Dr. Coon- in contributions, a significant part of the the scale is the College at Lincoln Center tion. Over half (51.9 percent) the freshmen . ey, "because it takes into consideration the almost $2.1 million that was donated to the and the School of Medicine with only 4 polled said they would unconditionally tell 95 percent of the student body that never University during the year. percent and 5.2 percent of their alumni others to come to Fordham. With seniors, speak up and are never heard." "The program is doing very well," said contributing, respectively. However, the Joi.i Quealy, Associate Director of the College at Lincoln Center has only been Development Office, as he explained the open for 10 years and the School of Deli success of the alumni program. "Looking at Medicine has been closed since World War II. The current status of this plan is unknown. the trends for the past three years shows that continued from page 3 . the unrestricted alumni gift giving has dou- In soliciting contributions, the Alumni Under the plan, the composition of the bled." Development Office relies on three meth- student money spent there, and the actual Board of Directors is not set, but would most likely consist of students and University Alumni gifts are divided into two categor- ods: mass mailings, telephone calls, and dollar amount spent is not, and should not, administrators. ies, restricted and unrestricted. Unrestricted pcrson-to-person requests, where one alum- be a matter of public record. Crawley stated that at present, "it appears is gifts from alumni that can be used for ni will speak to another alumni or a group of The deli is neither a partnership, corpora- that the deli belongs to the directors," anything whereas restricted gifts are those them on behalf of Fordham. tion, co-op, nor privately owned, and is however, since any activities the deli be- that are donated to some special cause such "We try for personal contact whenever it is considered by Financial Vice President Bro. comes involved in are the University's re- as the Lombard! Memorial Building Fund of feasible," said Quealy. "We feel that it allows James Kenny. S.J., to be an "ancillary sponsibility, Crawley feels that something the past few years. for a better atrposphere where there can ben ,„ operation" of the University. must be done to at least allow for an opening In addition to the record amount that was an exchange of information. However, with According to Kenny's office, the deli does approximately 47,000 alumni on our lists, fall under the jurisdiction of the Vice Presi- of communication between the deli and raised, a if cord number of alumni partici- other parts of the University. He stated that pated in last year's drive. The more than mass mailing is frequently the only way to dent (or Student Affairs as a student organi- get in contact." zation. Crawley and Conroy admit that at present "USG is not being reported to by 7,400 alumni that pledged enabled Ford- the deli, and they're not reporting to me." Despite the difficulties involved, Quealy nobody is currently monitorinq deli finances. ham to top thi? national average of 17.7 He added that sincp ultimate legal responsi- sees continued success for this year. "Every Conroy stated that at present, "the deli percent. Fordham's 18 percent participation bility for the deli reverts back to the Ucivers- indicator we have to date tells us that we will directors report to themselves." He added rate is an impressive improvement over the •ty. it is necessary for there to be some typ« finish up approximately 10 percent ahead of that he has prepared a plan for th« so-called 8.7 percent figure of jusi four years ago. .">f monitoring of deli finances, and some last year's unrestricted funds totals and about Fordham Student Agencies to incorporate "Although, the money itself ts obviously system of accountability for dell directors. very important, you cannot underestimate even on the restricted funds totals," he said. and include the deli under its jurisdiction. Thursday, April 27,4 978 Page 6 The Rantif ant The Annual Spring Festival:Boarder Weekend M gig- mented *whe^ n we were assigned to go on a ."woodhunt. .. :>' . anotheAt sunser gigt .the crowd was still complacent but the seeds fayChifeDevIn and gather the dead branches and sticks around the of discord had already been sown by a pair of outsiders administration building area. The gathering of wood and It was free beer, loud music, and the spirit of who apparently became engaged in a bottle-smashing in excitement which drew the students out of the library, out sitting around the fire seemed to make the experience of the-face scuffle with two Fordham students. of the dorms and on to the layn in front of Martyr's Court hanging around and drinking beer in forty degree The mounting turmoil resulted in one of the students for the annual spring festival of boarder weekend. temperatures and a strong wind a little more logical. making a call to the Bronx Police who responded An unpaid, yet professional performance was put on During the last numbers of "Up all Night," there was a immediately with fourteen troopers in blue and with by the Andy Meyers and Ray Santana duo, who played a repeated sense of rebirth, and immersion into the fire and swinging nightsticks. People were attracted to this scene mellow set of Dylan, Beatles, Paul Simon and others. energy of rock and roll which was relayed by a few of violence and chaos like vultures hovering around the A rather limp performance was put on by a band called scattered dancers who kept warm by continually going carcass. At this point one of the members of the boarder "Easy Living" who managed to salvage their act with a through their elaborate motions. There was also a sense council took a decisive step of action and announced Steve Miller tune from the "Book of Dreams" album. The of love, devotion, and compassion relayed by the over the police loudspeaker and said that "anyone who is bass player seemed to generate more enthusiasm with his members of "Up All Night" as they braved the 40 degree not a boarder must leave the campus immediately or will humor between the songs. temperatures only to come down with colds after the be arrested." This announcement was followed by a few After the performance of "Easy Living", the beer lines performance. outbursts of disapproval, but the crowd was rapidly were still lengthening, and the crowd was thickening. The dispersed in the space of about one half an hour. spontaneity and the spirit of fun flowed as freely and as On Sunday morning, the fresh smell of a campfire was So the full moon rose on an empty field but the spirit abundantly as the beer from the taps. As the Saturday still on my jacket as I walked under the arch and into the of excitement still glowed brightly among students all over night crowd mounted, I could feel a sense of mounting the campus who never had any Intention of causing a sunlit sea of humanity. With "West Houston and His All anticipation and anti-climactic suspense before the open- disturbance. Night Space Band" opening the day's activities, the spirit ing act of "Up All Night" as their guitarist kept yelling... Despite the shortcomings, none of these activities of excitement was officially awakened for a second time., two...OK check and finally "OK peo- would have taken place without the help of Tom DeLeo, The crowd increased steadily until about 3 p.m. when Ed Donahue, Steve Slnnacore, John Williams, and Mike ple, are you ready to rock and roll?" people were either scattered about the lawn in groups or During the progression of the night, the lunar energy participating in the exchange of about twenty frisbees at Shalhoub of music and entertainment, Chris Spies, Joe relayed by the band became more apparent as the one on the A-House side of the Martyrs court lawn. Negro, and the Ramskellar crew on the mixer, Tom guitarists weaved in a out of richly harmonic textures and A spirit of nostalgia and youthfulness was kindled by Jones, Pete Moran, Pete Stern and Jim Doyle on the phrases in their own original numbers. the "Sixties" band's tunes of the Lovin' Spoonful, The beer, Jane Danylchuck and the girls of G-8 selling passes, It seemed almost like a poetic sense of getting back to Animals, and various Beatles. With the beer still flowing, as well as the entire A-House crew of John Slavin, Joe nature when two friends and myself arrived upon a group and the crowd still gathered, it hardly seemed possible Krupp, T.J. Healey, and Dave Elam. For all, it was a of people building a fire. The poetic sense was aug- tKat the band had to break down the set and move on to good time, well worth working fnr. WHY OUR ON. SHOULD BE STANDARD SO LONG, DOC EQUPMENT ON ALL SMALLER CARS. 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REVIEW m Faculty Senate Considers Tenure Change by NeilGrealy recent lawsuits did play some part in stimula- ing a negative recommendation, but would attend all their meetings ex officio, but I do ting discussion about the change, but other begin if one-third of those voting on the not attend when they vote." factors, including the influence a promotion departmental tenure committee indicate in The Faculty Senate is.. considering a If 60 per dent of the UTRC recommends application might have on a tenure ap- their letters of decision that they wish the tenure, then the case is handled as if it change in the promotion and tenure proce- pointment, were involved. case to be reviewed. received a positive recommendation from dures of the University, stimulated in part by The same faculty members often sit on the "It envisions a situation where there is a the faculty, and would be reviewed by "people who had been denied tenure and tenure committees and the promotion com- strong difference of opinion," McCarthy administrators before being presented to the taken their cases outside the University," mittees of a department. The tenure com- said, "and where faculty feel strongly e- University President and the Board of Trus- according to Vice-President..for Academic mittee is composed of all tenured faculty of nough about it to submit a combined minor- tees. The vice-president for academic affairs Affairs Dr. Joseph McCarthy, Other tenure the department, while the promotion deci- ity report to recommend tenure." would meet with the tenured faculty of the related issues the Senate is .discussing in- sion is made by all professors who are at the The recommendation would be reviewed department before making his final recom- clude University level review of negative same level of status or above to which the by the University Tenure Review Commit- mendation to the President. departmental tenure recommendations and candidate is applying for promotion. tee, whose usual function is to decide on McCarthy said the matter was still in a the status of faculty who work here under Another tenure issue which the Senate tenure in cases where the department rec- state of formation and he will be reviewing grants from outside agencies. considering is its Ad Hoc Committee ommends a faculty member for tenure, but tenure cases from the past three or four A faculty member initiates the process of University Level Review of Departmental his appointment would exceed the 60 per years with Bier to see how many recommen- tenure review by submitting an application to Tenure recommendation that a means be cent limit of tenured faculty in an depart- dations were decided by votes with one-third the department in his sixth year of employ- established of reviewing negative depart- merit. The committee is composed of ten dissenting. "Looking at this year's crop of ment at the University. Tenure begins after mental recommendation for tenure without faculty members, appointed by the Senate cases, there might be one that would fall into seven years experience. Faculty who came the University President referring the case to from nominations by the various schools, that category," he said. to Fordham after teaching at another school the Senate. The process would not depend "This grop is asked to act as representatives The third matter is the status of professors are credited for their teaching experience up on an appeal by the faculty member receiv- °f 'he faculty as a whole," McCarthy said. "I who work at Fordham under a grant from an to three years. Someone who starts at the outside agency. These fall into two groups. University begins with the status of assistant The first group is temporary faculty who are professor and his contract comes up for hired with money provided by an agency to renewal every two years. The last renewal of Film Prof Not Rehired relieve a professor who is working for that contract is made for one year for those agency of his normal duties. The second denied tenure. by Jeff Dorsch president for academic affairs, just before the type is a faculty member hired to handle The particular situation to which the Film professor Dr. Margo Kasdan, of the spring break. Bier asked the tenured faculty expansion of special traininy program usu- change is directed is when someone is Communications department, will not be committee to reconsider their decision. The ally funded by the government. appointed to an associate professor position returning to Rose Hill next fall to teach. Her committee—composed of professors John initia two ear "The question was whether to establish a after four or five years, and then denied ' y contract, which expires this Phelan, Rev. Ray Schroth, S.J., Rev. Ralph separate class that would not enter the tenure after six. This situation would be August, has not been renewed, Dengler, S.J., Rev. Donald Matthews, S.J., tenure track or affect the tenure quota." Ear v tnis avoided by not allowing untenured faculty ' semester, Kasdan was notified and Edward Wakin—met, and announced McCarthy said these people had always members to apply for promotion the year by a committee of the five tenured profes- their decision was unchanged. Bier informed been treated as a special category, but the before they apply for tenure. They could sors in the department that her employment Kasdan of the appeal's denial in an April 12 suggestion would make it a regular practice at apply for promotion in the same year they Fordham would end with the expiration of letter. for the University. apply for tenure. her present contract. Kasdan was taken Kasdan has strongly objected to the con- Under the proposal, the faculty could McCarthy said the change is being consid- aback with this news- as she did not know tract nonrenewal, both in private conversa- continue in their status as assistant, associate ered to "avoid an appearance of inconsis- beforehand that a committee had met to tions with student and faculty supporters, or full p-ofessor after six years without tency." In a memo discussing the change, sit in judgment of her contract renewal. and in interviews with The Ram during the tenure. He said he did not know of anyone Rev. William Bier, Associate Vice-President "There is no communication in the Com-- period her appeal was under consideration. who had been here as long as four years in for Academic Affairs, stated that promotion munications department," Kasdan says Although she could not disclose publicly the this category. "I don't see either one (refer- In the year before a tenure decision "enters now, reflecting the surprise she felt at the reasons cited for her nonrenewal, she did ring to the promotion issue and the special into grievance cases within the University time of the original notification. indicate that the reasons were arrived at faculty) as a particularly urgent problem," he and into Human Rights cases filed against Kasdan filed an appeal of the decision without sufficient input. said.' It is just an effort to smooth out and the University outside." McCarthy said that with Rev. William Bier, S.J., associate vice continued on page 11 regularize practices that we had." The Jewish Student Union Would like to thank Campus Ministries and all members of the Fordham community who helped make the 5th Annual Passover Seder a huge success. A special thank-you to the following: Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations, Inc. Horowitz-Margareten, Carmel Wines, Goodman's, Waldbaum's, and Manishewitz Acareer involving lawfornonlawyers Become a trained legal paraprofessional In fall 1978, a two-semester course in Paralegal Education will be given at our Washington Square Campus by NYU's School of Continuing Education. The program will be taught by a faculty composed of practicing attorneys from the metropolitan area. Graduates will receive a Diploma in Paralegal Stud- ies certifying them as qualified lawyers' assistants. The introductory semester-covering legal research, administrative agencies, court organiza- tion, legal documents, and basic taxation-will meet twice a week, p.m., starting late September. 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Ticket goes to Rose Hill's student government! This is the last regular issue of The Ram for the who threatens to sue newspapers and throw athletes off Bob Nugent, who in his fourth year of campus p, semester. Traditionally, we celebrate the occasion by their teams If they don't fall for his lines. A related Annual zilch. The related Bright Future Wolf Tick, awarding wolf tickets to the daring, the dumb, the deceit- Basketball Coach and Sports Information Director Musical Turvey, the newly elected USG president, who!! ful, and the delightful, among others. Wolf tickets repre- Chairs Wolf Ticket to Dick Stewart and Jim O'Connell who sent the heart of this newspaper, for though we may be promise and potential to make student governiJ bit the dust In Fordham's terminal desire for bad publicity. than Just an entertainment for a debate club. And many things, we are not sheep, even though we work These gentlemen can pick up their tickets on the way out, the newsprint wool, as it were, of a newspaper called The of the debate club, a Sorry We Missed You L as can Vice President for Student Affairs William J. Ticket to the uptown Debate Team, who.led b| Ram. So we send out these sort of postcard editorials to a Crawley III, who receives today his last wolf ticket. It's en- bunch of people who have made their mark on the Univer- and Harry Walters, compiled great records evert titled The End of An Era Wolf Ticket. Mr. Crawley may opt sity during the preceeding semester, and we call the went, but were Ignored by virtually everyone one. for a lifetime subscription to this newspaper, if he wishes. postcards wolf tickets, to emphasize the point that we are eluding, sorry to say, this comer. A Sinking i wolves disguised as, oh •- forget it. Without further ado, we The Hey Look What's Here Wolf Ticket to Junior Cathy Ticket to the members of the crew, baseball, t present the Wolf Tickets of Spring 1978. Mulr for her Noontime Concerts effort, a series that provid- and women's softball team who face extinction! ed a few moments of pleasant musical interludes most the administration. The What's Your Rush Nobody's Died Yet Wolf Ticket to Tuesdays this semester. The I Don't Care How Much The Let's Keep Things Quiet Wolf Ticket t. dormitory chieftains Bob Becker and Bill Crawley, and Anyone Hates Me Wolf Ticket to Liberal Arts Student Physical Plant boss Bob Mahan, for allowing fire haiards in Lincoln Center Activities Office, where student)! Government President Ed Stroltgo who ends an Illustrious Martyrs' Court and 555 to stand for another year. Ing downtown events must wade through hui career In student government after organizing the now The King of the Road Wolf Ticket to travel agent and guidelines, restrictions, and procedures. A Ptj famous January Program demonstration, raising serious man about the highways and skyways Barry Hera, whose School of Accounting Wolf Ticket for the direct name is now legend among Fordham students and pro- questions about University finances. He'll make a lot of •tudent dell, who refuse to allow publication oil bably the home of Paul Reisi, who balled out the people people happy when he leaves office next month. The amlnatlon of their books, Just like the former [ Hew and Nassau Winnebago stranded in Fort Lauderdale. Old Politicians Don't Die They Just Do Nothing Wolf dean last semester. He said he had nothing to hldeg The Better Late Than Never Candor Wolf Ticket and continued c related Farewell to Fordham Wolf Ticket to former assis- tant dean of students Peter Fazio, who resigned because he couldn't stand his boss, BUI Crawley, and told everyone so in a 2,500 word letter to this newspaper. An additional Thanks for Stopping By Wolf Ticket for Fazio's appearance at the muscular dystrophy dance marathon. The Dancing Machine Wolf Ticket Is awarded to seniors Anne Yost and Glgl Covino for their annual shake and bake dance marathon that raised over $9,000 for MD. Their energy and concern will be missed next year. The Amazing Grace Wolf Ticket to Dr. Dean Grace Vemon who is returning to her downtown teaching post after several years of industriousservlce as senior class dean and pre-med advisor, and patient voice of reason to many. The Too Bad You Didn't Take The Army Coaching Job and Bring Your Flunkies With You Wolf Ticket to Dave Rice, coordinator for varsity Intimidation and deception, Executive Editor Lincoln Center Editor-Bill Bole Sports Editor-Ron Mergenthalei Contributing Editor-Bob Ehalt Photography Editor-Joe Spinosa* Editor-in-Chief Pat Borzi Senior News Editor—Nell Grealy Contributing Editor-Jeff Dorsch Jim Dwyer Campus Affairs Editor—Rita Ferrone Associate Editors—Dan Hayes, Carol ( Managing Editor Arts Editor-Monica Cavanagh Nat'l Ad Mananger-Mark Cenatc^l Rose Hill Editor—Dave Harvey Business -Sean Purdy Mike Mauro Contributing Editor-Bill Schmltt Local Ad Manager-Bob Fratta ^ Viewpoint' Carlesimo Mistreated Letters Turvey Shea's Dave Rice said that before he came to Fordham it was a directors, became the assistant to the university president for "boring" place. Fordham, at least in athletics, is no longer special projects. Many saw this as a reaction to the To the Editor boring. It is however a very sad place. Saddest, perhaps, is controversial charges made against Mr. Carlesimo during his Unjustified This letter is a "comment! the treatment of former athletic director Peter Carlesimo. tenure at Rose Hill. The Digger Phelps affair, the cross article, "The Dean Evalui Mr. Carlesimo came to Fordham in 1968 after working for country protest, and nepotism were all charges unfairly To the Editor: Reading List," published iij the Jesuits for 26 years at the University of Scranton. He leveled against Mr. Carlesimo. I saw It as one of the most I feh Monica Cavan&gh's review of the 'of April 6, 1978. In Ihl brought with him a family of 12, and a national reputation as shortsighted and unwise decisions in recent Fordham Contemporary Dance Workshop's Spring said: " my onli, one of the most formidable athletic directors on the east history. concert was completely unjustified and un- curriculum is on the Curtio) coast. At Fordham, he immediately set to work doing such Dave Rice replaced Pete Carlesimo. Dave Rice is a fair. Her generalizations and cutting com- whose meetings I things as hiring Digger Phelps, Gil McDougald, and Joe respectable football coach; an athletic coordinator he is not. ments were hardly valid or necessary. penance. I have been > Bernal as well as making the Lombard! center more than just The revelations in The Ram, which have yet to be For one thing, I resent her criticism of the years and my soul is likeal a dream. adequately refuted, the intimidating way in which he ability of the Dance Workshop to prove that Seven years is a long P<1 His relationship with our alumni, questioned toy some, handled this affair ("this son of a bith isn't apologizing"), and Fordham has talent. Talent, I wonder as the Dean to a sacrameij was one of his strongest assets as athletic director. Alex the conflict of interest of being both a football coach and compared to whom? The Joffrey Ballet? 1 suffering to show repeni WojciechowicE, one of Fordham's famed "seven blocks of athletic coordinator are evidence enough of this. Despite also didn't appreciate her comment on the might have done. But si granite' said in a phone interview that, "there is no man on this. Fordham seems perfectly happy with the way in which "absence of coordination among the par- incapable of wrongdoW-l the Fordham campus who has done more for Fordham coach. Rice is handling his position. Fr. Finlay defended ticipants", and her unfair generalization that been accepting the pei««| University than Pete Carlesimo." Similarly, Babe DiNallo, , coach Rice publicly at a town meeting last month. Dave Rice "the individual numbers were not much bet- sinners. However, if tw one of the most generous donors in Fordham history, stated returned this favor by telling three athletic directors (who ter". Other statements seemed just plain nas- solidifying, let us pray • to a shocked audience at a Lotnbardi Center dedication wished to remain anonymous for professional reasons) at a ty and unnecessary to me, such as her comes to his rescue dinner that, "Pete Carlesimo introduced me to Fordham. press luncheon on April 3rd that if he knew about Fordham description of her difficulty in choosing a sabbatical. Are admin*! Without his presence there I wouldn't have built the eight weeks ago what he knows about Fordham now he "worst dance segment" since there were so take sabbaticals? 1 don If Lombardi Center. I never would have had anything to do would have taken a job elsewhere. Similar statements have many to choose from, as well as her insinua- believe they are as with Fordham if it were not for Pete." been made off the record to members of both The Ram and tion that the large audience was due to free are. As a person concern j Pete Carlesimo's contributions, however, went much the United Student Government. Dave Rice Doesn't under- admission. being of the College at W hence its Deans, I would"1 further than alumni relations, for his contributions to athletics stand Fordham, its traditions or its values; Pete Carlesimo I'm not sure just what type of program Ms. non-rocked souls to join >| both at Fordham and in the nation are outstanding. The did. Cavanagh expected of the students in the solution to alleviate the National Invitational Basketball Tournament, the Thursday The last time I saw Pete Carlesimo, he was on television group, who certainly deserve more than she punishment." . night college doubleheaders at Madison Square Garden, presenting an award to NIT founder Ned Irish, smiling gave them credit for. Towards the end of the and the newly formed Megalopolis Football league can all be broadly for a national audience. He won't comment on what article, I almost believed she was going to Not many people 1*1 attributed in large part to his efforts. Don Russell, president has happened to him at Fordham, yet it is obvious that in the redeem herself with her realization that pro- humor of the Dean of U| of the East Coast Athletic Conference, has said that, "In shadow of that smile is the hope that some day his alma fessionalism should not be expected from congratulated for his al* own membership <'ii W' knowing Pete through our dealings in EC.AC. I have come mater will show the same respect and gratitude to him that such a group. But her final comment really is to greatly respect and admire his superb judgment, his the rest of the nation does. The closing statement of the makes me wonder. Of the four years 1 have rnittee. Congratul;iti»' ; interest in students, as well as his fairness in dealing with all Carlesimo papers, however, says it better than I could: "I been here at Fordham, this was the only bad Fordham College fiom" graduated for producins) schools regardles of athletic prowess." At Fordham, Mr. have never closed my doors to any student, coach, or review of the Dance Workshop's annual t)lir 3arlesimo led the university athletic department through one alumnus that came through the proper channels. I have concert I have read. like him. What is S' College? jf the most trying financial crises in the university's history. never tried to win a popularity contest for obvious reasons. I KathyLamb This however was not enouqh for Fordham. have never been unfair to anyone in all my life." Why then FC78 Pete Carlesimo, one of the nations most respected athletic Pete, has Fordham been so unfair to you? The Ram Page 9 A lot of voters can and will be influenced moderator of the debates showed a high Now we'll cut the sarcasm. Editorials are ' by that editorial. Note the implications of this regard for his detachment by the candidates. the consensus of the opinions of the editorial statement: the editorial in question (and It enhanced, we think, the quality of his board, and represent our commitment as a Concern indirectly your handling of its writing) could campaign coverage, and we were aware of group to a particular issue. For this reason To the Edltor- affect the final results of the LASG election. his duties as moderator before the debate they are not signed. Mr. Bole did indeed The Ram has once again shown its If Bole wanted to publicly endorse the and saw no conflict. But thanks for the tipoff write the initial draft of the April 13th overwhelming concern for the College at Batten ticket, and it is quite evident that he on our "boner." editorial endorsement. Three other editors Lincoln Center—ha! ha!—this time in the did, he should have done precisely that in an Secondly, the other editors were indeed made revisions in the editorial before the April 13th issue. opinion piece with his personal by-line. A aware of the platforms of the candidates, final copy. In truth, the ticket endorsement Your coverage of the debate between the newspaper's editorial space is reserved for and we have no compunctions about ming- in the editorial reflected the views of the two tickets vying for executive leadership of the collective views of its editorial staff, ling with "people from the planet of Lincoln editors. the Liberal Arts Student Government con- not for those of one member. Center" or any other celestial body. sisted of a "slightly" slanted article by Bill The Ram is considered one of the best Bole. college newspapers in the nation. What Granted, Mr. Bole is The Ram's Lincoln happened this time? Center editor. Should one suppose, how- LizCambfano OC Says Goodbye ever, that when he accepted this news CLC '80 assignment he failed to inform you that he Dear Fordham, supported me while I was here. Nothing himself would be the moderator of the Editor's reply: Mr. Bole took on the news I've been sitting staring at a blank piece of meant more to me than a quick visit to the debate? No, I doubt that was the case. assignment with his usual commitment to paper for quite awhile facing the toughest office or just a yell on the way to practice. The editorial staff most likely was aware fairness and balanced reporting. The selec- writing task I have ever had, saying goodbye Those are the kind of things that made these that one of the editors would be chairing the tion of this particular Ram reporter as to Fordham. best years of my sports-related life. debate, but was too uninterested in the CLC The Ram was nice enough to let me say it Thank you, baseball team, for letting me to re-assign the article to another reporter. in a letter so that I could reach most of the in your dugout and share your snuff. Thank You were sure that your readers would not people concerned. I have decided that you basketball team, for the best win of Thanks rather than saying goodbye I should just say learn of this. You figured wrong, editors. my life. Thank you, women's basketball To the Editor - thank you. Perhaps those Rose Hill types who do not team, for being so successful and such great know that the downtown campus is alive 1 would personally like to take this time. In my,-- two ,year s at Fordham I met^^... some of^ people even with my stupid nicknames. and well and living at Lincoln Center did not (and brief space) to thank the Pershing Rifles the finest people I know. 1 can now say that Thank you, Jack Lyons, for being the most realize what was done. But this writer did of Fordham's ROTC for guarding the Ford- most of my close friends came from my sincere and hard working individual I ever ham Ram from hostile Manhattan students. I become informed about The Ram's boner. relationship with the university. I could met. Thank you, Dick Stewart, for teaching realize this letter is almost two months late So much for Mistake *1. never list who I have to thank, but you all me so much about public relations and about but nonetheless I feel it is necessary. Too know who you are, and I'll just make a few life itself. Thank you, Fordham, for being a Mistake *2 is even more invidious (sic). many Fordham students overlook the good comments as I close. great home for two years. Thank you, That same issue's editorial, "LC Student points of having ROTC on campus. Fordham athletes are very special people everyone. Coalition Impressive" was penned by none While we were all soundly sleeping in our because I believe they really care for each other than Bill Bole. warm beds in the middle of February (and I other, regardless of sport. They support I already miss Fordham, but I can never need no remind you how bitter cold some of each other without being prodded and the forget it. The Ram's other editors did not bother to those nights were) members of the Pershing support is real. I know that the athletes JknO>Connel(OC) familiarize themselves with the LC candi- Rifles protected the ram with a 24-hour dates and their respective platforms. That guard. No one else would have had the guts would have meant a trip on the D train and to do something like this. Therefore, on a bit of mingling with people from the planet behalf of Fordham University, 1 again cor- Disgusted Senior of Lincoln Center. dially thank the Pershing Rifles for devoting OK, now I'll cut the sarcasm and get to the their time and effort in serving our Uni- To the Editor- tion" lecture by one of the administrators, point. Your paper's editorial was left to one versity. When I came out of Fordham Prep, f was once again the general attitude of the person, namely Bill Bole. You should be Brian Diver very proud to say I graduated from the Prep. administration was brought forth when this aware of the fact that the ticket Bole FC'79 That afternoon, I looked around at all the particular administrator said "This son-of-a- endorsed (Peter Batten, Lenny Mazzarisi, students, faculty, administrators and families bitch isn't apologizing to anyone." Greg Ryan, and Annette Scarano) and its that were present, and said to myself, "I'm This attitude can only bring about the coterie of supporters pranced throughout really going to miss this place." Then I demise of the Fordham community. the downtown campus announcing that they Mascot thought again, saying to myself. "I will have In closing, I would like to thank the were backed by The Ram. In truth, they a great time at the University, the students students for being the people they are. I were not endorsed by The Ram but simply To the Editor- are amiable, it's a beautiful campus, and enjoyed the students here, they were great. received the support of one member of your The Backgammon Club when I get out of college, I can proudly say I Once again, thanks for being the only paper. of Fordham University, a club which caters graduated from Fordham. redeeming factor in a frustration filled col- to the social needs of the student body, Well, let me tell you something, I'm not lege career. reminds students at Fordham to be cogni- proud. I am disgusted and hurt by the way I Jack Lynch, CBA 78 zant of their responsibilities to support and was treated and my fellow students were maintain the University's mascot. Con- treated. I was treated and respected as a cerned students are asked to offer the same human being in the Prep by the faculty and We Goof resolutions to this problem. If concerned administrators, which is more than I can say Encourage please contact the Backgammon Club at this for the administrators at the University. 1 do •address: To the Editor- To The Editor: not know quite what it is, but the administra- Backgammon Club As an alumnus of Fordham I feel that the In February I was asked by a female tors have a stinking attitude with regards to P.O. Station 37, Box 905 best contribution that I can make to my Ram reporter If I was retuirning to Fordham "things are going to be done my way (with a Bronx, New York little smirk on their face) and that is that." school at this time is the following letter. I next semester, and if not why? After giving a 10458 Why aren't the students respected? address it to the current freshmen and detailed answer with pro's and con's on both sophomores because you will be the nucleus Cleveland Clarke, Jr. Having been requested along with many sides, I found myself quoted two and a half of our school as Fordham enters a critical President Backgammon Club other fellow athletes to attend a "no-ques- months later completely out of context in an period of recruiting potential students. article by Robert Frabaslle. My good com- It is obvious that there are problems at ments about the University were left out. 1 Fordham, however her foundations are am not denying the quote, but in the context Rings at L.C. solid. For example, our teachers, the back- that it was presented, plus the fact that many To the Editor- of free options from both companies. It was bone of our school, are leaders in their field. events occured between the statement and There seems to be a bit of controversy honest competition that did this. It is true In addition, there are many prominent its printing, makes the quote seem more regarding the selection of ring companies at that the minimum price of a ring is basically alumni who are creating a fine reputation for drastic than it was meant. Since that inter- Rose Hill. Some have brought up the notion determined by the current price of gold. Fordham in the business world. And as long view, 1 have met with the Administration that open competition would be more bene- However, it is obvious that the maximum as Fordham continues to attract students four times, organized an unsuccessful ficial to the students. Perhaps the Lincoln price that a ring could be sold for is based on who are capable of continuing this tradition, demonstration, been elected to USG and Center experience with ring companies supply and demand, and competition re- a diploma from Fordham will be a precious have been able to obtain housing. [At the could shed some light on this matter. duces the gap between the cost and the final possession. time there was a questionif I would be able to At the College at Lincoln Center, the price of the ring. Students do have the With all of the adverse publicity Fordham come on campus even though I am from out decision as to which ring companies will be intelligence to decide what ring is best for is receiving, the enrollment of such gifted of state!] I hope that these events emphasize allowed to sell their merchandise is made by them. It should not be decided for them, all students is in jeopardy. Something must be how unfair I feel that you use only part of my the President of the LASG. The general else being roughly equal. done about this most important problem. interview so long after 1 gave it. I found For- policy has been that any ring company can 2) Does it really take months for a Changes must be made in order to make dham's administration open to the student's sell at Lincoln Center provided that there are committee to decide what ring company Fordham more desirable to potential mem- opinions, but a lack of student enthusiasm to no inordinate complaints regarding service, should sell at Fordham? It only took me a bers of our community as well as to those of provide them. Fordham has great potential quality of merchandise, etc. Before this few meetings with the ring salesmen to make you presently attending. but it is being left untapped by an apathetic year, three ring companies were allowed to my decision for open competition. How- I encourage those of you who are contem- and divided student body. The major pro- operate here—Scholastica, Herff Jones, ever, one decision I made immediately was plating transferring to remain at Fordham, blem is the lack of communication that exists and Josten's. This year, Josten's was ex- the determination not to have the ring because 1 believe that you are the ones who bewtween the administration and the student cluded due to the fact that they had not companies distribute free rings to anyone!! If can develop into the leaders our school so body. I would like to make it clear that the shown up at all the year before. There have rings are given away, it must be reflected in desperately needs. You are able to see a only place I am transferring to next semester been no problems with the other companies, higher ring costs for everyone. At Lincoln crisis mounting and you are responding to it is Martyrs' Court. and 1 feel that there will be none in the Center, if anyone receives a free ring, that in a way that you feel will save yourself. I ask Charles DiMagglo '81 future. Based on my experience with the company will no longer do business at you to accept the challenge of saving a ring companies, I feel that I can discuss open Lincoln Center. It is this policy that is "in the school along with saving your own future. Editor's reply: The Ram deeply regrets competition, and refute some of the points best interest of the students". I would No one is as close to the situation as you, the misrepresentation of Mr. DlMag- made by the Class of '81 Ring Committee. recommend to the members of the ring the current student, so no one knows what committee that they publicly disavow any our school needs better than you do. It is not glo's views. An editorial error was 1) Open competition will not lead to intention of receiving rings from Josten's. It enough to invite a dean to a Town Meeting responsible for the publication of the "harassment of the student". Even when the can only benefit the constituency that they where only eighty students attend. You outdated view of several of the In- two ring companies are simultaneously at represent. must talk it up with administrators and let dividuals quoted In the article. To Lincoln Center, there is no harassment of your suggestions be known. They cannot these and our readers we offer our students. Rather, students do comparative Open competition works at Lincoln Cen- help unless you give them the information apologies. The poll conducted by Mr. shopping and decide which rings would be ter. It can work at Rose Hill. Give it a try. they need. Frabaslle Is current, and his report of best for, them. The spring semester has EdStrolfeo the results Is accurate. brought a benefit to the students In the form LASG president Gene De Mann 77 'twtia, Edit Heighten Your Marketability with the continued from page 8 And now, we present a series of Ram related awards. A GRADUATE BUSINESS Success At Last Wolf Ticket to business manager Sean CERTIFICATE Purdy and his staff for bringing the newspaper through the semester well In the black. A There When We Needed You Quiet Study | For Liberal Arts and Science Graduates Wolf Ticket to Dr. Paul Relss for his loan of $3,000 In ' IrwestyourTuesdayandThursdayeveningsinthislntensive University funds (at eight percent Interest) to carry the summer program designed to give B.A. and B.S. graduates the foundations in: Marketing, Finance, Accounting and newspaper until delayed national advertising revenues ar- in the cafeteria during Reading Management to heighten his/her employability. (The Cer- rived. A Plea For Mercy Wolf Ticket to teachers with Ram tificate's 12 graduate credits may be applied to our M.B.A. Week Mai; 111. RAM- should you wish to continue your studies beyond the Cer- staffers In their classes. We won't belabor the obvious. A tificate). Thanks For The Help Wolf Ticket to Gloria Carelll, Mary SKELLAR open for study-break ^^ For further information, phone Pry or, and Alice Schuman, the ladles who staff the student Professor Gold: 212-834-6144 snacks. Summer Office affairs office of the Campus Center and Keating 100. LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY Finally, a solid gold There Should Be More Like You on THE BROOKLYN CENTER Campus Wolf Ticket to Al Vitale, with an honorable men- University Plaza, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 tion to his cohort, John Bailey. May you always be on the An Equal Opportunity/Attirmatw Action Institution lam. ''• V The Earn up to Mimes and Mummers $500-$800 present per week SALARY PLUS COMMISSION FULL TIME/PART TIME Five Finger Exercise Kimberlite Diamond Resources offers a truly outstanding summer opportunity to qualified college students... s With a choice of working full time by Peter Shaffer or part time, days or evenings Author of Equus • With a promise of continued employment after the summer to those who prove themselves • With a chance to discover what well may turn out to be a full-fledged April 28 and 29 at 8:00 p.m. richly rewarding lifetime career. • Minimum 2 years college. in Collins Auditorium NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Contact Jack Walters Call 212-248-0470; Students $1.50; Others $2.00 Out of Town Toll Free 800-221-8570 555, Spellman FREE DIAMOND RESOURCES CO., LTD. 50 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10004 General Studies 78 The School of General Studies Alumni Association /s sponsor- ing a Graduation Cocktail Party, May 20th, 8:00 p.m., in the Ramskellar. All Jan., May, and Sept. 18 GS grads and GS faculty are invited. Grads and faculty who have not received in- One sip of Southern Comfort tells you it's an incredibly talented liquor. Super vitations contact a member of GS student government or smooth. It tastes delicious, all by itself. Alumni House, Lincoln Center. That's why Comfort* makes a terrific drink Frank Raygada, GS 76 Daniel W. Sullivan solo, or with almost any backup. President Chairman, GSAA Graduation Committee

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night performance and being asked to do "A Chorus Line": eight shows a week unlimited. You need a technique." Pesaturo auditioned for Chorus Line in 'A Dream Come True' January of 1976, one of only two auditions he was to have. "I didn't even know what by Jean Ann Rogers Pesaturo continued dancing through high role I was being considered for at the time." One of the biggest names to come out of school and studied acting at the Actors' he says. "At the second audition we were A Chorus Line, the much-acclaimed award- Workshop in Boston and on weekends at asked to look at the Paul monologue and go winning Broadway musical, is George Pesa- the Boston Conservatory. He left Boston for out on stage without the book and improvise turo, the 29-year-old actor from Woburn. New York and Manhattan College, where the story. It was, for an actor, a wonderful Mass. Pesaturo is best known for his memor- he received a B.A in English Literature in way to audition because it was so spon- able performance as Paul San Marco, a 1971. He picked Manhattan College, he taneous." homosexual struggling for identity as well as says, because it was close to the theatre. "I Seven weeks later, Pesaturo was in- a spot on the chorus line. was always downtown either buying Back- formed that he got the job. He was originally Pesaturo took the role of Paul on April 26, stage and trade papers and seeing what was slated to take over Sammy Williams' role on 1976, eight days after Sammy Williams of happening or maybe taking voice lessons Broadway for five months and then move the original cast won a Tony for his perform- one year. 1 realized that I was not ready to on to the California company, but Williams ance. Says Pesaturo, thinking back on the embark upon a professional career in show decided to stay on the West Coast and experience: "What a way to go. I'm very business at that age, but 1 was preparing Pesaturo eventually decided he didn't want proud of myself, but I've worked hard for it. 1 myself for what 1 could make happen." to play the part anywhere else but New was involved with Chorus Line for two years As part of his preparation, Pesaturo stud- to follow. "And as 1 started doing shows," York. "The only other place I want to do and in that two years my whole life has just ied speech with a private teacher in Manhat- Pesaturo said. "I slowly stopped dancing Paul San Marco is in trie film and I really turned around. Before Chorus Line I was a tan and eventually returned to dance—this and started studying acting and voice be- hope I'm given the chance to audition for it chorus boy—'a gypsy'—1 mean, I went to time to study ballet with Salvador Juarez. He cause 1 wanted to have the tool of being able because I choose characters that have some- chorus calls, I went to cattle calls—just what studied seriously for three years and was a to sing very well to use as an actor in thing to say. Paul San Marco had a lot to Chorus Line is all about." scholarship student at the Robert Joffrey musicals," He currently studies voice with say. 1 created Paul not as a "gay character" Pesaturo's interest in dancing began back School of Ballet. Anthony DiLeva, who he describes as "bril- or by playing up the fact that he is a in Woburn at a grade school revue, when he Pesaturo's first professional job was as a liant," and acting with David LeGrant. homosexual. Homosexuality is just a facet of was entranced by the tap dancing perform- chorus dancer in the 1972 Northshore Music "David has taught me my craft. There is a Paul and also stands for anyone that ever ance of a young girl. My parents were very . Theatre production of The Kkig and L technique to acting. People must under- just wanted to be somebody but had some- wise and enrolled me in tap dancing school. Performances in the Jones Beach musicals stand that there is a big difference between thing that they just had to hide. Paul's the That's how 1 really began." Fiddler On The Roof and Okhhoma! were doing three performances or an opening strongest person on that line because after he finishes the monologue that tells "Who am I anyway?" he has no more secrets to Homosexual Documentary tell—he's told the most fearful secret of who he is. He has shared that with someone And after Zach puts his arm around him that Cuts Through Media Images boy—man is a winner." by Nell Grealy sidered outlandish. Not only a business ex- The remarkable effect the filmmakers have Pesaturo left Chorus Line early in 1978 ecutive, a veterenarian and a politician, are produced is to place the viewer in a position because he simply felt that it was time to Trie documentary Word U Out deals featured but also a drag queen and e where he is drawn into the conversations move on. "I got more scared of doing the with a subject which evokes controversy and stereotypical high-voiced fag. taking place on the screen. The camera role as the months went on. Word was out receives extensive media coverage— The emotion and Importance of the con- always focuses on the faces of the men and that I was good. Relatives that I had never homosexuality. Violent reactions from versations for the people involved is clear. women in such a way that their feelings are heard of were suddenly my friends. People both ends of the spectrum of opinion There is always a tension in the interaction experienced vividly and strongly. Another had come to see me more than once and 1 arise in confrontations over the acceptance between the interviewer and the interviewee; facet is that the cameras and interviewers are know they expected at least what they had of the homosexual lifestyle in our culture, as often the Interviews are laced with visible always part of the film. For in many inter- seen before. It became that much harder. At the actions of Anita Bryant's backers and the emotion: tears; laughter; pauses for reflec- views, the camera is reflected In a mirror, a the same time, Chorus Line was slowly forces of militant homosexuality made evi- tion. The open declaration of sexuality In- technique which seems to be a conscious losing a lot of the energy that had sur- dent in their Florida conflict last year. The volved is something the people often talk recognition by the filmmakers of the role rounded it because a lot of people were kind issue has a multitude of perspectives, and in- about. Ann Samsell, a lesbian veterenarian. they play in shaping the film. They do not re- of abandoning the ship and I'll never aban volves as many different attitudes. Films bill- said, "I guess subconsciously 1 wanted to do main anonymous. One of the central don the ship as long as 1 can perform. But, it ed as "documentary" make tenuous claim to this film so I would have to tell my parents segments is the challenge they receive from a made the work that much more difficult." factuality which might be easily discredited before it came out." The film also marks a lesbian writer questioning their Intent in Right now, George is looking around for by the subjectivity involved in selection of "coming out" for some of the others. creating the film. She accuses them of hav- his next role. He is up for roles in several content and the limited nature of a camera's It is split into three sections: The Early ing a pre-conceived structure into which they new plays slated for Broadway and has been eye. There is a thin line separating documen- Years, Growing Up and From Now On. attempt to fit her. This constant tension contacted by Warner Bros. He is interested tary from propaganda. But Word la Out These sections unify selections from different about its status as a "documentary" helps to in doing television and would love to host succeeds in establishing its credibility by interviews into themes which allow the film give this film its force. Saturday Night Live. He considers himself sharpening Its focus and limiting its claim, for to progress smoothly, although there is a the "ethnic John-Boy" and would welcome it only presents the viewer with Interviews of tendency for some of the interviews to run the chance to do some work along the lines The plainest weakness of the film are the 26 gay men and women and has as its subti- too long and make the viewer somewhat im- of The Waltons or Family. tle, "stories of some of our lives." This focus patient. musical interludes, which are performed by on the personal sagas of 26 individuals, por- Trish Nugent and a group called Buena When he is not working he studies. "1 go The film Is also organized on another level Vista. Nugent's voice and lyrics are tolerable traying their emotions, struggles and growth, when it is split by an Intermission. These two back and work on my craft. It has to be back creates a striking and stimulating product for and sometimes pleasing, but the group's per- and forth because you're constantly sharp- halves involve different foci. The first pro- formance is poor, if not disturbing. the screen. gresses from the individual interviews to a ening, constantly growing —it becomes eas- ier to act as you gain confidence. " The film cuts through the media types and closing scene of two homosexuals walking As with its stars, all the filmmakers and Images, to present these homosexuals as and playing in a park. This scene is one of musicians are homosexuals. The Mariposa Pesaturo hopes to take some time off—to "real" people who are experienced as the most interesting since it records the reac- Film Group, which is what the filmmakers visit his parents and to go cross-country this humorous, pained, determined, happy, and tions of the people in the park to these two call themselves, did over 200 initial inter- summer before returning to his ciaft in sometimes a little warped by their experi- gay men walking hand in hand. The reac- views and then returned to film the 26 peo- September. "I love to act." he says, "be- ences. The viewer meets another individual tions are superficially comical, but also reveal ple who appear in the film. Throughout the cause you grow as an actor as you grow as a who suffers in seeking the acceptance of his the environment in which the homosexual editing stage theu held screenings for huma" being. Chorus Lkie was my first individuality, an experience which is com- lives. The second set moves from the inter- predominantly gay audiences and used their Broadway show, tl.o dream cone true. And mon to everyone to some exten' views to the shots of a gay community on •eactions in giving the film its final shape, it is Paul Marco is an acting lole, I got to The filmmakers do not shy away from parade in San Francisco. Both help to pro- currently playing exclusively at the East Side Broadway as an actor. It was a dream come entinq a "tvpe" which might be con- vide a context for the interviews. Cinema at 54th St. and Third Ave. true." Thursday, April 27,1978 Page This Horse Movie The Fordham Saga: Has Consciousness ^ Continuing Serial

by Jeff Dorach chicken farmer Through some piot

r . _. machinations too detailed to describe here, ht ow U a horsc movie wi Final Chapter: io"£?"*" * " *h a Bourdelle and Company come to possess a iy/Us consciousness. It smartly realizes that handsome quarter horse that looks to be a cliches about horse racing have been filmed good contender for the All-Amertcan Futurl- and re-filmed, and compensates for this by ty, a million dollar purse racing meet held The Persecution providing all new twists on the movie for- each Labor Day weekend in Ruldoso, New by Armfetioe Jennings drinking or smoking of 'pot' in your apart- mula that, by convention, must establish and Mexico. Seeing the animal develop a special Dean Bicker looked at the file before him ment?" lead to the actual race, the climax. affinity for his youngest son, Bourdelle on the desk, and looked up at the five young Billy was aghast somewhat at the ques- The first twist the movie shows off is the names the contender Casey's Shadow. men sitting in his office. He scratched his tion, but answered quickly. different breed of horse In this film. Nearly all Word of Shadow's ability spreads quickly mustache. "No, not really." other horse films have glorified the finely in racing circles, and Bourdelle receives The inhabitants of suite 710 sat there and "Do your parents drink much at home?" tuned thoroughbred or noble wild stallion, generous offers from rival owners. One is the •stared back, all in different states of nervous- Dumm continued. The equine mounts here are quarter horses, wealthy Sarah Blue, played by the still- ness. Guido and Tony were quiet and Billy wondered what the Jesuit was lead- huge animals raised to exclusively race glamorous Alexis Smith. Blue represents respectful. Jack was still but defiant. Billy ing to, but fought back his feelings of surprise quarter-mile distances in the American another twist of modern times, the powerful seemed indifferent, an attitude brought on and anger to reply: Southwest. But the breed and form of racing woman entrepreneur with high ethical stan- by a severe inner dread. John W. Peloski "No, not much." do not make this movie interesting or in- dards and yet a winning reputation. Her an- was attentive, and apprehensive. Bicker "Is there any insanity in your family?" novative by themselves—obviously, it is the tithesis, Tom Patterson (Murray Hamilton), spoke. Dumm asked. human story surrounding the race that is an owner who represents corruption In "The reason all of you are here is because This last barb was too much for the quiet makes this movie as nicely entertaining as it sports; while he himself is an amoral, we have reason to believe all of you were Maloney. He stood up. is. bottom-line businessman, he employs an involved in throwing things out the window "Hey, Father, how would you like a First, there is Walter Matthau as evil, sadistic trainer (Robert Webber) who in the last few months. We have definitive punch in the nose?" Billy said, heatedly. Bourdelle, the poor Cajun trainer of quarter will stop at nothing—Including torturing his evidence that three of you were involved in It was now Dumm's turn to be aghast. He horses and single parent for three growing own horses to perform better and poisoning the incident last week. But we're convinced rocked back in his chair with mouth open. boys. Matthau cannot fool anyone In his per- rivals' mounts—to win. all of you have done these things before." Billy stood there, and unclenched his fists. sonification of a Cajun, but that's not It would be too easy and patronizing to Bicker paused, and looked down at his He was unrepentant. necessary to his performance: Matthau is dismiss this film as just something to take the file. A quizzical expression came over his Dumm recovered and looked down at the one of America's best comic actors, and he younger set to. Casey's Shadow merits visage, and he looked up again at the file again. Without looking at Billy, he brings an excellent range of all-around acting adult attention because it is human without quintet. spoke. abilities to any role he plays. Deserted by his being cloyingly sentimental; realistic without "Whatever happened to Bruce Stevens— "Please wait outside, Mister Maloney." wife (possibly the same kind of woman who grlsliness; touching without pulling out the the sixth member of the suite?" he asked. Billy came out of the inner office, and sat left him in The Odd Couple), he has the handkerchiefs. Director Martin Ritt has let Jack glanced at the others, and stepped with his suitemates, who said nothing. The responsibility of keeping three sons in line: the acting talent and the story alone enough into the role of spokesman. secretary was summoned into Dumm's of- Buddy (Andrew A. Rubin], Randy (Steve to allow it to cook on its own, much as he did "He left for the weekend last September, fice, and then re-emerged. Burns), and Casey (Michael Hershewe). In with the beautifully realized Sounder Dean, and never came back,".Jack said. "You boys can return to your apartment. what must be a concession to modern con- (1972). So take the kids, if you want, when "Well, then," intoned Bicker. "That's two You'll get a letter in a few days," she said. sciousness, screenwriter Carol Sobieski has you see Casey's Shadow, or if they want to more things you guys are in trouble for. Not On the way to 555, Jack was curious Bourdelle and his sons earn their livelihood see it themselves, but be sure to enjoy it on turning in your suitemate's custody card, about what went on. boarding and training quarter horses for your own terms; this film is good enough for and failing to report a missing suitemate." "What did you say to him, Billy?" Calvin LeBec (Harry Caesar), a black anyone to like. "We told the RA—" Jack interjected. "1 don't want to talk about it," answered "This information never reached me," Bick- Billy, still seething. er cut in. "You guys are really in deep turds, "Something's up," said Jack. "The bur- "Coming Home*' if you know what I mean. I'm going to have eaucracy is moving too fast. I don't like it." to send you over to Dean Crawfish's office to A few days later, the promised letter see Father Dumm. You take a hike over to came. Billy read it aloud to the others that Keating now; I'll call ahead to tell him you're afternoon. Lacks Depth coming." "Dear members of suite 710: The five shuffled out of the office, obedi- Because of your recent violations of the by John Hamey extent, we can still find vestiges of traditional ently, and left the old alumni building. code of conduct, and your inability to Very few Americans have been personally war movie stereotypes. The hero, Luke Passing some old alumni, the generally intelligently explain your actions, I have involved in a war and consequently most of Martin, played by Jon Voight, has been cheery group was nearly silent. As Keating decided to expel all five of you from what we know about war has come to us paralyzed from the waist down and in the came into sight, John W. asked of nobody in University housing. This expulsion will be through the media. Up to recent years film opening scenes he is starting to come to particular. effective at the end of this semester. This was the most important influence on our grips with the reality of his situation. These "What's Father Dumm gonna do with decision is not appealable, and you may not lives in that respect. Indeed, nearly all of our scenes are especially poignant because they us?" return to University housing for a year's ideals of battlefield heroism, glory and honor reveal his weakness, and thus, his humanity, Of course, nobody in particular answered. time. You may, of course, remain students come mostly from old World War II movies. But Luke soon reverts to the traditional mold Inside Crawfish's office, they were told to at Fordham University, on a commuting That war, as Republic Pictures would have and despite his wheelchair he is every inch a be seated; Father Dumm would see them basis. Respectfully yours, Ralph Dumm, us believe, was a necessary evil fought to "hero"—brave, strong, resourceful, and of individually. After a half hour wait, Billy was S.J.—P.S. Don't try to spill your story to stamp out fascism and imperialism (the course, irresistable to women. Admirable as the first called. The Ram or the paper; it won't do any Japanese variety at least) and further the these qualities may be, we cannot help but The diminutive Dumm was looking good." ideals of American democracy and freedom, wonder how realistic they are. through another file when Billy walked in. Billy put down the letter. His suitemates All American war movies after that were in The character of Sally (Jane Fonda), the Without looking up, he said: were dejected over the prospect of leaving some way influenced by these early exam-. sheltered Marine wife who's consciousness is "Please sit, Mister Maloney." their apartment, always the subject of a pies. This brings us to the problems of raised by working in the veteran's hospital is Billy did, and waited. love-hate relationship with them. making films that attempt to deal with the realistic to a point and probably has some "Mister Maloney, you have a fairly good John W. spoke first. "Is anyone interested reality of Vietnam. Perhaps American film- basis in reality. But her affair is too obviously record here at Fordham," began Dumm. in a car pool for next fall?" makers are too steeped in the Hollywood romantic and the fact that she can achieve "Good grades, good attitude—everything "Ha ha," sarcastically laughed Jack. tradition to make significant films about that orgasm with Luke and could not with her fine till now." You'll never wake up in the morning in time insidious little war that everyone is so gung-ho Marine husband is a cheap plot Billy was silent. to get on the highway." desperately trying to forget. At least that trick. Her attitude and involvement in the "These incidents are very bad, indeed. All were glum. Still, Billy managed a might explain some of the flaws in Hal affair puts her in the mold of the stock Someone could have been severely hurt. I smile. Ashby's new film Comfcig Home. nurse-heroine in war novels and movies^ can't understand why you boys do this, this "1 always wondered what it's like to be a For one thing Comtog Home does not One sees little difference between her and throwing things out of the windows." commuter." He paused. "Oh, well, yeah. show us the battlefield at all; it takes place Catherine Barkley in Hemingway's A Fare- He paused, for emphasis.' You know, I never thought it would end like almost entirely in Southern California during , well to Arms, or the Donna Reed character "Tell me—do you boys do any heavy this." the late sixties. Ashby has unfortunately in John Ford's They Were Expendable. All decided to incorporate the Vietnam theme three heroines are pretty daffy and easily with the theme of sixties nostalgia a la influenced by strong, heroic men. Both Southern California. We are confronted on Fonda and Voight are effective by tnem- one hand with the pitiful spectacle of selves, but their scenes together m.ght,ust as maimed veterans trying to piece together easily been played by Donna Reed and John their shattered lives, and a few moments Wayne, later the screen is populated with sun- Director Ashby does not pursue the theme bleached hedonists who look like refugees that could have been the films from surfing movies. Perhaps this is done for asset: the plight of Sally s husband He ironic effect, but if that is the case, it is poorly returns from the war wnthing in mental handled. Ashby has also felt compelled to anguish his mind as twisted « are the flood his sound track with rock songs from bodies of the other veterans. In he rol of the sixties, most of which only serve to Bob, Bruce Dem gives the best perform- trivialize the action on the screen. I. is this ance of his career and makes the character frivolousness that calls into question jus. disturbingly real. Ye Ashby has chosen not what Coming Home is supposed to be to explore some of the mor! painful ques- about: the Ly real plight of disabled «on»b^ Vietnam veterans or a sequel to a previous treating this country's most traumatic i Ashby film, Shampoo. ence, it must also be said that it took the Although Ashby strives very hard to safest route in doing so. Jane Fonda and Jon Voight achieve realism, and succeeds to some The Rant Thursday, April 27,1978 Page 14 "LITE TASTES GREAT AND_ IT'S LESS FILLING. I ALSO UKE THE EASY-OPENING CANT Bubba Smith Former All-Pro Lineman

©197B Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis The Ram Thursday, April 27,1978 Page 15 The Borz-Eye View Veiled With Deceit Pat Borzi Once again, the athletic department has locker room before practice yesterday. "He the decision. Rice does represent the depart- with it," he said. "It breaks my heart to see made a decision veiled with deceit, buckpas- came in and asked to see the tri-captains," ment, and his absence is untimely. it." sing and disregard for people involved. Buoncore said."I had to tell him we only But who did make the decision? Ask two "It is the death of the baseball program," Whether Fordham was riqht to shift base- have one captain." Buoncore added that different people and you get two different said junior pitcher Marc Sczesnak. 'It's ball and (track scholarships through attrition Marietta told him that baseball coach Jack answers. Vice President for Student Affairs gone. It's like we're being punished or to women's sports in compliance with Title Lyons knew about the decision three William Crawley, the administrator respons- something." IX isn't th«,question. The real concerns are months ago. "If he did, why would he ible for athletics, told Ram reporters Tuesday "1 don't know what they're after here," why the department misinformed Ram Club recruit?" Buoncore, a senior, said. Lyons and Wednesday that it was his decision said senior outfielder Mark Pleto. "They've president Harry Schum and baseball captain said he first heard about it last week. alone. That is unlikely for two reasons. First, got a great thing here. Next year, people will Rick Buoncore about the status of the teams, Buoncore was also upset with Manetta's why would Fordham let a man who is walk over to the Campus Center, not to see and why Coordinator of Intercollegiate Ath- apparent misleading the Ram Club through leaving the University make a decision that a game and say, Hey, that was pretty good letics Dave Rice was out of town, and his his letter. "The alumni have to get the right would affect it after he leaves? And second, while it lasted. Fordham doesn't know what assistants unavailable during the time of a information," Buoncore said. "The Ram why would Crawley cut baseball, a sport he a good thing they have. major policy decision. Club members received false information. long supported? "I try to picture myself in the shoes of the Schum told a Ram reporter yesterdaythat They (the athletic department) are lying to Last year, Crawley gave Lyons and the younger guys, " Pleto continued. "They're he contacted the athletic departmentMonday cover up lies. baseball program a vote of confidence, and finally getting used to the University when when he first heard rumors about the Where was Manetta to answer this? "Out" said that Lyons would make all decisions this thing comes down on them. They have scholarships. Schum'sson, Steve, is a pitch- said the athletic department secretaries- regarding baseball. Would Crawley turn to give up a chance for a Fordham degree." er on the baseball team. According to the from 11 in the morning to 5:30 p.m., when around and cut scholarships from baseball "I could see it if we weren't that good," elder Schum, assistant coordinator of ath- no one answered the telephone In the after saying that? Probably not. But his Buoncore said. The team is currently battling letics Ed Manetta told him that there would department. takinq the blame shifts anger away from for the Met Conference title and a spot in the be a one year "freeze" on scholarships in the And where was Dave Rice during this those who wiHremain, the ones w'hoprobab- NCAA playoffs. Its recent records have been two sports. After the freeze, Manetta re- important week? "Out of town," the same ly decided the sports' fates. outstanding. portedly said, the scholarships would be voices answered. The decision, many athletes feel, will "We're still hoping to reverse it reinstated. The department must take the res- leave Fordham with little better then an somehow," Buoncore said. "It's a million to ponsibllty for its actions. Or,maybe the intramural program after a few years. one shot, but we've got to take it. 'we're not Schum also said that Manetta sent a letter department doesn't feel its authorityshould "They're doing away with track without going to quit. I think that's what they want us to the Ram Club describing the "freeze." be questioned. If it did, why isn't Rice here doing away with it," said senior distance to do." Buoncore said Manetta had told him the to explain the decision? Even if his out-of- runner Gene McCarthy. He is worried "freeze" story, but recanted it yesterday. town business is important, it is Rice's about the freshmen and sophomores on 'buoncore stressed one thing. He said, Manetta said today (yesterday) that there responsibility to make himself, not his sub- both teams. "All these young guys, their "We'll do everything we can to win the rest was no "freeze," Buoncore said. Manetta ordinates, available for questioning during :areers have been ruined by Fordham, and I .of our games and put it in their face." had approached Buoncore in the baseball this period, even if Rice himself didn't make don't think they should be able to get away " Put it in their face, men. Ruggers' Record Attests to Skill Sunday's against the-Alumni. Most people at Fordham don't even Blood, play rugby," and "There are no winners in Rugby...only Survivors," and realize they exist, though they possess the This year's starting lineup consists of Juan most would appear to be true, but in reality best sports record on campus. They are the Campmany and Steve Jarmek as props, there are only a few players who really get Fordham Rugby Football club, a group of Tony Halinan as hooker, Dave Martin and seriously injured. men who have worked sweated, and in Ed Huebner at second row, Kevin Quarantis most games won. The team's record the past Fordham put in Its bid at boarder weekend and Barry Hess as wing forwards, Dave three years—42-11-3—attests to that fact. by playing Wagner, but lost. They re- Shea as lock, Chris Fazio captain, as scrum- There are no pads worn in a Rugby bounded Saturday morninq to defeat lona. half, and Terry McCabe, Tommy Owens, match, and there is only one referee to There are only two games left in this year's Bill Stimpfle, Carl Shain, Steve Erllch, and control thirty victory-hungry men who in schedule, Saturday's game at St. Johns, and Ralph Moore as backs. most cases will ignore all personal Injury to cross the goal line for a four point try. "Controlled Animalism" is a good descrip- tion of a rugby match, though finesse, too, has its place in a match. Only another rugger can really size up the opposition, and he's the only one who has to. This year, Fordham was invited to play in the national championships in New Orleans at the Mardi Gras '78. Although they didn't win the tournament, they earned a place in next year's lineup. There are many jokes about ruggers, like Ruggers In action Rugby Players eat their dead," "Give



Directed by Allan Moyl. Starring Steven Lack Music by Lewis Furey STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 28TH


| STARTS FRIDAY MAY 5TH AT UNIVERSAL DELUXE SHOWCASE THEATREsj The Ram Thursday, April 27, 1978 Page 16 Tennis Complaints Include Court Conditions, Practices by Erasmn Bruno ::'.i-: outside yrns :ou"s, hut rhis year the eral weeks ago. coach Bob Hawthorns This season, the men's tennis: :earr. not piri'vii'i; surface ,s r. such poor condition that complained about both the lack of pra< tite only has had to r.ornpet*. iGamst other ,t :s practically unplayable This week the time and the condition of the courts schools, but against the F'vr.'h.ii". •idminis- '"Guns have been worked on. but they are The team was so frustrated that in colUbo tration as well. still not in proper match shape ration with the women's team, one night it Although a varsiry squad. the *ennis team "The outside courts need at least two put up the tennis nets on the unplayable has not had a practice session since last weeks of soiid work to be playable for team outside courts as a protest measure March, and the final borne matches of the matches." commented a disgusted Jim Mc- If this situation continues then the t-^am season must now be played away because of Namara. the team's number two player "If a will have troubie recruiting top-flight tpri'i Fordham lacks a game facility. school team came to play on these courts players, according to McNamara 'The wav For two weeks in March, the team was under its present condition, it would never the situation is now. any tennis player will allowed to practice at Lombard) Center for come back to Fordham again " stay away from Fordham What young kid two hours, from 230 to 4.30 on. Tuesday In the past three seasons, the tennis team would want to :ome to this school if he and Thursday afternoons has lost only six matches. This season alone, knows he will net he able to practice or have After complaints by faculty members, the it has lost five "We were given scholarships home games?" privilege to practice during public hours at to play tennis at Fordham. yet we do not the Lombardi was rescinded. The only have any courts to play on," said McNa- To aggravate the problem, early this week available practice time would be while the mara. "There is no way we can effectively the team learned that the budget has cut out facility is closed to the public, such as in the represent the school at matches under the entirely the team s overnight trips. In the early morning. However, due to early class- present system. We need to feel and look past the team has been able to make two es many of the players were not able to like a team." trips during the season, to cities including attend these sessions. This is not the first time the team has Boston and Washington DC, to play local McNamara: He's disgusted In the past, the team has been able to use voiced its displeasure over conditions. Sev colleges. Recruiting in New York City: Part 2 by Ron Mergerrihafer fers) from the national recruiting powers. chances of playing in Madison Square Gar- begins, talking about the player that was Despite the inherent problems that exist Carnesecca shrugs and says simply, "1 den is something he emphasizes to prospec- recruited by over 200 schools, including when New York area coaches recruit local don't know." when asked to explain his tive recruits. national champion Kentucky, "I told HIT, talent against the national recruiting schools, success, but many of his coaching peers can lona head coach Jim Valvano believes that he was the only 6-11 center 1 was going these coaches have still managed to achieve explain why they have succeeded, and what that it is important to push the benefits the a certain level of success in this area should be done to improve it. city on recruits, and that "despite all its after. With some schools, if you don't get Probably the most successful at keeping "The big thing," says Hofstra's Roger problems, the greatest city in the world is still one player, then you get another. Jeff was New York high school player; in the city Gaeckler, "is selling the small school atmos- New York." However, he doesn't see this as the player I wanted, and he knew it." recently has been St. John's Lou Car- phere. The kids get a chance to play in front the pivotal point. nesecca. of their parents and girlfriends. "You have to try and communicate on a Selling your school, your city, and your- With no on-campus housing, and a gym "Also, we stress the balance of academic more personal level not only with your self is basically the job of any recruiter which seats but 6.000. Carnesecca, in the and social opportunities that's available." current players, but with your recruits as anywhere. However, the consensus here last four years alone, has managed to pry Seton Hall's Bill Raftery agrees, and adds well," says Valvano, and he gives an exam- would indicate that New York coaches have such sought after local talent as George that he "likes the feeling of closeness to ple which he feels illustrates his point. to push a bit harder. As Valvano, "We have Johnson. Wayne McKoy, Bernard Rencher, social and cultural activities" available to his to. We don't have any alternatives." and Reggie Carter (the latter two as trans- players. Also, according to Raftery, the "When I was going after Jeff Ruland," he The Sports Year in Review

fay Ron Mergenthaler Tom Kavanagh set a team record for free vanced to the Association of Intercollegiate It was a year of extreme highs and throw percentage. These, and a season Athletics for Women Small College National extreme lows for Fordham sports during the ending victory over nationally ranked Championships, but were eliminated quick 1977-78 year. Following is a recap of the Georgetown were the only bright spots in an ly, by Pepperdine and Shorter College. season for Fordham's major varsity sports. otherwise dismal (8-18) season, the team's Anne Gregory scored her 1000th point in Footfaal sixth consecutive losing campaign. only her sophomore year, and guard Mary Fordham finished with its best record since Head coach Dick Stewart was fired in a Hayes set a school record for assists in a 1950, 8-2, and halfback Pierre Davis re- mutually advantageous agreement, and game —15. wrote the Fordham football record books. Tracy Tripucka took over for the last ten Track Davis became the Rams' first 1000-yard games. After the season, the entire coaching With the emphasis on individuals rather rusher, finishing with 1057, and the team's staff was purged, and Tom Penders was than relays for the first time in years, the all-time leading scorer, with 28 career touch- hired to work his rebuilding magic. He said it team suffered a lack of depth, due in part to downs. He was named Met Conference would take "time and patience." injury. The key man out was middle Co-Offensive Players of the Year. Basebal distance runner Jim DeRienzo, who has Davis' rushing heroics helped keep the At this writing, the team's record is 15-10, been out of action for several months due to team in the thick of the race for the Lambert and they're well in the running for the Met a foot injury. Bowl, which is emblematic of Division HI Conference title, which would be its first in supremacy. They eventually finished tied for over 30 years. The team is also hoping for a Squash tenth in the rankings. In addition, the team bid to the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Con- A twelfth place finish in the National just missed qualifying for the Division III ference playoffs, and infielders Ricky Buon- Intercollegiate Squash Racquets Champion- playoffs, while a team they beat, Widener, core and Bob Gary are among the ECAC ships highlighted the Rams' season. Not went on to become the champions. leaders in batting. even considered a challenger at the begin Men's Basketbal Women's Basketful ning, the team pulled enough upsets on the Paul Williams broke Darryl Brown's The greatest season in the team's history. way to earn the Barnaby Cup for the Davis: Rewrote the record books school record for field goal percentage, and Finishing with a record of 25-8, they ad- tournament's most improved team. If Ym Not Mistaken The Turn of the Screw Ron Mergenthaler ing some form of tuition help. These scholar- The Fordham baseball team is the oldest obvious victims are the players themselves. own pocket, including two indoor pitching ships will not be replaced. surviving college team in the country, dating The timing for this announcement could not mounds, which cost him $400 each, as well back to 1859. They also have the best In addition, a source close to the team has possibly be worse. as other equipment. overall winning percentage (.661) in college indicated that many of the underclassmen, It comes at a time when the team is Often after games, he can be seen on me baseball history. such as Fred Opper, Don Tracey, Al Pat- desperately fighting for a playoff bid, and field tending the grounds and watering the runo, and Mike Bird will leave, or, as the This year, the team is in the running for its like the rest of us, have to prepare for outfield until dark. He, more than anyone source said, "All that have a shot at the first Met Conference title in 36 years, and its exams. Now, they have to worry about else, is the victim of this nonsensical move first Eastern Collegiate Athletic Association pros." whether their team is going to exist next College baseball, probably more than <.m. playoff bid in 28 years. Dean Crawley has said that baseball is not year. Beautiful. other sport, symbolizes what college athletic? In recognition of these achievements, being phased out, just the number of tuitions The one person who will suffer the most is supposed to be all about. No huge crowd- Fordham University has stuck a knife in the are being reduced. Head coach Jack Lyons from all of this is Jack Lyons. There is not a no price for admission, no bookies. Ju^ teams back, and given it a couple of twists. knows otherwise. coach on this campus who can match his some guys going out and playing ball What the University is doing to the base- Crawley said that the decision was his. He dedication to both the players and program. Apparently, that is not what this University ball team, supposedly to comply with Title emphasized this fact. Several times. This has Nobody. wants, and it is a shame. IX regulations, is an outrage. They are led to speculation that someone else made He does not make his living coaching taking the team with the longest tradition the decision since Crawley has always been Fordham baseball. But he loves it. How But then based on the number of people and winningest record on campus and are, the University fall guy. many people are aware that he is totally who attend these games, it's doubtful that for all intents and purposes, eliminating it. Of course, there are always innocent responsible for all scheduling? Many of the many people will really care. And that's There are seven graduating seniors receiv- victims when such a step is taken. The most expenses for fall baseball come out of his even a bigger shame.